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Despre Kimono

imagine: Geisha dansand, Galerie - Nadia Radulescu Kimono, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti termeni ai culturii japoneze, faimosul obiect de vestimentatie, avand numeroase variatiuni precum Yukata, Furisode, Mofuku, Uchikake sau Houmongi, este poate cel mai important simbol al Japoniei. De-a lungul timpului a fost preluat si purtat in intreaga lume, cu modificari infime, inspirand numeroase creatii de moda si linii vestimentare. In trecut era foarte cautat in Europa datorita exotismului si a matasei de cea mai buna calitate, unica in lume. Furisodo Furisodo este unul dintre cele mai importante kimono-uri din viata unei femei, primit atunci cand o tanara japoneza implineste 20 de ani, varsta de la care este considerata adult. Din acel moment are dreptul sa voteze, este raspunzatoare pentru faptele sale (inclusiv in fata tribunalului). Cei mai multi dintre parinti cumpara cu aceasta ocazie Furisodo, acel kimono care sarbatoreste momentul, confectionat din cea mai fina matase, in culori vii. In trecut aceasta traditie era deosebit de importanta, pentru ca o fata care purta Furisodo era pregatita pentru maritis. Acest tip de kimono se poarta cu ocazia mai multor evenimente sociale importante, dar in special cu ocazia nuntilor sau la ceremonia ceaiului, iar tanara va renunta la el abia dupa casatorie. In functie de finetea materialului, model si calitate preturile pot fi mai mari sau mai mici. Una dintre cele mai importante sarbatori la care tinerele imbraca acest kimono are loc in a doua zi de luni din ianuarie. Cu ocazia casatoriei se poarta uchikake, kimono-ul pentru nunta, indispensabil in cazul unei ceremonii traditionale, dar si cel mai scump, multe viitoare sotii preferand sa il inchirieze. Yukata Yukata este kimono-ul purtat in timpul verii, fiind foarte usor, in culori puternice si cu modele traditionale. Traditia cere ca aceste kimono-uri sa fie purtate cu ocazia sarbatorii traditionale Bon-Odori, prilej de intoarcere catre stramosi, sau la festivalurile din timpul verii, iar modelele simple le fac sa fie preferate de multe femei japoneze. Yukata a aparut pentru prima oara in epoca Heian (794 - 1185), cand nobilii purtau astfel de kimono-uri usoare dupa baie. Mai tarziu

yukata a fost adoptat si de samurai, iar pana in epoca Edo a devenit foarte popular, pe masura ce baia publica devenise un loc de relaxare.

The kimono (

)[1] is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and

children. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" ( ki "wear" and mono "thing"),[2] has come to denote these full -length robes. The standard plural of the word kimono in English is kimonos,[3] but the unmarked Japanese plural kimono is also sometimes used. Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimono are wrapped around the bo dy, always with the left side over the right (except when dressing the dead for burial), [4] and secured by a sash called an obi, which is tied at the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional footwear (especially z ri or geta) and split-toe socks (tabi).[5] Today, kimono are most often worn by women, and on special occasions. Traditionally, unmarried women wore a style of kimono called furisode,[5] with almost floor-length sleeves, on special occasions. A few older women and even fewer men still wear the kimono on a daily basis. Men wear the kimono most often at weddings, tea ceremonies, and other very special or very formal occasions. Professional sumo wrestlers are often seen in the kimono because they are required to wear traditional Japanese dress whenever appearing in public. [6] Kimonos for men are available in various sizes and should fall approximately to the ankle without tucking. A woman's kimono has additional length to allow for the ohashori, the tuck that can be seen under the obi, which is used to adjust the kimono to the individual wearer. An ideally tailored kimono has sleeves that fall to the wrist when the arms are lowered. Kimonos are traditionally made from a single bolt of fabric called a tan. Tan come in standard dimensionsabout 14 inches wide and 12 yards long[5]and the entire bolt is used to make one kimono. The finished kimono consists of four main strips of fabric two panels covering the body and two panels forming the sleeves with additional smaller strips forming the narrow front panels and collar. [5] Historically, kimonos were often taken apart for washing as separate panels and resewn by hand. Because the entire bolt remains in the finished garment without cutting, the kimono can be retailored easily to fit a different person. [5] The maximum width of the sleeve is dictated by the widt h of the fabric. The distance from the center of the spine to the end of the sleeve could not exceed twice the width of the fabric. Traditional kimono fabric was typically no more than 36 centimeters

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nos are also i ely

available in less-expensive easy-care fabrics such as rayon, cotton sateen, cotton, polyester and other synthetic fibers. Sil is still considered the idealfabric.

odern styles of furisode

[ imonos have free-style desi ns dyed over the hole surface or along the hem. ] uring

the eian period, imonos ere orn ith up to a dozen or more colorful contrasting layers,
[ ith each combination of colors being a named pattern. ] oday, the imono is

normally orn pattern

ith a single layer on top of one or more undergarments. he pattern of hich season it should be orn. or examp a le, orn in spring. Watery designs are

the imono can also determine in

ith butterflies or cherry blossoms ould be

common during the summer. A popular autumn motif is the russetleaf of the apanese maple; for inter, designs may include bamboo, pine trees and plum blossoms. A popular form of textile art in apan is shibori (intricate tie dye), found on some of the more expensive imonos and haori imono jackets. Patterns are created by minutely binding the fabric and masking off areas, then dying it, usually done by hand. When the


oven patterns and dyed repeat patterns are considered informal. ormal

bindings are removed, an undyed pattern is revealed. Shibori work can be further enhanced with yuzen (hand applied) dra wing or painting with textile dyes or with embroidery; it is then known as tsujigahana. Shibori textiles are very time consuming to produce and require great skill, so the textiles and garments created from them are very expensive and highly prized. Old kimonos are often recycled in various ways: altered to make haori, hiyoku, or kimonos for children, used to patch similar kimono, us ed for making handbags and similar kimono accessories, and used to make covers, bags or cases for various implements, especially for sweet -picks used in tea ceremonies. Damaged kimonos can be disassembled and resewn to hide the soiled areas, and those with damage below the waistline can be worn under a hakama. Historically, skilled craftsmen laboriously picked the silk thread from old kimono and rewove it into a new textile in the width of a heko obi for men's kimono, using a recycling weaving method called saki-ori.

Kimonos range from extremely formal to casual. The level of formality of women's kimono is determined mostly by the pattern of the fabric, and color. Young women's kimonos have longer sleeves, signifying that they are not married, and tend to be more elaborate than similarly formal older women's kimono. [5] Men's kimonos are usually one basic shape and are mainly worn in subdued colors. Formality is also determined by the type and color of accessories, the fabric, and the number or absence of kamon (family crests), with five crests signifying extreme formality. [5] Silk is the most desirable, and most formal, fabric. Kimonos made of fabrics such as cotton and polyester generally reflect a more casual style. It is said that the reason of these long sleeves is when confessed by man, in case of replying "Yes," she waves sleeves back and forth, but as for "no" left to right. [edit]Women's


Many modern Japanese women lack the skill to put on a kimono unaided: the typical woman's kimono outfit consists of twelve or more separate pieces that are worn, matched, and secured in prescribed ways, and the assistance of licensed professional kimono dressers may be required. Called upon mostly for special occasions, kimono dressers both work out of hair salons and ma ke house calls. Choosing an appropriate type of kimono requires knowledge of the garment's symbolism and subtle social messages, reflecting the woman's age, marital status, and the level of formality of the occasion rangers between all different placers in japan.

A Japanese woman wears a traditional kimono. The kimono is the traditional clothing of Japan. Kimono styles have changed significantly from one period of history to another, with many different types of kimonos worn by men, women and children in Japan today. The cut, color, fabric and decorations of a kimono may vary according to the sex, age and marital status of the wearer, the season of the year and the occasion for which the kimono is worn. Today, a Japanese woman usually owns only one kimono, which she wears for her coming of age ceremony on her 20th birthday. For weddings, a complete bridal kimono and accompanying apparel are usually rented.

Kimono is Traditional Japanese clothing

May 1st, 2011 | 3 Comments Kimono is Traditional Japanese clothing. Literal meaning kimono is worn clothes or something (ki means life, and mono means goods). In the current era, kimono-shaped like the letter T, long-sleeved coats and collared. Long kimono made up to the ankle. Women wearing a kimono-shaped dress, while a man wearing a kimono-shaped setting. Collar to the right should be under the left collar. Cloth belt, called obi wrapped around the abdomen / waist, and tied at the back. Footwear when wearing a kimono is Zorites or geta.

Kimono Furisode Kimono now more often worn on special occasions women. Unmarried woman wearing a similar robe called Furisode. Characteristic Furisode is a wide arm almost touching the floor. Women who wear a 20-year-old even Furisode shiki permission to attend. Men wearing a kimono at the wedding, tea ceremony, and other formal events. When the show outside the sumo arena, professional pesumo required to wear a kimono. The children attended the celebration wearing a kimono when Shichi-Go-San. In addition, the kimono worn field workers and service industry of tourism, traditional diner waitress (ry?tei) and employees of traditional inns (ryokan).

Kimono Japanese traditional trousseau (hanayome ish?) consists of Furisode and uchikake (coat worn over Furisode). Furisode to differ from Furisode bride to young unmarried women. Materials for Furisode bride was given motif that is believed to invite luck, like heron picture. Color Furisode bridal Furisode also brighter than usual. Shiromuku is the name for the traditional brides dress form Furisode clean white with woven motifs are also white. As a differentiator from Western clothing (y?fuku), known since the Meiji era, Japanese people refer to traditional Japanese clothing as wafuku (Japanese clothes). Prior to the familiar Western clothing, all clothing worn is called Japanese kimono. Another term for the kimono is gofuku. Gofuku term originally used to refer to the country clothing Wu Dong (Japanese: Go country) who arrived in Japan from mainland China.

Kimono 2

Kimono 1

Kimono Mode

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