Rotunda Digital Imprint

Rotunda Publication Entrance

This is the gateway to publications in Rotunda, the digital imprint of the University of Virginia Press. Rotunda’s scholarly digital editions of historical, architectural, and literary resources are accessible via institutional or personal subscription. Visit the main UVA Press website for more information about our publications.

You are accessing Rotunda as a Guest and will be able to view open-access publications. Your IP address is: If you have an individual Rotunda account, log in here. Off-Grounds access for UVA users, either connect while using the VPN, or else via the Library proxy service. Or register for a 48-hour free trial.


[purchased]   = publication you have purchased
[not purchased]   = publication you have not purchased

You will be able to view search results and selected introductory material for non-purchased publications, but not primary content.

* Publication is part of the consolidated American History Collection platform. The consolidated platform enables search and retrieval across all of its publications. (Document display is limited to publications you have purchased.)

Publication is a full-featured standalone project. Its document transcriptions may also be searched and displayed from within the consolidated American History Collection platform.

§ Publication is a separate standalone project.

SAH Archipedia

American History Collection

Literature and Culture Collection