
RTL aims to provide the campus community with events that bring together faculty, researchers, graduate student instructors, and service providers to inspire and support experimentation, connect people, and share ideas. 

RTL workshops span six unique categories, each designed to provide you with essential teaching tools and best practices to excel in your teaching efforts. Here are the workshop categories you can look forward to:

Teaching Essentials

 Teaching Essentials

A step-by-step exploration of essential basic technology tools and effective teaching principles.

Classroom Technology

 Classroom Technology

A deep dive into the world of classroom technology, where you'll get practical guidance for using the technology available in Berkeley classrooms.

Inclusive Teaching

 Inclusive Teaching

A guide to designing inclusive learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs of all students, fostering an equitable classroom environment.

Teaching Effectiveness

 Teaching Effectiveness

An exploration of diverse strategies and tools that amplify student engagement, promote active learning, and drive improved learning outcomes.

Tech-Engage Toolbox

 Tech-Engage Toolbox

Uncovering the power of interactive tools such as Poll Everywhere and Ed Discussion, designed to increase student engagement in the classroom.

Faculty Coffee Chat

 Faculty Coffee Chat

Engaging workshops where faculty peers share experiences, insights, and best practices, fostering a vibrant community of shared knowledge. 
Interested in leading a Faculty Coffee Chat? Submit your proposal through our form!

Currently, there are no events scheduled. Please check back in a couple of weeks for our upcoming Fall semester workshops and events!