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Joy of Business (Russian)
Joy of Business (Russian)
Joy of Business (Russian)
Аудиокнига5 часов

Joy of Business (Russian)

Написано Simone Milasas

Озвучено Sergei Nakoliushkin

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Об этой аудиокниге

What if BUSINESS was JOYFUL and FUN?

What if it was so much more than you ever perceived possible? If you were creating your business from the JOY of it - what would you choose? What would you change? What would you choose if you knew you could not fail?

Business is JOY, it's creation, it's generative. It can be the adventure of LIVING. Australia's Simone Milasas is a dynamic business leader with a difference. She is the worldwide coordinator of Access Consciousness™, the founder of Good Vibes For You, and the creative spark that ignited The Joy of Business.
ИздательAuthor's Republic
Дата выпуска18 февр. 2024 г.
Joy of Business (Russian)

Simone Milasas

Meet Simone:Hi, I’m Simone Milasas, entrepreneur, creator, creative business coach, international business owner and author. I love to talk about business and money. They are two of my favorite topics. And, for me, business has always been about changing people’s lives.Not so long ago, I was $187,000 in debt with not much to show for it. Today, I am the Worldwide Coordinator of Access Consciousness which operates in over 170 countries and the Founder and Creator of Joy of Business. I have completely changed my money situation and now work with people all over the world, offering a new, joyful possibility with business and money.If you think this doesn’t apply to you because you don’t own a business, you may wish to reconsider. If you wake up in the morning, you’re in business. Your life IS your business. This is not a dry run. What would you like to create?Tools to Get Started:If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried lots of things to try to fix wasn’t working. It wasn’t until I met Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, and discovered the pragmatic tools that Access offers, that things actually started to change. The tools I discovered are the tools that empower me to continuously create my life and living as greater and I am so grateful I can share them with you.If you’re ready to get started, there are so many tools available. If you are willing to utilize the resources that I offer and give yourself 12 months, you will receive amazing contribution.

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