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Puny and Don (Russian version)
Puny and Don (Russian version)
Puny and Don (Russian version)
Электронная книга31 страница12 минут

Puny and Don (Russian version)

Автор Luba Brezhnev

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Об этой электронной книге

Puny and Don is the story of a piglet that can't stand mud. The other animals in the farmyard make fun of him, and he's very lonely. But then one day he meets Don, a little donkey, and his life changes. Their friendship brings both of them happiness. The story is about the importance of having reliable and faithful friends, and about how fortunate we are to have someone who understands us.

ИздательLuba Brezhnev
Дата выпуска21 янв. 2015 г.
Puny and Don (Russian version)

Luba Brezhnev

My dear readers, my name is Luba Brezhnev. I am a writer and a journalist. My book "The World I Left Behind" was published by Random House and made it into the New York best-selling authors list. It was recommended by the McLaughlin Group as one of the best twelve books of the year. My next book, published in Moscow, also became a bestseller. Now I'm writing books for children. Why did I begin to write for children? First of all, because I love children very much. Of course, the stores today are filled with many entertaining books for children. Some are very well written, but I wanted to write books that would teach children to live according to their conscience and stand up for those who have been treated unfairly. I wanted to write books about benevolence, morality, and the ability to love others and be a true friend. In our days, the moral development of the younger generations is a pressing issue. I view writing for children as a serious responsibility. My books are about kindness, about compassion for the weak, about respect for oneself and for others. They teach lessons about courtesy and tolerance. I hope very much that my heroes will touch the hearts of young readers and their parents.

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