Control Valve Actuators PDF

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Table of contents

9.  Control valve actuators

9.1 General  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������001

9.1.1.  Actuator types ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������001

9.1.2.  Symbols and units for the calculation of Actuators �������������������������������������002

9.2  Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement  ���������������������������005

9.2.1.  Pneumatic diaphragm actuator �������������������������������������������������������������������005  Forces in valve and actuator ����������������������������������������������������������007

9.2.2.  Lay-out of a suitable valve actuator ������������������������������������������������������������ 010

9.2.3.  Required actuator thrust for globe valves ��������������������������������������������������� 011

9.2.4.  Dynamic forces need to be considered in case of flow to close tendencies 

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 013
9.2.5.  Calculation and selection of an actuator ����������������������������������������������������� 019  General notes for the calculation and selection of actuators ��������� 019

9.2.6.  Fail-safe action  ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 021  Major application cases �����������������������������������������������������������������022  Flow force ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������022  Sealing, friction and other forces ���������������������������������������������������024  Actuator force Fa in all cases of (a) to (f) Chapter ��������������025  Safety factors to actuator sizing  ��������������������������������������������������028  Calculation examples (pressure balance):  ������������������������������������029  Calculation of the Hysteresis: ��������������������������������������������������������032  Required actuator torque for rotary valves ������������������������������������032  Actuator torque for standard butterfly valves ���������������������������������033

9.2.7.  The main group of the pneumatic diaphragm linear actuators ��������������������036

9.2.8.  Technical data for Packing and Plug stem diameter  ����������������������������������038

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Table of contents

9.2.9.  Technical data for additional handwheel �����������������������������������������������������038

9.2.10.  Mechanically adjustable bidirectional travel stop ��������������������������������������039

9.2.11.  Manual operation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������040  Pneumatic actuator Type 3277 with handwheel ���������������������������� 041  Hand-operated Actuator Type 3273 with side-mounted ���������������043  Hand-operated Actuator Type 3273 attached to Type 3241 Valve 044

9.2.12.  Actuator Selection with AC-Trim ����������������������������������������������������������������045

9.2.13.  Control valves in case of fire ���������������������������������������������������������������������046  Safety cartridge ����������������������������������������������������������������������������047  Fire-Safe / Fire lock ���������������������������������������������������������������������049  Simulation of a fire �����������������������������������������������������������������������050  Reversible operating direction ������������������������������������������������������ 051 Summary �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������052

9.2.14.  Overview of actuators Type 3271-52, 3271-5, and 3277-5 up to a diaphragm

area 120 cm2. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������053
9.2.15.  Overview of actuators Type 3271 up to a diaphragm area 1000 cm2. �������060

9.2.16.  Overview of the actuators of 1400 cm2 up to a diaphragm area 2 x 2800

cm2. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������066
9.2.17.  Overview of actuators Type 3277 up to a diaphragm area 1000 cm2.  ������ 070

9.2.18.  Overview of Actuators Type 3371, 3372, Type 2780-1, and Type 2780-2 � 077

9.2.19.  Actuators Type 2780-1, and Type 2780-2 ������������������������������������������������� 078

9.2.20.  Pneumatic Actuators Type 3371 and Electropneumatic Actuators Type 3372 
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������081  Technical data · Pressures in psi and bar ������������������������������������083

9.2.21.  The cost-efficient positioner Type 3725 ����������������������������������������������������084

9.2.22.  Operating travels for fail-safe action ���������������������������������������������������������085

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Table of contents  Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS ���������������086  Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS ������������092

9.2.23.  Pneumatic piston actuator ������������������������������������������������������������������������097

9.2.24.  Pneumatic Piston Actuator Type 3275 ������������������������������������������������������097

9.2.25.  Principle of operation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������098

9.2.26.  Mounting Servovalve actuators on SAMSON Series 3240 and 3250 Valves 
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100  PD Pneumatic linear actuator  �����������������������������������������������������100  Double Acting ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 101  Double Acting with Handwheel ���������������������������������������������������� 101  Double Acting with Manual Gear ������������������������������������������������� 102  Double Acting with Manual Hydraulic Pump �������������������������������� 102

9.2.27.  Rack and pinion pneumatic actuator ��������������������������������������������������������� 108  AIR TORQUE delivery program ���������������������������������������������������109 Design ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111 Construction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������111  Range of Options, ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 113  Quality Manufacturing ������������������������������������������������������������������ 113  Accessories available ������������������������������������������������������������������ 113  Multi-function indicator ����������������������������������������������������������������� 114  Operating conditions �������������������������������������������������������������������� 116  Operating function and direction of rotation ��������������������������������� 117  Torque diagram Double Acting actuators ����������������������������������� 118  Spring Return Actuator ��������������������������������������������������������������� 118  Air Torque Actuator Sizing  ��������������������������������������������������������� 121

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Table of contents  Sizing information ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 122  4th Generation pneumatic actuator �������������������������������������������� 124  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 051  ��������������������������������������������� 125  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 101  �������������������������������������������� 126  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 201 ��������������������������������������������� 127  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 251 ���������������������������������������������� 128  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 301 ��������������������������������������������� 129  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 351 ��������������������������������������������� 130  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 401 ��������������������������������������������� 131  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 451 ��������������������������������������������� 132  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 501 ��������������������������������������������� 133  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 551 ��������������������������������������������� 134  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 601 ��������������������������������������������� 135  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 651 ��������������������������������������������� 136  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 701 ��������������������������������������������� 137  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 801 ��������������������������������������������� 138  Protections Levels for 4th Generation Actuator ������������������������� 139  Protections Levels for 4th Generation Actuator ������������������������� 140  Full compliance with worldwide specifications ��������������������������� 141  Company Approvals  ����������������������������������������������������������������� 143

9.2.28.  Rotary Actuator Type 3278  ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 144

9.2.29.  Pneumatic actuators of company Pfeiffer-Armaturen GmbH �������������������� 146  Multi - Turn Actuator - Pfeiffer Type BR 30a ������������������������������� 147  Additional equipment and add-on pieces: ����������������������������������� 148  Pfeiffer AT - Quarter-Turn Actuator Series BR31a ����������������������� 149

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Table of contents  Additional equipment and add-on pieces: ����������������������������������� 150  Safety position: ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150  Air drive torque ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151

9.2.30.  Pneumatic actuators of company VETEC Ventiltechnik GmbH ���������������� 152  Diaphragm or rotary actuators ����������������������������������������������������� 153  Direction of flow, Actuator action, and Fail-safe position: ������������ 155

9.2.31.  VETEC Actuator Type R (rolling diaphragm or rotary actuator) ���������������� 156  Principle of operation: ������������������������������������������������������������������ 158

9.2.32.  VETEC Actuator Type AT (Rack and Piston actuator) ������������������������������ 160  Principle of operation ������������������������������������������������������������������� 162

9.2.33.  New design features ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 165  Vetec Type 62.7 AT short pattern with flanges ����������������������������� 165  Vetec Type 82.7 R short pattern with flanges ������������������������������ 165

9.2.34.  VETEC Actuator Type MN (rotary or diaphragm actuator) ������������������������ 166  Principle of operation ������������������������������������������������������������������� 167

9.2.35.  VETEC Actuator Type MD (rotary or diaphragm actuator) ������������������������ 168  Principle of operation ������������������������������������������������������������������� 169

9.2.36.  VETEC Actuator Type MZ (rotary or diaphragm actuator) ������������������������ 171  Principle of operation ������������������������������������������������������������������� 172

9.2.37.  VETEC Actuator Type S (rotary or diaphragm actuator) ��������������������������� 174  Principle of operation ������������������������������������������������������������������� 176

9.3  Pneumatic single acting quarter turn scotch-yoke actuators  ����������������������177

9.3.1.  Symmetrical scotch-yoke ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 179

9.3.2.  Canted scotch-yoke ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 179

9.3.3.  Scotch Yoke ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 180

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Table of contents

9.3.4.  Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators ������������������������������������������������������������� 181

9.3.5.  Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators ������������������������������������������������������������� 182 Applications ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183

9.4  Electric with a linear or rotational movement  ������������������������������������������������184

9.4.1.  Electro-mechanical Actuators ���������������������������������������������������������������������184

9.4.2.  Electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic actuator ������������������������������������� 186  Electric Actuator Type 5857 ����������������������������������������������������������� 188  Accessories for version with digital positioner ������������������������������� 189  Additional electrical equipment ������������������������������������������������������190  Electrical connection ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 192

9.4.3.  Controller with Electric Actuator Type 5757 ������������������������������������������������ 193 Application �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������194

9.4.4.  Electric Actuator Type 5724 and Type 5725 �����������������������������������������������196  Type 5724 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197  Type 5725 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197  Examples of electrical actuator Type 5824/5825 with various control

valves ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������199
9.4.5.  Electro-hydraulic actuator ���������������������������������������������������������������������������200

9.4.6.  Electrohydraulic Actuators Types 3274-11 to -23 ����������������������������������������203

9.4.7.  Electric Actuator Type 3374 �������������������������������������������������������������������������209  Principle of operation ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 211  Fail-safe action ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 211

9.4.8.  Electric Actuator Type 3375 ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 214

9.4.9.  Electro-mechanical Actuators - PSL Overview ������������������������������������������� 216  PSL Electro-mechanical Actuators ������������������������������������������������ 219

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Table of contents  PS-AMS The All-In-One Actuators ������������������������������������������������221  Optional Accessories ���������������������������������������������������������������������224  Mounting the PSL Actuator onto the Valves SAMSON Series 3240,
3250, and 3280. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������225  Type of limit cut-off ������������������������������������������������������������������������225  Force/stroke-dependent limit switch cut-off �����������������������������������226  Stroke-dependent limit switch cut-off ���������������������������������������������227  Electric Supply �������������������������������������������������������������������������������228  Wiring diagram ������������������������������������������������������������������������������228  Maximum thermal switch loading �������������������������������������������������229

9.4.10.  Electric actuators outside source ��������������������������������������������������������������230  Linear Actuator Type SAM ������������������������������������������������������������232  Principle of operation �������������������������������������������������������������������233  Electrical connection ��������������������������������������������������������������������235

9.4.11.  Electronic actuators of Company AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG ������������236  Multi-turn actuators SAR 07.2 to SAR 30.2 ���������������������������������� 237  Linear thrust unit LE 12.1 to LE 200.1 for multi-turn actuators ������239  Range of application ���������������������������������������������������������������������240  Mounting to valve ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 242  Actuators without integral controls (AUMA NORM) ����������������������245  Actuators with integral controls �����������������������������������������������������245  AUMA MATIC AM �������������������������������������������������������������������������245  AUMATIC AC �������������������������������������������������������������������������������246  Electric rotary-type actuator for control service (AUMA RIESTER

KG) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 247  Electric rotary-type actuator for control service �������������������������� 249

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Table of contents  Standard version �������������������������������������������������������������������������250 Accessories ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������250 Motor ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 251  AUMA MATIC �����������������������������������������������������������������������������254  Wiring diagram AM4R AUMA MATIC AM 01.1/AM 02.1 ��������������258

9.5  Explosion-protected actuator  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������259

9.5.1.  What is an explosion? ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������259

9.5.2.  What is explosion protection? ���������������������������������������������������������������������259

9.5.3.  ATEX Directive 94/9/EC �����������������������������������������������������������������������������259

9.5.4.  Classification of potentially explosive atmospheres ������������������������������������260

9.5.5.  Zone/equipment category ���������������������������������������������������������������������������260

9.5.6.  Explosion group/temperature class ������������������������������������������������������������ 261

9.5.7.  How to achieve explosion protection? ���������������������������������������������������������263  Increased safety (EEx e) ����������������������������������������������������������������263  Flameproof enclosure (EEx d) �������������������������������������������������������263  Constructional safety (c) ����������������������������������������������������������������264  Who tests what? ����������������������������������������������������������������������������264  Auma Marking ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������265  Electric actuators and non-electrical explosion protection �������������266

9.5.8.  Explosion-protected actuator ����������������������������������������������������������������������269  Explosion-protected actuator from Company SCHISCHEK ����������� 270  Accessories and special designs (additional price) ����������������������� 272  Ex-d valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 V AC/DC

Type ExRun ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273  Ex-n valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 V AC/DC
Type RedRun ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 274

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Table of contents  Wiring diagram of Type ExRun ������������������������������������������������������ 276

9.5.9.  Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve with explosion-proof electric actuator ������������� 278

9.6  Hydraulic with a linear movement  ������������������������������������������������������������������279

9.6.1.  Hydraulic Scotch Yoke Valve Actuators �������������������������������������������������������280  Reliability by Design ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 281  Safety by Design ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281  High Performance by Design ��������������������������������������������������������� 281  Override Options ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281  Key Design Features ����������������������������������������������������������������������282  VETEC Rotary valve with Pleiger hydraulic actuator ����������������������283

9.6.2.  Hydraulic- actuating systems of Welland & Tuxhorn AG �����������������������������284 Functions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������285 Design �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������286  Setup of an electro-hydraulic Control Loop �����������������������������������286  Hydraulic Servo-Systems - Establishment and Manufacturing ������288

9.7  Data Sheet for Control Valves according to DIN EN 60 534-7  ����������������������289

9.8  Data Sheet for Control Valves according to ISA Form S20.50. Rev. 1  ���������290

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
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General Page 001 of 292

9.  Control valve actuators

9.1  General
The control effectiveness of a control loop is unquestionable determined by the weakest
element of the chain. This is often the valve actuator. If one presupposes a continuity of
the control valve characteristic i.e. an inherent characteristic curve without turning points,
the quality of the actuator is, for an attainable control effectiveness, in most cases, more
important than the quality of the valve characteristic curve.
The following chapter illustrates the different actuator principles, explains the authoritative
parameters for an actuator selection and focuses above all on the calculation of the required
actuator thrust and the selection of a suitable actuator type. A purely static or quasi static
consideration however is not sufficient to describe the complicated interactions between
the control valve and the actuator. Rather dynamic forces must also be considered for
critical applications. Unfortunately, there are no obligatory references available in the
corresponding literature which will permit a generalization and a simple calculation method
with regard to dynamic forces. Therefore the given recommendations are based on the
calculation of the SAMSON group experts, their valve sizing software and the authors.

The majority of all industrial control valves installed worldwide is even today still driven by
pneumatic diaphragm actuators. This actuator type is therefore of course in the center of
interest and attention.

9.1.1.  Actuator types

A first criterion in the distinguishing of different actuator types is the style and the
manner in which the actuator thrust is generated. Here the user can select from the
following actuating principles:

Pneumatic Piston
with a linear or rotational
movement Rack & Pinion

Scotch Yoke

Actuator with a linear or rotational

Scotch Yoke
with a linear movement

Figure 9.1.1.-1:  Actuator types

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 002 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.1.2.  Symbols and units for the calculation of Actuators

Symbol Meaning Source Unit

A Required (effective) diaphragm area SVS cm2
c Actuator stem sealing force and other forces SVS -
CS Spring stiffness = A∙(pst100 - pst0) ∙ H/Hnom. SVS
Da Pressure balance cylinder diameter SVS mm
dsd Shaft diameter of rotary valve - mm
f FTC correction factor of fluid force F∆p (open)
f1 Friction coefficient dependent on stem seal SVS N/mm
f2 Coefficient depended on required seat sealing Class SVS N/mm
f3 Friction coefficient for pressure balanced plugs SVS N/mm
Fa Effective actuator force (thrust) SVS N
FB Bellows elastic force SVS N
Ff Ff = pst0 = pre-load spring trust SVS N
Fa/Fo Minimum safety value, Close safety factor SVS -
FS/Fw Open safety factor (SAMSON sizing Ff = FS) SVS -
FM Force due to weight, force due to acceleration) SVS N
Fm Required actuator force (thrust) pressure balanced. SVS N
Actuator trust: Max. allowed trust depends to max.
Required actuator thrust
Fmreq. SVS N
Fmrequ. = Fp1+FSF+FR+FRB+FM
Foreq. Required actuator trust SVS N
Fo Required actuator force (thrust). SVS N
FP Pressure force (Pst ∙ A) SVS N
Flow (fluid) forces pressure balance f(p1)
Fp1 = π / 4 ∙ Sd2
Friction force caused by stuffing box (packing)
FR = π ∙ f1 ∙ Sd
FRa Friction force (negligible in diaphragm actuator) SVS N
Friction force (pressure balance sealing force)
FRB = π ∙ f3 ∙ Da
FS Spring pre-load trust FS = pst0 · A SVS N
Spring force (elastic)
FSE Air to open: FSE = FS + CS ∙ H SVS N
Air to close: FSE = FS + CS ∙ (Hnom. – H)
Sealing force (seat loading force) when valve closed;
FSF = π ∙ (f2 ∙ Sb)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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General Page 003 of 292

9.1.2.  Symbols and units for the calculation of Actuators

Symbol Meaning Source Unit

F∆p Flow (fluid) forces SVS N
Total friction force of valve and actuator system
Fw Fw = FR+c SVS N
Fw = FR+FRB+c ← in case of pressure balance
g Gravity acceleration g = 9.81 m/s2 m/s2
Hnom. Rated (nominal) travel SVS mm
H Actual travel SVS mm
Relative travel = H/Hnom. 60534-1 -
Relative travel = H/Hnom.· 100 60534-9 %
M Mass of plug and actuator stem system
MA Actuator torque SVS Nm
Mdyn Dynamic torque SVS Nm
ML Bearing friction torque SVS Nm
MSt Shaft sealing torque SVS Nm
Specified shut down pressure for actuator sizing:
∆pA take care to the required seat leakage rate and valve bar
strength parameter
∆p Pressure differential p1 - p2 bar
∆p0 Pressure differential at 0 % flow or near to min. flow bar
∆p100 Pressure differential at 100 % flow or near to max. flow
Allowed ∆p depends to the chosen actuator and
strength of the stem with pressure balance
p1max (Fa − FSF − FRB − c ) SVS bar
p1max. =
S d2 ⋅
10 ⋅ 4

Allowed ∆p depends to the chosen actuator and

strength of the stem
∆pmax on plug calculation max. force see also ∆pA
∆pmax > ∆pA > ∆p0
∆pmax SVS bar
without pressure balance
(Fa − FSF − FR − c )
∆pmax. =
Sb2 ⋅
10 ⋅ 4

∆ps Min. required air supply – pst100 for fail safe ATC SVS bar
pst Signal pressure SVS barg

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 004 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.1.2.  Symbols and units for the calculation of Actuators

Symbol Meaning Source Unit

psu Supply pressure SVS barg
pst0 Lower value: spring range SVS barg
pst100 Upper value: spring range SVS barg
ps0req. Min. required pre-load spring force pst0 for fail safe ATO SVS barg
Sb Seat bore diameter SVS mm
qvmax. Operation condition m3/h
qvmin. Operation condition m3/h
Sd Stem diameter SVS mm
Spring trust / torque characteristic
S0 N / Nm
(assumed linear)
SB Actuator trust Fa = pst ∙ A to travel from 0 to 100 % N
Sz Fluid closing force {f (∆p characteristic)} N
SB 1 Required torque MA = pst ∙ A (to open rotary valve) N
SB 2 Required torque MA = pst ∙ A (to close rotary valve) N
SF Safety factor SVS -
S stat. Break-off and friction torque (±) f(∆p characteristic) N
Dynamic torque with closing tendency (-)
S dyn.
f(∆p characteristic)
Valve-Actuator opening and closing time (See Chapter 20)
acc Index for actuator accessories -
pa Atmospheric pressure SVS bar
pNV Supply network pressure SVS barg
t Stroking time of pneumatic actuator SVS s
to1, to2,
Opening times: for valve opening SVS s
to1, to2,
Closing times: for valve closing SVS s
T1 Inlet temperature K
TA Temperature in actuator internal volumes SVS K
Actuator internal volume, (diaphragm chamber, filled
with air)
V AV Actuator internal volume differential quotient SVS m3 d/dt
V0 Dead volume f(A) SVS m3
Table 9.1.2.-1:  Symbols and units for the calculation of Actuators

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 005 of 292

9.2  Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement

The majority of final control elements in the classical process industries are still today
controlled by pneumatic actuators. Either continuously regulated or activated according
to a desired On-Off service, i.e. simply driven into one of the two possible end positions.
Pneumatic actuators can be divided into two main categories:
„„ Pneumatic diaphragm actuators
„„ Pneumatic piston actuators

9.2.1.  Pneumatic diaphragm actuator

The biggest percentage of all control valves installed worldwide in process industries are
activated by pneumatic diaphragm actuators. This actuator type essentially consists of
two metal shells (the diaphragm housing), the actuator stem and the diaphragm plate.
The actuator thrust is transmitted via the high-strength, fabric-inserted diaphragm and the
diaphragm plate onto the actuator stem (Figure and Figure 9.2.1.-2).
Unlike a piston actuator, whose travel depends on the length of the cylinder and the
piston-rod, the travel of the pneumatic diaphragm actuator is limited by the shape of
the case and the diaphragm. Within a limited travel range, the diaphragm area remains
almost constant.
High flexibility of the diaphragm ensures a minimum friction and hysteresis. These qualities
predestine the pneumatic diaphragm actuator particularly for control tasks where a high
actuator thrust, a good sensitivity and low supply pressures (2.5 to 4.0 bar) are important.
Pneumatic diaphragm actuators are usually designed for maximum
supply pressures of approximately 6.0 bar.
If one were to increase the supply pressure at room temperature, up to the destruction
of the actuator, it would work out that, in most cases, the diaphragm would prove to be
by no means the weakest part of the actuator. Rather, the actuator housing and the
supporting diaphragm plates would normally deform beyond the permissible range before
we reached a rupture of the strong diaphragm.

Temperature limits for Diaphragm actuator

Diaphragm material: Diaphragm material:
Diaphragm area
80 to 120 cm2 - 35** to + 90 °C On request

240 to 700 cm2 - 35** to + 90 °C - 50 to + 120 °C

1400 to 2800 cm2 - 40** to + 90 °C On request

** In on/off service, the lowest value for the NBR diaphragm increases to -20 °C.
Table 9.2.1.-1:  Temperature limits for Diaphragm actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 006 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

There are some reasons to limit the air supply at values < 6 bar to avoid over-stressing
of actuator parts and also the valve trim-stem system
„„ On-off operations at higher frequencies
„„ In case of travel stops or other accessories, not designed for 6 bar
„„ Larger actuators with fail safe ATC need to be handled with care regarding too high
closing trust: Fa = A ∙ (psu - pst100).
„„ Supply pressure regulators (mass production) or supply service units are
responsible to limit the max. actuator trust to avoid mechanical damage.
If this relatively inexpensive devices are responsible for the safety function of “high end”
special valves (like compressor anti surge valves to protect expensive flow machines)
long term reliability must be guaranteed. If at some locations commissioning, proper
maintenance and instrumentation air quality cannot be guaranteed such dirt and oil
sensitive pressure reduction equipment should be avoided. In case of too high air
supply the actuator can be sized with spring bench rates which reduce the closing trust
of the ATC application, e.g. spring bench rate 0.8 to 2.4 bar or 1.6 to 3.2 bar.

SAMSON AG developed worldwide the first actuator with parallel spring

design which seems to be the state-of-the-art on long term.

The SAMSON Types 3271 and 3277 Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm
and internal springs. A maximum of 30 springs can be installed, partly fitted inside one

Special features
„„ Low overall height
„„ Powerful thrust at high response
„„ Low friction
„„ Various bench ranges by varying
the number of springs or their
„„ No special tools required to
change the bench range and to
reverse the actuator action (also
version with handwheel)
„„ Permissible operating
temperatures from –50 to +120 °C
„„ Direct attachment of accessories
on additional yoke for
Figure 9.2.1.-2:  SAMSON Type 3277 for integral positioner attachment

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 007 of 292  Forces in valve and actuator






Figure  Valve Type 3241 with pneumatic actuator Type 3271

The following forces act upon the throttle trim including the plug stem:
„„ Actuator force: F a (or actuator torque Ma)
„„ Friction force: F R (stem seal, possibly pressure balance seal)
„„ Inertial force: F M (force due to weight of plug, force due to acceleration)
„„ Flow force: F∆p (due to the shut-off pressure)
„„ Sealing force: FSF (seat loading force) when valve is closed)

Residual forces are present on the actuator stem in the pneumatic actuator:
„„ Actuator force: Fa (or actuator torque Ma)
„„ Friction force: FRa (negligible (0) however)
„„ Inertial force: FM (force due to weight, force due to acceleration)
„„ Elastic force: FSE (due to the springs elasticity)
„„ Pressure force: FP (Fp = Pst ∙ A) (signal pressure pst, diaphragm area A)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 008 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Signal pressure pst

Spring pressure

5 1.1 1 6 6.1 3

1 Nut
1.1 Nut
2 Actuator stem
3 Vent plug 8
4 Loading pressure 9
connection 12
5 Top diaphragm 2
case 12.1

6 Springs
7 Diaphragm plate 11
8 Diaphragm
9 Nuts and bolts
10 Yoke with bottom 12.1
diaphragm case
Dimension a 15
11 Loading pressure 350 cm² = 209 mm
connection 700 cm² = 246 mm
12 Stem seal 13
12.1Dry bearing
13 Wiper
15 Ring nut
16 Stem connector


Figure 9.2.1.-2:  Sectional diagram of Type 3277 with 240, 350, and 700 cm2 effective diaphragm area

The Type 3277 pneumatic actuators with an effective diaphragm area of 240, 350 or 700
cm2 are primarily mounted to control valves from the Series 3240, 3250 and 3280.
The actuator is made up of two diaphragm cases, a rolling diaphragm and springs. The
lower diaphragm case is permanently fixed to the yoke which allows the direct attachment
of either a pneumatic or electropneumatic positioner or a limit switch.
The signal pressure creates a force at the diaphragm surface which is balanced by
the springs (6) arranged in the actuator. The number of springs and their compression
determine the bench range (signal pressure range) while taking the rated travel into
account which is directly proportional to the signal pressure.
A maximum of 30 springs can be installed, partly fitted inside one another. The stem
connector (16) connects the actuator stem (2) with the plug stem of the control valve.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 009 of 292

The self contained, spring-opposed pressure governor which was introduced decades ago
and initiated the beginning of automation in process industries was the real predecessor
of the contemporary pneumatic diaphragm actuator. Modern pneumatic diaphragm
actuators developed from them over the course of the years. An essential break through
happened with the introduction of high-strength fabrics of polyamide or polyester and
oil and wear & tear resistant synthetic rubber. Both materials make a firm bonding via a
specific vulcanization process and this guarantees the long service life of the diaphragm.
Pneumatic diaphragm actuators compare the input signal, which affects the diaphragm,with
the compression force from one or several return springs. Through a linear relationship
between actuator travel and trailing force this also results also in a proportionality between
actuator input signal and actuator travel. If one presupposes a linear valve characteristic
and a constant differential pressure a proportionality also exists between the controller
output signal and the process variable, i.e. the flow rate. Because of this feature, the
pneumatic diaphragm actuator soon found wide-spread distribution. Another advantage
of this simple and robust principle is the possibility of avoiding the use of a valve positioner,
if it cannot be justified for economic reasons or in cases of extremely harsh environmental

„„ Compact, only few parts required, very reliable.
„„ High actuator thrusts at low air supply pressures (< 6 bar).
„„ Proportional behavior via one or several return springs.
„„ Simple reversal on site possible (direct or reverse).
„„ Automatic failure position in case of auxiliary power loss.
„„ Low hysteresis and excellent sensitivity.
„„ Very broad application range (-35 °C to 90 °C NBR; -50 °C to +120 °C EPDM),
lower temperatures with special diaphragm material on request.
„„ Relatively immune to shock and vibrations.
„„ Mounting in any position possible.
„„ High internal tightness allows “interlocking” for several hours.
„„ Lowest thrust-weight ratio of all actuators.
„„ Best cost/thrust ratio of all actuator types.

„„ Limited valve travel (to approx. 1/8 of the diaphragm diameter)
„„ Unsuitable for high supply pressures (> 6 bar).

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 010 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.2.  Lay-out of a suitable valve actuator

The lay-out of a suitable control valve actuator requires that we consider a great number of
parameters. The actuator indeed works only in an optimal manner, if both the process and
environmental conditions as well as the corresponding characteristics and requirement
profiles are exactly known. Based on this information, a calculation of the required actuator
thrust (or torque) can be made and a suitable actuator selected. This depends in the first
place on the main criteria: required actuator thrust, stroking speed and failure position.
In addition to these main parameters, there are a number of further actuating variables,
which have additionally to be considered during the calculation and specification of a
suitable actuator.
The following parameters and conditions are noted without suggesting that the list
is definitive:
„„ Type of movement (linear or rotational).
„„ Transient response (proportional or integral).
„„ Action of movement (direct or reverse).
„„ Failure position in case of auxiliary power loss: (Open, Closed, Hold).
„„ Actuator signal (electrical or pneumatic).
„„ Input signal range (e.g. 4 to 20 mA).
„„ Nominal travel or nominal angle of rotation.
„„ Mounting interface between valve and actuator.
„„ Required actuator thrust with closed valve.
„„ Required actuator thrust with open valve.
„„ Required travel rigidity (stiffness) for a stable control service.
„„ Permissible accuracy deviation from the characteristic curve.
„„ Hysteresis, reversal error and sensitivity.
„„ Regulating time for full stroke travel or angle of rotation.
„„ Switching frequency (on time in percent for of electric actuators).
„„ Actuator volume (in case of pneumatic actuator).
„„ Time constant and corner frequency (with positioner).
„„ Resistance against shock and vibration (fatigue strength of actuator).
„„ Permissible ambient temperatures.
„„ Required protection class (against dust, water, moisture, e.g. IP65).
„„ Requirements with regard to corrosion resistance.
„„ Actuator and all accessories like positioners, boosters, solenoid valves and air supply
pressure reduction device need proper air quality acc. to ISO 8573-1 Class 4 regarding
micro-parts ( 1.0 < d < 5 μm; < 1000 parts/m3) and Class 3 (≤ 1 mg/m3) regarding oil
contamination otherwise filter systems are needed to protect each device.
„„ Required auxiliary energy for actuator (e.g. min. and max. pressure).
„„ Typical characteristics (e.g. effective diaphragm area).
„„ Actuator connections (e.g. G⅛ to G1 or ⅛ to 1 NPT).
„„ Repeatability of positioning taking into account:

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 011 of 292

◊  Ambient temperature.
◊  Auxiliary energy.
◊  Process conditions.
„„ Other requirements, e.g. manual operation required for emergency situations?
Therefore the user of valve actuators should prepare a “check list”, which contains all the
important requirements and limiting conditions before he begins to specify the actuator.
By this method it is ensured that all required functions have been considered, and an
optimal actuator type for the respective task can be selected.

9.2.3.  Required actuator thrust for globe valves

The fluid causes static and dynamic reaction forces which act on the plug and which must
be absorbed, to a large extent, by the valve actuator. Static forces occur only with the
valve closed i.e. if the flow is zero. In this case the internal pressure of the fluid attempts
- in the normal flow direction - to open the valve and push the valve stem outwards.
Dynamic forces result from heavy turbulence of the fluid. These forces cause vibrations
and oscillations which often lead to early wear and tear in the valve or even failure of
specific valve and/or actuator parts.
Static forces of a globe valve
A final control element, as represented schematically in Figure 9.2.3.-1, with a flow
direction against the plug from below, tends to open, since the fluid pressure tries to push
the plug upwards against the thrust of the actuator. This flow direction has been proven
to be most effective and is used, in particular, with spring opposed pneumatic diaphragm
actuators which have normally only limited travel rigidity. With a reversed flow, i.e. „flow-to-
close“, instability might occur as will be demonstrated later. The total static thrust required
in order to close a globe valve against the actual pressure differential, results from the
sum of the individual force components which is briefly explained below. The necessary
equations for a detailed calculation, the symbols and common units are shown.
Flow force F∆p
Assuming a normal flow direction from below against the plug (Figure 9.2.3.-1), the flow
force can be computed if inlet pressure and outlet pressure as well as the characteristic
values of the final control element are known. This is firstly the cross-sectional area of
the valve seat and stem. For valves with bellows seal its mean diameter should be used.
Since the cross-section of the seat ring is usually large compared to the stem cross-
section, the flow force increases approx. proportionally with the differential pressure.
Sealing force FSF (Closing force)
Today one expects from a final control element not only a good rangeability, but often also
tight shut-off capabilities are required. The permissible leakage is defined in accordance
with IEC-60534-4, where different leakage classes apply (II to VI). A correct lay-out of a
suitable actuator requires not only a compensation of the flow force which results from the
differential pressure in the closed position, but beyond there this a considerable closing
force with which the plug must be pressed into the valve seat required, in order to achieve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 012 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

the specified leakage rate or tight shut-off. As experience shows, a leakage-dependent

specific seating force is required (per millimeter seat ring circumference) in order to
enable satisfactory tightness. This means that the required closing force is approximately
proportional to the seat ring diameter.






Figure 9.2.3.-1:  Static forces acting on a globe valve (schematic)

Friction force FR
Most control valves still use a “stuffing box” which is required for the sealing of the valve
stem (shaft), PTFE and graphite, which are often combined with special filling materials
in order to improve hysteresis and sensitivity, are the most common package materials
used today. Friction in the stuffing box can be roughly computed if the stem diameter
d, the maximum pressure p and the package type are known. Generally, the frictional
force increases proportionally with the stem diameter and the working pressure. A special
packing coefficient is associated with the packing material.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 013 of 292

Friction force FRB in pressure balanced valves

The principle of pressure balance is often applied on large valve sizes and high differential
pressures. As a result, the actuator thrusts remains small in comparison with a non-
pressure balanced control valve. The causes of friction are dynamic forces, which result
mainly from the gap flow in the guide bushing and which press the plug firmly against
the wall of the guide bushing. It is therefore erroneous to assume that pressure balanced
valves require only very small actuator thrusts. These frictional forces in fact increase
proportionally with the diameter of the guide bushing and with the differential pressure.
Additional piston rings, which are often inserted in the plug to keep the leakage low,
make things worse. Ignoring this frictional force is sometimes the reason why the final
control element is unable to close, since the differential pressure normally increases with
a decreasing flow, so that the friction force becomes highest near the closed position. The
jamming effect is especially troublesome strongly with fluids which have no lubrication
features e.g. like dry overheated steam or other dry gases.
The pressure balance contoured plug seat configuration of SAMSON AG has not been
changed to the non pressure balanced standard trim. The unique balanced design -see
Chapter 6 Fig. 6.2.4.-3 – is sealed in the valve bonnet and not in the seat area,
Therefore the risk of jamming is minimized as well as the high dirt sensitiveness known
from other cage retained pressure balanced systems.

Weight force FM
In a case of a very heavy opturator (plug) with a considerable mass, emphasis must
naturally give also to the weight of the plug (depending on the mounting position of the
control valve), if the actuator has to be able to open or close the final control element
against gravity forces.

9.2.4.  Dynamic forces need to be considered in case of flow to close tendencies

When considering static forces, the main factors apply to the valve in the closed position,
i.e. the actuator must be able to close the valve against the highest differential pressure,
On the other hand, an accurate and stable control service should be achieved for pressure
balanced and/or double seated valves, in spite of low actuator forces and a relatively
small travel stiffness when dynamic forces exist. Provided a comprehensive actuator
calculation for a single seated control valve has been carried out, and that it considers
all essential factors, the dynamic forces can usually be ignored because static forces
normally predominate to a great extent.
A different situation exists, however, in the case of a double seated or pressure balanced
control valve. Here the dynamic forces can considerably exceed the static forces. This
means that unstable regulating service and/or inadequate control characteristics might
occur. The regulation service becomes particularly critical if with “direct action”, the
installed characteristic of the pneumatic diaphragm actuator flattens so far that different
travel positions can be assigned to the same actuator input signal (Figure 9.2.4.-1). This
effect can be observed with control valves with a flow direction „to close“, i.e. the flow
enters the valve from entry point on top of the plug. This misapplication often results in

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 014 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

an uncertain correlation between the actuator input signal and the corresponding valve
travel and should be avoided under all circumstances. While the signal range of the
actuator becomes greater with the normal flow direction „to open“ (approx. 160 % in
Figure 9.2.4.-1), the signal range decreases in the case of re-verse flow direction (approx.
65 %) and this might cause instability.
Considerable instability is often found near the closed position but rarely also instability
can be found at opening position if here the total signal pressure characteristic SB turns
negative (see Figure 9.2.4.-2 and Figure 9.2.4.-3). The plug usually “flutters” in this range
and not only prevents a stable regulation, but also tends to self-destruction through
“hammer effects”. The dynamic forces acting on the internals of the control valve can
be greatly suppressed, if an actuator with sufficient rigidity (travel stiffness) is employed,
Unlike self-locking electro actuators or very “inflexible” electro hydraulics actuators,
pneumatic diaphragm actuators have only a limited stiffness, which is determined by the
spring rate of the return spring(s). Empirically based findings prove that a satisfactory
regulation can be expected even in the case of limited travel stiffness.
Naturally, the requirements increase with an increasing differential pressure and with
a larger diameter of plug. A re-calculation of the required minimum travel stiffness is
recommended, if (1) high differential pressures occur, (2) the valve is pressure balanced,
(3) the flow direction is reverse (flow-to-open). Since the user very seldom knows the
precise physical dimensions in the case of an installed valve, the actual flow coefficient
(Cv100 value) can also be used in a rough calculation. In addition, a valve specific stability
factor may be utilized in order to observe the dynamic behavior of the valve depending
on the trim. Cage and contoured plug valves, for instance, behave more favorably in this
respect than do valves with parabolic plugs.

Signal range (bar)

Resulting force of fluid and spring for ATC


1.0 ire
Benc nF
0.8 h ran TO
0.6 Flow dir
ection F

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
Valve closed Valve open

Figure 9.2.4.-1:  Characteristics of a pneumatic diaphragm actuator at different flow directions (schematic)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 015 of 292

Safe control range

Y Joukowsky peak SB
w  ∆p100 
x „Water hammer“ f 
 ∆p0 
p Sz S0
1 Sz
Fluid force
FTC + ATO pst0  ∆p100 
f 
Spring force  ∆p0 

Signal pressure - Travel diagram with non-stable signal pressure characteristic SB if
the slope (gain) turns negative (-) to the positive (+) spring slope.
Risk of hunting (hammering) at small opening < 20 % travel and also possible
oscillation (hunting) at > 35 % travel if ∆pmax << ∆p0, respectively at 45 % travel if
∆pmax = ∆p0 = constant.
Sz = fluid force characteristic: f(∆p100/∆p0)
In case of high liquid velocities in long larger pipes at valve upstream there could be at
least always a dynamic risk of water hammer (Joukowsky peak).
Figure 9.2.4.-2:  Signal pressure - Travel diagram with non-stable signal pressure characteristic

pst Avoid to control at small

opening (10 to 20 %)
Signal pressure - Travel diagram with
stable signal pressure characteristic SB
SB characteristic from a static point of view.
SB Higher actuator stiffness keeps the signal
pressure characteristic slope positive (+)
S0 like the slope of the spring characteristic.
See equation (9-10) to optimize actuator
Sz stiffness.
To avoid any risk of unpredictable
“hammering” near the seating area
avoid any control function below 20 % or
ATO alternatively use a pressure balance valve
or an electrical actuator.

Figure 9.2.4.-3:  Signal pressure - Travel diagram with stable signal pressure characteristic

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 016 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Typical trim configurations with flow to close tendencies:

Without going to details some graphics of the total force characteristic, which may turn
from flow to open (stable) to flow to close (non stable tendencies) are sometimes causing
trouble in liquid applications, if actuator sizing with “know how” not taken account stability
in all travel positions.

Angle type valves:

(FTC in case of safety reasons; abrasive fluids; severe service)
Perforated plugs need for liquids FTC for effective sound reduction

Double seated valves:

If flow goes from outside (above the plugs) to inside

Three way valves:

For dividing service with compact plug design or mixing service with two plugs above the
This trim selection must be avoided in case of after sale trim replacements. SAMSON AG
avoid FTC tendencies with a compact trim for mixed service and a splitted two plug trim
for dividing service.

Rotary control valves:

For butterfly – and most of other rotary control valves the actuator sizing should take
care of all static- and dynamic forces for all travel positions and need a special look to
the actuator stiffness, if the dynamic force, which general has a FTC tendency is not
Only a larger stiffness - which is (pst100 - pst0) ∙ A - can minimize the break off torque
and carefully looking to travel start and travel end and the necessarily spring force or air
supply can avoid bad surprises.

Figure 9.2.4.-4:  Leusch Butterfly Type LTR 43

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 017 of 292

MA Torque

Fail safe: ATO (closed by spring force)
Min. air supply psu

(psu - pst100)·MA ≥ S dyn

psu ∙ MA ≥ S stat. lin
Break off ≈
psu ≥ 2∙pst0

Instable opening
pst open for control > 70°

pst close

ཱ n

pst0· MA

(- )

10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°

Opening angle
Signal pressure - opening diagram ATO (Closed with spring force)
S0 Spring characteristic
(±) ML= friction (break off) torque (against direction of travel)
(±) MSt = Shaft sealing torque (against direction of travel)
(-) Mdyn = dynamic torque f(size, ∆p) (closing direction)
SB1, SB2 Signal pressure characteristic to open and to close the rotary valve.
Take care of the necessarily min. air supply and min. pre-load of the spring
To check: ② pst0 ∙ MA > ML +MSt
③ (psu – pst100) ∙ MA > Mdyn. + MSt
Figure 9.2.4.-5:  Signal pressure–opening diagram ATO

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 018 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

MA Torque

pst Min. air supply psu

Fail safe: ATC (open by spring force)

psu - pst100
psu = 2∙pst100 ཰


pst100ཱ Instable opening

pst open SB for control > 70°
Break off torque r

Min. spring pre-load torque



s 6

(- )


10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°

Opening angle
Signal pressure - opening diagram ATC (Closed with air pressure).
The dynamic torque (-) Mdyn. in some applications like “flow machines anti-surge”
control with high performance low noise butterfly valves can get much higher values
than shown here in case of high ∆p at max. load.
This closing torque need to be balanced safety with a necessarily spring pre-load
See sizing example
To check: ① (psu – pst100) ∙ MA > ML + MSt
② pst00 ∙ MA > ML + MSt
③ pst0 ∙ MA > Mdyn. + MSt
Figure 9.2.4.-6:  Signal pressure–opening diagram ATC

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 019 of 292

9.2.5.  Calculation and selection of an actuator

For the selection of a suitable pneumatic diaphragm actuator, it is vital to work through
the previously mentioned “check list”. The following questions, which have a decisive
influence on the actuator selection procedure, are to be answered without fail in this
„„ Failure position: valve either closed or open?
„„ Nominal valve travel: actuator travel must be ≥ valve travel.
„„ Prescribed flow direction: flow to open or flow to close?
„„ Important physical dimensions: seat and stem diameter?
„„ Packing type: PTFE or graphite?
„„ Flow coefficient (Cv100 value)?
„„ Required actuator thrust in closed valve position?
„„ Required minimum full stroke regulating time for nominal valve travel?
„„ Is a positioner required? If not: required signal range?
„„ Does the interface match the actuator and the control valve?
„„ Minimum air supply pressure of the plant?
„„ Supply air quality can have a major impact to safety functions. Filter systems are
recommended for each devise to keep air quality acc. to ISO 8573-1 in locations with
lower standards.
„„ Minimum and maximum ambient temperatures?
„„ Required shock and/or vibration resistance?
„„ Special requirements with respect to corrosion resistance?
„„ Other demands of the customer?
When all these items have been considered, a corresponding calculation and selection of
a suitable valve actuator can be made.  General notes for the calculation and selection of actuators

„„ A sufficient additional safety factor should always be planned, since an exact
calculation of the required actuator thrust is quite complex and there could be a
difference in the force balance from final inspection to after commissioning under
process conditions as well as after long term operations.
„„ For DIN/DVGW valves and other quick closing and safety control valves (TÜV
certificated) the actuator safety factor must be about 2.
„„ SAMSON Valve Sizing (SVS and SVSS) creates a general warning, if the safety
factor become < 1.1. This min. safety factor expects ideal environmental condition
like an in-house installation- and equates to the competitive conduct.
„„ Environmental conditions at delivery and plant location are often unknown as well
how long valves are stored before commissioning. Valves may be delivered in
hazardous areas and stored less protected. Then sealing material will be attacked
from rain, sand and petrochemical dust and sometimes it can take month before the
plant is ready for start up. Any packing-stem system will suffering more under static
not pressurized conditions.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 020 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

The valve system friction may increase also from lack in commissioning (pipe
installation without force compensation due to temperature elongation). Long term
age-hardening of packing and sealing material occurs in case of no proper frequently
It is recommended to use a higher than 1.1 safety factor in case of those unknown
(not ideal) random conditions.
Therefore the required actuator force (trust): Fo = 1.25 ∙ Fa
„„ Large effective areas reduce the negative influence of friction forces on control valve
performance by minimizing hysteresis and dead band.
At request of the highest control controllability for expensive products like insulin also
a low price actuator of smallest size may close against a moderate low shut down
pressure. The valve performance and controllability interacting to the production
quality and quantity, which significantly can improved with a larger actuator size
selected in the first priority for lowest hysteresis and not for the shut down pressure.
„„ Diaphragm actuators have a considerably smaller hysteresis than piston actuators (up
to 40 % hysteresis due to piston seals), which the positioned is likely to be unable to
compensate on long term.
„„ Several spring assemblies with smaller springs distributed over the circumference offer
a greater accuracy and mechanical stability than fewer large springs arranged in the
center. In addition, the variability of the spring range and the stiffness of the actuator
are increased
„„ The actuator characteristic should, ideally, be linear and the hysteresis small. Linearity
errors stem mostly from a changing diaphragm area which might possibly result in an
inadequate actuator thrust in the closed position.

The actuator selection should also consider durability and maintenance.

„„ An application in the following climatic conditions should be guaranteed:
◊  Moderate
◊  Cold
◊  Dry warm
◊  Humid and warm
„„ Constructional arrangement of the valve interface and general firmness of the actuator
should meet all requirements considering at the same time ambient influences.
Demands regarding earthquake safety and/or radiation resistance in nuclear power
plants are examples of this point.
„„ The selection of a suitable actuator should always consider possible future
enhancements. Subsequent mounting of a hand wheel or positioner might be taken
as examples. Mounting possibilities of further accessories should also be considered.
„„ Fatigue strength and impact resistance ought to be considered e.g. as they occur on
„„ Corrosion-resistant paint coatings should be applied, in order to protect the actuator
and guarantee the specified service life.
„„ All aspects of accident safety must be considered, in order to protect users against

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 021 of 292

„„ An adequate quality assurance system (ISO 9001) and attention paid to valid standards
and regulations is necessary, to guarantee correct „state of the art“ products.

9.2.6.  Fail-safe action

When the signal pressure fails, the fail-safe action of the actuator depends on whether the
springs are installed in the top or bottom diaphragm chamber.
Actuator stem extends (ATO)
When the signal pressure is reduced or the air supply fails, the springs move the actuator
stem downwards and close the valve.
The valve opens when the signal pressure is increased enough to overcome the force
exerted by the springs.

Actuator stem retracts (ATC)

When the signal pressure is reduced or the air supply fails, the springs move the actuator
stem upwards and open the valve.
The valve closes when the signal pressure is increased enough to overcome the force
exerted by the springs.


pst pst = Signalpressure

Black arrow = Spring force

Blue arrow = Air pressure


pst pst

pst pst


Figure 9.2.6.-1:  Fail-safe action

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 022 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Major application cases

One must distinguish between the following application cases before beginning the
relevant calculation procedure:
„„ (a) Valve without pressure balance,
FTO flow direction to open, ATO (air failure→spring CLOSED).
„„ (b) Valve without pressure balance,
FTO flow direction to open, ATC (air failure→spring OPEN).
„„ (c) Valve with pressure balance,
FTO flow direction to open, ATO (air failure→spring CLOSED).
„„ (d) Valve with pressure balance,
FTO flow direction to open, ATC (air failure →spring OPEN).
„„ (e) Valve without pressure balance,
FTC flow direction to close, ATO (air failure→spring CLOSED.
„„ (f) Valve with pressure balance,
FTC flow direction to close, ATO (air failure→spring CLOSED.
„„ (g) Valve with - or without pressure balance,
FTC flow direction to close, ATC (air failure→spring OPEN.
The application mentioned under (g), i.e. valve with - or without pressure balance, flow
direction to close and valve on air failure OPEN, must be avoided, because full stability
can hardly be expected under these conditions (see Figure 9.2.4.-1).
The required effective area of the actuator diaphragm and therefore the required actuator
size is derived from the previously calculated actuator thrust. It is always recommended to
add an additional safety factor of approx. 1.25 in order to ensure that the actuator is able to
close the final control element, under all conditions, against the max. upstream pressure p1
or against the specified max. differential pressure ∆pA. The following equations consider
the relationships between actuator and valve in the different application examples.  Flow force

Depending to the customer specification ∆p is declared as ∆pA; ∆p0 or p1 max.
For actuator sizing this value has the highest cost influence and must be clarified before
starting the offer.
Without pressure balance trim:
FTO flow to open
Flow force F∆p = trust is opening (+) and need Fa trust to close (-)

∆p  ( ) (
=  Sb2 ⋅ ∆p + Sd2 ⋅ p2  ⋅
 4 ⋅ 10 ) (9-1)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 023 of 292

If in the majority of trim variations the seat diameter Sb is essential larger than the stem –
or bellows seal diameter Sd the influence of Sd is negligible.

∆p (S b
⋅ ∆p ⋅
4 ⋅ 10
Sb >> Sd (9-1.2.1)

FTC flow to close

F∆p trust is closing (-) and need Fa trust to open (+)

( )
F =  Sb2 − Sd2 ⋅ ∆p − Sd2 ⋅ p2  ⋅
∆p   4 ⋅ 10 ( ) (9-1.2.2)

The term for the closing force F∆p = (Sb2 – Sd2) ∙ ∆p ∙ π/(4 ∙ 10) need to have a force
correction for the open position with factor f:
f = 0 if Δp100/Δp0 tends to zero; f = 0.4 if Δp100/Δp0 tends to 1
f = 0.4 based on measurements with parabolic plugs (mentioned in VDI/VDE 3844)
Remark: F∆p at open position = F∆p ∙ f

With Pressure balance trim:

FTO flow to open: (Standard flow direction)
F∆p and Fp1 trust result to open (+) and need Fa trust to close (-)
In case of Da > Sb

=  D 2 − S 2 ⋅ ∆p + S 2 ⋅ p  ⋅ π
( ) ( ) (9-1.3.1)
∆p  a b d 1 
4 ⋅ 10
In case of Da = Sb (Standard for SAMSON pressure balance)

π (9-1.3.2)
Fp1 = Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅
4 ⋅ 10
FTC flow to close (on request for an angle type valve)
F∆p and Fp1 trust result to close (-) and need Fa trust to open (+)

In case of Da > Sb

( )
F =  Da2 − Sb2 ⋅ ∆p − Sd2 ⋅ p1  ⋅
∆p   4 ⋅ 10 ( ) (9-1.4.1)

In case of Da = Sb (Standard for SAMSON pressure balance)

Fp1 = Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅ (9-1.4.2)
4 ⋅ 10

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 024 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Sealing, friction and other forces

Sealing force FSF if valve closed H = 0

FSF = π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb (9-2)

f2 = for required leakage class N/mm

Metallic 2 Class IV
Lapped in 20 Class V
Soft sealing 0.3 Class VI
Packing/Sealing friction FR
without pressure balance
FR =± π ⋅ f1 ⋅ Sd (9-3)

Stem seal → Friction coefficient f1 N/mm

3240 3250
DN up to 150 DN > 150
Packing number 1 2 2
PTFE- packing 1.6 3.2 3.2
Graphite-packing 5 10 10
Bellows 1.6 1.6
Insulated section 1.6 1.6
Univerdit Alchem 3.2 3.2
Figure  Stem seal → Friction coefficient f1

Friction in pressure balanced valves

FRB = π ⋅ f3 ⋅ Da (9-4)

Stem seal → Friction coefficient f3 N/mm

With PTFE seal 3.0
With Graphite seal 10

Weight force of plug and actuator stem system

FM =± M ⋅ g (9-5)

Remark: - M normal installation; + M reverse hanging installation

M = Mass of plug and actuator stem system
g = Gravity acceleration g = 9.81 m/s2
Of interest only at larger sizes: DN 200 approximately 200 N
DN 300 approximately 450 N
Weight forces (FM) for small sizes are negligible.
In this way, the following basic equations will apply for the calculation of the required
actuator thrust considering the valve type, the flow direction and the respective failure
position of the final control element:

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 025 of 292  Actuator force Fa in all cases of (a) to (f) Chapter

Actuator force Fa
Case (a) and case (b):
No pressure balance, flow to open,
failure position: ATC - OPEN or ATO - CLOSED,

Fa = F∆p + FSF + FR + (FM) (9-6)

From the variables of equation (9-1) equation (9-2) equation (9-3) we get:

=  S 2 ⋅ ∆p + S 2 ⋅ p  ⋅ π + π ⋅ f ⋅ S + π ⋅ f ⋅ S + M ⋅ g (9-6.1)
( ) ( )
a  b d 2  2 B 1 d
4 ⋅ 10

Case (c) and case (d):

With pressure balance, flow to open, failure position OPEN or CLOSED
Fa = Fp1 + FSF + FR + FRB + (FM)

a (S d
⋅ p1 ⋅
4 ⋅ 10
+ π ⋅ (f2 ⋅ SB + f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da ) + M ⋅ g (9-7.1)

Case (e):
No pressure balance, flow to close, failure position CLOSED
Fa = F∆p + FR + (FM ) (9-8)

( )
Fa =  Sb2 − Sd2 ⋅ ∆p − Sd2 ⋅ p2  ⋅
  4 ⋅ 10 ( )
+ π ⋅ f1 ⋅ Sd + M ⋅ g (9-8.1)

If Sb >> Sd equation (9-8.1) could be simplified:

= (S b
− Sd2 ⋅ ∆p ⋅
4 ⋅ 10
+ M⋅ g (9-8.2)

Fa trust here is needed to open the valve from 0 to 100 % travel.

Important to check the actuator stiffness for control stability with equation (9-10) and
check the closing position if the closing pressure differential is too small.

10 ⋅ pst0 ⋅ A > FSF + FR = π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb + π ⋅ f1 ⋅ Sd

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 026 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Case (f):
With pressure balance, flow to close, failure position CLOSED

Fa = Fp1 + FR + FRB + (FM) (9-9)

in case of Sb = Da

Fa= Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅ + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da ) + M ⋅ g
4 ⋅ 10 (9-9.1)

Fa trust here is needed to open the valve from 0 to 100% travel.

Important to check the actuator stiffness for control stability with equation (9-10) and
check the closing position if the closing pressure differential is too small.

10 ⋅ pst0 ⋅ A > FSF + FRB =π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )

With a reverse flow direction (fluid tends to close the valve), the plug is pressed into
the seat by the differential pressure. This application should be limited to special cases
only, in order to avoid instability with fine control requirements. A few exceptions are
applications where it is either favorable
„„ To exploit the reaction force of the differential pressure for secure closing of the valve
and/or to achieve tight shut-off, or
„„ To limit wear and tear inside the valve body caused - in the case of angle type valves
- by erosion or/and abrasion.

One main criterion for achieving adequate actuator stability is the difference of force
gradients, when a reverse flow direction is chosen. Generally there exists in every travel
position of the actuator, a balance between the actuator thrust which is determined by the
effective diaphragm area multiplied by the actuator input signal and the trailing force of
the return spring(s).
Under dynamic conditions high fluid forces can occur, which act on the plug and
considerably disturb this balance. From Figure 9.2.4.-1 it becomes clear, that the effective
signal range in the case of “direct action” and a flow direction „to close“ is considerably
decreased which leads, unavoidably, to instability, since the force gradient resulting from
fluid forces is higher that of the return spring(s). This makes, in such a case, a satisfactory
regulation impossible. For this reason, the combination („direct action“ and „flow to close“
service) should be excluded under all circumstances.
However, the flow direction „to close“ is even with “reverse action” (valve closed in case
of air failure) not without problems. Near the closed position the reaction forces of the
control valve normally increase greatly and may be superposed by a so called “Joukowsky
peak” at larger sizes, long upstream pipe and high pipe velocity, so that the force balance
is suddenly disturbed considerably. This imbalance can be slightly improved by the
application of a positioner. The response time is, however, not fast enough by far, so that
a continuous “hammering” of the plug might occur near the closed position.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 027 of 292

This must be in all circumstances avoided for wear and tear reasons. Essential for stable
actuator operation is a sufficiently high spring rate whose force gradient must be higher
at any travel position than the force gradient resulting from dynamic valve reaction
forces. Furthermore, it should be noted that the actuator force direction of flow „to close“
applications is reverse, i.e. the actuator force hat to “pull” the plug out of the seat. One
should further differentiate between “control service” and “ON-OFF service. In the latter
case, a continuous “hammering effect” cannot occur, since the critical range is usually
passed through very quickly. Important with reverse flow conditions is an examination of
the required actuator rigidity or travel stiffness, in order to assure a stable control service.
This stiffness depends on the spring rate and the diaphragm area of the pneumatic
actuator: A ∙ (pst100 - pst0).
Adequate control stability can be expected if the required maximum actuator thrust is in a
certain relationship to the signal range of the actuator. The required signal range which,
in turn, determines the travel stiffness can be roughly checked by means of the following
equations. The disadvantageous case that the valve authority ∆p100/∆p0 tends to zero,
(means ∆pqmax << ∆p0) need the highest actuator stiffness and from safety point of view
expressed with a factor 2 in equation 9-10.

For a continuous stable control service the following rule applies for FTC:
Without pressure balance:1

A ⋅ (pst100 − pst0 ) ⋅ 10 > 2 ⋅ F∆p (9-10)

∆p (S b
− Sd2 ⋅ ∆p0 ⋅
4 ⋅ 10

for cases Sd << Sb and ∆p0 / ∆p100 < 0.2

A ⋅ ( pst100 − pst0 ) > 0.016 ⋅ Sb 2 ⋅ ∆p0 (9-10.2)

With pressure balance:

A ⋅ (pst100 − pst0 ) ⋅ 10 > 2 ⋅ Fp1 (9-10.3)

Fp1 = Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅ (9-10.4)
4 ⋅ 10
In case of Da = Sb (Standard for SAMSON pressure balance.
The factor 2 in equation (9-10) tends to factor 1 if the valve authority ∆p100/∆p0 also
tends from 0 to 1.
∆p0 roughly can be substitute with the max. ∆p at qmin. but not with the specified ∆pA
for actuator closing, which could be much higher than ∆p0. Control actions are not
recommended below 20 % travel.
1 Lean on VDI 3844 draft 2010-05

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Page 028 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

For ON-OFF service the following rule applies for FTC

A ⋅ (pst100 − pst0 ) ⋅ 10 > 1.33 ⋅ F∆p (9-11)

Based on long term experience with perforated plugs (FTC) a proven rule-of-thumb for
the maximum permissible differential pressure ∆p0 has been derived from equation 9-10
and 9-11 for applications with a flow direction to close.
∆p0 roughly can be substitute with the max. ∆p at qmin. but not with the specified ∆pA for
actuator closing, which could be much higher than ∆p0.
For control service:
∆p0= 0.5 ⋅ A ⋅ (pst100 − pst0 ) ⋅ 4 ⋅ (9-12)
( Sb2 − Sd2 ⋅ π )
The factor 0.5 tends to factor 1 if the valve authority Δp100/Δp0 also tends from 0 to 1.
For ON-OFF service:
∆p= 0.75 ⋅ A ⋅ (pst100 − pst0 ) ⋅ 4 ⋅ (9-13)
− S d2 ⋅ π)  Safety factors to actuator sizing
Important requirements and safety factors to actuator sizing published in SAMSON

Figure  SAMSON Actuator sizing

„„ Fa : delivered actuator trust kN
„„ Foreq. : Required actuator trust kN
„„ Fmreq. : Required actuator trust (Pressure balanced) kN
„„ Fmax. : Actuator trust: Max. allowed trust depends to max. temperature kN
„„ ∆pmax. : Allowed ∆p depends to the chosen actuator and strength of the stem bar
„„ ps0req. : Min. required pre-load spring force pst0 for fail safe ATO bar
„„ ∆pS : min. required air supply – pst100 for fail safe ATC bar
To check in case of pressure balance trim:
∆pS: min. req. Air supply – pst100 for full opening ATO bar

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 029 of 292

Handling safety factors SF:

Safety factor SF delivered actuator trust / required actuator trust.
The factor SF is the result of selecting the actuator type (e.g. actuator data sheet
information from Chapter 9.2.22 to Chapter with higher trust than calculated.
The responsible engineer should have information about environment, installation,
local maintenance and warrantee conditions as well as special customer requirements.
See also Chapter If this random conditions are critical it is recommended to size
SF higher than 1.1 (SVSS software warning value).
If 1.1 < SF < 1.25 select an actuator type with SF equal or near to 1.25.
(Is the SVSS software warning 2.0 than select near to 2.0)
Fa/Fo or Fa/Fm without or with pressure balance warning in SAMSON Valve Sizing
Specialist SVS / SVSS if SF < 1.1 → recommended in hazardous areas = 1.25

Open safety factor: only for fail safe ATC

Ff /Fw warning in SAMSON Valve Sizing Specialist SVS / SVSS if SF < 2.0
Ff = pst0 = pre-load spring trust, Fw = system friction  Calculation examples (pressure balance):

Fp1 forces can support to open (FTO) or to close (FTC) the valve. In case of pressure
balance this forces are small in comparison to the total system friction forces

Fw =FR + FRB + c

Flow to open FTO

Fail safe ATO
Closing safety factor:
Fa A ⋅ pst0 ⋅ 10
Fm π
Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅ + π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )
4 ⋅ 10
Opening safety factor:

Fa A ⋅ (psu − pst100 ) ⋅ 10
Fm π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )

Warning in SAMSON Valve Sizing Specialist SVS / SVSS if SF < 1.1

recommended in hazardous areas = 1.25

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Page 030 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Flow to open FTO

Fail safe ATC
Closing safety factor:

Fa A ⋅ (psu − pst100 ) ⋅ 10
Fm π
Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅ + π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )
4 ⋅ 10

Open safety factor:

Fa A ⋅ pst0 ⋅ 10
Fm π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )

Flow to close FTC:

From safety point of view a specified high shut down pressure ∆pA should only be used
to check the valve and trim-stem system material strength values. In many applications
∆pA could decrease to smaller values at least to atmosphere after the valve is closed.
The required seat tightness quality (e.g. Class V) should stay under all ∆p conditions.

Flow to close FTC

Fail safe ATO
Closing safety factor:

Fa A ⋅ pst0 ⋅ 10
Fm π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )

Opening safety factor:

Fa A ⋅ (psu − pst100 ) ⋅ 10
Fm Fp1 + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )

The term
Fp1= Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅ f ⋅
4 ⋅ 10
in case of pressure balance is nearly negligible
f = 0 if ∆p100/∆p0 tends to zero; f = 0.4 if ∆p100/∆p0 tends to 1
Warning in SAMSON Valve Sizing Specialist SVS / SVSS if SF < 1.1
recommended in hazardous areas = 1.25

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 031 of 292

Flow to close FTC

Fail safe ATC
Closing safety factor:
Fa A ⋅ (psu − pst100 ) ⋅ 10
Fm π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )
Open safety factor:
Fa A ⋅ pst0 ⋅ 10
Fm Fp1 + π ⋅ ( f1 ⋅ Sd + f3 ⋅ Da )
The term
Fp1= Sd2 ⋅ p1 ⋅ f ⋅
4 ⋅ 10
in case of pressure balance is nearly negligible
f = 0 if ∆p100/∆p0 tends to zero; f = 0.4 if ∆p100/∆p0 tends to 1.
Warning in SAMSON Valve Sizing Specialist SVS / SVSS if SF < 1.1
recommended in hazardous areas = 1.25

Calculation example without pressure balance:

Same method than above but delete f3 ∙ Da and replace Fp1 trust with F∆p trust
equations without pressure balance.
Flow direction FTC
Fail safe ATO
Closing safety factor:
Fa A ⋅ pst0 ⋅ 10
Fm π ⋅ f2 ⋅ Sb + π ⋅ f1 ⋅ Sd
Opening safety factor:
Fa A ⋅ (psu − pst100 ) ⋅ 10
Fm F∆p ⋅ f + π ⋅ f1 ⋅ Sd
Warning in SAMSON Valve Sizing Specialist SVSS if SF < 1.1
recommended in hazardous areas = 1.25
The term for the closing force
∆p (S b
− Sd2 ⋅ ∆p ⋅
4 ⋅ 10
Need to have a force correction for the open position with factor f:
f = 0 if Δp100/Δp0 tends to zero; f = 0.4 if Δp100/Δp0 tends to 1
f = 0.4 based on measurements with parabolic plugs (mentioned in VDI/VDE 3844)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 032 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Calculation of the Hysteresis:

SAMSON VALVE SIZING SVSS specialist can check the hysteresis of the valve actuator
system. A value which plays an important role for the total controllability.
As a rule of thumb the hysteresis of a valve system without positioned should be < 5 %
and with a positioner type of medium quality < 15%.
For modern high quality positioners in the process industry SVSS the software generates
a warning if the value is > 30%.
2 ⋅ Fw
Hysteresis %
= ⋅ 100 < 30 % (9-14)
10 ⋅ A ⋅ (pst100 − pst0 )

If Hysteresis > 30% increase actuator stiffness: A ∙ (pst100 - pst0)

More calculation examples are shown in Chapter 20 page 10 and page 26.  Required actuator torque for rotary valves

The calculation procedure of the required actuator torque for control valves with rotary
motion of 60 to 90 degree is less clear than that for globe valves. One reason is that the
torque of rotary actuators does not always increase proportionally with the supply air
pressure and/or the start point of the signal range in the case of reverse action. On the
other hand, further factors must be included in calculations which do not occur in the
calculations for globe valves. This means that the calculation procedure - compared to
globe valves - is more complex. The differences become evident when considering ball
valves. The governing variables for the required torque are the following:
„„ Maximum differential pressure.
„„ Mean diameter of sealing elements.
„„ Friction coefficient between ball and sealing element.
„„ External ball diameter.
„„ Required contact pressure of the sealing rings.
„„ Diameter of the thrust bearings.
„„ Outer diameter of the trunnions.
„„ Friction coefficient between bearings and trunnion.
„„ Fluid factor (which influences friction).
„„ Packing friction (dependent on packing material).
„„ Break-off torque after long down-time.
For other rotary type valves plays the bearing friction also a critical role in the determination
of the required actuator thrust or torque. In the case of eccentric rotary valves additional
factors have to be considered. The required torque e.g. depends besides friction and

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 033 of 292

breakaway forces on the inherent eccentricity. For these reasons it is not very practical
to develop special equations with which the required torque can be exactly computed.
Especially complicated relationships apply in the case of so-called rotary actuators, which
often utilize an electric or pneumatic linear actuator and, in addition, a special gear or
linkage to convert the linear motion into a rotation angle between 60° and 90°. For these
designs not only the efficiency of the gear or linkage has to be taken into account, but also
the required angle of rotation. In the case of the common double piston type, which uses
a linear actuator and a special internal linkage, which is in turn firmly connected to the
shaft of the rotary valve, the required torque is calculated taking into account the effective
lever length and rotation angle.
As experience has shown however, not only the minimum required torque, but also the
maximum permissible torque must be computed in the case of rotary actuators in order
to avoid deformation or damage of the valve shaft, which sustains the most frequent
damages in chemical industry. The calculation of these actuator torques is solved
most reliably by making use of corresponding computer programs which are based on
manufacturer independent data bases. These consider all variables as listed by the
respective manufacturer. If shaft diameters and materials are known, such a program can
easily determine the maximum permissible actuator torque in order to avoid damage.  Actuator torque for standard butterfly valves

For standard butterfly valves, the calculation of the required actuator torque is to some
extent more clear so that as in practice proven calculation equations can be applies here.
„„ Bearing friction torque
„„ Friction torque in the stuffing box
„„ Dynamic torque (see also Figure 9.2.4.-5 and Figure 9.2.4.-6)
An additional safety factor is not needed for common fluids since the maximum occurring
torque is already considered in the equation. The maximum friction torque of the bearing
occurs naturally at the highest differential pressure in the closed-position, while the
maximum dynamic torque occurs at an angle of approx. 70°, i.e. when the OPEN-position
is achieved. This means that the two important main variables never do reach their peak
values simultaneously.
Nevertheless, this torque has been reasonably proven in practice for an actuator calculation
and selection. In the case of very high temperatures or high viscous and sticky fluids an
additional safety factor may be applied. Butterfly valves for control services need naturally
more attention than those for ON-OFF services only.

Simplified empirically equations for actuators which applies for standard butterfly
valves are listed below.
(It`s recommended to use this simplified method as a rule of thumb, if no product specific
sizing method is available.)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 034 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Bearing friction torque of CLOSED-position (±)

ML ≅ 0.7 ⋅ dsd ⋅ DN2 ⋅ (p1 − p2 ) ⋅ 10−5 (9-15)

The torque direction (±) changes in case of the signal opens or closes the valve, which is
known as break off torque.

Stuffing box friction torque

Mst ≅ 10 ⋅ p1 ⋅ dsd3 ⋅ 10−5 (9-16)

This torque direction (±) also change against the moving direction and is responsible for
the hysteresis.

Max. dynamic torque at operating point qmax (-) 50 to 80 degree opening angle

Mdyn ≅ DN3 ⋅ (p1 − p2 ) ⋅ 10 −5 (9-17)

This torque always has the tendency to close the valve (-) and get it`s max. value between
50 and 80 degree opening. Depending to the ∆p versus flow characteristic ML or Mdyn or
both torque need special care for actuator sizing.

Total torque (required max. torque for actuator selection)

Mtotal_close ≅ ML + MSt Mtotal_open ≅ Mdyn. + MSt (9-18)

It makes only sense to sum up ML + MSt torques at closing position (break off torque) and
Mdyn. + MSt torques at opening position where the max. dynamic torque is expected.

Figure 9.2.4.-5 and Figure 9.2.4.-6 explain, that a proper actuator sizing need to look
to all control actions like to open from the seat and to close to the specified leak rate
requirements as well as to open to max load against the dynamic torque. In case of higher
shut down pressure differentials the break off torque should be minimized with the help of
enough actuator stiffness to ensure a large stable control range.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 035 of 292

Severe service butterfly valve: DN 500; Shaft diameter 56 mm
Cv100 = 6600, Fluid crude oil 20 °C
qvmax operation condition: qv =5000 m3/h, p1 = 15 bara, p2 = 13 bara
qvmin operation condition: qv =1000 m3/h, p1 = 15.5 bara, p2 = 11 bara
Shut down condition at ∆pA = 16 bar

ML ≅ 0.7 ∙ dSd ∙ DN2 ∙ (p1 - p2) ∙ 10-5 = 0.7 ∙ 56 ∙ 5002 ∙ 16 ∙ 10-5 = 1568 Nm

MSt ≅ 10 ∙ p1 ∙ dSd3 ∙ 10-5 = 10 ∙ 15.5 ∙ 563 ∙ 10-5 = 272 Nm

Mdyn ≅ DN3 ∙ (p1 - p2) ∙ 10-5 = 5003 ∙ 2 ∙ 10-5 = 2500 Nm

To check: (See Figure 9.2.4.-6 with position ①,② and ③ for actuator sizing)
① (psu – pst100) ∙ MA > ML + MSt = 1890 Nm
② pst00 ∙ MA > ML + MSt = 1890 Nm
③ pst0 ∙ MA > Mdyn. + MSt = 2772 Nm

The challenge is to select a rotary actuator with about 2772 Nm torque from
pst0 ∙ MA, and (psu – pst100) ∙ MA > 1890 Nm
and high stiffness spring bench rate to minimize the break off.
It is recommended to use this simplified method as a rule of thumb, if no manufacturer
specific sizing method is available.
Butterfly valves and actuators today from concentric to triple-eccentric butterfly valves
with different actuator types may deviate to this rule of thumb sizing and should be sized
more precise from the responsible manufacturer.
Such severe crude oil butterfly valves may operate in oil fields production and separation
plants (upstream) with control actions at small pressure differential.
Sometimes much higher shut down pressure differentials ∆pA are specified for start up or
shut down or at least for an unexpected worse case condition. Take special care for the
butterfly mechanical strength limits in case of very high static and/or dynamic torques.
This type specific value (limit of seat and/or shaft load) may be published but must known
in the R&D department of the manufacturer.
Do not leave questions open, if this butterfly valve needs to do a start up or shut down to
high ∆pA. Is the start up and shut down supported parallel connected with a bypass valve
under split range control?
Will the valve see the high ∆pA only under static closed condition or under dynamic flow
More about severe applications and split range control see chapter 11.7.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 036 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.7.  The main group of the pneumatic diaphragm linear actuators

Type 3271

„„ Single-acting linear actuator

„„ Diaphragm areas
80, 240, 350, 700, 1000, 1400, 2800
and 2 x 2800 cm2
„„ Rated travel
7.5, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 160 mm
„„ Advantages:
◊  Inexpensive to manufacture
◊  Reliable
◊  Power and speed to fit most
◊  Easy to maintain
◊  Relatively light
◊  Fail-safe action easy to obtain
◊  Power source easy to generate
◊  Safe in explosion-hazardous areas

Type 3277

„„ Single-acting linear actuator for integral

positioner attachment
„„ Diaphragm areas
120, 240, 355 and 700 cm2
„„ Nominal travel
7.5, 15 and 30 mm
„„ Advantages of direct attachment:
◊  Exact and firm mechanical connection
with positioner
◊  Shielded positioner feedback lever
◊  Single pneumatic connection between
positioner and actuator
„„ Additional features like Type 3271

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 037 of 292

Type 3271-52

„„ Single-acting linear actuator

„„ Diaphragm area 60 cm2
Rated travel 7.5 mm
„„ Advantages:
◊  Inexpensive to manufacture
◊  Reliable
◊  Power and speed to fit most
◊  Easy to maintain
◊  Relatively light
◊  Fail-safe action easy to obtain
◊  Power source easy to generate
◊  Safe in explosion-hazardous areas

Type 3277-5

„„ Single-acting linear actuator for integral

positioner attachment
„„ Diaphragm area
120 cm2
„„ Nominal travel
7.5/15 mm
„„ Advantages of direct attachment:
◊  Exact and firm mechanical connection
with positioner
◊  Shielded positioner feedback lever
◊  Single pneumatic connection between
positioner and actuator.

Table 9.2.7.-1:  The main groups of the pneumatic diaphragm actuators

Actuator Type 3271 and Type 3277 made of Stainless Steel

Pneumatic Actuators Type 3271 and 3277 made of stainless steel (240, 350, and 700
cm2) for special applications are in the SAMSON product range.
These actuators are manufactured from the material WN 1.4301 (X5 CrNi 18 9 ).

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 038 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.8.  Technical data for Packing and Plug stem diameter

Packing and Plug stem diameter

Up to 220°C
Type 3241 / 3251 PTFE-stuffing box without IT
Up to 428°F
220 to 350°C
3241 ( ≥ DN 200 (8")) / 3251 Graphite (H)-stuffing box without IT
428 to 662°F
350 to 500°C
Type 3241 / 3251 PTFE-stuffing box with IT
662 to 932°F
> 500°C
Type 3251 Graphite (H)-stuffing box with IT
> 932°F
Plug stem diameter at Type 3241

DN 15 to 80 ½" to 3" 10 mm
DN 100 to 150 4" to 6" 16 mm
> DN 150 > 8" 40 mm

Plug stem diameter at Type 3251

DN 15 to 40 ½" to 1½" 12 mm
DN 50 to 100 2" to 4" 16 mm
DN 125 to 150 5" to 6" 25 mm
> DN 200 > 8" 40 mm
Table  Packing and Plug stem diameter

9.2.9.  Technical data for additional handwheel

Type 3271-5 Type 3271
Version for actuator
Type 3277-5 Type 3277
240 cm , 350 cm2, 700 cm2

Diaphragm area 120 cm2 (only for initial spring

value ≤ 2.1 bar)
Die-cast aluminum, St 37-2,
powder-coated powder-coated
Materials Stem WN 1.4305 Stainless steel WN1.4104
Handwheel Aluminum, powder-coated Cast iron, powder-coated
Table  Technical data for additional handwheel

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 039 of 292

9.2.10.  Mechanically adjustable bidirectional travel stop

(With Type 3277 in special version only)
The travel stop can be adjusted upwards or downwards to 50% of the travel.
Downward travel stop
1 (Actuator stem extends)
„„ Undo the lock nut (4) and unscrew the
cap (1).
„„ Undo the lock nut (2) and adjust the nut
(3) to set required travel stop.
„„ Tighten the lock nut (2) again.

4 Upward travel stop

(Actuator stem retracts)
„„ Undo the lock nut (4) and adjust the cap
(1) to set the required travel stop.
„„ Tighten the lock nut (4) again.

1 Cap (Cap position determines top travel

2 Lock nut (determines bottom travel limit)
6 3 Nut
4 Lock nut
5 Top diaphragm case
6 Diaphragm plate
Actuator stem Actuator stem 7 Actuator stem
retracts extends
Figure 9.2.10.-1:  The mechanical travel stop

Actuator with travel stop

„„ Mechanically adjustable bidirectional travel stop
„„ For actuator sizes 240, 350, 355, 700, 1000, 1400
and 2800 cm2
„„ Travel limitation up to 50 % in each direction
„„ Additional features same as standard Type 3271

Figure 9.2.10.-2:  Pneumatic actuator Type 3271 with mechanical travel stop

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Page 040 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.11.  Manual operation

Manual operation of the actuator is
often required by the user in order to
drive the valve into a desired
position, either in the installation
phase, or in case of auxiliary power
loss. The particular demands of the
purchaser have to be precisely
Clutches or blocking devices of
a manually operated valve via a
hand wheel are usually not wanted
because they require, in the event of
an emergency, additional effort and
action from the user. This means that
in the first instance a coupling or link
with the actuator stem is necessary
and then the blocking device has to
be disconnected again.
This additional operation increases
the risk of a malfunction of the hand
wheel and valuable time, in the event
of an emergency, might be lost. Ideal
hand wheels have to be set only in a
neutral position which will not hinder
the movement of the actuator stem
during automatic operation.
In cases however where a manual
Figure 9.2.11.-1:  Pneumatic actuator Type 3271 with operation is required, a positioning
handwheel of the actuator and the connected
valve stem is easily possible for both directions (valve OPEN or CLOSED), without the
need for additional steps or actions.
The philosophy of manual operation equipment distinguishes between top-mounted
Figure 9.2.11.-1 and side-mounted hand wheels. This should be clearly stated in the case
of any order.
Top-mounted hand wheels are normally simpler and cheaper than hand wheels mounted
on the side. Disadvantageous of this design are mostly a higher operation thrust and less
convenient accessibility to the hand wheel.
Sometimes the user refuses pneumatic or electrical actuators completely, if only rare
changes of the valve position are necessary but, nevertheless, a high rangeability and a
clean characteristic curve is required.
In such cases, precision manual operation should be selected. Since the operating thrusts
to change the travel position of the actuator can be quite large with bigger valve sizes
and with high differential pressures, worm gears are often employed (Figure

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 041 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Type 3277 with handwheel

2 Actuator stem
3 Vent plug
4 Loading press. connection
Neutral position 17
Pointer points to groove in 5 Top diaphragm case
coupling [22]
6 Springs
21 6.1 Additional springs

22 7 Diaphragm plate
8 Diaphragm
9 Nuts and bolts
26 10 Bottom diaphragm case
28 11 Loading press. connection
27 4 12 Stem seal
5 12.1 Dry bearing
8.1 6 13 Wiper
15 Ring nut
17 Handwheel
20 Lock nut
8 21 Flange part
10 22 Coupling
23 Clamping sleeve
2 11
24 Ring
16 25 Coupling nut
26 Threaded pin
27 Spindle with nut

Figure  Type 3277 Actuator with additional handwheel

Actuator with Handwheel

240, 350, and 700 cm2
Top mounted handwheel for actuator sizes:
(only for initial spring value ≤ 2.1 bar)
Side mounted handwheel for actuator sizes: 1000, 1400, and 2800 cm2
Additional features same as standard Type 3271.

Throttling or on / off service

In throttling service, the pneumatic actuators can be used for supply pressures up to
max. 6 bar.
In on / off service, the supply pressure must be restricted. For fail-safe action Actuator
stem retracts, the permissible supply pressure must not exceed the upper bench
range value by more than 3 bar. (See Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN)
Table  Actuator with Handwheel

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Page 042 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

For example: Pneumatic Control Valve Type 3251-7

Figure  Pneumatic Control Valve Type 3251-7 for Heat Transfer Oil
with welding ends. Bellows seal, Handwheel, and Positioner Type 3730-X

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 043 of 292  Hand-operated Actuator Type 3273 with side-mounted

Hand-operated Actuator Type 3273 with side-mounted handwheel for max. 80 mm travel, up to 80 kN

Hand-operated Actuator Type 3273 1400 and 2800 cm2 version for travel ≤ 60 to 160 mm, up to 150 kN

Figure  Hand-operated Actuators

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 044 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Hand-operated Actuator Type 3273 attached to Type 3241 Valve

Hand-operated actuator for attachment to valves, especially for Series 3240, 3250, and
3280 Control Valves. Rated travels of 15 and 30 mm Nominal thrusts up to 32 kN.
Spindle force versus manual force diagram
Spindle force

Fs kN Handwheel ∅ 250 mm The Type 3273 Hand-operated Actuator is a

40 Handwheel ∅ 180 mm spindle actuator equipped with a non-rising
38 handwheel.
34 Special features
32 „„ Low overall height
30 „„ Simple connection to the control valve
28 „„ Manual forces specified in DIN 3230,
26 Part 2
„„ Locking mechanism securing the valve
22 stem position against accidental adjustment
„„ Replaceable with a pneumatic or electric
Max. manual force
acc. to DIN 3230

Technical data
10 Type 3273-1 3273-2
8 Rated travel mm 15 / 30
6 Maximum travel mm 23 / 38
4 Maximum thrust kN 18 32
2 FH
Req. manual force N 230 300
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 N Max. temperature °C 100
230 Manual force


Figure  Type 3273 Hand-

Figure  Sectional view Type 3273
operated Actuator attached to Type 3241

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 045 of 292

9.2.12.  Actuator Selection with AC-Trim

For Control Valves with AC-Trim it is important to note that over-travel with this trim is
not possible.
This is only achieved by using one of the following methods.
„„ For valves with safety position CLOSED (Stem Extends) the springs should be selected
with the maximum amount of pretension (example: for 15 mm valve travel with actuator
diameter 350 cm2, nominal bench range 0.4 to 2.0 bar, the operating range 0.8 to 2.4
bar should be selected).
„„ For valves with safety position OPEN (Stem Retracts) the beginning of the nominal
bench range should be selected (example: for 15 mm valve travel with actuator
diameter 700 cm2, nominal bench range 0.2 to 1.0 bar, the operating range 0.2 to 0.6
bar should be selected).
This selection is important so that with larger actuator sizes the actuator force can be
precisely set and the same time, the plug does not come completely out of the seat.
Sectional view of AC-2 Trim
Sectional view of AC-1 Trim
with four attenuation plates

Principle of operation
The medium flows in the flow-to-open direction through the valve. The valve plug
determines the cross-sectional area of flow. The Cv coefficient is adapted over the
plug and, if necessary, using a combination of attenuation plates upstream of the seat.
To avoid vibrations, the plug is double guided by a guide bushing at the top and a
second guide in the seat.
Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8083-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.12.-1:  AC-Trims

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 046 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.13.  Control valves in case of fire

An essential part of equipment safety is the fail-safe
position to be maintained when a fire breaks out.
In case of pneumatic linear actuators, the fail-safe
position must be assumed and maintained when air
supply fails or the diaphragm ruptures.
Usually, springs are used to perform this task. They
force the valve to move to the fail safe position when
dangerous situations emerge or damages occur.
The springs act against the pressure of the process
medium to move the valve to the fail-safe position
upon failure of air supply, and keep it in this position.
When a fire breaks out, the fail-safe position of the
pneumatic actuator will be negatively affected. The
high temperatures cause the springs to lose their
force. With time passing by and temperatures rising,
the springs can no longer keep the valve in its fail-
safe position. In case of fail-safe action „Fail-close“,
increasing leakage cannot be avoided.
Figure 9.2.13.-2 shows how a pre loaded spring
loses its force under the influence of temperature.

Figure 9.2.13.-1:  Control valve with

T °C pneumatic actuator


ratu r
600 e
e m
400 S pr i
n gF


0 5 10 15 20 25 Time min.
Figure 9.2.13.-2:  Force - temperature - time - diagram, loss of spring force

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 047 of 292

Shortly after the fire has broken out, the spring force decreases considerably. As a result,
the ability to keep the valve in fail-safe position during the fire will be lost within a short
The loss of rigidity and the considerable decrease of force are caused by re crystallization
processes within the material structure of the spring.
The use of conventional fire protection systems, such as coatings, do not provide decisive
advantages since springs are moving components and subject to dynamic stress. Coatings
cannot sufficiently retard the loss of force either.  Safety cartridge

The problems discussed above were solved by developing a thermostatic system. This
passive system was supposed to recognize non-typical temperature rises and respond
to them actively. A quite simple element, a cartridge, was developed to perform this task.
This cartridge consists of two cylinders sliding freely within each other. It is filled with
intumescent material which can be composed in such a way that it determines the
release temperature within certain boundaries and, of course, the increase in force it

+ Temperature F

Initial state After temprature increase

Figure  Schematic of safety cartridge

The cartridge is made up of a two-piece cylindrical case. The enclosed cylindrical

chamber contains the intumescent material. This material is composed in a special way
to ensure activation of the cartridge before the diaphragm of the pneumatic actuator is
destroyed. The increase in volume causes the cylinders to move in opposing directions.
During this process, considerable forces are developed. The operating direction of the
cylinders corresponds to that of the springs, thus opposing their gradual loss in strength.
Installed in actuators with safety equipment [5], these patented cartridges ensure
decreasing spring force compensation.

Only at standard actuators and environmental temperatures up to 80 °C (degrees
Celsius) and at the moment only to absorption area of 700 cm2 available.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 048 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Force N

e ase in f
g e in
rt rid
3000 Ca


0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Time min.

Figure  Force of the safety cartridge increasing over time; after heating in accordance with the
unit-temperature curve

The safety cartridge is heated according to the unit-temperature curve in which the
development of temperature over time is plotted in accordance with DIN 4102, Part 8 [6].



Time min.
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Figure  Unit-temperature curve

The design of this irreversibly operating cartridge is simple and allows retrofitting of
already installed pneumatic actuators.
To do this, the safety cartridge must be installed in the center of the actuator springs. The
mounting position of the pneumatic actuator is not important, the cartridge can always
perform its task of closing the valve in the event of a fire.
The selected overall length of the cartridge does not affect the travel or operating range
of the springs at standard ambient temperatures. Only in the event of a fire does the
cartridge become effective, reacting to the unusually high temperatures.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 049 of 292  Fire-Safe / Fire lock

Figure  Safety cartridge in deactivated state

„„ Simple equipment or refitting
„„ Fast and reliable reaction
„„ Installation position independence
„„ Working direction reversible

Figure  Safety cartridge after temperature increase.

The cartridge blocks the actuator in the desired safety position before the springs take
damage. Valve remains opened or closed depending on function.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 050 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Simulation of a fire

A control valve equipped with such a safety cartridge was subjected to a simulated fire.
Technical data of the control valve used in the simulation:

„„ SAMSON, Type 3241, nominal size DN 25, nominal pressure PN 40
„„ Characteristic: equal percentage
„„ Valve plug: lapped-in-metal
„„ Plug material: Cr steel, WN 1.4006
„„ Seat material: Cr steel, WN 1.4006
„„ Body material: GS-C 25, WN 1.0619

„„ SAMSON, Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator
„„ Effective diaphragm area: 350 cm²
„„ “Actuator stem extends”
„„ Signal pressure range: 0.6 to 3 bar
„„ Material: St 1203
„„ Diaphragm: NBR with polyester fabric
The test aimed at maintaining the tightness of the valve over 30 minutes minimum
with constant system pressure acting on the valve. The time span is based on the
specifications given in BSI 6755/2 [7].
The test valve described above was heated in a test room according to the unit
temperature curve. The pneumatic actuator was equipped with 6 cartridges installed in
the actuator spring assemblies. The valve contained water. During the heating phase,
steam was produced. A pressure regulator installed outside the test room maintained a
constant system pressure of 30 bar. Prior to starting the test, a pump had been used to
produce this pressure. Downstream of the seat/plug restriction area, the valve was open
to atmosphere.
The temperature in the test room and the pneumatic actuator was measured via
The temperature increase over time in the test room and in the pneumatic actuator
was correspondent to the unit-temperature curve (see Figure The system
pressure of 30 bar in the valve upstream of the seat remained constant during the entire
test procedure.
As was expected, the rubber diaphragm was completely destroyed at the end of the
test. With the exception of the springs, none of the metallic components showed any
visible damages or deformations.
The task, to provide tight shut-off against the pressure of 30 bar prevailing throughout
the test and during the high temperatures of the fire, could be fulfilled over the entire
period of temperature supply.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 051 of 292  Reversible operating direction

Apart from the safety cartridges, there are additional solutions that can be integrated
in the pneumatic actuator for safety. It is possible to use a pre loaded spring assembly
released at an adjustable temperature to oppose the standard fail-safe position. This
patented method [8] includes pre loaded spring discs which act in opposition to the
standard actuator springs. The spring discs are bound by a solder strip. The type of
solder determines at which temperature the spring discs are released to act as an
additional safety device. Upon release of the spring discs, the standard fail-safe action
is reversed. The solder joint is extremely stable under practical operating conditions,
such as permanently increased ambient temperatures.
A pneumatic actuator equipped with such a safety device is presented in the sectional
drawing below.

Figure  Sectional drawing of a pneumatic actuator whose standard fail-safe action is reversed
in the event of a fire. The release temperature range of the spring discs bound by a solder strip depends
on the kind of solder used.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 052 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Summary
The safety equipment shows a simple structure, enabling the pneumatic control valve to
assume fail-safe position or reverse this fail-safe position upon outbreak of fire. Pneumatic
control valves could now be used in fields of application never considered possible before.
Compared to pneumatic control valves with standard fail-safe action, actuators equipped
with these innovative safety devices are able to maintain the fail-safe position over an
extended period of time when exposed to fire.
The safety cartridge filled with intumescent material plays an essential role in this safety
technique. Thanks to these cartridges, the valve trim remains effective even at the
extremely high temperatures of a fire, thus preventing leakage of hazardous media! The
cartridges compensate for the loss in force of the springs, which under less extreme
conditions guarantee fail-safe action.
Another asset of the safety equipment is its cost-effectiveness compared to other safety
equipment in use. Since the safety cartridges can replace more complex and hence
expensive safety devices, they will prove to be another remedy against the pressure on
Alternatively, conventional fail-safe action can be reversed when a fire breaks out.
Releasing pre loaded and bound spring discs reverses the direction of standard fail-safe
action of pneumatic actuators. An important aspect in this innovative method is the fact
that the temperature range in which the springs are released can be adjusted as needed.
In view of all the advantages of the modern safety equipment developed by SAMSON,
the use of pneumatic control valves could now be taken into consideration even where
sensitive applications are concerned.

[1] Schneider, W. 1992. Der Metallbalg, ein zuverlässiges Dichtelement in
Stellgeräten. In Chemietechnik, No. 3: 54-60
[2] Schneider, W., und Bartscher, H. 1988. Stellgeräte im Rütteltest.
Chemie-Anlagen-Verfahren, No. 8: 84-90
[3] Kiesbauer, J., und H. Hoffmann 1998. Verbesserte Prozeßzuverlässigkeit und
Wartung mittels digitaler Stellungsregler. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis,
Vol 40, No. 2: 22-34
[4] Vogel, U. 1991. Trends in der Stellgeräteentwicklung.
Chemie-Anlagen-Verfahren: 59-62
[5] SAMSON AG. 1994. Stellantrieb mit Sicherheitseinrichtung.
Patentschrift DE 42 39 580 C2
[6] DIN 4102, Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen
[7] BSI 6755/2, Testing of valves, Part 2 1987. Specification for fire type-testing
[8] SAMSON AG. 1997. Pneumatisch betätigbare Antriebseinheit.
Patentschrift DE 196 49 440 C1

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 053 of 292

9.2.14.  Overview of actuators Type 3271-52, 3271-5, and 3277-5 up to a diaphragm

area 120 cm2.
Type 3271-52 3271-5
Diaphragm area 60 cm2 120 cm2
Rated travel 7.5 mm 7.5 mm

Linear actuators
in particular for
attachment to
Micro-flow Valves
Type 3510.

Type 3271-52 3271-5 3277-5

Diaphragm area 60 cm2 120 cm2 120 cm2
Rated travel 7.5 mm 15 mm 15 mm

Linear actuators
in particular for
attachment to
Valves Series 3240
and Micro-flow
Valves Type 3510.

Type 3271-5 3277-5

Diaphragm area 120 cm2 120 cm2
Rated travel 15 mm 15 mm

Version with

Linear actuators
in particular for
attachment to
Control Valves
Series 3240 and
Micro-flow Valves
Type 3510.

Figure 9.2.14.-1:  Linear actuators Type 3271-52, 3271-5, and 3277-5

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 054 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271-52
Diaphragm area 60 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 60 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 7.5 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Diaphragm cases Aluminum, powder-varnish coated
Permissible operating temperatures NBR –35 to +80 °C
Actuator versions

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.14.-2:  Actuators Type 3271-52 of 60 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 055 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271-5
Diaphragm area 120 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 7.5 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Diaphragm cases Die-cast aluminum, powder-varnish coated
Permissible operating temperatures NBR –35 to +90 °C
Actuator versions
„„ Additional handwheel, Data Sheet T 8312 EN
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable.

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.14.-3:  Actuators Type 3271-5 of 120 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 056 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271-5
Diaphragm area 120 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Die-cast aluminum, powder-varnish
Diaphragm cases
Permissible operating temperatures NBR –35 to +90 °C
Actuator versions
„„ Additional handwheel
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.14.-4:  Actuators Type 3271-5 of 120 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 057 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277-5
Diaphragm area 120 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Die-cast aluminum, powder-varnish
Diaphragm cases
Permissible operating temperatures NBR –35 to +90 °C
Actuator versions
„„ Additional handwheel
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.14.-5:  Actuators Type 3277-5 of 120 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 058 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271-5 with Handwheel
Diaphragm area 120 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
120 cm 2 7.5 mm
Rated travel
120 cm2 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Die-cast aluminum, powder-varnish
Diaphragm cases
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures
EDPM –50 to +120 °C

Actuator versions

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.14.-6:  Actuators Type 3271-5 with Handwheel of 120 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 059 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277-5 with Handwheel
Diaphragm area 120 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
7.5 mm
Rated travel
15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Die-cast aluminum, powder-varnish
Diaphragm cases
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures
EDPM –50 to +120 °C

Actuator versions

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.14.-7:  Actuators Type 3277-5 with Handwheel of 120 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 060 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.15.  Overview of actuators Type 3271 up to a diaphragm area 1000 cm2.

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
Diaphragm area 80 cm2 240 cm2
Rated travel 15 mm 15 mm

Linear actuator in
particular for attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control Valves.

Type 3271
Diaphragm area 350 cm2 355 cm2
Rated travel 15 mm 30 mm

Linear actuator in
particular for attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control Valves.

Type 3271
Diaphragm area 700 cm2 1000 cm2
Rated travel 30 mm 30 mm

Linear actuator in
particular for attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control Valves.

Figure 9.2.15.-1:  Actuators Type 3271 of 240 cm2 to 1000 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 061 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
Diaphragm area 80 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 80 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 80 cm2 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Diaphragm cases Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Up to 80 °C in Fire-Lock version

Actuator versions
„„ Optional stainless steel version (made of 1.4301)
„„ Additional handwheel with diaphragm areas of 80 Data Sheet T 8312 EN
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable
„„ Fire-Lock version fail-safe action in case of fire

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.15.-2:  Actuators Type 3271 of 80 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 062 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
Diaphragm area 240 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 240 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
Diaphragm cases
Stainless steel 1.4301 (X5 CrNi 18 9)
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Up to 80 °C in Fire-Lock version

Actuator versions
„„ Optional stainless steel version (made of 1.4301)
„„ Additional handwheel, Data Sheet T 8312 EN
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable
„„ Fire-Lock version fail-safe action in case of fire

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.15.-3:  Actuators Type 3271 of 240 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 063 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
Diaphragm area 350 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 350 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
Diaphragm cases
Stainless steel 1.4301 (X5 CrNi 18 9)
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Up to 80 °C in Fire-Lock version

Actuator versions
„„ Optional stainless steel version made of WN 1.4301
„„ Additional handwheel, Data Sheet T 8312 EN
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable
„„ Fire-Lock version fail-safe action in case of fire

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN.
Figure 9.2.15.-4:  Actuators Type 3271 of 350 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 064 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
Diaphragm area 700 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 700 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 30 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
Diaphragm cases
Stainless steel 1.4301 (X5 CrNi 18 9)
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Up to 80 °C in Fire-Lock version

Actuator versions
„„ Optional stainless steel version (made of 1.4301)
„„ Additional handwheel Data Sheet T 8312 EN
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable
„„ Fire-Lock version fail-safe action in case of fire.

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 / -2 EN
Figure 9.2.15.-5:  Actuators Type 3271 of 700 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 065 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
Diaphragm area 1000 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 1000 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 30 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Diaphragm cases Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures
EDPM –50 to +120 °C

Actuator versions
„„ Optional stainless steel version (made of 1.4301)
„„ Additional handwheel Data Sheet T 8312 EN
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-1 / -2 EN
Figure 9.2.15.-6:  Actuators Type 3271 of 1000 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 066 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.16.  Overview of the actuators of 1400 cm2 up to a diaphragm area 2 x 2800

Type 3271
Diaphragm area 1400 cm2 1400 cm2
Rated travel 60 mm 120 mm

Linear actuator
in particular for
attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control

Type 3271
Diaphragm area 2800 cm2 2 x 2800 cm2
Rated travel 120 mm

Linear actuator
in particular for
attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control

Figure 9.2.16.-1:  Actuators Type 3271 of 1400 cm2, 2800 cm2, and 2 x 2800 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 067 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
1400 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 1400 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
60 mm
Rated travel
120 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Diaphragm cases Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures
EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Actuator versions
„„ With Type 3273 Hand-operated Actuator, for travels up to 160 mm using side-
mounted handwheel effective diaphragm areas of 1400 cm2
„„ Actuator with travel stop, minimum or maximum travel mechanically adjustable for
1400 cm2 actuators with 60 mm travel.
Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-2 EN
Figure 9.2.16.-2:  Actuators Type 3271 of 1400 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 068 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3271
2800 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 2800 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 2800 cm 2 120 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures
EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Actuator versions
„„ With Type 3273 Hand-operated Actuator, for travels up to 160 mm using side-
mounted handwheel effective diaphragm areas of 2800 cm2
„„ Actuator with travel stop, minimum or maximum travel mechanically adjustable for
2800 cm2 actuators.
Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-2 EN
Figure 9.2.16.-3:  Actuator Type 3271 of 2800 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 069 of 292

Pneumatic Actuator
Type 3271
2 x 2800 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Actuator versions
„„ With Type 3273 Hand-operated Actuator, for travels up to 160 mm using side-
mounted handwheel.
„„ Actuator with travel stop, minimum or maximum travel mechanically adjustable for
2 x 2800 cm2 tandem actuators.

Note: For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical Data Sheet T 8310-2 EN
Figure 9.2.16.-4:  Actuator Type 3271 of 2 x 2800 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 070 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.17.  Overview of actuators Type 3277 up to a diaphragm area 1000 cm2.

Type 3277-5 3277
Diaphragm area 120 cm2 240 cm2
Rated travel 15 mm 15 mm

Linear actuator in
particular for attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control Valves

Type 3277 3277

Diaphragm area 350 cm2 355 cm2
Rated travel 15 mm 30 mm

Linear actuator in
particular for attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control Valves

Type 3277 3277

Diaphragm area 700 cm2 1000 cm2
Rated travel 30 mm 60 mm

Linear actuator in
particular for attachment to
Series 3240, 3250,
and 3280 Control Valves

Figure 9.2.17.-1:  SAMSON Actuators Type 3277 of 120 cm2 to 1000 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 071 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277-5
120 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Die-cast aluminum, powder-varnish
Diaphragm cases
Permissible operating temperatures NBR –35 to +90 °C

Actuator versions
„„ Additional handwheel with diaphragm areas

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet. Data Sheet T 8310-1 / -2 EN
Figure 9.2.17.-2:  Actuators Type 3277-5 of 120 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 072 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277
240 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 240 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
Diaphragm cases
Stainless steel 1.4301 (X5 CrNi 18 9)
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Up to 80 °C in Fire-Lock version

Actuator versions
„„ Additional handwheel with diaphragm areas
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet. Data Sheet T 8310-1 / -2 EN
Figure 9.2.17.-3:  Actuators Type 3277 of 240 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 073 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277
350 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 350 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 15 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
Diaphragm cases
Stainless steel 1.4301 (X5 CrNi 18 9)
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Up to 80 °C in Fire-Lock version

Actuator versions
„„ Additional handwheel with diaphragm areas
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet. Data Sheet T 8310-1 / -2 EN
Figure 9.2.17.-4:  Actuators Type 3277 of 350 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 074 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277
355 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 355 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 30 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Diaphragm cases Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures
EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Actuator versions

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet. Data Sheet T 8310-1 / -2 EN
Figure 9.2.17.-5:  Actuators Type 3277 of 355 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 075 of 292

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277
700 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 700 cm2 and 1000 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 30 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
Diaphragm cases
Stainless steel 1.4301 (X5 CrNi 18 9)
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures EDPM –50 to +120 °C
Up to 80 °C in Fire-Lock version

Actuator versions
„„ Additional handwheel with diaphragm areas 700 cm2
„„ Mechanical travel stop, min. or max. travel mechanically adjustable

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet. Data Sheet T 8310-1 / -2 EN
Figure 9.2.17.-6:  Actuators Type 3277 of 700 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 076 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Actuators
Type 3277
1000 cm2

The Pneumatic Actuators contain a rolling diaphragm and internal springs.

Effective diaphragm area 1000 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 6 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible - ATC or ATO
Rated travel 60 mm
Bench range Various bench ranges by varying the
number of springs or their compression.
Number of springs (See Table
Diaphragm cases Sheet steel, powder-varnish coated
NBR –35 to +90 °C
Permissible operating temperatures
EDPM –50 to +120 °C

Actuator versions

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
Figure 9.2.17.-7:  Actuators Type 3277 of 1000 cm2 for Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 077 of 292

9.2.18.  Overview of Actuators Type 3371, 3372, Type 2780-1, and Type 2780-2
Type 2780-1 2780-2
Diaphragm area 120 cm2 120 cm2
Rated travel 6 / 12 / 15 mm 6 / 12 / 15 mm

Versatile actuators
Type 2780-1 and Type 2780-2
for use in heating, ventilation and air-
conditioning systems as well as for
mechanical engineering.

Type 3371 3371

Diaphragm area 120 cm2 350 cm2
Rated travel 15 mm 30 mm

Actuators Type 3371, and 3372 only

for Valve Series V2001.

Type 3371 only for valve size

DN 15 to 50 / NPS ½ to 2 (left),
DN 65 to 100 / 2½ to 4 (right).

Type 3372 3372

Diaphragm area 120 cm2 120 cm2
Rated travel 15 mm 15 mm

Actuators Type 3371 and 3372 only

for Valve Series V2001.

Type 3372 only for valve size

DN 15 to 50 / NPS ½ to 2.

With integrated i/p positioner,

Valve CLOSED (left),
Valve OPEN (right).

Figure 9.2.18.-1:  Versatile actuators for use in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning as well as for
mechanical engineering.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 078 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.19.  Actuators Type 2780-1, and Type 2780-2

The Type 2780 Pneumatic Actuators are diaphragm-type actuators with internal
compression springs. They are suitable for attachment to SAMSON Type 3213 and Type
3222 Globe Valves and to Type 3226 and Type 3260 Three-way Valves.
Pneumatic Actuator
Type 2780-1

Actuator stem
extends retracts

Nominal size DN 15 to 50 (G½ to G1)

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 4 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible
DN 15 to 25
6 mm
Rated travel G½ to G1
DN 32 to 50 12 mm
Type 2780-1 0.4 to 1 bar
Bench range
Type 2780-2 0.4 to 2 bar
Supply air pressure required 2.4 bar
Number of springs 6 springs for 0.4 to 2 bar bench range and
12 mm rated travel.
Ambient temperature -10 to + 80 °C

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet. (See Data Sheet T 5840 EN)
Figure 9.2.19.-1:  Actuators Type 2780-1

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 079 of 292

Pneumatic Actuator
Type 2780-2

Actuator stem
extends retracts

Nominal size DN 15 to 50 (G½ to G1)

Effective diaphragm area 120 cm2
Maximum supply pressure 4 bar
Fail-safe action Reversible
DN 15 to 25
6 mm
Rated travel G½ to G1
DN 32 to 50 12 mm
Type 2780-1 0.4 to 1 bar
Bench range
Type 2780-2 0.4 to 2 bar
Supply air pressure required 2.4 bar
Number of springs 6 springs for 0.4 to 2 bar bench range and
12 mm rated travel.
Ambient temperature -10 to + 80 °C

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet. (See Data Sheet T 5840 EN)
Figure 9.2.19.-2:  Actuators Type 2780-2

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 080 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Control Valve Type 3222 with Actuator Type 2780

Globe Valve Type 3222/2780-1

(Male thread connection)

Globe Valve Type 3222/2780-2 with positioner

(Version with welding ends)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 081 of 292

9.2.20.  Pneumatic Actuators Type 3371 and Electropneumatic Actuators Type

The actuators are designed for attachment to Series V 2001 Valves (Type 3321, Type
3323, Type 3531, Type 3535, Type 3214 (DN 65 to 100) and Type 3260 (DN 65 and 80).

8.6 8.4



7 8.8
6 14

p i
15 11

Figure 9.2.20.-1:  Pneumatic and Electropneumatic Actuators Type 3372

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 082 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Type 3372 / 120 cm2 Type 3372 / 120 cm2

Integrated positioner actuator stem extends Integrated positioner actuator stem retracts

Type 3371 / 120 cm2 Type 3371 / 350 cm2

Type 3372 / 120 cm2 Type 3372 / 350 cm2

with Type 3730 Positioner with Type 3730 Positioner
actuator stem extends / retracts actuator stem extends / retracts

Table 9.2.20.-2:  Pneumatic Actuators Type 3371 and Electropneumatic Actuators Type 3372

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 083 of 292  Technical data · Pressures in psi and bar

Valve / Actuator Type 3321-IP / Type 3372 Type 3321-PP / Type 3371
350 cm2 350 cm2
Actuator area 120 cm2 (NPS 2½ and 120 cm2 (NPS 2½ and
larger) larger)
Fail-safe position Valve CLOSED or valve OPEN
Reference variable 4 to 20 mA –
30 to 48 psi 32 to 55 psi 30 to 48 psi 32 to 55 psi
15 mm 30 mm 15 mm 30 mm
Bench range (2.1 to 3.3 bar) (2.2 to 3.8 bar) (2.1 to 3.3 bar) (2.2 to 3.8 bar)
Rated travel 6 to 20 psi 22 to 39 psi 6 to 20 psi 22 to 39 psi
15 mm 30 mm 15 mm 30 mm
(0.4 to 1.4 bar) (1.5 to 2.7 bar) (0.4 to 1.4 bar) (1.5 to 2.7 bar)
Linear, deviation from terminal-based
Characteristic –
conformity ≤ 2 %
Hysteresis ≤1% –
Variable position ≤7% –
IP 54 with integrated positioner
Degree of protection (for 120 cm2 only) –
IP 66 with positioner Type 3730-0 /-1
Standard: –4 to 176 °F (–20 to 80 °C)
Permissible ambient
with metal cable gland: –31 to 194 °F (–35 to 90 °C)
–22 to 176 °F (–30 to 80 °C)
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuators Type 3371 and 3372

Globe Valve Type 3321-IP Globe Valve Type 3321

DN 15 to 50 / NPS ½ to 2,
actuator with integrated DN 15 to 50 DN 65 to 100
electropneumatic positioner NPS ½ to 2 NPS 2½ to 4

Figure  Valve Series V2001 - Globe Valve Type 3321

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 084 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.21.  The cost-efficient positioner Type 3725

Main Features
„„ Convenient on site operation via capacitive
buttons and LC display
„„ Convenient operation philosophy via proven
3730-1 operation structure
„„ Internal contact less position sensing based
on the 3738-20 platform, ideal to prevent
problems caused through steam hammers
„„ Travel pick up with lever on the backside assure
to a seamless mounting adaption
„„ 2 optional NAMUR limit switches
„„ Convenient mounting kits for …
◊  … 3372 (V2001)
◊  … Direct attachment up to 700 cm2
◊  … Rotary actuators acc. to VDI/VDE 3845

Type 3321-IP Electropneumatic Globe Valve

„„ with Type 3372 Electropneumatic Actuator,
„„ optionally with integrated positioner (120 cm²
only, with plug connector), or
„„ Type 3725 or
„„ Type 3730-0 or
„„ Type 3730-1,
„„ tight-closing function for completely venting or
filling the actuator with air, reference variable 4
to 20 mA, max. 90 psi (6 bar) supply air,
„„ fail-safe position valve CLOSED or valve
„„ optionally with limit switches
Figure 9.2.21.-1:  Type 3321-IP Electropneumatic Globe

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 085 of 292

9.2.22.  Operating travels for fail-safe action

Supplementary specifications for Type 3271 and Type 3277 Actuators (up to 700 cm2)
Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS
„„ Actuators for fail-safe action “actuator stem extended by spring force”
„„ Comparison between bench ranges and preferred operating travels
(depending on operating travel)
„„ Spring return force at 0 mm travel

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS

„„ Actuators for fail-safe action “actuator stem retracted by spring force”
„„ Comparison between bench ranges and preferred operating travels
(depending on operating travel)

Description of color markings

Actuators with special springs. Use only in special cases. e.g. with
mounting bracket for butterfly valves or 120 % operating travels.
No handwheel available
Operating ranges with top-mounted handwheel, (with 700 cm2
diaphragms, the upper spring range value is limited to 3.3 bar)
Type 3273 with small side-mounted handwheel
(80 mm travel, max. thrust 80 kN).
Not with Type 3241 in DN 100 / NPS 4” to DN 150 / NPS 6” in
combination with an insulating or bellows section.
Cannot be used for mounting brackets for butterfly valves.
Type 3273 with large side-mounted handwheel
(150 mm travel, max. thrust 150 kN)
Selection of the handwheel depends on the required thrust. Up to 80 kN
small side-mounted handwheel (as a result, the max. supply pressure or
upper spring range value for 2800 cm2 diaphragms is 3 bar). Large side-
mounted handwheel for thrusts between 80 kN and 150 kN.

„„ With fail-safe action “actuator stem retracts” and on/off service, the permissible
supply pressure must not exceed the upper spring range value by more than 3 bar.
„„ With fail-safe action “actuator stem extends” and travel stops on both sides, the
permissible supply pressure must not exceed the upper spring range value by more
than 1.5 bar.
„„ For Type 3241 Valves in DN 50 / NPS 2”, the maximum operating travel is 110 %.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 086 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS

Additional possible spring preloading [ % ]

7.5 mm 15 mm 19 mm
range Operating travel Operating travel Operating travel

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ]
Diaphragm area [ cm2 ] - Type

Signal pressure range [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Rated travel [ mm ]

Number of springs
Max. travel [ mm ]
at rated travel

60 7.5 0.2 to 1.0 10.5 2 0 0.20 1.00 0.12

60 60 7.5 0.4 to 2.0 10.5 4 0 0.40 2.00 0.24
Type 60 7.5 1.4 to 2.3 10.5 4 0 1.40 2.30 0.84
3271- 52
60 7.5 2.1 to 3.3 10.5 8 0 2.10 3.30 1.26

120 7.5 0.4 to 0.8 9 3 0 - - 0.48

120 120 7.5 0.8 to 1.6 9 6 0 - - 0.96
Type 120 7.5 1.7 to 2.1 9 6 0 1.70 2.10 2.04
120 7.5 2.4 to 3.0 9 12 0 2.40 3.00 2.88

120 15 0.2 to 1.0 16 3 0 0.60 1.00 0.72 0.20 1.00 0.24

120 120 15 0.4 to 2.0 16 6 0 1.20 2.00 1.44 0.40 2.00 0.48
3271-5 120 15 1.4 to 2.3 15 6 0 1.85 2.30 2.22 1.40 2.30 1.68
120 15 2.1 to 3.3 15 12 0 2.70 3.30 3.24 2.10 3.30 2.52

240 15 0.2 to 1.0 17 3 12.5 0.70 1.10 1.68 0.30 1.10 0.48
240 15 0.4 to 2.0 17 6 12.5 1.40 2.20 3.36 0.60 2.20 0.96
240 15 0.6 to 3.0 17 12 12.5 2.10 3.30 5.04 0.90 3.30 1.44

350 15 0.2 to 1.0 22 3 25 0.80 1.20 2.80 0.40 1.20 0.70

350 15 0.4 to 2.0 22 6 25 1.60 2.40 5.60 0.80 2.40 1.40

350 15 0.6 to 3.0 22 12 25 2.40 3.60 8.40 1.20 3.60 2.10
3271 350 15 1.4 to 2.3 15 6 0 1.85 2.30 6.48 1.40 2.30 4.90

350 15 2.1 to 3.3 15 12 0 2.70 3.30 9.45 2.10 3.30 7.35

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 087 of 292

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS


Additional possible spring preloading [ % ]

7.5 mm 15 mm 19 mm
range Operating travel Operating travel Operating travel

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ]
Diaphragm area [ cm2 ] - Type

Signal pressure range [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Rated travel [ mm ]

Number of springs
Max. travel [ mm ]
at rated travel

355 30 0.2 to 1.0 38 3 25 1.00 1.20 3.55 0.40 1.20 2.84

355 30 0.4 to 2.0 38 6 25 2.00 2.40 7.10 0.80 2.40 5.68
3277 355 30 0.6 to 3.0 38 12 25 3.00 3.60 10.65 1.20 3.60 8.52

700 30 0.2 to 1.0 38 3 30 1.00 1.20 7.00 0.80 1.20 5.60

700 30 0.4 to 2.0 38 6 30 2.00 2.40 14.00 1.60 2.40 11.20 1.40 2.40 9.80

700 700 30 0.6 to 3.0 38 12 30 3.00 3.60 21.00 2.40 3.60 16.80 2.10 3.60 14.70

Type 700 30 1.4 to 2.3 30 8 0 2.10 2.30 14.70 1.85 2.30 12.95
3277 700 30 2.1 to 3.3 30 12 0 3.00 3.30 21.00 2.70 3.30 18.90 2.50 3.30 17.50
2.35 to
700 30 30 15 0 3.40 3.80 23.80 3.05 3.80 21.35
700 30 2.6 to 4.3 30 18 0 3.90 4.30 27.30 3.45 4.30 24.15
Table  Signal pressure range at operating travel 7.5 to 19 mm
„„ Signal pressure range 1.4 to 2.4 bar at operating travel 19 mm
Globe Valve Type 3241 DN 80, Kvs/Cv100 -Value 100/120.
(No Metal-Bellows construction, no Flow Divider I)
„„ Signal pressure range 2.1 to 3.6 bar at operating travel 19 mm
Globe Valve Type 3241 DN 80, Kvs/Cv100 -Value 100/120.
(No Metal-Bellows construction, no Flow Divider I)
„„ Signal pressure range 2.1 to 3.3 bar at operating travel 19 mm
Globe Valve Type 3241 DN 80, Kvs/Cv100 -Value 100/120.
(No Metal-Bellows construction, no Flow Divider I)

„„ Large sideways handwheel on inquiry

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 088 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS


Additional possible spring preloading [ % ]

15 mm 30 mm 60 mm
range Operating travel Operating travel Operating travel

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

Number of springs
Max. travel [ mm ]

80 80 15 0.2 to 1.0 16 3 12.5 0.30 1.10 0.24

80 15 0.4 to 2.0 16 6 12.5 0.60 2.20 0.48
3277 80 15 0.6 to 3.0 16 12 12.5 0.90 3.30 0.72

120 15 0.2 to 1.0 16 3 0 0.20 1.00 0.24

120 15 0.4 to 2.0 16 6 0 0.40 2.00 0.48
3271 120 15 1.4 to 2.3 15 6 0 1.40 2.30 1.68
120 15 2.1 to 3.3 15 12 0 2.10 3.30 2.52

240 240 15 0.2 to 1.0 17 3 12.5 0.30 1.10 0.72

Type 240 15 0.4 to 2.0 17 6 12.5 0.60 2.20 1.40

3277 240 15 0.6 to 3.0 17 12 12.5 0.90 3.30 2.16

350 15 0.2 to 1.0 22 3 25 0.40 1.20 1.40

350 15 0.4 to 2.0 22 6 25 0.80 2.40 2.80

350 15 0.6 to 3.0 22 12 25 1.20 3.60 4.20

350 15 1.4 to 2.3 15 6 0 1.40 2.30 4.90

350 15 2.1 to 3.3 15 12 0 2.10 3.30 7.35
Type 350 15 0.45 to 0.7 22 3 25 0.50 0.75 1.75
350 15 0.9 to 1.4 22 6 25 1.00 1.50 3.50

350 15 1.15 to 1.85 22 9 25 1.30 2.00 4.55

350 15 1.6 to 2.9 22 18 25 2.00 3.30 7.00

350 15 1.7 to 3.2 22 24 25 2.10 3.60 7.35

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 089 of 292

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS


Additional possible spring preloading [ % ]

15 mm 30 mm 60 mm
range Operating travel Operating travel Operating travel

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

Number of springs
Max. travel [ mm ]

355 30 0.2 to 1.0 38 3 25 0.80 1.20 2.84 0.40 1.20 1.42

355 30 0.4 to 2.0 38 6 25 1.60 2.40 5.68 0.80 2.40 2.84
355 30 0.6 to 3.0 38 12 25 2.40 3.60 8.52 1.20 3.60 4.26
Type 355 30 0.9 to 1.7 38 4 25 1.50 1.90 5.33 1.10 1.90 3.91
355 30 1.4 to 2.6 38 8 25 2.35 2.95 8.34 1.75 2.95 6.21
355 30 1.9 to 3.3 38 10 25 2.95 3.65 10.47 2.25 3.65 7.99
700 30 0.2 to 1.0 38 3 30 0.80 1.20 5.60 0.40 1.20 2.80
700 30 0.4 to 2.0 38 6 30 1.60 2.40 11.20 0.80 2.40 5.60
700 30 0.6 to 3.0 38 12 30 2.40 3.60 16.80 1.20 3.60 8.40
700 30 1.4 to 2.3 30 8 0 1.85 2.30 12.95 1.40 2.30 9.80
700 30 2.1 to 3.3 30 12 0 2.70 3.30 18.90 2.10 3.30 14.70
700 30 2.35 to 3.8 30 15 0 3.05 3.80 21.35 2.35 3.80 16.45
700 30 2.6 to 4.3 30 18 0 3.45 4.30 24.15 2.60 4.30 18.20
3271 700 30 0.35 to 0.45 38 3 30
700 30 0.7 to 0.9 38 6 30
700 30 1.0 to 1.35 38 9 30
700 30 1.3 to 1.8 38 12 30 1.45 1.95 10.15
700 30 1.7 to 2.6 38 18 30 2.45 2.90 17.15 2.00 2.90 14.00
700 30 1.9 to 3.3 38 24 30 3.10 3.80 21.70 2.40 3.80 16.80
700 30 2.0 to 3.6 38 30 30 3.30 4.10 23.10 2.50 4.10 17.50
1000 60 0.4 to 2.0 80 6 25 2.00 2.40 20.00 1.60 2.40 16.00 0.80 2.40 8.00
1000 60 0.6 to 3.0 80 9 25 3.00 3.60 30.00 2.40 3.60 24.00 1.20 3.60 12.00
Type 1000 60 0.8 to 2.8 80 9 25 2.80 3.30 28.00 2.30 3.30 23.00 1.30 3.30 13.00
1000 60 1.0 to 3.2 80 10 25 3.10 3.70 31.00 2.60 3.70 26.00 1.50 3.70 15.00

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 090 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS


Additional possible spring preloading [ % ]

15 mm 30 mm 60 mm
range Operating travel Operating travel Operating travel

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

Number of springs
Max. travel [ mm ]

1400 60 0.2 to 1.0 80 6 25 1.00 1.20 14.00 0.80 1.20 11.20 0.40 1.20 5.60
1400 60 0.4 to 2.0 80 12 25 2.00 2.40 28.00 1.60 2.40 22.40 0.80 2.40 11.20
1400 60 0.5 to 2.5 80 18 25 2.50 3.00 35.00 2.00 3.00 28.00 1.00 3.00 14.00
60 1400 60 0.5 to 0.95 80 6 25 0.60 1.05 8.40

Type 1400 60 0.7 to 1.4 80 9 25 0.85 1.55 11.90

1400 60 0.85 to 1.8 80 12 25 1.55 2.00 21.70 1.05 2.00 14.70
1400 60 1.1 to 2.4 80 18 25 2.40 2.70 33.60 2.05 2.70 28.70 1.40 2.70 19.60
1400 60 1.3 to 2.8 80 24 25 2.80 3.20 39.20 2.45 3.20 34.30 1.70 3.20 23.80
1400 120 0.4 to 1.2 130 3 1.00 1.20 14.00 0.80 1.20 11.20
120 1400 120 0.8 to 2.4 130 6 2.20 2.40 30.80 2.00 2.40 28.00 1.60 2.40 22.40

Type 1400 120 1.0 to 3.0 130 9 2.75 3.00 38.50 2.50 3.00 35.00 2.00 3.00 28.00
1400 120 1.2 to 3.6 130 12 3.30 3.60 46.20 3.00 3.60 42.00 2.40 3.60 33.60
Table  Signal pressure range at operating travel 15 to 60 mm

Special Spring Ranges with Type 3271 Actuators
Special spring ranges are often being used with pneumatic actuators when really standard
spring ranges could be used instead.
The problem often arises when special spring ranges are used that these actuators must
be specially made and the tolerances of the springs are partly inadequate since the
nominal travel of the valve cannot be set.
When at all possible, only the spring ranges listed in the Data Sheet T 8310 should be

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 091 of 292

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM EXTENDS

Bench 30 mm 60 mm 120 mm

Additional possible spring preloading [ % ]

range Operating travel Operating travel Operating travel

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Spring force at 0 mm travel [ kN ]

Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

Number of springs
Max. travel [ mm ]

1400- 1400 120 0.4 to 1.2 130 3 1.00 1.20 14.00 0.80 1.20 11.20 0.40 1.20 5.60
120 1400 120 0.8 to 2.4 130 6 2.00 2.40 28.00 1.60 2.40 22.40 0.80 2.40 11.20

1400 120 1.0 to 3.0 130 9 2.50 3.00 35.00 2.00 3.00 28.00 1.00 3.00 14.00
3271 1400 120 1.2 to 3.6 130 12 3.00 3.60 42.00 2.40 3.60 33.60 1.20 3.60 16.80
2800 120 0.2 to 1.0 160 3 25 1.00 1.20 28.00 0.80 1.20 22.40 0.40 1.20 11.20
2800 120 0.4 to 2.0 160 6 25 2.00 2.40 56.00 1.60 2.40 44.80 0.80 2.40 22.40
2800 120 0.5 to 2.5 160 9 25 2.50 3.00 70.00 2.00 3.00 56.00 1.00 3.00 28.00
2800 120 0.6 to 3.0 160 12 25 3.00 3.60 84.00 2.40 3.60 67.20 1.20 3.60 33.60
2800 120 0.8 to 1.7 160 6 25 1.45 1.90 40.60 1.00 1.90 28.00
Type 2800 120 0.9 to 2.2 160 9 25 2.15 2.50 60.20 1.85 2.50 51.80 1.20 2.50 33.60
2800 120 1.0 to 2.7 160 12 25 2.65 3.10 74.20 2.25 3.10 63.00 1.40 3.10 39.20
2800 120 1.1 to 2.3 160 6 25 2.00 2.60 56.00 1.40 2.60 39.20
2800 120 1.2 to 2.8 160 9 25 2.80 3.20 78.40 2.40 3.20 67.20 1.60 3.20 44.80
2800 120 1.3 to 3.3 160 12 25 3.30 3.80 92.40 2.80 3.80 78.40 1.80 3.80 50.40
5600 120 0.2 to 1.0 160 6 25 1.00 1.20 56.00 0.80 1.20 44.80 0.40 1.20 22.40
5600 120 0.4 to 2.0 160 12 25 2.00 2.40 112.00 1.60 2.40 89.60 0.80 2.40 44.80
5600 120 0.5 to 2.5 160 18 25 2.50 3.00 140.00 2.00 3.00 112.00 1.00 3.00 56.00
5600 120 0.6 to 3.0 160 24 25 3.00 3.60 168.00 2.40 3.60 134.40 1.20 3.60 67.20
5600 120 0.8 to 1.7 160 12 25 1.45 1.90 81.20 1.00 1.90 56.00
Type 5600 120 0.9 to 2.2 160 18 25 2.15 2.50 120.40 1.85 2.50 103.60 1.20 2.50 67.20
5600 120 1.0 to 2.7 160 24 25 2.65 3.10 148.40 2.25 3.10 126.00 1.40 3.10 78.40
5600 120 1.1 to 2.3 160 12 25 2.00 2.60 112.00 1.40 2.60 78.40
5600 120 1.2 to 2.8 160 18 25 2.80 3.20 156.80 2.40 3.20 134.40 1.60 3.20 89.60
5600 120 1.3 to 3.3 160 24 25 3.30 3.80 184.80 2.80 3.80 156.80 1.80 3.80 100.80

Table  Signal pressure range at operating travel 30 to 120 mm

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 092 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS

Bench 7.5 mm 15 mm 19 mm 30 mm
Operating Operating Operating Operating
Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

range travel travel travel travel

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

60 7.5 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 1.00

60 7.5 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 2.00
Type 60 7.5 1.4 to 2.3 1.40 2.30
3271- 52
60 7.5 2.1 to 3.3 2.10 3.30
120 7.5 0.2 to 1.0 0.40 0.80
120 7.5 0.4 to 2.0 0.80 1.60
Type 120 7.5 1.4 to 2.3 1.70 2.10
120 7.5 2.1 to 3.3 2.40 3.00
120 15 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00
120 15 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
3271-5 120 15 1.4 to 2.3 1.40 1.85 1.40 2.30
120 15 2.1 to 3.3 2.10 2.70 2.10 3.30

240 240 15 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00

240 15 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
Type 3271
Type 3277 240 15 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
350 15 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00
350 15 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
350 15 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
350 15 1.4 to 2.3 1.40 1.85 1.40 2.30
350 350 15 2.1 to 3.3 2.10 2.70 2.10 3.30

Type 3271 350 15 0.45 to 0.7 0.45 0.70

350 15 0.9 to 1.4 0.90 1.40
350 15 1.15 to 1.85 1.15 1.85
350 15 1.6 to 2.9 1.60 2.90
350 15 1.7 to 3.2 1.70 3.20

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 093 of 292

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS

Bench 7.5 mm 15 mm 19 mm 30 mm
Operating Operating Operating Operating
Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ] range travel travel travel travel

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

355 30 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00

355 30 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 0.80 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
355 355 30 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.20 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00

Type 3277 355 30 0.9 to 1.7 0.90 1.10 0.90 1.30 0.90 1.70
355 30 1.4 to 2.6 1.40 1.70 1.40 2.00 1.40 2.60
355 30 1.9 to 3.3 1.90 2.25 1.90 2.60 1.90 3.30
700 30 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.60 0.20 0.70 0.20 1.00
700 30 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 0.80 0.40 1.20 0.40 1.40 0.40 2.00
700 30 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.20 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
700 30 1.4 to 2.3 1.40 1.60 1.40 1.85 1.40 2.30
700 30 2.1 to 3.3 2.10 2.40 2.10 2.70 2.10 3.30
700 30 2.35 to 3.8 2.35 2.70 2.35 3.05 2.35 3.80
700 30 2.6 to 4.3 2.60 3.00 2.60 3.45 2.60 4.30
3271 700 30 0.35 to 0.45
700 30 0.7 to 0.9
700 30 1.0 to 1.35
700 30 1.3 to 1.8 1.30 1.80
700 30 1.7 to 2.6 1.70 2.15 1.70 2.60
700 30 1.9 to 3.3 1.90 2.60 1.90 3.30
700 30 2.0 to 3.6 2.00 2.80 2.00 3.60

Table  Signal pressure range at operating travel 7.5 to 30 mm

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 094 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS

Bench 15 mm 30 mm 60 mm 120 mm
Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ] Operating Operating Operating Operating
range travel travel travel travel

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

80 80 15 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 1.00

Type 80 15 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 2.00
3277 80 15 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 3.00
120 15 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 1.00
120 15 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 2.00
3271 120 15 1.4 to 2.3 1.40 2.30
120 15 2.1 to 3.3 2.10 3.30

240 240 15 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 1.00

Type 240 15 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 2.00
3277 240 15 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 3.00
350 15 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 1.00
350 15 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 2.00
350 15 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 3.00
350 15 1.4 to 2.3 1.40 2.30
350 15 2.1 to 3.3 2.10 3.30
Type 350 15 0.45 to 0.7 0.45 0.70
350 15 0.9 to 1.4 0.90 1.40
350 15 1.15 to 1.85 1.15 1.85
350 15 1.6 to 2.9 1.60 2.90
350 15 1.7 to 3.2 1.70 3.20
355 30 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00
355 30 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
355 30 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
Type 355 30 0.9 to 1.7 0.90 1.30 0.90 1.70
355 30 1.4 to 2.6 1.40 2.00 1.40 2.60
355 30 1.9 to 3.3 1.90 2.60 1.90 3.30

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 095 of 292

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS

Bench 15 mm 30 mm 60 mm 120 mm
Operating Operating Operating Operating
Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ] range travel travel travel travel

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

700 30 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00

700 30 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
700 30 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
700 30 1.4 to 2.3 1.40 1.85 1.40 2.30
700 30 2.1 to 3.3 2.10 2.70 2.10 3.30
700 30 2.35 to 3.8 2.35 3.05 2.35 3.80
700 30 2.6 to 4.3 2.60 3.45 2.60 4.30
3271 700 30 0.35 to 0.45
700 30 0.7 to 0.9
700 30 1.0 to 1.35
700 30 1.3 to 1.8 1.30 1.80
700 30 1.7 to 2.6 1.70 2.15 1.70 2.60
700 30 1.9 to 3.3 1.90 2.60 1.90 3.30
700 30 2.0 to 3.6 2.00 2.80 2.00 3.60

1000 1000 60 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 0.80 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
1000 60 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.20 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
3271 1000 60 0.8 to 2.8 0.80 1.30 0.80 1.80 0.80 2.80
1400 60 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00
1400 60 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 0.80 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
1400 60 0.5 to 2.5 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.50 2.50
1400 60 0.5 to 0.95 0.50 0.95
Type 1400 60 0.7 to 1.4 0.70 1.05 0.70 1.40
1400 60 0.85 to 1.8 0.85 1.35 0.85 1.80
1400 60 1.1 to 2.4 1.10 1.75 1.10 2.40
1400 60 1.3 to 2.8 1.30 1.70 1.30 2.05 1.30 2.80

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 096 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Operating travels for fail-safe action STEM RETRACTS

Bench 15 mm 30 mm 60 mm 120 mm
Effective diaphragm area [ cm2 ] Operating Operating Operating Operating
range travel travel travel travel

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Lower range value [ bar ]

Upper range value [ bar ]

Diaphragm area [ cm2 ]

Signal pressure range

at rated travel [ bar ]
Rated travel [ mm ]

1400 120 0.4 to 1.2 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.80 0.40 1.20
-120 1400 120 0.8 to 2.4 0.80 1.00 0.80 1.20 0.80 1.60 0.80 2.40

Type 1400 120 1.0 to 3.0 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00
3271 1400 120 1.2 to 3.6 1.20 1.50 1.20 1.80 1.20 2.40 1.20 3.60
2800 120 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00
2800 120 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 0.80 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
2800 120 0.5 to 2.5 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.50 2.50
2800 120 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.20 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
2800 120 0.8 to 1.7 0.80 1.25 0.80 1.70
Type 2800 120 0.9 to 2.2 0.90 1.55 0.90 2.20
2800 120 1.0 to 2.7 1.00 1.85 1.00 2.70
2800 120 1.1 to 2.3 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.70 1.10 2.30
2800 120 1.2 to 2.8 1.20 1.60 1.20 2.00 1.20 2.80
2800 120 1.3 to 3.3 1.30 1.80 1.30 2.30 1.30 3.30
5600 120 0.2 to 1.0 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.60 0.20 1.00
5600 120 0.4 to 2.0 0.40 0.80 0.40 1.20 0.40 2.00
5600 120 0.5 to 2.5 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.50 2.50
5600 120 0.6 to 3.0 0.60 1.20 0.60 1.80 0.60 3.00
5600 120 0.8 to 1.7 0.80 1.25 0.80 1.70
Type 5600 120 0.9 to 2.2 0.90 1.55 0.90 2.20
5600 120 1.0 to 2.7 1.00 1.85 1.00 2.70
5600 120 1.1 to 2.3 1.10 1.40 1.10 1.70 1.10 2.30
5600 120 1.2 to 2.8 1.20 1.60 1.20 2.00 1.20 2.80
5600 120 1.3 to 3.3 1.30 1.80 1.30 2.30 1.30 3.30
Table  Signal pressure range at operating travel 15 to 120 mm

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 097 of 292

9.2.23.  Pneumatic piston actuator

The actuator consists basically of a cylinder, a piston with seal elements and the actuator
stem which is sealed at least on one side. This actuator type is hardly surpassed as far
as simplicity and robustness is concerned. Through extensive standardization a broad
range of actuator sizes are available. However, these actuators can only utilize their full
strength in cases where a sufficiently high air supply pressure is available. This allows
relatively small piston diameters and compact dimensions. Since generally special tubes
are employed, with a super-finish inside, it is quite simple to create piston actuators with
a very long travel. A spring-return action cannot so simply and elegantly be produced as
it can be for pneumatic diaphragm actuators, because the necessary space inside the
cylinder is not available. For this reason, the return spring is usually positioned outside of
the cylinder. A simple piston actuator is represented in Figure 9.2.24.-2.

9.2.24.  Pneumatic Piston Actuator Type 3275

The actuators are mainly used with Type 3241 Valves in pressure swing adsorption
Special features
„„ Small overall height
„„ Powerful thrust due to the supply pressure of
max. 6 bar
„„ Low friction
„„ Temperature range from –30 to 80 °C

The actuators with 314 und 490 cm2 areas are

fixed to a yoke which is designed to accomodate a
pneumatic or electropneumatic positioner.
This type of direct attachment has the following
„„ Tight and accurate linkage
„„ Adjustments are not affected during transport
„„ Travel pick-off protected against touching and
external influences
„„ meeting the requirements of the German Accident
„„ Regulations (VBG 5)
„„ Easy pneumatic connection between actuator
and positioner
Figure 9.2.24.-1:  Piston actuator Type 3275
The actuator with 804 cm2 areas does need a yoke. The valve accessories are mounted
onto the NAMUR interface.
A special piston actuator type is often used for valves with rotary motion of 90 degrees.
In this case a double piston translates, via a rack and pinion gear Table, or via
a lever linkage Figure 9.3.-2 and Figure 9.3.3.-1 the linear movement of the actuator into
a rotation angle of max. 90°.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 098 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Pneumatic Piston Actuator Type 3275

Effective actuator area 314 or 490 cm2 Effective actuator area 804 cm2

Figure 9.2.24.-2:  Pneumatic Piston Actuator Type 3275

9.2.25.  Principle of operation

The piston of the actuator is pressurized with the supply air over the two connections
(G ⅜ or G ½).
The double-acting piston actuator does not have a defined fail-safe action as it does not
have spring assemblies.

Technical data
Version Type 3275
Actuator area cm2 314 490 804
Supply pressure max. 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar
Rated travel mm 15 30 15 30 15 30
Piston displacement cm3 471 942 735 1470 1206 2412
Air connection G⅜ G½ G½
Max. perm. leakage (t ≥ 0 °C) 50 cm3/min 58 cm3/min 70 cm3/min
Perm. temperature range for
–30 to 80 °C
continuous operation
Table 9.2.25.-1:  Technical data of Pneumatic Piston Actuator Type 3275

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 099 of 292



cm 2



cm 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 kN
18.4 29.4 47.3
Figure 9.2.25.-2:  Diagram showing forces of Type 3275 Pneumatic Piston Actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 100 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.26.  Mounting Servovalve actuators on SAMSON Series 3240 and 3250 Valves
In cooperation with Servovalve, an interface has been created which allows piston
actuators with up to 200 kN (higher forces on request) to be
mounted onto SAMSON valves.
Depending on the valve size and the actuator force required,
there are three different connection patterns:
„„ Connection pattern 1 corresponding to connection diameter
30 mm (comparable to SAMSON actuators up to 700 cm2).
„„ Connection pattern 2 corresponding to connection diameter
60 mm (comparable to SAMSON actuators 1400-60 cm2)
„„ Connection pattern 3 corresponding to connection diameter
100 mm (comparable to SAMSON actuators 1400-120
cm2 and larger) TV-SK 9902 shows the various connection
patterns including the required ordering data.  PD Pneumatic linear actuator
PD actuator can operate all kind of on-off or modulating valve with linear shaft motion.
Servovalve actuator type PD consists of one or more pneumatic double acting cylinders
designed to operate linear valves as globe or gate valves.
In this catalogue standard actuators are shown for cylinder diameter sizes up to 800 mm.
For greater thrusts or larger cylinder sizes than shown, special execution can be realized
on request.
PD actuator is designed and manufactured so as to operate in the heaviest work condition
in every environment according to the international specification.
Typical features are the extremely simple and rugged construction, the special care in the
components material selection to reduce the corrosion phenomenon.
All actuators are enclosed in order to guarantee a water proof protection.
PD actuator can be equipped with mechanical or hydraulic manual emergency device.
A PTFE charged slide guarantees a perfect drive and alignment of the piston under all
load conditions allowing gasket seals long life.
Each execution can be supplied with equipment and device for local or remote control.
Chromium plated carbon steel shaft and PTFE charged bushings reduce the sliding
friction of the actuator moving components.
Standard cylinder up to size DN 200 is realized in special aluminium alloy and from DN
250 is realized in chromium plated carbon steel in order to prevent corrosion phenomenon
and make the piston linear movement easier.
PD actuator is supplied with a standard painted surface protection with one primer layer
and one alkydic resin layer. Other coatings are available on request.
The inner parts of PD actuator are lifetime lubricated, therefore only replacement of the
rubber gaskets may become necessary after a long working time.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 101 of 292

All PD actuators undergo many tests before delivering to the customer for being assembled
to the valve. The modular elements system , with which the actuators are built, allows an
easy and sure assembly and a safe and easy maintenance.
SERVOVALVE is certified by DNV and actuators are designed, manufactured and tested
according to ISO EN 9001-2000 and, if requested, according to 97/23/CE directive (PED)
and 94/9/CE directive (ATEX).  Double Acting

Type PD 125 to PD 200 Type PD 250 to PD 800 Type PD 420/2 to PD 800/2

Figure  Sectional drawing of Pneumatic Linear Actuator Type PD125 to PD 800  Double Acting with Handwheel

PDV 125 to PDV 200 PDV 205 to PDV 420

Figure  Double Acting with Handwheel for Actuator PDV 125 to PDV 420

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 102 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Double Acting with Manual Gear

PDR 360 to PDR 800 PDR 420/2 to PDR 800/2

Figure  Double Acting with Handwheel for Actuator PDR 360 to PDR 800/2  Double Acting with Manual Hydraulic Pump

PDH 500 to PDH 800 PDH 420/2 to PDH 800/2

Figure  Double Acting with Manual Hydraulic Pump for PDH 500 to PDH 800 and
PDH 420/2 to PDH 800/2

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 103 of 292

Double Acting Serie PD

Air working pressure 2 to 8 bar
Standard design pressure 10 bar
Air test pressure 15 working pressure
Standard temperature range -20 ÷ +80 °C
Instrument air (dry not lubricated)
Medium Special medium type on request
Different medium pressure on request
On-off or modulating execution
Equipped with adapter or bracket and hub for coupling
to the valve
Equipped with adjustable mechanical stop-screws
Execution on request
Under sea for marine service
Special environmental condition
High or low temperature
Suitable for water-proof or explosion-proof zone
Pneumatic and electric equipment (limit switches –
solenoid valve – positioner – etc.)
Optional Equipment Electro-pneumatic circuit for remote and local control of
Air tank and equipment for fail safe action
For all further data, accessory, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Double Acting Serie PD

Double Acting Serie PD

Actuators Thrust in kN
Minimum operating air pressure
Actuator Type
3 bar 4 bar 5 bar 6 bar
PD 125 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6
PD 160 5.4 7.2 9 11
PD 200 8.5 11 14 17
PD 250 13 18 22 27
PD 300 19 25 32 38
PD 360 27 37 46 55
PD 420 38 51 64 77
PD 500 49 65 81 98
PD 520 58 78 97 117
PD 600 70 94 117 140

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 104 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Double Acting Serie PD

Actuators Thrust in kN
Minimum operating air pressure
Actuator Type
3 bar 4 bar 5 bar 6 bar
PD 620 83 110 140 170
PD 700 96 130 160 190
PD 800 130 170 210 250

PD 420/2 77 100 130 160

PD 500/2 98 130 165 200
PD 520/2 120 160 200 235
PD 600/2 140 190 230 280
PD 620/2 170 220 280 330
PD 700/2 190 250 320 380
PD 800/2 250 330 420 500
Table  Actuators Thrust in kN of pneumatic actuator Double Acting Serie PD

Equipment description for typical pneumatic circuits (Figure

Pos. Equipment Pos. Equipment Pos. Equipment
Manual lockable
1 Limit Switch 10 Non Return Valve 19
Distributor 3/2
Emergency Solenoid
2 By-Pass 11 Air Lock Distributor 20
Valve 3/2
Hydraulic Manual
3 12 Air Tank 21 Filter
Hydraulic Relief
4 13 Discharge Plug 22 Position Transmitter
Hydraulic Manual Pneumatic Relief
5 14 23 Positioner
Pump Valve
Pneumatic Solenoid
6 15 Pressure Switch 24 Booster
Valve 4/2
7 Air Set 16 Gauge Air 25
Distributor 4/2
Unidirectional Flow Manual Distributor
8 17 Pressure Reductor 26
Regulator 4/2
9 18 Flow Regulator
Distributor 3/2
Table  Equipment description for typical pneumatic circuits

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 105 of 292

Typical pneumatic circuits for Double Acting Actuators Series PD


2 3

1 2


8 8 10 17

6 6

7 7 18

Pneumatic Pneumatic
Connection Connection




12 6

7 10

Pneumatic Pneumatic
Connection Connection

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 106 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Typical pneumatic circuits for Double Acting Actuators Series PD



16 25


13 10



16 25
12 18




SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 107 of 292

Typical pneumatic circuits for Double Acting Actuators Series PD


9 9

17 20




9 9

23 14
17 16
24 20


21 10

Figure  Typical pneumatic circuits for Double Acting Actuators Series PD

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 108 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.27.  Rack and pinion pneumatic actuator


Member of SAMSON Group

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 109 of 292  AIR TORQUE delivery program

Standard series 90° rotation

N° 15 sizes double acting

„„ Torque at 5.5 bar from 6.7 Nm to 4,955 Nm
„„ Torque at 80 psi from 59.1 lb-in to 44,900 Lb-in
N° 14 sizes spring return
„„ Spring torque from 3.4 Nm to 2,207 Nm
„„ Spring torque from 29.8 lb-in to 19,530 Lb-in

3-Position or dosing actuator with external

Adjustable intermediate position available in:
„„ 90° Rotation double acting
„„ 90° Rotation spring return
„„ 120° and 180° rotation double acting

Actuator with 100% external travel stop

Fast acting actuator

Lock-out capability in fully-open or fully-closed position

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 110 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  AIR TORQUE delivery program

Double acting and spring return actuator with hydraulic

speed control

Forged stainless steel double acting and spring return


Double acting actuator in 120°, 135°, 180° or other stroke available in 9 sizes

Double acting actuator in 120°, 135°, 180° or other stroke

available in 9 sizes

Spring return actuator in 180° stroke available in 9 size

180° spring return actuator with 90° fail safety position

Table  AIR TORQUE delivery program

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 111 of 292  Design
The new 4th Generation rack and pinion pneumatic actuator has been designed,
developed and tested incorporating the latest technology and materials available, with
some innovative design features.
As a result of this product research we have obtained a high grade product with the
following characteristics:
„„ Reliability
„„ High performance
„„ Wider product range permitting a more economical sizing selection
„„ Innovative and patented universal drive shaft and multifunction position indicator
„„ Full compliance with latest worldwide specifications
„„ A wide selection of highest levels of corrosion protection technology
„„ Aesthetically compact and modern style with no external cavities to avoid deposit build
up.  Construction
Extruded aluminum body with both internal and external corrosion protection
having a honed cylinder surface for longer life and a lower coefficient of friction.

Dual piston rack and pinion design for compact construction, symmetric
mounting position, high-cycle life and fast operation. Reverse rotation can be
accomplished in the field by simply inverting the pistons.

Two independent external travel stop adjustments permit easy and precise
adjustment of +/- 4° in both directions. This adjustment may be made in either the
open or closed position and provides for accurate valve alignment.

Universal and anti-blowout patented drive shaft for an easy conversion from
parallel to diagonal square and vice versa. This feature permits a lower and more
flexible stock. UNIVERSAL DOUBLE SQUARE design available as option on 4th
Generation and as standard on Power Technology permits easy adaptation to any
valve and allows for a lower and more flexible inventory.

A single compact design utilizing identical body and end caps for both double
acting and spring return models. This feature reduces inventory and allows field
conversion, by adding or removing modular spring cartridges.

6 Multifunctional position indicator for visual position indication and a direct, easy,
economical way to mount popular sensors.

Multiple bearings and guides on pistons and racks for precise operation, low
friction, high cycle life and a blowout proof pinion shaft.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 112 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

8 Modular pre loaded spring cartridges designed with coated springs for simple
range versatility, greater safety and corrosion resistance.

9 Fully machined teeth on piston racks and pinion shaft for accurate positioning,
low backlash and maximum engagement resulting in overall efficient operation.

10 Electroless nickel-plated blowout resistant, bearing guided, one-piece pinion

shaft for improved safety and maximum cycle life.

11 Selected high quality bearings and seals that provide a wide operating
temperature range, low friction and high cycle life.

Internal and external stainless steel fasteners for long term corrosion resistance.

13 Full conformance to following latest specifications: ISO 5211, DIN 3337 and VDI/
VDE 3845 for product interchangeability and easy mounting of solenoids, limit
switches and other accessories.

1 11
12 9
8 4
7 2


Figure  Design and construction

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 113 of 292  Range of Options,

„„ With the 4th generation actuator we are able to offer 6 different levels of protections
A, B, C, D, E, P. Please see table of protection levels available N° P04/03.
„„ Stainless steel 303 or 316 drive shafts are available on request for all sizes no matter
the type of corrosion protection selected.
„„ For extremely high or low temperature applications all models may be equipped with
FPM or Silicone “O” rings along with an AIR TORQUE tested and certified suitable
„„ 100% Adjustable travel stop.
„„ Economical “lock out” capability in fully-open or fully-closed position.
„„ Multifunction position indicator with available Stainless Steel metal inserts providing
for proximity contact points.
„„ Other than the standard double square bottom drive shaft connection, we can supply
a keyed drive connection, a flat head connection or a special personalized drive
„„ 120° and 180° Actuator rotation and intermediate rotations like 135°.
„„ 3 Position and Dosing Actuators.
„„ 3 position 180° Spring return Actuators with 90° fail safety position.
„„ Actuator with hydraulic speed control (Damper).
„„ Fast Acting Actuators.  Quality Manufacturing

„„ AIR TORQUE actuators are manufactured under a quality system independently
assessed and approved to ISO 9001-2000.
„„ Every actuator is factory tested and provided with a unique serial number for
„„ Every actuator is properly marked in accordance with the latest applicable
international standard with all product data and a complete product identification.
„„ Each actuator is individually supplied with Manual Instruction for use and
maintenance in 5 languages.
„„ Each actuator is individually packed in a durable carton box having the full
description of the product for protection and easy identification.  Accessories available

„„ Different square reductions suitable for drive.
„„ Centering rings for all sizes.
„„ Brackets
„„ Couplings
„„ Solenoid valves
„„ Switch boxes
„„ Proximity switches and sensors
„„ Gear boxes
„„ Positioners

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 114 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Multi-function indicator

The multi-function indicator which is supplied as standard on 4th Generation Actuator and
manufactured in composite material is suitable for:

Multi-function indicator

Position indication
Visual indication of the Actuator/Valve
position is shown via a color coded insert
and Namur slot.
The indicator is suitable for all types of
drive shaft and either direction of actuator

Actuator ancillary drive

The Namur drive slot in the position
indicator permits direct drive engagement
of switch boxes and positioners.

Device in Device with

combination with integrated solenoid.
common used
external solenoids.

Direct mounting of sensors

The indicator can be supplied with metal
inserts to permit easy and economical
installation of many types of sensors: P+F,
IFM, TURK, etc.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 115 of 292

Multi-function indicator
Ancillary installation without multi-function indicator
The 4th Generation actuator can be
supplied upon request with a Stainlees
Steel (S.S.) Cover that replaces the
S.S. Cover insert standard indicator and has the Namur
with VDI/VDE slot drive slot permitting:
„„ Fitment of ancillary such as switch
boxes and positioners
„„ Indication of actuator position via the
Namur slot
„„ Operate at high temperature
„„ Manual operation of the actuator in
cases of emergency.
100% Travel stop adjustment on 4th generation actuator

The 4th Generation standard actuator

provides stroke adjustment of + or - 4° in
both directions 0° and 90°.
When a stroke of less than 90° is required
e.g. 1°, 5°, 10°, 25°, 50°, 80°, etc. the
actuator can be supplied with special
bolts in both End-Caps to allow stroke
adjustment or limitation, from 0° to 90°
according to customer requirements. The
Longer screws for 100% stroke adjustment is available on all of the 4th Generation
actuator range.

Lock-out capability in fully-open or fully-closed position

The 4th generation actuator offers an

economical solution when is requested to
locking the actuator in the fully-open (90°)
or fully-closed (0°) position. The actuator
can be supplied with a special bolt and
locking device to permanently lock the
actuator in position by using a padlock
Special longer bolt, to use only to lock the and preventing unwanted operation.
actuator in one position when you need.

Figure  Multi-function indicator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 116 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Operating conditions

„„ Operating media:
Dry or lubricated air or inert/non-corrosive gases on condition that they are
compatible with internal actuator parts and lubricant.
The operating media must have a dew point equal to -20 °C (-40 °F) or at least 10
°C below the ambient temperature.
The maximum particle size must not exceed 30 μ.
„„ Supply pressure:
For Double Acting and Spring Return actuators the maximum supply pressure is
8 bar (116 psi). Minimum supply pressure is 2.5 bar (36 psi).
◊  Operating Temperature:
Standard product from -20°C (-4°F) to +80°C (+176°F)
◊  Low temperature LT actuator with silicon „O‘‘ rings from -40°C (-40°F) to +80°C
(+176° F)
◊  High temperature HT actuator with FPM „O“ rings from -15°C (+5°F) to +150°C
Caution: For low and high temperature service, special grease is required. Please
contact AIR TORQUE for each application. High and low temperature will vary the
output torque of the actuator.
„„ Stroke:
The stroke for AIR TORQUE actuators is as follows (See technical data):
◊  Standard construction: 90° rotation with stroke adjustment at 0° and 90° + or - 4°
◊  Type Y 120° stroke: 120° rotation with stroke adjustment at 0° and 120° + or - 4°
◊  Type X 180° stroke: 180° rotation with stroke adjustment at 0° and 180° + or - 4°.
„„ Operating Time:
See Technical Data Sheet
„„ Lubrication:
Actuators are factory lubricated for the life under normal operating conditions.
The standard lubricant is suitable for use from -20 °C (-40 °F) to +80 °C (+176 °F).
For low (LT) and high (HT) temperature service, where special grease is required
please contact AIR TORQUE.
„„ Construction:
Twin piston rack and pinion actuator design suitable for both indoor and outdoor
„„ Actuator designation and Marking:
The actuator type, size, operating pressure, output torque, direction of rotation,
orientation of failure mode, operating temperature and drive type are determined by
actuator designation. AIR TORQUE actuators are supplied with a label showing all
this informations: type, model (including protection and if applicable the LT or HT for
operating temperature), stroke, maximum permissible supply pressure, direction of
rotation, output torque, ancillary mounting detail, pressure connection, actuator/valve
mounting detail and serial number.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 117 of 292  Operating function and direction of rotation

The standard rotation is clockwise to close, counter-clockwise rotation is achieved when
port 2 is pressurised.
For actuator marked LF the rotation is counter-clockwise to close, clockwise rotation is
obtained when port 2 is pressurised

Air supplied to Port 2

forces the pistons apart
and towards the actuators
end caps, with the exhaust
air exiting at Port 4, a
counter-clockwise rotation is
achieved. "2“ "4"
Double Acting
operation function
(standard rotation)

Air supplied to Port 4 forces

the pistons together with
exhaust air exiting at Port
2, a clockwise rotation is
"2" "4"

Air supplied to Port 2

forces the pistons apart
and toward the actuator
end caps, compressing the
springs with the exhaust
air existing at Port 4, a
counter clockwise rotation is
achieved. "2" "4"
Single Acting
operation function
(standard rotation)
On loss of air pressure (air
or electric failure) at Port 2
allows the springs to force
the pistons together with the
exhaust air exiting at Port
2, a clockwise rotation is
achieved. "2" "4"

Table  Operating function and direction of rotation

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 118 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Torque diagram Double Acting actuators

In double acting actuators (Figure the output torque is the result of the
pistons force (given by the air supply pressure) multiplied by the pitch shaft radius (lever
arm) less the force lost for friction (efficiency): for this reason the output torque is linear
LA = effective lever arm
Torque Nm

Torque Actuator Torque

LA pressure

"2" "4" 0° Rotation ° 90°

Figure  The Principle of double acting actuator

For double acting actuators in normal working conditions the suggested safety factor is
15-20%. Air Torque actuators are designed for precise and accurate operation, maximum
machined teeth engagement, low backlash and multiple bearings on pistons to ensure
the highest level of efficiency and high cycle life.  Spring Return Actuator

When port 2 is pressurized and exhaust air exits from port 4, both pistons move towards
the end-caps and compress the springs (Table making the drive shaft turn.
For standard assembly a counter-clockwise rotation “ccw” is obtained (clockwise rotation
is possible by changing the pistons assembly). When air or electricity fails, a fail-safe
position is guaranteed by the springs force. For standard assembly a clockwise rotation
“cw” is obtained (counter-clockwise rotation is possible by changing the pistons assembly).
In spring return actuators the output torque is the result of two operations, whose values
depend on the stroke position (0° or 90°). In spring return actuators the output torque is
the result of the force (air or springs acting on the pistons) multiplied by the lever arm.

Figure  Type 3967 Solenoid Valve, attachment with NAMUR interface to rotary

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 119 of 292

First operation (Figure

The output torque is generated by air supply pressure at Port 2 after compressing the
springs, called “OUTPUT TORQUE AIR STROKE”. In this case air forces the pistons from
the 0° to the 90° position and consequently the torque starts from a high value and during
the stroke it constantly decreases until 90° (Figure due to the natural force
that springs generate (oppose) when they are compressed.
Torque Nm
LA = effective lever arm

Ou Air s
tpu tro
t T ke
LA or

"2" "4" 0° Rotation ° 90°

Figure  The Principle of single acting actuator with compressed air

Second operation (Figure

The output torque is generated by the force that springs release onto the pistons when
air fails, called “Output Torque Spring Stroke”. In this case the torque, starting from
the 90° position, constantly decreases until 0° because of the springs extending (Figure
LA = Lever arm Torque Nm

s tro ue
Spring force g rq
p rin ut to
LA S tp

"2" "4" 0° Rotation ° 90°

Figure  The Principle of single acting actuator with spring

Air Torque spring return actuators are designed to produce a balanced torque in the
two conditions explained above when the number of springs per side is equal to the air
pressure supply (4 bar - 4 springs each side) as shown in Figure
For certain applications it is possible to achieve (where desired), the unbalanced torque as

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 120 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

shown in Figure, by altering the relationship between the number of springs
per side and air pressure supply in bar (for example 6 springs and 5.5 bar or vice versa).
In spring return applications two conditions can be achieved: air failure to close or air
failure to open.
The suggested safety factor for spring return actuators in normal working conditions is

Air S e
Torq oke g S trok
ue Spr orque

Safety Factor

Ball Valve Torque

0° Rotation ° 90°
Figure  Ball valve torque


Air S Stroke
Torq oke Spring ue
ue Torq

Safety Factor

Butterfly Valve Torque

0° Rotation ° 90°
Figure  Butterfly valve torque

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 121 of 292  Air Torque Actuator Sizing

Sizing example of Double Acting AT actuator (see also technical data):
„„ Published Butterfly Valve torque = 40 Nm
„„ Safety factor (20%) = 40 Nm + 20% = 48 Nm
„„ Air supply pressure available = 5 bar

Actuator Torque

Safety Factor

Butterfly Valve Torque

0° Rotation ° 90°
Figure  AT-Diagram for Butterfly Valve

The double acting AT actuator that produces a minimum of 48 Nm at 5 bar is AT200

(see also the Figure

Spring to close when air fails (Balanced Torque) see also the Figure
Published Ball Valve torque = 80 Nm
Safety factor (20%) = 80 Nm + 20% = 96 Nm
Air supply pressure available = 5 bar

The spring return AT actuator selected is AT400 S10, because it produces the
following values:
Spring stroke 0° = 105 Nm
Spring stroke 90° = 165 Nm
Air stroke 0° = 172 Nm
Air stroke 90° = 112 Nm

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 122 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Spring to close when air fails see also the Figure
(Unbalanced Torque)
Published Butterfly Valve torque = 45 Nm
Safety factor (20%) = 47 Nm + 20% = 56.4 Nm
Air supply pressure available = 5.5 bar
The spring return AT actuator selected is AT 300 S12, because it produces the following
Spring stroke 0° = 60.8 Nm
Spring stroke 90° = 94.5 Nm
Air stroke 0° = 85.4 Nm
Air stroke 90° = 51.7 Nm  Sizing information

„„ The aim of this information is to assist in the correct selection of AIR TORQUE
actuators. Before fitting an AIR TORQUE actuator onto any valve the following data
must be considered.
„„ Breakaway torque of the valve + safety factor as recommended by the manufacturer/
considering the operating conditions.
„„ Air supply pressure available to the actuator
„„ Type of actuator “D” (double acting) or “S” (spring return) and output torque of
actuator at the available air supply pressure
„„ Actuator rotation and the fail mode (to fail open or to fail close)

The correct selection of an actuator is critical, if the actuator is oversized the valve stem
can be overstressed, on the contrary if the actuator is undersized it cannot produce
enough torque to permit full valve operation.
Generally we can say that the torque required for valve operation comes from the friction
between the metallic parts of the valve (for example ball or disc) and the seals (seats).
Moreover the torque is influenced by various factors depending on the type of application
of the valve (service condition), service temperature, operation frequency, line and
differential pressure, flow media (lubricated, dry or slurry).
The following examples show the torque characteristic for 3 types of quarter-turn valves,
Ball Valve, Butterfly Valve and Plug Valve.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 123 of 292

Ball Valve
Ball valve concept of construction is based
essentially on a polished ball (including a
70-80 %
through port) contained between two seats
(upstream and downstream). The ball rotation
allows the flow or stops the flow through the
Torque % valve. Differential of pressure between
25-30 % upstream and downstream pressure forces the
ball against the downstream seat (floating ball
design). In this case the valve torque is
generated by the friction between the ball,
CLOSE Valve Rotation OPEN
seat,stem and packing.
As shown in the diagram below the highest point of torque occurs when with the
presence of pressure, and the ball in the closed position, the valve is moved to the
open position (breakaway torque).
Butterfly Valve
BUTTERFLY VALVE TORQUE Butterfly valve concept of construction is
100 % based essentially on a disc fixed on an axis. In
the closed position the disc is completely
contained by the seat. The open position is
achieved when the disc is rotated (through its
Torque % stem) becomes parallel to the flow.
On the contrary, the closed position is
15-20 % achieved when the disc is perpendicular to

the flow. With a butterfly valve the torque is

generated by the friction between the disc,
CLOSE Valve Rotation OPEN
seat and the stem packing. Also torque may
be effected by the differential pressure that forces on the disc. The highest point of
torque, as shown in the diagram below, is in the closed position, and after only a small
rotation torque is considerably reduced.
Plug Valve
PLUG VALVE TORQUE Plug valve concept construction is based
100 % essentially on a male (plug) contained in a
80-90 %
female cone (seat). The plug provides a
through port in one direction and with its
rotation into the seat the opening and closure
Torque % of the valve is achieved.
The torque is usually not influenced by the
flow pressure, but is generated essentially
by the friction between the seat and the plug,
during the opening + closing cycle.
CLOSE Valve Rotation OPEN
The highest point of torque as shown in the
diagram below, occurs in the closed position and remains high for the rest of the
operation, because the torque is not influenced by pressure.
Table  Sizing information

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 124 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  4th Generation pneumatic actuator

Figure  4th Generation pneumatic actuators: Model AT 051, AT 101, AT 201, AT 251, AT 301,
AT 351, AT 401, AT 451, AT 501, AT 551, AT 601, AT 651, AT 701, and AT 801

Figure  Assembly examples of the AIR-TORQUE Actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 125 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 051

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 051DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 8.3 10.0 11.6 13.3 14.0 15.0 16.6 18.3 19.9

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 4.9 3.4 6.6 5.1 8.3 6.8 9.9 8.4 10.6 9.1 11.6 10.1 13.2 11.7
S 06 4.3 2.5 5.9 4.1 7.6 5.8 9.3 7.4 9.9 8.1 10.9 9.1 12.6 10.8 14.2 12.4
S 07 5.3 3.1 6.9 4.8 8.6 6.5 9.2 7.1 10.2 8.1 11.9 9.8 13.6 11.5 15.2 13.1
S 08 6.2 3.8 7.9 5.5 8.6 6.2 9.6 7.2 11.2 8.8 12.9 10.5 14.6 12.1
S 09 7.2 4.5 7.9 5.2 8.9 6.2 10.6 7.8 12.2 9.5 13.9 11.2
S 10 8.2 5.2 9.9 6.9 11.5 8.5 13.2 10.2
S 11 9.2 5.9 10.9 7.6 12.5 9.2
S 12 10.2 6.6 11.9 8.2
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 0.20 D 0.25
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 50 0.09 0.15
At 0° and
S 0.25 S 0.30 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.
Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 051

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 126 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 101

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 101DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 14.7 17.6 20.5 23.5 24.6 26.4 29.3 32 35.2

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 9.1 6.2 12.0 9.2 15.0 12.1 17.9 15 19.1 16.2 20.8 17.9 23.8 20.9
S 06 8.0 4.5 10.9 7.5 13.9 10.4 16.8 13.3 18.0 14.5 19.7 16.3 22.7 19.2 25.6 22.1
S 07 9.8 5.8 12.8 8.7 15.7 11.6 16.9 12.8 18.6 14.6 21.5 17.5 24.5 20.4 27.4 23.4
S 08 11.6 7 14.6 10.0 15.7 11.1 17.5 12.9 20.4 15.8 23.4 18.7 26.3 21.7
S 09 13.5 8.3 15.0 9.4 16.4 11.2 19.3 14.1 22.3 17.1 25.2 20.0
S 10 15.3 9.5 18.2 12.4 21.1 15.4 24.1 18.3
S 11 17.1 10.8 20.0 13.7 23 16.6
S 12 18.9 12 21.9 14.9
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 0.25 D 0.30
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 63 0.16 0.26
At 0° and
S 0.30 S 0.35 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.
Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 101

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 127 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 201

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 201DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 29.1 34.9 40.7 46.5 48.9 52.4 58.2 64 69.8

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 18.0 11.8 23.8 17.6 29.7 23.4 35.5 29.2 37.8 31.6 41.3 35.0 47.1 40.9
S 06 15.8 8.3 21.6 14.1 27.5 19.9 33.3 25.8 35.6 28.1 39.1 31.6 44.9 37.4 50.7 43.2
S 07 19.4 10.7 25.2 16.5 31.1 22.3 33.4 24.6 36.9 28.1 42.7 33.9 48.5 39.8 54.3 45.6
S 08 23.0 13.0 28.8 18.8 31.2 21.2 34.7 24.7 40.5 30.5 46.3 36.3 52.1 42.1
S 09 26.6 15.4 29.0 17.7 32.5 21.2 38.3 27.0 44.1 32.8 49.9 38.6
S 10 30.2 17.7 36.1 23.6 41.9 29.4 47.7 35.2
S 11 33.8 20.1 39.7 25.9 45.5 31.7
S 12 37.5 22.4 43.3 28.3
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 0.30 D 0.35
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 75 0.31 0.49
At 0° and
S 0.40 S 0.50 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 201

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 128 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 251

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 251DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 45.8 54.9 64.1 73.2 76.9 82.4 91.5 101.0 110.0

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 27.4 16.9 36.6 26.0 45.7 35.2 54.9 44.3 58.5 48.0 64.0 53.5 73.2 62.6
S 06 23.8 11.1 32.9 20.3 42.1 29.4 51.2 38.6 54.9 42.2 60.4 47.7 69.5 56.9 78.7 66.0
S 07 29.2 14.5 38.4 23.6 47.5 32.8 51.2 36.4 56.7 41.9 65.8 51.1 75.0 60.2 84.2 69.4
S 08 34.7 17.9 43.9 27.0 47.5 30.7 53.0 36.2 62.2 45.3 71.3 54.5 80.5 63.6
S 09 40.2 21.2 43.9 24.9 49.4 30.4 58.5 39.5 67.7 48.7 76.8 57.8
S 10 45.7 24.6 54.8 33.8 64.0 42.9 73.1 52.1
S 11 51.2 28 60.3 37.1 69.5 46.3
S 12 56.7 31.4 65.8 40.5
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 0.40 D 0.50
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 88 0.51 0.78
At 0° and
S 0.50 S 0.60 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.
Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 251

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 129 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 301

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 301DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 66.5 79.8 93.1 106 112 120 133 146 160

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 41.1 27.1 54.4 40.4 67.7 53.7 81.0 67.0 86.3 72.3 94.3 80.3 108 93.6
S 06 36.1 19.2 49.4 32.5 62.7 45.8 76.0 59.1 81.3 64.4 89.3 72.4 103 85.7 116 99.0
S 07 44.3 24.6 57.6 37.9 70.9 51.2 76.2 56.5 84.2 64.5 97.5 77.8 111 91.1 124 104
S 08 52.5 30.0 65.8 43.3 71.1 48.7 79.1 56.6 92.4 69.9 106 83.2 119 96.5
S 09 60.8 35.5 66.0 40.8 74.0 48.8 87.3 62.1 101 75.3 114 88.6
S 10 69.0 40.9 82.3 54.2 95.6 67.5 109 80.8
S 11 77.2 46.3 90.5 59.6 104 72.9
S 12 85.4 51.7 98.7 65.0
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Max. HT
Rotation STD (high
Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (low
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 0.50 D 0.60
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 100 0.71 1.11
At 0° and
S 0.70 S 0.90 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 301

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 130 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 351

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 351DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 107 129 150 172 181 193 215 236 258

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 66.5 41.9 87.9 63.4 109 84.9 131 106 140 115 152 128 174 149
S 06 58.3 28.8 79.7 50.3 101 71.8 123 93.3 131 102 144 115 166 136 187 158
S 07 71.5 37.2 93.0 58.7 115 80.2 123 88.8 136 102 158 123 179 145 200 166
S 08 84.8 45.6 106 67.1 115 75.7 128 88.6 149 110 171 132 192 153
S 09 98.1 54.0 107 62.6 120 75.5 141 97.0 163 118 184 140
S 10 111 62.4 133 83.9 154 105 176 127
S 11 125 70.8 146 92.3 168 114
S 12 138 79.2 159 101
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 0.70 D 0.80
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 115 1.19 1.80
At 0° and
S 0.90 S 1.10 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 351

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 131 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 401

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 401DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 138 166 194 222 233 249 277 305 332

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 86 56.1 114 83.8 141 111 169 139 180 150 197 167 224 195
S 06 75.5 39.6 103 67.3 131 95 159 123 170 134 186 150 214 178 242 206
S 07 92.7 50.8 120 78.5 148 106 159 117 176 134 203 162 231 189 259 217
S 08 110 62 138 89.7 149 101 165 117 193 145 221 173 248 201
S 09 127 73.3 138 84.3 155 101 182 129 210 156 238 184
S 10 144 84.5 172 112 200 140 227 168
S 11 161 95.7 189 123 217 151
S 12 179 107 206 135
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 0.90 D 1.10
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 125 1.54 2.34
At 0° and
S 1.20 S 1.40 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 401

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 132 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 451

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 451DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 217 261 304 348 365 391 435 478 522

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 135 88.6 179 132 222 176 265 219 283 236 309 262 352 306
S 06 119 62,8 162 106 206 150 249 193 266 211 293 237 336 280 379 324
S 07 146 80,5 189 124 233 167 250 185 276 211 320 254 363 298 406 341
S 08 173 98.2 216 142 233 159 260 185 303 229 347 272 390 316
S 09 200 116 217 133 243 159 287 203 330 246 374 290
S 10 227 134 270 177 314 221 357 264
S 11 254 151 297 195 341 238
S 12 281 169 324 213
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 1.20 D 1.40
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 145 2.41 3.78
At 0° and
S 1.50 S 1.80 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 451

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 133 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 501

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 501DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 284 340 397 454 477 511 567 624 681

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 171 118 228 174 285 231 342 288 364 310 398 344 455 401
S 06 149 84,3 206 141 262 198 319 255 342 277 376 311 433 368 489 425
S 07 183 108 240 165 297 221 319 244 353 278 410 335 467 391 524 448
S 08 218 131 274 188 297 211 331 245 388 302 444 358 501 415
S 09 252 155 275 178 309 212 365 268 422 325 479 382
S 10 286 178 343 235 400 292 456 349
S 11 320 202 377 259 434 315
S 12 355 225 411 282
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 1.50 D 1.7
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 160 3.14 4.92
At 0° and
S 1.80 S 2.1 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 501

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 134 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 551

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 551DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 383 459 536 613 643 689 766 842 919

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 225 146 301 223 378 299 455 376 485 406 531 452 608 529
S 06 193 99 270 175 346 252 423 329 454 359 500 405 576 482 653 558
S 07 238 128 315 205 391 281 422 312 468 358 544 434 621 511 698 587
S 08 283 157 360 234 390 264 436 310 513 387 589 464 666 540
S 09 328 186 359 217 405 263 481 340 558 416 634 493
S 10 373 216 450 292 526 369 603 445
S 11 418 245 495 321 571 398
S 12 463 274 540 351
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 2.00 D 2.20
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 180 4.26 6.89
At 0° and
S 2.40 S 2.80 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 551

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 135 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 601

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 601DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 532 638 745 851 893 957 1064 1170 1276

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 319 217 426 323 532 430 638 536 681 578 745 642 851 749
S 06 277 154 383 260 489 367 596 473 638 515 702 579 808 686 915 792
S 07 341 197 447 304 553 410 596 453 660 516 766 623 872 729 979 835
S 08 404 241 511 347 553 390 617 453 723 560 830 666 936 772
S 09 468 284 511 327 575 390 681 497 787 603 894 709
S 10 532 327 638 434 745 540 851 646
S 11 596 371 702 477 809 583
S 12 660 414 766 520
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 2.70 D 3.20
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 200 5.94 9.46
At 0° and
S 3.50 S 4.00 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.
Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 601

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 136 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 651

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 651DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 893 1072 1251 1430 1501 1608 1787 1966 2144

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 533 372 712 551 890 730 1069 908 1141 980 1248 1087 1426 1266
S 06 461 268 640 447 818 625 997 804 1068 876 1176 983 1354 1162 1533 1340
S 07 568 343 746 521 925 700 996 771 1104 879 1282 1057 1461 1236 1640 1415
S 08 674 417 853 596 924 667 1032 774 1210 953 1389 1132 1568 1310
S 09 781 491 852 563 959 670 1138 849 1317 1028 1495 1206
S 10 887 566 1066 745 1245 923 1423 1102
S 11 994 640 1173 819 1351 998
S 12 1101 715 1279 894
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 3.5 D 4.0
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 240 10 15.2
At 0° and
S 4.1 S 4.6 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 651

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 137 of 292  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 701

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 701DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 1297 1556 1815 2075 2179 2334 2594 2853 3112

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 751 496 1011 755 1270 1015 1529 1274 1633 1378 1789 1533 2048 1793
S 06 642 336 902 595 1161 854 1420 1114 1524 1217 1680 1373 1939 1632 2198 1892
S 07 792 435 1052 694 1311 954 1415 1057 1570 1213 1830 1472 2089 1732 2349 1991
S 08 943 534 1202 793 1306 897 1461 1053 1721 1312 1980 1571 2239 1831
S 09 1093 633 1197 737 1352 893 1612 1152 1871 1411 2130 1671
S 10 1243 732 1503 992 1762 1251 2021 1510
S 11 1393 832 1653 1091 1912 1350
S 12 1544 931 1803 1190
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 4.0 D 4.0
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 265 14.5 21.38
At 0° and
S 4.5 S 4.5 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.
Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 701

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 138 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Pneumatic actuator Model AT 801

(A extract from the technical data sheet No AT 801DM)
Type Output torque for double acting in Nm
2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
D 2252 2703 3153 3604 3784 4054 4504 4955 5405

Type Output torque for spring return in Nm

2.5 bar 3.0 bar 3.5 bar 4.0 bar 4.2 bar 4.5 bar 5.0 bar 5.5 bar 6.0 bar
0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
S 05 1332 1014 1783 1465 2233 1915 2684 2365 2864 2546 3134 2816 3585 3266
S 06 1149 767 1599 1217 2049 1667 2500 2118 2680 2298 2950 2568 3401 3019 3851 3469
S 07 1415 969 1865 1420 2316 1870 2496 2050 2766 2321 3217 2771 3667 3222 4118 3672
S 08 1682 1172 2132 1623 2312 1803 2582 2073 3033 2524 3483 2974 3934 3424
S 09 1948 1375 2128 1555 2398 1825 2849 2276 3299 2726 3750 3177
S 10 2215 1578 2665 2028 3115 2479 3566 2929
S 11 2481 1781 2931 2231 3382 2682
S 12 2748 1983 3198 2434
S = Springs

Chamber Moving Time 1) Air Volume (liter) Operating Temperature °C 2)

Pressure ∅ mm Opening Closing Opening Closing (standard) (high (low
temperature) temperature)
NBR FPM Silicone
90 ±4° D 6.0 D 7.0
O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring
8.0 bar 330 25 40
At 0° and
S 7.5 S 8.5 -20 to +80 -15 to +150 -40 to +80

1) The above indicated moving time of the actuator, am obtained in the following test conditions:
„„ Room Temperature,
„„ Actuator Stroke 90°,
„„ Solenoid Valve with orifice of 4 mm and a flow capacity Qn = 400 L/min.,
„„ Inside pipe diameter 8 mm,
„„ Medium clean air,
„„ Air supply pressure 5.5 bar (79.75 Psi),
„„ Actuator without external resistance load.

Cautions: Obviously on the field applications when one or more of the above parameter are different, the
moving time will be different.
2) For HT (high temperature) and LT (low temperature) services, a special Lubricant is requested.
Please contact Air Torque factory.
Operating Medium:
The operating medium must be free of dust and oil. The maximum particle size must not exceed 30
μm (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 5). In order to prevent water condensation and/or solidification (Ice, when
actuator work below 0°C), the operating medium must have a dew point equal to -20°C or, at least 10°C
below the ambient temperature (ISO 8573 Part 1, Class 3).
Recommended size
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Model AT 801

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 139 of 292  Protections Levels for 4th Generation Actuator

Components A B C
Alodur (Special hard ENP+ Polyester
Alodur + PTFE
anodized) transparent coated
Body Color: Color:
Bright Stainless Bright Stainless
Light grey
steel steel
Chromatized + Chromatized +
Chromatized +
Polyester Coated Polyester Coated
Polyester Coated
End-caps Color: Color:
S.S. Ral 9007 or S.S. Ral 9007 or
S.S. Ral 9007
Blue Ral 5015 Blue Ral 5015

Drive shaft Carbon Steel ENP1) Carbon Steel ENP1) Carbon Steel ENP1)

Normal Anodized Normal Anodized Normal Anodized

Color: Black Color: Black Color: Black

„„ General service „„ General service

Suitable for: „„ General service „„ Acids or basic „„ Caustic soda in low
solutions in low concentration
„„ Caustic Soda „„ Nitric acid „„ Nitric acid
Not recommended „„ All strong acids or „„ N-Methyle „„ Chlorine, sulfuric
for: basic solutions Pirolidone and salted
(solvent) environment

Salt Spray Test

SAC/655/98 SAC/656/98 SAC/892/96
Certif. N°

Kesternick Test
SAC/299/98 SAC/300/98 SAC/895/96
Certif. N°

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
Table  Protection Levels Available for Type A, B, and C
1) ENP = Electroless nickel coating High Phosphorous content P>10%

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 140 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Protections Levels for 4th Generation Actuator

Components D E P
Alodur (special hard
Alodur + PTFE Alodur + PTFE
coating coating
Body Color:
Color: Color:
Bright Stainless
Light grey Light grey

Chromatized + Chromatized + Resin Impregnated

PTFE coating PTFE coating + Hard Anodized
Color: Color: Color:
Light grey Light grey Dark gray

Stainless Steel 303

Drive shaft Carbon Steel ENP1) Carbon Steel ENP1)
(Option 316)
Normal Anodized Normal Anodized Normal Anodized
Color: Black Color: Black Color: Black
„„ General service „„ General service „„ General service
„„ Acids or basic „„ Acids or basic „„ Suggested for
Suitable for:
solutions in low solutions in low any kind of solve
concentration concentration
„„ Nitric acid „„ Nitric acid „„ Caustic soda
Not recommended „„ N-Methyle „„ N-Methyle „„ All strong acids or
for: Pirolidone Pirolidone basic solutions
(solvent) (solvent)

Salt Spray Test

SAC/890/96 SAC/886/96 SAC/304/98
Certif. N°

Kesternick Test
SAC/896/96 SAC/897/96 SAC/301/98
Certif. N°

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
Table  Protection Levels Available for Type D, E, and P
1) ENP = Electroless nickel coating High Phosphorous content P>10%

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 141 of 292  Full compliance with worldwide specifications

AIR TORQUE 4th Generation actuator are designed in full compliance with the latest
worldwide specifications relating to the actuator accessory and valve mounting interfaces.
Bottom mounting pad (Actuator to valve interface) configured in accordance with ISO
5211 and DIN 3337 specifications
Full compliance with worldwide specifications

„„ ISO 5211 and DIN 3337

configuration permits easy
installation of the actuator
directly onto a valve or will
interface through an ISO
bracket. ISO gear boxes.
„„ AIR TORQUE can supply
all mounting kits i.e.
Assorted Square drive
reducer pieces suitable
for all square drive shaft,
Centering rings for all sizes,
Brackets and Couplings.
„„ Other than the standard
bottom ISO/DIN Parallel
or Diagonal square
output on the drive shaft
connection, we can supply
a Keyed connection,
Flat head connection or
special customized drive

Top mounting pad configuration is in accordance with VDI/VDE 3845 Namur

specification in order to permit simple and easy installation of the ancillary like switch
boxes and positioners. AIR TORQUE can supply many different types of switch boxes
and positioners for any application.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 142 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Full compliance with worldwide specifications

Air supply connection is in accordance with VDI/VDE 3845 Namur specification to
provide simple and easy solenoid valve installation, direct mount avoiding piping and
fittings. AIR TORQUE can also supply Namur solenoid valves: 5/2 and 3/2 way in all
standard voltages, D.C. or A.C.

2 4 2

3 5 3
1 1

Adapter for magnetoresistive AMR sensor for Electronic Limit switch Type 3738 with
enhanced diagnostics.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 143 of 292  Company Approvals

„„ ISO 9001-2000

Products Approvals/Compliance/Certificates
„„ Gost standard Russia (available on request)
„„ 94/9/EC ATEX
„„ IP 67 enclosure protection - EN 60529 -
„„ Salt spray “fog” corrosion test - ISO 9227 (available on request)
„„ Kesternich corrosion test ISO 3231 (available on request)

„„ Air torque actuators are covered by many international patents .

Rack and pinion actuators

„„ Very simple and robust.
„„ Suitable up to the highest air supply pressures.
„„ Compact physical size in spite of long travels (angle of rotation).
„„ Economical for small actuator thrusts (torques).
„„ Proven reliability at high and low temperatures.

„„ Generally inadequate thrust (torque) at spring-return action.
„„ Inevitable leakage after long working hours.
„„ Higher friction and hysteresis compared to diaphragm actuators.
„„ Expensive for high thrusts (torques) and normal pressures.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 144 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.28.  Rotary Actuator Type 3278

Single-acting pneumatic rotary diaphragm actuator for butterfly valves and other final
control elements with rotary closure members. Suitable for throttling and on/off service,
Maximum opening angle Φ = 90°.
„„ Powerful torque and high speed of
„„ Operating direction (spring opens/
spring closes) can be customized
„„ Various bench ranges
„„ Extremly adjustable stop screws to
limit the opening angle
„„ Maximum angle of rotation (opening
angle) Φ = 90°
„„ Designed for supply pressures up to
6 bar / 90 psi
„„ Service temperatures from -35 to +
90 °C /
„„ Connections according to DIN ISO
„„ Actuator shaft available in three
diffrent diameters depending on the
actuator size
„„ Optional attachment of positioners,
(limit switches, solenoid valve and
„„ User-selectable actuator action
„„ Effective diaphragm area 160 and
320 cm2
„„ With Handwheel or without Handwheel

1 Cover plate
2 Diaphragm
3 Housing
4 Springs
5 Actuator stem
6 Lever stem
7 Actuator shaft
8 Stop screws
9 Handwheel
Figure 9.2.28.-1:  Pneumatic Rotary Actuator Type 3278

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 145 of 292

Unable spring torques M in Nm at

Bench range
Opening angle diaphragm area cm2
160 cm2 320 cm2
0° 10 32
15°/20° 15 49
0.4 to 0.8 1)
90° 21 67
Mmax 24 85
0° 12 40
15°/20° 19 61
0.5 to 1.0
90° 23 85
Mmax 28 115
0° 20 64
15°/20° 30 97
0.8 to 1.6
90° 42 132
Mmax 50 175
0° 22 72
15°/20° 34 109
0.9 to 1.8 1)
90° 47 153
Mmax 55 200
0° 30 96
15°/20° 45 145
1.2 to 2.4
90° 63 200
Mmax 77 265
0° 32 104
15°/20° 48 157
1.3 to 2.6 1)
90° 67 218
Mmax 82 285
0° 42 136
15°/20° 63 206
1.7 to 3.4
90° 89 286
Mmax 107 375
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
1) Special range
Table 9.2.28.-2:  Usable spring torques - all pressures in bar (gauge)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 146 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.29.  Pneumatic actuators of company Pfeiffer-Armaturen GmbH

Multi - Turn Actuator

Type BR 30a

Quarter-Turn Actuator Series BR31a

(AT=Air Torque)

Member of SAMSON Group

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 147 of 292  Multi - Turn Actuator - Pfeiffer Type BR 30a

Single-acting pneumatic rotary diaphragm actuator for butterfly valves and other final
control elements with rotary closure members.
Maximum opening angle ϕ = 93°
The Type BR 30a Pneumatic Rotary Actuators are equipped with a rolling diaphragm and
a central return spring.
Special features
„„ Effective diaphragm areas from 600 to 1300 cm2
„„ Torques from 15 to 5619 Nm
„„ Signal pressure up to max. 6 bar
„„ Various bench ranges possible through continuously
adjustable spring compression or variation of the springs
„„ No special tools needed to change the bench range
„„ Direction of action (spring opens/closes) depends on attachment
to the valve
„„ Externally adjustable stop screws to limit the opening angle
„„ For continuous operation at temperatures from −35 to 90 °C
Attachment of positioner, limit switch, solenoid valve, and other
accessories possible.

Figure  Multi - Turn Actuator - Pfeiffer Type BR 30a

Actuator Type BR 30a

Version Diaphragm
Spring position Multi-spring, symmetric
Opening angles 90°
Travel mm 55 to 120
Diaphragm area cm2 60 to 1300
Spring range bar 2.5 to 6 bar
Spring torque Nm 16 to 4127
Temperature range – 35 to +90 °C / – 31 to +194 °F
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data of pneumatic actuator Single-acting Type BR30a

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 148 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Additional equipment and add-on pieces:

For the actuators, the following accessories are available either individually or in
„„ Positioner
„„ Limit switch
„„ Solenoid valves
„„ Air supply stations
„„ Pressure gauge set
Further accessories are available on request for customer
specifications. Details on request.

Torque (Nm)

Air torque MdL


Spring torque MdF

50 Opening
angle (°)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure  Example illustrating the torque characteristic Actuator
size 3 with spring 1 at 2.5 bar supply pressure

Pfeiffer Type BR 30a Rotary Diaphragm Actuator

Type BR 30a Size 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
cm2 60 105 125 240 470 780 1300
diaphragm area
Travel mm 55 60 90 120
Opening angle ϕ 90°
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Type BR 30a Rotary Diaphragm Actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 149 of 292  Pfeiffer AT - Quarter-Turn Actuator Series BR31a

Single- or double-acting piston actuator
for control and shutoff valves with
rotating flow restrictor, especially with
high process demand in chemical
„„ Quarter turn 90°
„„ Air supply to 10 bar
„„ Temperatures -20°C to 80°C
The pneumatic quarter-turn actuators Figure  Pfeiffer AT- Quarter Turn Actuator
Type SRP and DAP are piston actuators Series 31a, Type SRP 220
for control or OPEN / CLOSED operation.
The actuators distinguish themselves by:
„„ Externally adjustable end stops (±4°)
„„ Square position diagonal (Europe. Standard) or parallel
„„ Freely-adjustable position indicator (in 45° steps)
„„ Assembly and modification without special tools
„„ Encapsulated spring assembly
„„ Transmission through involute gearing
„„ Direction of rotation reversible without additional components
„„ Proven surface refinement by means of Kesternich and salt spray test
„„ Connection of additional equipment according to VDI VDE 3845
„„ Attachments according to DIN ISO 5211

„„ Type SRP
Pneumatic quarter-turn actuator, single-acting with spring-return mechanism in the
sizes 15 to 10000.
„„ Type DAP
Pneumatic quarter-turn actuator, double-acting without spring-return mechanism in
the sizes 6 to 10000.
Special designs:
„„ With emergency manual actuation
„„ For continuous operation at temperatures from -20° to 150°C through use of Viton
„„ For continuous operation at temperatures from -40° to 80°C with silicon seals

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 150 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

„„ Actuators with extended turning range 120° and 180°

„„ Dosage actuator with adjustable central position
„„ 3-position actuator
„„ Actuator with hydraulic adjustment of rotating speed
„„ Stainless steel AT quarter-turn actuator  Additional equipment and add-on pieces:

For the actuators, the following accessories are available either individually or in
„„ Positioner
„„ Limit switch
„„ Solenoid valves
„„ Air supply stations
„„ Pressure gauge set
„„ Throttling device
Further accessories are
available on request for
customer specifications.
Details on request. Figure  Pfeiffer AT - Quarter Turn Actuator
Series 31a, Type SRP 5000  Safety position:

„„ For the actuator Type SRP two different directions of
rotation are possible, becoming effective by release
pressure on the pistons or in the case of air supply
failure. The viewing direction is from the actuator to
the valve.

Springs rotating to the right

In case of pressure loss, rotation to the right.

Springs rotating to the left

In case of pressure loss, rotation to the left.
„„ The actuator Type DAP is designed without springs.
A defined final position is not achieved in the case of air
supply failure.

Figure  Pfeiffer - Stainless Steel Ball

Valve BR 26 with Actuator Type SRP 5000

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 151 of 292

General technical data of Pfeiffer AT = AIR TORQUE, see Chapter 9.5.2)

Operation Single-acting
Max. perm. air supply pressure 10 bar
6 • 15 • 30 • 60 • 100 • 150 • 220
Size 300 • 450 • 600 • 900 • 1200
2000 • 3000 • 5000 • 10000
Perm. temperature range Continuous operation -20°C to 80°C
Connection to valve DIN ISO 5211
Type 15 to 150 VDI VDE 3845, Size 1
Connection for positioner Type 220 to 600 VDI VDE 3845, Size 2
or signal equipment Type 900 to 5000 VDI VDE 3845, Size 4
Type 10000 VDI VDE 3845, Size 5
Connection for solenoid valve VDI VDE 3845
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  General technical data for Series BR31a  Air drive torque

Figure shows the available air drive torque
„„ MdLE for the single-acting version
„„ MdLD for the double-acting version
and the available spring drive moment MdF in relation to the angle of rotation. The course
of the operating torque is valid for the correct combination of the respective air supply
pressure with the right number of springs.

100 %

ca. 66 % MdF

ca. 33 % MdLE

0° 45° 90°
Figure  Course of operating torque at recommended air inlet pressure

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 152 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.30.  Pneumatic actuators of company VETEC Ventiltechnik GmbH

Model R

Model AT Model MZ Model MD

Model MN

Model S

Member of SAMSON Group

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 153 of 292  Diaphragm or rotary actuators

Actuator Type R AT MN
Version Rolling diaphragm Piston Diaphragm
SC/SO - 60, 100, 150,
R110, R150, R200, 220, 300, 450, 600,
Size MN200, MN300
R250, R250V 900, 1200,
2000, 3000, 5000
Travel 128 to 200 mm 40 to 52 mm
Opening angle 75° 75° Pivoting angle 75°
Centrally arranged Centrally arranged
Spring position Multi-spring, symmetric
spring spring
Diaphragm area 85 to 470 cm2 36 to 2500 cm2 298 to 678 cm2
Spring torques 26 to 750 Nm 13 to 865 Nm 35 to 130 Nm
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar 3 to 6 bar 3 bar to 4 bar
-40 to +80 °C -40 to +80 °C -40 to +80 °C
Ambient temperature range
-40 to +176 °F -40 to +176 °F -40 to +176 °F
Mounting of accessories VDI/VDE 3845 VDI/VDE 3845 VDI/VDE 3845
Shaft of manual gear
R110, R150, R250
for Type
SC 60, 100, 150, 220,
300, 450, 600, 900, Manual gear cannot be
Manual gear for Type R250, R250V
1200, 2000, 3000, mounted
Attachment type A
Attachment type B
Attachment type C
Attachment type D

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Diaphragm or rotary actuators Type R. AT and MN

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 154 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Diaphragm or rotary actuators

Actuator Type MZ MD S
Version Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm

Size MZ450, MZ700 MD450, MD700 S160, S320

Travel 100 to 130 mm 100 to 130 mm 29 to 54 mm

Opening angle 75° 75° to 90° 75°
Centrally arranged Centrally arranged
Spring position Multi-spring, symmetric
spring spring
Diaphragm area 1650 to 3580 cm2 1610 to 3390 cm2 160 to 320 cm²
Spring torques 605 to 2210 Nm 885 to 8750 Nm 43 to 165 Nm
Supply air range 3 to 4 bar 3 to 6 bar 3 to 6 bar
-40 to +80 °C -40 to +80 °C -40 to +80 °C
Ambient temperature range
-40 to +176 °F -40 to +176 °F -40 to +176 °F
Mounting of accessories VDI/VDE 3845 VDI/VDE 3845 VDI/VDE 3845
Shaft of manual gear
for Type
Manual gear for Type MZ450, MZ700 MD450, MD700 S160, S320
Attachment type A
Attachment type B
Attachment type C
Attachment type D

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Diaphragm or rotary actuators Type MZ, MD and S

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 155 of 292  Direction of flow, Actuator action, and Fail-safe position:

Direction of flow

FTC = Flow To Close

The flowing medium wants to close the control valve.
FTO = Flow To Open
The flowing medium wants to open the control valve.


Medium closes


Medium opens

Actuator action

AIR TO OPEN (ATO) = Spring closes

When the signal pressure is reduced or the air supply fails, the springs move the actuator
stem and close the valve.
The valve opens when the signal pressure is increased enough to overcome the force
exerted by the springs.

AIR TO CLOSE (ATC) = Spring opens

When the signal pressure is reduced or the air supply fails, the springs move the actuator
stem and open the valve. The valve closes when the signal pressure is increased
enough to overcome the force exerted by the springs.

Fail-safe position

The control valve offers two possible fail-safe positions in combination with the
Diaphragm Actuator in case the supply air fails:
„„ Valve CLOSED without supply air; the Rotary Plug Valve is closed when the supply
air fails.
„„ Valve OPEN without supply air; the Rotary Plug Valve is opened when the supply
air fails.

Table  Direction of flow, Actuator action, and Fail-safe position

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 156 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.31.  VETEC Actuator Type R (rolling diaphragm or rotary actuator)

VETEC Actuator Type R

Actuator Type R Sectional drawing of Type R

Type R Actuator with mounted positioner Type R Actuator with mounted positioner
with shaft of manual gear with manual gear

Attachment Type A: Attachment Type A:

Air to open (ATO) → Spring-closes Air to close (ATC) → Spring-opens

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 157 of 292

VETEC Actuator Type R

Attachment Type B: Attachment Type B:
Air to open (ATO) → Spring-closes Air to close (ATC) → Spring-opens

Attachment Type C: Attachment Type C:

Air to open (ATO) → Spring-closes Air to close (ATC) → Spring-opens

Attachment Type D: Attachment Type D:

Air to open (ATO) → Spring-closes Air to close (ATC) → Spring-opens

Figure 9.2.31.-1:  Manual gears and the different attachments for the VETEC Actuator Type R

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 158 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Principle of operation:

The Type R Actuator is equipped with a rolling diaphragm and a centrally arranged return
spring on the inside. The freely supported piston rod is directly connected to the lever for
the valve shaft.
The very long travel ensures high torques and very fine control. Its design allows the
actuator to be used on valves or butterfly valves with different opening angles.
The actuator can be equipped with additional manual gears as well as end stops.
Actuator Type R110 R150 R200 R250 R250V
Version Diaphragm
Spring position Centrally arranged spring
Opening angles 75°
Travel mm 128 184 200 200 200
Diaphragm area cm2 85 165 295 470 470
Spring range bar 0.4 to 1.2 1.3 to 2.4
Spring torque Nm 26 73 144 230 747
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar
Temperature range – 20 to +70 °C or – 4 to +158 °F
Manual gear Shaft of manual gear Manual gear

High torques (1000 Nm), high
turn down ratios, fine tuning and
controlability, severe applications.

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes

see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuators Type R110 to R250V

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 159 of 292

Differential pressure ∆p for Actuators Type R110 to R250V

For Rotary Plug Valves: DN 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300
Type 73.3, 73.7 NPS 1 1½ 2 3 4 6 8 10 12
Actuator Type R110 R150 R200
Spring range 0.4 to 1.2 bar
Supply Direction of flow
∆p in bar
Air and actuator action
2.0 bar 60.0 30.0 14.8 15.0 7.7 7.0 3.8 2.7 1.6
2.0 bar 141 83.8 41.3 31.7 16.3 14.2 7.8 5.4 3.2
3.0 bar 367 233 115 78.0 40.2 34.2 18.7 12.9 7.8
4.0 bar 124 64.1 54.2 29.6 20.5 12.3
Actuator Type R150 R200 R250
Spring range 0.4 to 1.2 bar
2.0 bar 137 81.2 40.0 29.0 15.0 11.0 6.0 4.2 2.5
2.0 bar 148 66.4 34.3 23.7 12.9 9.0 5.4
3.0 bar 156 80.6 55.6 30.3 21.0 12.6
4.0 bar 246 127 87.4 47.7 33.0 19.9
Actuator Type R200 R250 R250V
Spring range 0.4 to 1.2 bar 1.3 to 2.4 bar
2.0 bar 276.0 136.1 51.9 26.8 39.7 21.7 15.0 9.0
2.0 bar 109 56.2
3.0 bar 130 17.4 9.5 6.6 3.9
4.0 bar 204 49.2 26.8 18.6 11.2
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.

Table  Differential pressure ∆p for Actuators Type R110 to R250V

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 160 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.32.  VETEC Actuator Type AT (Rack and Piston actuator)

VETEC Actuator Type AT
(AT = AIR TORQUE, see Chapter 9.5.2)
Actuator Type AT Sectional drawing of Type AT

Type AT Actuator with mounted positioner Type AT Actuator with mounted positioner
Attachment Type A with manual gear

Attachment Type A

e e
bas bas
n ting ries u n ting ries
u Mo ccess o
Mo ccesso a
a for


ATO (Air to open) ATO (Air to open)
Spring closes Spring closes

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 161 of 292

VETEC Actuator Type AT

(AT = AIR TORQUE, see Chapter 9.5.2)

Attachment Type B

Mo Mo
u u
for nting for nting
ess base acc
ess base
orie orie
s s


ATO (Air to open) ATO (Air to open)
Spring closes Spring closes

Attachment Type C
ase ase
i n g b ries i n g b ries
t t
un sso un sso
Mo acce Mo acce
for for


ATO (Air to open) FTO ATO (Air to open)

Spring closes Spring closes

Attachment Type D
fo oun fo oun
r a tin r a tin
cc g cc g
es ba es ba
so se so se
rie rie
s s


ATO (Air to open) ATO (Air to open)
Spring closes Spring closes

Figure  Manual gear and the different attachments for the VETEC Actuator Type AT

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 162 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Principle of operation

The Type AT Actuator is a single-acting piston actuator. Thanks to different spring
combinations, the required torques for special applications can be implemented easily.
Its special design allows the actuator to be used with different opening angles.
The actuator can be equipped with additional manual gears as well as end stops.
The process medium can flow through the Rotary plug valve in either direction.
The standard direction of flow for:
„„ Liquids = Flow To Open (FTO) direction of flow
„„ Gases and Vapors = Flow To Close (FTC) direction of flow

The shaft/plug arrangement is eccentric (Figure The double-eccentric

design of the Rotary plug valve is achieved in combination with the offset of the plug's
pivot. When turning the plug shaft from closed position in opening direction, the double-
eccentric design allows the plug to lift off the seat smoothly without initial breakaway
torque. The valve is not opened suddenly and shows a stable control response even with
small opening angles. The rotary plug valve can be used for both directions of flow.
The flow coefficient is determined by the opening angle of the plug.
The inherent characteristic of the Rotary plug valves can be converted into a linear or
equal percentage characteristic using positioners and cam discs.

Figure  Double-eccentric principle

Fail-safe position
The control valve offers two possible fail-safe positions in combination with the VETEC
Type AT Diaphragm Actuator in case the supply air fails:
„„ Valve CLOSED without supply air, the Rotary plug valve is closed when the supply
air fails.
„„ Valve OPEN without supply air, the Rotary plug valve is opened when the supply air

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 163 of 292


Actuator AT Type
60 100 150 220 300 450
Version Piston
Spring position Multi-spring, symmetric
Opening angles 75°
SC3 Nm 13.0 22.0 30.0 49.2 63 99
SC3/4 Nm 15.5 25.7 35.5 57.4 74 115
SC4 Nm 17.7 29.3 40.5 65.6 84 132
Spring range SC4/5 Nm 19.9 33.0 45.6 73.8 95 148
SC5 Nm 22.1 36.7 50.7 82.0 105 165
SC5/6 Nm 24.3 40.3 55.7 90.2 116 181
SC6 Nm 26.5 44.0 60.8 98.4 126 198
O-ring NBR (standard) –20 to +80 °C
Temp. range O-ring FPM (high temp.) –15 to +150 °C
O-ring silicone –40 to +80 °C
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar
Manual gear Yes
Note SC = Spring closes, SO = Spring opens
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuator AT size SC/SO 60 to 450


Actuator AT Type
600 900 1200 2000 3000 5000
Version Piston
Spring position Multi-spring, symmetric
Opening angles 75°
SC3 Nm 135 190 255 433 655 1104
SC3/4 Nm 157 221 298 505 764 1288
SC4 Nm 180 253 340 577 873 1472
Spring range SC4/5 Nm 202 285 383 649 982 1656
SC5 Nm 224 316 425 721 1091 1839
SC5/6 Nm 247 348 468 793 1200 2023
SC6 Nm 269 379 510 865 1309 2207
O-ring NBR (standard) –20 to +80 °C
Temp. range O-ring FPM (high temp.) –15 to +150 °C
O-ring silicone –40 to +80 °C
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar
Manual gear Yes
Note SC = Spring closes, SO = Spring opens
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuator AT size SC/SO 600 to 5000

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 164 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Figure  Sectional drawing of Actuator Type AT - Rack and pinion

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 165 of 292

9.2.33.  New design features

AT the so-called rotating wing actuator is a special rotary type model. Instead of a piston
there is a sealed wing as a motion element which moves in a housing which takes the
shape of a quarter segment and allows a rotary motion of max. 90° degrees.  Vetec Type 62.7 AT short pattern with flanges

The economical VETEC short pattern valve
recovers the well proved idea of the Maxifluss
double eccentric beared design into a highly cost
efficient and simplified version.
Due to the reduced applicability compared with
standard types 72.X and 82.X it is decreased in
the range of
„„ Nominal diameters
„„ Service temperature (max. 250° C)
„„ Cv100-values
„„ Actuator sizes and ∆p
„„ Service media

Hence the use is for non-critical media only,

in the supply system of refineries. e.g. simple
water, gas, low temperature steam applications  Vetec Type 82.7 R short pattern with flanges

The new design features improve handling, function and meet international standards.
e.g. NAMUR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 166 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.34.  VETEC Actuator Type MN (rotary or diaphragm actuator)

VETEC Actuator Type MN

Actuator Type MN Sectional drawing of Type MN

Type MN Actuator with mounted positioner and Solenoid Valve

Attachment Type B

Attachment Type B

ATO (Air to open) ATO (Air to close)

Spring opens
Spring closes

Figure 9.2.34.-1:  Different attachments for the VETEC Actuator Type MN

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 167 of 292  Principle of operation

The Type MN Actuator is equipped with a diaphragm and a centrally arranged return
spring on the inside. The freely supported piston rod is directly connected to the lever for
the valve shaft.
The short travel ensures very short actuating times. In addition, the actuator is designed
for very fine and precise control.
Actuator MN Type MN200 MN300 MN300 MN300V
Version Diaphragm
Spring position Centrally arranged spring
Opening angles 75°
Travel mm 40 52
Diaphragm area cm2 298 678 678 678
Spring range bar 0.4 to 1.3 0.4 to 1.3 0.4 to 1.3 0.6 to 2.2
Spring torque Nm 35 85 110 130
–20 to 80 °C or
Temperature range
–40 to 176 °F
Supply air range 3 to 4 bar
Manual gear Manual gear cannot be mounted
Control valve for control systems subject to the special
DVGW MN safety requirements applicable for gas supply.
For neutral gases acc. to DVGW working paper G 260/1
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuator MN size MN200 to MN300

Differential pressure ∆p for Actuator Type MN200, MN300, and MN300V

For Rotary Plug Valves: DN 25 40 50 80 100 150 200
Model 72.X, 73.X NPS 1 1½ 2 3 4 6 8
Actuator Type MN200 MN300 MN300V
Spring range 0.4 to 1.3 bar 0.6 to 2.2 bar
Supply Direction of flow
∆p in bar
Air and actuator action
2.0 bar 37.6 77.6 38.3 10.9 5.6 3.7 2.0
2.0 bar 153 248 122 35.4 18.3
3.0 bar 322 93.6 48.3 8.6 4.7
4.0 bar 152 78.3 21.6 11.8
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Differential pressure ∆p for Actuator Type MN200, MN300, and MN300V

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 168 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.35.  VETEC Actuator Type MD (rotary or diaphragm actuator)

VETEC Actuator Type MD

Actuator Type MD Sectional drawing of Type MD

Type MD700 Actuator with mounted

Type MD Actuator with manual gear
positioner and Solenoid Valve

Attachment Type B:

Figure 9.2.35.-1:  Different attachments for the VETEC Actuator Type MD

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 169 of 292  Principle of operation

The Type MD Actuator is equipped with a diaphragm and several symmetrically arranged
return springs.
The combination of several spring assemblies and the design of the piston rod bearing
allow high torques to be transmitted.
The short travel ensures very short actuating times.
The actuator can be equipped with additional manual gears as well as end stops. A multi-
stage version is possible.

Actuator MD Type MD450

Version Diaphragm
Spring position Multi-spring, symmetric
Opening angles 75° to 90°
Travel mm 100
Diaphragm area cm2 1610
Spring range bar 0.65 to 1.10 1.15 to 2.01 1.56 to 2.72 1.70 to 3.40 1.71 to 3.13
Spring torque Nm 845 1250 1680 1910 1950
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar
Temperature range – 40 to +80 °C / – 40 to +176 °F
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuator Type MD450

Actuator MD Type MD700

Version Diaphragm
Spring position Multi-spring, symmetric
Opening angles 75° to 90°
Travel mm 130
Diaphragm area cm 2 3390
Spring range bar 1.51 to 2.80 1.74 to 3.10 2.10 to 3.75 2.51 to 4.07 2.88 to 4.66
Spring torque Nm 4420 5100 6150 7350 8450
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar
Temperature range – 40 to +80 °C / – 40 to +176 °F
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuator Type MD700

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 170 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Figure  Sectional drawing of Actuator Type MD

Very high torques (9,000 Nm), high turn down ratios, severe applications.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 171 of 292

9.2.36.  VETEC Actuator Type MZ (rotary or diaphragm actuator)

VETEC Actuator Type MZ
Actuator Type MZ Sectional drawing of Type MZ

Type MZ Actuator with mounted positioner and Solenoid Valve

Attachment Type B

Attachment Type B: Attachment Type B:

ATO and Spring closes ATC and Spring opens

Figure 9.2.36.-1:  Different attachments for the VETEC Actuator Type MZ

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 172 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Principle of operation

The Type MZ Actuator is equipped with a diaphragm and a centrally arranged return
spring on the inside. The freely supported piston rod is directly connected to the lever for
the valve shaft.
The short travel ensures very short actuating times. In addition, the actuator is designed
for very fine and precise control.
The actuator can be equipped with additional manual gears as well as end stops.

Actuator Type MZ450 MZ700

Version Diaphragm
Spring position Centrally arranged spring
Opening angles 75°
Travel mm 100 130
Diaphragm area cm 2 1650 3580
Spring range bar 0.45 to 1.30 0.88 to 2.10 0.40 to 1.28 0.69 to 2.05
Spring torque Nm 605 1180 1305 2210
Supply air range 3 to 4 bar
Temperature range – 40 to +80 °C or – 40 to +176 °F
Manual gear Yes
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuator MZ450 and MZ700

Differential pressure for Actuator MZ450

For Rotary Plug Valves: DN 100 150 200 250 300 400
Type 73.3, 73.7 NPS 4 6 8 10 12 16
Spring range 0.4 to 1.2 bar
Direction of flow
Supply Air ∆p in bar
and actuator action
2.0 bar 20.5 11.2 7.7 4.7 1.1
2.0 bar 42.7 23.3 16.1 9.7 2.4
3.0 bar 98.3 53.6 37.2 22.3 5.8
4.0 bar 154 84.0 58.2 35.0 9.1
Spring range 1.0 to 2.1 bar
Direction of flow
Supply Air ∆p in bar
and actuator action
3.0 bar 53.8 29.4 20.3 12.2 3.1
3.0 bar 48.3 26.3 18.2 11.0 2.8
Table  Differential pressure for Actuator MZ450

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 173 of 292

Differential pressure for Actuator Type MZ700

For Rotary Plug Valves: DN 100 150 200 250 300 400
Type 73.3, 73.7 NPS 4 6 8 10 12 16
Spring range 0.4 to 1.2 bar
Direction of flow
Supply Air ∆p in bar
and actuator action
2.0 bar 48.7 59.8 32.6 22.6 13.6 3.4
2.0 bar 100.3 121 66.1 45.8 27.6 7.1
3.0 bar 229 275 150 104 62.5 16.3
4.0 bar 162 97.5 25.5
Spring range 0.68 to 1.95 bar
Direction of flow
Supply Air ∆p in bar
and actuator action
3.0 bar 126 103 56.1 38.8 23.4 6.0
3.0 bar 113 160 87.1 60.3 36.3 9.4
Table  Differential pressure for Actuator MZ700

Anti Surge Valve

DN 3" to 16" Class 300 RF, A216 WCC, A351 CF8M, A352 LCC, with positioner and
solenoid valve.
Control application, air to close (ATC) in 8 second, spring opens in 2 second, silencer
integrated, operation temperature -105 °C to +150 °C / -157 °F to 302 °F.
Figure  VETEC Anti Surge Valve with Actuator Type MZ700

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 174 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.2.37.  VETEC Actuator Type S (rotary or diaphragm actuator)

VETEC Actuator Type S
Actuator Type S Sectional drawing of Type S

Type S Actuator with mounted positioner Type S Actuator with mounted positioner
Attachment Type A and Handwheel, Attachment Type A

Attachment Type A

ATO (Air to open) ATC (Air to close)

Spring closes Spring opens

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic actuator with a linear or rotational movement Page 175 of 292

VETEC Actuator Type S

Attachment Type B

ATO (Air to open) ATC (Air to close)

Spring closes Spring opens
Attachment Type C

ATO (Air to open) ATC (Air to close)

Spring closes Spring opens
Attachment Type C

ATO (Air to open) ATC (Air to close)

Spring closes Spring opens
Figure 9.2.37.-1:  Different attachments for the VETEC Actuator Type S

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 176 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Principle of operation

The Type S Actuator is equipped with a diaphragm and one or more centrally arranged
return springs on the inside. The freely supported piston rod is directly connected to the
lever for the valve shaft.
Its design allows the actuator to be used with different opening angles.
The actuator can be equipped with additional manual gears as well as end stops.

Type S160 S320

Version Diaphragm
Spring position Centrally arranged spring
Opening angles 75°
Travel mm 29 54
Diaphragm area cm2 160 320
Springs 2+3 0.9 to 1.8
Spring range Springs 1+3 1.2 to 2.3 1.6 to 3.4
Springs 1+2+3 1.7 to 3.4
Temperature range –40 to +80 °C or –40 to 176 °F
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar

Manual gear

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes

see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data for Actuator Type S

Figure  Actuator Type S with Rotary Plug Valve Type 72.1 with flanges

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic single acting quarter turn scotch-yoke actuators Page 177 of 292

9.3  Pneumatic single acting quarter turn scotch-yoke actuators

External Actuator Type SERVOVALVE
Actuator SERVOVALVE Series RCPM Sectional drawing of Series RCPM

SERVOVALVE Series RCPM Actuator with mounted positioner

Piston Actuator for torques 20.000 to 50.000 Nm

Figure 9.3.-1:  External Actuator Type SERVOVALVE

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 178 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

All the Servovalve series of quarter-turn scotch-yoke actuators are designed and
manufactured for the transmission of high torque suited for Ball or Butterfly valves, Plug
etc. for on-off or throttling service.
In the central housing a slotted link kinematism provides to transform the linear motion of
the rod into the rotary motion of the valve shaft. The symmetric series are suitable for the
valves in which it is requested an exalted torque during all the stroke.
Therefore the canted series are available for valves in which output torque is requested in
the final released spring position (fail to close) or break compressed spring position (fail
to open).

Actuator Type SERVOVALVE

Version Single acting scotch-yoke actuator
Spring position Centrally arranged spring
Opening angles 90° ± 5°
Diaphragm area cm 2 254 to 865
Spring torque Nm 810 to 12610
Supply air range 3 to 6 bar
Temperature range – 20 to +80 °C or – 40 to +176 °F
Manual gear Yes
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes
see the associated technical data sheet.

Figure 9.3.-2:  The central housing is designed to accept different types of scotch-yoke mechanisms
symmetrical, clockwise or counter-clockwise canted. (Photo: SERVOVALVE)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic single acting quarter turn scotch-yoke actuators Page 179 of 292

9.3.1.  Symmetrical scotch-yoke

RJPM and RSPM series are available for the on-off or throttling valves in which it is
requested an exalted torque during all the valve shaft running.



Closed 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° Open
Spring Fluid single acting Fluid double acting
Figure 9.3.1.-1:  Typical output torque diagram with symmetrical scotch-yoke

9.3.2.  Canted scotch-yoke

RWPM and RCPM series are ideally suited for the valves where it is requested an exalted
torque in a specific final position (generally closed position or failure position) compared
to the run and the opposite initial position.



Closed 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° Open
Spring Fluid single acting Fluid double acting
Figure 9.3.2.-1:  Typical output torque diagram with canted scotch-yoke

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 180 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.3.3.  Scotch Yoke

Figure 9.3.3.-1:  Rotork Scotch Yoke actuator1


1.0 Scotch Yoke

Crank and Slider

- 0.5


0° 90 ° 180 ° 270 ° 360 °

- 0.0001
- 0.0002
- 0.0003 Scotch Yoke
- 0.0004 Crank and Slider
- 0.0005
0° 90 ° 180 ° 270 ° 360 °

Figure 9.3.3.-2:  Comparison of displacement and acceleration for a Scotch Yoke compared with a crank
and slider Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators (Diagram: Rotork)


SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Pneumatic single acting quarter turn scotch-yoke actuators Page 181 of 292

The Scotch yoke is a mechanism for converting the linear motion of a slider into rotational
motion or vice-versa. The piston or other reciprocating part is directly coupled to a sliding
yoke with a slot that engages a pin on the rotating part. The shape of the motion of the
piston is a pure sine wave over time given a constant rotational speed.

9.3.4.  Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators

Figure 9.3.4.-1:  Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators (Photo: Rotork)

Pneumatic up to 12 bar (175 psi)

Operating pressure
Hydraulic up to 210 bar (3,000 psi)
Torque Output 500 to 600,000 Nm (5.3 million lbf/in
-30 °C to 100 °C -22 °F to 212 °C
-20 °C to 160 °C -4 °F to 320 °C
Temperature Ranges
-40 °C to 160 °C -40 °F to 320 °C
-60 °C to 160 °C -76 °F to 320 °C
Table 9.3.4.-2:  Technical data

The advantages compared to a standard crankshaft and connecting rod setup are:
„„ Strong compact actuators for large valves and high torques
„„ For On-Off and modulating
„„ Double acting or single acting with spring return
„„ Prepared for quick operation (extremely fast emergency)
„„ Optional: Manual override
„„ Fewer moving parts.
„„ Smoother operation.

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Page 182 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

„„ Higher percentage of the time spent at top dead center (dwell) improving theoretical
engine efficiency of constant volume combustion cycles, though actual gains have not
been demonstrated.
„„ In an engine application, elimination of joint typically served by a wrist pin, and near
elimination of piston skirt and cylinder scuffing, as side loading of piston due to sine of
connecting rod angle is eliminated.

The disadvantages are:

„„ Rapid wear of the slot in the yoke caused by sliding friction and high contact pressures.
„„ Increased heat loss during combustion due to extended dwell at top dead center offsets
any constant volume combustion improvements in real engines.
„„ Lesser percentage of the time spent at bottom dead center reducing blowdown time
for two stroke engines, when compared with a conventional piston and crankshaft
„„ Generally inadequate thrust (torque) at spring-return action.
„„ Inevitable leakage after long working hours.
„„ Higher friction and hysteresis compared to diaphragm actuators.
„„ Expensive for high thrusts (torques) and normal pressures.

9.3.5.  Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators

Figure 9.3.5.-1:  Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators (Photo: Rotork)

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Pneumatic single acting quarter turn scotch-yoke actuators Page 183 of 292  Applications
Scotch yoke actuators are designed to operate ball, butterfly and plug valves requiring a
rotary, quartrer-turn movement for either on/off or modulating duty.
This setup is most commonly used in control valve actuators in high pressure oil and
gas pipelines.

Approvals and Industry Standards

Scotch Yoke principle gives high torque in the end positions

„„ Temperature range -20 °C to +80 °C
„„ High efficiency, low air consumption

„„ Generally inadequate thrust (torque) at spring-return action.
„„ Inevitable leakage after long working hours.
„„ Higher friction and hysteresis compared to diaphragm actuators.
„„ Expensive for high thrusts (torques) and normal pressures.

Figure  Quarter-Turn Pneumatic Actuators (Photo: Rotork)

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Page 184 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4  Electric with a linear or rotational movement

9.4.1.  Electro-mechanical Actuators
The use of electro-mechanical actuators for control valves is widespread. One finds
them mainly in heating and air conditioning systems, power stations and waterworks and
everywhere else where a pneumatic pressure system is either too expensive and/or too
This applies above all, to plants and applications where no protection against explosion is
required. Electro-mechanical actuators are available in a broad palette of different sizes
and gearing structures. Actuator thrusts and/or torques extend from a few kN (kNm) to
many tons of thrust and extremely high torque moments (MNm).
A simple electric motor which is generally operated by alternating current or even three-
phase alternating current serves as the actual drive. A step-down gear provides an
appropriate valve control rate (stroking speed) and corresponding actuator thrust. Motor
circuit breakers and thrust dependent switches prevent an undesirable overheating and/
or actuator thrusts which are too high. Position switches may limit the valve stroke to a
maximum travel. Thrust or torque switches enable electrical disconnection if the adjustable
thrust or torque is exceeded.
These actuators are often provided with a hand wheel or a cranked control handle in
order to allow manual operation to drive the control valve to the desired position in the
case of an electric power failure. Furthermore, a great number of options usually exist
with respect to the actuator movement, the required thrust or torque, nominal voltages,
direct or alternating current and so forth.
Typical electro-mechanical actuators for operating control valves are represented in
Figure 9.4.1.-1.

Figure 9.4.1.-1:  Linear actuator Type SAM

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 185 of 292

Naturally, the different actuator types have design-related strengths and weaknesses
which are briefly described below:
„„ No additional auxiliary energy (e.g. compressed air) required.
„„ Very high actuator thrusts (torque moments) possible.
„„ Robust and reliable in the case of standard conditions (e.g. climate).
„„ Precise positioning in connection with positioners.
„„ Self-locking gear assures a high travel rigidity (stiffness).
„„ Simple overload protector applicable.
„„ Expensive compared to pneumatic diaphragm actuators.
„„ Low control rate (stroking speed) in case of higher actuator thrusts.
„„ Explosion-proof attainable only at high costs (expensive).
„„ Sensitive to moisture and corrosion.
„„ No automatic failure position in the case of auxiliary energy loss.
„„ No real suitability for extremely high and low environmental temperatures.
„„ Proportional characteristics only in connection with positioner possible.

Figure 9.4.1.-2:  Type SAM electric actuator attached to Type 3241 Valve

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Page 186 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4.2.  Electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic actuator

Type 5857
300 N
Type 5825
500 N
Type 5824
700 N

Type 3374
2500 N

Type 3274
4500 N

Type 3375
7500 N to 12500 N

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 187 of 292

Series 5857, 5824, and 5825

Electric actuator for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
5857 5857 5824 5825
Actuator Type Three-point with Three-point Three-point
stepping Digital positioner stepping stepping
Fail-safe function Without With
230 V (±10 %),
24 V AC (±10 %), 24 V, 50 Hz 24 V, 50 Hz
50 Hz
Power supply (50 and 60 Hz) 230 V, 50 Hz 230 V, 50 Hz
24 V (±10 %),
24 V DC (±10 %) 120 V, 60 Hz 120 V, 60 Hz
50 Hz
Power consumption Approx. 3 VA Approx. 5 VA Approx. 3 to 6 VA Approx. 4 to 8 VA
Degree of protection IP 42 IP 42 IP 54 IP 54
Protection class II II II II
Nominal thrust 300 N 300 N 700 N 280/500 N
Rated travel 6 mm 6 mm 6/12/15 mm 6/12/15 mm
Transit time for rated travel 20 s 30/20/10 s 18/35/36/70/90 s 18/35/36/70/90 s
Handwheel Yes Yes Yes Optional
Stem extends Yes
Stem retracts Yes
Force-locking Force-locking Force-locking Force-locking
Connection to valve
Form-fit Form-fit
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2
Noise emission EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3
0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V
Digital Input signal 0 to 10 V
0 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA
Out put signal 0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V
Permis- Ambient 0 to 50 °C 0 to 50 °C 0 to 50 °C 0 to 50 °C
sible tem- At connecting
peratures 0 to 120 °C 0 to 120 °C 0 to 130 °C 0 to 130 °C
2 limit switches Max. 230 V, 3 A Max. 230 V, 3 A
1 potentiometer 0 to 1000 Ω 0 to 1000 Ω
Housing Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic
Coupling nut Brass Brass Brass Brass

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.

Table 9.4.2.-1:  Electro-mechanical actuators

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Page 188 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Electric Actuator Type 5857

Electric actuator for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems.
For force-locking Types 3222, 3222 N, 3226, 3267 and 2488 Valves (DN 15 to 25) as well
as special versions of Type 3260 and Type 3226 Valves.
The Type 5857 Actuator is a linear actuator which is controlled by either a continuous-
action signal or a three-point stepping signal.

Special features
„„ 6 mm travel
„„ Supply voltage
◊  Three-point stepping version: 230 V,
50 Hz or 24 V, 50 Hz
◊  Version with digital positioner: 24 V
AC (50 and 60 Hz) or 24 V DC
„„ Three-point stepping version equipped
with synchronous motor and maintenance-
free gear or version with digital positioner
equipped with stepper motor
„„ Motor switched off by torque switches Figure  Type 5857 Electric Actuator
(three-point stepping version)
„„ Handwheel for manual override
„„ Travel indicator

Digital positioners
„„ Automatic initialization after applying operating voltage
„„ Reversed direction of action by activating a slide switch
„„ Current travel calculated over the transit time
„„ Operational status and errors indicated by LEDs
„„ Adjustable actuating times (10 to 30 s)
Figure  Memory pen 64
„„ Blockage detection
„„ Adjustable range of input voltage and output voltage
„„ Configuration, parameterization, diagnostic function, and direct connection for
monitoring over TROVIS-VIEW software:
◊  Direct data transmission over a connecting cable (direct connection with PC)
◊  Data transmission over a memory pen

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 189 of 292

Figure  Actuator Type 5857 with a digital positioner  Accessories for version with digital positioner

„„ TROVIS-VIEW configuration software (6661-1061) for Type 5857 Electric Actuator
„„ Hardware package with a Memory Pen – 64, a connecting cable and a modular
adapter, order No. 1400-9998
„„ Memory pen – 64, order No. 1400-9753

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 190 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Additional electrical equipment

The actuator is also available with a digital positioner.
Positioners guarantee a predetermined assignment of valve position and control signal.
A 0 to 10 V DC signal can be picked up at the brown (BN) and green (GN) wires for
position feedback.
The version with positioner allows the characteristic to be reversed and is suitable for
split-range operation.

2 8 1


3 5

1 Actuator 7 Valve spring

1.1 Cable 8 Cover, serial interface
2 Handwheel connection, slide
switch and LEDs
3 Actuator stem
(only for version with
4 Coupling nut
digital positioner)
5 Travel indicator
6 Plug stem
Figure  Principle of operation

Mounting position
The actuator can be mounted in any position, except suspended downwards.

Electrical connection
Connecting cable with wire-end ferrules

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 191 of 292

Technical Data of Electric Actuator Type 5857

Electric actuator for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems.
For globe and three-way valves, e.g. Types 3213, 3214, 3260, 3222 or 3226 Valves
in nominal sizes DN 15 to 50.
Type 5857 Actuator Version Three-point stepping version With digital positioner
Connection to valve Force-locking Force-locking
Rated travel 6 mm 6 mm
Transit time for rated travel 20 s 30/20 2)/10 s
Nominal thrust 300 N 300 N
230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz 24 V 24 V AC (±10 %), (50 and
Power supply
(±10 %), 50 Hz 60 Hz) 24 V DC (±10 %) 3)
Power consumption Approx. 3 VA 5 VA
Manual override Yes Yes
Permissible temperatures
Ambient 0 to +50 °C
Storage –20 to +70 °C
At the connecting stem 0 to +120 °C
Degree of protection IP 42 IP 42
Protection class II II
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2
Noise emission EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3
Digital positioner
Input signal 0 to 10 V 1)
Position feedback – 0 to 10 V 1)
Characteristic Linear 1)

Table  Technical data

1) Value can be changed in TROVIS-VIEW, refer to table on Settings of the digital
2) Default setting
3) 10 s applies to 24 V DC (–0 %, +10 %) for Transit time for rated travel setting

Figure  Controllers with Electric Actuators Type 5857 with Globe Valve Type 3222

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Page 192 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Electrical connection

Three-point stepping version Note!
Decoupling capacitors Ce in the
L Actuator output circuit of the connected
controller may not exceed a value
eL of 2.5 nF in order to guarante
Ce Ce the proper functioning
f the actuator.

Three-point eL Actuator stem retracts

stepping signal aL Actuator stem extends

N aL eL
WH BN GN WH white
BN brown
GN green

Version with digital positioner

with 24 V DC

Control Feedback,
signal output
24 V, DC 0 to 10 V
0 to 10 V
+ _ + _ _ +

BN brown GN green
BK black RD red
YE yellow OG orange

Figure  Wiring diagram of Type 5857

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 193 of 292

9.4.3.  Controller with Electric Actuator Type 5757

For domestic hot water heating

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Page 194 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Application
Electric actuator with integrated digital controller used to position force-locking valves in
nominal sizes DN 15 to DN 25.
Domestic hot water heating control in instantaneous heating systems used in small to
medium-sized buildings connected to a district heating or local heat supply network.
The Type 5757 is a combination of a linear actuator and an integrated digital controller. It
is especially designed for DHW (Domestic Hot Water) heating in instantaneous heating
systems for small to medium-sized buildings. It is particularly suitable for mounting to
SAMSON Types 3222, 3222 N, 2488 and 3267 Valves as well as to special versions of
Type 3226 and Type 3260 Valves.

Special features
„„ Control using two different set points, e.g. DHW temperature and DHW temperature
for thermal disinfection. A binary input is used to switch between the set points.
„„ Function to maintain water temperature constant, preventing the heat exchanger from
cooling down between tapping
„„ Direction of action reversible
◊  Globe valve opens when the actuator stem retracts (increasing / increasing)
◊  Three-way mixing valve mixes/diverts the flow(s) when the actuator stem extends
„„ Limit value monitoring
◊  The valve is closed by the actuator when the maximum adjustable limit value is
◊  The frost protection function is started when the temperature falls below the minimum
adjustable limit
„„ Configuration, parameterization, diagnostic function and direct connection for
monitoring over TROVIS-VIEW software
◊  Direct data transmission over a connecting cable (direct connection to PC)
◊  Data transmission over a memory pen
„„ Special valve version available for small tapping amounts Accessories
◊  TROVIS-VIEW configuration software (6661-1062) for Type 5757 Controller with
Electric Actuator
◊  Hardware package with a memory pen – 64, a connecting cable and a modular
◊  Memory pen – 64
◊  Type 5207-0060 Pt 1000 Sensor
◊  Sensor pocket, order no. 1990-9249
◊  Flow rate sensor with extension cable with mating connector
◊  Flow switch

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 195 of 292

District heating

District heating
return flow

3 6
3 2 Hot water

Circulation circuit

5 Cold water
1 Heat exchanger
5 2 Type 5207-0060 Temperature Sensor incl. sensor pocket
3 Supply from district heating network
4 Type 5757 Controller with Electric Actuator
6 5 Flow rate sensor with cable
6 Return flow to district heating network
7 Valve, e.g. Type 3222

Figure  Typical application: Type 5757 with Type 5207-0060 Pt 1000 Sensor incl. sensor pocket
and flow rate sensor

1 Heat exchanger
2 Type 5207-0060 Temperature Sensor incl. sensor pocket
3 Supply from district heating network (VL)
1 2 4 Type 5724/5725 Controller with Electric Actuator
5 Flow rate sensor with extension cable
6 Return flow from district heating network (RL)
7 Valve, e.g. Type 3222
8 Safety temperature monitor, e.g. Type 5313
3 (only in combination with Type 5725)
District heating
District heating

return flow

Hot water
3 6
4+7 Circulation circuit

6 5 Cold water

Figure  DHW heating in instantaneous heating system, typical application with Type 5724/5725

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Page 196 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4.4.  Electric Actuator Type 5724 and Type 5725

Electric actuator with integrated digital controller for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
For globe and three-way valves, e.g. Types 3213, 3214, 3260, 3222 or 3226 Valves in
nominal sizes DN 15 to 50.
The Type 5724 and Type 5725 are a combination of a linear actuator and an integrated
digital controller.
They are especially designed for DHW (DHW = Domestic Hot Water) heating in
instantaneous heating systems for small to medium-sized buildings and for fixed set point
control circuits in mechanical engineering applications. They are particularly suitable for
mounting to SAMSON Types 3213, 3214, 3260, 3222 and 3226 Valves.
The Type 5724 Actuator is without fail-safe action and Type 5725 with fail-safe action.
The Type 5724 has a manual override to manually move the valve in de-energized state.

Special features
„„ Control using two different set points, e.g. DHW
temperature and DHW temperature for thermal
„„ Manual setting possible at the set point
potentiometer or over TROVIS-VIEW
Configuration and Operator Interface
„„ Function to maintain water temperature
constant, preventing the heat exchanger from
Type 5725-7
cooling down since the last hot water was
„„ Pump output to control a circulating pump or a circulation circuit can alternatively be
used as a fault alarm output
„„ Direction of action reversible:
◊  Globe valve opens when the actuator stem retracts (increasing / increasing)
◊  Three-way mixing valve mixes/diverts the flow(s) when the actuator stem extends
„„ Limit value monitoring:
◊  The valve is closed by the actuator when the maximum adjustable limit value is
◊  The frost protection function is started when the temperature falls below the minimum
adjustable limit.
„„ Configuration, parameterization, diagnostic function, and direct connection for
monitoring over TROVIS-VIEW software:
◊  Direct data transmission over a connecting cable (direct connection to PC)
◊  Data transmission over a memory pen

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 197 of 292  Type 5724

The controller with electric actuator without fail-safe action has a handwheel (2) used
to manually position the valve (only when the actuator is disconnected from the power
supply). Travel and direction of action can be read off the travel indicator (9) on the side
of the actuator housing.  Type 5725
The controller with electric actuator with fail-safe action is basically the same as Type
5724. However, it contains a spring assembly (8) and an electromagnet which in de-
energized state move the connected valve to the appropriate fail-safe position. The Type
5725 Actuator is only available with fail-safe action “Actuator stem extends”.
A handwheel (2) is not fitted. On disconnecting the actuator from the power supply and
removing the housing lid (1.1), you can use a key to adjust the actuator manually. As soon
as the key is released, the actuator immediately resumes its initial position.
8 9 1 12 2 1.1 1.2

12 15


15 12 6



3 11

4 1Controller with
electric actuator
1.1 Housing lid
1.2 Cable entry
A AB 2 Handwheel
(Type 5724 only)
3 Actuator stem
4 Coupling nut
B 8 Spring assembly
(Type 5725 only)
9 Scale for travel indication
10 Plug stem
11 Set point potentiometer
12 Serial interface
(RJ-12 jack)
Figure  Functional diagram of Type 5724 and Type 5725

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Page 198 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Technical data of Electric Actuator Type 5824 and Type 5825

with integrated digital controller for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
For globe and three-way valves, e.g. Types 3213, 3214, 3260, 3222 or 3226 Valves in
nominal sizes DN 15 to 50.
5824 5825
Actuator Type
-10 -13 -20 -23 -30 -33 -10 -13 -20 -23 -30 -33
Fail-safe action Without With
Connection to valve Force-locking Form-fit Force-locking Form-fit
Rated travel in mm 6 6 12 12 15 15 6 6 12 12 15 15
Transit time for rated travel 35 s 18 s 70 s 35 s 90 s 45 s 35 s 18 s 70 s 35 s 90 s 45 s
Transit time in case of fail-safe
– 4s 6s 7s
Fail-safe action – Stem extends
Nominal thrust 700 N 500 N 280 N
Power supply 230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz 230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz
Power consumption, approx. 3 VA 7 VA 3 VA 7 VA 3 VA 7 VA 5 VA 9 VA 5 VA 9 VA 5 VA 9 VA
Manual override Yes Possible 1)
Perm. ambient temperature 0 to 50 °C 0 to 50 °C
Perm. storage temperature –20 to 70 °C –20 to 70 °C
Perm. temperature at connecting
0 to 130 °C 0 to 130 °C
Degree of protection (upright
IP 54 IP 54
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2
Noise emission EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3
Floating contact to switch between internal set points or to deactivate
Binary input BE1 3)
the function to keep DHW at a constant temperature
Binary input BE2 3) Flow switch
Binary output 230 V / 50 Hz, max. 1 A
Additional electrical equipment
Temperature sensor Pt 1000
Flow rate sensor 530 pulses/l
Flow switch Yes 2) · Alternative to flow rate sensor
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Table  Technical data of Actuator Type 5724 and Type 5725
1) Manual override using a 4 mm Allen key (after removing the housing lid), always returns
to fail-safe position after safety release.
2) The flow switch or flow rate sensor is not required in DHW heating in instantaneous
systems with a constant circulation. (DHW = Domestic Hot Water)
3) Recommendation: Use devices with gold contacts when using relays.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 199 of 292  Examples of electrical actuator Type 5824/5825 with various control valves
Type 5825 Type 5825
with three way Valve Type 3260 with Flow regulator Type 2488

Type 5825 Type 5825

with Valve Type 3222 with Valve Type 3213

Type 5824 Type 5824

with Valve Type 3214 with three way Valve Type 3226

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Page 200 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4.5.  Electro-hydraulic actuator

Electro hydraulic actuators include, in most
cases, a closed hydraulic system existing
of an electrical drive motor, a pump and a
hydraulic cylinder with plunger and actuator
stem. Position control is often integrated i.e.
a force balancing element with an electric
input signal of usually 4 to 20 mA and a
corresponding feedback via a range spring.
A flapper-nozzle system regulates, via a
special hydraulic high pressure valve, the
pressures within the double acting hydraulic
cylinder until the desired position of the
valve stem is reached.
A proportional relationship results in this
way between input signal and valve travel
(stroke of the control valve). Similar to an
electro-mechanical actuator, the direction
of movement and force can be reversed.
If a plant has numerous electro hydraulic
actuators, a central hydraulic unit is often
used. In such a case all actuators are
supplied centrally with a constant hydraulic
Therefore, the individual actuators no
longer contain the pump, but only the piston
actuator and the positioner which regulates
Figure 9.4.5.-1:  Electro-hydraulic actuator the pressure on both sides of the piston
Type 3274
with high accuracy until the required travel
position is reached. Figure 9.4.5.-1 shows the details of an electro-hydraulic actuator.
„„ Very high actuator thrusts attainable.
„„ Relatively high control rate (stroking speed) possible.
„„ High rigidity (travel stiffness) dampens oscillations of valve stem.
„„ Automatic failure position in case of auxiliary energy loss.
„„ Very heavy, extensive construction, expensive.
„„ In most cases not every mounting position suitable.
„„ Protection against explosion attainable only with high cost.
„„ Unsuitable for extremely high and low temperatures.
„„ Sensitive to rough service conditions, frequently maintenance required.

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 201 of 292

Figure 9.4.5.-2:  Electro-hydraulic actuator Type 3274

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Page 202 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Electric Actuator Type 3274, Type 3374 and Type 3375

For process engineering and industrial applications and they are suitable for mounting
on SAMSON Valves the Series 3240, 3250 and 3280.
3274-1 3274-2 3374 3375
Actuator Type Three-point Three-point Three-point Three-point
stepping stepping stepping stepping
Fail-safe function Without With Without Without
230 V (±10 %),
24 V AC (±10 %), 24 V, 50 Hz 24 V, 50 Hz
50 Hz
Power supply (50 and 60 Hz) 230 V, 50 Hz 230 V, 50 Hz
24 V (±10 %),
24 V DC (±10 %) 120 V, 60 Hz 120 V, 60 Hz
50 Hz
Power consumption Approx. 3 VA Approx. 5 VA Approx. 3 to 6 VA Approx. 4 to 8 VA
Degree of protection IP 42 IP 42 IP 54 IP 54
Protection class II II II II
Nominal thrust 4500 N 4500 N 2500 N 7500/12500 N
Rated travel 6 mm 6 mm 6/12/15 mm 6/12/15 mm
Transit time for rated travel 20 s 30/20/10 s 18/35/36/70/90 s 18/35/36/70/90 s
Handwheel Yes Yes Yes Optional
Stem extends Yes
Stem retracts Yes
Force-locking Force-locking Force-locking Force-locking
Connection to valve
Form-fit Form-fit
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2
Noise emission EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3
0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V
Digital Input signal 0 to 10 V
0 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA
Out put signal 0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V
Permis- Ambient 0 to 50 °C 0 to 50 °C 0 to 50 °C 0 to 50 °C
sible tem- At connecting
peratures 0 to 120 °C 0 to 120 °C 0 to 130 °C 0 to 130 °C
2 limit switches Max. 230 V, 3 A Max. 230 V, 3 A
1 potentiometer 0 to 1000 Ω 0 to 1000 Ω
Housing Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic
Coupling nut Brass Brass Brass Brass

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Table 9.4.5.-3:  Electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic actuators

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 203 of 292

9.4.6.  Electrohydraulic Actuators Types 3274-11 to -23

Actuators for positioning control valves. The electrohydraulic actuators receive three-
point stepping or continuous output signal from electric controllers. Nominal thrust up to
7300 N · Rated travels 15 and 30 mm. The actuators are available with different thrusts.
Special features
„„ Compact design including electric or optionally mechanical override.
„„ Safe functioning due to force-dependent disconnection of the motor when final positions
are reached or when overload occurs.
„„ Installation of positioner, potentiometers and electric or inductive limit switches in the
terminal box.
„„ Optionally fail-safe action for version with electric override.

Versions with electric override (Figure 9.4.6.-1)

Electric override activated by two pushbuttons on the
terminal box
Type 3274-11 · Electrohydraulic actuator with nominal
thrust F retracts of 2100 N in operating direction stem
retracts, and nominal thrust F extends of 1800 N in
operating direction stem extends.
Type 3274-12 · F retracts of 500 N and F extends of
3000 N
Type 3274-13 · F retracts and F extends both 4300 N
Type 3274-14 · F retracts of 500 N and F extends of 7300 N

Versions with mechanical override (Figure 9.4.6.-2)

Mechanical override adjusted using an Allen key (width
across flats/SW 24) at the additional gearing housing
Type 3274-15 · F retracts of 2100 N and F extends of 1800 N
Type 3274-16 · F retracts of 500 N and F extends of 3000 N
Type 3274-17 · Fretracts and F extends both 4300 N
Figure 9.4.6.-1:  Electrohydraulic
Type 3274-18 · F retracts of 500 N and F extends of Actuator Type 3274-11 to -14
7300 N
Versions with fail-safe action and electric override, operating direction of the spring return
mechanism according to Figure 9.4.6.-1.
Type 3274-21 · F retracts of 2100 N and F extends of 1800 N operating direction of fail-
safe position: stem extends

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 204 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Type 3274-22 · F retracts of 1800 N and F extends of 2100 N operating direction of fail-
safe position: stem retracts.
Type 3274-23 · F retracts of 500 N and F extends of 3000 N operating direction of fail-
safe position: stem extends
Typetested versions
Type 3274-21 and Type 3274-23 Actuators (with fail-
safe action: stem extends) have been typetested
together with various SAMSON valves by German TÜV
according to DIN 32730. Register number available on
Other certifications
„„ CSA for version 110 V/60 Hz
„„ NEMA 3

Versions with fail-safe action

have a spring return mechanism and an additional
safety solenoid valve which opens when the power
supply is interrupted, reducing the pressure on the
cylinder chamber. In this case, electric override is not

The actuators are fitted with an electric or optionally a
mechanical override. Versions with fail-safe action are
supplied with electric override only.

Electric override
Figure 9.4.6.-2:  Type 3274-15 to -18 There are two pushbuttons on the terminal box. Any
Electrohydraulic Actuator with travel position can be reached independent of the
mechanical override control signal. After the pushbutton is released, the
actuator reacts again according to the controller signal.
The control signal can be interrupted by opening the isolator terminal (81 in Figure
9.4.6.-6 to Figure 9.4.6.-8).

Mechanical override
The release button on the top of the actuator housing must be activated. An Allen key
(SW 24) can be used for adjustment. As soon as the release button is deactivated, the
actuator reacts again according to the controller signal.

Additional electrical equipment

All the electrical equipment can be accessed in the terminal box. Table 9.4.6.-5 shows
the maximum amount of equipment.
The housing cover is secured by special screws and must not be opened!

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 205 of 292

Electric positioner
The positioner compares the controller signal to the signal issued by a potentiometer.
The potentiometer signal is proportional to the travel. The output variable produced by
the positioner is a three-point stepping control signal.
Zero and span for normal and split-range operation are adjustable within a broad range.
The operating direction (increasing / increasing or increasing/ decreasing) can be
selected. By an external make contact, the final position "retracted" or "extended" can
be reached.
This does not affect the safety function. The positioner has an additional output for valve
position feedback.

Electric position transmitter

Output signal 0(2) to 10 V or 0(4) to 20 mA with potentiometer 0 to 1000 Ω for versions
with three-point stepping signal.

Actuators can be equipped with one or two
potentiometers. Versions with positioner require
a potentiometer for valve position feedback to the

Electric limit switch

Actuators are equipped with maximum three overridable
electric or inductive limit switches on request. The limit
switches are activated over infinitely adjustable cam

Heating resistor
Heating the hydraulic oil increases the lower
temperature range. The heating resistor is not protected
by the internal fuse. We recommend that an external
fuse be used in accordance with the power consumption
data indicated on the nameplate.
Figure 9.4.6.-3:  Actuator Type
Please also note the instructions for mounting positions 3274 with three way Valve
in the Mounting and Operating Instructions EB 8340 EN. Type 3260

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 206 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Technical data of Electrohydraulic Actuators Type 3274-11 to -23

Actuator Type 3274 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -21 -22 -23
Version with override Electric Mechanical Electric
Fail-safe action With
Without Stem Stem Stem
Operating direction
extends retracts extends
Rated travel mm 15 or 30 mm
60 s with 15 mm · 120 s with 30 mm
Rated actuating time (depending on temperature and required thrust
Half actuating time on request)
Actuating time in case of fail-safe action [mm/s]
Normal 1 1 1.3
Optional 3.3 3.3 5
With 15 mm travel
Thrust N

Stem retracts 2100 500 4300 500 2100 500 4300 500 2100 1800 500
Stem extends 2000 3400 4300 7700 2000 3400 4300 7700 2000 2300 3400
With 30 mm travel
Thrust N

Stem retracts 2100 500 4300 500 2100 500 4300 500 2100 1800 500
Stem extends 1800 3000 4300 7300 1800 3000 4300 7300 1800 2100 3000
Power supply 230 V, 110 V, 24 V; 50 or 60 Hz (both ±10 %)
Power consumption 90 to 200 VA (maximum in version with half the actuating time and heating)
Perm. ambient
–10 to +60 °C Wider range (with heating resistor): –35 to +60 °C
Storage temperature –25 to +70 °C
Degree of protection IP 65
Control operation Duty cycling S4 according to VDE 0530/IEC 34 with 50% on-time
Electronics section of
Radio interference level according to DIN VDE 0875
Central attachment M30 x 1.5 · Special version for Type 3214 Valve,
DN 150 to 250
Additional electrical equipment
Power supply 230 V, 110 V, 24 V; 50 or 60 Hz (both ±10 %)

Control signal 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA (Ri = 50 Ω) · 0 to 10 V, 2 to 10 V (Ri = 10 kΩ)


Zero shift 0 to 100 %

Change of span 30 to 100 %
Output (feedback) 0(4) to 20 mA, R ≤ 200 Ω · 0(2) to 10 V, R ≤ 2 kΩ
0 to 1000 Ω, 0 to 200 Ω, 0 to 100 Ω, 0 to 275 Ω, 0 to 138 Ω
(when rated travel is 80 % of final value), permissible load 0.5 W
Electric limit switches Maximum three separately adjustable limit switches
Perm. load (see Table 9.4.6.-5) 250 V AC, 5 A
Inductive limit switches Proximity switch SJ 2-N Values according to downstream transistor relay
Control circuit (not included in delivery)
Heating resistor,
With thermostat, activated at approx. –10 °C, deactivated at approx. 0 °C
approx. 45 W
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Table 9.4.6.-4:  Technical data of Electrohydraulic Actuators Type 3274-11 to -23

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 207 of 292

Additional electrical equipment

Max. equipment combination (arranged by columns)
Electric positioner ☑ ☑ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗
Electric positioner ˗ ˗ ☑ ☑ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗
Potentiometer 1 1000 Ω1) 1000 Ω 1) 1000 Ω 1) 1000 Ω 1) ☑ ☑ ˗ ˗
Potentiometer 2 ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ˗ ˗
Electric limit switch 1 ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ☑ ☑
Electric limit switch 2 ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗
Electric limit switch 3 ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗
Inductive limit switch 1 ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ˗ ☑
Inductive limit switch 2 ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ˗ ☑
Table 9.4.6.-5:  Additional electrical equipment
1) Required for position feedback to the positioner/position transmitter

Type 3274-13,-14,-17,-18,-22

Type 3274-11...-18,-21,-23

e Stem retracts Stem extends 1 4

Heating resistor

a "e" "a"
e a a e

N L aL eL a43 e53 81 1.311.32 1.33 2.312.322.33


Safety interlock circuit,

with Type 3274-x only
Figure 9.4.6.-6:  Circuit diagram for actuators with three-point stepping signal
Type 3274-13, -14, -17, -18,-22
Heating resistor

Type 3274-11... -18, -21,-23

e 2

1 4
a In
retracts Out
Priority position

a e
"e" "a"

N L aL eL a43 e53 82 83 81 1 11 13 32 31 33 2.31 2.32 2.33

- + - +
(0)4 to 20 mA(0)4 to 20 mA
white Bridge essential
brown - + - + with 0(2) to 10 V
(0)2 to 10V (0)2 to 10V
Safety interlock circuit, Input
only with Type 3274-2x Control Output
Figure 9.4.6.-7:  Circuit diagram for actuators with positioners

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 208 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Heating resistor
M F 2

F 1 4
a retracts extends
ϑ "e" "a"
a e

N L aL eL a43e53 82 83 81 12 11 13 32 31 33 2.312.322.33
- +
(0)4 to 20 mA

+ Bridge essential
(0)2 to 10 V with 0(2) to 10 V

Safety interlock circuit,
with Type 3274-x only

Figure 9.4.6.-8:  Circuit diagram for actuators with positioners

Figure 9.4.6.-9:  Globe Valve Type 3241 with electrohydraulic Actuator Type 3274-11

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 209 of 292

9.4.7.  Electric Actuator Type 3374

Electric actuator designed for use in industrial plants
and in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
The Type 3374 Electric Actuators are linear actuators
available with or without fail-safe action. They can be
combined with valves from various SAMSON series.
Special features:
„„ 15 or 30 mm travel
„„ Voltage supply 230 V or 24 V with 50 Hz or 60 Hz or
120 V/60 Hz
„„ Synchronous motor with planetary gear
„„ Motor switched off by torque-dependent switches
„„ Mechanical override
Standard version
Type 3374 · Actuator optionally available with either
integrated yoke or central attachment using a M30 x 1.5
ring nut including necessary coupling parts.
Typetested version
Actuator with fail-safe action "actuator stem
extends" for various SAMSON valves. Register
number available on request.
Further versions with
„„ Two adjustable two-way limit switches
„„ Two potentiometers
Digital positioner
Figure 9.4.7.-1:  Type 3374 Electric Actuator
„„ Automatic travel calibration with integrated yoke attached to
V2001 Globe Valve
„„ Different operating modes can be selected
using selector switch

Setting by means of TROVIS-VIEW

„„ Additional functions can be set and transferred using a PC or a memory pen
„„ Characteristic either linear, equal percentage or freely determinable by entering the
desired points
„„ Priority position
„„ Action selectable when input signal fails
No further potentiometers are available for version with digital positioner.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 210 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Attachment to various valves

With integrated yoke for

„„ V2001 Series,
„„ Type 3260 (DN 65 to DN 150)
„„ Type 3214 (DN 65 to DN 250)

With central attachment for

„„ Series 3240

With central attachment for

C „„ Type 3214 (DN 125 to DN 250)
„„ Series 3240 (Type 3241 and Type 3244)

Figure 9.4.7.-2:  Attachment to various valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 211 of 292  Principle of operation

The electric actuators consist of a reversible synchronous motor and a maintenance-free
planetary gear with ball screw. The motor is switched off by torque-dependent switches
when the end positions are reached or in case of overload.
The Type 3374 Actuators with integrated yoke ("A" Figure 9.4.7.-2) are primarily combined
with the following valves:
„„ V2001 Series
„„ Type 3260 in DN 65 to DN 150
„„ Type 3214 in DN 65 to DN 100
„„ Type 3214 balanced by a diaphragm, DN 125 to 250
The Type 3374 Actuators with central attachment are primarily combined with valves with
yokes of their own:
„„ Series 3240 ("B" Figure 9.4.7.-2)
„„ Type 3214 balanced by a bellows, DN 125 to 250 ("C" Figure 9.4.7.-2)  Fail-safe action

The Type 3374 Actuators are optionally available with fail-safe action:
„„ Actuator stem extends
Upon power supply failure, the actuator stem extends
„„ Actuator stem retracts
Upon power supply failure, the actuator stem retracts
Technical data
Type 3374 -10 -11 -15 -21 -26 -31 -36
Fail-safe action Without With
Actuator stem Actuator
Operating direction ˗
extends stem retracts
Valve attachment Ring nut ˗ ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑
over Yoke ☑ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗ ☑ ˗
Rated travel mm 30 15 30 15 15
Actuating time for
s 240/1201) 120/601) 240/1201) 120/601) 120/601)
rated travel 1)
Actuating time in
case of s ˗ 12
fail-safe action
2500 2000
Positioning force extends
in N Stem
2500 500

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 212 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Technical data
Type 3374 -10 -11 -15 -21 -26 -31 -36
230 V, +10/–15 %, 50/60 Hz
Power supply 24 V, +10/–15 %, 50/60 Hz
120 V (90 to 132 V), 60 Hz
VA Max. 18
Switch off Torque-dependent
Perm. ambient
°C 5 to 60
°C –20 to +70
IP 54 according to DIN IEC 529 · Suspended mounting
not permissible!
Degree of protection
IP 65 with cable glands (M20x1.5 with metal nut
SW 23/24)
Overvoltage category II
Design and inspection EN 61 010 Edition 3.94
Class of protection II
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2
Noise emission EN 61000-6-3
Hex wrench · No adjustment possible after fail-safe
action is triggered Manual override in actuators with
Manual override
safety function only possible when op. voltage is
Additional electrical equipment
Limit switches Two travel-dependent adjustable limit switches
250 V AC, 3 A
Two potentiometers: 0 to 1000 Ω (900 Ω at rated travel),
max. 1m · Not with version inc. positioner
Input and output 0(4) to 20 mA · 0(2) to 10 V
Can be selected using selector switch · Additional set-
Digital positioner

Operating modes tings can be determined using TROVIS-VIEW and can

be transferred using a PC or memory pen
Linear or freely determinable characteristic · Adjustable
Travel adjustment During automatic initialization procedure
Data transmission with settings, operating status, error
messages per SAMSON interface protocol
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
Table  Technical data of Type 3374-XX
1) Half the actuating time for actuators with 50 Hz mains frequency

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 213 of 292

Version for three-point stepping signal

eL Actuator stem retracts

Ce Ce

aL Actuator stem extends

– + N N L

aL eL N N L

Magnet for version

with fail-safe action

Limit switches (optional) Potentiometer (optional)

41 44 42 51 54 52 81 82 83 91 92 93

a e e a

81 82 83

Version with digital positioner

Limit switches (optional)

41 44 42 51 54 52

V mA
+ _ +
mA V V_
+ _ + + + V_ L N

31 32 33 13 12 11 81 82 83 84 L N
Position Input Binary Binary output Magnet only for version
transmitter input max. 25 mA with fail-safe action

Figure  Wiring diagram

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 214 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4.8.  Electric Actuator Type 3375

This linear actuator is controlled by three-point stepping signals issued by an electronic
controller. It is suitable for mounting on SAMSON Series 3240 and 3250 Valves.
Without safety function
Type 3375-10
Thrust: 12.5 kN
Rated travel: 30 mm
Nom. transit time: 50 s (with 50 Hz)
Power supply: 230 V, 50/60 Hz
Type 3375-11
Thrust: 12.5 kN
Rated travel: 60 mm
Nom. transit time: 100 s (with 50 Hz)
Power supply: 230 V, 50/60 Hz

Principle of operation
The electric actuators consist of an asynchronous motor and a maintenance-free planetary
gear with ball screw. The motor is switched off by torque-dependent switches when the
end positions are reached or in case of overload.
Technical data
Type 3375 -10 -11
Safety function Without
Direction of action
Valve connection over M30x1.5 M60x1.5
Rated travel mm 30 60
Transit time for rated travel with
s 50 (42) 100 (84)
50 Hz (with 60 Hz)
Power supply 230 V, 50/60 Hz ±10 %
Operating mode (DIN VDE 0530) S3 - 50 % ED (1200 c/h)
Extends 12.5
Thrust [kN]
Retracts 12.5
Power consumption VA 180
Deactivation Torque-dependent
Perm. ambient temperature +5 °C to +60 °C
Storage temperature -20 °C to +70 °C

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 215 of 292

Technical data
IP 54 acc. to IEC 529 (IP 65 with cable
Degree of protection gland) Suspended mounting position not
Overvoltage category II
Design and inspection EN 61010 edition 3.94
Class of protection II
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2
Noise emission EN 61000-6-3
Override Handwheel
Additional equipment
Limit switch Two pcs., 250 VAC, 3 A
Potentiometer Two pcs., 0 to 1000 Ω
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
Table 9.4.8.-1:  Technical data

41 44 42 51 54 52 81 82 83 91 92 93

a e a e eL

M aL


L N L1 eL aL e53 a43

ce c e

*) Only for actuators with safety function

Figure 9.4.8.-2:  Electrical Actuator Type 3375 - Wiring

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 216 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4.9.  Electro-mechanical Actuators - PSL Overview

PSL202/AMS up to 2.3 kN
PSL204/AMS up to 4.5 kN
PSL208/AMS up to 8.0 kN
PSL210/AMS up to 10 kN
PSL214/AMS up to 14 kN
PSL320/AMS up to 20 kN
PSL325/AMS up to 25 kN

20 kN to 25 kN

14 kN
8 kN to 10 kN
1 kN to 4.5 kN

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 217 of 292

PSL Electro-mechanical Actuators

For process engineering and industrial applications and they are suitable for mounting on
SAMSON Valves the Series 3240, 3250 and 3280.
PSL 202 PSL204
PSL 201 PSL208
Actuator Type PSL 202.1 PSL204.1
PSL 201.1 PSL208.1
PSL 202.2 PSL204.2
24V/115V/230V/400V, 50 Hz or 60 Hz,
Power supply 50 Hz or 60 Hz,
12 V or 24 V DC
24 V DC
Power consumption 25.9 to 41 VA 37 to 54 VA 44 to 68 VA 65 to 138 VA
Motor protection Blockable motor Thermal switch
Duty cycle as
S2 30 min S4 50% ED - 1200 c/h
per IEC 60034-1-8
Conduit entries M 20x1.5 2 pcs.
Enclosure acc. to
IP65 (Standard, customizing possible)
EN 60529
Nominal thrust 1.0 kN 2.0 kN 4.5 kN 8.0 kN
Rated travel 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm
Velocity (at 50 Hz) 0.25 mm/s 0.5 to 1.4 mm/s 0.5 to 1.4 mm/s 0.5 to 1.0 mm/s
Handwheel Handwheel knob
Handwheel diameter 59 mm
Pillar distance 100 mm (Standard, customizing possible)
Permitted ambient
-20 to +80 °C, modulating duty up to +60 °C
Position indication Rotation lock on mounting pillars
Mounting position Any position, except cover pointing downwards
Positioner Yes Yes Yes Yes
Heating Resistor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Options 2 limit switches Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 potentiometer Yes Yes Yes Yes
Position Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cover Polycarbonat (Standard, customizing possible)
Gear case High quality aluminium die casting
Pillar Non-corrosive steel DIN 1.4104
Feedback rod Non-corrosive steel DIN 1.4104

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Table 9.4.9.-1:  PSL Electro-mechanical Actuators PSL 201 to PSL 208

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 218 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

PSL Electro-mechanical Actuators

For process engineering and industrial applications and they are suitable for mounting on
SAMSON Valves the Series 3240, 3250 and 3280.

Actuator Type PSL 210 PSL 214 PSL 320 PSL 325

24V/115V/230V/400V, 50 Hz or 60 Hz,
Power supply
24 V DC

Power consumption 65 to 138 VA 43 to 55 VA 86 to 119 VA 86 to 119 VA

Motor protection Thermal switch
Duty cycle as
S2 30 min S4 50% ED - 1200 c/h
per IEC 60034-1-8
Conduit entries M 20x1.5 2 pcs. 3 pcs.
Enclosure acc. to
IP65 IP67 IP65 IP65
EN 60529
Nominal thrust 10.0 kN 14.0 kN 20.0 kN 25.0 kN
Rated travel 50 mm 65 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Velocity (at 50 Hz) 0.45 mm/s 0.45 mm/s 1.0 mm/s 1.0 mm/s
Handwheel Handwheel knob Handwheel
Handwheel diameter 59 mm 100 mm
Pillar distance 100 mm 155 mm
Permitted ambient
-20 to +80 °C, modulating duty up to +60 °C
Position indication Rotation lock on mounting pillars
Mounting position Any position, except cover pointing downwards
Positioner Yes Yes Yes Yes
Heating Resistor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Options 2 limit switches Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 potentiometer Yes Yes Yes Yes
Position Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cover Polycarbonat Cast aluminium Deep drawn steel plate
Gear case High quality aluminium die casting
Pillar Non-corrosive steel DIN 1.4104
Feedback rod Non-corrosive steel DIN 1.4104

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Table 9.4.9.-2:  PSL Electro-mechanical Actuators PSL 210 to PSL 325

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 219 of 292  PSL Electro-mechanical Actuators

The cover and switching mechanism design of the PSL valve actuators for a wider range
of applications, with more space for electronics and reduced cost.
The PSL valve actuators fulfil all requirements for control valve actuators with remarkable
efficiency. They position precisely, are very robust, reliable with long life, even at high
loads. The individual components are of high quality and correspond to the harmonised
European standards for machines and electrical equipment.
The basic adjustment of a PSL actuator on a valve is simple due to the central arrangement
of the switching and sensor units, which are easily accessible. Optional accessories are
quickly retrofittable due to the unique, perfected modular design.
Users of the PSL linear and PSQ quarter-turn actuators profit from the unified modular
concept of the accessories in several ways.
There are fewer parts which need to be held in stock and the training for the sales, service
and assembly personnel is reduced considerably.


12 10

Figure  Modular accessories, easy retrofitting even on site

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Page 220 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Characteristics for simple handling and for long, trouble-free operation which only PSL
actuators can offer in their class:
The tight cover, made of high-quality polycarbonate, sheet steel or cast aluminium
allows outdoor installation.
High-quality and high-efficiency motor used for a precise positioning and
controlling with high duty cycle.
Spur gear with minimum backlash and low wear for precise positioning of the
valve stem; high actuator output stiffness due to self-locking drive.
The proven disc spring coupling provides a defined setting force and tight closing;
the rotation lock serves as a mechanical stroke indicator.
The mounting pillars made of non-corrosive steel for simple, versatile mounting
to the valve.
Comfortable hand operation without switching from motor to manual operation;
6 the handwheel simultaneously indicates the operation and direction of operation
and helps during failure diagnosis.
7 Easily adjustable limit and signal switches.
8 Additional stroke switches or intermediate switches
9 Single or double potentiometer.
10 Space heater.
11 Electronic position transmitter.
12 Electronic positioner.
Table  Characteristics for simple handling of PSL actuators

Figure  Smart linear actuator with fail-safe unit on a globe valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 221 of 292  PS-AMS The All-In-One Actuators

PS-AMS is the patented smart actuator solution of PS Automation GmbH for linear
actuators up to 25 kN thrust and quarter-turn actuators up to 1000 Nm torque. The
new generation PSAMS11/ 12/13 was developed from the proven PS-AMS01/02/03, is
available for various voltages, and mechanical adaptation to most types of valves can be


Figure  PS-AMS

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 222 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

PS-AMS The All-In-One Actuators

Speed-controlled actuation
The output is generated by a 24 VDC motor, which is controlled by the electronics
1 via pulse width modulation (PWM), i.e. it is operated at variable speed. Absolute-
coded feedback is done with a precision potentiometer. PS-AMS standard
equipment comprises positioner and active feedback function, automatic
commissioning as well as comprehensive diagnostics functions.

Mechanical design
The mechanical part of the PS-AMS actuator consists of the components of PS
Automation's standard actuators with their well-proven components, namely
2 a robust spur gear with trapezoidal thread in PSL-AMS, and a high-reduction
planetary differential gearbox with a handwheel permanently engaged via a
worm gear in PSQ-AMS. All PS actuators are lubricated for life and therefore

Electrical connection
The electrical wiring of PSL-AMS is done directly
to terminal blocks in the integrated terminal box.
3 PSQ-AMS uses a plug-and-socket system with
robust screw clamps in a separately attached
housing. The plug can be removed without
interfering with any existing cables, e.g. for
maintenance or exchange of the actuator.

Parameterization by Software
Our concept of monitoring current and voltage
permits adaptation of the actuator functions to
4 the process conditions in many ways. Via our
communication software PSCS it is possible to
adjust valve-specific details, actuation thrust/
torque and speed, to configure alerts, and to do a
freely programmable valve curve correction.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 223 of 292

PS-AMS The All-In-One Actuators

Diagnostics function
The diagnostics function of the communication
software PSCS allows to retrieve counting values
(such as operating hours, number of start-ups
and running time of motor) and sets of running
parameters (such as the analogue set value input,
actual position value, currently required motor
torque and inside temperature of the actuator).
5 The actual values can be graphically displayed
and analyzed using the monitor function.
Thus the PS-AMS concept allows pro-active
maintenance and as a result an increase in
process safety.
We are currently preparing a combined monitoring
system which will also give a trend prognosis of
the wear situation of the PS-AMS actuator.

Wireless communication
Due to the continual further development
and optimizing of the electronics and the
communication protocol, the signal processing
6 inside the actuator and the communication to the
outside are now designed to work even faster
and more reliably. Communication is feasible via
special communication software PSCS from the
PC or wireless via Bluetooth protocol from PC or

Status indication & Automatic

The permanent optical status signalled by two
LEDs was revised in order to make the indicated
7 messages even clearer. All operating conditions
or fault functions are now uniquely signalled by
specific optical sequences.
Automatic adjustment is started in an user-friendly
way by a pushbutton.
Table  PS-AMS The All-In-One Actuators

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 224 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Optional Accessories

PS-AMS The All-In-One Actuators
Local control PSC.2
The optionally available lockable local control box
PSC.2 allows on site operation and can also be used
to set most of the actuator-specific values. The display
of actual position, messages and parameters of the
actuator is in full text.

Integrated process controller PSIC

The integrated process controller PSIC, available
as optional accessory, reads the signal of a process
sensor as actual value of the process and then
positions the actuator according to either a modulating
process set value, or a programmed fixed value. The
concept of PS-AMS using an electric motor with 24
VDC supply voltage facilitates a simple power supply
to the actuator via photo voltaic cells, allowing to install
a full control loop at remote locations independently of
supply and signal lines which may be difficult to lay.

Fieldbus / Bluetooth interfaces

The main board is prepared for the optional installation
of modules for all common field bus interfaces
or Bluetooth protocol, which enables wireless
parameterization and read-out of diagnostics of the
actuator at distances of up to 10 m.

Fail-safe unit PSEP

The fail-safe device PSEP is based on an accumulator
with controlled charger, so that a safety position in case
of loss of power supply can be freely defined without any
mechanical alterations to the actuator.

Table  Optional Accessories

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 225 of 292  Mounting the PSL Actuator onto the Valves

SAMSON Series 3240, 3250, and 3280.
The standard actuator mounting method is described below. Mounting is simplified for
several types of valves for which special modifications to the actuator can be obtained.
Should this be the case, see the separately attached description for mounting instructions.
The actuator and / or valve

11 1 = stroke scale
2 = spindle nut with locking device
10 2 3 = safety pin
4 = coupling piece
9 3 5 = valve mounting plate
6 = fastening nut
8 4
7 = valve body
8 = valve spindle
7 5
9 = swivel nut
6 10 = disc springs
11 = mounting pedestals

Figure  Mounting the actuator on the valve

The valve must be suitably equipped to take the mounting pedestals. Please see the
individual dimension sheets for the actuator dimensions. Observe the following steps
when mounting the actuator:
„„ Unscrew the swivel nut (item 9) from the spindle nut (item 2) and slide it over the valve
spindle (item 8).
„„ See if the bore of the coupling piece fits the valve spindle. If necessary, rebore and/or
recut the thread.
„„ Slide or screw the coupling piece (item 4) onto the valve spindle and bore or pin to the
valve spindle (disc springs, see chapter 8.2).
„„ Slide the valve spindle with the coupling piece and disc springs (item 10) into the
spindle nut, screw on the swivel nut and tighten down using the cross slotted key
„„ Slide the actuating pedestals (item 11) into the bore holes of the valve mounting plate
and tighten with the fastening nuts.  Type of limit cut-off

The type of limit switch cut-off is dependent on the type of valve and the limit position:
„„ Force/stroke-dependent cut-off (cf. 9.2)
„„ Stroke-dependent cut-off (cf. 9.3)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 226 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

The force/stroke-dependent cut-off limit switches can be set by means of compressing

the disc spring coupling (Fig. 6 and 7).
Various types of valves require special couplings, which are described in a separate
instruction sheet enclosed. The following method of setting the cut-off is for a standard
coupling. Even here special variations are possible and where applicable, they are also
described in a separately attached sheet.

Figure  Standard disc spring coupling

The different methods of arranging the discs are dependent on the type of valve. Three
different methods are possible:
A: Arrangement for a through-valve with "Valve Spindle retracting" as direction of closing.
B: Arrangement for a through valve with "Valve Spindle extending" as direction of closing.
C: Arrangement for a 3-way valve.
Basic rule:
„„ For a through-valve, first set the CLOSED position force/stroke-dependent, then the
OPEN position stroke-dependent
„„ For a 3-way valve set both limit positions force/stroke-dependent.  Force/stroke-dependent limit switch cut-off

„„ Using the handwheel on the actuator, drive the valve into the limit position until the
valve cone touches the valve seat. This occurs when the valve spindle nut starts to
move axially and the spindle pushes against the disc spring force.
„„ Mark the position on one of the drive support pedestals at the rotation protection piece.
„„ Continue to drive the actuator in the same direction until the disc springs are compressed
to the required amount (see the specific data sheet for the drive) as denoted on the
spring/force diagram.
„„ Slacken-off the fixing screw on the corresponding switching cam (Figure,
move the cam towards the limit switch until it clicks, and re-tighten the fixing screw.
„„ Check the setting by repeating the drive action to close the valve and check that the
spring discs are compressed to the correct stroke. Re-adjust the cam if required.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 227 of 292

Figure  Disc spring stroke


1 = Retracting spindle nut (OPEN)

2 = Extending spindle nut (CLOSE)
Figure  Adjusting switching cams Figure  Spring pressure graph

3-way valves using the spring disc arrangement "C" (Figure
require only half of the spring stroke designated in the spring diagram!

Once the end position is established, glue on the stroke indicator scale
onto a drive pedestal.  Stroke-dependent limit switch cut-off

The spring discs are not compressed for the stroke dependent limit
switch cut-off.
„„ Using the handwheel on the actuator, drive the valve until the end
required is reached.
„„ Slacken-off the fixing screw on the corresponding switching cam
(Figure, move the cam towards the limit switch until it
activates, and re-tighten the fixing screw.

Figure  Segment Ball Valve Type 3310

with Electric Actuator and Handwheel Type PSQ 123

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Page 228 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Electric Supply

The mains connecting cables must be suitably dimensioned to accept the max. current
requirement of the actuator, and correspond to IEC 227 and IEC 245.
The yellow-green coloured cables may only be used for connecting to earth.
When inserting the cable through the drive cable connector, ensure that the max. bending
radius for the cable is observed.
The PSL electric actuators do not have an internal electrical power switch. A switch or
power mains switch has therefore to be provided in the building installation. This should
be positioned close to the device and be easily accessible to the user and shall be labelled
as the mains isolator switch for the actuator.
The building installation must also provide for power surge trips or fuses corresponding to
standard IEC 364-4-41 with protection Class 1, for the actuator connections.  Wiring diagram

Figure indicates the electrical connections for standard actuators. The wiring
diagram inside the actuator cover is binding for the specific actuator connection. See the
separate wiring diagram in the corresponding service instructions for any optional extras.

1 2 X1 = Internal wiring
X3 X10 1
2 X2 = Internal wiring
1 X2 3 X3 = Internal wiring
2 X9 2 X4 = Potentiometer connection
1 for PSAP
3 X5/1 = Neutral
X8 2 X5/2 = Motor phase to open
1 1
X4/16 X5/4 = Motor phase to close
X4/14 X5/6 = Thermo switch as potential-free
3 6
X4/15 contact
4 5
5 X7 4 X5/7 = Thermo switch as potential-free
6 3 contact
7 X1 2
X6 = Additional position switch
X5/4 X7 = not used
10 X5/7
6 X8 = heating resistor
11 5 X9 = Potentiometer 2
12 X6 4
13 X5/1 3
1 PE = Earth connection on housing
Figure  Wiring terminals

Two adjustable limit switches are installed to limit the stroke of the actuator, and cut-off
the motor current in the relative direction.
Most motors have a thermal switch, depending on the actuator type, to cut off the current
in both directions when a maximum temperature is reached (only at standard single

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 229 of 292

phase power supply). The thermal switch loop is closed by the bridge between the X5/6
and X5/7 connections (see Figure
If desired, the thermo switch can be wired to be monitored from the outside as follows:
„„ Remove the bridge between connections X5/6 and X5/7.
„„ Exchange the connections X1/11 and X1/13.
„„ Make a conductivity check between connections X5/6 and X5/7(resistance has to be
„„ Connect the thermo switch as potential-free contact to the connections X5/6 and X5/7.  Maximum thermal switch loading

The thermo switch can be loaded as a maximum to the nominal load of the motor (see
motor nameplate).

1-Phase AC 3-Phase AC 12 V / 24 V DC


X5 X5





Close Open Position





N L1

Index B

Additional Additional Additional

Position Switch Potentiometer 1 Potentiometer 2 Heating
X6 X9 X8



S S t

Close Open
Figure  Wiring diagram

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Page 230 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4.10.  Electric actuators outside source

Linear Actuator Type SAM

2 kN to 25 kN

Linear Actuator AUMA

Thrusts from 4 kN to 217 kN

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 231 of 292

Electric actuators used in process engineering applications.

They are suitable for mounting on SAMSON Series 3240, 3250, and 3280 Valves.
SAM Auma Auma
Actuator Type
Three-point stepping Three-point stepping Three-point stepping
Mode of operation Linear Linear Part-turn
Fail-safe function Without Without Without
230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz 230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz
230 V (±10 %), 50 Hz
Power supply 400 V (±10 %), 50 Hz 400 V (±10 %), 50 Hz
400 V (±10 %), 50 Hz
440 V (±10 %), 60 Hz 440 V (±10 %), 60 Hz
Power consumption 60 to 337 W 80 to 750 W 80 to 750 W
Degree of protection IP 65 IP 68 IP 68
Thermoswitches (NC) Thermoswitches (NC)
Protection class Thermoswitches (NC)
PTC thermistors (PTC) PTC thermistors (PTC)
Nominal thrust 2 to 25 kN 4 to 217 kN 4 to 217 kN
15, 30, 60 and 120
Rated travel 50 to 500 mm 50 to 500 mm
Transit time for rated travel 15 to 50 mm/min 20 to 360 mm/min 20 to 360 mm/min
Handwheel Yes Yes Yes
M30 x 1.5, M60 x 1.5, B1 according B1 according
Connecting Thread
M100 x 1.5 EN ISO 5210 EN ISO 5210
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2
Noise emission EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3
0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V
Digital Input signal 0 to 10 V
0 (4) to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA
Out put signal 0 (4) to 20 mA 0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V
-25 to 80 °C
Ambient -20 to 60 °C 0 to 50 °C
Permissible -40 to 60 °C
temperatures At connecting
0 to 120 °C 0 to 120 °C 0 to 130 °C
2 torque-dependent 2 torque-dependent 2 torque-dependent
Limit switches
3 travel-dependent 3 travel-dependent 3 travel-dependent
Options 1 or 2 piece
Potentiometer 0 to 1000 Ω 0 to 1000 Ω
100, 200 or 1000 Ω
Heating resistor 15 W 5W 5W
High quality High quality aluminium High quality aluminium
Materials Housing
aluminium casting casting casting

Actuator pictures

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data sheet.
Figure 9.4.10.-1:  Electro-mechanical actuators

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 232 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Linear Actuator Type SAM

Electric actuators designed for control valves used in process
engineering applications. They are especially suitable for
valves of Series 3240, 3250 and 3280.
Nominal thrusts 2 kN to 25 kN
Rated travels 15 to 120 mm
These electric linear actuators contain reversible AC or
three-phase AC motors. The rotary motion of the motor
is transferred to the actuator stem via a gear unit and the
corresponding transfer elements.
Versions are available with 230 V AC or 400 V three-phase
AC motor for connection to three-point stepping controllers.
Transit times range from 18 to 144 seconds. The standard
versions include a mechanical handwheel.

The following limit switches and signalizing components are

included in the standard hardware:
„„ Two torque-dependent switches Figure  Type SAM electric
actuators attached to
„„ Three travel-dependent switches Optional electrical Globe Valve Type 3284
„„ Brake motors (required for positioners)
„„ One or two potentiometers 100, 200 or 1000 Ω
„„ One electronic position transmitter with an output signal from 4(0) to 20 mA
„„ One positioner with input signals from 4(0) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V Versions

Standard version with surface-cooled squirrel-cage motor for 230 V AC or 400 V three-
phase alternating current. Equipped with two torque-dependent limit switches and three
limit contacts. Motor with temperature monitor (optional for Type SAM -01 to -23).
Type SAM -01 and SAM -1x ∙ Electric actuator with 30 mm rated travel and nominal
thrusts from 2 kN (SAM -01 and SAM -10) to 6 kN (SAM -13).
Type SAM -2x ∙ Electric actuator with 30 mm rated travel and nominal thrusts from 6 kN
(SAM -20) to 15 kN (SAM -23).
Type SAM -3x ∙ Electric actuator with 60 mm rated travel and nominal thrusts from 6 kN
(SAM -30) to 15 kN (SAM -33).
Type SAM -4x ∙ Electric actuator with 60 mm rated travel and nominal thrusts from 15 kN
(SAM -40) to 25 kN (SAM -42).
Type SAM -5x ∙ Electric actuator with 120 mm rated travel and nominal thrusts from 15
kN (SAM -50) to 25 kN (SAM -52).

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 233 of 292  Principle of operation

The actuator motor converts the output pulses
of the three-point stepping controller into steps
of travel. The length of these steps and the
direction of rotation depend on the quantity and
the sign of the control deviation.
The rotary motion of the motor is transferred
to the gear wheel via the gearing; the gear
wheel is shrunk on a bushing with female
thread. The top section of the actuator stem
which is provided with the matching male
thread engages the female thread. Due
to the rotary motion of the gear
wheel and bushing, the actuator
stem screws into the female thread
and performs a lifting, linear motion. The
actuators can be adjusted manually after
disengagement of the motor.
All versions are equipped with two torque-
dependent and three travel-dependent
limit switches which stop the motor when the
predetermined limits are reached. These electrical
components are housed below the sealed cover
where they are separated from the gearing and
protected from moisture and dust. They can be easily
accessed after lifting off the cover.
The torque-dependent switches (S1 and S2 in Fig.
4) switch off the motor when the adjusted force is
reached, e.g., when the valve plug rests against the seat
or when the linear motion is obstructed in any way. The
three floating travel-dependent switches (S3 to S5) issue
a limit signal when the adjusted limit values are exceeded.
Usually, one switch (S3) is used to limit the travel in the opening
direction of the control valve. Whereas the other two switches
(S4 and S5) indicate intermediate or end positions.
The electric actuators can optionally be equipped with two
potentiometers and/or an electric position transmitter with an
output signal from 4 (0) to 20 mA. They are Figure  Sectional drawing of
used for analog remote transmission of the Electric Actuator Type SAM
valve position. It is also possible to install a
positioner with input signals 4 (0) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V when AC brake motors for 230 V,
50 Hz are used. The installation and start-up for three-phase AC brake motors involve
considerably more work because additional external reversing contactors are required.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 234 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Technical data
Type SAM- 01 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 50 51 52
kN 2 2 3.5 4.5 6 6 8 12 15 6 8 12 15 15 20 25 15 20 25
Rated Standard 30 60 120
travel Optional 15 30 60
13.5 13.5
Speed of 17 13.5 ∙ 25 13.5 ∙ 25
mm/min 15 17 ∙ 25 ∙ 50 22 22 25 ∙ 50
response 34 ∙ 50 ∙ 50
40 40
Connecting thread M30 x 1.5 M60 x 1.5 M100 x 1.5
Degree of
IP 65
Perm. ambient
-20 to +60 °C
Table  Technical data of electrical Actuator Type SAM

Electric connection data

01 10 13 20 20 22 20 23 40 ∙ 50
11 21 30 23 21 33 41 ∙ 51
12 30 21 32 22 42 ∙ 52
Type SAM- 31 31 33 30
Speed of 17
mm/min 15 50 17 34 13.5 25 13.5 22 50 40 25 50
response 25
230 V/50 Hz 0.029 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.1 0.225 0.145 0.225 0.7 0.7 0.66 0.93
Motor and 400 V/50 Hz 0.015 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.062 0.11 0.85 0.11 0.29 0.29 0.4 0.7
power Asynchronous motor
consumption Version Synchronous motor 1)
in A Temperatur
Only on request, not required Bimetallic release
Table  Electric connection data
1) Actuators with positioner require brake motors

Electrical equipment
2 torque-dependent switches
Standard version 3 travel-dependent switches
Motor coil with temperature monitor (see Table
1 or 2 potentiometers 100, 200 or 1000 Ω
1 position transmitter with output 4(0) to 20 mA
Options 1 positioner with input 4(0) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V
(only with brake or synchronous motor)
1 heating resistor with temperature monitor
Table  Electrical equipment

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 235 of 292  Electrical connection

The electric actuators can be connected in three ways: 1) via internal terminal blocks
(standard version), 2) via 32-pin terminal blocks in a terminal box or 3) via a compact
A 10-pin plug insert (silver-plated sockets and pins) is used to connect the motor; a 24-pin
unit containing either silver or gold-plated contacts is used to connect the limit switches
and signalizing equipment.
When a plug connector is used, only one potentiometer (R1) can be provided in case a
fourth travel-dependent switch (S6) is desired. The travel-dependent switch S3 must be
adjusted in such a way that the travel of the final control element is limited in the opening
direction by switching off the motor.


Figure  Wiring diagram of Type SAM

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Page 236 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.4.11.  Electronic actuators of Company AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG

Figure 9.4.11.-1:  Oil and gas markets open for new AUMA actuators
Generation .2 products from the modular electric actuator specialist offer weatherproof
functionality (IP 68) and II2G Ex de IIC T4 has been gained for use in potentially explosive
Enhanced functionality provided in the Generation .2 range that are advancements over
the company’s original product series include extended lifetime, larger temperature
range and improved corrosion protection. Benefits for demanding applications include a
new coating offering superior corrosion protection at highest mechanical resistance and
a version for modulating duty offers an extended speed range / improved modulating
Development focus for Generation .2 centred on improved handling and operation. An
enlarged plug-in electrical connection provides improved connection facilities, a single
motor plug/socket connection is incorporated and AUMA’s proven handwheel activation
was optimised.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 237 of 292

Integral controls for Generation .2 actuators are equipped with Bluetooth interfaces. With
the integration of torque, temperature and vibration sensors, new intelligent diagnostic
functions supply significant actuator status information such as torque characteristics
which can be captured at any time. Actuator feedback signals can be classified according
to NAMUR recommendation NE 107 and integrated into Asset Management systems.
Full compatibility with the company’s previous products is offered.
AUMA has a wide modular product range with electric multi-turn, part-turn, linear and
lever actuators, as well as several different valve gearboxes.
AUMA actuator controls, on request micro-processor controlled and available with a
variety of fieldbus interfaces, enable an ideal connection of the MOVs to the process
control. This makes it possible to find the suitable automation solution for almost every
Linear actuators are a combination of the multi-turn actuators SA and the linear thrust unit
LE. The linear actuators are available for open-close duty and modulating service:
„„ Thrusts from 4 kN to 217 kN
„„ Strokes from 50 mm to 500 mm
„„ Velocity from 20 mm/min to 360 mm/min  Multi-turn actuators SAR 07.2 to SAR 30.2

Multi-turn actuators SAR 07.1 to SAR 30.1 are designed for intermittent duty S4 - 25 %.
Special versions for S4 - 50 % and S5 - 25 % are also available.
Actuators of the type range SAR 07.1 - SAR 16.1 can be combined with different controls.
From the simple OPEN-CLOSE control to the micro-controlled version with logging of
operating data or fieldbus interface.

Figure  Auma matic Type SA 07.2 to SA 16.2

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 238 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Design features:
„„ Torque range from 15 Nm to 4,000 Nm
„„ Modulating range from 15 Nm to 1,600 Nm
„„ Max. number of starts 1,200 c/h
„„ Output speeds from 4 to 45 rpm
„„ Limit and torque seating
„„ Available with 3-ph AC, 1-ph AC motors Figure  Multi-turn actuators
„„ Handwheel for manual operation SA 07.1 – SA 16.1/SAR 07.1 – SAR 16.1
without integral controls (AUMA NORM)
„„ Torques from 10 to 1,000 Nm
Ambient conditions:
„„ High enclosure protection
„„ High quality corrosion protection
„„ Wide ambient temperature ranges

„„ Switches in tandem version
„„ Remote position transmitter
Figure  Multi-turn actuators
„„ Magnetic limit and torque transmitter SA 25.1 – SA 48.1 /SAR 25.1 – SAR 30.1
without integral controls (AUMA NORM)
„„ Mechanical position indicator
„„ Torques from 630 to 32,000 Nm

„„ Electrical connection via AUMA plug/ socket connector (optionally terminals)
„„ Cable glands in different versions
„„ Output drive types according to ISO or DIN standard

Power Oil & gas
„„ Conventional power plants (coal, gas, oil) „„ Exploration, offshore plants
„„ Hydroelectric power plants „„ Refineries
„„ Geothermal power plants „„ Distribution
„„ Solar thermal power plants „„ Gas tanks
„„ Biogas power plants „„ Tank farms

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 239 of 292

Water sector Industrial and special solutions:
„„ Sewage treatment plants „„ Air conditioning
„„ Water treatment plants „„ Food industry
„„ Drinking water distribution „„ Chemical/pharmaceutical industry
„„ Seawater desalination „„ Vessel and submarine shipbuilding
„„ Steel construction for water resources „„ Steel mills
„„ Paper industry
„„ Cement works
„„ Mining
Table  Applications  Linear thrust unit LE 12.1 to LE 200.1 for multi-turn actuators

The linear thrust unit converts the rotary movement of the actuator output shaft into a
linear movement. The combination of a multi-turn actuator and linear thrust unit forms a
linear actuator.

Figure  Linear thrust unit LE

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 240 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Range of application

AUMA linear thrust units Type LE 12.1 to LE 200.1 are designed for the operation of
industrial valves, such as e.g. Globe valves.
They are used in combination with multi-turn actuators on valves which require linear
travel. The linear thrust units convert the output torque of the multi-turn actuator into an
axial thrust.
As an option, the AUMA linear thrust units is available with damping device to compensate
for changes in length caused by varying temperatures, for example.
For other applications, please consult us. The manufacturer is not liable for any possible
damage resulting from use in other than the designated applications. Such risk lies
entirely with the user. Observance of these operation instructions is considered as part of
the designated use.

Figure  Globe Valves Type 3251 with AUMA SAR and linear thrust unit LE

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 241 of 292

Technical data for Linear thrust unit LE 12.1 to LE 200.1 for multi-turn actuators
Features and functions
Linear thrust unit with multi-turn actuator for open-close duty (SA): Short-
time duty S2 Linear thrust unit with multi-turn actuator for modulating duty
Type of duty
(SAR): Intermittent duty S4 - 25 % based on maximum thrust for modulating
Self-locking Yes
Input speeds Refer to separate technical data
Standard: LH:
Clockwise rotation, i.e. actuator closes the valve in a clockwise rotation
Versions Option: RH:
Counterclockwise rotation, i.e. actuator closes the valve in a
counterclockwise rotation

LE 12.1 LE 25.1 LE 50.1 LE 70.1 LE 100.1 LE 200.1

Thrust max. kN 1) 11.5 23 37.5 64 128 217
Thrust max. for
6 12 20 30 52 87
modulating duty kN
Stroke max. mm 50 to 500 50 to 500 63 to 400 80 to 400 80 to 400 100 to 500
Factor 2) 2.6 2.6 3.2 3.9 3.9 4.6
Base weight approx. kg 11 11 11 40 40 40
Valve attachment
Valve attachment Dimensions according to DIN 3358 (refer to Table
Thread of valve stem
Output drive types LE 12.1 LE 25.1 LE 50.1 LE 70.1 LE 100.1 LE 200.1
26 x 5 LH 26 x 5 LH 32 x 6 LH 40 x 7 LH 40 x 7 LH 48 x 8 LH
Service conditions
Enclosure protection Standard: IP 67 Protection against short-time immersion into water;
according to EN 60 529 max. 1.0 m for 30 min.
Standard: KS Suitable for installation in occasionally or permanently
aggressive atmosphere with a moderate pollutant concentration (e.g. in
Corrosion protection wastewater treatment plants, chemical industry)
Option: KX Suitable for installation in extremely aggressive atmosphere
with high humidity and high pollutant concentration
Finish coating base Standard: Two-component iron-mica combination
Color base Grey (DB 702, similar to RAL 9007)
Standard: – 25 °C to + 80 °C
Ambient temperature Options: 0 °C to + 120 °C (high temperature)
– 40 °C to + 60 °C (low temperature)
Special features for use in potentially explosive atmospheres 3)

The test to ensure the conformity with ATEX directive 94/9/EC were performed according to the
technical data. For other applications, please consult AUMA. 100 % load may only be applied for a
short time during opening and closing. During running operation, sufficient pause times have to be
respected. The type of duty must not be exceeded.

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Page 242 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Technical data for Linear thrust unit LE 12.1 to LE 200.1 for multi-turn actuators
Linear thrust unit with multi-turn actuator for short-time duty (SAExC): Short-
Type of duty time duty S2, max. 3 cycles (OPEN - CLOSE - OPEN) based on mean
thrust and standard ambient temperature.
Thrust max. for LE 12.1 LE 25.1 LE 50.1 LE 70.1 LE 100.1 LE 200.1
modulating duty [kN] 6 12 153) 30 42 72
Linear thrust unit: II2G c IIC T4 according to ATEX CD 94/9/EC Multi-turn
Explosion protection
Actuator: II2G c IIC T4 according to ATEX CD 94/9/EC
– 20 °C to + 40 °C
Standard: – 40 °C to + 40 °C (low temperature)
Ambient temperature – 60 °C to + 40 °C (extreme low temperature)
only in combination with SAExC Combinations with actuators
SA(R)ExC at ambient temperatures > 40 °C with special sizing.
Further information
EU Directives ATEX Directive: (94/9/EC) Machinery Directive: (98/37/EC)
Information “Electric actuators and valve gearboxes according to ATEX …”
Reference documents Dimension sheet LE 12.1 to LE 200.1 with SA(R) or SA(R)ExC Technical
data sheets LE with SA(R) or SA(R)ExC.
1) for max. setting of torque switching at actuator, tolerance ± 20 %
2) Conversion factor for torque (T in Nm) into thrust (F in kN) for a mean adhesion factor of 0.15
(T = F x f)
3) For detailed information refer to separate technical data sheets: LE with SA(R)ExC

Table  Technical data for Linear thrust unit LE 12.1 to LE 200.1 for multi-turn actuators  Mounting to valve

Mounting is most easily done with the valve shaft pointing vertically upward.
But mounting is also possible in any other position.
Vertical mounting: On site, seal customer connection separately (e.g. with a roof
covering the linear thrust unit).
The linear thrust unit leaves the factory in position OPEN. The thrust rod is completely
„„ For Globe Valves, the mounting position is end position OPEN.
„„ Thoroughly decrease mounting faces of both linear thrust unit and valve.
„„ Fit linear thrust unit so that bores or thread of mounting flange align with .the valve
mounting flange.
„„ Ensure that the spigot mates uniformly in the recess and that the mounting faces are
in complete contact.
„„ Fasten linear thrust unit with screws (minimum quality 8.8) and lock washers. Fasten
screws crosswise with a torque according to Table
Thread M8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20
Fastening torque TA in Nm 25 51 87 214 431
Table  Fastening torque TA

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 243 of 292

„„ Connect coupling stud (∅ d 8) of linear thrust unit with valve stem. The type of connection
depends on the valve and is determined by the valve manufacturer.




Ø d4

Ø d4

Ø d8


Ø d2
Ø d1
Figure  Connection

Valve attachment dimensions according to DIN 3358 1)

Dimensions LE 12.1 LE 25.1 LE 50.1 LE 70.1 LE 100.1 LE 200.1
Mounting flange F07 / F10 F07 / F10 F10 F14 F14 F16
Ød1 □ 75 / 125 □ 75 / 125 125 175 175 210
552) / 70 552) / 70
Ød2 70 g7 2) 100 f8 100 f8 130 f8
f8 f8
Ød3 70 / 102 70 / 102 102 140 140 165
Ød4 M8 / 112) M8 / 112) 112) 182) 182) M 20
M12 x
Ød8 M16 x 1.5 M20 x 1.5 M36 x 3 M36 x 3 M42 x 3
Ød9 42 42 55 70 70 100
h 3.42) / 3 3.42) / 3 3.42) 4 4 42)
h3/h4 20 / 15 20 / 15 15 18 18 32
E 18 21 24 26 26 29
L2 20 25 30 55 55 65
L4 45 50 54 75 75 90
1) For option with damping device: refer to separate dimension sheet
"Linear thrust unit with spring-loaded damping device"
2) Dimensions outside DIN 3358
Table  Valve attachment dimensions according to DIN 3358

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Page 244 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Attachment of electric linear actuators with connections according to DIN 3358

Mounting to valve SAMSON Series 3240, 3250, 3280
acc. to F07 F10 F10/14/16
DIN 3358



kit Item
numbers for

Valve Series
3250 1170-0354 1170-0395 1170-0356
3280 1170-0357
Table  Attachment of electric linear actuators with connections according to DIN 3358

Connection acc.
F07 F10 F14 F16
to DIN 3358
DN 15-150 200/250 - 200/250 - 200/250 -
Series 3240
NPS 1/2”-6” 8”-10” - 8”-10” - 8”-10” -
Series DN 15-100 15-100 125-200 50-100 125-2503) 250-5003) 125-2503) 250-5003)
3250/3280 NPS 1/2”-4” 1/2”-4” 6”-8” 1/2”-4” 6”-10”3) 10”-20”3) 6”-10”3) 10”-20”3)
Attachment acc. to
drawing No. 1170- 0354 0395 0356 0357 03582) 03592) 03602) 03612)
AUMA Type: AUMA Type: AUMA Type: AUMA Type:
attachment to the 07.1+LE12.1 10.1+LE50.1 SAR/SARM 14.5+LE100.1 16.1+LE200.1
following electric
actuators: 2) SAR/SARM
1) Max. permissible thrust is 15 kN 3) DN 250, up to seat bore 200
2) The attachment kit includes the standard yoke

with modified bore pattern

Table  Connections according to DIN 3358 for F07, F10, F14 and F16

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 245 of 292  Actuators without integral controls (AUMA NORM)

On request, the actuator is equipped with a mechanical position indicator which can be
used to view the valve position and also as running indication. The mechanical position
indicator is clear and fully legible, even from a long distance.
For AUMA NORM actuators, the actuator signals are exclusively
processed by the external actuator controls. If signals generated
within these controls are required as local indication, additional
display elements and signal channels become necessary.  Actuators with integral controls

Actuators with integral controls can also be equipped with the mechanical position
indicator. Furthermore, the controls are complete with indication lights, or, in the case of
the AUMATIC, a display, which indicate the operation status locally.
For more detailed information on local indication, refer to the following brochures:
„„ Product description
Actuator controls AUMA MATIC
„„ Product description
Actuator controls AUMATIC
The integral controls evaluate the actuator signals and operation commands and perform
the required switching procedures automatically and without delay, using the installed
switchgear, reversing contactors or thyristors. The controls make the evaluated actuator
signals available to the higher level controls as feedback signals.
Actuators with integral controls are ready for operation immediately after establishing the
power supply and can be operated via the operating elements.  AUMA MATIC AM

In its basic version, the AUMA MATIC is ideal for simple OPEN
- CLOSE applications.
The AUMA MATIC provides end position indication, the selector
switch position and a collective fault signal, all as feedback
The behavior of the AUMA MATIC can be adapted to the
application via programming switches, e.g. programming of
the type of seating.

„„ Three-position controller
„„ Fieldbus interface (Profibus DP or Modbus RTU)
AUMA MATIC local controls with push buttons, selector switches and indication lights.

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Page 246 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  AUMATIC AC
As well as the AUMA MATIC’s basic functionality, the AUMATIC offers some other
advantages, e.g.
„„ Programmable signal relays
„„ Non-intrusive setting (option)
„„ Adaptive positioner (option)
„„ Fieldbus interfaces for Profibus DP, Modbus RTU, DeviceNet, Foundation Fieldbus
„„ Monitoring and diagnostics
„„ Logging of operating data
„„ Cable-based or wireless programming interface for connecting a programming device

Figure  Operating and indication elements of the AUMATIC AC 01.2

AUMATIC local controls with push buttons for operation and programming, selector
switch, display with plain text display, indication lights and programming interface.

Figure  A Step Beyond - AUMA Generation .2

With the Generation .2, AUMA introduces a significant further development for the increasing demands in
all types of process plants, from the water industry and energy sector to the oil and gas industry.

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 247 of 292  Electric rotary-type actuator for control service (AUMA RIESTER KG)
In order to meet the various standards 3 different motor versions are available. They are
based on the standard version of AUMA NORM and can be completed with a control unit
(MATIC) for 3-point or steady input signal 4-20 mA.
Actuators AUMA NORM for external motor
Set point
(command variable)
The external motor control switches on or off
the motor of the actuator by means of electrical
contactors or Thyristor contactor units. External controller
The final control element can be returned to
the higher process controller by the actuator.
A position transmitter transmits the movement Motor control
of the final control element as standardized
To controll room
analog position transmission.
This signal can be put at the disposal of the
Local control
process control as actual value of the position
of the final element control or for a remote
indication. AUMA NORM
actual value
0 to 20 mA / 4 to 20 mA

Final control element

Figure  Actuators AUMA NORM for external motor control

Actuators with incorporated motor control Set point

AUMA MATIC (command variable)
AUMA actuators with incorporated motor
control and local control station receive the
output pressure generated by the process External controller
level. It concerns switch impulses switching
Switch impuls
the motor on or off by electrical contactors
or Thyristorreversing units integrated in a
MATICunit in opening or closing direction
(clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation).
Local control station
The feedback of the final control element for
actual value
the process controller can be carried out as
0 to 20 mA / 4 to 20 mA
with the version AUMA NORM.

Final control element

Figure  Actuators AUMA MATIC for external motor control

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Page 248 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Set point
Actuator with integrated motor control
(command variable)
AUMA MATIC and positioner
0 to 20 mA
The motorcontrol, local control station and 4 to 20 mA
positioner are an elegant and simple solution for
the automatization of motor control. The higher
process level stipulates the set point signal. The AUMA NORM
integrated positioner generates the set point and
signal to position the final control element in AUMA MATIC
dependency of the set point and actual value. with positioner
The position of the final signal element can be Local control station
returned to the process level.
Actual Value
0 to 20 mA
4 to 20 mA

Final control element


Standard equiment

Torque switching Limit switching



Position Reduction Tandem
in simple Heater
transmission gearing switching
or tandem

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 249 of 292  Electric rotary-type actuator for control service

In order to meet the various standards 3 different motor versions are available. They are
based on the standard version of AUMA NORM and can be completed with a control unit
(MATIC) for 3-point or steady input signal 4-20 mA.
Multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 - 16.2 NORM

Multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 - 16.2 AUMA MATIC AC 01.2 BUS

Multi-turn actuators SA 07.2 - 16.2 MATIC AM 01.2

Figure  Multi-turn actuators Generation .2

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Page 250 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Standard version

The switches are put on terminals and must be wired up with the reversing unit in the field
(with the exception of AUMA-MATIC).
„„ Limit switching:
for switching off in the end positions open and closed. The positions can be adjusted
separately, quickly and safely. The limit switching is suited for the range 2-500 turns
per travel.
„„ Torque switching:
for switching off the end positions when reaching the adjusted torque. At the same
time the torque switching acts as overload protection for the driven valve over the
whole travel. The required tripping torque can easily be set at the corresponding dial
(in da Nm) for open and close.

Switching capacity standard control switch

Type of current Switching capacity lmax
30 V 125 V 250 V
AC (inductive load) cos φ = 0.8 8A 6A 5A
DC (ohmic load) 2A 0.6 A 0.4 A
Table  Accessories
Tandem switches:
„„ Used for switching different potentials. There are two compartments with galvanic
separate switches in a housing. Both switches are operated simultaneously, thereby
a determined switch sequence exists. One switch which is leading should be used for

Switching capacity tandem switches

Type of current Switching capacity lmax
30 V 125 V 250 V
AC (inductive load) cos φ = 0.8 8A 6A 5A
DC (ohmic load) 2A 0.6 A 0.4 A

„„ DUO-limit switching
for generating additional signals in any tow adjustable intermediate positions
„„ Mechanical position indicator at the actuator
The exact valve position is continuously indicated by a disc bearing the adjustable
symbols for open and closed. This indicator disc is visible through an indicator glass
in the switch compartment cover.

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 251 of 292

„„ Reduction gearing
for the mechanical position indication and or electrical position transmission. With this
the entire valve travel is reduced to less than one full turn.
„„ Precision potentiometer
for the analog position transmission. The potentiometer with high linearity provides a
proportional feedback signal being proportional to the travel.
„„ Electrical position transducer type RWG or inductive IWG
for position transmission by an standard signal of 0/4 to 20 mA. Zero and span can
be set at the electrical board.
„„ Space heater
By integrating a self-regulating space heater in the switch department condensation
is almost avoided during considerable temperature variation.  Motor
„„ Three-phase motor
AUMA multi-turn actuators are serialized with three-phase motors (pot-type motor
without fan).
Technical data
Three-phase motor
Standard voltage 380 V/50 Hz; (220 V/50 Hz); 415 V/50 Hz;
(Only three-phase current) 500 V/50 Hz; 440 V/60 Hz; 460 V/60 Hz
Perm. Fluctuations max. ± 5%1)
Style IM B9 according to DIN IEC 34 part 7
Motor type Cage type
Degree of protection IP67 (attached to actuator)
Cooling method Natural cooling/surface cooling
Insulation class F according to VDE 0530
Electrical connection Up to SA 16.1: plug-in connector at actuator
Running time Direct
S4 - 25% relative running time ED, starting frequency for
Turn-on mode
SAR see technical data
Sense of direction Right and left (reversing)
Motor protection 3 thermo switches (standard) or thermistors
1) Overvoltage and or too high frequencies can result in an inadmissible heating of the
motor. In case of undervoltage the torque of the motor (breakdown moment) is reduced
in quadratic proportion concerning the voltage dropping. When choosing the actuators
you have to consider the high voltage fluctuations.

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Page 252 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Position transmission
A position transmission is only possible in combination with a reduction gearing.

Precision potentiometer
Technical specifications
„„ Standard data: 0.2 kW; 1.5 W
„„ Option: 0.1 kW; 1.0 kW or 5.0 kW available
„„ Linearity: ≤ 1 %.

Precision potentiometer in tandem version

Technical specifications
„„ Standard data: 0.2/0.2 kW; 1.5 W
„„ Option: 0.5/0.5 kW; 1.0/1.0 kW; 5.0/5.0 kW or 0.2/5.0 kW available
„„ Linearity: ≤ 1 %.

Precision potentiometer with semi-conducting layer

Technical specifications
„„ Standard data: 5.0 kw; 1.5 W
„„ Linearity: £ 1 %.

Precision potentiometer with semi-conducting layer in tandem version

Technical specifications
„„ Standard value: 4.7/4.7 kW; 1.5 W
„„ Option: 1.0/4.7 kW;
„„ Linearity: ≤ 1 %.

When using a positioner a precision potentiometer with a semi-conducting layer

or an electrical/inductive position transmission (3/4-wire system with isolating
transformer has to be used.

When using the potentiometer for regulating you must use a precision potentiometer
with a semi-conducting layer because of the low temperature drift.

A mechanical restriction of the reduction gearing makes it impossible that the potentiometer
Reaches the max. Value of resistance. Therefore, an external electrical balance is to be

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 253 of 292

Electronic position transducer RWG

The actual value of the valve measured by an transducer is converted into injected
current by electronic devices. Zero and rate of rise of the position transmission can be
easily set by a trimming potentiometer.
Output signal
2-wire system 4 to 20 mA
3- or 4- wire system 0/4 to 20 mA
Voltage supply 24 V DC ± 15 % smoothened
Ambient temperature -20 °C up to +60 °C

Inductive position transmitter system IWG

The inductive position transmitter system operates without movable contact. The actual
value of the valve is transmitted to the IWG constructed according to the principle of
differential transformers. The signal is converted into injected current by electronic
devices. Zero and rate of rise of the position transmission can be set.
Output signal
2-wire system 4 to 20 mA
3- or 4- wire system 0/4 to 20 mA
Voltage supply 24 V DC ± 15 % smoothened
Ambient temperature -20 °C up to +60 °C

The electronic transducer RWG and inductive position transmitter IWG can be operated
alternatively as 2-, 3- or 4-wire system for 0 to 20 mA (only 3- and 4-wire system) or 4 to
20 mA. An adaption in the field is possible at any time.
When using MATIC-Unit with positioner a 3- or 4-wire system can be used. An electronic/
inductive position transmission (3- or 4-wire system) with isolating transformer is to be
installed if a constant position transmission (0/4 to 20 mA) is required.

Figure  Multi-turn actuators Generation .2 - AUMA MORM

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Page 254 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  AUMA MATIC

Nominal power unit
Load relay Reversing contactors Thyristor reversing unit
Interlock Mechanical and electric Electronic
Max. Voltage 500 VAC 460 VAC
Max. Nominal output 7.5 kW 1.5 kW
Actuator for regulation 1) 24 V DC supplied from 24 V DC supplied from
remote control (supply) external sources external sources
Max. Pickup delay 2) 20 ms 20 ms
Max. Delay in
40 ms 25 ms
disconnection 2)
Transmission position to
On-off On-off
control room
End positions
Position transmission to
Selector switch in positions local / remote
control room
Collective fault signal
Power failure
Motor protection in operation (thermoswitch)
Supervision 3)
Torque switch tripped in mid-travel
Wrong phase sequence or phase failure (option)
Selector switch local-off-remote / automatic (lockable)
Local control station
Control switch open-stop-close
Positioner 4) 4 to 20 mA / 0 to 20 mA (option)
1) Only without positioner
2) Time delay with remote control
3) The multi-return actuator is switched off during the above mentioned faults. The causes

are indicated by 2 integrated LEDs (light-emitting diodes) in the motor control AUMA
MATIC and can be transmitted as collective fault signal to the control room.
4) Only with precision potentiometer with semi-conducting layer


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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 255 of 292

AUMA regulating actuators are rated for intermittent duty S4 - 25%, permissible number
of starts see Figure and Table (description running time ED see
enclosure E)
„„ Enclosure A: Electrical data for auma three-phase motors
„„ Enclosure B: Electrical data for AUMA-Ex three-phase motors
„„ Enclosure C: Motor control AUMA MATIC without positioner and with reversing
contactor MSP 110AC1--F11E1/KMS TP104/201
„„ Enclosure D: Motor control AUMA MATIC with positioner and thyristor reversing
contactor MSP 111700--A21E1/KMS TP140/241
„„ Enclosure E: Intermittent duty under the influence of starting process (S 4)

380 V, 50 Hz

Torque Current at
during Type speed Speed Tripping
input Size Nominal
service 1/min 1/min torque Starting
kW current 1)
max. Nm
A (lN) A (ca) A (lA)

SAR 07.1- to 4 0.025 700 63 0.40 0.40 0.68

SAR 07.1- to 5.6 0.025 700 63 0.40 0.40 0.68
SAR 07.1- to 8 0.045 1400 63 0.38 0.40 0.95
SAR 07.1- to 11 0.045 1400 63 0.38 0.40 0.95
SAR 07.5- to 4 0.045 700 63 0.63 0.65 1.0
SAR 07.5- to 5.6 0.045 700 63 0.63 0.65 1.0
SAR 07.5- to 8 0.09 1400 63 0.54 0.60 1.6
SAR 07.5- to 11 0.09 1400 63 0.54 0.60 1.6
SAR 10.1- to 4 0.09 700 71 0.89 0.90 1.7
SAR 10.1- to 5.6 0.09 700 71 0.89 0.95 1.7
SAR 10.1- to 8 0.18 1400 71 1.0 1.1 3.0
SAR 10.1- to 11 0.18 1400 71 1.0 1.2 3.0

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Page 256 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

380 V, 50 Hz

Torque Current at
during Type speed Speed Tripping
input Size Nominal
service 1/min 1/min torque Starting
kW current 1)
max. Nm
A (lN) A (ca) A (lA)

SAR 14.1- to 4 0.18 700 90 1.8 2.0 4.5

SAR 14.1- to 5.6 0.18 700 90 1.8 2.0 4.5
SAR 14.1- to 8 0.37 1400 90 1.1 1.7 4.8
SAR 14.1- to 11 0.37 1400 90 1.1 1.8 4.8
SAR 14.1- to 16 0.75 2800 90 1.9 3.5 8.9
SAR 14.1- to 22 0.75 2800 90 1.9 3.8 8.9
SAR 14.5- to 4 0.37 700 90 2.5 2.8 6.0
SAR 14.5- to 5.6 0.37 700 90 2.5 3.0 6.0
SAR 14.5- to 8 0.75 1400 90 2.3 3.6 9.2
SAR 14.5- to 11 0.75 1400 90 2.3 3.9 9.2
SAR 14.5- to 16 1.5 2800 90 4.3 7.0 18
SAR 14.5- to 22 1.5 2800 90 4.3 7.5 18
SAR 16.1- to 4 0.75 700 90 4.0 4.8 10
SAR 16.1- to 5.6 0.75 700 90 4.0 5.0 10
SAR 16.1- to 8 1.5 1400 90 3.6 6.5 16
SAR 16.1- to 11 1.5 1400 90 3.6 7.4 16
SAR 16.1- to 16 3.0 2800 90 7.6 15 38
SAR 16.1- to 22 3.0 2800 90 7.6 16 38
Table  Technical data of Type SAR
1) We recommend to select switch gear and cables suitable for these values.
Permissible fluctuations of nominal voltage: ± 5 %. If voltage drops below there will be a
reduction of nominal output torque.

AUMA pot-type motors are serialized with 3 thermoswitches or with ex-actuators

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Electric with a linear or rotational movement Page 257 of 292

also PTC-thermistor to protect the windings (refer to terminal plans KMS). Our
warranty will lapse if those thermoswitches are not connected in the control circuit.

For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical AUMA
data sheet and SAMSON TV-SK 9386-2, 9393 -2, 9394-1 / TV-SK 9402-1 E.

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Page 258 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Wiring diagram AM4R AUMA MATIC AM 01.1/AM 02.1

Figure  Wiring diagram AM4R AUMA MATIC AM 01.1/AM 02.1

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 259 of 292

9.5  Explosion-protected actuator

9.5.1.  What is an explosion?
A flammable substance and oxygen, in a certain mixture, must be available to set off an
explosion. With a suitable source of ignition it then leads to a chemical reaction. If the
reaction velocity exceeds the acoustic velocity, this is defined as an explosion.
The destructive effect of an explosion is the result of the sudden expansion of the built-up
flammable mixture in the form of a blast wave.

Three components are required to create an

1. Fuel (flammable gas, flammable dusts, flammable 2
2. Oxygen (in the air or as chemical compounds)
3. Ignition source (ignition sparks, hot surfaces, chemical
9.5.2.  What is explosion protection?
An explosion hazard can safely be prevented if one of the
three mentioned components are successfully eliminated on
site. Ignitable mixtures cannot be avoided at many
installations. Therefore the occurrence of an ignition source
2 must be prevented.
Electrical equipment is a potential ignition source, but also
1 non-electrical equipment may produce potential ignition
sources. Lost heat generates hot surfaces. Electrostatic
charges or transient currents can cause ignitable sparks.
Explosion-protection on electrical and mechanical
equipment signifies that the occurrence of high
temperatures at the surface and of ignitable sparks during
operation are prevented by constructional measures. For this reason, the equipment will
not be a potential ignition source.

9.5.3.  ATEX Directive 94/9/EC

The Directive 94/9/EC is the European Directive for equipment in potentially explosive
atmospheres. It defines the general protection objectives (protection of persons and
One of the most significant differences to the previous regulation is that non-electrical
equipment has to be certified for the use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization CENELEC revised and
issued the technical guidelines for harmonizing the national standards on the basis of
the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.

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Page 260 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

ATEX requirements for AUMA products

Electrical explosion protection Non-electrical explosion protection
Electric multi-turn actuators Multi-turn and part-turn actuator gearing
Worm gearboxes Spur and bevel
Electric part-turn actuators gearboxes Linear thrust units
ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
EN 1127-1
EN 50014 – EN 50020
EN 13463-1 et seqq.
Equipment group 2 for use in ZONE 1 Equipment group 2 for use in ZONE 1
Group IIC Temperature class T4 Group IIC Temperature class T4
Type examination certificate by a notified Evaluation of the equipment by the
body such as PTB, IBEXU, or DMT manufacturer themselves, ignition hazard
evaluation with reliability observation Risk
Ex-audit by notified body -product quality
analysis Filing of the documentation with
a notified body.
Declaration of Conformity/CE marking
Table 9.5.3.-1:  ATEX requirements for AUMA products

9.5.4.  Classification of potentially explosive atmospheres

Exact knowledge of the conditions under which the devices are to be operated is
important for the selection of the electrical equipment.

The description is designated by the following terms:

„„ Zone/equipment category
„„ Explosion group
„„ Temperature class

9.5.5.  Zone/equipment category

Potentially explosive areas are divided into zones according to the presence of
potentially explosive atmospheres.
The classification into equipment categories was introduced with the ATEX Directive
94/9/EC. It marks the equipment approved for the use in the respective zone.
Zones 0, 1, and 2 apply to explosive atmospheres consisting of gases and vapors;
zones 20, 21, and 22 apply to atmospheres containing a cloud of combustible dust in
„„ Zone 0, zone 20
Zone 0 or zone 20 are defined as zones, where an explosive atmosphere consisting
of gases and/or vapors or dust is present “continuously or for long periods”. In this
zone only category 1 equipment may be used.

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 261 of 292

„„ Zone 1, zone 21
These are zones, where a dangerous, explosive atmosphere consisting of gases
and/or vapors or dust is likely to occur in normal operation. In this zone only
category 1 and 2 equipment may be used.
„„ Zone 2, zone 22
These are zones, where a dangerous, explosive atmosphere consisting of gases
and/or vapors or dust is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur,
will persist for a short period only. In this zone only category 1, 2 and 3 equipment
may be used.
Explosion-proof AUMA actuators and gearboxes correspond to equipment category II2G
or II2D and are therefore appropriate for use in zones 1 and 2 as well as 21 and 22.
Furthermore, various actuator types are suitable for use in group I, category M2 in mines.

9.5.6.  Explosion group/temperature class

The gases are classified into explosion groups and temperature classes according to
their hazardous level.
The temperature class defines the permissible maximum surface temperature of the
The explosion group divides the gases according to minimum ignition current and
maximum experimental safety gaps. Group I electrical equipment is for use in the mining
industry (underground). Group II devices are for applications in all other areas.
The hazard level of gases ranges from IIA to IIC. More than 90 % of explosive gases and
vapors are covered by explosion groups IIA and IIB.
Basically the following applies: Higher explosion groups and lower maximum permissible
surface temperatures require greater levels of design for electrical equipment.

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Page 262 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Explosion groups
T1 Benzol,
Methane Town gas Hydrogen
(450 °C)1) Acetic acid,
Toluene, etc.

n-Butane, Ethylene,
n-Butanol, Ethylene Acetylene
(300 °C)
Dichloroethane, oxide

Diesel fuel,
Aircraft fuel,
(200 °C)
Fuel oil…

Ethanol Ethyl ether
(135 °C)

(100 °C)

(85 °C)
1) (max. permissible surface temperatures)
Table 9.5.6.-1:  Explosion groups

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 263 of 292

9.5.7.  How to achieve explosion protection?

There are different possibilities to qualify electrical equipment and non-electrical equipment
for the use in potentially explosive atmospheres. These measures are called protection
types. They are described in the European Standards EN 50014 et seqq. for electrical
equipment and EN 13463-1 et seqq. for non-electrical equipment.
Explosion-proof AUMA actuators are designed to protection types “Increased safety”
(EEx e) “Flameproof enclosure” (EEx d), and “Constructional safety” (c). The protection
type “Constructional safety” (c) applies to all AUMA valve gearboxes.  Increased safety (EEx e)

For the protection type “Increased safety”, measures are taken to increase protection
against the occurrence of ignition sparks, electric arcs, and of the possibility of excessive
temperatures. Special safety regulations for mounting electrical components must be
In an increased safety compartment, only explosion-proof components with their own test
certificate may be used.
For AUMA actuators, this protection type is used for example for the electrical connection.
All terminals are sized in such a way that no impermissible hot surfaces or sparks can
occur.  Flameproof enclosure (EEx d)

The protection type “Flameproof enclosure” allows an explosion inside the electrical
equipment. Flameproof joints of housing parts are designed in such a way that a flame
or burning particles cannot reach the outside. This is achieved by accurate sizing of the
gaps and widths of the flameproof joints. The housing is of a rigid design so that it can
withstand the pressure developing during an internal explosion without damage.
The following parts of AUMA actuators are designed with a flameproof enclosure:
„„ Motor compartment
„„ Switch compartment
„„ Interior of integral controls AUMA MATIC and AUMATIC

L: Gap length, W: Gap width

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Page 264 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Constructional safety (c)

This type of protection applies to non-electrical equipment or non-electrical parts of
electrical equipment. It was introduced within the framework of the ATEX Directive 94/9/
EC, which for the first time requires the examination of non-electrical equipment.
In the European Standard EN 13463-5, this protection type is described as follows:"a
type of ignition protection in which constructional measures are applied so as to protect
against the possibility of ignition from hot surfaces, sparks and adiabatic compression
generated by moving parts."
Even before the ATEX Directive came into force, non-electrical equipment was used
in potentially explosive atmospheres. By testing this equipment in compliance with the
requirements of the constructional safety, it can often be certified for use in potentially
explosives atmospheres without any problems or only with minor modification.
AUMA valve gearboxes and the gearing section of the actuators meet the requirements
of the “Constructional safety”.  Who tests what?

Electrical equipment
The conformity assessment of the electrical equipment for equipment categories 1 and
2 has to be performed by notified European bodies. AUMA actuators are mainly tested
and approved by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig,
In addition to the assessment of the explosion protection measures for the electrical
equipment, the in-house quality assurance and production are regularly audited by the
AUMA explosion-proof devices are subjected to a 100 % test, i.e. a pressure test and a
dimension test of the explosion- proof components are performed.
Non-electrical equipment
The assessment of the non-electrical equipment regarding their conformity for their use
in potentially explosive zone 1 and 2 atmospheres (equipment categories 2 and 3) is
incumbent upon the manufacturer. The documentation drawn up during the qualification
stage, such as test reports, have to be deposited at a notified body.
Due to AUMA’s many years of experience in the field of explosion protection, the
necessary expertise to reliably test and certify the non-electrical explosion protection of
the AUMA equipment is readily available. The documentation is filed with the Physikalisch-
Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig, Germany.
Handling explosion-proof electrical equipment - AUMA Service
Installation, commissioning, maintenance, repairs, and modification work must, according
to EN 60-17, only be performed by qualified personnel with extensive knowledge on how
to handle explosion-proof equipment. Explosion-proof equipment must be maintained
regularly (at least every 3 years).
AUMA service engineers are the specialists in the field of AUMA actuators. They ensure

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 265 of 292

that the required tasks are performed in compliance with the safety requirements.
Inspections and maintenance work can be scheduled on a long-term basis by signing
maintenance contracts with the AUMA service department.  Auma Marking

All essential information, from the explosion group to the type of protection and the number
of the EC-type-examination certificate, must be included in the equipment marking.
In addition to the name plate, an approval plate is fixed to the actuator. This contains all
information regarding the explosion protection.

1 Approved mark of the applicable
1 standard here: CENELEC
(responsible for the EU)
2 Explosion protection classification -
electrical explosion protection
3 Number of the EC-Type-
examination certificate starts with
the abbreviation of the notified body
here PTB (Physikalisch-Technische

2 3 4 4 Explosion protection classification -

non-electrical explosion protection
a Equipment group (mining industry I,
other areas II)
b Category 2 (for zone I)
c Medium (G = Gas or D = Dust)
a c e g d Area of standards application
(E for European Standard)
e Explosion-protected electrical
b d f h
f Protection types
(here flameproof enclosure and
increased safety)
g Explosion group
h Temperature class
a see above
b Protection type (here constructional
a b c
c see above
Figure  Marking

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Page 266 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Electric actuators and non-electrical explosion protection

What has an electric actuator got to do with non-electrical explosion protection? In simple
terms, an actuator can be divided into an electrical part - motor, electrical connection, and
sensor system - and a non-electrical (gearing) part.
To provide complete explosion protection, the equipment has been checked according to
the requirements for both the electrical and the non-electrical explosion protection.
The electrical explosion protection features were certified by the Physikalisch-Technische
Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig, Germany, the examination according to the
requirements of the non-electrical explosion protection was performed in accordance with
AUMA standards.


2 3 4

Figure  Electric actuators and non-electrical explosion protection

Blue non-electrical part of the actuator Type of protection: Constructional safety

1 Handwheel for emergency operation
2 Gear housing with worm gearing and hollow output shaft

Red electrical part of the actuator

Type of protection: Flameproof enclosure and increased safety
3 Motor coupling
4 Motor
5 Electrical connection with switch compartment inside

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 267 of 292

AUMA has an extensive range of explosion-proof actuators. Multi-turn, part-turn, and

linear actuators with a wide torque and thrust spectrum allow solutions for nearly every
valve automation task.
In addition to the electric actuators for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, the AUMA
product range includes various valve gearboxes for multi-turn and part-turn movement.
When combining them with the multi-turn actuators, the available torque range is extended.
Certificates outside the European Union
Certificates of Conformity issued from national test authorities in other countries, e.g.
USA, Canada, CIS, Brazil, Japan, India, etc., are also available.
Further information regarding the devices
Further brochures describing the scope of performance plus technical data sheets are
available on request.
Auma Multi-turn actuators e.g. for gate valves and globe valves
Multi-turn actuators
SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 16.1
SARExC 07.1 – SARExC 16.1
in version AUMA NORM 1
torque between 10 and 1 000 Nm
speed between 4 and 180 rms
II2G EEx de IIC T4
II2D Ex tD A21 IP6X T130°C
up to size 10.1 additionally
I M2 Ex de I

Multi-turn actuator/linear thrust unit
thrusts as from
4 kN – 217 kN
travels up to 500 mm
running speeds between
20 mm/min and 360 mm/min
II2G EEx de IIC T4
II2D Ex tD A21 IP6X T130°C

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Page 268 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Auma Multi-turn actuators e.g. for gate valves and globe valves

Multi-turn actuators
SAEx 25.1 – SAEx 40.1
torque between 630 and 16 000 Nm
speed between 4 and 90 rms
II2G EEx ed IIB T4
II2D Ex tD A21 IP6X T130°C

Combinations multi-turn actuator/spur

gearboxes SA(R)ExC/GST
torque up to 16,000 Nm
II2G EEx de IIC T4
II2D Ex tD A21 IP6X T130°C

Combinations multi-turn actuator/spur

gearboxes SA(R)ExC/GK
torque up to 16,000 Nm
II2G EEx de IIC T4
II2D Ex tD A21 IP6X T130°C

Actuators with fireproof housing

Certain applications in the oil and gas industry

require fireproof actuators to close the valve within
a defined time span in case of fire.
AUMA offers the electric multi-turn actuators
SAExC and part-turn actuators SGExC in a
fireproof version.
A special coating ensures full functionality of the
actuators for at least 30 minutes if exposed to a
temperature of up to 1,100 °C.

Figure 9.5.7.-7:  Multi-turn actuators e.g. for gate valves and globe valves

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 269 of 292

9.5.8.  Explosion-protected actuator

Explosion proof

Type ExRun (Yellow)

Type RedRun
Nominal thrust: 500 to 10,000 N
Rated travel: 5 to 60 mm
Control mode: On-off, Three-point stepping and

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Page 270 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Explosion-protected actuator from Company SCHISCHEK

The explosion-proof actuators from SCHISCHEK1), Germany are tested and approved for
the use in hazardous area.
The new Type ExRun valve actuators are a revolution for safety, control valve and other
motorized applications for HVAC systems, in Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Industrial and
Offshore-/Onshore plants, for use in Ex-areas zone 1, 2 (Gas) and zone 21, 22 (Dust).
Highest protection class (ATEX) and IP 66 protection, small dimensions, only 7 kg weight,
universal functions and technical data, an integrated heater guarantee safe operation
even under difficult environmental conditions.
High quality brush less motors guarantee long life. All actuators are programmable and
adjustable on site. Special tools or equipment are not required. Five motor running times
and two forces, according to the actuator Type, are selectable or adjustable on site. The
integrated universal power supply is self adaptable to input voltages in the range of 24 to
230 V AC / DC.
The actuators are 100% overload protected and self locking. The modular concept offers
the possibility to mount adjustable end switches, potentiometers, and additional equiped
with an analog output 0 to 10 V or 4 to 20 mA for signalization.

Explosion proof linear actuators Type ExRun and RedRun

ExRun RedRun

Explosion proof zone 1, 2, 21, 22 Explosion proof zone 2, 22

Gas + Dust, PTB-certified, Gas + Dust, PTB-certified
II 2(1) G Ex de [ia] IIC T6, II 3(1) G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6,
II 2(1) D Ex tD [iaD] A21 IP66 T80 II 3 G Ex nC II T6,
ATEX 94/9/EC II 3 D Ex tD A22 IP66 T80,
II 3(1) D Ex tD [iaD] A22 IP66 T80,
ATEX 94/9/EC


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Explosion-protected actuator Page 271 of 292

Explosion proof linear actuators Type ExRun and RedRun

Description Delivery

Type ExRun and Type RedRun Valve

actuators are used for automation of
Globe valves 2- and 3-way with control
Actuator with integrated Ex-e terminal box,
mode for:
Emergency manual override.
„„ On-off
„„ Three-point stepping
„„ Modulating

Basics for ExRun and RedRun valve actuators

„„ 24 to 240 V AC/DC self adaptable power supply

„„ Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site
„„ 5 to 60 mm stroke, mechanical limitation on each position
„„ Automatic adaptation of modulating signal at Type ExRun, RedRun
„„ Aluminium housing IP66, integrated terminal box
„„ -20 to +40°C/+50°C, integrated heater
„„ Emergency manual override
„„ Dimension (H*x W x D) 260 x 208 x 115 mm (Dimension without adaptation)
*Height = variable, depending on Type.

-20 to + 40°C at T6 / -20 to + 50°C at T5
Ambient -30 to + 40°C at T6 / -30 to + 50°C at T5 - limited force approx.
temperature -30 °C 60% of the nominal value, e.g. 5 kN = 3 kN (max), Icing is not
Humidity 0 to 95 % rH non condensing
Motor Brush less DC Motor
Supply voltage,
24 to 230 V AC/DC + 15/- 20 %, 50 to 60 Hz ± 20 %
Operation mode S3/50 % ED = duty cycle (max. 600 operating cycles / h)
Power consumption Max. 20 W (in acc. with voltage, I Start >> I rated)
Heater consumption Approx. 16 W, (motor is not running in this moment)
Cable gland M20 ∙ 1.5 II2GD Ex-e approved, Gable diameter 0.6 to 13 mm
Change from auto to hand mode with sidewise (red) switch and
Manual override
turn with the all en key top side
Necessary Valve adaptation in acc. with valve manufacturer, Type and
accessories: nominal size (diameter).
Table  Technical data of Type ExRun and Type RedRun Valve actuators

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 272 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type ExRun Aluminium housing with Amercoat painting, resistant against
Type RedRun corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
2 external, adaptable, on site adjustable Ex-aux. switches with 2
ExSwitch potentail free contacts, additionally Ex-e terminal box + mounting
bracket necessary
2 external, adaptable, on site adjustable Ex-aux. switches with 2
RedSwitch potentail free contacts, additionally Ex-e terminal box + mounting
bracket necessary
2 external, adaptable, on site adjustable switches with 2 potentail free
contacts, additionally terminal box+ mounting bracket necessary
Ex-e terminal box suitable for ExRun to valve-actuators with external
switches ExSwitch
Ex-e terminal box suitable for RedRun to valve-actuators with
external switches RedSwitch
Terminal box suitable for InRun to valve-actuators which external
switches InSwitch
Mounting-bracket suitable for to Box-terminal boxes for direct
mounting on to Run actuators size „S`
HV-R Manual override suitable for to Run valve actuators size „S`
Different adaptations for different valve types and sizes available.
Please don't hesitate to ask for technical solution
GMB-1 Rubber bellow up to 60 mm, color black
Table  Accessories and special designs

Mounting of to ..Switch

Figure  Mounting of Switch

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 273 of 292  Ex-d valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 V AC/DC

Type ExRun
Force Running time
Type Control mode Feedback Features
N sec/mm
ExSwitch not
ExRun- 5.10-X 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
ExSwitch not
ExRun- 25.50-X 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
7,500 / 10,000 ExSwitch not
RedRun- 75.100-X 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
(8,000) adaptable
RedRun- 5.10 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
ExRun- 25.50 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
7,500 / 10,000
ExRun- 75.100 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
2 aux.
switch, fixed
ExRun- 5.10-S 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
points 1)
2 aux.
switch, fixed
ExRun- 25.50-S 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
points 1)
2 aux.
7,500 / 10,000 switch, fixed
ExRun- 75.100-S 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
(8,000) switching
points 1)
ExRun- 5.10-P 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 Three-point,
1.000 Ω
ExRun- 25.50-P 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 Three-point,
1.000 Ω
7,500 / 10,000 Potentiometer
ExRun- 75.100-P 4/6/9/12/15 Three-point,
(8,000) 1.000 Ω
0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC,
ExRun- 5.10-Y 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12
4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC,
ExRun- 25.50-Y 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12
4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA
7,500 / 10,000 0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC,
ExRun- 75.100-Y 4/6/9/12/15
(8,000) 4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V DC,
ExRun- 5.10-U 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V DC,
ExRun- 25.50-U 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
4 to 20 mA
7,500 / 10,000 0 to 10 V DC,
ExRun- 75.100-U 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
(8,000) 4 to 20 mA
Table  Ex-d valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 V AC/DC
Type ExRun
1) Switching points are fix! (See table)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 274 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Ex-n valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 V AC/DC

Type RedRun
Force Running time
Type Control mode Feedback Features
N sec/mm
ExSwitch not
RedRun- 5.10-X 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
ExSwitch not
RedRun- 25.50-X 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
7,500 / 10,000 ExSwitch not
RedRun- 75.100-X 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
(8,000) adaptable
RedRun- 5.10 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
RedRun- 25.50 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
7,500 / 10,000
RedRun- 75.100 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
2 aux.
switch, fixed
RedRun- 5.10-S 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
points 1)
2 aux.
switch, fixed
RedRun- 25.50-S 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
points 1)
2 aux.
7,500 / 10,000 switch, fixed
RedRun- 75.100-S 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
(8,000) switching
points 1)
RedRun- 5.10-P 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 Three-point,
1.000 Ω
RedRun- 25.50-P 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 Three-point,
1.000 Ω
7,500 / 10,000 Potentiometer
RedRun- 75.100-P 4/6/9/12/15 Three-point,
(8,000) 1.000 Ω
0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC,
RedRun- 5.10-Y 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12
4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC,
RedRun- 25.50-Y 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12
4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA
7,500 / 10,000 0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC,
RedRun- 75.100-Y 4/6/9/12/15
(8,000) 4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V DC,
RedRun- 5.10-U 500 / 11,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V DC,
RedRun- 25.50-U 2,500 / 15,000 2/3/6/9/12 On-off, Three-point
4 to 20 mA
7,500 / 10,000 0 to 10 V DC,
RedRun- 75.100-U 4/6/9/12/15 On-off, Three-point
(8,000) 4 to 20 mA
Table  Ex-n valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 V AC/DC
Type RedRun
1) Switching points are fix! (See table)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 275 of 292

ExRun and RedRun

Valve adaption

To select the right valve adaptation and

get the right price information the following Type ExRun- to .
data are required:
Type RedRun- to .
„„ Valve manufacturer
„„ Valve Type
„„ Valve nominal size (diameter) DN/NPS

For adaptations which are still designed

by Schischek this data are minimum
To design new adaptations we need
additional details of the valve body as well Adaption
as drawings.
At purchase order you have to order both
parts actuator + adaptation.

Hazardous Locations

Hazardous locations
Safe area
Zone 1, 2, 21, and 22

24 to 230 V AC/DC
Version ExRun- ...-S
Limit switches 24 V / 1 A 230 V / 0.25 A
Version ExRun- ...-P
Potentiometer 0 to 1000 Ω
Version ExRun-...-U
Feedback 0 to 10 V / 4 to 20 mA

Figure  Valve adaption and hazaedous locations

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 276 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Wiring diagram of Type ExRun

On-off and Three-point stepping

Internal switches

Figure  A) Wiring diagrams of Type ExRun

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Explosion-protected actuator Page 277 of 292

Wiring diagram of Type ExRun


Feedback signal V / mA

Table  B) Wiring diagrams of Type ExRun

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 278 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.5.9.  Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve with explosion-proof electric actuator

Type: RedRun-5.10-Y (Standard 7031-2959129)

Explosion protection: PTB 09 ATEX 1016X II2 D Ex tD (iaD) A21 Zone 21 and 22
Power supply: 24 to 230 V AC/DC universal supply unit, self-adapting
7.5 mm for micro-flow valve
(adjustable between 5 and 60 mm)
Nominal force: 500 to 1000 N (adjustable)
Motor running time: 2/3/6/9/12 seconds/mm (adjustable)
Spring return: None
Control mode: 0 to 10 V DC, 4 to 20 mA (adjustable)
Feedback: 0 to 10 V DC, 4 to 20 mA (adjustable)
Ambient temperature: –20 °C to +40 °C / 50 °C
Degree of protection: IP 66
Manual override: Integrated
Attachment: Directly onto Type 3510
Three-step, offshore coating, rubber bellows, external
On request:
Technical data of actuator:
SAMSON receives the actuator from SCHISCHEK ready for connection.
Preferably, the actuator is to be mounted in the upright position. Otherwise, suitable
supports must be fitted to the actuator if it is mounted in a different position.
If the actuator is installed outdoors, the following points must be observed: Actuator
must be fitted with built-in heating and a protective roof (to protect the actuator from
direct sunshine/ snow) must be provided on site.
Further information available at
Figure 9.5.9.-1:  Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve with explosion-proof electric actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Hydraulic with a linear movement Page 279 of 292

9.6  Hydraulic with a linear movement

Hydraulic actuators or hydraulic cylinders typically involve a hollow cylinder having a
piston inserted in it. The two sides of the piston are alternately pressurized/de-pressurized
to achieve controlled precise linear displacement of the piston and in turn the entity
connected to the piston. The physical linear displacement is only along the axis of the
piston/cylinder. This design is based on the principles of hydraulics. A familiar example of
a manually operated hydraulic actuator is a hydraulic car jack. Typically though, the term
"hydraulic actuator" refers to a device controlled by a hydraulic pump.

Piston Forces
A1 Extending
pe = Gage pressure
A1, A2 = Piston areas
F1 = Piston force when extending
F2 = Piston force when retracting
d1 d 1 = Piston diameter
d 2 = Piston rod diameter
η = Efficiency
A2 N
1bar = 10

F = pe ∙ A ∙ η

d2 pe

What are the effecitive piston forces?
Hydraulic cylinder with d1 = 100 mm, d2 = 70 mm, η = 0.85 and pe = 60 bar.

N π ⋅ (10 cm )

F1 = pe ⋅ A1 ⋅ η = 600 ⋅ ⋅ 0.85 = 40,065 N

cm2 4

N π ⋅ (10 cm ) − ( 7 cm ) 
 2 2

F2 = pe ⋅ A 2 ⋅ η = 600 ⋅ ⋅ 0.85 = 20,428 N
cm2 4

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 280 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.6.1.  Hydraulic Scotch Yoke Valve Actuators

Hydraulic ranges
Hydraulic ranges actuators are designed to provide a rotary, quarter-turn movement
for either on/off or modulating duty. The robust design incorporates double sealing for
superior environmental protection and features a one-piece ductile iron cast centre body.
Hydraulic torque output up to 95,425 lbf-in (10,780 Nm).
„„ Steel and ductile iron construction.
„„ Inherently safe, factory welded spring-return module.
„„ Exclusive Rotork double ‘O’ ring sealing for proven protection against leakage in oil-
filled service.
„„ Special build available for nuclear power plant safety related valve applications class
1E, in standard IEEE323.
„„ AWWA C540 compliant build available.

Figure 9.6.1.-1:  Hydraulic Scotch Yoke Valve Actuators (Photo: Rotork)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Hydraulic with a linear movement Page 281 of 292  Reliability by Design

Hydraulic range scotch yoke actuators are designed to operate ball, butterfly and plug
valves requiring a quarter-turn movement for either on/off or modulating duty applications.
Sharing a versatile, modular, construction and many components; they are available
in both double-acting and spring-return configurations. The robust design incorporates
double sealing for superior environmental protection and features a one-piece ductile iron
cast centre body to maintain correct bearing alignment. The centre body is available in
two sizes. A pneumatic cylinder can be attached to either or both sides. A spring canister
can also be fitted to either side for Emergency Shut Down (ESD) applications.
Modular construction and stocking of components by Rotork Fluid Systems' Centres of
Excellence and a worldwide network of distributors facilitates quick delivery times.  Safety by Design

Hydraulic range actuators have been designed to be inherently safe. The springs are
contained within a factory welded spring canister with a unique and patented fastening
arrangement that ensures user safety when removing the canister.
The pneumatic cylinder features tie rods specially designed for excessive pressure relief
and the centre body is equipped with a pressure relief valve for further operational safety.  High Performance by Design

Superior design features enable a much longer service life than competitive products.
Hydraulic range actuators are capable of a least 200,000 cycles under full load. Units in
the field with more typical loads may achieve several times that.

Operating Pressure: Pneumatic up to 250 psi (17 bar)

Hydraulic up to 3,000 psi (207 bar)
Torque Output: Pneumatic up to 88,000 lbf-in (9,942 Nm)
Hydraulic up to 95,425 lbf-in (10,780 Nm)
Temperature Ranges:
Standard: -10°F to 200°F (-23°C to 93°C)
High: -15°F to 325°F (-26°C to 162°C)
Low: -40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 93°C)
Extreme Low: -60°F to 200°F (-51°C to 93°C)  Override Options

A dependable manual override facility is an important part of many valve/actuator
applications. Rotork Fluid Systems has a variety of override options to meet virtually any
requirement. Available options include handwheel jackscrew, hydraulic hand pump and
gearbox solutions.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 282 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Key Design Features

„„ Rated life of 200,000 cycles—tested against a full load over the entire output stroke.
Robust steel and ductile iron construction.
Single piston rod electroless nickel-plated for corrosion-free durability, lubricity and
long life of bearings and crown seals.
„„ External tie-rods an pneumatic piston cylinder specially designed for excessive
pressure relief to ensure operational safety.
„„ Long life, aluminum bronze friction slipper with low backlash delivers excellent
performance for heavy-duty modulating.
Integral piston rod support ensures long piston, rod and bearing life by maintaining
perfect alignment under all load conditions.
Inherently safe, factory welded spring-return module with unique safety fastening (US
Patent No. 4 350 08) ensures containment of spring forces when module is removed.
Double O-ring sealing for proven protection against leakage in oil-filled service.
„„ Phosphate and molybdenum disulphide coated torque plug bearings combined with
weather protection seals for maximum environmental protection.

Figure  (Photo: Rotork)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Hydraulic with a linear movement Page 283 of 292  VETEC Rotary valve with Pleiger hydraulic actuator

The Pleiger1 EHS- System is constructed

as a de-centralized system offering an
alternative to the conventional system.
Each EHS forms a self-contained unit.
The connections between actuators
and the control system are exclusively
It combines the advantages of the
hydraulic system and the electrical unit
perfectly and reduces procuring and
assembling time.

„„ Small size – high torque
„„ P 67, IP 68 on request
„„ Contact free limit switches
„„ Position indicator
„„ Small oil capacity
„„ Low noise level
„„ ATEX, optinal
„„ Bus Interface, optional
„„ Submersible, optional
„„ Energy efficient, cost saving

Figure  Rotary valve with PLEIGER hydraulic actuator (Photo: VETEC)


SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 284 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.6.2.  Hydraulic- actuating systems of Welland & Tuxhorn AG

Welland & Tuxhorn AG is a specialist for Steam conversion and Bypass technology and
manufactures own hydraulic-actuating systems.

Figure 9.6.2.-1:  Welland & Tuxhorn - Hydraulic actuating system Type NBF 400

Figure 9.6.2.-2:  Welland & Tuxhorn - Steam pressure check device.

Steam testing unit for safety steam reducing control valves (HD-Bypass Stations)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Hydraulic with a linear movement Page 285 of 292


Figure 9.6.2.-3:  Control valves for water and steam Type RVG with Hydraulic Actuator  Functions
Secure positioning of main control valves in control circuits of power stations and all other
types of technical processing facilities. Solutions for complex control and regulation tasks;
also with the assistance of compact form Profibus connectors.
Integration of safety functions such as turbine, boiler or condenser protection. Provision
of emergency strokes during auxiliary energy malfunctions.
„„ Easy to regulate
„„ Very high operating force
„„ Very high rigidity
„„ High operating-velocity
„„ Prototype tested and approved according to TRD 421
„„ Safe positioning with cup springs
„„ Variable configuration due to modular construction methods
„„ Double-acting cylinders

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 286 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators  Design
The hydraulic power array consists of a drive assembly (see Figure 9.6.2.-1); the servo
valve serves as actuating element and the cylinder as drive element
for the control valve (see Figure 9.6.2.-3.
Generally, the input of the set point value follows as an analogue Actuator
electrical signal, and can originate from several sources.
The actual value of the controlled variable is read by the measurement
device and is then also converted into an analogue signal.
The actual value comparison follows in the measuring device.
This means that the control difference is arrived at.
This is then amplified, assigned a particular transmission behavior
(PID behavior) and added as control variable to the servo valve.
The amplifier to the servo valve is located between the controller
and the servo valve.
This interface converts the control variable current into magnetic
current, and also contains the position regulatory system of the
servo valve.  Setup of an electro-hydraulic Control Loop

(See Figure
The hydraulic power line consists of the
actuator, the servo-valve (as the positioner),
and the hydraulic motor or cylinder used as
final controlling element.
The input of the setpoint generally is in
form of an analog electric Signal which can
originate from different sources. Frequently
these sources can be potentiometers, function
generators, numeric controls or signals which
come from other machine actuating systems.
The actual value of the controlled variable is
acquired by the measuring system and is also converted
to an analog signal. The comparison between setpoint and actual value is carried out in
the electronic control amplifier, i.e. the system deviation is calculated.
This deviation is amplified, is provided with a specified response characteristic (PID-
characteristics) and is provided to the servo-valve as the manipulated variable.
A power amplifier of the servo-valve is located between the controller and the valve. This
interface converts the voltage of the manipulated variable into a magnetic current and
contains the position control systems of the servo valve.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Hydraulic with a linear movement Page 287 of 292

Figure  Hydraulic power loop of an control valve

Hydraulic Positioning Systems
NBF 160 for 1 Valve
NBF 250 for 2 to 4 Valves
NBF 400 for 4 to 8 Valves
NBF 630 for 5 to 10 Valves
Table  Hydraulic Positioning Systems
„„ Box-type design Multi-function blocks in modular setup
„„ Compact installation
„„ Reduction of costs for piping and joints
„„ Reduction of installation costs due to the simple exchange of function blocks
„„ Oil tank with integrated oil sump acc. to DIN 24339
„„ Level and temperature monitoring devices
„„ Double stroke hand pump
„„ High pressure double switching filter
„„ Hydraulic storage facility used as supply and acceleration storage facility
„„ Motor pumps each with 100% delivery rate
„„ Electronic pressure switch with digital display
„„ Hydraulic cylinder (balanced type) with or without safety cupspring assembly
„„ Large alarm unit with mechanical switches and an electronic position transmitter
(0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA)
„„ Electronic cubicle with programmable controllers type SIMATIC S7

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 288 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

Figure  HYDRAULIC SERVO SYSTEMS TYPE "NBF" 160, 250, 400, 630
for Control Valves Safety Functions acc. to TÜV. SV. 92-886  Hydraulic Servo-Systems - Establishment and Manufacturing

For conventional and nuclear power stations, or for industrial facilities: Welland & Tuxhorn
delivers suitable control fittings – from level control to injection and safety valves.
By constantly sharing and exchanging Know How with renowned power station planners
and operators, as well as with technical and scientific institutions, we have gained
experience in theory and practice. This experience has been converted into better and
better products.
Specific solutions, innovative solutions, fulfilling the highest technical requirements.
Special considerations concerning spatial and constructional conditions mostly demand
sound and expert compromises. Use our experience, and let our engineers and technicians
advise you.

The common goal is to find the best-possible solution – together!

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Data Sheet for Control Valves according to DIN EN 60 534-7 Page 289 of 292

9.7  Data Sheet for Control Valves according to DIN EN 60 534-7

Data Sheet for Control Valves ( - Minimum details for the selection and the sizing of one valve)

1 Site of control
2 Measuring and control task
7 Pipeline
8 Pipe material DN ... PN ... Class ...
12 Process medium
13 State at the input - liquid - steam - vapor

15 min. standard max. unit

Operating data

16 Flow rate
17 Input pressure p1
18 Output pressure p2
19 Temperature T1
20 Input density p1 or M
21 Steam pressure Pv
22 Critical pressure Pc
23 Kinematic viscosity v
31 Calculation of max. flow rate coefficient Kv
32 Calculation of min. flow rate coefficient Kv
33 Selected flow rate coefficient Kvs
34 Calculated sound pressure level ... dB(A)
35 Control Valve Type
36 Style
38 Nominal pressure PN ...
39 Nominal size DN ...
40 Type of connection - flange - welding end - welded-neck end - DIN/ - ANSI
Valve body

43 Bonnet shape - standard - insulating section bellows seal - heating jacket

45 Body/bonnet material
47 Characteristic - linear - equal percentage
48 Plug/stem material
49 Bushing/seat material
52 Hard facing - none - partly stellited - purely stellited - hardened
54 Leckage class ... % Kvs class
55 Packing material - standard - type

57 Actuator type - pneumatic

60 Effective area ... cm2
62 Supply air pressure min. max.

63 Bench range
64 Fail-safe action - closed - open - stop
66 Other operating mode - electric - electrohydraulic - hand-operated
67 Fail-safe action with three-way valve
68 Additional manual operation - no - yes

70 Positioner Type

71 Input signal - pneumatic - electric

72 Control valve opened at ... bar ... mA
73 Control valve closed at ... bar ... mA
76 Air connection max. ... bar
78 Explosion protection - EExi - Exd
80 Limit switch Type
Limit switch

81 Limit switch - electric - inductive - pneumatic

82 Switching position - closed - % travel - open
83 Switching function - closing - opening
84 Explosion protection - EExi - EExd
86 Solenoid valve Type
Solenoid valve

87 Style - 2-way - 3-way

88 If power fails, valve should - open - close - stop
91 Electric data ... V ... Hz ... W

Table 9.7.-1:  Data Sheet for Control Valves according to DIN EN 60 534-7

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Page 290 of 292 Chapter 9.  Control valve actuators

9.8  Data Sheet for Control Valves according to ISA Form S20.50. Rev. 1
Project Data Sheet of
Unit Date
P. O . Spec
Item Tag
Contract Dwg
Mfr Serial* Service
1 Fluid Crit Press Pc
Units Max Flow Norm Flow Min Flow Shut-O ff
2 Flow Rate –
3 Inlet Pressure

4 Outlet Pressure
5 Inlet Temperature
6 Density / Spec Grav / Mol Wt –
7 Viscosity / Spec Heat Ratio –
8 Vapor Pressure Pv –
9 * Required Cv –
10 * Travel % 0
11 Allowable/*Predicted SPL dB(A) –

13 Pipe Line Size In 53 * Type


14 & Schedule Out 54 * Mfr & Model

15 Pipeline Insulation 55 * Size Eff Area
56 O n/ O ff Modulating
16 * Type 57 Spring Action Open/ Close
17 * Size ANSI Class 58 * Max Allowable Pressure

18 Max Press/Temp 59 * Min Required Pressure

19 * Mfr & Model 60 Available Instr. Air Max
20 61

* Body/Bonnet Matl Supply Pressure Min

21 * Liner Matl/ID 62 * Bench Ran ge
22 End In 63 Act Orientation
23 Connection Out 64 Handwheel Type
24 Flg Face Finish 65 Air Fails Valve Set at
25 End Ext/Matl 66
26 * Flow Direction 67 Input signal
27 * Type of Bonnet
28 Lub & Iso Valve Lube 68 * Type

29 * Packing Material 69 * Mfr & Model

30 * Packing Type 70 * On Increasing Signal Output Incr/Decr
31 71 Gauges Bypass
72 * Cam Characteristic
32 * Type 73
33 * Size Rated Travel
34 * Characteristic 74 Type Quantity

35 * Balanced/Unbalanced 75 * Mfr & Model

36 * Rate Cv FL XT 76 Contacts/Rating

37 * Plug/Ball/Disk Material 77 Actuation Points

38 * Seat Material 78
39 * Cage/Guide Material
40 * Stem Material 79 * Mfr & Model

41 80 * Set Pressure
42 81 Filter Gauges
43 NEC C lass Group Div.

44 83 * Hydrostatic Pressure
45 84 ANSI/FCI Leakage Class

46 85
47 86
48 Rev Date Revision Orig App
* Information supplied by manufacturer unless already specified.

Table 9.8.-1:  Data Sheet for Control Valves according to ISA Form S20.50. Rev. 1

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
Data Sheet for Control Valves according to ISA Form S20.50. Rev. 1 Page 291 of 292

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:
SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet:

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