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For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front

matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks

and Contents at a Glance links to access them.
About the Author������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ix

Chapter 1: Getting Started ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1

Chapter 2: Crossing the Agile Chasm������������������������������������������������������������ 7
Chapter 3: Business Benefits of Being Agile���������������������������������������������� 15
Chapter 4: Importance of Customer Engagement ���������������������������������� 25
Chapter 5: Importance of Employee Engagement������������������������������������ 33
Chapter 6: Foundations of Agile�������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Chapter 7: Ready, Implement, Coach, and Hone (RICH)
Deployment Model���������������������������������������������������������������������� 59
Chapter 8: Motivations for Moving to an Agile Culture�������������������������� 69
Chapter 9: Achieving an Agile Mindset�������������������������������������������������������� 79
Chapter 10: Evaluating Executive Support and Team Willingness�������� 93
Chapter 11: Treating Agile as a Transformation Project������������������������ 105
Chapter 12: Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities���������������������� 113
Chapter 13: Evaluating Agile, Engineering, and Team Capability �������� 131
Chapter 14: Establishing Agile Measures of Success�������������������������������� 139
Chapter 15: Constructing a Scalable Agile Framework�������������������������� 151
Chapter 16: Establishing an Agile Education Program���������������������������� 161
Chapter 17: Creating a Customer Validation Vision �������������������������������� 167
Chapter 18: Writing User Stories and Grooming the Backlog�������������� 175
Chapter 19: Working with Story Points, Velocity, and Burndowns�������� 187
Chapter 20: Constructing Done Criteria to Promote Quality�������������� 195
Chapter 21: Considering Agile Tools within an ALM Framework�������� 201
Chapter 22: Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities���������������� 209
Chapter 23: Adapting Governance and Performance Reviews�������������� 223
Chapter 24: Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile���������������������������������� 233


Getting Started
Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.
—H. G. Wells

Throughout the history of the human species, people have learned to adapt to
the environment.When the weather got too cold during the ice ages, Northern
Hemisphere peoples either migrated south or adapted their clothing to live in
the cold. People have adapted their eating habits, tools, and resistance to cer-
tain germs.Theories of physical and cultural evolution postulate that successful
human populations and processes continuously adapt to their environments.
As a complex process practiced by a specialized subpopulation in a rapidly
changing technological and business environment, we are under constant
adaptive pressure to evolve. Somewhere along the way, however, many of us in
the world of software development have grown content with fixing long-term
goals, and we resist adaptive pressures to make corrective course changes.
This conservative inertia has definitely gotten in the way of how we do busi-
ness, clogging it with unwieldy upfront requirements and inflexible planning.
The good news is that companies are seeing the benefits of moving back to a
more adaptive approach.
Agile has secured its place within the software development community where
it originated and evolved, and now Agile is spreading into many other areas of
the professional workplace, where its embrace of adaptive feedback can help
businesses thrive. Many are seeing that a more iterative approach allows them
the flexibility to adjust to the changing needs of customers and the continuous
churning of market conditions. Many others would like to apply Agile effec-
tively because they are hearing it from all corners of their professional life.
No matter how prevalent and popular the adoption of Agile has become, get-
ting started with Agile and then continuing to apply its methods and practices
remain significant challenges. This is what I call “doing Agile,” by which I mean
2 Chapter 1 | Getting Started

mechanically applying Agile methods and practices—whether they are Scrum,

eXtreme Programming (XP), Kanban,Test Driven Development (TDD), or any
of the many other variants. More important than the selection of a particu-
lar style of Agile, however, is the art of learning how to live Agile values and
principles to transform Agile mechanics into Agile mindset. This is what I call
“being Agile.”

Purpose of This Book

The purpose of this book is to help you and your organization not only apply
Agile methods and practices (“do Agile”) but transform yourselves to an Agile
mindset and live in an Agile culture (“be Agile”) grounded in Agile values and
principles, customer value, continuous customer engagement, and employee
The more you empower teams within your organization to self-organize and
draw out valuable employee knowledge, the more integrally and continuously
you incorporate customer feedback into your development process; the more
responsively and sensitively your product team and organization adapt to cus-
tomer needs and changing market conditions; the more your organization will
thrive and profit from the benefits of Agile.
Throughout this book, I offer guidance, lessons, and tips regarding the adop-
tion of Agile. Some of these might seem obvious and derived from the
principles and values, yet they often are missed, neglected, or glossed over.
Commonsense considerations about adopting and implementing an Agile cul-
ture change are often the elephant in the room. Individuals in any company are
generally reluctant to expose themselves to embarrassment if they point out
things that might seem blindingly obvious or ask questions that might reveal an
embarrassing knowledge gap. A prime example is knowledge of Agile itself.
Many people pretend or imply by their silence that they know what Agile is,
but they really have only a vague idea. If they don’t understand what Agile is,
they can’t understand its benefits. Certainly if they don’t understand how to
do Agile, they can’t understand what it means to be Agile. Another example is
that some folks suppose that introducing Agile is a minor change. They fail to
see the elephant in the room (see Figure 1-1): adopting Agile requires signifi-
cant organizational change in order to transform their culture and produce
major benefits.
Being Agile 3

Do you see All I see is a

an elephant? mouse!

Need for

Figure 1-1.  Agile elephant in the room. Agile requires a culture change, but most only want
to apply tool and process changes

What You Will Learn

This book is a roadmap designed to help you consider, understand, deploy,
and adapt Agile methods and practices within an organization and on an Agile
team. More important, it will help you understand the Agile mindset to not
only “do Agile” but “be Agile” to truly achieve a transformation and the busi-
ness benefits it can provide. It is intended to be a pragmatic guide, and as
such is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. The guidelines in this book apply
equally to situations when a team is embarking on new product develop-
ment following Agile or to existing legacy products that are introducing Agile.
With new product teams, the material in this book can help the team prepare
for activities to achieve an Agile transformation. With legacy product teams,
aspects of this book may be used to help examine current thinking and then
adapt current mindsets and processes. These guidelines are also meant to
apply to the whole organization, because “being Agile” requires buy-in across
the enterprise.
This book will help you embrace Agile values and principles, adopt the meth-
ods and practices of Agile and, more important, enable you to cross the chasm
between “doing Agile” to “being Agile.” In particular, Being Agile:
• Presents a methodical yet adaptable approach toward
Agile transformation, encapsulated in a ready–implement–
coach–hone (RICH) model that can be easily understood
and followed.
• Advocates a framework in which values, customer
engagement, employee engagement, and an Agile process
can lead to an increase in sales and productivity, incorpo-
rated in the Agile Value to Incentive Differentiator (AVID)
4 Chapter 1 | Getting Started

• Provides a mechanism for evaluating your level of align-

ment to the Agile values and principles, encapsulated
in the Agile Mindset, Values, and Principles (Agile MVP)
• Promotes a special focus on value-added work (VAW)
that features customer work as valuable and an accom-
panying value capture metric.
• Models how to implement Agile at both the product team
level and the organizational level.
This book maps the path for adopting and adapting Agile in such a way as to
gain the full benefits that you desire from the Agile transformation. The topics
that this book focuses on include:
• Business benefits
• Mindset, values, and principles
• An adaptable approach for deploying Agile
• Suitability for applying Agile
• Stakeholder buy-in and support
• Team willingness and capability
• Overview of Scrum, XP, Lean, DSDM, and Kanban
• Roles and responsibilities
• Frameworks and practices
• Scalability such as Scrum-of-Scrums
• Education
• Agile community
• Success measures
• Writing user stories
• Backlog and grooming
• Story point sizing techniques
• Velocity and burn-downs
• Sprint 0 and Agile Release Planning
• Done criteria
• Customer validation vision
• Agile tools and infrastructure
Being Agile 5

• Agile assessments
• Grooming in-house talent
• Performance reviews in Agile world
• Agile organizational governance
• Agile adoption case studies

Who This Book Is For

The primary readers for this book are:
• executives and senior management
• Agile Coaches and consultants
• Scrum Masters and Agile project managers
• Product Owners, product managers, business analysts
• cross-functional engineering/scrum teams including
developers, quality assurance (QA) analysts and testers,
technical writers, user experience (UX) engineers,
configuration management (CM) engineers, and more
Others who will benefit from using this book include:
• development, functional, and QA management
• sponsors and customers

How to Navigate This Book

You can read this book in various ways depending on your purpose and prior
knowledge. Of course you are welcome to read the book consecutively from
beginning to end. However, you can also customize your path through the
book to suit your knowledge level or the specific challenge you are trying to
For those that are more experienced in Agile but seeing challenges in “being
Agile,” I encourage you to pay particular attention to the discussions on cross-
ing the Agile chasm, achieving the Agile mindset, business benefits, and the
importance of customer engagement and employee. You may find the RICH
deployment model, the AVID framework, and Agile MVP Advisor particularly
useful. When you have not seen the Agile transformation you have been hop-
ing for, trawl the RICH readiness activities suggested throughout this book for
insight into your particular question or challenge.
6 Chapter 1 | Getting Started

■■Agile Pit Stop  Pay particular attention to the Agile Pit Stops throughout the book. They
illuminate ideas with examples or highlight important points, cautions, or tips.

Following is a list of chapters or chapter clusters to consult for particular

topics and needs.
• Reasons to move to Agile: Chapter 3 (“Business Benefits
of Being Agile”) and Chapter 8 (“Motivations for Moving
to an Agile Culture”).
• What it really takes to gain the Agile mindset: Chapter 2
(“Crossing the Agile Chasm”), Chapter 4 (“Importance
of Customer Engagement”), Chapter 5 (“Importance of
Employee Engagement”), and Chapter 9 (“Achieving an
Agile Mindset”).
• Review of Agile processes and methodologies: Chapter 6
(“Foundations of Agile”) and Chapter 15 (“Constructing
a Scalable Agile Framework”).
• Deployment and planning for an Agile transformation:
Chapter 7 (“RICH Deployment Framework”), Chapter 10
(“Evaluating Executive Support and Team Willingness ”),
Chapter 14 (“Establishing Measures of Success”), and
Chapter 11 (“Treating Agile as a Transformation Project”).
• Key deployment activities: Chapter 12 (“Adapting to Agile
Roles and Responsibilities”) to Chapter 21 (“Considering
Agile Tools within an ALM Framework”).
• How to establish a strong Agile community: Chapter 16
(“Establishing an Agile Education Program”) and Chapter 22
(“Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities”).
• How to adapt organization level processes: Chapter 23
(“Adapting Governance and Performance Reviews”).
• Case studies: Chapter 24 (“Three Case Studies in
Adopting Agile”).

Crossing the
Agile Chasm
Anything can be achieved in small, deliberate steps. But there are times
you need the courage to take a great leap; you can't cross a chasm in two
small jumps.
—David Lloyd George

Adopting a new concept often proves harder than it seems at first. Adopting
Agile is definitely a case in point. Although Agile is still relatively new, hav-
ing been formally defined by a meeting of seventeen signatories in February
2001 in their “Manifesto for Agile Software Development,” it has gained sig-
nificant adoption over the past decade.1 At first glance, it appears that many
software development–related companies have adopted Agile at some level.
However, on further investigation, it appears that only some parts of Agile
are being adopted and often in a spotty manner. A few data points that help
us understand Agile’s current adoption levels include the following. A 2012
study on product team performance done by Actuation Consulting indicates
that 71percent of surveyed organizations self-reported using Agile to some
degree.2 This sounds significant, right? However, that study showed that only
13 percent reported that they are using “pure” Agile in the sense that Agile
values and principles were being followed and iterative incremental techniques
were not being mixed with other methodologies. A 2009 study indicated that

See Kent Beck, et  al. "Manifesto for Agile Software Development," (2001),
Actuation Consulting and Enterprise Agility, "The Study of Product Team Performance,
2012," http://www.actuationconsultingllc.com/whitepaper_request.php.
8 Chapter 2 | Crossing the Agile Chasm

35 percent of surveyed organizations said that Agile in one form or another

best describes the way they build products.3 Although such evidence reveals
significant levels of self-identification by information technology (IT) firms
with Agile methodologies and their deployment of some Agile practices, only
a small minority of companies have adopted and implemented “pure” Agile.
Penetration of Agile practices and even more the adoption of pure Agile pro-
grams still have a long way to go in the industry.

Agile Is Really a Culture Change

When we discuss Agile adoption, we are talking about a change to the organi-
zational culture. Culture disruption is never painless. This is because adopting
Agile is not a matter of learning skills or understanding a procedure, it is about
adopting a set of values and principles that require change in people’s behavior
and the culture of an organization.
Generally, a skill change is easier than a procedural change, and a procedural
change is easier than a culture change. A skill change is limited to how an
individual operates or maintains an asset and is fairly mechanical. A proce-
dural change is a change in the steps to get something done and can also be
fairly mechanical but is of a higher order than a skill change because a chain of
employees needs to deploy complementary skills in a coordinated and effec-
tive way. A culture change implies a behavioral change in people in response
to a change in the values and assumptions of their organization that is expres-
sive of a new way of thinking. This kind of culture change takes time. This is
why I suggest that you think of your change to Agile as a journey.
Getting people to change their outward behavior is notoriously difficult.
Getting them to change their mindset is even tougher, because they must
come to endorse, internalize, and really believe in the change. Figure 2-1 graph-
ically represents the relative magnitudes of change and adjustment periods for
changes in skills, procedure, and culture. The further up the change type axis
you go, the greater the magnitude of change and the more time is needed to
implement that change. Culture change is a transformation that involves the
most change and requires the most time for an organization to adjust.

Forrester-Dr. Dobb’s Global Developer Technographics Survey, Q3 2009.

Being Agile 9

Change Type




Years Months Weeks Small Medium Large

Time to Adjust Magnitude of Change

Figure 2-1. Dynamics of organizational change (source: adapted from Paul S. Adler and Aaron
Shenhar, “Adapting your Technological Base: The Organizational Challenge,” Sloan Management
Review, 2, no. 1 (Fall 1990), figure 2, 36)

Imagine for a moment that you are in Italy. You learn to drive a Ferrari and
enjoy driving it around. Does this make you an Italian? Of course not. You
have learned an exciting new skill on an Italian machine, but it doesn’t mean
you can interact as an Italian with locals around you.
Now imagine that you have learned enough Italian that you can walk into a
café in Rome and order a fette biscottate and caffé e latte for your colazione.
Does being able to order breakfast make you an Italian? Of course not. You
know the procedure and vocabulary for ordering breakfast, but it doesn’t
mean you can interact as an Italian with the locals. To the Italians around you,
you stick out like a sore thumb.
Now imagine that you have lived in Italy for several years, immersed yourself
in the language, and adopted the local customs (instead of shaking hands, you
air-kiss on both cheeks). You have achieved a sophisticated understanding of
Italian wines and the precise weight of the cloth needed for your clothing to
hang elegantly. You engage in animated discussions with the locals about the
various regions and subcultures within Italy. Does all this make you an Italian?
It won’t right away, but the Italians around you will credit that you are making
an honest effort to change your behavior and are really attempting to under-
stand not only how Italians do things but why they do things. Over time, your
own culture will change enough that you start internalizing the Italian culture.
There's the key correlation: a culture change of large enough magnitude to
be internalized and recognized as “being Italian” will take you a lot of effort
expended over a long time.
Many who have implemented Agile think that it is a procedural change that can
be layered into their organization with little change to their current culture.
I believe the contrary: if you don’t think Agile should fundamentally change
10 Chapter 2 | Crossing the Agile Chasm

your culture, then your half-measures will block the business benefits you are
looking for.
To gain an appreciation of the full potential of Agile within your company, read
the rest of this chapter and the next four chapters. Culture change in Agile
isn’t just for the engineering department but for the whole organization. The
Agile journey isn't just an option for the self-selected few; everyone must sign
on to adapt their behavior in alignment with Agile values and principles.

Technology Adoption Lifecycle

Agile is already a mainstay in the software product development arena, even
if we are seeing uneven adoption. However, because of its relative newness,
Agile adoption continues to be embraced by innovators and early adopters
in context of the classic technology adoption lifecycle model advanced by
sociologists Joe M. Bohlen and George M. Beal in 1957, shown in Figure 2-2.4
This life cycle model describes the acceptance of innovation according to the
demographic and psychological characteristics of defined adopter groups. The
successive groups include innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority,
and laggards.

Early Early Late

Innovators Adopters Majority Majority Laggards
2.5% 13.5% 34% 34% 16%

Figure 2-2. Technology adoption lifecycle

In this model, innovators are described as educated risk takers who enjoy
innovation, are willing to try out new ideas, and are more tolerant of mistakes.
They require little guidance and actually enjoy spending hours figuring out
how to adopt the innovation. Innovators are helpful critics who are ready to
invest the time and effort to get the innovation to work. The early adopters
are described as educated community leaders who are constantly seeking

Joe M. Bohlen and George M. Beal, “The Diffusion Process”, Special Report No. 18,

Agriculture Extension Service, Iowa State College, May 1957, 1:56–77.

Being Agile 11

better ways and looking to gain visibility and credibility, while accepting some
level of risk. Both the innovators and early adopters have seen the intrinsic
benefits of going Agile and are fairly sincere in their efforts to change their
behavior and culture for the better.
The early majority are described as more pragmatic, open to new ideas, and
avid for ways to become more successful. Whereas innovators and early
adopters are willing to struggle to make the new innovation work, the early
majority are looking for guidance on how to adopt it so they can manage
the change more carefully. The late majority and laggards await the results of
those who blaze the trail and are often pushed, sometimes grudgingly, into the
new world. These last two groups are the ones least interested in changing
their culture.

Agile Cultural Chasm

In 1991, Geoffrey Moore refined the classic technology adoption model with
an additional element he called the “chasm.”5 He advanced a proposition spe-
cific to disruptive innovation that there is a significant shift in mentality to be
crossed between the early adopter and the early majority groups. Disruptive
innovation is the development of new values that forces a significant change of
behavior to the culture adopting it. In this case, Agile is that disruptive force
that insists on applying a set of values and principles within a specific culture
of “being Agile” to be successful and for the organization to realize the full
business benefits of Agile.
At first glance, it would appear from the adoption statistics cited at the begin-
ning of this chapter that as of this writing Agile is solidly in the early majority
stage of its adoption life cycle—or perhaps the late majority stage. I believe,
however, that this perception is specious, in view of the further observation
that the majority of companies that are “doing” Agile at some have not actu-
ally adopted the new values and made the cultural shift to actually “being”
Agile. Such companies look at Agile as a set of skills, tools, and procedural
changes and not the integrated behavioral and cultural change it truly is. In
other words, they think they have crossed the chasm, but they have not made
the significant change of behavior required to make the leap.

Geoffrey A. Moore, Crossing the Chasm (New York: Harper Business Essentials, 1991).
12 Chapter 2 | Crossing the Agile Chasm


Early Early Late

Innovators Adopters Majority Majority Laggards

Figure 2-3.  Crossing the Agile chasm requires that you apply a new set of values and
a significant shift in behavior

My experience in the field leads me to posit a refinement on Moore's chasm

concept as applied to Agile. First, there is the real Agile chasm between those
on the left side who have made the organic behavioral changes consistent
with the values of being Agile—and those on the right side who are just doing”
Agile mechanically. Second, there is a fake chasm, which many organizations
pride themselves on having crossed by virtue of adopting some mechanical
features of Agile, whereas they have not been willing or able to make the
behavioral changes and adopt the values required to cross the real chasm.
Although many companies say that they are doing Agile in some form, a large
proportion of these are actually doing Fragile (“fake Agile”), ScrumBut (“I’m
doing Scrum but not all of the practices”), ScrumFall (“I’m doing mini-waterfall
in the sprints or phase-based Agile”), or some other hybrid variant that cannot
deliver the business benefits of pure Agile.

■■Agile Pit Stop  There is a “fake chasm” crossed by those unwilling or unable to make the
behavioral changes to cross the real Agile chasm. This is exemplified by such practices as Fragile,
ScrumBut, and ScrumFall prevalent in the software industry.

I cannot overstate this point: many companies and teams within companies
are mechanically doing some form of Agile without having actually crossed
the Agile chasm, discarding the behavioral baggage that is keeping them from
being Agile. Until a team attains the state of being Agile, the business benefits
that Agile can provide will be elusive. I contend that the industry has barely
entered the early majority of true Agile cultural transformation, and many
companies continue to struggle to leap the Agile chasm or, in many cases, even
recognize that they have only crossed a fake Agile chasm.
Being Agile 13

■■Agile Pit Stop  Many are only mechanically “doing” Agile and have not yet really begun to “be”
Agile (i.e., actually applying the values and principles of Agile).

Looking through the lens of the adoption lifecycle model, let’s review the
results of the surveys on Agile’s adoption levels mentioned at the beginning of
this chapter. The 2012 study referenced earlier indicated that 71 percent of
organizations self-reported using Agile to some degree. This level of adoption
would seem to suggest that Agile has reached the late majority stage. But the
same study indicated that only 13 percent said they were using “pure” Agile.
This statistic would seem to suggest that Agile is still in the early adopter
stage. The 2009 study mentioned earlier indicated that 35 percent of respon-
dents follow one form of Agile or another. This fact would seem to suggest
that Agile is in the early majority. Although both studies report significant
levels of adoption, those levels are sufficiently low as to be consistent with the
proposition that crossing the Agile cultural chasm is proving a tough challenge
for a majority of companies.
Key to meeting this challenge is identifying ways to bridge the communities of
the early adopters and the early majority. While the early adopters are very
willing to take risks and try new things, the early majority are less risk-tolerant
and look for guidance that will help them reduce the disruptive stresses of
Agile adoption. They have seen the benefits of Agile around them, but they
need more help in its adoption. In some cases, prospective adopters may be
pushing the boundaries of Agile. A good example is that early adoption of
Scrum focused on small collocated product teams. However, as folks saw the
success of Scrum, the industry has learned to adapt it for larger, more distrib-
uted product teams. In short, companies seek a solid foundation of information
and guidance to help them cross the chasm.
This book lays the foundation for those who want to cross the Agile cultural
chasm, understand the behaviors that need to change, and gauge progress
along the way. It provides an Agile transformation roadmap to the destination
of Agile: business benefits.

Business Benefits
of Being Agile
Profit in business comes from repeat customers that boast about your
project or service and that bring friends with them.
—W. Edwards Deming

In my experience, the ultimate business benefit of going Agile is that it . . . can

. . . make . . . the . . . company . . . more . . . money. Did this get your attention?
I find that few people will actually say this out loud. However, to make money,
you need to delight your customers by building customer value and harness
the brainpower of your employees.
Think about it for a moment:
• If you are truly committed to building customer value,
then you will be building what the customer wants and
the customer will be delighted, ergo they will buy the
product or buy more of the product, while increasing the
likelihood of remaining loyal to you.
• If you are truly committed to empowering your employees,
then you will provide a work environment where they feel
ownership of the work and can make their own decisions,
and they will be more motivated to activate their brain-
power, improving morale and increasing the likelihood that
they will go the extra mile to create a quality product.
The employees are the company’s greatest assets for success, and the ­customer
represents the greatest potential for company revenue. Isn’t this what you
really want?
16 Chapter 3 | Business Benefits of Being Agile

Although executives/senior management in companies may have some sense

of the business benefits of Agile, I suggest that a major reason Agile is being
implemented in many organizations is because they see it as the trend in the
industry, so they think they better do it as well. In other words, they may be
introducing Agile for the sake of jumping on the bandwagon, and most of
their employees are then not sure why they are doing it but are mechanically
following the process.
A mistake I often see when Agile is first rolled out is that only the mechani-
cal aspects are introduced. For example, “this is a Scrum team,” and “this is
Continuous Integration.” This is particularly harmful when senior management
is introduced to Agile this way. They then interpret this as “Agile is something
the engineering team should do” and don’t really see their role in Agile.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Do not introduce senior management to the mechanical aspects of Agile
first. Instead, introduce them to the agile principles, business benefits, and their role in the agile
transformation. This way they realize that Agile helps their business opportunity and that they have
a role to play.

Instead, when you introduce Agile to executives/senior management, they

should be educated in the agile values and principles, business benefits, and
their role in an agile transformation. Then they will realize that Agile is about
helping their business opportunity and that they have a role to play.
There are supplementary reasons teams or organizations are turning toward
Agile. In general, many software development projects have a poor track
record of delivering on time, on budget, with high quality, and what the
­customer wants. The question then becomes, what are the reasons for this
track record? Some reasons include:
• Cannot possibly know everything or most things upfront.
• Schedules are defined with little information about the work.
• Software development is complex.
• Processes are often lengthy, with a lot of rigid ceremony.
• Defining requirements in detail is difficult.
• Customer needs change, and so do market conditions.
• Testing gets abused and minimized at the end as schedules
get tight.
Being Agile 17

The good news is that applying an adaptive framework like agile methods can
reduce many of these problems. For example, if you reach every scheduled
release date, you bring the project in on budget, and you build it with quality,
but you do not build features that customers want, they will not buy it and
you have failed. This is why I contend that if you align your culture and pro-
cesses around building customer value (e.g., what customers need and when
they need it), then you will be successful and have increased your chances of
making money.

■■Agile Pit Stop  If you finish within the schedule, bring the project in on budget, and build it
with great quality, but do not deliver what the customer wants, they will not buy it and your business
may fail.

In addition, I see Agile often focused on the engineering side of the company
because there is a lack of understanding that Agile will help an organiza-
tion’s bottom line. Although Agile will benefit the engineering side, particu-
larly eXtreme programming (XP) practices, Agile should really be driven
by strong business reasons. If you look at Agile as a business tool to make
more money for the organization, you will gain greater buy-in from senior
management, who are often the sponsors of agile programs and are looking
for a business edge.

Show Me the Money

Though there are many benefits for going Agile, it occurred to me that to
get serious executive/senior management attention is to get them to under-
stand that Agile is really there to increase revenue—in short, to help them
make money.
One way to help them is to provide an illustration in which Agile is their
dashboard, with dials and levers that can help their organization (see
Figure  3-1). I ask, what do they think occurs when they step up the level
of customer engagement? What happens when you move up the level of
employee engagement?
18 Chapter 3 | Business Benefits of Being Agile

100 15
50 Money


Customer Engagement Employee Engagement

Figure 3-1.  Gauges for your agile dashboard: adjust your levels of customer and employee
engagement to see the changes to your profits

I leave executives to ponder whether they think these sincere actions can
lead to making more money. In my experience, this gets them to actively
listen, versus the passive listening they may exhibit when they think Agile
is an engineering method or something the engineering team and others
must do.
Yes, Agile can increase productivity. Yes, it may reduce your time to market.
Yes, it can improve employee morale. Yes, it can help you manage change. Yes,
it can help you increase project visibility. Yes, it can help you improve quality.
Yes, it helps in many other ways. And yes, Agile can lead to an increase in
customer sales, ergo an increase in profits. This is all true if Agile is imple-
mented correctly.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Attention all executives/senior management types: Agile is really there to help
make you more money!

There I said it: if Agile is implemented correctly. This is a big and important if.
The if means that Agile must be implemented sincerely, aligned with agile
values and principles, and with a special focus on the customer and employee.
This is where I contend that an organization really has to “be Agile” to get to
the point of affecting their profits. It does not mean that a company can do
anything to make money, and it particularly implies that you have to think and
act differently to achieve the results you are looking for.
Being Agile 19

Engaging Your Customers and Employees

I have narrowed down what I believe are the two success factors in creat-
ing a thriving business. To achieve making more money, you have to have a
culture where customers and employees really matter. I’m not talking about
the lip service that is prevalent today. In some cases, we see quite the oppo-
site, where employees are disenfranchised and customers are rarely engaged.
Instead, the goal is to have a culture and practices in place that truly gain the
benefits of engaging with customers and employees. Through the customer
and employee, a company draws their power within an agile culture and,
I contend, within any thriving company.

■■Agile Pit Stop  It is through the customer and employee that you draw your power within an
agile culture and within any thriving company.

When you have a riveting focus on the customer and you believe that an
engaged customer matters, then you have the basis for a relationship where
you can truly understand what the customer wants. When you have a sharp
focus on employees and provide them the space to make decisions and own
their work, then you will begin to understand the value an engaged employee
base can provide.

Agile Value to Incentive Differentiator (AVID)

Let me introduce you to a concept I call the Agile Value to Incentive
Differentiator (AVID). This is a framework where the values of the orga-
nization or company convey the importance of customers and employees
(i.e., that “customers and employees really matter”). If the values are sincerely
translated to organizational objectives and agile approaches are applied, then
it can act as a differentiator between the success of your organization com-
pared to the success of other organizations. Of course, every company likes
to say that employees and customers matter, but are their objectives and
actions really aligned with these values?
20 Chapter 3 | Business Benefits of Being Agile

Upon closer inspection, the values should translate into objectives focusing on
customer engagement and employee engagement.
• Customer engagement focuses on establishing meaning-
ful and honest customer relationships with the goal of
initiating continuous customer feedback to truly identify
what is valuable to the customer. This includes establish-
ing all of the activities involved in attaining this.
• Employee engagement focuses on empowering employ-
ees so they can self-organize into teams and can own and
be a part of the decision-making process at their own
Then we add the “secret ingredient” of applying a continuous and adaptive
approach (a.k.a. agile processes, methods, practices, and techniques). If done
properly with the ability to adapt, this can lead to an increase in customer
sales and an increase in team productivity. This finally leads to your incentive,
which is an increase in company profits (more money).

Vision Objectives Result Incentive
Agile Values & Principles

Customer Increased
(Continuous and adaptive)

Customers Engagement Sales

Matter Employee Increased
Engagement Productivity

Figure 3-2. Agile Vision to Incentive Differentiator (AVID)

I know this is both simplistic and difficult, but if implemented and if the vision
is sincere, it may be achieved. The goal of this book is to help you adjust
your mindset to achieve the vision and objectives. How true you are to the
vision and objectives is up to you. Please note that you will have a depen-
dency on your sales and marketing practices, but if you are building customer
value (i.e., what your customer wants), then marketing and selling should be
easier. Because customer value is so important, let’s take a closer look at
understanding this concept.
Being Agile 21

Elusive Customer Value

The value of an idea lies in the using of it.
—Thomas A. Edison

As you may know, a key focus of Agile is to deliver customer value. Value is
the benefit a customer will get from your product or the functionality if you
align with their needs. Customer value should be specified from the perspec-
tive of the end customer or those receiving the value from a specific product.
The authors of Lean Thinking put it this way:

Value can only be defined by the ultimate customer. And it's only meaningful
when expressed in terms of a specific product (a good or a service, and
often both at once), which meets the customer's needs at a specific price
at a specific time.1

■■Agile Pit Stop  Customer value = customer needs + right timing + right cost conditions. It is an
elusive target that must be adapted to continually.

Customer value has both temporal and cost conditions. It is an elusive target
that must be adapted to continually. What is considered valuable today may
not be valuable tomorrow.
For example, in the 1980s, cellular phones were large and emulated the shape
of a brick. In the 1990s and into the early 2000s, customers valued smaller
and smaller phones. We saw evidence of this with the Motorola StarTac cell-
phones and the even smaller Pantech C300. But in the late 2000s and early
2010s, customers began valuing larger screen sizes on their phones due the
advancement of smartphone technology (see Figure 3-3). We see evidence
of this with smartphones now having 4.7-inch screens and larger. Build a great
small phone for the wrong time, and few customers find it valuable.

James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in
Your Corporation (Productivity Press, 2003).
22 Chapter 3 | Business Benefits of Being Agile


Smaller Smaller Larger

Figure 3-3.  Evolution of the cellular phone—from larger to smaller to larger again

This provides us with more evidence as to why Agile and its continually adapt-
ing nature is so important in the effort to grasp the elusive customer value.
From an agile perspective, this specification of what is customer value for a
product should be a continuous activity to ensure you align and adapt with the
ever changing needs of the customer and sporadic changing conditions within
the marketplace.

■■Agile Pit Stop  To grasp the elusive customer value for a product, there should be continuous
customer engagement to ensure we align and adapt with the changing needs of the customer and
changes within the marketplace.

Agile Business Strategy

The primary intention of the AVID model is for companies to craft a business
strategy that incorporates the customer and employee engagement objectives
and agile values and principles that can help drive the mission of a company.
This strategy should focus on elusive customer value, support continuous cus-
tomer validation, and apply prioritization and minimum viable product tech-
niques that lead to greater financial gain. A strategy that truly understands the
advantages of employee engagement—including empowerment, self-organizing
teams, and ownership—may gain the benefits of increased productivity and
stronger company performance.
If customer and employee engagement are not woven into the company strat-
egy, it sends an unwritten message that these factors do not really matter and
can lead to substandard financial results. By incorporating these agile elements
Being Agile 23

into your business strategy, you can set the levels of customer and employee
engagement to see how they affect customer value and employee empower-
ment and eventually your profits.
With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at what the vision of “customers and
employees matter” really means. Let us start by discussing the importance
of customer engagement (Chapter 4) and then the importance of employee
engagement (Chapter 5).

of Customer
No plan survives contact with the customer.
—Variation on Helmuth von Moltke

In Agile, delivering customer value is key. As discussed in the preceding chap-

ter, what the customer finds valuable, changes over time, and so do the market
conditions. This is why applying big upfront methods, such as waterfall, can be
unwieldy. When you fix customer needs up front and plan the path to delivery
without continuously engaging with the customer, you might stick to the plan,
but you will be incrementally veering away from what the customer finds valu-
able. The moment you engage with customers on a continual basis, the plan
will not survive. So the question becomes: Is it better to deal with a changing
plan and deliver something the customer actually wants, or is it better to stick
to the plan and not end up delivering functionality the customer wants? Keep
in mind that if you are not listening to your customers, your competitors will be.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The moment you engage with customers, the plan will not survive. But what is
more important: the precious plan or meeting customer needs?
26 Chapter 4 | Importance of Customer Engagement

This is why it is critical to have effective customer engagement. If you have

effective customer engagement, you should be building product and function-
ality that customers want, therefore increasing the likelihood of making more
money for the company.
Identifying the elusive customer value is challenging. There have been several
studies estimating that a majority of new products launched into the soft-
ware product marketplace fail. More than 65 percent of new products built
by established companies fail.1 When you look further at startups, the failure
rate of new products takes a huge leap to 90 percent. Based on the percent-
age of new products that fail, $260 billion is lost annually in the United States.
If we extend this to companies around the world, we may be talking about
more than half a trillion dollars of lost money. More important than the lost
investment is the lost opportunity: this is half a trillion dollars that could have
been spent building valuable products, which in turn would make the company
more money.
To add to this, new functionality is being built into new or existing successful
products that few want or end up using. Jim Johnson, chairman of the Standish
Group, quoted two studies that highlight the amount of unused features.2 A
DuPont study found that only 25 percent of a system’s features were really
needed and used by the user. A Standish study found that 45 percent of fea-
tures were never used, and only 20 percent of features were used often or
always. These findings are further supported by a Department of Defense
(DoD) study, which found that only 2 percent of the code in $35.7 billion
worth of DoD software was used as intended; 75 percent was either never
used or was canceled prior to delivery.3 Adding the initial and maintenance
cost (paid by customers) of unused functionality of successful software prod-
ucts to the cost of failed software products (paid by sellers) brings us into the
realm of a trillion dollars of lost money across the global market. Stanching
this trillion-dollar hemorrhage is a major driver of the movement we see
toward Agile and the agility and adaptability it brings.

■■Non-Agile Pit Stop  An analogous predicament that many individual consumers experience is with
cable TV service. Cable TV providers offer subscription channels only in big, expensive, one-size-fits-all
bundles without reference to the individual customer’s needs, use patterns, or preferences. A result of
this is that customers are compelled to pay each month for hundreds of channels that they could not be
paid to watch. No wonder millions of cable customers have cut the cord (or are itching to do so).

Rob Adams, If You Build It,They Will Come (Wiley, 2010), 1–2.
Jim Johnson at Third International Conference on Extreme Programming, May 2002.
Theron R. Leishman and David A. Cook, “Requirements Risks Can Drown Software
Projects,” CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering (April 2002).
Being Agile 27

Of the many reasons for new product failures, two stand out. First, many compa-
nies are not as in touch with their customers as they believe they are. Second,
many companies aim to build a global set of features for any new product that
will be imposed on every customer willy-nilly. They ignore the Agile approach:
start out with a minimal set of core features based on customer prioritiza-
tion and feedback, get the new product to market sooner, and build out the
product based on ongoing and specific customer input.
As an exercise, ask yourself:
• What percentage of products have you built that have
• What percentage of functionality of your released products
is unused or has low usage?
It can be painful to answer these questions, because you may not want to
hear the bad news. However, to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past,
it is good to understand how you arrived at this situation and then, more
important, how you can mitigate or avoid the same mistakes moving for-
ward. Understanding and acting on the twin notions of continuous customer
engagement and feedback and minimum viable product can help you build
products customers want and value.

Continuous Customer Engagement

Catch-phrases in the software industry such as “customer is king” and “the
customer is always right” are mostly noticeable when they are not observed.
The actual time spent engaging with customers, understanding their needs,
and continuously eliciting and processing their feedback is deficient. True cus-
tomer management discipline to ascertain what is valuable to customers in
the ever-changing conditions of needs and the marketplace is glossed over.
Some of this complaisance is driven by the false assurance of some within
a company that they already know what their customers need and want. Some
of this neglect is because people like to lay out and then follow a precise and
inflexible plan. Some of this neglect occurs because of a lack of consciousness
of what true customer engagement means and a lack of continuous customer
engagement strategy and practices therein.

■■Agile Pit Stop  What the customer sees as progress is not project documents, project plans,
and more status reports. Rather, customers see progress as tangible working product functionality.
28 Chapter 4 | Importance of Customer Engagement

We need to think like the customer. What the customer sees as progress
is not the standard project documents, a project plan that indicates the task
completion, or more status reports. Rather, customers see progress as tangible
working product functionality. They purchase working software, not the plans,
status reports, and other intangibles. Customers delight in seeing working
software in action and the inspect-and-adapt approach allows customers to
reconsider and adjust their needs until they are transformed into a valuable
working product. Progress is not advanced until a piece of functionality is
built with quality, meets the customer acceptance criteria, and is available for
review by the customer in the demonstration.
Functionality equates to value for the customer and ultimately means deliver-
ing that business value. Of course, this implies that you have to continuously
engage with the customer to get there. Engaging with customers only during
the requirements-gathering phase and approaching product launch phase is
not enough. We need to continuously engage with customers as we are actively
building the product throughout the project life cycle.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Engaging with customers only when gathering requirements and before product
launch is not enough. We need to continuously engage with customers as we are actively building
the product.

As discussed in the preceding chapter, the needs of customers change, and

so do the market conditions. More traditional methods, such as waterfall
(or hybrids of waterfall), apply a phase-based approach to product development.
These methods postulate a fixed set of requirements up front as the first or
second phase. Typically, some kind of change control or change management
process is built into a waterfall model. However, these processes either tend
to have strong teeth used to prevent change from occurring, or have no teeth
and add new scope without taking much existing scope away. In an Agile model,
change to requirements occurs on a continuous basis, applying a methodical
prioritization and rank ordering throughout the project (Figure 4-1).
Being Agile 29

2014 Plan
Need Design Build Test Deliver
Changing Customer
Needs Customer Need
2014 Changing 2015
Need Market Conditions Narrow
Deliver Gap
Agile Adapt Need

Figure 4-1.  Agile adapts to changing customer needs and market conditions. The gap between
what gets delivered and what the customer needs will be much smaller in Agile than in waterfall

For a waterfall-based project, the longer the time from the initial need (a.k.a.
requirements phase) to the release of the product, the greater the risk
(a.k.a. gap) of delivering unwanted functionality. As you will recall from Chapter 3,
part of the definition of customer value is the timing. If you define require-
ments up front in the beginning of the year, inhibit the changes throughout
the year for the release, when you get to the end of the year, the gap between
what you delivered and what the customer needs may be quite wide.
In Agile, we follow a continuous build-inspect-adapt model so that require-
ments are continually validated with the Product Owner and customers dur-
ing each iteration review (a.k.a. Sprint Review). This practice ensures there
are continuous customer engagement and, more important, a continuous
customer feedback loop. At the end of the project, the result should be a
narrow gap between what was delivered and what the customer now needs.
The narrower the gap, the more money a company is likely to make.
30 Chapter 4 | Importance of Customer Engagement

Dedicated Team Business Representative

The Business Representative is critical to identifying customer value. A key
environmental accelerator to Agile adoption and project success is "dedicated
business expertise" on the team.4 Scrum addresses this need by requiring a
Product Owner. The Product Owner should be a dedicated part of the team
who bridges the gap between the customers and the engineering team.
The mission of the Product Owner is to identify requirements on a roll-
ing basis and gather feedback from continuous demonstrations of working
software, all with the goal of narrowing the gap between what was delivered
and what the customer now needs (Figure 4-1). It is also his or her job to
reconcile the different views of customer value as seen by different customer
target groups.
The Product Owner is responsible for identifying and characterizing in detail
the customers who are valuable to the company. That information helps in
segmenting the customers to better understand their specific needs and pin-
point who should attend the Sprint Review/demos of the working software to
supply the most valuable customer feedback. You will learn more about the
Product Owner role in Chapter 12.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

When prioritizing a set of product features, sometimes it is hard to deter-
mine what is acceptable as the minimal set of features. Continuous customer
engagement can help you understand what a minimum viable product (MVP)
is for the first and subsequent releases.
The concept of MVP specifies a strategy whereby you attempt to identify the
minimum amount of features that customers find valuable for any given release
of the product—and no more. To identify the minimal set of features, a strong
customer feedback loop (via Sprint Reviews/demos) is needed to ensure you
are building the minimal features based on what customers deem valuable.

Scott Ambler, “Agile Adoption Strategies: November 2011 Survey Results,”
Being Agile 31

full product functionality

Minimum Viable Product

Prioritized per customer
Feedback and viability

Figure 4-2. Applying the MVP approach. You can release earlier where the customer can
use the value earlier and you can achieve an earlier ROI. Win-win for all!

A good way to think about MVP is to compare it to building a house. When

you are a newly married couple with no kids, do you need to build a four-
bedroom house for your small family? In most cases, you do not. Instead, you
may build a smaller two-bedroom house with half the interior space, so that
you can afford it, will be able to move in more quickly, and begin to enjoy the
value of the house sooner. But if you did build a four-bedroom house, you
would need to sustain parts of the house even if you won’t use them. You
would need to keep a few bedrooms clean, provide heat and air conditioning,
and other maintenance for functionality (a.k.a. space) that you don’t really
need. However, if you build a two-bedroom house (the minimal viable prod-
uct), you can always add functionality when you need it and when you will
really value it.
Lack of identifying the MVP indicates a lack of customer engagement and
validation. To prioritize requirements so that MVP can be identified, we need
to engage with the customer continually. To be clear: Agile does not advocate
arbitrary changes to requirements. Change must be strongly related to the
priority that customers place on the value of what is being built. The Product
Owner establishes this methodical prioritization process. This is especially
delicate when the Product Owner interacts with multiple customers with
different priorities.

■ Agile Pit Stop Agile does not advocate an arbitrary change to requirements. Instead, change
must be strongly related to the priority that customers place on the value of what is being built.

Although the MVP can be drafted on a speculative basis at the outset of

a project, the subsequent Sprint Reviews need to be applied with continual
customer participation to validate the need and adapt as appropriate.
32 Chapter 4 | Importance of Customer Engagement

You should be alert to the possibilities of adapting your MVP along the way.
What would you do if a customer were to say during the middle of a project
that if you could get them the functionality they just saw during the demonstra-
tion portion of the Sprint Reviews, they would buy your product? Because of
the continuous engagement, you can deliver this value to them for a revenue
increase on your end and a delivery of customer value on theirs. Even if you
don’t apply the MVP methods, you should at least apply basic customer priority
techniques to ensure you build what the customer currently finds valuable.

Getting to Continuous Customer Engagement

The key is to understanding the elusive customer value is to know who your
customers are and what they currently consider valuable. Identifying custom-
ers and segmenting them by target groups helps you get the right feedback
for a particular feature. Yoking the concept of MVP with the concept of pri-
oritization is foundational to understanding what customers consider most
valuable. This knowledge enables you to provide the right value at the time
customers need it.
Now that you have immersed yourself in the customer engagement material,
I recommend a methodical approach to creating your vision for customer
engagement. The reason I focus on a product level is that although the process
of engaging the customer may be similar from product to product, the variety
of customer groups will differ. To learn more about methodically creating a
vision for customer engagement and validation, read Chapter 17.
Chapter 5 focuses on the benefits of empowering and engaging your employ-
ees and how it can contribute to gaining the benefits of Agile. If you focus
on employees and provide them the space to make decisions and own their
work, you can harness their vast brainpower and will begin to understand the
value engaged employees can provide.

of Employee
As a society we know the best way to organize people is freeing them to
organize themselves. Why should it be any different in business?
—Thomas Petzinger Jr.

Employees are critical assets for an organization. It is difficult to calculate their

value for a variety of reasons. When employees are disengaged, they take
long lunch hours and leave at the stroke of 5, not staying a moment longer
than they have to. More important, they will not fully engage their minds to
solve problems effectively. They do not contribute to and can even impede
their company’s success. However, when they are engaged, they are crucial to
the success of the company, bringing motivation, innovative ideas, and willing-
ness to go the “extra mile” to get the work done. In this case, they can be a
company’s greatest assets.
“Our employees are our most valuable assets” has become a standard cli-
ché, but few companies back it up. Yet studies prove that higher engagement
scores are statistically correlated with increased corporate performance.1

Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid, and Dave Ulrich, The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy,
and Performance (Harvard Business Review Press, 2001).
34 Chapter 5 | Importance of Employee Engagement

One study found that of the forty best companies to work for, thirty-four
included employee empowerment as part of their organizational strategy.2
That study concluded that employee empowerment within the corporate
culture is a “potential source for sustained superior financial performance.”
Employee empowerment can lead to tangible organizational performance and
thus should be taken seriously.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Employee empowerment isn’t just a warm-and-fuzzy benefit for the workers, but
can lead to tangible performance and financial gain for an organization.

The goal for your company is to make people matter and introduce real action
that will improve employees’ engagement, ultimately leading to the financial
benefit of the company.

Employee Empowerment
Everybody has heard the term empowerment in organizations—typically to
hype up a new initiative so that employees will feel empowered. But it begs
the question, “Shouldn’t employees already feel empowered?” Empowerment
should be a core value of an organization’s strategy and not a trend that
comes and goes. However, this is not the case for many organizations.
What exactly is employee empowerment? It is a framework that enables
employees to control their own work and destiny. The brainpower and moti-
vation of the talented folks who are hired are tremendous assets to a company.
Jane Smith presents an employee empowerment model that includes three
degrees of empowerment (Figure 5-1).3 The first level encourages employees
to play a more active role in their work. The second level asks employees to
become more involved with improving the way things are done. The third
level enables employees to make bigger and better decisions without having
to engage upper management. The third level is key for an Agile culture.

Darrol J. Stanley, “The Impact of Empowered Employees on Corporate Value”: Graziadio
Business Review, 8, no. 1 (2005).
Jane Smith, Empowering People (Kogan Page, 2000).
Being Agile 35


Degree of


Organizational Benefits

Figure 5-1.  Employee empowerment model with the goal of increasing empowerment

If management is earnest about applying a model like this, they can benefit in
the following ways. They may see improvements in the quality of their product
delivery, more innovation, increased productivity, and a gain in competitive
Of course you want to empower your people. Yet somehow we have evolved
into tribes and organizations where only management seems to know what is
best. It is important to remember that management still has a role to play, and
one of those roles is to get the most from their employees. This doesn’t mean
making them work longer hours, but gaining their input and allowing them to
make the decisions they need to control the work at their level.
If you think about it, employees go home and make decisions in their daily
lives and manage thousands of dollars in their own personal budgets. But
when they go to work, many of them have little discretion over even $100 of
decision making and are forced to seek approval for the smallest things.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Why do employees who make decisions in their daily lives and manage
thousands of dollars in their own personal budgets have so little discretion over the smallest things
within their company?

An employee engagement practice allows teams to be empowered, self-

organizing, and discretionary in making decisions at their level. Empowerment
is enhanced when an adaptive framework like Agile is applied, which advocates
a team-based model. If the team feels truly empowered and is allowed to self-
organize, they will naturally increase their productivity because they own the
work and the decisions to guide their work lives.
36 Chapter 5 | Importance of Employee Engagement

Self-Organizing Teams
So what does self-organizing team really mean? Diana Larsen writes:

When we say an Agile team is self-organizing, we mean that a group of

peers has assembled for the purpose of bringing a software development
project to completion using one or more of the Agile methodologies. The
team members share a goal and a common belief that their work is
interdependent and collaboration is the best way to accomplish their goal.4

Attributes of self-organizing teams are that employees reduce their depen-

dency on management and increase ownership of the work. This includes
increasing team accountability and responsibility. A cultural shift involves
pushing down the level of decisions to the lowest possible level—that is,
reducing the need for numerous chains of approvals and decisions—can be
a big change for most organizations. Changing the culture from a hierarchical
command-and-control model to a more horizontal or team empowerment
model (Figure 5-2) is unsettling.

Sr Mgt Ap
Ow or D
ne e
rsh cisio
Middle Mgt ip n


Vertical Horizontal
Hierarchy Empowerment
Figure 5-2.  Cultural shift involves pushing down the level of decisions to the lowest possible
level at which the most knowledge exists to make the best decision

Diana Larsen and Industrial Logic, “Team Agility: Exploring Self-Organizing Software

Development Teams,” Agile Times Newsletter (2004).

Being Agile 37

The primary benefit of self-organizing teams is that employees feel they

own the work, tend to have more passion in their work, and then are much
more likely to invest more of their time and energy. The implication is that
the company may gain the benefit of stronger employee commitment and
performance, leading to potential superior financial performance.
Consider the example of renting an apartment versus owning a home. When
you rent an apartment, you may respect the property, but you are probably
unwilling to improve the apartment very much because you know you don’t
own it and thus have much less investment and attachment to the place. In
other words, you are less likely to put your heart and soul into the apartment.
It is just a temporary place to live. Now imagine that you own a home. You
will not only respect the property, you will take much better care of it and are
willing to invest time and money to improve it because you feel the pride of
ownership. Not only are you more willing to invest in the home, you will be
willing to protect and defend it. There may be passion in your drive to make
the home as good as it can be. You are much more likely to place your heart
and soul into maintaining and improving the home because of this sense of
This same premise holds true with our work life. If you don’t feel that you
own the work and the decisions therein, you do just the minimum. However,
if you feel you have ownership, you are willing to invest more time and energy
into the work. It is particularly important for senior management to under-
stand the significance of this concept.

Evidence of Self-Organizing
What do self-organizing teams look like? The following are some demonstrable
attributes of a self-organizing team.
• Decision making: Team members make their own deci-
sions about their work. Who better to make decisions
than those who have the details?
• Sizing work: Team members size or estimate their own
work. Who better to size the work than the people who
work on the product and know its complexity?
• Team spirit: Team members have a strong willingness to
cooperate and know that unless all succeed in their part,
none succeed in the whole.
• Common goals: Team members feel they are coming
together to achieve a common purpose through release
goals, sprint goals, and team goals.
38 Chapter 5 | Importance of Employee Engagement

• Trust: Team members value people relationships and share

information (including bad news) without fear of retribu-
tion or of the information being used against them.
• Transparency: Team members willingly share information
to help other members make progress and better decisions.
There is similar transparency between management and
team members.
• Communication: Team members willingly communicate
the latest progress and challenges, gaining clarity and
fostering teamwork.
• Collaboration: Team members realize that the ability to
bounce ideas off each other leads to better solutions and
efficiencies in work processes.
• Assertiveness: Team members feel ownership, are moti-
vated, are willing to pull work for themselves, and do not
wait idly for someone else to assign work.
• Iterative learning: Team members understand that there
is a continuous acquisition of knowledge with opportuni-
ties to improve as the product is being built.
• Collective commitment: Team members make a con-
scious effort to mutually commit to the work in a time-
boxed manner and then progressively work to achieve
that commitment.
When applied with integrity, these attributes will make any team or organiza-
tion effective. If you strive for these elements, then it is important for manage-
ment to model this behavior as well if they wish their teams to do the same.
Ken Schwaber writes:

For Scrum to work, the team has to deeply and viscerally understand
collective commitment and self-organization. Scrum’s theory, practices,
and rules are easy to grasp intellectually. But until a group of individuals
has made a collective commitment to deliver something tangible in a fixed
amount of time, those individuals probably don’t get Scrum.5

Another form of evidence of self-organizing from an agile perspective is reor-

ganizing from functional groups into Agile Teams. For example, Scrum teams
are designed so that they remove hierarchy, leading to a flatter organization,
and are designed to gain collective commitment. To do this typically requires

Ken Schwaber, Agile Project Management with Scrum (Microsoft Press, 2004).
Being Agile 39

a reorganization of resources. Figure 5-3 is an illustration of a reorganization

from a hierarchical structure to a self-organized Agile Team structure.

Hierarchical Self Organized





Figure 5-3.  Moving from hierarchical to self-organized teams requires a reorganization

Notice how this involves moving away from a single point of leadership to a
flat team model in which everyone is a leader when it is appropriate and no
one person tells others what to do.

Stepping Up
Agile entails a radical change not just to the culture of management but also
to the culture of those in engineering. There is a strong expectation that man-
agement will step back and allow the Agile Team to be self-organized. On the
engineering side, there is an expectation that they need to step up, communi-
cate more, and be more assertive. This can be challenging. Whereas there is a
lot of focus on getting management to step back, there isn’t enough focus on
getting Agile Team members to step up.
Engineers tend to be introverts, so the notion of being assertive—let alone
confrontational—can be uncomfortable. Often Scrum Masters end up doing
a lot of the policing to ensure agile practices are being executed well. The
Scrum Master may be seen “nagging” late arrivals to meetings and must push
people to speak up. However, it is not just the Scrum Master’s responsibility
to be assertive; every team member must be willing. Remember, Agile is for
everyone, and every team member should consider himself or herself a leader.
Are you stepping up?
In a hierarchical world, projects are managed by directive. A hierarchy exists
where decisions get made based not necessarily on full knowledge, experi-
ence, or information but on position. Often, decisions are made by a few folks
40 Chapter 5 | Importance of Employee Engagement

and then shared with the team. Ultimately this establishes a culture in which
people on the project team become timid, lack enthusiasm, and do not feel
ownership in the work. If this culture has been embedded, it can take an even
bigger effort to motivate more assertive and extroverted behavior.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Though there is focus on getting management to step back, there isn’t enough
focus on getting team members to step up. Engineers tend to be introverts and may be used to
getting instructions. Changing this culture may be more challenging than you think.

Then along comes Agile. When implemented correctly, the Agile mindset
places a strong emphasis on a team’s self-organizing capabilities. There is an
expectation of limited command-and-control from management. The teams
are trusted to make decisions because they are much closer to the details
and have experience in that area. Team members feel invested in the work to
come because they have a say in the direction of the product.
However, transitioning to an Agile culture does not immediately gain the
advantages that you desire. There must be a recognition that managers and
some overly directive people need to step back. However, when they do so,
the team members must step forward to fill the leadership gap. If you want
to feel invested in the work, you must be willing to take the responsibility of
owning the decisions (see Figure 5-4). Otherwise, those people who stepped
back—management—will have an habitual tendency to step forward again to
fill the vacuum.

of Work
Step Up Step Back

Figure 5-4.  Agile Team members must step up to accountability of the work as the
management are stepping back

This is where being assertive and proactive attributes become important.

Some engineers may come from a culture where they are relegated to get-
ting instructions. They are not expected to be leaders. With Agile, it is now
their job to become self-organized and empowered, become leaders, and take
assertive steps forward. For many engineers, this can be difficult because it
takes them out of their comfort zone. However, when people move out of
their comfort zone is when growth happens. Many managers’ comfort zone is
directing the work. We need them to step out and trust the team to direct
the work, while the managers grow in their ability as coaches.
Being Agile 41

What does this mean in the Agile context? First, as you become part of an
Agile project, you must truly internalize that employees are now equally part
of the team and their thoughts, experience, and opinions matter. This does
not happen overnight because the dynamics of getting to an Agile culture are
challenging and take time. There will be those working against you, sabotaging
the change to maintain the status quo. Make no mistake: it is up to you to step
up and assertively empower yourself.
So the next time you don’t think you are appropriately involved on the project
or you think you need permission to speak up, stop for a moment. Change
your mindset and be assertive, step up, get involved, become a leader, and start
owning the decisions and work. Agile provides that opportunity. It is your
opportunity to take advantage of it.

Understanding Value-Added Work

A concept that is important for employees to understand as they begin to
own their work is what is considered valuable work to the customer. Part of
the Agile mindset is to bring the business closer to the engineering team. One
aspect of this is to understand what working software the customer finds
From a customer perspective, value-added work (VAW) is functionality that
they find valuable at the time and place of their need. This includes the effort
and “done” criteria steps (such as designed, developed, versioned, built, and
tested increments) that are directly related to building the features to pro-
duce working software. Applying a minimal viable product (MVP) approach
can provide you with a good framework for prioritizing and rank ordering the
valuable work the customer needs.
Employees are typically aware of the non–value-added work (NVAW) they are
asked to do. NVAW can be as simple as functionality the customer does not
find valuable, or it can be unnecessary steps in the process of building working
software. Examples of NVAW include:
• administrative-related tasks
• education and training
• all-hands and staff meetings
• writing status report
• defect correction introduced by poor quality
• refactoring tasks
• unnecessary steps or approvals
42 Chapter 5 | Importance of Employee Engagement

■■Agile Pit Stop  NVAW (a.k.a. waste or muda) are effort that do not directly add value as
perceived by the customer and may include unneeded functionality or unnecessary steps in a
process of building working software.

For a broader understanding of NVAW effort or waste, Mary and Tom

Poppendieck provide a robust understanding from a lean software develop-
ment perspective of the Seven Wastes of Software Development:6
• partially done work
• extra processes (or extra steps)
• extra (unwanted) features
• time involved with task switching
• time spent waiting
• tracking down information or needing approvals
• time spent correcting defects
In lean thinking, this is known as waste or muda. We have come to accept
NVAW because we have done things for so long, we haven’t reconsidered the
value of the tasks and activities that we do and the process in which we work
in quite some time. Although it may sound harsh and there is some internal
value in this work at varying levels, the question becomes: where do you really
want to spend your time, and is it a good idea to reduce the NVAW?
When applying an Agile and lean mindset, we need to consider the value of
each task. Is the task being asked of the team considered value-added or non–
value-added from a customer perspective? Sometimes folks have a hard time
separating tasks into value and nonvalue because it highlights the nonvalued
tasks. However, it really is important to understand your value-added and
non–value-added breakdown so you can baseline the value level of the work
and hopefully increase the value-added work over time (Figure 5-5).

Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck, Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit
(Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003).
Being Agile 43

Value of Work in a Sprint

Non-Value -
Value-Added -
Added Tasks
build the
Product Tasks

Figure 5-5.  Baselining VAW and NVAW from a customer perspective

■■Agile Pit Stop  It can be hard separating work into value-added and non–value-added because
it can highlight the level of NVAW that is being done.

Another benefit of identifying VAW vs. NVAW is that when you are consider-
ing the velocity or productivity of teams in regard to building new function-
ality, the percentage of NVAW is a direct impediment to a team’s ability to
build new functionality. In other words, it is not uncommon for management
to think that employees are using a majority of their work week building new
functionality when the reality is that only 50 percent may be spent doing so.

Customers and Employees Matter: Are We

There Yet?
When a company has a strong focus on the customer and the employee,
there is a strong potential for financial rewards. The Agile Vision to Incentive
Differentiator (AVID) model presented in Chapter 3 may work for you. If
your company’s business strategy includes objectives focusing on customer
engagement and employee engagement, you can benefit from truly under-
standing what is most valuable to the customer and harness the brainpower
of your employees. By adding the special ingredient of applying the Agile values
and principles along with a continuous and adaptive framework (Scrum, XP,
Kanban, etc.), there is the potential of incentives involving an increase in rev-
enue for the company.
44 Chapter 5 | Importance of Employee Engagement

What were the perceived benefits obtained from implementing Agile? It is one
thing to have certain reasons for moving to Agile, and quite another to see
if the benefits are realized. Within the 2012 VersionOne survey on Agile, the
results highlighted some benefits we are looking for.7
• 90 percent of those surveyed felt that “ability to manage
changing priorities” “got better” within their company.
• 85 percent of those surveyed felt that “increased produc-
tivity” “got better” within their company.
• 84 percent surveyed felt that “team morale” “got better”
within their company.
These results bode well for Agile. However, this does not accidentally occur.
Companies must include this into their business strategy to highlight that
they take the notions of customers, employees, and Agile seriously. Maybe the
vision where “customers and employees really matter” makes sense after all.
The question is: how important is it to delight your customers by building
customer value and harnessing the brainpower of your employees? While it
is easy to reflexively say “very!,” the reality is that we get distracted by the
day-to-day “administratium” of the company and forget our values. Ultimately
your results will vary depending on the sincerity and commitment you have
to customers, employees, and Agile.

VersionOne, “7th Annual State of Agile Development Survey,” November 2012,

of Agile
Agility is more attitude than process, more environment than methodology.

—Jim Highsmith

During one of my agile seminars, I ask people “What is Agile?” I bring up a

list that includes, “Agile is a methodology,” “Agile is a process,” “Agile is a set
of practices,” and “Agile is a set of tools.” I see a lot of heads nodding in the
affirmative, believing that some or all of these are what Agile is. Then I cross
them all out and bring up a single line that says, “Agile is a set of values and
principles.” Some have an aha! moment.

Values and Principles over Methodology

Figure 6-1.  Though there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more

I ask you to take a moment to understand this and learn more about the
overarching values and principles of Agile.
46 Chapter 6 | Foundations of Agile

Agile Is a Set of V
  alues and Principles . . .
The foundational building blocks of Agile are its values and principles. This is
probably the most important point that is often misunderstood and needs to
be recognized. Agile is not a process, methodology, practice, or tool but a set
of values and principles. The implication is that Agile is more about a state of
being: the Agile mindset. Processes and methodology can help you do Agile in
the mechanical sense, but Agile is a culture shift that requires a willingness to
adapt to the Agile mindset. Agile values and principles are components of the
Agile mindset.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Agile is not a process, methodology, practice, or tool but rather a set of values
and principles. The implication is that Agile is essentially a state of being: the Agile mindset.

It is important to not just read the Agile values and principles found in the
Agile Manifesto, but embrace them. Why do you want to embrace these val-
ues and principles? Maybe it is because you believe in the importance of cus-
tomer and employee engagement and that providing value to the customer is
important to the success of your business. Maybe you realize that you need
to be more adaptive because uncertainty exists and customer needs change.
Reading Chapter 3 provides you a better understanding, but ultimately you
own the answer to this question.

Manifesto of Agile Software Development

It is important to read and internalize the “Manifesto for Agile Software
Development” (Agile Manifesto for short) if you are serious about under-
standing an agile state of mind and truly want to “be Agile.” It is critical that
personnel at all levels of the company understand and believe in the state-
ments that represent the values and principles. Although many are aware of
it or have seen it at one time or another, few remind themselves of what it
implies to be Agile on a regular basis, particularly when they are buried in the
mechanics of implementation.
Here is the Agile Manifesto—73 words signed by seventeen authors in 2001:1

“Manifesto for Agile Software Development” at agilemanifesto.org

Being Agile 47

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping
others do it.Through this work we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right,
we value the items on the left more.

The last phrase helps us understand the authors’ intentions. They are not
saying there is no value in the items on the right, but instead that they have
less value than the items on the left. Those who disregard the items on the
right are either Cowboys or Bandwagon Jumpers who do not know better, or
beginners who have not gained an appreciation of striking the right balance.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Because it is human nature to evolve over time, we should assume that the
needs of customers will evolve.

A perspective that helped me understand the nexus of these values better

was realizing that the items on the left can help drive the need and level of the
items on the right. Here is a deeper look at the four polar pairs of agile values
declared in the Agile Manifesto.
“Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.”
Communication is the enabler for individuals to interact
with their team members. The inspect-and-adapt model
is an enabler for communication to occur throughout a
project. The benefit is the continuous feedback. This helps
us understand the process in which we work and how we
may adapt it over time. This also ensures that a predefined
process or tool set does not dictate how we interact.
“Working software over comprehensive documentation.”
When you ask a customer what they value most—working
software or comprehensive documentation—how do
you think they will answer?  Working software is the
value that the company is delivering and the customer is
buying. This helps us understand the business perspec-
tive of the product we are building. Working software
also implies a certain level of quality, and it is only com-
plete when it meets that level of quality. This helps us
understand the engineering perspective of the product.
48 Chapter 6 | Foundations of Agile

“Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.” The

team and stakeholders use collaboration as a method for
establishing customer needs and allowing them to evolve
over time through continued collaboration. While there will
often be a need to execute a contract, the contract should
not drive to a static list of exactly what will be built but allow
collaboration to evolve the list. Remember, it is really in the
customers’ best interest to get a product that best meets
their evolving needs instead of a product that is based on
a list of requirements from the past—sometimes the dis-
tant past. Because it is human nature to evolve over time,
we should assume that the needs of customers will evolve.
A static list can get outdated fairly quickly. This is what makes
customer collaboration so important.
“Responding to change over following a plan.” To build
working software that is considered valuable to the cus-
tomer, we must be willing to respond to the changes in
customer needs and market conditions. If you stick with
the plan, make the schedule, and come within budget but
miss delivering what the customer wants, are you suc-
cessful? Though it is hard to have all happy customers,
the inspect-and-adapt model seeks customer feedback
from the incremental reviews of the working software.
This allows us to incorporate customer feedback and
more closely align with and deliver what the customer
finds valuable.

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

Supporting the Agile Manifesto are the “Twelve Principles of Agile Software.”
The Twelve Principles provide drivers for better understanding the values and
are as follow:2

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

We follow these principles:
Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery
of valuable software.

Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.

Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.

“Principles behind the Agile Manifesto” agilemanifesto.org/principles.html

Being Agile 49

Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months,

with a preference to the shorter timescale.

Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and sup-
port they need, and trust them to get the job done.

The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within
a development team is face-to-face conversation.

Working software is the primary measure of progress.

Agile processes promote sustainable development.The sponsors, developers, and

users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential.

The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes
and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Take a moment now to reflect on these Principles. What are some of the
attributes of the Principles that stand out? As you reflect on these, can you see
if your product team or organization aligns with any of these Principles?
In Chapter 9, I dissect each of the Principles to better understand what it
means to align it with the mindset that it represents. In Chapter 13, I provide an
adaptable assessment mechanism that can be used to determine where your
team or organization is in relation to being aligned with the Agile Principles
and so having an agile state of mind. Remember, it is not enough to say I am
mechanically “doing” Agile practices. Instead, to gain the business benefits of
Agile, you need to “be Agile” and live these principles.

Introduction to Agile Processes and

Now that we have discussed the Agile Manifesto and reflected on the values
and principles within it, let us dive into the more commonly known agile pro-
cesses and methods. Let us remind ourselves that there is nothing called the
“agile process” or “agile methodology.” Remember,  Agile is a set of values and
principles. The various agile processes and methods introduce a framework
for approaching software development to ensure the customers gain more
assurance that they get a solution that solves their business need.
50 Chapter 6 | Foundations of Agile

■■Agile Pit Stop  There is nothing called the “agile methodology.” Remember, Agile is a set of
values and principles.

With that in mind, there have been several frameworks, processes, meth-
odologies, and practices established in an attempt to support and promote
the agile values and principles. This section will focus on Scrum, XP, DSDM,
and Kanban because they may be more commonly encountered. It will also
discuss Lean and Value, Flow, Quality (VFQ). While they are not agile processes
or methods, they can help us align with the agile values and principles. The
purpose here is to understand them. Even though I am highlighting these, it
does not imply that they are necessarily better than any of the others not
discussed here. There is no one correct process or methodology to use. The
best one is the one that suits your working environment and your type of
work. Let us examine these in more detail.

Scrum is an iterative and incremental framework used to build software. It fol-
lows an inspect-and-adapt process to support product development and con-
sists of Scrum roles, events, artifacts, and rules. The roles inform and surround
the Scrum Team; the events are planned team activities that are time-boxed
within the concept of a sprint, typically 1 to 4 weeks; and the artifacts are the
items used in Scrum that represent work in some manner and illustrate prog-
ress. Rules are applied to the roles, events, and artifacts.
Scrum is not an acronym, so it should not be in all capitals. The word derives
from a team formation in rugby in which the team moves forward as an inter-
locking unit in a manner that each player has a specialty function yet all players
are contributing equally and simultaneously to the team’s forward progress
toward a common goal. Scrum provides agile project and product manage-
ment events or practices. Scrum is often used in tandem with XP, which pro-
vides many of the agile engineering practices.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Scrum is a sports term borrowed from rugby. It is not an acronym, so do not
capitalize the letters.

An important aspect of Scrum is that the customers can change their mind
on their needs as necessary to ensure they are getting the product they want
and need at the end. This approach recognizes that customer needs and mar-
ket conditions change and does not try to stifle—and indeed welcomes—the
change activity. Changes can be added to the Product Backlog at any time
and reprioritized according to the customer needs. During the next Sprint
Being Agile 51

Planning session, any new changes can be considered for the new sprint. It is
important to note that once a sprint is started, there should be no attempt
by the customer or team to change the requirements. Instead, allow the team
to focus on the prioritized requirements from the planning session. Although
there are exceptions to this rule, it allows the team to focus in short bursts
and produce working software that the customer can respond to.
The primary overarching role in Scrum is the Scrum Team. The Scrum Team
is meant to be self-organizing so that members feel empowered to make the
decisions and feel ownership of their work. The Scrum Team members are
those committed to building the product and include the subroles of Scrum
Master, Product Owner, and Development Team.
• The Scrum Master acts as a motivator for Scrum. This role
acts as coach to the team to ensure that the Scrum roles,
events, artifacts, and rules are understood and implemented
effectively. He or she is the primary facilitator of the team.
• The Product Owner (PO) represents the customers, is the
customer liaison, and is primarily responsible for under-
standing what is considered valuable from the customers’
perspective. The PO is the primary owner of the product
backlog, where value is expressed.
• The Development Team is a cross-functional group of engi-
neers who build the functionality. They are made up of
personnel with cross-functional skills so that they have
the capabilities to build the product without having to
rely on others outside of the team.
Scrum events are meant to provide an imbricated pattern for the work. Each
event relies on the other and provides input to the next event. When one or
more of the events are missing, this reduces the effectiveness and ability to
inspect and adapt. The Scrum events include:3
• Sprint Planning is held in the beginning of each sprint and
focuses on understanding the user stories that will be
worked on in the sprint. The goal is for all Scrum Team
members to plan this work. The list of work that can fit
into a sprint is known as the sprint backlog.
• The Daily Scrum is a daily event time-boxed to no more
than 15 minutes in which the Development Team com-
municates progress among themselves and introduces
any encountered roadblocks.

Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. The Scrum Guide (2013). www.scrum.org/Portals/0/
52 Chapter 6 | Foundations of Agile

• The Sprint Review is held at the end of a sprint. The

Development Team presents the working software to the
PO and customers to gain valuable feedback. This is part
of the inspect-and-adapt process that allows the team to
adapt to the needs of the customer.
• The Sprint Retrospective is the last event at the end of a
sprint used to identify what went well in the sprint and
what can be improved. It is an opportunity for the Scrum
Team to reflect on the past sprint’s activities, including
team dynamics, processes, tools, and culture.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming—commonly known by its acronym, XP—is an agile
process that revolves around a set of practices that emphasize teamwork
and customer satisfaction. From the customer perspective, XP believes that
requirement changes are a natural part of the software development pro-
cess and introduces a rigorous set of engineering practices to support these
changes. XP is often used in tandem with Scrum, which provides many of the
Agile-minded project and product management practices.
In XP, the team is typically twelve or fewer members and meant to be com-
mitted, empowered, and self-organized so they can make the best decisions
to move forward because they are closest to the challenges and work to
be accomplished. The two primary roles in XP are the Customer and the
The Customer is the primary driver of the project and represents the end
user. The Customer provides business knowledge and should set goals for
the project. The Customer is the contributor of the requirements and may
change them as they understand their needs more fully.
The Developer represents the cross-functional engineering team that is needed
to design, code, build, and test the product and focus on the daily work of
understanding the stories and converting them into functional working soft-
ware. The team focuses on building the product from day one while continu-
ously engaging the customer to meet their needs.
The other, less formal roles include the Tracker who focuses on the schedule,
throughput of work, and risks of the project, and the Coach, who will help the
team understand and execute XP practices.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The primary roles in XP are the Customer and Developer. Other, less formal
roles are the Tracker and Coach.
Being Agile 53

XP provides practices and rules that revolve around planning, designing,

coding, and testing. Some include:4
• User Stories are scenarios written by the customer for
things they need within the product.
• Release Planning is applied at the beginning of a project
and used to lay out the release plan and schedule.
• Iteration Planning is the process by which the customer
determines the user stories for an iteration that fit the
estimate of effort as established by the team velocity.
• Sustainable Pace determines the amount of designing,
coding, testing, integration, and product-ready work a
team can do within an iteration.
• Project Velocity focuses on measuring the progress on an
XP project by adding up the estimates of the user stories
that are finished during an iteration.
• Stand Up is a short daily meeting in which members of
the team stand up and communicate their progress.
• Retrospective is applied at the end of an iteration and
focuses on fixing XP or the way it is being applied when
things are not running well.
• Simplicity is a design practice that has the team focus on
the simplest thing that will work first.
• Refactoring focuses the programmers on continuously
streamlining the code by removing unused functionality,
reducing redundancy, correcting poorly written code, and
improving on existing design.
• Spike Solutions are a special focus meant to solve a
challenging technical, architectural, or design problem.
• Pair Programming is a coding practice in which two
programmers work together at the same computer while
programming a user story or task.
• Customer Availability asks the customer to always be
available to and become part of the development team.
• Collective Ownership refers to everyone owning the code
and tests.

Don Wells. Rules of Extreme Programming (1999). www.extremeprogramming.org/rules.html

54 Chapter 6 | Foundations of Agile

• Continuous Integration advocates that programmers merge

their code into the code baseline whenever they have a
clean build that has passed the unit tests.
• Unit Test focuses on testing the code changes at the devel-
opment unit level prior to merging it into the project
branch. Otherwise the code change cannot be consid-
ered complete.
• Acceptance Testing focuses on establishing specific accep-
tance tests for each user story.

Dynamic Systems Development Method

The Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an iterative and incre-
mental agile project management and delivery framework. DSDM is based on
Rapid Application Development (RAD) and focuses on continuous user involve-
ment. Prototyping is a key component of DSDM and is found throughout
the activities within the project life cycle. DSDM is periodically updated with
guidance from the DSDM Consortium.5 DSDM follows eight principles to
guide the mindset for adoption:
• Focus on the business need
• Deliver on time
• Collaborate
• Never compromise quality
• Build incrementally from firm foundations
• Develop iteratively
• Communicate continuously and clearly
• Demonstrate control
Unlike other agile methods that focus on just the project lifecycle, DSDM uti-
lizes three phases focusing on the pre-project, project, and post-project. The pre-
project phase focuses on commitment and budget. The project phase focuses
on the activities within a project life cycle. The post-project phase focuses on
maintenance, bug fixes, and enhancements. In DSDM, you may iterate through
an activity several times before moving to the next.
The project life cycle phase starts with “study” activities focusing on a feasibil-
ity study to ensure that DSDM will work for the project and is accepted by
management and then a business study to ensure the project is worth doing.

Being Agile 55

This is a bit unusual since most agile methods do not specifically have a step
to verify if the method will be suitable and instead assume it will just work.
However, ensuring that the methodology is aligned with the work and having
management support are critical to the success of the project.
This is one of several DSDM’s success factors. DSDM specifically calls out
the need to ensure management agrees to use the method and looks for a
commitment moving forward. The other success factors are having customer
involvement, an empowered project team, and a strong relationship between
the customer and vendor. DSDM views the full picture of software develop-
ment as areas to focus on because it is understood that any one piece that
goes awry can lead to problems. It should be noted that DSDM may be com-
bined with other methods and techniques like PRINCE2, XP, and Scrum.

Kanban is a continuous flow method for managing the development and
delivery of products. Kanban is a Japanese term that translates roughly to
“signboard” or “story card.” This is because Kanban is primarily focused on
making the workflow visible and highlighting the constraints to that flow. The
origins of Kanban can be traced back to Taiichi Onho and the Toyota Production
System. In its more modern form, David Anderson identified five core principles
that support a successful implementation of Kanban.6 They are:
• Visualize your work so that you can see the work and in
context with other work.
• Limit the work in progress (WIP) using a pull system so
there isn’t an overflow of work at any step along the way
and so pace is understood.
• Manage the flow of work, applying measures so the team
knows how much work to commit.
• Make the process policies explicit so that improvements
can be made to acknowledged baselines.
• Improve collaboratively so there is the opportunity to
improve the working process and workflow.
Whereas in Scrum you would use a sprint to develop a batch of work, in
Kanban there is a continuous pull of single pieces of work.

David J. Anderson. Kanban. Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business. Blue

Hole Press, 2010.

56 Chapter 6 | Foundations of Agile

■■Agile Pit Stop  I have found that Kanban is effective when the work is more interruption-prone
and when priorities can change from day to day.

One of the advantages of implementing Kanban over Scrum is that Kanban

can be implemented successfully in traditional and command-and-control
cultures. While Scrum provides a set of practices or events, it does align
with the Agile Principles, which lead to an Agile mindset, implying a change to
the traditional culture. With that being said, Kanban will not get you to the
Agile mindset if you are only interested in the Kanban principles and practices
so it may not be as agile as many believe. However, if you approach Kanban
under the auspices of the Agile Manifesto, then you may achieve the Agile

Lean Software Development

Lean is an approach that focuses on building value by defining what is needed,
building it with the minimum amount of effort, and delivering it when it is
needed. The origins of Lean can be traced back to Taiichi Onho and the Toyota
Production System. I include Lean not because it is directly an agile process
but because it focuses on customer value, which is aligned with the agile
values and principles.
Often when Lean is discussed, there tends to be a strong focus on eliminating
waste—and rightly so. However the real focus of Lean is the identification of
value to the customer: delivering what they want, when they want it, and with
the minimum amount of effort. To be sure, what is considered valuable also
becomes a driver for what is considered wasteful.
Mary and Tom Poppendieck advanced Lean thinking into software develop-
ment. Their “Lean software development” approach presents the traditional
Lean principles in terms that relate to software development.7 They estab-
lished seven Lean development principles:
• Eliminate waste: Continuously focus on eliminating waste.
This can be in the form of unneeded customer features,
unnecessary process steps, and more.
• Learn constantly: Use iterations, use continuous feedback,
and speak to the people with knowledge, all to support
continuous learning.

Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck. Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit.
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003.
Being Agile 57

• Deliver fast: Make software available via a steady flow

of customer value in smaller batches on a just-in-time
• Engage everyone:  Allow the team to own their decisions,
apply their own brainpower, respect each other, and have
opportunities for excellence.
• Build quality in: Apply the nonfunctional qualities into
each feature as well as a quality level of “done” criteria to
ensure the working software has high quality.
• Optimize the whole: Focus on the entire value stream,
not the short-term profits. Ensure the details are man-
aged at the right level and you provide a working solution,
not just software.
• Keep getting better: Always look for opportunities to
improve. Failures are learning opportunities. The key is
to develop your people.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Often Lean is discussed in terms of eliminating waste. However, the real focus
of Lean is to identify value to the customer: deliver what they want, when they want it, and with the
minimum amount of effort.

It will be important to adapt these principles into your working process.

Value, Flow, Quality

VFQ is an educational framework that helps you achieve results in ensuring
you are delivering customer value, establishing optimal flow, and achieving
high-quality working solutions. VFQ applies a work-based learning program
based on Agile and Lean and focuses on the importance of applying the attri-
butes of value, flow, and quality when it comes to building product.8 The intent
is for the practitioner to use these attributes to help an organization identify
the best approach for them to achieve the business results they are looking
for.VFQ does this through the belief of applying skills in practice. I include VFQ
not because it is directly an agile process but because it focuses on customer
value, which is aligned with the agile values and principles.

58 Chapter 6 | Foundations of Agile

VFQ education applies a number of learning pathways based on roles designed

to select the most appropriate core of knowledge required by each role.
However, because agile methods rely on cross-functional skills, the best option
continues to be to take a team approach and study the course as a whole.
The full course covers a wide variety of topics and emphasizes end-to-end
organizational flow. The VFQ approach is intended for all levels, from a newly
qualified developer to senior executives, and encourages those whose depart-
ments who are strongly affected by what occurs in IT, perhaps marketing and
operations to participate.

Back to Values and Principles

I started this chapter by underscoring that Agile is not a set of processes,
methodologies, practice, and tools. Rather, Agile is a set of values and prin-
ciples. I took you on a tour through some of the many Agile-based processes,
methods, and frameworks: Scrum, XP, DSDM, Kanban, Lean, and VFQ. However
interesting and useful you may find any of these frameworks, never forget the
key proposition that Agile is that set of values and principles that drives an
agile approach regardless of the framework you select.
Agile is essentially a state of mind—being Agile—that is bound up with a change
to your culture. The agile state of mind understands the importance of ­customer
engagement to value and of employee engagement to self-organization and
ownership. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what processes, methodologies, and
practices you apply. What is important is that you shape your implementation
around the agile values and principles with the goal of gaining an Agile mindset
and achieving business results.

Coach, and
Hone (RICH)
Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.
—Alexander Graham Bell

During my journey in helping teams adopt Agile and transforming them to

an Agile mindset, the deployment approach I have found most successful
is ­applying a Ready, Implement, Coach, and Hone (RICH) framework. This
framework provides not only a methodical approach to mechanically applying
60 Chapter 7 | R
 eady, Implement, Coach, and Hone (RICH)
Deployment Model

agile methods but a strong focus on realizing an Agile mindset to achieve a

successful agile transformation.
So what is the difference between agile adoption and agile transformation?
When I think of adoption, I think of a team or organization that is applying a
new set of practices, tools, and techniques. I call this gaining the ability to “do
Agile.” When I think of transformation, I think of a team that understands why
they are applying the new elements and has changed their behavior so that
a new culture emerges that aligns with the Agile values and principles. They
have effectively crossed the agile chasm and have the ability to “be Agile.”
The RICH framework specifically focuses on readiness activities that help you
prepare not only to adopt the mechanical aspects of agile processes, methods,
and practices but also for a transformation of behavior toward an Agile mind-
set. The framework does this by providing a focus on readiness, implementa-
tion, and continuous honing, surrounded by effective coaching (Figure 7-1).


Hone Implement


Figure 7-1.  RICH deployment framework

When initiating the journey to Agile, I have found that it is important to begin
the process of conditioning the mind toward the Agile mindset. Readiness is
the beginning of the process of conditioning, and it includes making deci-
sions on the elements for your implementation. While it is important to lead
with readiness, this framework may be used iteratively depending on whether
you plan for a more holistic deployment or iterative deployment of certain
elements. With that in mind, I strongly encourage activities focused on readi-
ness to begin your goal of agile transformation.
Being Agile 61

Readiness Activities for Agile Transformation

To be a successful farmer, one must first know the nature of the soil.
—Xenophon, Oeconomicus

Readiness starts the moment someone asks the question, “Is Agile right for
me?” The goal is to work through this question, understand your context,
and figure out how Agile might be deployed. Readiness can start weeks and
even months before you really get serious about moving down the agile path.
However, it can also be worked through quickly if you are ready to commit.
Readiness shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is important to understand the what
and the why prior to discussing the how and the when.
Once you believe Agile is a direction you would like to take, then aspects
of readiness activities are akin to conditioning the soil prior to growing the
seeds. It is good to take a hard look at the conditions of the fields, equip-
ment, and people. Strengthening the soil helps improve the physical qualities
of the soil, especially in its ability to provide nutrition for plants. You can make
poor soil more usable and rebuild soil that has been damaged by improper

■ Agile Pit Stop Readiness activities are akin to conditioning the ground prior to planting the
seeds. Conditioning the mind with an understanding of Agile principles improves the ability to adopt
Agile in a way leads to being Agile.

This is exactly what readiness activities can do. It is good to examine the
condition of the environment where Agile is being considered. You must begin
the process of conditioning the mind with an understanding of Agile’s values
and principles and the business benefits that can be gained. This can improve
the ability to adopt Agile in a way that the participants begin to understand
the drive of being Agile. By conditioning the organization toward the Agile
principles, we can begin the process of understanding value and empowering
I have found it important to understand the context in which Agile is being
introduced. For example, it is imperative to gauge the buy-in of executives and
stakeholders and willingness and capability of teams. Within an organization,
due to improper management, the employees are often reluctant to speak
up because of the lack of empowerment allowed and command-and-control
behaviors exhibited (explicitly or implicitly). Understanding this context pro-
vides valuable insight on ways to adapt and move forward.
62 Chapter 7 | R
 eady, Implement, Coach, and Hone (RICH)
Deployment Model

Readiness provides us with an opportunity to assess the current environment;

lay the groundwork of Agile values and principles; discuss the agile business
benefits and the various agile processes, practices, and educational elements;
gauge the willingness; and then shape the agile implementation according to
the context of an organization.
Any of a variety of readiness activities that may be undertaken to understand
the conditions and help you prepare for more than just an Agile adoption—
to get the team and organization to transform to the Agile mindset. Please
understand that you do not need to complete these activities to begin imple-
menting, but I have learned that if you begin implementing Agile, you quickly
realize that you will need to address these areas in some manner, so it is
better to be proactive. With this in mind, an iterative approach may be used.
Here are high-level readiness activities that you may consider. As always, feel
free to adapt this list of activities if it benefits you.
• Establish a common understanding of Agile.
• Understand the drivers for organizational change.
• Provide Agile mindset education on the agile values and
principles and drivers for why we are changing.
• Add   “Customers and Employees really matter” to the com-
pany vision and “customer engagement” and “employee
engagement” to employee objectives.
• Understand levels of executive and stakeholder buy-in.
• Establish an overall strategy and backlog for the agile
transformation (including mitigation of risks).
• Understand the current state of engineering and Agile.
• Determine team willingness and capability.
• Determine suitability of product.
• Identify subject matter experts (SMEs) and resources.
• Evaluate and adapt IT governance.
• Identify and establish agile roles and organization.
• Determine education needs.
• Establish agile frameworks and practices that may be used.
(This should not be prescriptive model but a flexible
framework, because each team is different.)
• Establish done criteria, user story framework, and sizing
Being Agile 63

• Craft measures of success and general metrics.

• Identify agile tool and infrastructure needs.
A benefit of readiness activities is that you can adapt the implementation
approach based on what you learn. Another advantage is that if you find that
there are challenges in an area, you can address and improve the situation.
For example, you may find that there is not a clear driver for moving to Agile.
This can initiate discussions on business benefits of Agile, motivational factors
behind the move, and what it really takes to be Agile.
When you are ready to embark on readiness activities, consider treating them
as agile tasks with an iterative approach, adding them to a RICH backlog as the
first sprint of activities. Conduct iteration planning and initiate the readiness
activities with the goal of producing deliverables that align with the activities
and help you establish your direction. Finally, I recommend that once you
embark on these activities, you initiate periodic stand-ups to gauge prog-
ress, mitigate roadblocks (such as risks and issues), and adapt along the way.
Chapter 11 discusses the importance of managing your transformation as a
project while using agile process and practices as your framework.

Implementation Activities for Agile

Implementation activities focus on the application of agile elements within a
team or organization. With proper conditioning during readiness activities,
the participants will understand why they are applying Agile. I have found that
it is best to align implementation activities with the beginning of the lifecycle
of a project that is first applying Agile. This allows for a just-in-time learning
and work-based approach as the participants begin adopting and adapting to
the new processes, methods, practices, tools, and mindset.
The key to an effective implementation is ensuring that the readiness activi-
ties have been performed. As mentioned, if you begin implementing Agile on
a team or into an organization without considering the readiness factors, you
will quickly realize that you need to address these areas in some manner dur-
ing the implementation.
Another key to effective implementation is to be aware that an agile imple-
mentation for each product team will be different based on what you have
learned from the readiness activities. As you implement the agile framework,
there are many adaptions that may be implemented, depending on the team’s
situation—experience, distribution, type of work, and so forth. Implementation
64 Chapter 7 | R
 eady, Implement, Coach, and Hone (RICH)
Deployment Model

begins the cycle of the team or organization getting Agile working on the
ground. Here are implementation activities that you may consider. As always,
feel free to adapt this list of activities to benefit your implementation.
• Provide agile education—just-in-time and work-based.
• Provide an Agile Team foundation workshop.
• Provide a Product Owner workshop.
• Provide a Scrum Master workshop.
• Provide agile education for executives and management.
• Initiate periodic Agile Q&A sessions.
• Establish an agile online community (resource website,
social website, etc.).
• Apply the agile framework and practices.
• Apply agile tools.
During the implementation, consider adding these activities to the RICH
backlog as the next sprint of activities. I recommend that once you embark
on these activities you continue periodic stand-ups to gauge progress and
adapt along the way. Also, as you are implementing, expect some roadblocks.
An effective implementation of Agile will affect those across the organization.
Be ready to resolve, mitigate, or improve these challenges. This is where
coaching and honing activities come into play.

Coaching Activities for Agile Transformation

Coaching accompanies the readiness, implementation, and honing activities.
Coaching activities focus on helping the team and organization adapt to the
new culture and align with the new way of being. Coaching also helps teams
understand the details of activities to achieve to a more successful agile
transformation and helps remove the roadblocks along the way. It is highly
recommended to use the services of a Agile Coach who has the following
• Experienced in deploying Agile
• Veteran in organizational change
• Versed in the notions of business value and customer
• Practiced at setting up self-organized teams and employee
Being Agile 65

Coaching activities come in several forms. Some coach from an agile perspec-
tive, some from a culture change perspective, and others from a sponsorship
perspective. Although an experienced Agile Coach may be responsible for
deploying Agile, coaching is not just limited to that person. Scrum Masters,
Agile Team members, Product Owners, executives, senior management, and
middle management all have coaching roles to play. Everyone should share
responsibility in the success and help each other along to get there.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Coaching activities are not just limited to an Agile Coach. Executives,
management, and team members all have roles to play.

Coaches are responsible for facilitating, leading, coaching, and mentoring in

the ways of Agile during the readiness, implementation, and honing activities,
but they stop at owning any of these activities. This is because as part of the
move to Agile, the team or organization must feel they can make decisions and
own the work so that Agile becomes part of them. This leads to an increase
in buy-in and pride, which increases the chances of a successful adoption. This
eventually leads to a transformational change in behavior and culture that is
needed to achieve an Agile mindset.
The key to coaching activities is getting the team or organization ready for
Agile, helping them through the implementation activities, and then helping
them hone their processes, methods, practices, and mindset. At a high level,
here are coaching activities (or responsibilities) that may be undertaken to
help achieve the transformation to Agile. Feel free to adapt this list of activities
if it benefits coaching opportunities.
• Lead and facilitate agile deployment during the readiness,
implementation, and honing activities.
• Gauge attitudes, mindset, patterns of behavior, and overall
health of the team during the deployment.
• Provide continued support and mentoring as issues and
challenges are raised by teams.
• Identify issues that affect customer value, workflow, and
quality of the product being built.
• Lead periodic check-in meetings to monitor direction
and challenges.
• Provide in-session coaching to apply Agile and validate
the implementation of Agile and adapt as appropriate.
66 Chapter 7 | R
 eady, Implement, Coach, and Hone (RICH)
Deployment Model

• Initiate assessments to determine adoption level of the

practices and transformation level of the behavior and
culture, sharing results only with the team.
• Groom Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Agile Team
members, executives, managers, and any local Agile
Because coaching occurs throughout the RICH framework and is not as
discrete as the readiness and implementation activities, you do not need
to explicitly add these activities to the RICH backlog unless you feel it is

■■Agile Pit Stop  The goal of a coach is to educate enough people and groom enough leaders that
they coach themselves out of a job.

Honing Activities for Agile Transformation

A key part of the Agile mindset is the Twelfth Principle behind the Agile
Manifesto: “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more
effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.” This aligns with the
notion of kaizen—the Japanese word for “improvement.” Agile embraces kai-
zen and enhances it to ensure continuous improvement by applying a reflect-
and-adapt approach. Within the context of the RICH framework, once you
have implemented the agile processes, methods, practices, tools, and mindset,
it is not time to relax. Instead, it is time for the team to continuously look for
opportunities for improvement within their work environment.
Even as early as the readiness activities, you will see issues, challenges, and
roadblocks both locally and across the organization. Be ready to resolve or
mitigate these challenges immediately. In particular, you will find challenges
and room for improvement during implementation. Be flexible in whatever
you decide and be ready to learn and adapt it over time to fit the team’s situ-
ation. What you thought would work well for a team initially may need to be
changed. There may need to be additional education in certain areas. You may
find that several of the practices need to be adjusted to better fit the team’s
situation. You may find that you have to revisit the Agile values and principles.
Here are several suggested honing activities that can be applied. As usual, feel
free to adapt this list of activities if it benefits the honing activities.
• Make use of periodic team retrospectives for improvement.
• Initiate periodic assessments to gauge adoption level and
alignment with Agile values and principles.
Being Agile 67

• Hone implementation elements (framework, practices,

education, tools, etc.) to fine-tune the adoption and team
• Discuss consideration for automation and other factors
with the objective of improving velocity.
Once you have reached the honing activities in the RICH framework, the team
retrospectives will be a key driver for continuous improvement at the product
team level. Honing activities at the organization level may be facilitated by the
coach using assessment and survey mechanisms. However, I strongly encour-
age only showing the results of any assessment to the level of participants
who contributed to it. Those outside this circle may use the results in a nega-
tive way and will not be aware of the full context of the results. For example,
if a product team participated in an agile assessment, the results would only
go to the product team members.

Are You Ready?

A vast quantity of material is readily available that focuses on how to imple-
ment Agile from a “doing” perspective. Yet there is a scarcity of material that
focuses on how to achieve the Agile mindset. The goal of readiness is to con-
dition the mind toward the Agile mindset and then incorporate this mindset
into the decision-making process for your proposed implementation. With
that goal in mind, I focus most of the rest of this book on readiness activities.
Let the readiness games begin!

Motivations for
Moving to an
Agile Culture
Motivation is the fuel necessary to keep the human engine running.
—Zig Ziglar

When moving to something as all-encompassing as Agile, it is important to

state clearly the objectives and equally important to explain the motivations
behind the need to change. This is one aspect of conditioning the environ-
ment toward Agile. Stating the objectives helps folks understand what you are
intending to do, and explaining the motivations brings clarity to why you are
trying to achieve those objectives.
In Chapters 4 and 5, I introduced two important objectives that should be
considered when initiating an agile effort: customer engagement and employee
engagement. Or, to turn these objectives into exhortations: “Engage custom-
ers!” and “Engage employees!” This chapter explores the benefits of communi-
cating the motivations behind these objectives, the various types of resistance,
the importance of adapting rewards, the various motivations for moving to
Agile, the benefits of establishing a common definition of Agile, and the impor-
tance of storytelling to help achieve the culture you are seeking.
70 Chapter 8 | Motivations for Moving to an Agile Culture

Communicating Motivations
On an annual basis, companies typically communicate objectives for the
upcoming year. Communicating “why we are moving in this direction” gives
employees a sense that the objectives have been carefully thought out. More
important, discussing the motivations with your employees can help you adapt
the motivations and gain buy-in for the objectives. Although getting employee
input may be risky, it can help you understand how realistic the objectives are.
Also, employees feel valued when you ask for their feedback. It can help get
the most out of people.
If your motivations are compelling and honest and benefit employees, this can
lead to employees being willing to participate in the change. A clear role in
achieving the objective further enhances an employee’s willingness to partici-
pate in the change. The more meaningful the “why” behind the motivation, the
more willing the employee will become to support the objective.
If you find that you haven’t established objectives and accompanying motiva-
tions behind your agile initiative, now is the time to do so. Consider discussing
the objectives and motivations of your agile initiative with key employees to
communicate direction and gain feedback as to what can help motivate them
toward the change. This helps you understand the work you need to do for
readiness as part of the RICH model. Ultimately this helps answer the ques-
tion, “Are you starting in the right direction?”

Adapting Rewards
The objective and motivation should be accompanied by an aligned benefit to
the employee. The benefit or reward could be in many forms and does not
always have to be monetary. For example, the reward can be self-organized
teams.“What’s in it for me?” is a common question about change. For employ-
ees, the benefit can be true empowerment. This is why it is critical to under-
stand what drives your workers and weave these drivers into your objectives
and motivations. When the change involves a shift in the culture, this typically
means that the organizational reward system must be adapted to support the

■■Agile Pit Stop  Employees will notice what actions gain reward. Objectives that do not have
aligned rewards for the employee can doom the change effort.

The need to adapt the reward system is particularly relevant when moving to
an agile culture. If the “hero” continues to be better rewarded (instead of the
team) or if management continues to get rewarded for command-and-control
Being Agile 71

attributes (instead of leading their team), this will become quickly evident to
the employees and can effectively doom the change.
The reality is that employees notice the actions that gain rewards (and rightly
so) and will adapt and “follow the money trail.” Any objective that is out of
sync with the actual reward for the employee cannot be sustained and will
ultimately fail. When you add the compelling reward of self-organized teams,
employee empowerment, and some monetary incentives to support the
objective of engaging employees, you will increase the chances for employ-
ees to become self-motivated behind the “what” (objectives) and “why”

Managing Resistance
Resistance is a common reaction to a change initiative. As organizations
attempt to grow, it is difficult to avoid change. Change can occur for many
reasons. When moving to an organization that is embracing Agile, there is
often a need for a significant culture change. Agile brings about a change in
objectives, which affects both employees and customers. Changes can create
new opportunities, but they will also meet with opposition. Many scenarios
engender resistance:
• “Here we go again!” It is comforting when things remain
the same. Employees have seen change efforts come and
go without any true commitment and may attempt to
wait the new ones out. Commitment to change must be
visible with clear motivations and rewards.
• Lack of communication. Employees need to know what is
occurring to them. As information trickles down from
the top, the message can be lost. This is why a plan for
continuous communications at all levels is important.
• Change in employee roles. Some employees like to retain
the status quo and do not want to see their roles changed.
When roles are vague, some don’t know where they fit in
the new culture, making them feel excluded. When they
have no say in their new roles, they can feel alienated.
Discussing with employees the changes in their roles and
adapting as appropriate are key.
• Competing initiatives. Introducing an agile initiative when
there are already multiple initiatives occurring can lead
to employees feeling overwhelmed, causing them to
resist. Hardly an auspicious start to the agile initiative! It
is important for management to prioritize initiatives and
focus on the higher priority initiatives.
72 Chapter 8 | Motivations for Moving to an Agile Culture

• Regime change. New leaders often feel they must show

they are action-oriented. They may reason that the
change that worked in their previous company should
work here. Some know their term is short, so they are
not interested in long-term change. Some are unaware of
what it takes to affect culture. Employees who are used
to this power-game scenario may resist.

Common Motivations for Moving to Agile

There are various motivations behind moving to Agile. Some are proactive and
some are reactive (Figure 8-1). Proactive motivations tend to be accompanied
by a greater understanding of the business benefits of Agile and the culture
change it implies. However, this is not always the case. The reasons behind the
motivation can determine your chances to achieve a real Agile transformation.
Let’s take a look at some motivations for moving to Agile and what you can do
to enhance your chances of gaining the business benefits of Agile.

Not Working






Proactive Reactive
Figure 8-1. Proactive and reactive reasons for moving to Agile

• “It’s the trendy thing to do.” Agile is popular, so we should

do it. This is reactive and not a strong motivator for
change. When another trend comes along, Agile may be
abandoned. Agile may be seen as a hollow initiative and
some may wait it out to see if it will go away. It will be
important to investigate the benefits of Agile to see if it
is right for you. Then determine if real commitment can
be gained.
• “The competition is doing it.” Others are doing it, so we
better do it. This is reactive. Although it may provide a
driver for change, it does not provide clarity on why Agile
was chosen. Some will question why what a competitor
does is good for us. What happens when they do some-
thing else? It will be important to investigate the benefits
of Agile to see if it is right for you.
Being Agile 73

• “What we have isn’t working.” We’ve been using another

process to deliver software and it isn’t effective. This is
a reactive reason with little understanding of Agile, but
it may provide an initial motivation for change. However,
blindly moving to Agile without understanding what it
takes may lead to a failed deployment. It is best to under-
stand the root cause for the failures in the past, because
this can affect your change to Agile.
• “We need an agile tool.” This is a proactive but insufficient
reason. It sees Agile only as a tool to manage the work
without realizing that it requires a change in culture. This
is a very limited view of Agile and will not lead to its busi-
ness benefits.
• “We need to reduce costs.” This is a reactive and insufficient
reason whereby Agile is seen as a tool to cut costs and
maybe the workforce. This will not lead to the business
benefits of moving to Agile. Although it may be an out-
come, other benefits of Agile may be gained if you are
willing to adapt the culture.
• “We hope to increase employee morale.” This is a proac-
tive reason based on an understanding of the importance
of employee engagement and empowerment to improve
morale. Validate that there is real commitment to empow-
ering employees and self-organizing teams.
• “We hope to improve productivity.” This is a proactive rea-
son when the goal is to empower employees and help
them improve productivity. The danger is that manage-
ment may believe that Agile is something someone else
must do to increase productivity or the real intent is to
make employees work harder. The other challenge is that
productivity may come at the expense of sacrificing qual-
ity. It will be important to investigate all of the benefits of
Agile, not just productivity.
• “We aim to decrease time to market.” This is a proactive
reason in which Agile is seen as a way to shorten release
cycles. If there is an understanding that this implies a
change across the organization to get from market idea
to release and it is meant to satisfy the customer, then
this is a good starting point. It is still important to discuss
the benefits of Agile to see if it is right for you.
74 Chapter 8 | Motivations for Moving to an Agile Culture

• “We want to deliver customer value.” This is a proactive and

genuine reason if Agile is seen as a way to engage the cus-
tomer and understand value. Validate whether there is a
real commitment to delivering value and an understand-
ing of the need to change organizational behaviors and
processes to get there.
• “We believe in the Agile Values and Principles.” This is a pro-
active and genuine reason where Agile may be seen as a
positive change in company vision and behavior. Validate
a drive toward continuous customer engagement and
employee engagement that can help gain the business
benefits that Agile can bring.
In all of these cases, you need to validate commitment to the values and prin-
ciples and the culture change it entails. Once the initial motivation is under-
stood, you can work to adapt it with the goal of better gaining the business
benefits of going Agile.

Benefit of Establishing a Common

Understanding of Agile
Establishing a common definition of Agile provides the organization with a
singular understanding. Even if there is unanimity on the objective of moving
to Agile, lack of consensus as to what Agile is will impede movement. Don’t
assume that everyone has a common understanding. There are a wide range
of thoughts on what Agile is, and often those are laden with misconceptions.
As discussed in Chapter 6, many believe that Agile is a methodology, a process,
or a set of practices and tools. But Agile is really a set of values and principles.
This is a good place to start.
First, I try to find out what Agile means to the team or organization. Depending
on the answer, I begin some education to ensure they understand the Agile
mindset and in particular the Agile Values and Principles found within the
Manifesto of Agile Software Development (see Chapter 6). This ensures that
everyone has a common understanding of Agile after any misconceptions are
discussed and discarded. Also, much of the “what is Agile?” discussion is an
attempt to normalize the team on agile values, principles, business benefits,
methods, techniques, and more.
Once a common definition of Agile is established, it is beneficial to enhance
this with common terminology. I often get asked for a glossary when I am help-
ing teams adopt Agile. This gives folks one way to learn and get introduced to
new terminology. Terminology may be collected from the Agile Manifesto and
various processes, methods, books, and articles. It is important to discuss the
Being Agile 75

terminology with associates who will be initially working with Agile. You may
adapt terminology to suit the organization if this is beneficial. For example, if
the word sprint is more acceptable then using the term iteration to describe
a time-boxed period, then use the term sprint. Through deploying agile pro-
cesses, training, seminars, and workshops, the terminology can spread.

■■Agile Pit Stop  When introducing Agile, avoid referring to any agile methods, tools, or techniques.
Instead, initially discuss only the Agile Values and Principles.

Aligning Storytelling with the Culture You

Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful,
clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human
—Robert McKee

Storytelling is a technique that is used to convey a message. Stories can be

used as the delivery system to reinforce the culture you are looking for.
Stories are often much easier to remember than objectives and facts, which
is why stories are very powerful. Stories also reveal what people are really
thinking, which can motivate or demotivate people. There is the story that is
told and the story that people walk away with. This is why it is important to
align your stories with the culture you hope to achieve. There has been an
increasing amount of focus of conveying information in the form of stories.
Stories can either align with and strengthen a culture or reveal a misalignment
and weaken the cultural message. Let’s look at several examples.
A manager thinks it is important for everyone to be on time to the
staff meetings. He explains that it is a token of respect for people’s
time and this benefits the team in terms of their productivity.
Although everyone comes to the next meeting on time, the manager
was late and provided a flippant excuse, saying, “I was just wrapping
up an important meeting.”

What story does the staff walk away with in this case? The manager had
discussed the importance of respecting people’s time, and then his actions
indicated to the team that the manager didn’t respect their time. This left the
employees resentful and unhappy. Let’s look at another story.
76 Chapter 8 | Motivations for Moving to an Agile Culture

This company established a new objective called “employee

equality.” This sounded great to everyone involved. As part of that
objective, the senior team decided to hold a full-company meeting
each month to share their thoughts. The first session in which the
topic of employee equality was discussed went well. For the second
session, one of the executives kicked it off by discussing his yachting
trip. In the third session, another executive, not to be outdone, told
of the magnificent house he was building at the beach. After this,
employees started finding reasons to miss these sessions.

What story do the employees walk away with in this example? Although the
“objective” was to create a company culture of equality, the senior manage-
ment team discussed things that highlighted that they weren’t equal at all,
instead of things the average employee could afford. How many of those in
the company could afford to go yachting? How many could afford to build
a large house at the beach? This is an example of where storytelling can
send the opposite message. The employees felt like they were being put in
their place and stopped believing in the equality objective. Now let’s look at
another case.
A company was trying to introduce Agile into their culture. They
promoted the principles of collaboration, trust, self-organizing
teams, and sustainable pace. It was initially led by an Agile Coach
who built a self-organizing team made up of Agile Champions
(internal employees) from across the company to promote buy-in.
They applied a collaborative approach to build the agile framework.
It became quite successful, and many teams began adopting Agile.
Several senior managers saw the accomplishments and wanted to
make the agile program their own. They disbanded the champions’
team and used their own functional team to lead the agile effort,
even though they were not experienced in Agile and hadn’t received
any training on it. This new management shared the story that they
would provide more structure to Agile. They said they all learned
Agile by reading a book. They also said they would assign a project
manager to the projects to help the teams estimate correctly.

What story are the teams walking away with? The story employees walked
away with was that Agile was no longer being taken seriously. It was clear that
management was now only giving lip service to Agile, really didn’t believe in
the Agile Principles, and didn’t really trust their employees. In addition, the
story about how this management believed that reading a book on Agile made
them knowledgeable became a common joke among the employees.
What type of stories are being told in your organization? Are senior manag-
ers telling stories that align with the objectives of Agile? Are middle managers
sharing stories that align with the needs of their team? Are team members
Being Agile 77

repeating the stories that strengthen the new culture or stories that are
demoralizing? Leaders must keep in mind that when they are speaking to the
people, they are effectively telling a story. Ensure that the messages in the
stories align with the objectives and principles that you would like to see in
your teams and new culture.

Building the Agile Culture You Want

Adapting an organization’s culture is effectively an effort in change manage-
ment. For most organizations, moving to an Agile culture is a significant change
management activity. Changing a culture is hard. People underestimate the dif-
ficulties of a culture change within their organization. I have seen large efforts
get started with poorly stated objectives and motivations, a lack of employee
involvement, and a lack of thinking through the effort. Also, most people are not
educated in change management or how to achieve a cultural change. I have seen
companies assign a member of senior management as the change agent, yet that
person has neither education nor experience in change management. A better
approach may be to hire an Agile Coach with change management experience.
Creating or adapting a culture is not done by accident. It must be considered
a change initiative and thought through. As part of readiness within the RICH
deployment model, start the process of adapting to an Agile mindset and the
culture you are looking for. What are some activities that will help you move
to an Agile culture? They include:
• Recognize that moving to Agile is a cultural change.
• Share the Agile Values and Principles (often).
• Establish and share objectives and motivations.
• Gain feedback from employees along the way.
• Adapt the reward system to align with the new culture.
• Identify techniques to help gracefully mitigate resistance.
• Evaluate management and lead employees to see if they
have the personality that aligns with an Agile culture.
• Start living the values and principles that help you get to
the culture you are looking for.
• Provide messaging or storytelling that aligns with the cul-
ture you are looking for.
• Identify and apply the agile processes, methods, practices,
and tools that align with your objectives.
• Apply an inspect-and-adapt approach to gauge progress.

Achieving an
Agile Mindset
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent
that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
—Charles Darwin

We humans like to control our own lives and destinies. This is the natural order
of things. Great pioneers determined their own paths. We learn and adapt as
conditions change. This was true a thousand years ago and is true today. There
are often barriers that prevent us from what we would like to do, but when we
have the ability to control our own destiny, great innovation can occur.
It is ironic that in this new millennium whose watchword is innovation, many
software-related companies have chosen a path of rigidity, with prescribed
processes leaving little room for adaption or a sense of ownership. Companies
are surprised that they are not getting the customer and employee engagement
that fosters innovation and leads to valued products. More control and more
processes are not the solution. Agile, which cultivates a mindset of values and
principles, brings back the vital evolutionary interplay between the constraints
of nature and the flexibility of cultural adaptation.

■■Agile Pit Stop  An Agile mindset moves away from the pretense of predicting what the
customer wants a year in advance.
80 Chapter 9 | Achieving an Agile Mindset

Agile principles steer software developers away from the delusion that they
can predict what customers want a year in advance. Instead, it shapes them to
build and adapt according to continuous customer feedback. Agile principles
oppose thinking of employees as cogs to be moved or replaced and instead
views workers as self-organized owners of their work who use their brainpower
to build value.
What words come to mind when you think of Agile? How about value,
principles, working software, transparent, adapt, self-organizing, disciplined,
empirical, collaborative, iterative, incremental? This vocabulary is a first step
in moving toward agile culture.
Agile thinkers bring a different frame of mind to their work. In traditional and
waterfall approaches, the work is well planned with very specific milestones,
and changes are often frowned on or discouraged. You don’t have to think
about why you are doing something or your behavior. Agile, on the other
hand, inculcates the principles and “why” of being Agile and recognizes that
behavior is an important element of the Agile mindset. The agile world is
fluid, and dynamic change is the norm. Agile promotes learning in response to
change in the direction of value.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Agile promotes adaptation not in a whimsical and carefree manner but in a
methodical, empirical, and disciplined manner.

Agile is essentially a risk-management system that helps you avoid building

something the customer doesn’t want and helps you make the best use of
employee energies.
As discussed in Chapter 6, education on agile values and principles underpins
the Agile mindset and initiates the behavioral changes that are needed to
align with Agile. An essential educational step is to dissect the principles
behind Agile.

Dissecting the Agile Principles

Acquisition of an Agile mindset first requires awareness of the cognitive patterns
of the old ways of thinking, such as the common belief that big up-front
requirements are the correct way to approach delivering product—despite
overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Some believe that aligning with the
project plan is more important than adapting to customer value. Anytime you
try to move from one culture to another, you’ll find cognitive patterns that
do not align with the new culture. This baggage inhibits movement in the new
direction. The goal is to eliminate the old thinking patterns and adapt to the
new patterns that Agile provides by application of its values and principles.

Being Agile 81

When I ponder the elements of the Agile mindset, I review the Manifesto for
Agile Software Development (Agile Manifesto, for short). Then I refer to the
important Principles behind the Agile Manifesto to realize what the mindset
represents. To better understand the new cognitive patterns needed for the
Agile Principles, I dissect the Principles to better understand the intentions
behind them and what behaviors they entail.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The key to understanding an Agile mindset is to read and understand the
Principles behind the Agile Manifesto.

In the next section I expand on each Principle and model how to marshal
supporting evidence that a culture change may be occurring. Other descriptions,
actions, and evidence will occur to you and should be applied freely and
continuously. The key is that you should take a hard look at the Principles,
define what they mean to you, and evaluate the evidence for culture change
in light of whether you are aligning with the Principles. Internalizing an
inspect-and-adapt criterion for evaluating proofs of agile change becomes the
embodiment of achieving the agile culture.

Satisfy Customer with Valuable Software

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery
of valuable software. Satisfying the customer means delivering valuable software
in a timely manner (that is, in the market window) for a reasonable cost.
Continually striving to meet elusive customer value is important. Ultimately,
the key measure of value for customers is an increase in sales and the continued
loyalty of existing customers.
How do you know that you are moving in the right direction of building value?
It starts with understanding your customers: who they are and what moti-
vates them. Their profiles include such information as their challenges, their
vision for your product, and their buying trends.
Delivering value continues with an effective Sprint Review process where the
customer gains an opportunity to review and provide feedback on working
software. If customers can sense that their input is valued during the demos,
their satisfaction can increase. This is particularly true if the customers see
that their feedback from the last demo has been incorporated in the working
software of the current version.
In addition, it is beneficial to use the Product Owner (PO) as the delegated
voice of the customer to solicit acceptance criteria on what the customer
would expect when they see a particular requirement or feature in action.
You may also conduct periodic customer surveys to gauge their level of satis-
faction with the product or solution.
82 Chapter 9 | Achieving an Agile Mindset

What actions exhibit “satisfying customer with valuable software”?

• The PO works to understand customer value, constantly
prioritizes and grooms the backlog, and discusses
customer needs with the team.
• The PO creates customer profiles to recognize
• The backlog is your single source of requirements
(aka value).
• The Customer role reflects how you wish to engage your
• Strategy focuses on delighting the customer.
• Customers are invited to Sprint Reviews to provide
feedback and validate what they feel is valuable.
• Acceptance criteria are been captured and met for each
user story.
• Customer satisfaction surveys are periodically
• Criteria are applied to ensure the software is built with
• Customer revenue metrics are captured and reviewed.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in continuous customer engagement,
adapting requirements, and validation as a means of building
valuable software to satisfy the customer?

Welcoming Change to Requirements

Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customer’s competitive advantage. From an agile perspective, you
embrace change to increase the chances of delivering value to the customer.
You understand that change is necessary because you understand that
customer needs, market conditions, and general demand change over time.
Welcoming change implies several things. The first is that there is a positive
attitude toward change from the team and management. The second is that
there is a process that allows change to flow without obstruction. This doesn’t
mean that all changes are accepted but that changes are prioritized along with
existing requirements in the product backlog and methodically discussed.

Being Agile 83

What actions exhibit “welcoming change to requirements?”

• The PO continually engages with the customer to identify
new requirements or changes to requirements.
• No person or process restricts change.
• The backlog is continually groomed and reprioritized.
• Sprint Planning is applied to introduce the newly priori-
tized requirements.
• Continuous customer engagement via customer visits
and Sprint Reviews are applied.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you have a positive attitude toward change even late
in the development cycle?

Frequent/Continuous Delivery
Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months,
with a preference to the shorter timescale. “Continuous delivery” refers to the
capability of frequently releasing software to the customer when they want it.
This ensures that when customers believe there is value from what was built
and they want it, it can be delivered instantly. Because timing is critical, the key
phrase is “when a customer wants it.” Identifying the elusive customer value
means you can release when the customer wants it. If it is delivered too early,
the customer may not be ready for it; if it is too late, the market opportunity
is missed.
Agile thinking includes a world that is fluid, where changes are continuous and
welcome, and teams have the capability of releasing frequently, which applies
to the delivery of software. This ability to frequently release highlights the
importance of infrastructure that can help with continuous integration, building,
and testing. This ability assumes a level of automation that needs to be in place.
Automated testing increases the possibility of testing as much of the func-
tionality as is reasonable, including the capability of performing nonfunctional
testing such as performance testing, load testing, and more.
What actions exhibit continuous delivery?
• A release capability to incrementally and rapidly deploy
• Iterative framework with Sprint Reviews
• Continuous integration supported by merging process
and configuration management system
84 Chapter 9 | Achieving an Agile Mindset

• A continuous build process supported by an automated

build management system
• Test automation infrastructure that can support continuous
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in continuous integration, building, and
frequent delivery?

Business and Development Work Together

Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
Agile attempts to bring an understanding of business value to the develop-
ment team. To do this, it attempts to integrate business and development as
one team. In traditional methods, there is often little interaction between the
business (e.g., product management, sales, and marketing) and development
(aka cross-functional team). On the business side, Scrum introduces the PO
role and XP introduces the Customer role as the bridge between the cus-
tomer and the development team. These roles allow for a closer embodiment
of the business and development team spirit and avoids fiefdoms and throwing
work “over the wall” from one group to another with little interaction.
The intent is to make a sincere effort to build a collaborative, amicable
relationship between business and development. Development benefits from
a better understanding of what the customer finds valuable. The business side
benefits because development will ask for details that business may not have
thought about it. In both cases, the result is a product that more closely aligns
with what the customer finds valuable.
What actions exhibit business and development working together?
• A dedicated business contact (namely, the PO) who works
continuously with the Development team.
• Development comprises a cross-functional team with
developers, testers, technical writers, designers, and so on.
• The PO and Development Team work together during
Sprint Planning to build a mutual understanding of the
• The PO and Development Team work together during
the demo of the working software and gain customer
• The Development Team can reach out to the PO as needed
throughout the project life cycle.
Being Agile 85

What is the level of belief?

• Do you believe that business and development should
work continuously together as a team?

Trust Motivated Individuals

Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and
support they need, and trust them to get the job done. Motivated individuals make
for a more engaging and productive workforce with good morale. There are
strategies to get employees engaged, continually educated, and building on
their strengths. Management values employee opinions, appreciates them, and
trusts that they can get the work done. Motivated individuals are empowered,
feel ownership of their work, and size their own work.
As part of getting work done, there need to be clear release, sprint, and
organizational goals provided by the right people who can energize employees
and encourage them to invest more effort in building a better product. Vague
goals can reduce commitment and motivation. Increased transparency between
management and teams increases communication and promote trust.
What actions exhibit trust of motivated individuals?
• Teams have the ability to make decisions, such as sizing
their own work.
• Management trusts team decisions and minimizes command
and control.
• Teams are kept whole and members are treated like
people, not fungible resources.
• Management provides transparency in decision making.
• Management provides organizational goals such as
employee engagement.
• The PO provides release and sprint goals.
• Team members demonstrate their working software
during sprint reviews.
• The Scrum Master provides a servant–leader approach.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in motivating employees and trusting
them to get the job done?
86 Chapter 9 | Achieving an Agile Mindset

Promote Face-to-Face Communication

The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within
a team is face-to-face conversation. Agile puts a premium on face-to-face
communication. Because of the nonverbal cues built into communication,
there is a benefit of harvesting visual cues during interpersonal interactions.
Face-to-face discussion improves the overall communication experience and
understanding. From an Agile perspective, a Scrum team (about seven people)
should be as collocated as reasonable or should use technology to emulate
face-to-face interaction as much as possible.
With communication comes the importance of listening. Listening means
hearing and understanding what the other is saying and what they are not saying
(hence the importance of nonverbal cues). Determining if silence is because
of a lack of understanding, simply not being engaged, or a variety of other
reasons should be probed. Another aspect of collaboration is being assertive.
Quietly listening often does not lead to building ideas. Therefore, communica-
tion is a balance of being a collaborative speaker and a respectful listener.
What actions exhibit promoting face-to-face communication?
• Ideally, individual teams are colocated.
• Teams are kept small (about seven members)
• Rooms are available for face-to-face discussion and
communication in teams.
• Technologies are used to emulate face-to-face discussion
whenever colocation is not possible.
• Listening skills are emphasized.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in the importance of colocation and
face-to-face communication?

Working Software as Measure of Progress

Working software is the primary measure of progress. From an agile perspective,
working software is the best measure of progress. Working software must be
produced at the end of each time-boxed period (sprint). You may use other
measures to help gauge progress, such as Sprint Burndown, but they should
be minor in relation to the criterion of working software.
The reason for this new thinking on measures is that when you follow
waterfall, you may be 50 percent through the project schedule and have no
working software. From a customer perspective you haven’t accomplished
anything. Although there may be internal benefit to gathering requirements,
Being Agile 87

preparing a plan, and doing design and development work, an external paying
customer only values the actual working software. You don’t get credit for
in-progress stuff, only the working software.
This is why, at the end of each time-boxed period, working software
is delivered and validated with the customer during the demo. In addition,
working software must meet done criteria to ensure that it is of high quality.
What actions exhibit working software as a measure of progress?
• Progress is measured by working software.
• Sprint Burndown tracks work done and work remaining.
• Done criteria are established that reflect engineering
standards that are applied to user stories.
• Sprint Reviews are conducted to demonstrate the
working software and gain customer feedback.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe that working software can be produced
incrementally and is a measure of progress?

Sustainable Pace
Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and
users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. The concept of
sustainable pace has been quantified by Kent Beck, who recommends working
no more than 40 hours a week and never working overtime for more than
one week at a time (not consecutively).1 When you maintain a reasonable
pace, you can sustain a constant pace indefinitely. Studies have shown that
when you consistently work more than 40 hours in a week, the overtime
produces lower-quality software and a reduction in productivity.2
A team establishes velocity based on a 40-hour work week to determine how
much work they can do in a sprint.3 Using velocity allows the team to empirically
determine the amount of work they can build into working software in a given
iteration. More important, does management trust the team’s velocity, or do
they disregard it and force them to do more?

Kent Beck. Extreme Programming Explained. Addison-Wesley, 2005.
Lonnie Golden. The Effects of Working Time on Productivity and Firm Performance:
A Research Synthesis Paper. International Labour Office, Geneva, 2011.
Velocity is the number of units of work (aka story points) that a team can complete in an
iteration or sprint.
88 Chapter 9 | Achieving an Agile Mindset

Another driver for sustainable pace is the concept of social responsibility:

the obligation to benefit the people as a whole and maintain a work/life
balance. With this in mind, a key to a strong Agile team is the notion that no
one succeeds unless everyone succeeds. This promotes team spirit, whereby
members collaborate and help each other out so that no one or two people
are burdened with extra work while others have free time. To do this, each
team member should gain secondary skills so they can ramp up quickly should
there be a bottleneck. A side effect of sustainable pace is that it often leads to
improved team morale. Folks do not feel burned out and come to work with
fresh minds, which can lead to innovative ideas.
What actions exhibit sustainable pace?
• Each member of the team works only 40 hours a week.
• Velocity is used as a measure to define the number of story
points a team can complete in an iteration or sprint.
• Management trusts the team velocity.
• Management does not force the team to work longer
hours or initiate death marches.
• All team members have secondary skill sets and pitch in
when needed.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in sustainable pace where working
approximately 40 hours a week is a healthy norm?

Technical Excellence
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
To strive for technical excellence, you need team members who have
knowledge and experience to produce sound architecture, good design,
and quality software. It is important to have the capability of making the
best technical decisions balancing design, usability, and maintainability. Such
capability requires a seasoned and professional team. In Agile, employees
should want to do the work in the context of career learning and growth.
To strive for technical excellence, effective done criteria should be established
that include engineering standards in design, UX, development, technical
writing, configuration management, building, and testing. To achieve quality, it
may include implementing various XP practices, such as continuous integration
and build, coding standards, pair programming, refactoring, simple design, and
test driven development that are applied to improve the technical excellence
of a product. In addition, the use of retrospectives help the team reflect on
opportunities to build their skills and further achieve technical excellence.
Being Agile 89

What actions exhibit technical excellence?

• Team members motivate each other toward technical
excellence, including sharing technical practices and
actively participating in code reviews.
• Team members may apply continuous integration and
build, coding standards, pair programming, simple design,
refactoring, code reviews, and test-driven development.
• Team members apply done criteria that include engineering
disciplines’ need to deliver a quality product.
• Team members employ learning plans that include a focus
on technical excellence that are actively managed.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in applying technical practices that
promote technical excellence and provide technical
educational opportunities for employees?

Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential.
Striving for eliminating unnecessary work is the goal. This should include
identifying the minimum amount of features for a customer release (MVP)
for it to be successful. It should include reducing non-value-added work
that team members are asked to do. It may involve reducing unnecessary
steps of a process to deploy a release.
To simplify, you need to proactively remove the seven wastes in software
development as defined by Mary and Tom Poppendiek and discussed in
Chapter 6: eliminating partially done work, extra features, the need to relearn,
hand-offs, task switching, delays, and bugs.
Agile thinking focuses on short iterations and small increments. This way you
can fail fast, learn, eliminate waste, and then succeed more quickly. You may
also right-size your documentation with a focus on documenting decisions
and why you made them.
What does this look like in action?
• There is continuous focus on staying lean and removing
waste via retrospectives.
• During demonstrations, customers are asked not only
what they need but what they don’t need.
90 Chapter 9 | Achieving an Agile Mindset

• The PO applies continuous prioritization via the backlog

with a focus on minimum viable product (MVP).
• Documentation is right-sized and includes key decisions
and their rationales.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in simplicity, removing waste, and con-
tinuously prioritizing requirements based on customer

Self-Organizing Teams
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
Self-organizing teams have a combination of greater ownership and respon-
sibility to achieve a common goal of building valuable software and reducing
dependency on management. The team has the authority to be self-organizing
and make decisions regarding architecture, requirements, and design as they
evolve the product. The team needs to be cross-functional so that they have
the skills and talent to make the decisions to develop the product.
A self-organized team moves away from the command-and-control hierarchy
in which one person assigns the work. Instead, a self-organizing structure is
one in which everyone participates in decision making and volunteering for
work from the backlog. This is easier said than done. Therefore, prior to
considering Agile, an assessment of the openness of the culture is helpful for
gauging the starting point.
Having self-organizing teams also means thinking beyond the individual, since
this can constrain collaboration and the team mindset. The focus should be on
instilling team spirit: “You only succeed if the team succeeds.” Rewards should
be team-based to drive the notion home.
The team notion also means hierarchy—such as title, levels, grades, heroes,
and egos—needs to be removed as barriers to team success. Instead, promote
equality among roles. Treating everyone on the team as equals leads to more
engaged members. Nonetheless, team members should respect the fact that
some people have more experience in certain areas and others can gain from
this experience.
What actions exhibit self-organizing teams?
• The team makes the decisions about its work, specifically
regarding architecture, requirements, design, and sizing or
Being Agile 91

• Cross-functional teams include the right mix of skills

among developers, testers, technical writers, UX
designers, the PO, and the Scrum Master.
• There is no hierarchy on the team, although levels of skills
and experience are respected.
• Rewards are given at the team level.
• Team members pull work from the backlog at their
own initiative, rather than being assigned to it by their
functional manager.
• Management reduces command and control and provides
boundaries of authority.
• Management articulates goals to help the team focus
their work and make their own decisions.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in self-organizing teams who have authority
to make their own decisions, manage their own work,
and are rewarded as a team?

Reflection for Improvement

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. The reflection for improvement is
critical to the adaptive framework and the Agile mindset. Although what
has occurred cannot be undone, reflecting on it can lead to action that will
prevent the issue from recurring. With this in mind, the team should apply
a periodic retrospective to reflect on the previous time-box of activity and
become more effective in the future.
Remember, the team is self-organizing, so they own the practices, techniques,
rituals, and particularly the behaviors. A key to real improvement is that team
members are willing to let their guards down and be open and honest with
each other. Otherwise, only the more superficial areas are discussed. Also,
retrospectives should be private and closed sessions so “dirty laundry” can
be discussed. The Scrum Master may act as the facilitator so that it is kept
professional with the goal of identifying actions for improvement. Another key
is that the team commits to support continuous improvement.
It may be important for teams to use root-cause analysis techniques such
as Ishikawa (fishbone) diagrams to identify the cause of specific issues.
In addition, Agile applies an empirical approach whereby data can be used
to identify areas for improvement and help in decision making based on
observation and experimentation. However, it is for the team to make the
commitment to adapt and improve.
92 Chapter 9 | Achieving an Agile Mindset

What actions exhibit reflection for improvement?

• A private team retrospective is used to identify and
prioritize areas for improvement.
• The team is open and honest so that real improvement
can be made.
• Retrospectives are conducted periodically.
• The team commits to implementing improvement
• Retrospective actions are tracked, and progress is
discussed in the retrospective session.
What is the level of belief?
• Do you believe in reflection activities and empowering
the team to make the improvements?

A Group Exercise on the Principles

This chapter has examined the Agile Principles to gain a deeper appreciation
of the behaviors and beliefs that are needed to align with the Agile mindset.
This chapter is not meant to be comprehensive, but a starting point. As an
exercise, walk through each Principle with the team and ask them what each
one means to them.
This exercise has two benefits.The first is that the team will learn the Principles
in a manner in which they have to think about what the Principles mean. This
will help condition their minds toward a deeper understanding of Agile. The
second benefit is that as they become aware of what it takes to achieve an
Agile mindset, they may understand that their old way of thinking needs to be
adapted to “be Agile.”


Support and
Team Willingness
The first and most important step is to get senior management backing.
Without support from the very top, it is generally impossible to make
significant changes.
—Watts Humphrey

Two important criteria for a successful agile implementation are support from
your top executive and willingness to apply Agile by the team. By “executive,”
I mean your most senior manager within the scope of deployment. If you are
looking to initiate an agile enterprise change, then you need top-level execu-
tive sponsorship and management support for the transformation. Because
moving to an agile culture represents a significant change for the teams, it is
important to have team members willing to make the changes for an effective
As a company approaches Agile, executive support and team willingness should
be evaluated so that you understand your starting point. At the executive and
management levels, a good way to determine support is to understand what
94 Chapter 10 | Evaluating Executive Support and Team Willingness

support is needed, evaluate the level of support, and identify ways to increase
support. At the team level, a good way to determine willingness is to evaluate
the level of willingness and identify ways to improve it.

■■Agile Pit Stop  It is important to evaluate executive support and team willingness to understand
your starting point and what you need to do to improve each.

Gaining the full business benefits of Agile requires an enterprise-level initia-

tive with executive support. Agile implementation occurs at many levels: top-
down, grassroots, and from the middle in both directions. It is essential when
scouting the possibility of an agile implementation to canvass and gauge the
level of support from the stakeholders at the highest level of your organiza-
tion that is in scope.
A good place to start is to understand the organizational scope of the change
you are planning. Are you targeting the enterprise, a portion of the enterprise,
a solution area made up of several products, or a single product team? This
determination constrains the highest level of management support you will
need and which teams you need to gain willingness from.
In general, all stakeholders should be evaluated so that you understand their
levels of engagement, attitudes toward Agile, and what they may need to gain
the Agile mindset. As a starting point, it is important to understand the agile
personality types that you may encounter within an organization.

Agile Personality Types

In the agile world, people tend to work from different motivations. This differ-
entiation helps you understand who you are dealing with. T
  here are essentially
seven types of people who can affect your agile transformation. They are
the Innovator, Champion, Workhorse, Bandwagon Jumper, Cowboy, Deceiver,
and Denier. Figure  10-1 places the seven personality types into quadrants
based on level of experience with Agile on the horizontal axis and attitude
toward Agile on the vertical axis.
Being Agile 95










Figure 10-1. The seven agile personality types based on their agile experience and attitude
toward Agile

I discuss each of the personality types in turn, highlighting their experience

levels in Agile, their attitudes toward Agile, the common roles that may fit into
a type, and thoughts on their motivations. As you consider your stakeholders
and team members, identify which personality types they may fall into. These
insights can help you understand who will help you positively drive Agile and
whom you need to work with to build their knowledge and alignment.

Innovators make up a small population of folks who are very experienced and
very positive about Agile. The signatories of the Agile Manifesto certainly fall
in this camp, as do seasoned Agile Coaches, writers, presenters, and authors.
They are motivated to help organizations adopt Agile and extend its capabili-
ties into all areas of software product development.
96 Chapter 10 | Evaluating Executive Support and Team Willingness

A Champion tends to know Agile well and is willing to advocate for it in a very
positive way across an organization. There are even some Champions who
may not be well versed in the practices of Agile but have seen the benefits
of implementing and using agile methods. Key Champions may include your
executives and senior management as well as Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters,
Product Owners, and leaders in engineering. They are motivated by the busi-
ness and organizational benefits of Agile.

The Workhorse has learned about Agile by implementing it within a team con-
text. Workhorses are mostly positive about Agile, have worked or are work-
ing in the trenches as Agile Team members, and will be fairly honest about
what works and what does not. Workhorses commonly use Agile on a daily
basis. They bring a pragmatic approach and are often the first to experience
the agile culture colliding with current company culture. They are motivated
to improve the agile deployment so their lives are better. A lot can be learned
from this group.

Bandwagon Jumper
The Bandwagon Jumper sees benefits in the move to Agile. If Agile is perceived
to be “hot” within their company, they will jump on the bandwagon. This crowd
tends to be inexperienced with Agile but generally positive until it is out of
fashion. They are motivated by improving their own image. Bandwagon Jumpers
may include middle and senior management and engineers who believe they
can get ahead by aligning with the hot new trend. Some Bandwagon Jumpers
will see the value of Agile and may become Workhorses or Champions.

The Cowboy sees Agile as an opportunity to abandon discipline and process
so that they can enjoy the “Wild West” life. Cowboys are not necessarily neg-
ative about Agile. Their motivation is that they know that they get away with
pretending to be Agile because those in the Bandwagon Jumper crowd really
have no idea what it is. Ultimately, these pretenders can give Agile a black eye
in the organization, since others will believe from a Cowboy’s actions that
Agile means no discipline or process.
Being Agile 97

The Deceiver will agree to applying Agile but will either silently attempt to
sabotage the change or continue doing things the waterfall way. A Deceiver
is negative about Agile. Deceivers behave this way either because they resent
having been forced into using Agile or because they feel threatened by the
change but do not want to lose credibility by bad-mouthing the new direction.
They may have had some agile experience that was thrust on them. Deceivers
are the most dangerous because they undermine and obstruct the potential
success that Agile can bring to an organization.

■■Agile Pit Stop  It is actually better to have Deniers than Deceivers, because with the former you
know where they stand.

The Denier will deny outright the benefits of moving to Agile. They are typi-
cally set against Agile from the beginning because they see that it will interfere
with what they perceive to be their currently successful role. They may be
motivated by incentives, expecting that Agile will affect their reward structure
in a negative way. Deniers typically do not have much agile experience. Many
times, it can be beneficial to listen to reasons Deniers give for dismissing Agile.
Their input may help you look for a way to overcome their reasons, therefore
strengthening the perception of Agile within the organization.

Executive/Senior Management Support

For Agile to truly succeed in an organization, everyone has to be dedicated
to the initiative—especially the executive team.
—Robert Holler

It would be great if everyone were an Agile Champion, but this is seldom

the case. At a high level, you can start with the rhetorical question of what
personality types are the executives, senior management, and other key stake-
holders. Though we want them all to be champions, usually we have to build
them up to become a catalyst for change. We should consider the level of
support we need. Then we should discreetly evaluate the level of support cur-
rently conveyed, followed by activities to increase support.
98 Chapter 10 | Evaluating Executive Support and Team Willingness

■■Agile Pit Stop  Gauging the level of executive support is an ongoing activity that includes
understanding what type of support you need, discreetly evaluating support levels you are actually
receiving, and working to increase support levels.

Once you have identified the scope of change you are looking for, then you
should identify the top management and key internal stakeholders who are
important to the success of an agile implementation effort. Internal stake-
holders may include the highest level of management within the level, prod-
uct management involved in the product and requirements direction, middle
management who have resource responsibilities of their team members, and
IT governance, HR, and finance personnel.
Early on, we may not really know the level of agile support from executives,
senior management, and key stakeholders. This is why it is important to peri-
odically gauge the level of support with the goal of increasing the level of sup-
port and creating Agile Champions within your organization.

Support Needed from Executives

As you consider the support you need to achieve an effective agile deploy-
ment, you want the most senior executive or manager within the organiza-
tional scope you are working with to become the sponsor and rallying point
as a catalyst for change. You need this person to accept the sponsor role and
acknowledge the responsibilities involved.
Some examples follow of the types of responsibilities involved in the spon-
sor role. A sponsor does not have to implement all of these areas but must
advocate for and support them.
• Obtain funding and resources for the implementation. This spon-
sor responsibility may include hiring Agile Coaches, procuring
training, acquiring tools, and allowing time to adapt to Agile.
• Align leadership around Agile. This responsibility may be in the
form of establishing an Agile Deployment Team or steer-
ing committee led by an organizational-level Agile Coach
or change agent and internal people who are or striving
toward becoming an Agile Champion.
• Provide ongoing communications. Keeping the organization
informed is important to the success of Agile. This sponsor
responsibility initially includes communicating about the agile
initiative and why it is good and continues with messaging of
progress and successes. Prepare a communication plan and
share with the executive as discussed in Chapter 11.
Being Agile 99

• Build middle management support. This responsibility may

include working directly with management to ensure they
are becoming educated and aligned with Agile. Middle man-
agement is often where change falters because they repre-
sent the glue between executives and senior management
and team members.
• Manage resistance. This responsibility involves mitigating
signs of resistance from senior and middle management
and indirectly helping mitigate resistance across the teams.
Mitigation may come in the form of Q&A sessions, educa-
tion, coaching, and so forth.
• Adapt budget language toward value and investment and away
from schedule and cost. This responsibility helps set the tone
that value for the customer matters most. If you hit the
schedule and cost targets but few customers find the deliv-
erables valuable, then you have not succeeded.
• Educate executives around agile values and principles. This
responsibility includes promoting agile education for the
executive’s management staff and key stakeholders. Begin
with sharing Chapters 6 and 9 of this book.
• Provide education at all levels. Agile is a fundamentally differ-
ent way of doing and being. It requires continuous educa-
tion in the early stages to move the company in the right
direction. This responsibility includes instructor-led train-
ing, in-session coaching, webinars, seminars, Q&A sessions,
and so on. (Learn more about agile education in Chapter 16.)
• Promote objectives for Agile at all levels. This includes align-
ing organizational and team objectives toward Agile and
advocating for team-based goals instead of individual goals.
Add “Customers and employees really matter” to the com-
pany vision and “customer engagement” and “employee
engagement” to management and employee objectives, as dis-
cussed in Chapters 4 and 5.
• Support an organizational realignment toward building effective
Agile Teams. Adapt resource management along the lines of
Agile Teams. This responsibility comes in the form of estab-
lishing Agile Teams whose primary responsibility is driven
from the backlog and not from the functional manager. This
means bringing together the business side (such as Product
Owners) with the engineering side.
This is not a comprehensive list. You need to articulate the type of support
that you need for your agile transformation.
100 Chapter 10 | Evaluating Executive Support and Team Willingness

■■Agile Pit Stop  It is very important to assure the executive that you, acting as Agile Champion,
will support their sponsorship activities and keep them informed of the latest progress so they appear
knowledgeable regarding the agile initiative.

Once you have drafted this list of the type of support you want, it is important
to share it with your senior executive within the organizational scope of your
agile implementation. The list begins the discussion that helps you understand
their level of support. You should initially ask if the executive can become the
sponsor of the initiative. Ensure that the executive understands that you will
support them in their sponsorship activities and will keep them informed of
the latest progress regarding the deployment of Agile so they appear both
knowledgeable and confident.

Evaluate and Increase Executive Support

Evaluating executive support is an aspect of the inspect-and-adapt model of
Agile. The person who is the acting Agile Champion and lead of the agile
deployment should discreetly evaluate the executive’s position of support.
The relationship between the lead and the sponsor should be one of trust and
support. To know what to adapt, this person should inspect (or in this case
evaluate) the level of support. Then in the discussion with the executive, you
can understand what can be done to help increase support.
The evaluation should be done discreetly and privately. Although you may
share the list of support needs with the executive, you do not share your
evaluation. It is only meant for you to understand the level of support so you
can adapt along the way with the goal of increasing support. More important,
the evaluation becomes a risk indicator of whether you are receiving the level
of support you think you need for a successful transformation to Agile.
The purpose of the evaluation is to identify actions for the sponsor. The lead
and the sponsor can work together to determine the best means to imple-
ment the actions. Assuming the actions will be carried out, this continues
the notion of the inspect-and-adapt model to the benefit of the overall agile
You may also wish to evaluate the support of all key stakeholders who are
within the organizational scope of the agile initiative. Any one of them can
be a roadblock to the success of an agile transformation. Likewise, any one of
them can become a strong Agile Champion.
Being Agile 101

Team Willingness
Willingness may be defined as a disposition to be accommodating and even
enthusiastic. It implies that the willing person is doing something out of choice
rather than under compulsion. When people are willing to do something, it
means they are open-minded and receptive. In the context of being Agile,
willingness means embracing the change toward Agile. It is important when
you begin educating a team toward agile adoption that you gauge their level
of willingness. Gauging their willingness can mean the difference between a
successful or failed adoption.
The goal is to cultivate team members toward becoming Agile Champions
and Workhorses. The good news is that many on an Agile Team are willing to
move to Agile for multiple reasons. One reason is that they look at Agile as
something new and exciting. Others realize that Agile provides business ben-
efits to their personal growth and an increase in employment opportunities.
Having Agile on the résumé is a benefit because many companies include it as
one of the skill sets they are looking for.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Agile Team members are willing to move to Agile for both singular and
aggregate reasons. Some realize the benefit to their personal growth and an increase in employment

Some of the Agile Team members may be Deniers and Deceivers. Some will
take a wait-and-see position because they do not have a basis to form an opin-
ion. This is why it is important to begin the education process to build team
knowledge of Agile and then introduce the retrospective. The retrospective
provides a platform for team members to speak honestly about challenges
and seek opportunities for improvement.

Willingness Needed
As you consider willingness in relation to Agile, you need to direct the energy of
the willing toward building knowledge and gaining experience in Agile. Though
you cannot expect all of the team members to become Agile Champions, you
would like them to at least become Workhorses. Some examples of the types
of activities in which the Agile Deployment Lead or Agile Coach may observe
willingness and building agile knowledge include the following:
• Agile educational activities. There is a willingness to take
training and attend sessions to ramp up the teams toward
the processes and practices they will be applying. As time
goes on, education may include agile Q&A sessions and
agile sharing sessions.
102 Chapter 10 | Evaluating Executive Support and Team Willingness

• Agile process and practices deployment. If using Scrum, there

is a willingness to actively apply the Scrum events such
as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint
• Agile values and principles behavior. Team members exhibit
the behaviors that bring the principles to life, such as self-
organizing teams, simplicity, reflection, technical excel-
lence, and collaboration.
• Team collaboration. An Agile mindset means that no one
succeeds unless everyone succeeds. Each team mem-
ber willingly learns a secondary skill that can help the
team complete a task or story. This may include a devel-
oper learning to run tests or tester participating in code
Although this is not a comprehensive list, the key is for you to articulate what
areas can help you evaluate the levels of willingness needed for your agile
transformation. For example, you may add individual Agile Principles to the
list to determine willingness toward each. Once you have drafted this list, it is
important that you share it with the teams within the organizational scope of
your agile implementation. This evaluation of willingness begins the discussion
that helps you understand their level of willingness.

Evaluate and Increase Team Willingness

Evaluating team willingness is a subset of the inspect-and-adapt model. To know
what to adapt, conduct an inspection, or in this case evaluate team willingness.
Then you know where you are and have a better understanding of how to
Instead of a formal evaluation, it may be better to use a combination of obser-
vation techniques and discussion with team members as you introduce Agile.
For example, as an Agile Deployment Lead, Agile Coach, or Scrum Master,
observe an Agile Team when they take training and when they participate in
the agile events. Such evaluation should be done discreetly and privately. It is
only meant to gain an understanding of willingness so you can adapt along the
way with the goal of improving willingness. More important, this evaluation
becomes a risk indicator of whether there is willingness for a successful agile
You should consider each person on the team according to his or her willing-
ness. The key is to find those who are more positive about Agile (Champions,
Workhorses, Bandwagon Jumpers) and those who are more negative
(Cowboys, Deceivers, and Deniers). This distinction can help you determine
the best course of action to improve willingness.
Being Agile 103

On the positive side, provide those whom you recognize as Agile Champions
the opportunity to gain more experience. They are already on your side, so
make them your strong ally to help you improve willingness among other
team members. Some approach Agile as Bandwagon Jumpers. They know
enough to align with the trend within the company, but may know very little
about Agile. Help them understand the benefits of Agile and provide them
with working experience. The Workhorses already have a bit of agile experi-
ence. Give them more ownership opportunities. See if they would like to be
groomed as Scrum Master or Agile Coach. The ownership opportunities will
give them some leadership responsibilities within an agile context.
On the negative side, ask those whom you recognize as Cowboys if they are
willing to get more serious about Agile. If so, provide them the opportunities
to participate more fully. For Deniers, it can be beneficial to listen to the rea-
sons they dismiss Agile. That input can help you work with them (if they are
willing) to gain experience to at least become a Workhorse. Deceivers may be
hard to identify because they may be initially exhibiting the characteristics of
a Workhorse or Bandwagon Jumper. Continue to keep your eyes open. Over
time, they may expose themselves. Keep in mind that even with your efforts,
you may not be able to influence these latter three types into becoming
willing members of the team.
In some cases, a team member might be willing to apply Agile Principles but
unclear about what they are supposed to do. You may need to proceed with
further education.

Breakfast of Champions
As a company approaches Agile, executive support and team willingness should
be evaluated. The evaluation provides a platform for determining and initiat-
ing actions to increase support and improve willingness. Having support from
executives and willingness from team members can be the difference between
a successful or failed agile deployment. Whether it is an executive or team
member, ultimately the goal is to create Agile Champions who are willing to
support the agile deployment.


Agile as a
If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be
aware of the extent to which this is happening.
—Edgar Schein

Moving to Agile is a move to a new culture, and cultural changes are difficult for
a team or organization. To transform your organization to Agile, organizational
values and individual behaviors need to change. Because of this I strongly
recommend that a change toward Agile must be thought of as a transforma-
tion or change initiative, treated as a project, and actively managed. True to
the spirit of Agile, using an inspect-and-adapt model can help you manage the
change and adapt along the way based on the feedback you gain from those
As a starting point for the transformation, those within the organizational
scope want to know the what and why of the change. Chip and Dan Heath
write: “If you want people to change, you must provide crystal clear direction
106 Chapter 11 | Treating Agile as a Transformation Project

[because what] looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity.”1 Start with
establishing a vision or objectives about why you are implementing Agile. The
objectives may center around customer and employee engagement (Chapter 4
and 5) or around wanting to work by the Agile Principles (Chapters 6 and 9).
Along with objectives, add the organizational motivations for change to Agile
(Chapter 8). The objectives and motivations begin the path toward clarity.

■■Agile Pit Stop  As you establish your agile direction, it is important to share objectives and
motivations. Whether you call it a project, program, or initiative, the objectives and motivations help
foster clarity around the effort.

Within the project context, there are other elements that you should apply
that will help you manage the transformation. As illustrated in Figure  11-1,
the rest of this chapter focuses on the element of treating Agile as a trans-
formation project. This treatment includes writing objectives and motivations,
understanding the scope of the effort, establishing a deployment team to
help lead the effort, crafting a communication plan to convey progress,
identifying suitable work, ordering the work in a deployment backlog, and
then applying an inspect-and-adapt process to deploy Agile into the organi-
zational scope.

Communication Plan Agile Process

Objectives Organizational Deployment Deployment

Motivations Scope Team Backlog
Suitable Order Inspect/Adapt

Figure 11-1.  Project elements that help in an agile transformation effort

Scope of Agile Deployment

In planning an agile deployment, you need to define the organizational scope.
Are you targeting the enterprise, part of the enterprise, a solution area made
up of several products, or a single product team? Your target scope becomes
the cornerstone for the project. The scope helps you understand the breadth
of the effort and those with whom you will be working.

Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Switch: How to Change Things W
  hen Things Are Hard, Crown
Business, 2010
Being Agile 107

The less favored scenario is to apply Agile to just one project with the idea
of abandoning it afterward. Although this may be beneficial for exercising
agile processes and getting the release out, you may not receive the business
benefits of Agile because you need behavior change at a much broader level.
It is also a bit of an effort for the employees to adapt to a new approach only
to abandon it. However, if the results are good, it can launch you into a more
consistent use of Agile for the product.
A more favored scenario is applying Agile to a product line or product team.
A product team represents a consistent group of people whose goal is to provide
long-term business, development, and support for a product. This aligns with
the notion that the longer you work as a team, the better your chances of
forming strong working bonds and manifesting the attributes of teamwork.
Also, when a person is aligned with a product for a long period of time, there
is a tendency to have a greater sense of ownership and to be more invested
in the success of the product. Alignment to the Agile Principles is more likely
because it often takes time to align. Implementing at the product level allows
Agile to be applied consistently and gain inspect-and-adapt benefits where
feedback is used to build business value.

■■Agile Pit Stop  I have found it useful to deploy Agile within the context of a product team.
A product is represented by a consistent team whose goal is to build and support the product,
and they tend to have a greater sense of ownership and are invested into the long-term success
of the product.

The enterprise level is where you may gain the most business benefits from
Agile. Because Agile requires a culture change, aligning the whole enterprise
to Agile values and principles helps everyone understand the need to adapt
to gain the business benefits. To achieve an enterprise-level transformation to
Agile, it is advantageous to combine the activities identified in the RICH model
for deployment (Chapter 7) and add organizational-level aspects (Chapter 23).
At the enterprise level, you can also leverage economies of scale and mini-
mize similar efforts across multiple teams using a common deployment model,
tools, and training across teams.

Agile Deployment Team

If Agile is to be taken seriously, it is good to form a team made up of the agile
sponsor and Agile Champions within the organizational scope where you are
looking to deploy Agile. The objective is to include a combination of agile
experienced and committed personnel to help guide the organization and
product teams. More important, it will help those adopting Agile to remove
108 Chapter 11 | Treating Agile as a Transformation Project

If the agile adoption is focused on the whole organization or a large part of it,
then the most senior-level executive within that scope should form a deploy-
ment team of Agile Coaches who have experience in enterprise-level agile
deployments and Agile Champions within whose purview fall the products
that are flagged for agile adoption. Even if the agile deployment is occurring
on just one product team, at the very least, the Product Owner, Scrum Master,
and the most senior manager within the scope of the product should become
the Agile Deployment Team that focuses on the progress of the adoption.

Agile Deployment Backlog

As part of the project in which Agile will be deployed, it is important to
establish a list of tasks that help the organization and product team deploy
Agile. Creating a backlog helps the team understand the work involved and
ensures key activities are performed to effect an Agile transformation. The
activities for the backlog are found in Chapter 7, where the RICH deployment
model is discussed and divided into Readiness tasks, Implement tasks, Coach
tasks, and Hone tasks. These tasks can form the basis for your backlog.
However, you do need to brainstorm and add other tasks that will help you
adapt to Agile within your organizational scope. If there are multiple product
teams adopting Agile, consider the backlog as a reusable element for each
product team’s needs.

Agile Process for Agile Deployment

In the spirit of Agile, I recommend that you apply an inspect-and-adapt
approach in deploying Agile within your organization. Establish a deployment
backlog with tasks discussed in Chapter 7. Consider a Scrum approach in your
deployment. Starting with Sprint Planning, prioritize the tasks and extract a
Sprint Backlog derived from the overall backlog. You then hold Daily Scrums
(or at least twice a week) to gauge progress and learn and mitigate the risks.
At the end of each sprint, you can review what tasks were completed and
those not finished and why, as well as review any measures focused on moving
to Agile. This is followed by a retrospective of what was learned and can be
improved on. Applying a Scrum approach will help you deploy Agile, adapt to
organizational needs, and learn one of Agile's processes along the way. It is
also important to identify measures that can help you determine if you are
being Agile and moving in the right direction. More details on measures can
be found in Chapter 14.
Being Agile 109

Agile Communication Plan

When embarking on an agile journey, it is essential to strategize how to
communicate about the deployment to those within the organizational scope
you are targeting. It is equally important for senior management and executives
to periodically provide public support for Agile. Once a communication plan
is formulated, portions of this can be executed over time to keep employees
aware of the progress and accomplishments of the deployment.
When preparing your communication plan, you will find that it is not
a one-size-fits-all approach. It is important to identify the various elements of
communication and then craft a communication plan for the organization’s needs.
The primary elements of a communication plan (with examples) include:
• Message types (objectives, motivations, milestones,
opportunity, successes, reinforcement, tips)
• Audiences that will receive the communication (everyone,
senior management, product teams)
• Types of communications (newsletters, briefings, presenta-
tions, focus groups)
• Types of communication channels (email, social media,
face-to-face, internal TV, webinar, blog)
• Frequency of communications (daily, weekly, monthly,
ad hoc)
Ultimately, the communication plan should include your strategy for communi-
cating the various messages being encapsulated into certain communication
types, in what communication channels, shared with what audience, and with
what frequency. This keeps everyone informed and aware of the continued
support for Agile.

Considering Work Suitable for Agile

I am often asked, “What type of work is best suited for Agile?” The short
answer is: “Any work where you have uncertainty. The more uncertainty, the
greater the need for Agile.” This adage typically applies to new and unique
products. Agile’s inspect-and-adapt model helps identify the complexities of
the idea while providing the team with an iterative opportunity to learn more
quickly and adapt both their processes and the product direction.
Agile may also be applied to legacy products for which management has
decided to reenergize the functionality. A good example is an older on-premise
product to which management wants to have a cloud version or wishes to add
mobile-enabled functionality. The challenge in applying Agile to legacy product
110 Chapter 11 | Treating Agile as a Transformation Project

teams is that there is inertia to continue as is. It will be challenging to change

the attitudes of the team members who are Cowboys, Deceivers, or Deniers
posing barriers to change. However, these challenges can be overcome if the
benefits of Agile are compelling.
For teams that are focused on sustaining engineering and support work on
an existing product, Kanban may be appropriate. If the work is interruption-
driven and focused on defects, then applying a planned approach such as Scrum
may not be possible. I have also seen Agile applied to products that are in great
trouble and others that have great urgency.

Deciding Which Teams Go First

As you are working through the readiness tasks, there should be discussions
around which teams will move to Agile and in what order. When embarking
on the deployment of Agile, it is best to set up early successes. Early suc-
cess can have a positive effect on the transformation to Agile. The positive
messaging and local Agile Champions that are created will help influence
others who want to move to Agile.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Identifying candidate product teams that align with the agile sweet-spot
characteristics is a good place to start your deployment and give you experience.

It is best to target the candidate product teams where Agile has the highest
rate of success. The information that follows highlights the team characteristics
that represent the agile sweet spot. Keep in mind that you can be successful
with Agile even though you do not align with the sweet-spot characteristics.
• Agile team is willing. This makes it easier to advocate for
changes needed to use Agile effectively. It is critical that
your first deployment of Agile occurs on a team that is
very willing to adopt it. Having the Product Owner, Scrum
Master, stakeholders, and Team willing to commit to Agile
will make it easier to deploy. You learned how to gauge
the team willingness to move to Agile in the Chapter 10.
• Product team is small. Most agile processes tend to favor
smaller teams—typically no more than ten members.
This way team members get to know each other and
what they are working on well, which increases commu-
nication and team collaboration.
Being Agile 111

• Team is colocated. Project work benefits from face-to-face

communication. Agile is no different. This allows for con-
tinuous and synchronous communication between team
members and reduces the time of communication hand-offs.
• Customer is readily available. Customer availability and
access ensures that the team has direct access to the
customer, who continuously provides feedback on the
functionality, leading to a product with strong business
value to the customer.
• Product Owner/Customer Representative is committed, readily
available, and colocated with the team. A committed and
accessible PO ensures that the team can readily and inter-
actively ask questions throughout the project regarding
the requirements of the work at hand.
• Application is interactive. New products that are interactive
and customer-facing can gain more advantages from
Agile’s inspect-and-adapt approach.

Aligning the Agile Deployment around Product

Release Schedules
Although the Readiness activities can occur outside of a product release cycle,
I have found that it is best to align Implementation activities with the beginning
of a project or release life cycle for those product teams that are first applying
Agile. This allows a just-in-time learning and implementation approach as
teams begin adopting and adapting to the new processes, methods, practices,
tools, and mindset.
You definitely want to avoid an agile implementation in the middle of a project’s
life cycle if you can help it because of the disruption that the change will bring.
If the project is in crisis with some months to go prior to release, however,
there may be a strong benefit in moving to Agile.

Project Framework to Transform

With Agile, you have the ability to educate, inspire, motivate, and transform.
But this does not happen by accident. It should be a managed change with
a starting point and a direction. It is beneficial to employees to treat a
deployment of Agile as a project. It provides visibility and highlights the impor-
tance of Agile within the organization. Adding objectives and motivations
behind them adds clarity to the deployment of Agile. Having an Agile
Deployment Team of Agile Champions provides guidance as you work
112 Chapter 11 | Treating Agile as a Transformation Project

through the deployment backlog. A communication plan that is effectively

executed keeps employees aware of the progress and accomplishments of the
deployment. Applying an iterative approach to deployment activities shows a
commitment to Agile.
The question is: How much focus and clarity do you need to provide your
employees to transform your organization to Agile? If you do not manage the
deployment of Agile, it will manage you, and you may not gain the business
results you are looking for. Treating your Agile deployment as a transformation
project can help you get there.


Adapting to
Agile Roles and
Culture does not change because we desire to change it. Culture changes
when the organization is transformed; the culture reflects the realities of
people working together every day.
—Frances Hesselbein

When moving to an Agile world, there is a significant shift in roles and responsi-
bilities. In a more traditional project, decisions are typically made in a hierarchi-
cal manner, and roles are specifically established to support this structure.
If you are serious about moving to Agile and gaining an Agile mindset, then
maintaining traditional roles will get in the way of this change. In the Agile
world, there is a purposeful focus away from hierarchy and a strong focus on
getting people to work together every day.
To get to a fully robust agile organization, it is important for everyone to
play a role. Although managing a successful project from an Agile perspective
requires three core roles, there are many others in the organization who
must play a role to ensure success. Everyone from customers, executives,
and management to sales, marketing, finance, and HR must understand the
Agile mindset. It takes an organization to get to an agile culture.
114 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

Customers Executive/Sponsor

Core Roles
Sales and Marketing
Scrum Master

Agile Coach HR and Finance

Figure 12-1. Core roles and beyond—it takes an organization to get to an agile culture

Because it is takes a very concerted effort to adapt to an Agile culture and

move away from a hierarchical culture, adapting to new roles that are not
easily recognizable offers awareness that change is occurring and provides
everyone with an opportunity to ask, “What is the change in the role and
responsibilities?” As part of the RICH deployment model, gaining an under-
standing of Agile roles and then beginning the steps of implementing those
roles is a good starting point. I have provided details on the Agile core roles
and beyond. As you read this section, consider what your organization’s prod-
uct teams may look like.

Core Agile Roles

The core roles within Agile represent the group of people who are focused
on directly building the product. Because Scrum is the primary Agile process
that is used within many organizations, I align the Agile roles with Scrum. If you
plan to follow a specific agile method, consider following the roles specified
by that process.

Scrum Team
The Scrum Team is the group of professionals on a project who work together
to build the customer value they have collectively committed to complete
within a sprint. The Scrum Team is a self-organizing group with enough cross-
functional skills and experience to build working software independently.
The Scrum Team includes the roles of Scrum Master, Product Owner, and
Development Team.
Being Agile 115

• The members are committed full-time team members,

focused on completing the work for the product release.
• They are equally accountable and empowered to make
decisions, determine sizes for stories, contribute in iden-
tifying risks, and articulate roadblocks.
• The team size is seven (± two) members with a healthy
balance of development and test skills.
There will be other skills needed on the team focused on architecture, user
experience, documentation, and configuration management. Though it would
be good for these roles to be full-time, often there is not enough work involved
for them to be continuously engaged.

Scrum Master
The Scrum Master acts as a facilitator and servant leader for the team and an
enabler for Scrum, ensuring that it is understood and followed. This role may
act as Coach to ensure that the Scrum roles, events, artifacts, and rules are
understood and implemented effectively on the Scrum Team. The attributes
of servant leadership include listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion,
and foresight.1 It is important for a soon-to-be Scrum Master to read more on
what is expected of a servant leader.

■■Agile Pit Stop  A Scrum Master should have the attributes of a servant leader, which include
listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, and foresight.

A Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum events. This does not mean that they
direct the activities but that they ensure the events are occurring along with
the behaviors of an Agile mindset. In addition, the Scrum Master removes
roadblocks or finds the right people to remove roadblocks to ensure team
progress. The Scrum Master also does the following:
• Helps the Product Owner enact effective backlog groom-
ing techniques.
• Establishes and produces the Sprint Burndown, velocity,
and other metrics that help the team improve.

Larry C. Spears and Michele Lawrence (eds.). Practicing Servant-Leadership: Succeeding
through Trust, Bravery, and Forgiveness. Jossey-Bass, 2004.

116 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

• Facilitates Sprint Planning, the Daily Scrum, and the Sprint

• Facilitates the Sprint Review with the Product Owner.
• Manages risks, issues, and dependencies for the team.
• Gauges the health and well-being of the teams, ensuring
they are following a sustainable pace.
• Builds a trusting environment where problems can be
raised without blame with emphasis on healing and prob-
lem solving.
• Liaises with architecture and operations when there are
dependencies to systems and infrastructure.
• Acts as a shepherd for the team, moving them down the
general path instead of telling them what to do.
• Coaches and trains the team on the agile behaviors and
Scrum events, including how to self-organize.
Anyone who is desires to be a Scrum Master should take the Certified Scrum
Master (CSM) training. This will help them understand their role, events, rules,
and artifacts and gain understanding of the servant leader role they will be
playing. The CSM training does not make you a seasoned and experienced
Scrum Master. It is the first step in a lifetime of truly understanding what the
role of the Scrum Master is really about.

Who Best Plays the Scrum Master Role

As teams consider adopting Agile, one of the most important decisions is
who can make a good Scrum Master. Because the Scrum Master is the pro-
moter of Agile values and principles, it is critical that this role be filled with
someone who is dedicated to implementing the Agile mindset.
So who makes the best Scrum Master? The short answer is that anyone can
become a Scrum Master if they believe in the Agile values and principles and
can act as a servant leader. Some will ask if there is a traditional role that plays
the Scrum Master the best. Here are some options.

Project Manager as Scrum Master

The traditional role that seems the obvious choice to play a Scrum Master is
that of project manager. On the positive side, a project manager has experi-
ence in being part of a team and so may already have a trusting relationship
with the team. Some project managers have gained facilitative skills to lead
Being Agile 117

work in a nondirective yet influential manner. Many already have the skills
and the insight into an organization to appropriately remove roadblocks.
On the negative side, some project managers had success using command-
and-control attributes and the more traditional project management prac-
tices, which will not work well in an Agile environment. It can also be hard
for some project managers to eliminate their traditional mindset of detailed
project planning and control.

Functional Manager as Scrum Master

Quite possibly the most problematic role to play the Scrum Master is a func-
tional manager ( aka line manager or technical manager). Anyone who has
played a role in which they have successfully directed people must make a
major concerted effort to remove their command-and-control behavior. On
the positive side, they may have skills and insight into appropriately navigating
the organization and the ability to remove roadblocks. On the negative side,
because they have been a manager of a team, they may have issues with the
team trusting them as a peer because they are used to being judged by man-
agers. A functional manager may have been successfully using command-and-
control attributes. These will not work well in an Agile environment. They
must strive to remove their directive attributes and instead build facilitative

Technical Lead as Scrum Master

One of the better traditional roles to play the Scrum Master is a technical
lead (aka QA lead or development lead). By lead, I do not mean a manager who
has direct reports, but someone who is considered a lead by his or her peers
and has no interest in directing people. Such people have a balance of leader-
ship skills while wanting to get the work done. On the positive side, they have
technical experience in the product and their specific field (development, QA,
technical writing, etc.) and so can appropriately aid the work by providing
meaningful insight without direction or coercion. They have experience at
being part of the team, and thus may already have a trusting relationship with
their peers. On the negative side, they may have to build their facilitative skills
to lead work in a nondirective yet influential manner. Also, they may not yet
have the skills or insight into an organization to appropriately remove exter-
nally facing roadblocks.
The best answer to the question of what role best plays the Scrum Master is
not a role at all. Instead, it is which person best exemplifies the Agile values
and principles, possesses the attributes of servant leadership, has a good grasp
of navigating his or her organization, and can help remove roadblocks.

118 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

Product Owner
The Product Owner (PO) represents the voice of the customer. He or she is the
customer liaison and is responsible for understanding what is considered valu-
able from the multiple customers who may need or are using a product. The
PO must straddle the responsibilities of being continuously available to cus-
tomers to identify value while being continuously available to the Development
Team to communicate customer value to them. Most POs I have worked with
find this both challenging and quite rewarding when implemented well.
The PO is the owner of the Product Backlog, where value is initially expressed
(e.g., as requirements). A PO must digest the various customer needs and
stakeholder demands and establish a meaningful list of user stories into the
backlog for the development team to work from. A key skill that the PO
needs to acquire is the ability to decompose large requirements or epics into
stories that can be built within the time-boxed period of the sprint.
The most challenging role of the PO is to rank the Product Backlog items
according to value. As depicted in Figure 12-2, a PO talks with multiple exist-
ing customers, potential customers, sales, marketing, management, and more,
all of whom are attempting to get their need highest in the ranking. A PO is
beholden to many but is the final arbiter, and everyone must respect the PO
decisions. This can be quite challenging in cultures where a more hierarchical
and command-and-control approach rules. The PO also does the following:
• Parses customer problems and needs into meaningful
requirements that highlight business value.
• Grooms, prioritizes, and ranks the Product Backlog items.
• Removes roadblocks and rules on issues where disagree-
ments arise.
• Coordinates the Sprint Review, invites customers and
stakeholders, solicits customer feedback, and updates the
backlog with feedback provided by the customers.
• Attends Sprint Planning and provides details, answers, and
clarification to the Development Team.
• Adapts requirements when customer needs and market
conditions change, to ensure that what is built and deliv-
ered aligns with customer needs.
• Works with sales and marketing to get their require-
ments into the backlog.
Being Agile 119

Customer D
Customer C
Customer B
Customer E

Customer A
Product Customers
Other POs
Marketing Development

Figure 12-2.  Product Owner beholden to many

Who Best Plays the Product Owner Role?

The PO role is very important to a successfully running Agile team. In fact,
when a team considers adopting Agile, deciding who will be the PO is criti-
cal to gaining the benefits of Agile, owing to the importance of the customer
value and validation activities to ensuring that the team is building something
the customer actually wants. So the question arises: is there a traditional role
that plays the PO the best?

Business Analyst as Product Owner

What does a traditional business analyst (BA) do? A BA is someone who ana-
lyzes business needs, works with stakeholders to understand their needs, and
recommends solutions that meet these needs. At a deeper level, a BA focuses
on eliciting, documenting, and managing requirements. The BA act as a liaison
between business and technical groups. It is because of the work a BA already
does and in particular the focus on requirements and the liaison role between
the business and technical groups that this role a good candidate to be the
Product Owner. However, a traditional BA may not have the experience in
working in an agile manner. He or she may not have experienced the con-
tinuous requirements elicitation process (per the sprint cadence) and Sprint
Reviews to gain feedback, so skills and experience in these areas would have
to be earned. The BA would need training in the agile process used and the
PO role.

Product Manager as Product Owner

What does a traditional product manager do? A product manager examines
the market, the competition, and customer needs and then establishes the
product direction that is considered valuable to the market and the custom-
120 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

ers. A good product manager focuses on the financial considerations includ-

ing the return on investment. In addition, the product manager is involved in
the requirements gathering and management process. Because of their work
focused on what is valuable to the customer, a product manager makes a good
candidate for the PO role. However, a traditional product manager may have
little experience in the Agile space. Skills and experience in the continuous
requirements elicitation process and Sprint Review areas may have to be built.
A product manager may need training in the PO role and agile process used.

Project Manager as Product Owner

What does a traditional project manager do? A project manager is responsible
for planning and managing a project from the beginning to closure. He or she
focuses on project costs, schedule, and scope. A project manager may also
help build the project objectives, help manage the requirements management
process, and manage project risks, issues, and dependencies. Because there is
little customer involvement within the project manager role, this person may
not be a good fit for the PO role. Although there are some abilities a project
manager brings that can help in the PO role, there is very little direct cus-
tomer focus, which is a big part of being the PO.
Those who have played either a traditional BA or product manager effectively
may have the best chance of becoming an effective PO. In general, anyone who
has played a role in which they work with customers to collect needs and
then work with teams to build products or solutions that meet those needs
can became an effective PO. I suggest that anyone who is interested in becom-
ing a PO should consider taking training, reading related books and articles,
and gaining guidance in this area with an Agile Coach to help them better
understand this role and the activities they will need to perform to play this
role effectively.

Development Team
The Development Team is a cross-functional group of engineers who build
the product functionality. The team should be made up of personnel with
different skill sets. This means that the team has the capabilities to build the
product without having to rely on others outside of the team. In Scrum, the
team size is typically seven, plus or minus two members. If you have too few,
you may not have all of the cross-functional skills you need on a team. If the
team becomes too large, it becomes too hard to self-organize.
The skills within the Development Team include but are not limited to analysis,
design, programming, configuration management, testing, and technical writing.
Because this team will be working closely together, the various members
must learn to collaborate and cooperate well. To build this collaboration,
Being Agile 121

Development Team members must respect each other’s values and opin-
ions. They do this by breaking user stories into tasks together during Sprint
Planning, crafting and honing done criteria, and establishing acceptance criteria
together as a team.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The development team must learn how to decompose stories into tasks, which
they can build into working software within a sprint. They must respect each other’s values and
opinions to become a collaborative self-organizing team.

Members of the Development Team must be committed to the work as well

as empowered and self-organized so they can make the best decisions to
move forward because they are the closest to the challenges and work to
be accomplished. I prefer to call this team the “engineering” team because
“Development” Team seems to imply that it is only development-focused,
whereas it is really a cross-functional team.
A key skill that Development Team members need to acquire is the ability
to decompose stories into tasks. This can be difficult when you are used to
working with large requirements and never having to break them down. Team
members must also have the ability to build working software within a time-
boxed period aligned with a sprint. This can be hard for some team members
who have previously had the luxury of having months to build software.
Those with a testing focus must have the ability to help the PO in crafting
acceptance criteria. The testers on the team may identify techniques such as
test-driven development and initially have the ability to rapidly build test cases
for the user stories at the same time that developers are building functionality
from the user stories. Often, I see too much focus put on development and
too little on user experience, testing, configuration management, and technical
writing. There will be a realization that all capabilities in good measure are
needed to complete working software within a sprint. Development Team
members also do the following:
• Participate in the Daily Scrum, communicating progress
and roadblocks.
• Engage in Sprint Planning, gaining clarification, decompos-
ing stories into tasks, and sizing the stories.
• Assist in the Sprint Review, demoing working software on
behalf of the Product Owner.
• Contribute to the Sprint Retrospective, identifying what
went well and what could have gone better, and commit-
ting to actions for improvement.
122 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

• Focus on the daily work of converting stories into func-

tional working software.
• Maintain a sustainable pace of work to avoid burnout.
• Apply the quality criteria known as “definition of done”
as they build their working software .
It is strongly recommended that each Development Team member has both
primary and secondary skills to volunteer on any task that needs to be com-
pleted (realizing the true meaning of team). The goal is for the team to think
of themselves in a more holistic way to optimize throughput and continually
increase their velocity.

Agile Roles beyond Core

Gaining the business benefits of Agile implies that everyone within an organi-
zation plays a role. In addition to the core roles, other roles can significantly
contribute to success within an agile context.

The customer is the primary driver of business value. The customer role
represents buyers and users of the product. This role represents the business
interests who are paying for the product. The customer provides business
knowledge, input, and feedback to the Product Owner to help determine
priority and rank order of the stories and goal setting for a release.
The most important responsibilities the customer enacts are contributing
requirements and attending the Sprint Review to provide the feedback that
helps the PO adapt the product toward the direction of value. The customer
also contributes in establishing acceptance criteria.
There are several customer target groups. There are current customers and
potential customers. Current customers are buyers of your product, must be
treated well, and are your highest priority. Within the potential customer
group, there are the potential buyers and the browsers. As you identify cus-
tomer value, knowing what the current customer wants, you will keep them
satisfied and loyal. Knowing what potential customers want helps you increase
revenue and grow your business. (Learn more about customer target groups
in Chapter 17.)

■■Agile Pit Stop  Customers are the drivers defining business value. As you build products, you
must consider value from current customers and potential customers.
Being Agile 123

It may be challenging to get the customer fully engaged on a continuous basis.

Most customers have been used to providing requirements up front and not
revisiting the product until the user acceptance period at the end. Agile asks
for continuous interaction. Finally, if no customer or customer representatives
are available, then you are really not performing Agile. How can you adapt to
customer needs when customers are not available?

Executives/Senior Management
Executives and senior management have key roles to play if they want to
transform the organization to Agile. The key role for the most senior-level
executive within the scope is to become the sponsor of the Agile initiative.
They must buy in to the Agile values and principles and understand the behav-
ioral changes that are needed for an effective transition to Agile.
They should know that those within their organization will only take Agile
seriously based on the executive level of visible support. They should peri-
odically provide public support for Agile. Once a communication plan is for-
mulated, portions can be executed over time to keep employees aware of
the progress and accomplishments of the deployment. Further discussion on
communication planning and the sponsor role is found in Chapter 11.
Part of the executive or senior management role as sponsor is to get intro-
duced to the Agile values and principles and educated in the business benefits
Agile can bring, including more revenue for the company. They should under-
stand the language that Agile brings and be conversant in agile values and
principles. Executives should look at their own behavior and align it with the
Agile mindset.
A key responsibility is ensuring their staff, middle management, and leads
understand that the organization is moving away from command-and-control
and toward a self-organizing team model. Executives should act as mentors
to their staff as they help management adapt to Agile. It is strongly recom-
mended for executives to bring in Agile Coaches to help teams not only move
to Agile but also help their staff shift to the behaviors that exemplify an Agile
mindset. Executives may also need to be involved with making adjustments to
staff members who cannot make the switch away from command-and-control.
This can be hard to do, but if they don’t, then those around them will not take
the change seriously.
An executive should learn how to read agile metrics and measures of suc-
cess. Gaining an understanding of Sprint Burndowns, release burnups, value
capture, release frequency, Agile Mindset,Values, and Principles (MVP) Advisor,
and other Agile-related metrics can help ensure the organization is moving
in the right direction. Further discussion of agile metrics can be found in
Chapters 13 and 14.
124 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

Executive should also initiate an effort to adapt the employee compensa-

tion model toward agile behaviors being sought and away from rewarding
command-and-control attributes. To change behavior, they should recognize
the behavior they want to change, evaluate the reward system, and adapt it to
the behavior that is needed for Agile. Without aligning the reward system to
Agile, you will not get to behavior you want.

■ Agile Pit Stop Remember, if you don’t align the reward system toward agile behaviors, you will
only get the behavior you reward, not the behavior you want.

The executive should form an Agile Deployment Team of Agile Coaches who
have experience in the scope of the deployment that is needed and Agile
Champions within that scope of the organization that is committed to adopt-
ing Agile. More information on an Agile Deployment Team follows.
Executives should also be invited to attend the Sprint Reviews of their top
products within their organizational scope. They will gain a genuine sense of
progress and see actual working functionality of their products.

Middle Management
Middle management are critical to the success of an effective Agile deploy-
ment because they are the lynchpin between the executive’s vision for Agile
and middle management’s willingness to allow Agile to thrive on a team. If
they are engaged and buy into Agile, then the change may succeed. Even when
executives and senior management buy in, if middle management does not do
likewise, they can block a team’s ability to succeed with Agile.
Middle management is often made up of direct managers of many of those
on Agile teams. Many are functional managers who are used to directing and
assigning the work to their team members. If they don’t understand their
role in the new order or feel threatened by the change, they may become
Deceivers or Deniers. Because of this, it is critical that middle managers are
educated on Agile at the same time their teams are.
Middle management must learn to gently back away from their functional
leadership and act more as servant leaders who trust their teams, help them
remove roadblocks, and support the agile practices. Their direct reports are
now on Agile teams, so they cannot assign them any work. They may attend
the Sprint Review to see the working functionality, which is better than a sta-
tus report in gaining a sense of progress.
Being Agile 125

Often middle management have less to do in an Agile world. The good news is
that they may consider options such as changing their role to resource man-
agement, where they manage more people but do not own an organizational
functional area. They may consider a Product Owner role if they have been
engaged in collecting requirements and interacting with customers. Although
this role should no longer be managerial, a PO helps shape the product by
collecting and grooming the requirements.
A big adjustment and learning opportunity for middle management is to help
Agile teams become self-organizing. This requires a change in behavior. Middle
management must also learn how to establish the concept of bounded author-
ity where teams can make their own decisions, organize, and commit to their
own work. It does not mean that teams can do whatever they want. The
balance is that managers keep limited responsibilities to provide a vision and
support their staff, while allowing teams the ownership of their work.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Management have bounded authority whereby they provide their teams a vision
and the ability to be self-organizing, so that communication and trust can thrive.

Management needs to allow the employees to feel that they own the team
decision making and can make their own commitments to the work they do at
the team level. Management must also be willing to be transparent about what
is going on in the organization and be willing to communicate this information
to the team.

Agile Project Manager

If a project is made up of more than one Agile team, then there may be a need
for an Agile Project Manager (APM). An APM does not play the tradition project
manager role within an agile framework. There is little need to create a large
project plan because planning occurs every sprint, when a Sprint Backlog is
used as the artifact to identify and manage the work.
An APM can help the multiple Agile teams associated with one project in three
ways. First, the APM can help manage risks and dependencies across teams and
help teams remove roadblocks. This can be in the form of a project Scrum
of Scrums. Although there are various forms of Scrum of Scrums, the basic
version is a periodic meeting among Scrum Masters and Product Owners to
discuss project progress and dependencies across the teams, resolve issues,
and mitigate risks. The APM can be used to help provide support for Scrum
of Scrum sessions.
126 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

Second, an APM can provide project-level reporting that may be required by

management. This may involve providing a release burnup from the teams.
The challenge an APM may have is that Agile teams work very lean from a
reporting perspective, whereas those on the outside of the project will expect
more traditional project-reporting detail. The APM must educate those out-
side of the Agile team toward understanding metrics geared toward Agile.
Third, the APM can be the touch point between the product team and the IT
governance within the organization. When an organization has a governance
process that approves projects, the APM can help the Scrum Masters and
Product Owners pull the necessary vision information together for discussion
within the governance sessions.

Agile Coach
The key attributes of an effective Agile Coach include experience in deploying
Agile, in organizational change, in playing agile roles on a team, and in working
with the business benefits of Agile.
If you don’t know what an agile culture and effectively running agile practices
look like, then how do you learn to recognize it? This is one of the key values
of having an Agile Coach to help you. A Coach possesses deep agile deploy-
ment knowledge to ensure the product teams are implementing  Agile effec-
tively. This includes helping teams both mechanically do Agile and behaviorally
be Agile.
Another benefit of an Agile Coach is that they help sustain the adoption of
Agile practices and mindset. Agile training provides initial knowledge for
teams. However, team members can easily revert back to traditional habits.
An Agile Coach reinforces agile values and principles and ensures that the
team continues both the expected practices and behaviors.
An Agile Coach can provide consistency when multiple teams are adopting
Agile at the same time. The Agile Coach also understands both the short-
term and long-term pitfalls that can occur when a hierarchical organization is
moving to Agile. They can help mitigate the challenges ahead of time.

■■Non-Agile Pit Stop  A coach can help an organization avoid the following situations: “We
don’t need to document anything because we are Agile”; “We don’t need any management support
because we are self-organized”; and “We can’t tell you what we’re building until the end of the project
because we are using Agile.”
Being Agile 127

A special quality of a great Agile Coach is the ability to enable a team to

achieve Agile while being “behind the curtain.” Although the coach will moti-
vate and influence the team, he or she wants the team to feel the ownership
of the change to Agile. Other talents that a coach should bring to an Agile
team are the ability to be a mentor, a facilitator, teacher, problem solver, con-
flict navigator, and collaboration conductor.2

Agile Deployment Team

If Agile is being adopted across all or a large part of an organization, it may
make sense to form an Agile Deployment Team to help guide the desired
transformation to Agile. This team may also be called the Agile Leadership
Team or Agile Transformation Team.
This team should be made up of the sponsor, who is typically the top execu-
tive within that organization scope; an Agile Coach, who has experience in
enterprise-level deployments; and local Agile Champions within the organi-
zational scope where you are looking to deploy Agile. The Agile Coach may
act as the Agile Deployment Team lead. The objective is to include a combina-
tion of Agile-experienced, enthusiastic, and committed folks to help guide the
organization and product teams toward Agile and remove roadblocks.
When you find yourself in the situation where there are some in your com-
pany wanting to adopt Agile, or if it is already happening in an ad hoc manner,
an Agile Deployment Team can help lead the organizational change. Michael
Spayd recommends that an “effective change team” be established.3 The com-
bination of Agile Coaches with local Agile leadership can provide the frame-
work for Agile adoption but still allows for adaptability and decision points so
teams feel ownership of their working process.
What are some of the benefits of the Agile Deployment Team? This team can
help you establish and manage the following:
• Agile deployment roadmap: design activities to help a
product team deploy Agile based on the Ready, Implement,
Coach, and Hone (RICH) Deployment Model (discussed
in Chapter 7) with emphasis on readiness.
• Agile framework and practices: collaboratively establish
an adaptable set of agile methods and practices with the
rest of the organization.

Lyssa Adkins. Coaching Agile Teams. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010.


Michael Spayd, “Evolving Agile in the Enterprise: Implementing XP on a Grand Scale,” Agile

Development Conference, 2003.

128 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

• Agile training: establish a common set of Agile training

aimed at various levels of the organization, which can
reduce the cost of using multiple vendors.
• Agile communities: establish an enterprise agile website
with links to resources and Agile communities.
• Agile coaching: provide coaching to product teams across
the enterprise that need it most. Coaching can signifi-
cantly increase Agile adoption success and ensure teams
do not regress into traditional habits.
• Agile measure of success: establish a common set of agile
success measures to see what progress is being made in
the Agile adoption within the company.
• Agile challenges point of contact (PoC): establish a PoC
to manage internal challenges via the website, email, and
Agile FAQ allowing for mitigation and awareness.
• Agile vendor liaison PoC: use a PoC for managing relation-
ships with the Agile vendors to ensure the organization
gains leverage from negotiations for volume discounts of
Agile-related materials and tools.
Finally, when a team is ready to go Agile, it can be comforting to know there
is ready support for their deployment. Conversely, it is problematic when the
employees are seeing wide variations of “agile” being deployed, with little sup-
port surrounding it. It can be a benefit to have an Agile Deployment Team with
Agile Coaches and local Agile Champions available to help you navigate to a
successful adoption of Agile.

More Roles
Within an enterprise perspective, peripheral roles like sales and marketing,
finance, and human resources should be brought into the agile fold. Although
they do not need to work in an agile manner, they should embrace the same con-
cepts of leadership, self-organizing teams, collaboration, and eliminating waste.
Sales and marketing are actively involved with bringing a product to mar-
ket. They can work with the Product Owner by contributing requirements
and gaining clarification to ensure you are building something the customer
needs. They need to understand that the Product Backlog and prioritization
are owned the Product Owner. Also, they need to learn that requirements
should be funneled to the Product Owner and avoid making commitments
without the Product Owner’s agreement. Those in sales and marketing of
should consider attending the Sprint Review to gain an understanding of what
the new functionality does as well as the progress being made.
Being Agile 129

Within a company going Agile, the finance organization must enable the level
of agility and flexibility that is asked from the people and the agile processes.
Finance should be flexible in understanding that while they can still manage to
cost, the scope is the important variable for delivering customer value.
If performance objectives are part of the organization’s processes, then it is
important for HR to establish a performance review process that supports
team goals. This helps support the principle of self-organizing teams. You will
learn more about adapting performance reviews for Agile teams in Chapter 23.

Product Team and Organizational Restructuring

It is best to apply Agile at the product level. The effort to move a team to Agile
may not be cost-effective on a single project because a project typically has a
short life and once it is done, the practices and disciplines gained may be lost.
However, if you make the commitment of moving to Agile at a product level,
then each project can get the benefit of Agile and subsequent projects can
become more effective at using Agile over time. It takes time to fully grasp the
concepts of Agile and apply them effectively. When a team gets a chance to
learn Agile together and then hone it over time, their productivity and accu-
racy in sizing improves, particularly as retrospectives are implemented and the
resulting improvement ideas are put into action.
Bringing the Agile mindset to organization hierarchy often requires a restruc-
turing of the organization toward a flatter organization. The effect on a tra-
ditional organization is twofold. First, there is a reorganization to Agile teams.
Agile motivates a move from functional groups into Agile teams as illustrated
in Figure 5-3. For example, Scrum Teams are designed to remove hierarchy
and gain collective commitment, leading to flatter organizations.
Second, because of the agile principle of self-organizing teams, there tends to
be less of a need for management who typically direct the team. The move
to Agile teams involves moving away from a single point of leadership, often a
functional manager, to a flat team model in which everyone is a leader when it
is appropriate and no single person tells others what to do. The group that is
affected the most is middle management. But as already mentioned, there are
options for middle managers who may be affected depending on the skills and
experience they may have.
Although some of the structural change is driven by self-organizing teams,
other change is driven by who prioritizes the work. In an agile framework,
the person who prioritizes the work moves from functional management role
to the Product Owner, who is the key contributor in making Agile successful.
The Product Owner contributes insight from the marketplace, customers,
product roadmap, financial implications, current negotiations, and other details.
130 Chapter 12 | Adapting to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

This broader view and additional information ensures that the product teams
build the right product.

What Does Your Team Look Like?

Everyone within the organization should be focused on understanding and
delivering customer value every step of the way. Getting to that value-oriented
mindset is critical to the success of Agile. It takes teamwork to get there, and
adapting roles and responsibilities toward Agile helps in making this shift. If an
organization is serious, then the top executive within the organizational scope
should become the sponsor. Having an Agile Coach and Agile Deployment
Team can help you adapt product teams and involve management. The ques-
tion to you is who will become the Product Owner, who will be trained to
become the Scrum Masters, and how will you balance your teams to ensure
they have a healthy balance of cross-functional skills? Understanding agile roles
and responsibilities and the change in behavior that it brings will move you in
the right direction.


Evaluating Agile,
Engineering, and
Team Capability
Sometimes it is good to know the situation you are getting yourself into.

—Mario Moreira

When starting an Agile deployment effort, it is advantageous to know your

starting point. Otherwise, it will be hard to measure how far you have
come. This is why I am a fan of baselining the current situation. By this,
I mean evaluating the current level of agility, engineering, and team capability.
As part of the RICH readiness and deployment model, this allows you to
know your starting point, information on where you are strong and where
you can improve, and input to prepare an adaptive roadmap for achieving
your Agile transformation goal. Important questions that help you gauge
your agility are those that help you understand your level of doing Agile and
being Agile, with the latter being much more important. Here are two such
• How do you know you have adopted agile processes and
practices? This question asks if teams are mechanically “doing
Agile” (e.g., applying Scrum).The answer captures whether the
mechanical elements of Agile are being applied.
132 Chapter 13 | Evaluating Agile, Engineering, and Team Capability

• How do you know you are Agile? This question asks if teams
are “being Agile” (if their behavior and culture align with
Agile values and principles). The answer captures whether
the values and principles of Agile are being applied.
There are two more questions whose answers will help you understand your
starting point:
• What is the current state of your engineering practices?
This question asks how effectively the team is currently
applying engineering practices. If current practices are
poor, it can affect your ability to do Agile. The answer
helps you know if you have hurdles to overcome.
• What is the current level of Agile experience and interest?
This question asks how experienced the team is in
applying Agile. The level of experience helps you adapt
training and other elements of a deployment.
Now let's delve more deeply into these questions and what such a survey
would look like to help you gain answers and establish your baseline.

Agile Practices Adoption

The Agile Practices Adoption survey helps you answer the question,
“How do you know you have adopted the agile processes and practices?” This
survey tool provides visibility into a team’s adoption level of the agile process
and practices that they are applying. These data can be collected via self-
survey from team members or through observation by an Agile Coach. The
benefit of collecting data around Agile adoption is that you can understand
how well your team is “doing Agile.” The results are only for the team to
gauge their progress and identify actions for improvement.
To construct a survey, identify the agile practices you want the team to adopt.
Then build a set of statements that each team member rates that help you
know if the practices are being adopted. Collect the responses and tally for
results. Figure 13-1 provides an example of the results from a Sprint Planning
adoption survey.
Being Agile 133

Figure 13-1.  Sprint Planning adoption survey to determine what the team thinks their level
of adoption is in applying elements of Sprint Planning

In this example, “Team commits to work” is the most highly rated, and
“PO prepares acceptance criteria” is the lowest rated. From these results,
the team may initiate actions for improvement. A survey like this can be
periodically conducted to help the team understand if they are moving in
the right direction. From these same data, a trend metric on Sprint Planning
adoption over time may be created. See Figure 13-2 for an example.

Figure 13-2.  Sprint Planning adoption trend to observe direction of adoption

Notice how “Team Velocity used for planning” was poorly rated in Q1, Q2,
and Q3. However, in Q4, the rating increased because after the Q3 survey, the
team initiated an improvement action to get educated on the usage of velocity.
The periodic results can also be an input into a Sprint Retrospective.
134 Chapter 13 | Evaluating Agile, Engineering, and Team Capability

Agile Mindset,Values, and Principles Advisor

The Agile Mindset, Values, and Principles (MVP) Advisor helps you answer the
question, “How do you know you are Agile?” A similar question is, “How do
I know if I or my team are ‘being Agile’?” The results of this survey provide
visibility into the behavioral transformation toward the Agile principles. To
create this visibility, each team member self-rates the individual Agile Principles
based on what they see in practice, what they personally believe, and what
they think the organization believes. For organizational-level visibility, this
survey should include input from all of stakeholders and team members to
ensure broad coverage.

■ Agile Pit Stop If you can evaluate yourself on the principles, you can get an idea of whether you
are aligned with the Agile Principles and thus the Agile mindset.

The Agile MVP Advisor survey comes in three parts: principle, evidence of
principle in action, and rating area. As you prepare the survey, there should
be a discussion of what evidence you would expect to see to bring more
objectivity to the process. If you can evaluate your situation highly on the
principles, this can give you an idea of whether you are aligned with the Agile
Principles and thus whether you have the Agile mindset.
Figure 13-3 is an abbreviated example of the Agile MVP Advisor focusing on
just four of the Agile Principles. It is recommended to administer this survey
prior to starting a deployment of Agile and then periodically to gauge if you
are moving toward the behaviors that align with the Agile principles. The
results can help you understand where you align and where you need focus.
It can also be an input into a Sprint Retrospective.

Principle Evidence Rating

Customer profiles In Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Customer surveys
Satisfying the Customer Sprint reviews
Your Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Acceptance Criteria Org Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Business and Cross-functional team In Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dedicated Product Owner
Developers work Team/PO in Sprint Planning Your Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Together Team/PO in Sprint Review Org Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Learning Plans In Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Engineering practices
Technical Excellence Done Criteria Your Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Technical sharing Org Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cross-functional teams In Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Iterative and incremental
Self-organizing Teams Assertive and willing Your Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Boundary of authority Org Belief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 13-3. Abreviated version of the Agile Mindset Values and Principles (Agile MVP)
Advisor, a survey to gain an understanding of how Agile you are
Being Agile 135

Revisit Chapters 6 and 9 to refresh your insight into all of the values and prin-
ciples to establish a full survey framework to determine whether your team
or organization is being Agile.
Having implemented various Agile survey mechanisms in the past, I am a strong
proponent of sharing only the aggregate results and sharing them only with
those who have taken the survey. No individual results should be shared. If a
product team takes the survey, then the aggregate results go only to the team.
If an organization takes the survey, then the whole organization may review
the aggregate results. To gain the business benefits of Agile, the whole orga-
nization should align with the values and principles. With this in mind, it is
beneficial for the whole organization to take this survey. An Agile-minded
product team that exists in a hierarchical organization will suffer from this
external partnership with the rest of the organization. In other words, if
those outside the product team still operate in a hierarchical and big-upfront
manner, it can affect the team's ability to align with the Agile values and
principles. You may also wish to periodically take this survey to form a trend
metric, which will help you understand if the product team or organization
is moving toward the direction of transforming their behavior toward Agile
values and principles.

Engineering Practices
The engineering practices survey helps you answer the question, “What is the
current state of your engineering practices?” Although applying agile practices
is important, the level of engineering practices applied is equally important.
When you are considering a transition to Agile, you may find that the current
engineering practices are problematic. This is why I recommend that prior to
implementing Agile, you learn what is working well and what can be improved
within the context of engineering practices.
This knowledge has two benefits. The first benefit is that you will better understand
the engineering challenges on the team prior to moving to Agile. This baseline
determination prevents the Agile deployment from being blamed for an existing
engineering problem, and it allows you to more clearly understand these
challenges so that they can be addressed as part of the agile transition. The second
benefit is that if you find that you have poor practices in engineering areas, you
may want to address them before moving to or in parallel with Agile.
To construct a survey, identify engineering practices that you deem important
to technical excellence. Then build a set of statements that are self-rated by
team members to help you verify if the engineering practices are being
followed. Collect the responses and tally for results.
136 Chapter 13 | Evaluating Agile, Engineering, and Team Capability

Figure 13-4 provides an example of the results of a state-of-engineering survey.

In this example, the team applies version control, architecture, coding
standards, and refactoring practices effectively. However, there is significant
opportunity for improvement in applying code reviews, unit tests, and regression
testing. From these results, the team may initiate actions for improvement.

Engineering Practices Individual Team Member Ratings (1 -5) Action
Design elements are established and applied
(e.g., call to action, breadcrumbs applied, etc) 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3.7
Architecture practices defined and applied
(frameworks, processes, non-functional, etc) 3 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 4.0
Version Control used to version code and
checked in nightly 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4.8
Effective branching and merging strategy is
applied. 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 3.6
Effective code review practices are applied 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2.4 Implement code review practice

Coding standards exist and applied

4 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 4.4

Refactoring work is part of development

4 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4.4
Unit tests are written an applied
3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2.2 Establish unit test strategy
Regression tests are prepared and automated
2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1.4 Identify test automation framework
Averages 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.6 3.2 3.6 3.2 3.6 3.3 3.2

Figure 13-4.  Engineering practices survey to determine what is the current state of your
engineering practices

Agile Team Capability

The Agile Team capability survey helps you answer the question, “What is the
current level of Agile experience and interest?” Most people are not in a position
to hand-select Agile-minded people for their product team. Instead, an existing
product team is asked to adopt Agile. This survey can help you understand
team members' levels of training, knowledge, experience, and interest.
To construct a survey, identify areas that help you understand the team's
experience and interest. Within the context of this survey, you are looking for
objective data. Build a set of statements that are answered by team members.
Collect the responses and tally for results. Some questions you may ask are:
• Have you had formal training in Agile?
• If so, specify the name and length of the training.
• Do you think you would benefit from Agile training?
• Have you read any books or articles on Agile within the
past year?
Being Agile 137

• If so, specify recently read items.

• Would you be interested in reading Agile books or
articles in the future?
• Have you used Agile on any recent projects?
• If so, specify what agile process was used.
• What are the biggest challenges of applying Agile?
• What are the biggest benefits of applying Agile?
Notice that this survey is short and asks for objective details. It helps you
understand the level of knowledge and interest a person has. It also provides
insights into what they think are benefits and challenges to Agile. This gives
you insight into their experience (both good and bad) with Agile. If you are
looking to understand a person’s beliefs in the Agile values and principles, then
you may use the Agile MVP Advisor described in the second section of this
chapter. The Agile Team capability surveys received from team members can
be converted into a matrix, as in Figure 13-5.

Scrum Team Scrum Team Scrum Team Scrum Team

Team Survey Member A Member B Member C Member D
Formal training in Agile? No Yes No Yes
Scrum Overview Certified Scrum
If so, training name and length of course No -1/2 day No Master -2 days
Could you benefit from Agile training ? Yes Yes Yes No
Read any books/articles on Agile last
year? Yes Yes Yes No
Article on
If so, list recently read books/articles Scrum Guide Scrum Guide Linkedin n/a
Interested in reading Agile books/articles ? Yes Yes Yes No
Used Agile on any recent projects? No Yes Yes Yes
If so, what Agile process was used. n/a Scrum Kanban Scrum hybrid
How long did you use Agile ? n/a 1.5 years 6 months 1 year
Org commitment QA involvement &
& command-and- command-and- Some command- Not enough
Biggest challenges of applying Agile? control control and-control structure
Building product Was able to pull
Biggest benefits of applying Agile? Team owned sizing Lots of data
earlier work

Figure 13-5. Team matrix to identify experience, interest, training, challenges, and benefits

The matrix is a summary allowing for a single-view evaluation. This information

should only be used at the team level and should not be shared with others.
From this matrix, you can see that training is important to at least three of
the team members. Notice how Scrum Team members A, B, and C express
concern with command-and-control. This is good insight and can help the
138 Chapter 13 | Evaluating Agile, Engineering, and Team Capability

Agile Coach and/or Agile Deployment Team to be aware and help mitigate this
challenge. You may also notice that Scrum Team member D may be problematic.
Although this person has been trained, he or she indicates no interest in
reading about Agile. This could be someone who wanted the Scrum Master
certification but is not really invested in Agile. The information in this matrix
can help you understand knowledge levels, risks to be aware of, and if there
are any particular areas to focus for training.

Baseline and Improve

The primary purpose of this chapter is to provide you with survey mecha-
nisms that can help you determine your baseline and then improve. The
surveys are designed to answer the four questions stated at the beginning of
this chapter help you evaluate your overall agility, but, more important, they
allow you to know the starting point. You may periodically evaluate how far
you have come in the transition.
Baselining provides you visibility into your situation and then information to
help you adapt as you move forward. You can consider “baseline and improve”
as another form of “inspect and adapt.” Bear in mind that the Agile adoption
practices and Agile MVP Advisor survey results can become part of your agile
success measures, discussed in the next chapter.


Agile Measures
of Success
Customer-based measures are important, but they must be translated into
measures of what the company must do internally to meet its customers’
—David P. Norton and Robert S. Kaplan

Getting to “be Agile” is a journey. As part of that journey, how do you know
you are gaining the business benefits of moving toward agility? The answer
depends on the question you ask and the goal it implies. This is why it is
important to ask the right question. The most important question is:
• How do you know if Agile is having a business impact? This
question asks if you are receiving business benefits from
being Agile. If the goal is understanding business results,
then capture measures regarding revenue.
Establishing agile measures of success involves a framework focusing on met-
rics for the organizational level, product team level, and Scrum Team level. This
helps frame the metrics toward those that gain the most benefit.
140 Chapter 14 | Establishing Agile Measures of Success

■■Agile Pit Stop  A measure is a numerical value at a point in time. A metric is a mathematical
calculation of measures over time that may represent a trend. “Number of defects collected today”
is an example of a measure. “Defect average per day over a month” is an example of a metric.

Establishing a framework will require capturing project, product, revenue, and

survey data. Presented in metric form, the data should help you make deci-
sions and adapt toward the goal of increasing revenue.
This chapter is not intended to be an end-all for agile measures of success.
It is meant to provide you with enough information to get started in build-
ing your measures of success framework and use it to determine if you are
achieving your goals of being Agile and receiving business benefits. Later in this
chapter, I share the “Agility Path”—a framework developed by Ken Schwaber
and Scrum.org to help organizations establish measures of success and guide
them toward an agile transformation. As part of readiness within the Ready,
Implement, Coach, and Hone (RICH) deployment model, you should craft a
measures for success framework and identify metrics that can lead you toward

Lagging-to-Leading Metric Path

Ultimately success is measured by an increase in revenue. Having a customer
revenue metric helps you understand whether company products are increas-
ing revenue. Capturing revenue is a good starting point. However, it is a lagging
indicator and resulting outcome. To supplement lagging measures, you need
leading measures that provide you with visibility into what is currently occur-
ring within the organization. This visibility is important because it provides
input for making decisions as you move forward. Making the right decision
leads to improved results. As you consider measures, think about how they
help you gain visibility and input to decisions.

■■Agile Pit Stop  A revenue measure is the ultimate agile metric because Agile is about improving
the business. However, revenue is a lagging measure, so you need to establish leading measures
that provide timely visibility into what is occurring to help you make decisions that lead to an increase
in revenue.

Although customer revenue is an important metric to collect, the question

is, what metrics can we put in place to ensure we are moving in the right
direction? For every lagging metric, you need to establish at least one leading
metric that provides visibility and information for current decision making
Being Agile 141

to ensure you are moving in the direction you want that is represented by a
positive lagging metric (e.g., increase in revenue). I call this the lagging-to-leading
metric path (see Figure 14-1). Examples include:
• Customers attending Sprint Reviews: a leading metric involv-
ing the Sprint Reviews, where you capture how many cus-
tomers are actually attending the review and how much
feedback you are receiving from them.
• Customer satisfaction from Sprint Review: a leading metric
with which you capture customer satisfaction from the
functionality they viewed within the Sprint Review.
• Customer satisfaction of product usage: a lagging metric
involving the satisfaction of the customer in the usage of
the current product, including comments.
• Customer revenue: a lagging metric involving the revenue
coming from customers.

Leading Lagging
Customers Customer Customer
attending Satisfaction from Satisfaction Revenue
Sprint Reviews Sprint Reviews of current usage

Figure 14-1.  Lagging-to-leading metric path, using leading metrics to ensure you are moving
in the direction of a positive lagging metric

Another example is that to get to the goal of “employees matter” within an

agile context, you may start with first training employees about Agile (and a
metric on numbers trained in Agile), then focus on implementing Scrum (and
a metric on Scrum adoption), and then focus on self-organized teams (and a
metric on aligning with Agile values and principles).
In Agile, although the results that matter most are often represented by lag-
ging metrics, you will need leading indicators to ensure you are moving in the
right direction, to provide visibility, and to help you with decision making.

Value of a Metric
You may observe that although many metrics are created and shared, only a
few of them are actually being used for decision making. You have to continu-
ally ask what measures can help a team or organization move in the right
direction. Before we discuss suggested metrics, it is worth having a discussion
of the relative value of a metric.
142 Chapter 14 | Establishing Agile Measures of Success

The value of a metric is defined as its usefulness divided by the effort it takes
to collect it. The dividend implies that the metric serves a useful purpose,
such as decision making. The divisor implies the metric costs energy in col-
lecting data and generating the metric. If the value of the metric is outweighed
by the energy to generate it, then it may not be worth preparing the metric.

■■Non-Agile Pit Stop  The metrics you exhibit will affect behavior. If you collect defects and reward
people on identifying defects, then you may get a behavior focused on identifying and possibly
creating defects to reap a larger reward.

Some metrics may have a short life cycle, being valuable for only a certain
time based on the usefulness it provides. As an example, if a training program
commences, it may be of value to collect number of people trained. This
provides visibility into ensuring the actual number of employees being trained
is increasing as desired. However, once we have trained 90% of the target
audience, it may no longer be useful to collect this data and keep creating this
Because the relative value of a metric changes over time, it is beneficial to
periodically assess the value being generated. If a current metric no longer
provides value, it may be time to retire it. If a new one is of value, it may be
included if the value outweighs the energy to generate it.

Organizational and Product Team Metrics

The agile measurement framework that I recommend is divided into three
clusters. The first cluster is product team metrics, which provide visibility into
how the team is progressing through its work, how well they are adopting
agile processes, and how aligned with the Agile values and principles they are.
The second cluster is organizational metrics, which provide visibility into the
effect of Agile on the business and focuses on how aligned the organization is
to Agile values and principles. The third cluster is the individual Scrum Team
metrics. These are metrics that help a Scrum Team operate and improve.
Scrum Team metrics are discussed in Chapter 19; product team and organiza-
tional metrics are discussed in this chapter.

Product Team Metrics

Product team metrics help a team understand value and where they are in
respect to a release, and they help ensure that the team is adapting to cus-
tomer needs. To add to the product team metrics, consider supplementing
with the Agile Practices Adoption survey discussed in Chapter 13. A trend
Being Agile 143

metric can be created to ensure that your adoption levels indicate a positive
movement toward successful adoption of agile practices.

Value Capture
The value capture metric creates visibility for the percentage of value-added
work you are doing compared to the non-value-added work. This measure
captures how much value is being built and delivered within a Sprint and
from Sprint to Sprint compared to the non-value-added work. When adapting
toward Agile, there is often a lack of awareness of the amount of non-value-
added work that is occurring. Value-added work is functionality requested by
customers to produce working software. Non-value-added work does not
directly add value as perceived by the customer. (To gain a deeper understanding
of value-added and non-value-added work, consider reviewing Chapter 5.)
The benefit of this metric is it brings focus on the non-value-added work, so
that you can then reduce it and increase the level of value-added work for
the customer.
To calculate this measure, identify all value-added and non-value added work
within your Sprint (see Figure 14-2). You may decide to categorize the non-
value-added work further (defects, status reports, etc.) and assign a priority
rating to it (defect = NVA-1, status reports = NVA-4). This can give you an
overall understanding of where the most waste is occurring and begin the
process of reducing or eliminating this waste.

Non Value-All
hands Value of Work
Non Value-
in a Sprint
Non-Value- Refactoring (Details)
Defects 5%
Retro task Value-Added-
5% Work

Figure 14-2. Value of work per Sprint at a detailed level

You can track this on a sprint basis, accumulate it over a release basis, or trend
it over time from Sprint to Sprint (as in Figure 14-3) with the goal of seeing an
upward trend of value-added work.
144 Chapter 14 | Establishing Agile Measures of Success

Value-Added Work -Trend

Value-Added - Build the Product Tasks Non-Value-Added Tasks

55% 58%
55% 52% 52%
45% 48% 48%
45% 42%

Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4 Sprint 5 Sprint 6 Sprint

Figure 14-3. Value of work from Sprint to Sprint (trend line)

The big advantage of this metric is that it helps you (1) be aware of the value
and non-value-related work that your team is doing, and (2) it allows you
to make adjustments if you want to increase your value-added stream of
work. Your goal is to remove non-valued-added work that is unnecessary and
reduce non-value added work that is necessary for the system to function.
Although this may force you to make tough decisions (i.e., identifying what is
value-added and what is not), it will help you get your team more productive
and focused on building customer value.

Release Burnup
A release burnup is a graphical metric that indicates how much work has been
completed. The benefit is that it is used to enable a team to predict the scope
level they may be able to accomplish for a project.
At the release level, I recommend a burnup. The difference between a burn-
down and burnup is that instead of tracking how much work is left, a burnup
tracks how much work a team has completed, so the line goes up, not down
(see Figure 14-4). The other difference is that in a Sprint, we know the target
velocity so we can burn down from it. However, at the release level, because
we purposefully avoid big up-front scoping of the work so we can adapt to
change, we do not know our release scope or our velocity for the entire
release. Nevertheless, the burnup gives a team the ability to gauge how much
scope they may eventually build over time to help you anticipate when the
minimum viable product (MVP) scope level will be reached and predict a
potential release date.
Being Agile 145






MVP Total Points Trend
Start Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 14-4.  Release burnup

Figure 14-4 indicates that as of Sprint 6, the team has built 297 points of work-
ing software. Because their MVP is estimated at 490, following the trend line
based on the average velocity, it will take the team until Sprint 10 to build the
remaining functionality.

Customers Attending Sprint Reviews

This metric provides visibility into whether customers are attending Sprint
Reviews. To continuously adapt to customer needs, customers are invited to
Sprint Reviews to gain their valuable feedback. The benefit of this metric is
that it objectively reveals whether customers are actually attending. It is also
considered a leading indicator of customer revenue so it can give you insight
into whether you are moving into the right direction. I often hear people say
that they hold Sprint Reviews and then learn that no customers attend. How
can you adapt to customer needs if you are not including customers in Sprint
Reviews and adapting to their needs?
Two variations of this metric are measuring how much feedback is being
received and how much of the feedback is leading to a change in the product.
Another is including the number of internal stakeholders attending, which
may include management, sales, marketing, and others who have a stake in the
product. This metric can reveal who internally is committed to understanding
the progress and the details of the functionality being built.
146 Chapter 14 | Establishing Agile Measures of Success

To construct this metric for each Sprint Review (Figure  14-5), collect such
measurements as number of customers invited, number who attended, num-
ber of internal stakeholders, amount of feedback received, and amount of
feedback used to adapt the product.



Customer Invited

10 Customer Attended

8 Internal Stakeholders
Distinct Customer
Comments used for
product change

Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4 Sprint 5 Sprint 6 Sprint 7 Sprint 8

Figure 14-5.  Customer attending Sprint Reviews

Organizational Metrics
Organizational metrics indicate if the organization and teams therein are
aligning with the Agile values and principles and if a positive business effect
from the adoption of Agile is being seen. To add to the organizational metrics,
consider supplementing them with data from the Agile Mindset, Values, and
Principles (MVP) Advisor survey (Chapter 13). A trend metric can be created
to ensure that behavioral levels indicate a positive movement toward the Agile
mindset at the organizational level. It can also be used at the product level.

Employee Satisfaction
Employee satisfaction is a way to gauge employees' feeling of contentment
within a workplace. Employee feedback allows you to engage in meaningful
improvement opportunities based on their feedback. The benefit of conduct-
ing employee satisfaction surveys is that it lets employees know that you care.
Poor satisfaction can lead to higher than normal attrition rates and low pro-
ductivity. Satisfied employees can lead to loyalty and higher productivity. By
giving your employees a voice, they can express their interests and concerns.
Being Agile 147

Employee satisfaction surveys can energize and empower employees provided

their results and improvement opportunities are taken seriously.
When commencing an agile program, it is important to gauge satisfaction. It
can help you understand how satisfaction levels change. Keep in mind that
during an agile change, although many become more satisfied, some may find their
positions of control being reduced and become less satisfied. Because there
are many forms of employee satisfaction metrics, consider researching the
various forms and identify what is right for you.

Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is a way to gauge if a company’s products and services
meet or surpass customer expectations. The benefit of customer satisfac-
tion is twofold. First, it is considered a leading indicator of customer revenue,
so it can give you insight into whether you are moving in the right direc-
tion. Second, it can focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers’
expectations. Although customer satisfaction is measured at the individual
level, it is often reported at a cumulative level. It may be measured along vari-
ous dimensions: the usefulness of a product, the relationship with the com-
pany, and responsiveness to problems.
Customer satisfaction surveys should be conducted periodically—say, on a
quarterly basis—to provide a continual gauge of the customers' view of the
company's products and identify actions for improvement. Postpurchase sur-
veys can reflect the satisfaction of the individual customer at the time of
product or service delivery. Because there are many forms of customer sat-
isfaction metrics, consider researching the various forms and identify what is
right for you.

Customer Revenue
Revenue is a complex term that can be interpreted in many ways. I am refer-
ring to net revenue, which is the amount of money a company receives from
sales of products and services less negative revenue items like returned items,
refunds, and discounts. Although revenue is a lagging indicator, the benefit of
revenue metrics is that they are the ultimate indicator of whether customers
find value in the products you are building.
Revenue metrics can be generated at product, product line, business unit,
or organizational levels. Start at the product level, so you can understand if
there is value coming from a product. When you gain revenue, it is beneficial
to initiate a customer satisfaction survey to understand what specific value
the customer found. Because revenue is a lagging metric, ensure you create
a lagging-to-leading metric path so that you have leading indicators to help you
148 Chapter 14 | Establishing Agile Measures of Success

gauge your path to an increase in revenue. There are many forms of revenue
metrics, so consider researching the various forms and identify what is right
for you.

Release Frequency
A release frequency metric provides visibility into the rate in which you are
delivering customer value into production. The benefit of this metric is that
it can help you fine-tune your release cycle toward the need of the customer
and the revenue you want to gain. Although you do not have to technically
release your product, knowing you have the ability to do so can help you be
ready when a customer says that they would like the functionality now and
you can then gain revenue. The ability of a customer to use the new release is
directly related to the customer value of the release and the customer’s ability
to absorb the release.
If you have an on-premises product that takes two weeks to install into a
customer environment, another two weeks to integrate with other customer
products with verified functionality, and another two weeks to train users in
the new functionality, then reducing release frequency may not be reasonable.
However, if you have customers demanding more functionality on a regular
basis and you can reduce installation times, understanding your release fre-
quency can help you baseline where you are and what you want to achieve.
If you have a SaaS product, the release frequency is dependent on your internal
processes and customer demand.
You can use release frequency as an indicator for revenue. By having both
metrics available, you can have visibility into what happens to a product’s rev-
enue when you increase the frequency of release. Because release frequency
may take many forms, select the metric that is right for you. It may also be
combined with your revenue metric.

Agility Path
The Agility Path is a framework developed by Scrum.org that links current
enterprise activities and their metrics with a process for continuous improve-
ment. The first step is gathering and analyzing the business and process data
needed to assess the current state of a company in each of its critical function
areas. The next step is using these data to identify where improvements to
business practices are most needed to have a positive effect on the company’s
The Agility Path is broken down into enterprise metrics, which reflect the busi-
ness value a company generates, and foundational metrics, which measure orga-
nizational agility and flexibility in creating this value.
Being Agile 149

The enterprise metrics include:

• Revenue per employee
• Cost/revenue ratio of relevant domains
• Stakeholder satisfaction
• Investment in agility
The foundation metrics include:
• Release frequency
• Release stabilization
• Usage index (unused code)
• Innovation budget
The Agility Index is used by Scrum.org to quantify the gains achieved by those
businesses engaged in the Agility Path. It is a blended metric that is designed
to measure the improvement in business outcomes. Its premise is simple:
organizations that are changing the way they do business to achieve agility will
derive benefits shown in their business value metrics. A metrics snapshot is
taken at the initial phase of the Agility Path and then measured again at regular
intervals so that progress can be tracked across time.
It is beneficial for a company to assess its product value practices with help
from the Agility Path. A snapshot is created that represents a point-in-time
profile of your development organization’s performance and capabilities.
A series of snapshots reveals trends that help manage the investments and
optimize future capabilities.

What Are Your Measures of Success?

It is important to consider your agile measures of success framework. The
material in this chapter can give you a jump start in establishing metrics that
give you visibility into aligning with Agile and its benefits. Make sure to con-
sider lagging and leading metrics and metrics that provide visibility at the orga-
nization and product team levels. It is advantageous to gain an understanding
of your alignment to Agile prior to starting, so that you understand your base-
line and how far you need to go. Measures of success can provide you with
a dashboard to indicate if you are moving in the right direction, tools to help
you make decisions, and insights into adapting or staying the course.



a Scalable Agile
A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in perfor­mance.
—Tom Flores

When introducing agile processes, there is a tendency to focus at the team

level. Processes like Scrum, Extreme Programming, and Kanban work well for
small to mid-size teams. However, to gain the full business benefits of Agile,
you will need to scale your implementation to embrace the organization. To
do this you may need to scale teams, contend with geographical distribution,
align roles within the organizational scope to Agile, and enhance project struc-
tures with Scrum of Scrums. In addition, it is important to scale the process
for larger and more complex projects, which may include incorporating a
Sprint 0, Agile Release Planning, and automation.
The goal of this chapter is to provide insight on how to scale your agile
framework to an organization or to a large product team. It is not meant to
be exhaustive and will conclude with scaling agile resources that can help you
along. The key is as you scale, ensure that you are continuing to promote the
spirit of the Agile values and principles.
152 Chapter 15 | Constructing a Scalable Agile Framework

It Takes a Village
Although Agile tends to occur on a product team, you will gain the most
business benefits when it occurs at the level of the organization. Some areas
that will help you scale your teams and organizations toward an agile culture
include a focus on team size, roles, Scrum of Scrums, and geographical distri-
bution. Two other areas that will help you scale at the organizational level are
adapting IT governance and performance reviews toward an Agile mindset,
discussed in Chapter 23.

Team Size and Geographical Distribution

What do you do when faced with a large and distributed team? The larger the
team, the more challenging it is to keep it moving forward with cohesion and
productivity, whether you are doing Agile or a variant of waterfall. The ques-
tion is: How do you configure teams to keep sizes manageable, have the skills
that are needed, and be as colocated as possible, while aligning with the Agile
mindset in team configuration?
The first step is to promote small yet appropriately skilled teams. The team
should be large enough to have the right skills and experience in design, devel-
opment, and testing to build the product—but small enough to self-organize
and maintain high productivity. When teams get too large, they are harder to
self-organize and this negatively affects productivity. For example, for a project
team size of 35, it is best to divide the team into five Scrum teams of seven,
with each team having the skills and experience to thrive.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Three attributes of Agile teams that align with the Agile mindset are small yet
skilled teams, ownership of a functional piece of the product, and colocation.

The second step is to promote ownership of a functional piece of the prod-

uct. When a team feels ownership of a piece, they will begin to take pride in
their work and become more productive over time as they become more
familiar with their component. This requires that the product be designed
in such a manner that functional components are clear and Scrum Teams can
align with those areas. For example, the product may be made up of 12 com-
ponents or functional areas and the first Scrum Team owns the order entry
and billing functionalities.
The third step is to promote colocation. Because it is not uncommon to have
distributed product teams, you attempt to configure each Scrum Team to have
as many of the team members to be colocated and near-shore as possible.
Colocation means that team members are in the same physical location.
Being Agile 153

Near-shore means that team members are within the same campus or within
the same time zone or two. In the same scenario, if you have a project team
of 35 and find that 15 are in India, 7 are in Europe, and 13 are in the eastern
part of the United States, then it makes sense to have two teams of 7 and 8,
respectively, in India, one team of 7 in Europe, and two teams of 6 and 7 in the
eastern part of the United States. If you find that, within the United States, five
of the team members are colocated in Massachusetts, then it makes sense to
have those five on one team.

Agile Roles beyond Team

Although there are core team roles discussed within Agile, engaging the whole
organization in applying the values and principles helps with the overall busi-
ness success. Aside from the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development
Team, there are the actual customers, executives, senior management, middle
management, sales and marketing, finance, human resources, and other roles
that must change to allow for an inspect-and-adapt approach to building
software. For a refreshed understanding of Agile core and beyond roles and
responsibilities, revisit Chapter 12.

Scrum of Scrums
When a product team is comprised of two or more Scrum Teams, a Scrum of
Scrums (SoS) may be established. An SoS is a coordinating body made up of
representatives from each of the Scrum Teams to focus on the many cross-
team issues and dependencies that need to be resolved and to keep large
teams synchronized and operating effectively.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The acronym of SoS traditionally means “save our ship.” In Agile, the Scrum of
Scrum acronym SoS also connotes saving through capturing and mitigating cross-team risks that
can affect project success.

Most agile processes such as Scrum are ideally suited for colocated team sizes
of seven plus or minus two people. When you have a large project team of 35,
there needs to be a way to coordinate the work and ensure common issues
across those teams get addressed in an effective manner. The benefits of a
SoS are that it:
• Enhances communications across teams, so each team
knows what the other is doing.
• Avoids duplication of effort across teams.
154 Chapter 15 | Constructing a Scalable Agile Framework

• Reduces suboptimization, when a team is doing work that

is best for them but that negatively affects another team.
• Builds a strong support system for Agile teams because
change is hard for one team to manage on their own.
• Helps Scrum Teams prioritize the work because some
teams may be dependent on work from others.
The purpose of the SoS helps specify who should represent their team.
To start, the common representative from each team is the Scrum Master.
Figure 15-1 illustrates the Scrum Master from each Scrum Team meeting to
discuss project progress, risks, and more.

Scrum Scrum
Scrum Team
Team Team

Scrum of Scrums

Figure 15-1.  Scrum of Scrums includes a representative from each Scrum Team

The generic SoS focuses on project progress, risks, issues, and dependencies.
This Project Progress Scrum of Scrums is usually comprised of the Scrum Masters,
the Product Owners, and an Agile project manager. The Project Progress SoS
is responsible for the following:
• Monitors release burn-up with velocity to determine
scope to release date and whether adjustments to either
scope or schedule need to occur.
• Identifies and mitigates blocking issues that are beyond
the scope of a Scrum Team, with the goal of removing the
blockage or escalating it to management.
• Discusses story dependencies among Scrum Teams and
ensures that the highest priority stories are optimized to
the project level.
Being Agile 155

If there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding customer needs or prioritization

of current functionality and user stories, there may be a benefit to convok-
ing a Product Owner Scrum of Scrums. The Product Owners from each Scrum
Team should attend. A development lead from each Development Team may
also attend if technical insight is needed to prioritize the work. The Product
Owner SoS is responsible for the following:
• Communicates stories that need to be added to the
Product Backlog and negotiates the priority of these stories.
• Explains changes to the backlog—specifically, why stories
have been added or removed from the backlog or had
their priorities changed.
• Identifies dependencies or overlap of stories between
Scrum Teams. Teams can add backlog items for other
teams and negotiate priority.
The resulting information helps shape the direction of the product and sprints.
If there is still a lot of technical uncertainty and complexity, then there may be
a benefit to initiating a Technical Scrum of Scrums. The Technical SoS is com-
prised of each Scrum Team’s lead developer and QA, and the lead architect on
the product. The Technical SoS is responsible for the following:
• Evaluates and makes technical decisions that affect Scrum
Teams and the overall direction of the product.
• Serves as a working group for solving technical problems
across Scrum Teams.
• Establishes code standards by which all the Scrum Teams
should operate.
• Identifies new common services to eliminate duplicate
coding efforts between teams.
• Identifies and applies the QA vision and the integration
(and other) testing needed.
Each SoS may meet as often as every day (but for only 15 minutes) to once
a week, depending on various factors. For the Project Progress SoS, the fre-
quency may vary based on the risks, issues, and dependencies that must be
addressed. For the Product Owner SoS, the frequency may vary based on the
level of uncertainty and the focus on prioritization. For the Technical SoS, the
frequency may vary based on the technical complexity.
156 Chapter 15 | Constructing a Scalable Agile Framework

Scaling toward Larger and More Complex

Some projects are large and complex and represent a challenge irrespective of
methodology. Within this section are three scaling ideas that can help teams
new to Agile and those with large and complex projects.

Sprint 0
Sprint 0 is a Sprint designed to help teams envision the work ahead. It is pri-
marily used by teams new to Agile to help in their readiness to begin Agile
or by teams beginning a complex project that requires thought for visioning
and getting organized. Sprint 0 is not a replacement for big up-front activities
found within the waterfall and phase-based methods, but instead serves to
establish a basic vision of where the project is headed while acknowledging
that things will adapt as the team moves forward. The length of this Sprint
should be no longer than the standard Sprint length. Here are some tasks that
typically occur during a Sprint 0.
• Define teams, including team size, need for multiple teams,
and team distribution.
• Define Sprint length.
• Educate teams on agile processes and practices.
• Collect and groom stories within the backlog with an
emphasis on prioritization.
• Establish Scrum of Scrums.
• Work on spike solutions per the XP definition.
• Identify project risks, issues, and dependencies.
• Establish the product, technical, QA, and CM visions.
Some may argue that Sprint 0 is not true to Scrum, and they are correct
because no working software is produced. However, in some cases, these
tasks need to occur prior to Sprint 1, irrespective of what you call this time-
boxed period.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The key in creating a vision is to envision what is known and enough of a short-
term path to provide high-level guidance to share with the team.
Being Agile 157

For clarity, a vision provides enough detail for team members to understand
the general direction of the topic area. It is not meant to be detailed or fixed,
because in an Agile mindset you cannot possibly know everything up front,
and you expect that it will evolve. Visions should be brief and easily digestible.
They may live in the team document repository, such as the wiki. Also, if the
vision remains mostly the same from one release to the other, then the vision
should primarily include what is changing.
The various visions that can help a team include:
• Product vision: provides business context of the product
to include business performance, market share, and mea-
sures of customer satisfaction, high-level product road-
map, and a prioritized list of business objectives. It may
also include an elevator pitch encapsulating the project in
succinct but compelling terms.
• Technical vision: provides the direction of the architecture,
including known and emerging elements of the technol-
ogy stack, frameworks, common infrastructure and oper-
ating platforms, needs for refactoring, and system-level
nonfunctional requirements such as usability, perfor-
mance, reliability, security, and any governing regulatory
or industry standards that must be followed.
• QA vision: provides an overview of the proposed testing
framework, testing process and how it interacts with the
development process, testing types, test tools, and who
may perform the various types of testing.
• CM vision: provides an overview of the proposed version
control tool, branching and merging processes, and build
management tool and process.
It is best to implement Sprint 0 much like any other Sprint. The team starts
with a form of Sprint Planning, a Sprint 0 backlog is used to manage the work,
and daily stand-ups occur to share progress and roadblocks. Instead of a Sprint
Review and retrospective, I recommend that you conclude the Sprint 0 with
Agile Release Planning. This is a session in which everyone is together (physi-
cally or virtually) sharing the results of Sprint 0 at the same time.

Agile Release Planning

Agile Release Planning is an activity that replaces the detailed planning phase
in a more traditional waterfall model. It is made up of a session, often two or
three days, where all Agile Team members are involved, including management,
and anyone else who can materially participate. A major part of Agile Release
158 Chapter 15 | Constructing a Scalable Agile Framework

Planning is grooming the backlog as a team (or as individual Scrum Teams) to

gain an understanding of the breadth of the work ahead. The benefits of the
Agile Release Planning are:
• Shares the release and Sprint schedule.
• Gains team insight into the product vision and business
context for the release.
• Informs the team on the latest on technical, QA, and CM
within their respective visions.
• Provides overview of who will be on which team and
who are on other teams.
• Shares structure and participants of Scrum of Scrums.
• Provides the team with clarifications of the objectives,
epics, and stories.
• Gains team commitment (a critical factor).
• Helps resolve conflicts of vision (what we would like to
accomplish) versus reality (what we can accomplish).
• Raises dependencies and risks early.
This is done to ensure the whole team participates, gains insight into the work
ahead, and promotes an initial commitment to the work. An example agenda
of a two-day Agile Release Planning may look like this:
• Introduction of attendees and agenda: facilitator (may be
a Scrum Master).
• Welcome address: executive.
• Product vision: Product Owner.
• Technical, QA, CM visions: respective leads in these
• Backlog grooming: team(s)—this is the biggest part of the
two days.
• Sharing results from grooming: common themes, risks,
issues, and dependencies.
• Retrospective: facilitator (similar to a Sprint Retro­
• Wrap-up: executive, product owner—next steps and
thank you.
Being Agile 159

There are two approaches to timing Agile Release Planning. The first is at the
beginning of a project, in a Sprint 0 context or otherwise. The second is that
it occurs every 90 days to periodically visit the visions and direction of the

One aspect of scaling is reducing manual steps and automating the necessary
steps. Eliminating and automating provides the team an opportunity to scale
and increase their velocity. It is recommended to automate any process that is
repeated by enough people for which the team will see a cost and time benefit
in doing so. Because the team can focus less on the manual steps of a process
and more on the work of building product, they have a real opportunity of
increasing their team velocity.
As an Agile Team gets up and running, given the continuous nature of build-
ing, migrating, and testing code and the increasing size of the code base with
new functionality, a lack or minimal amount of automation may start to affect
velocity fairly quickly in a negative way. Please understand that at a certain
point velocity may remain constant even with automation, but you can be cer-
tain that without automation or with minimal automation the team’s velocity
will plateau.

Resources That Can Help You Scale

There are many resources that can help you scale your Agile implementation.
The key is to get all roles involved while continuing to align with Agile values
and principles. The resources include:
• The Enterprise and Scrum. In this book, Ken Schwaber takes
you through change management—for your organizational
and interpersonal processes—explaining how to success-
fully adopt Scrum across your entire organization.1
• Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development. In this book,
Craig Larman and Bas Vodde draw on their experience
leading and guiding lean and Agile adoptions for large,
multisite, and offshore product development provide
information on large-scale Scrum that sustainably and
quickly delivers value and innovation.2

Ken Schwaber. The Enterprise and Scrum. Microsoft Press, 2007.
Craig Larman and Bas Vodde. Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development, Addison-Wesley
Professional, 2010.
160 Chapter 15 | Constructing a Scalable Agile Framework

• Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). In this interactive knowl-

edge base for implementing agile practices at enterprise
scale, Dean Leffingwell highlights individual roles, teams,
activities, and artifacts necessary to scale Agile from the
team to program to the enterprise level.3
• Disciplined Agile Delivery (aka DAD). In this book, Scott
Ambler and Mark Lines introduce IBM’s process frame-
work, a disciplined approach to agile development which
acknowledges and deals with the realities and complexi-
ties of a portfolio of interdependent program initiatives.4

Scaling Up
As Agile gains adoption within your product team and outward into your
organization, you may need to consider how to scale your implementation.
This chapter has suggested some ways you can enhance your agile framework
for larger and more complex teams. It is not however meant to be exhaustive.
The key takeaway is that as you scale, you should seek out information and
make sure that you are continuing to promote the spirit of the Agile values
and principles as you do so.

See Dean Leffingwell, http://scaledagileframework.com.


Scott Ambler and Mark Lines. Disciplined Agile Delivery. IBM Press, 2012.


Establishing an
Agile Education
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world.
—Nelson Mandela

Does your company education begin and end with training? Will this suffice
for a change to Agile? Agile is a mindset that signifies a change to the culture.
Because of this, we cannot think that reading a book or taking a training class
will suffice and provide enough knowledge to cause a shift in thinking to be
Agile. There is more to ramping up with Agile then just training. It takes a
repertoire of educational elements. Training is just one of those educational
The goal of this chapter is to make you aware that it takes a variety of educa-
tional elements within an agile context to help your organization come up to
speed with Agile. No one element is sufficient; it is instead the accumulation
of education elements at different points in time that will provide the compre-
hensive focus to help you, your team, and your organization. As you read the
information, the objective is for you to construct an education plan that best
serves your goal of an Agile transformation. Ultimately you want to create a
self-organizing educational culture with many elements and the most mature
level is when employees are willing to give back to their community.
162 Chapter 16 | Establishing an Agile Education Program

Path to Making Education Matter

Training is a basic educational element and is best applied when an organiza-
tion wants to build employee skills. When you want to adapt your organiza-
tional culture, however, you need an education plan that includes much more
than just skill building. As discussed in Chapter 2, culture change is a transfor-
mation that involves the most change and requires the most time for an orga-
nization to adjust. To support that change, there are certain educational levels
that are suited for skills, procedure, and achieving an Agile culture. These are
training, coaching, mentoring, and giving back (Figure 16-1).

Culture Giving Back

Procedure Coaching & Mentoring

Skill Training


Figure 16-1.  Path of educational levels that can support a transformation to a new culture

Here is a closer look at the educational levels:

• Training helps you build skills in a process. Its benefits can
be undone the moment the trainee moves back into their
existing culture. This is where coaching helps.
• Coaching helps a team adopt a process or procedure and
lays the groundwork for transforming the culture. The
coach is able to guide a team in adopting a process. If you
do not have a coach, it is very easy to apply a process
incorrectly or give up and revert to the old process. A
coach can help you course-correct until you are enacting
the process or practice correctly.
• Mentoring focuses on relationships and building self-
confidence and self-perception. The person being
mentored (mentee) advances the topics to be treated
in the relationship. Deep learning can occur because the
mentee is asking questions and seeking answers without
being prompted. Mentoring allows people within the
organization to start owning the culture.
Being Agile 163

• Giving back occurs when the employee has gained enough

skills, experience, and confidence to start giving back.
When employees have reached this level and are commit-
ted to giving back, they start helping others. A broader
group of people who are committed to the transforma-
tion to Agile self-organizes to enhance the culture that
they feel they own.

Educational Elements
There are many education elements that can help you get to an Agile culture.
Within the levels of education described in the previous section are various
additive education elements that contribute to the next level of education.
As you move up the education levels, the education moves from formal to
informal elements of education. Here is one perspective on educational
elements within a level:
• Awareness may be considered the first step in the education
process. This element calls attention to the new Agile ini-
tiative, may include the objectives and motivations, and may
provide an overview of the initiative or of the topic such
as a 30-minute Agile overview. Awareness elements may
also be in the form of a brochure, flyer, or short presenta-
tion. This element prepares the mind to become open and
attentive to subsequent educational elements.
• Skills training provides soft or hard skills to the attendee.
This may come in the form of an instructor-led seminar or
a virtual webinar. An example of this type of training is a
course on agile planning tools or how to write user stories.
• Role training provides education on a person’s role in rela-
tion to the process, practices, and methods being taught.
An example is a Scrum Master’s role for Sprint Planning.
• Community sharing includes items within a shared envi-
ronment. This may take form of agile practices within a
website, and recorded seminars and webinars that are
hosted and always available for viewing.
• Process and role coaching involves in-session education by a
coach to a team or an individual. This may include respec-
tive Scrum Master and Product Owner Q&A sessions
where those playing these roles may ask specific questions
regarding the application of the agile process in context
to their role. This element helps reinforce a new skill or
process to ensure they are being applied as expected.
164 Chapter 16 | Establishing an Agile Education Program

• Culture coaching involves in-session education by a coach

to promote Agile principles and values. This may include
establishing an apprentice coaching circle to build in-
house coaching expertise for Agile Champions ready to
give back to the organization. This element helps rein-
force the new behavior to ensure it is being applied as
• Mentoring involves educating individuals where a mentee
or participant leads the conversation to gain ownership
and build self-confidence.
• Community contributing includes items within a shared
environment. This may take the form of blogs and just-in-
time seminars and webinars that are given by local Agile
Champions giving back to their community.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Forms of education include instructor-led training and seminars, virtual training
and webinars, blog articles, books, video snippets, and practice exercises on websites.

Examples of Common Agile Education

When product teams or organizations move toward Agile, the more com-
mon educational elements include role training, coaching teams in long-term
Agile usage, establishing an agile community, building an agile website, initiating
a blog to capture experience and offer guidance, and launching a seminar or
webinar series.

Training Aligned to Roles

Training is often the first visible sign of education. Within an Agile context,
training tends to align around roles because each role will be responsible for
different areas. Here are examples of training programs by role:
• Agile Team Foundation provides guidance for being an
effective team. This training steps the team through the
agile process and the team’s responsibility within each
practice (that is, Sprint Planning).
• Scrum Master provides guidance for being an effective
servant leader and facilitator for a team. It steps the
Scrum Master through the agile process and their
responsibility within each practice.
Being Agile 165

• Agile Product Owner provides guidance on being an effec-

tive Product Owner and how to work with customers
and the team. It steps the Product Owner through the
agile process and their responsibilities.
• Executive Overview summarizes Agile principles and values,
their business benefits, and executives' role and responsi-
bility within an Agile culture.

Building an Agile Community

Another form of education involves establishing an agile community by such
means as the following:
• A website to share practices with the community. When an
agile framework is established, this information along with
the practices, glossary, pointers to education, and more
are placed on the company agile website so that teams
have ready access to this information moving forward.
• A venue for agile social collaboration among the community.
This provides an online space for those in the agile jour-
ney to pose questions to those outside of their teams to
hear thoughts, ideas, and lessons learned, as well as pro-
vide answers to others who are posing questions. This
space provides an opportunity to discuss and collaborate
on a variety of topics.
• Opportunities for local Agile Champions to give back to the
community. These may include writing internal blog
articles and giving seminars and webinars.

Gamification adapts game concepts to nongaming situations to engage
employees and motivate them to improve their performance and behavior.
It rewards employees for completing performance levels with points, badges,
privileges, and sometimes monetary incentives. Gamification can be deployed
to engage employees in agile educational elements.
The key to gamification is that it must be driven by a clear business objective.
With the context of Agile, the goal with gamification is to encourage employ-
ees to become Agile Champions and achieve an Agile culture. Although it
may start with training, you eventually would like employees acting as Agile
Champions to give back to their community.
166 Chapter 16 | Establishing an Agile Education Program

Here is an example of using gamification to motivate and engage employees

to become Agile Champions who give back to the community. Let's posit five
levels of Agile Champion and the points needed to achieve each level:
• Steel: 5 points
• Bronze: 25 points
• Silver: 50 points
• Gold: 100 points
• Platinum: 250 points
An agile education plan has been established with the goal of getting employees
to give back to the community. The plan lays out the following education
elements, together with the points earned by completing each one:
• Take the “Agile Overview” for awareness: 5 points
• Attend Scrum Master, Product Owner, team, or manager
training per your role: 20 points
• Take a variety of short online courses such as “How to
Write User Stories” to build skills: 5 points each
• Attend a 45-minute seminar/webinar on various Agile
topics such as“Lessons Learned from Sprint Retrospective”
to understand process: 5 points each
• Write a blog article on giving back: 25 points
• Present a webinar on giving back: 50 points
Notice that by taking the “Agile Overview,” the participant immediately
becomes Steel level. This gets them into the game and motivates them to
keep playing. Also notice that the bigger point items promote giving back to
the internal agile community. This preferential valuation aligns with the goal
of giving back. If you use gamification, ensure the achievement is real, helps
the employee with their work, and is aligned with the objectives.

Are You Getting Educated?

It takes a repertoire of educational elements to achieve an Agile culture.
Training is just one educational element that are needed. How will your teams
be educated? An accumulation of education elements at different points in
time will provide the comprehensive focus to help you, your team, and your
organization. Construct an education plan that best serves your goal for an
Agile transformation. Ultimately you want to create a self-organizing educa-
tional culture where employees are willing and eager to give back to their


a Customer
Validation Vision
Nothing is as empowering as real-world validation.
—Steven Pressfield

Engaging the customer is one of the most important aspects of building cus-
tomer value. Gaining continuous customer feedback of working software is an
important aspect of the inspect-and-adapt model, which ensures that you are
constructing a valuable solution for the customer. Without customer valida-
tion, you are not really applying Agile; you are just doing a form of iterative
development without aligning your work with customers’ need. Although the
engineering practices applied within an agile project focus on building the
product right, the validation practices focus on building the right product.
Chapter 4 discusses the importance of customer engagement. This chapter
helps you establish the building blocks to achieve continuous customer vali-
dation via an approach I call the Agile Customer Validation Vision. The notion
of thinking through and establishing an authentic validation approach for the
product is missing from agile projects and practices. This vision provides a
framework for identifying the right customers, constructing customer pro-
files, identifying personas, establishing continuous validation sessions, motivat-
ing the customers to attend the validation sessions, and incorporating their
168 Chapter 17 | Creating a Customer Validation Vision

A business representative such as the Product Owner is responsible for con-

structing this vision and characterizing in detail the customers who are valu-
able to the company. That information helps in identifying who should attend
the Sprint Reviews of the working software to supply the most valuable cus-
tomer feedback. You learned about the PO’s role in Chapter 12. This chapter
enlarges on that responsibility in regards to customer validation.
Whether or not you formally establish an Agile Customer Validation Vision,
consider performing these activities to ensure you are working with the right
customers to provide the valuable feedback you need so that you are building
the right thing.

Identifying the Right Customers

A precondition of effective continuous customer engagement is identifying
your key stakeholders. Stakeholders are those people who have a business
interest in your work. They include senior management, sponsors, and cus-
tomers who have a stake in the success of building customer value.
The key stakeholders are the customers. The primary reason is that without
customers perceiving value in your products and buying them, your company
will not stay in business. The key to engaging the customer is finding the right
customers who can actually help you identify and build customer value. To
do this, customers should be segmented into target groups according to their
different business needs.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Your key stakeholders are your customers. If customers don’t perceive value in
your products and buy them, your company will not stay in business.

You may be saying to yourself that your product management, sales, and mar-
keting groups help you with identifying customers. This is good, and in Agile
it is important to foster the team mindset by including their participation and
introducing these groups to the engineering teams.
However, you need a single person, such as the Product Owner, to merge
customer needs and decide on which customers will be the focus for require-
ments gathering and validation events. The ultimate goal is to bring the cus-
tomers to your Sprint Reviews of your working software to prove value or
adapt according to their feedback. Someone needs to be responsible for iden-
tifying the right customers and for all the activities involved with continuous
customer engagement. You need a dedicated business representative on your
team who is focused on building customer value within your products.
Being Agile 169

Customer Target Groups

Customers come in a variety of forms and may be identified and categorized
in a variety of ways. The key is to establish your customer segments or target
groups. At the broadest level, customer target groups include:
• Current customers
• Potential customers
• Past customers
The challenge with identifying the elusive customer value is that potential
customers often see value differently than do current customers. More chal-
lenging is that even current customers may see customer value differently.
Identifying target groups help you understand what they need and what they
don’t need.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The challenge with identifying the elusive customer value is that different
customer target groups see customer value differently.

It is important to know that your current customers are the real buyers
of your product, must be treated well, and are your highest priority. The
potential customer group represents an opportunity to grow your revenue.
Potential customers represent both potential buyers and browsers. Although
it is hard to differentiate between potential buyers versus browsers, it can
affect their priority within the overall customer pool. If you have past custom-
ers, it is important to keep track of who they are in case you want to revisit
them. You can often glean important information from a past customer from
the perspective of what they did not like about the product and what it might
take to bring them back into the fold again.
Within the current customer group, it is important to identify which custom-
ers are leaders and which ones are followers. A leader is a customer who
embraces your product, is willing to speak positively about it, has the cachet
to attract other customers, and is eager to discuss requirements. A follower
might use the product but not necessarily advocate for it. You want to identify
the leaders. In some cases, with the right grooming, you can convert a follower
into a leader. Grooming may entail engaging them in your requirements dis-
cussions and Sprint Reviews.
170 Chapter 17 | Creating a Customer Validation Vision

Identify Personas
Personas represent specific users of a product and act as examples of the types
of users who would interact with it. Most products have several personas that
use the product in different ways. Examples of three personas for a product
are the regular user, power user, and administrator.
• The regular user uses only the basic user interface
• The power user needs more detailed interface functional-
ity to handle more sophisticated work.
• The administrator needs back-end installation and mainte-
nance functionality.
All three use the product differently, and different features are built for their
respective needs. Personas are a powerful way to guide your decisions about
functionality and ensure that you are, in fact, building functionality for each
Personas should be identified early on in the development of the product.
Often personas are discovered within the user story collection or ­grooming
activities. Personas are a key ingredient in the way that user stories can be
presented. Including the persona in a story description provides you the point
of view (POV) of a user story and defines who that user story is for. Chapter
18 offers more insights into the importance of including personas in user
story writing. A persona glossary should be shared with the developers so
they understand for whom they are building the user stories and so QA
understands the POV for testing the user story.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Personas provide three distinct advantages. The team understands the users
better, which helps guide decisions about functionality. The user stories are written to support and
build functionality for personas. Based on their personas, the Product Owner knows who can give the
best feedback and therefore whom to invite to the Sprint Reviews.

I recommend that you establish a description for each persona. This descrip-
tion is typically illustrated as a fictitious person that represents a real role.
It will include the knowledge, experience, and activities of that role. By writing
a persona as a fictitious person with a name, this makes the persona easier to
imagine and relate to, as in the following examples.
Being Agile 171

• Eric is a regular user of the product and primarily uses it

to take courses. He has a bachelor’s degree in commu-
nications. He has little time to take online courses but is
interested in doing so. He works from home on occasion
and uses his tablet for work-related matters as well as
taking courses.
• Iman is a power user and supports the executives within
her company. She uses the product to run reports to
understand if regular users are taking courses and which
courses are most popular. She likes to make her manage-
ment happy by producing easy-to-read dashboards.
• Sherris is an administrator for the company. She has a
bachelor’s degree in IT and five years of experience in
the product support field. She enjoys supporting prod-
ucts and has taken additional technical skills training in
the maintenance and support area.
Personas are beneficial to the Sprint Review context. When a team is dem-
onstrating a feature, invite customers from the persona target group for that
feature so you get the right feedback. If personas are part of the written
user story, then you know which persona should be reviewing the working
software of that demonstrated user story. For example, when you are demon-
strating a feature that focuses on administration tasks, then the best feedback
comes from having a customer who represents the administrator.

Establish Customer Profiles

Now that you have sorted your customers into current, potential, and past
customers and established product-specific personas, you should construct
profiles for each customer, giving priority to your current and then your
potential customers. Each customer profile paints a picture of the company
and the customers therein. It can help you make a range of business decisions.
The two key decisions are which customers are best suited to provide user
stories, and which are best suited to attend customer validation events and
provide the valuable customer feedback.
Just as with the agile inspect-and-adapt model, you need to adapt your cus-
tomer profiles to their changing business posture and needs. A customer
profile identifies common traits in your target customers and may include:
• Demographics
• Buying patterns
• Areas of interest regarding functionality
172 Chapter 17 | Creating a Customer Validation Vision

• Personas of the product they represent

• Whether the customer is perceived as a leader or
• What value they are receiving from your product
Within the context of customer validation, the goal is to identify and select
customers who meet the profile you are looking for and who are willing to
provide feedback.

Customer Demonstrations
The primary way to be continually in touch with your customers and ensure
you are building customer value is to provide customers with the opportunity
to validate the working software. This engagement is critical to inspect-and-
adapt model to ensure the narrowest possible gap between what is delivered
and what the customer needs at the time of delivery. Studies show that cus-
tomer validation opportunities are fewer than expected.
According to a self-reported survey, only 57 percent of the respondents
affirmed that “at the end of each iteration, we demo our work.1” Worse,
only 38 percent say, “We demo the solution to stakeholders every iteration.”
These results are sobering. They indicate a widespread lack of understand-
ing of Agile values and principles and particularly in the importance of the
­inspect-and-adapt model with the customer.
The key to Agile is not just to adapt but to do so in the direction that closes in
on business value. It is challenging to do this when stakeholders—particularly
the customers—are not attending the continuous demonstrations of working
software. The goal should be to get the customers to the demonstrations.

Types of Customer Validation

The Sprint Review is the gold standard for customer validation events at which
the customer gets an opportunity to view the working software. Nonetheless,
other validation activities can help you gain insight into what the customer
finds valuable. You should describe in your customer vision the types of
validation events you plan to have, such as the following:
• Product vision validation shares the vision of the release of
the product to help you adapt to your customers’ needs
at a strategic level.

Scott Ambler, “How Agile Are You? 2013 Survey Results,” http://www.ambysoft.com/
Being Agile 173

• Sprint Review demos demonstrate the working software

that was completed during the Sprint, shown to custom-
ers to highlight progress and gain feedback.
• Hands-on experience lets customers exercise the software
in a hands-on manner in a simulated or pilot working
environment to generate functional usage and usability

Motivate Customers to Attend

One of the common challenges that teams have when they want to get cus-
tomers to the Sprint Review is figuring out how to actually get them to the
event. Remember, customers are working full-time at another company and
their time is precious. The key is to create a scenario that is compelling for
the customer to attend and continue attending. So how do you get customers
to attend?

■■Agile Pit Stop  Customers who attend your validation events are working full-time at another
company. Their time is precious. Use this time to gain their valuable feedback.

One approach is to start by inviting customers to one demo session and get
their input. Customers who have not experienced something like this before
typically are impressed to see working software so early in a release life cycle.
They especially like to be asked for their feedback. If they like the first valida-
tion session, then invite them to the next demo session. If they agree, entice
them by building in some of their feedback. If they show up for the second ses-
sion, excite them by highlighting the points where you’ve incorporated their
input. At this point, ask the customers if they want to participate periodically
at a per-Sprint cadence.
As you are working on your Agile Customer Validation Vision, you should
include your strategy on how to motivate customers to attend. You will find,
however, that customers are motivated by different things, so you will need an
array of motivational tactics within your strategy.

Incorporate Customer Feedback

Although it seems self-evident that you should incorporate customer feed-
back, too often this critical part of the inspect-and-adapt model is overlooked.
Capturing customer feedback is important to ensure you are building the right
thing. I have seen feedback either languish or not even get captured, which
174 Chapter 17 | Creating a Customer Validation Vision

defeats the point of customer validation events and adapting to customer

needs. It is critical that the feedback get incorporated into the backlog.
The feedback that you gain should be linked to the contributing user’s story,
either as a change to an existing story or as a new story. You may also want
to capture additional information that the customer shares regarding their
own vision, strategies, and direction and incorporate it into their customer

What Is Your Vision of Customer Validation?

Do you have a vision for adapting to customer needs? A haphazard approach
may not serve you well. Customer validation is the cornerstone to the inspect-
and-adapt approach. Otherwise, what are you adapting to? It will benefit you
to continuously engage with customers and truly embrace and incorporate
customer feedback, resulting in adapting your product based on the customer
need. Consider methodically establishing an Agile Customer Validation Vision.
This vision provides a framework to:
• identify the right customers
• construct customer profiles
• identify product personas
• establish continuous validation sessions such as demonstrations
• motivate the customers to attend the validation sessions
• incorporate the feedback into current and new stories
Once you have established this vision, it is important to share it with the team
so that everyone is aware of the vision and the importance of the validation


Writing User
Stories and
Grooming the
Focus on what can be done rather than be frustrated by what can’t be done.
—Ken Schwaber

The key drivers of work within an agile process are the user stories, which
are collected from the customers, stored in the backlog, and built by the team.
User stories are essentially requirements that are written from the perspec-
tive of the user of the product. The backlog is essentially a requirements list
that is continuously groomed to understand priority and gain clarity. As a
readiness activity within the RICH model, you need to consider the user story
language construct you plan to use to help with consistency and comprehen-
sion, where you plan to store the Product Backlog for easy access and sorting,
and how frequently you plan to groom the backlog.
176 Chapter 18 | Writing User Stories and Grooming the Backlog

Hierarchy of Requirements within an Agile

User stories are a form of requirements. The challenge with the word require-
ment is that it may indicate requirements at many levels and sizes, such as
user requirements, technical requirements, and business objectives. Because
of this possibility for confusion, you need to discriminate where any particular
requirement belongs by virtue of its scope and size in a hierarchy of require-
ment types: themes, epics, user stories, and tasks.

Release 1 Release 2




Figure 18-1.  Hierarchy of requirement types within an Agile context

Themes are top-level objectives that may span multiple releases and products.
Themes should be decomposed into epics that can be applied to a specific
product or release. Themes can be used by a solution or product to drive
strategic alignment and communicate a clear direction. Examples are:
• Reduce the number of clicks to get to our user function-
ality within our products and services.
• Improve traffic to the website.
• Apply single sign-on capability to all company products.
Epics are the parent of multiple user stories and are roughly equivalent to
a feature or very large story that encapsulates a large piece of functionality.
Epics are written by the Product Owner. Epics are helpful when creating a
product vision for a release. They should be decomposed into user stories
before being introduced into a Sprint. Examples of epics are:
• Administrators can manage users.
• Customer can purchase a ticket.
User stories are equivalent to a business or user requirement and are col-
lected and written by the Product Owner. Stories provide user functionality
that represents value to the customer. A user story should be able to be built
Being Agile 177

within a Sprint or, ideally, within half a Sprint. The next section treats user
stories at length.
Tasks are the children of user stories and are equivalent to an incremental
decomposition of the user story that is defined by the Agile Team. The intent
of tasks is to allow the team to incrementally build and test the story so that
not all testing occurs at the end. Avoid decomposing stories into stand-alone
design, develop, and test tasks, which emphasize a mini-waterfall approach.
When a team breaks user stories into tasks, it gains further clarification of the
scope of work that needs to be done. For example, a user story that builds a
search function can be decomposed into:
• Create static web page.
• Build simple search.
• Add advanced search capabilities.
There are other types of work items that should be captured in the backlog.
XP introduces the spike solution, which provides a focus on solving a challenging
technical, architectural, or design problem. Sometimes known as a research
spike, this work may seek the answer to a critical business or technical issue.
Two examples of research spikes are “What database solution will the team
use?” and “What is the product direction in applying forums?” The answers
serve to support subsequent epics and user stories.

User Stories
Within an Agile context, user stories are the primary currency used to deter-
mine what needs to be built by the team that represents customer value.
User stories describe functionality that will be valuable to a user or purchaser
of a system (persona). User stories are the primary topic discussed in Sprint
Planning. The intent of a user story isn’t to specify every detail of the need
but to provide enough detail to start a healthy conversation about the story
to help flesh out the details.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The user story is the primary requirement building block for specifying the
functionality that needs to be built within a Sprint.

The Product Owner is responsible for eliciting user stories from customers
and stakeholders. Many others, however, may contribute stories to the
Product Owner, including the Agile Team, sales, and marketing. The Product
Owner collects and adds the user stories into the Product Backlog. Those
178 Chapter 18 | Writing User Stories and Grooming the Backlog

user stories that are rank-ordered highest within the backlog get selected and
built within a Sprint. The attempt is to build user story functionality within a
Sprint time-box.

Canonical Form
There are many ways to write a user story. A canonical form is an example of a
requirements language construct that is geared toward Agile. This brief state-
ment expresses a user story as who wants something, what they want from a
system, and why. The canonical form transcends processes and methodology
and works just as well for waterfall as it does for Agile. There are three key
elements of a user story in canonical form: the persona, the action, and the
business benefit.
• The persona represents a particular user of the system,
as discussed in Chapter 17. Examples of personas include
a buyer who must use the product to purchase items, a
power user who uses the product to create quantitative
reports, or an administrator who uses the system to man-
age users and install the most recent patch upgrades.
• The action represents what the persona would like to do
with the product.
• The business benefit provides the value that is gained for
the persona. It provides context for the action and helps
with testing factors. If I said, “As a user, I can create an
account” and leave the business benefit empty, why do
you think the user wants an account? The answer can
lead you to build very different things if you don’t know.
If the answer is, “to become a member of the site,” you
might build a MyPage. If the answer is, “to purchase con-
cert tickets,” you might build an order entry system.

Canonical Form Construct and Examples

When establishing a list of user stories, it is strongly recommended to establish
a user story language construct that helps you consistently document the
stories. The language construct for a user story in canonical form looks like this:
As a <persona>, I want to <action> so that <business benefit>.
Being Agile 179

The following are examples of user stories in canonical form:

• As a user, I want to create an account so that I can become
a member of the site.
• As a learner, I want to set up my profile to include my
photo, so that my distributed team members know what
I look like.
• As a prospective buyer, I want to search on homes so that
I know what properties are available in my price range.
The Product Owner should be trained in writing user stories in the canonical
form or whatever form is used to articulate requirements. The Agile Team
should be educated in understanding what to look for in a user story and
asking questions regarding the elements of the canonical form. The Product
Owner may also want to train stakeholders and customers on how to provide
their needs in canonical form for consistency and clarity.

Acceptance Criteria and Other Attributes

The acceptance criteria are an important attribute of a user story. Each user
story should have its own unique set of acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria
answer the question, “How will I know when I’m done with the story?” They
do this by providing functional and nonfunctional information that helps set
boundaries for the work and establishes pass/fail criteria for testers to estab-
lish the test cases that are used to test a user story.
Acceptance criteria spell out what the Product Owner expects and what the
team needs to accomplish. Ideally, these criteria are provided by the customer
at the time they articulate the user story. But they are usually written by the
Product Owner acting as the voice of the customer. If the Product Owner is
having problems writing effective acceptance criteria, a good resource is the
QA team. QA testers can draw from their experience to help the PO.
To write effective acceptance criteria, state the intention, not the solution.
In other words, state the “what” not the “how.” For example, it is better to
write “The user can choose an account” rather than “The user can select the
account from a drop-down menu.” You want the acceptance criteria to be
independent of implementation details.
As an example, if the user story is, “As a user, I want to create an account so
that I can become a member of the site,” then the acceptance criteria for a
user story might include:
• User is presented with an account creation option.
• User must enter an email address and a password.
180 Chapter 18 | Writing User Stories and Grooming the Backlog

• The email address must be in a valid format.

• The password must follow the security policy.
• Provide user account confirmation within 5 seconds.
• User lands on the home page after creating the account.
A user story is complemented by several attributes besides the acceptance
criteria. Figure 18-2 illustrates a user story card with helpful attributes. These
attributes help you understand the scope, ownership, and progress of the
story. Each user story should include the following attributes:
• Description: a place to add details and decisions.
• Size: a place to include the story point number (see
Chapter 19).
• Tasks: decomposition of the user story into bits of work
that represent an incremental build of functionality. They
may be nested within a story or linked to the story.
• Owners: members of the team working on the story. There
should be at least one developer and one QA tester.
• State: the status of the work such as open, in progress,
resolved, verified, or done.

User Story: As a <persona>, I want to <action>, so that I can <business benefit>

Description : ______________________________________________________

Size: ____ Owner : ____________ State: ___________

Acceptance Criteria : ________________________________________________

Tasks: ______________________________________________



Figure 18-2.  User story with attributes to provide a holistic view of the work

Product Backlog
A Product Backlog is a repository for user stories and other Product Backlog
Items (PBIs) such as tasks, epics, and themes. The Product Backlog is the
singular place to store all PBIs related to the product. Most Product Backlogs
are either a form of document or in an agile planning product that offers
automation to manage PBIs.
Being Agile 181

The Product Backlog is owned and managed by the Product Owner. Others
may contribute to the backlog, but the Product Owner controls the prioritiza-
tion and rank order of the work. The Product Backlog should be readily avail-
able to the Scrum Team to view and update, particularly the tasks associated
with the user stories.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Anyone associated with the product may contribute stories to the backlog.
However, only the Product Owner can specify priority or rank order.

The key attributes of the Product Backlog are the priority and rank order
(see Figure 18-3). These fields help sort the user stories toward the order of
the work. Within an Agile context, the Product Owner and team gain details
on the highest priority items, seeking to gain clarity, decomposing epics to
user stories and user stories into tasks, and looking for dependencies among



Product Backlog

Figure 18-3.  Hierarchy of the Product Backlog: highest priority items at the top where
Sprint work is occurring

In a traditional waterfall world, the combination of the project plan and the
requirements list drives the work. In an Agile world, the Product Backlog
drives the work for a team.

Forms of Backlogs
The Product Backlog can be represented in various ways. In its fullest form, it
is the location for the whole list of backlog items. There are other forms of
backlog. They are the Sprint Backlog and Team Backlog.
The Sprint Backlog represents a subset of user stories that are prioritized and
rank ordered. Those stories that are highest priority and fit the team velocity
or amount of work a team can complete within a Sprint period become the
Sprint Backlog. There is a unique Sprint Backlog for each Sprint. The items
182 Chapter 18 | Writing User Stories and Grooming the Backlog

within it come from the Product Backlog and are identified and added during
Sprint Planning. The Sprint Backlog forms the backbone of the work within a
Sprint. All stories and tasks within the Sprint are recorded within the Sprint
The Team Backlog is beneficial when you have multiple Scrum Teams building
a product together. The Team Backlog represents a view of the work that is
geared toward a particular Scrum Team. During grooming and Sprint Planning,
the Scrum Team reviews their prioritized team backlog. From the team backlog,
the team can establish a Sprint Backlog of those high-priority stories that the
team will work on within a Sprint.

Attributes of a Backlog
A healthy backlog includes attributes that can be associated with the PBIs,
such as user stories. It will include the attributes that are associated with a
user story, such as a description, size, acceptance criteria, tasks, owner, and
progress. In addition, because it is a large list, there are additional attributes
that should be included to help you sort the requirements. These attributes
• PBI types: a way to differentiate between work types such
as epic, theme, user stories, tasks, and bugs.
• ID: a way to provide a unique identifier for each PBI.
• Source: the origin of the PBI, such as customer or
• Priority: a way to differentiate the importance of the PBI,
often written as high/medium/low, or 1/2/3/4, or must/
• Dependencies: a way to indicate when a PBI is dependent
on other PBIs or external functions.
• Sprint: the Sprint within which the PBI is built.
• Comments: a place to provide additional notes.

The primary purpose of grooming is to prioritize the backlog so that when you
initiate Sprint Planning, you have the stories ready for further refinement, siz-
ing, adding to the Sprint, and gaining commitment to the work that is involved.
Grooming may also include ensuring that the user story is in canonical format,
details of the story are understood, dependencies are included, and accep-
tance criteria have been added or clarified. The better you groom the higher
Being Agile 183

priority items within the backlog, the easier and shorter the Sprint Planning
event will be.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The key focus in backlog grooming is to prioritize and rank order the user stories,
and then gain more details of those higher priority stories.

The PO is primarily responsible for grooming the backlog. The PO may also
invite the full Scrum Team or a select few, such as the lead developer and lead
QA team member. There is a great benefit for the PO to invite the Scrum
Team. Most important, Scrum Team can ask the PO tough questions regarding
specific information and acceptance criteria to gain relevant detail about the
Grooming should occur at several different times in your release life cycle:
before and during Sprint 0, during Agile Release Planning, during Sprint Planning,
and periodically throughout the release.

Before and during Sprint 0

Prior to the project starting, in between one project release and the next, or
as a carry-over from the previous release, grooming should start or continue.
At the start of any release, grooming should be driven by the PO and include
input from the technical leads. If a Sprint 0 exists in the beginning of the proj-
ect, consider a grooming event at least twice a week of about two hours or
more throughout this Sprint.
The purpose of this early grooming is to start or continue collecting user
stories to build the Product Backlog. In addition, grooming early helps the
team gain an understanding of the work ahead, establishes priority, and helps
discover dependencies, risks, and issues early.

Agile Release Planning

If the team applies the Agile Release Planning event toward the beginning of
the project, grooming the higher priority stories helps the team appreciate
the breadth of work ahead with the understanding that priorities may get
adjusted and new user stories may be added (see Chapter 15).
The PO leads the team through the higher priority user stories one by one to
accumulate more detail about backlog items; identify additional dependencies,
risks, and issues; and potentially “T-shirt size” the stories (small, medium, and
large). Ultimately this helps the team gain confidence of the work ahead.
184 Chapter 18 | Writing User Stories and Grooming the Backlog

Sprint Planning
The grooming that occurs within Sprint Planning focuses on gaining enough
understanding of the user stories to build the functionality within a Sprint.
This grooming will include gaining detail about the story, discussing design
aspects, decomposing the story into tasks, and sizing the story. If the highest
priority user stories are well groomed coming into Sprint Planning, then this
event may be shorter than usual.
The grooming within Sprint Planning is performed by the PO and the team.
The team should leave the Sprint Planning event with confidence in their
knowledge of the user stories that are now part of the sprint backlog.

Periodically throughout the Release

After a release gets started, new user stories may continue to come in or,
if there is an abundance of user stories in the backlog, reprioritization will
occur. In both cases, those higher priority user stories should be groomed
to better understand the potential work ahead. The advantage of having the
Product Backlog groomed is that it can avoid disrupting a team’s progress if
stories are poorly written or not understood.
With that in mind, at regular intervals throughout the Sprint, the PO continues
backlog grooming, focusing on the new high-priority stories from customers
and includes the team in fleshing out the details of those stories that are
candidates for the next Sprint Planning event. The interval within a Sprint
can vary depending on the rate of new stories coming into the backlog that
are high priority and amount of existing high-priority stories that have not
been groomed. As an example, this may occur twice a week, once a Sprint, or
somewhere in between. The amount of time may vary from Sprint to Sprint.
The initial grooming of the backlog may occur at the Product Owner Scrum
of Scrums if there are multiple teams that make up the release. This gives the
PO a chance to discuss prioritization of the work with the other POs before
discussing the high-priority stories with their team.

What Is Your Story?

User stories form the backbone of the work on your team. It is important
that you consider a requirements language construct such as the canonical
form. Including the persona or whom the functionality should be built for
helps you understand the point of view of the persona. Including the action
helps us understand what is being built. The business benefit provides the
value gains and also helps you understand the functionality being built. These
elements provide clarity for the team to build what the customer wants.
Being Agile 185

The Product Backlog provides a single place to store the user stories and
other PBIs. It is important to think through whether you want to manually
manage the backlog items within a document or in an agile planning product
that offers automation to manage PBIs. Finally, ensure there is periodic groom-
ing so you have a prioritized backlog in which the highest priority items have
more details. This helps provide a broad view of the work ahead and easier
Sprint Planning events. Thinking of these areas early and then sharing them
with the team helps provide a framework for collecting, storing, prioritizing,
sorting, and better understanding customer needs.


with Story
Points, Velocity,
and Burndowns
The best we can do is size up the chances, calculate the risks involved,
estimate our ability to deal with them, and then make our plans with

—Henry Ford

Within an Agile context, applying story points is an acknowledged way to size

user stories. Story points are a relative sizing approach that focuses on the
scope of work, which is made up of the effort of the work and its complexity.
As a readiness activity within the RICH model, it is important to educate team
members on the sizing framework you are applying, using Sprint Burndowns
to assess progress within a Sprint, and how velocity can help you establish the
team pace of work.
188 Chapter 19 | Working with Story Points, Velocity, and Burndowns

Scope versus Schedule Measure

When I help teams implement agile methods, some team members have a
hard time getting their head around “estimating” user stories using story
points. This has to do with understanding the relative sizing that story points
bring. Some team members (including management) ask to align story points
with days or hours. I realized that when I use the word estimate it brings the
baggage of traditional estimation that uses schedule as a measure (hours, days,
weeks, months, years).
With this in mind, I strongly advocate that in Agile it is appropriate to use the
term “size” to measure user stories because this relates to the amount of
functionality being built. This is more than just semantics. This takes us a step
away from the traditional mindset where schedule is king and moves us to the
more important focus of scope—because to our customers the functionality
is what is valuable and what they pay for. There will always be trade-offs
between schedule and scope, but working software that meets the scope of
customer needs and provides them value is slightly more important (working
software over schedule).

■■Agile Pit Stop  Story points are an abstract scope measure focusing on the work. It is not wise
to apply a schedule measure of hours and days. Instead, use a scope measure like story points to
indicate the amount and complexity of the work.

In Agile, the intent is to determine the unit size of work based on the func-
tionality you are building for that story. In effect, scope is the measure of
progress based on amount of effort and complexity of the work. I realized
that there are those who try to apply a schedule measure because of their
familiarity with traditional estimation whereas story points are in fact meant
to represent the scope of the work. In other words, when you try to apply
a schedule measure for scope, it is like trying to fit a square peg in a round
hole. Ultimately, you need both scope (story points) and schedule (per Sprint
length) to understand your team pace (velocity).

Story Points
Story points are a relative measure that expresses the amount of functional-
ity and the complexity of the work. Every team creates their own story
point sizing framework based on the type of work they do, the skills
and experience of the team, and what they personally perceive to be a small,
medium, or large amount of work. This is why management should not compare
the story point velocity of different teams.
Being Agile 189

This relative sizing framework takes the focus off the actual schedule measure
of hours or days and instead puts it on describing the size and complexity of
a functionality compared with other functionality. If you are familiar with func-
tion points, story points acts as a similar measure that tries to establish a unit
size or scope of the work.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Story point sizing framework is specific to each team. This is why no one should
try to compare the story point sizes from one team to the next.

Fibonacci Sequence
Story points are usually expressed in numeric units. The range of units that
is often used within the agile world is the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence
of Fibonacci numbers provides a numeric distribution that can be used to dif-
ferentiate between sizes of work (Figure 19-1).

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…

Figure 19-1.  Fibonacci sequence that highlights a substantial distribution of numbers

This sequence is established where each subsequent number is the sum of

the two numbers immediately before it. The importance of the Fibonacci
sequence to the team is that it provides a means for differentiating between
unit sizes of functionality being built from the stories within the backlog.

Establishing Relative Story Point Sizing Framework

Story points start as an abstract scope measure until such time as a team
establishes a team-based relative sizing framework according to a numerical
range, in this case the Fibonacci sequence. The team defines what it means
to build the smallest amount of functionality that can stand on its own. For
example, the team defines a story point size of a 1 as follows:
• Build a static webpage with fixed content using HTML.
From there, the team can determine what type of work is considered twice
as large with minimal functionality or almost twice as large but with slightly
more complexity. This would receive a story point size of 2. You may decide
up front what work defines a story point size of 3, 5, 8, 13, and 21 to help you
size user stories, or you may use what you define as 1 and 2 as the basis for
sizing all other work and extrapolating the size from there.
190 Chapter 19 | Working with Story Points, Velocity, and Burndowns

■■Agile Pit Stop  This relative story point sizing framework should be in a readily viewable place
for all of the team to see.

This is the beginning of establishing the relative story point sizing framework
for your team. Because each Scrum Team may work on different types of func-
tionality (for example, front-end UI versus back-end database), it is critical that
each team develop their own sizing framework.

Planning Poker
Planning poker is an instructive and fun consensus-based sizing technique used
to size the stories, primarily during Sprint Planning. It is based on Wideband
Delphi, a consensus-based technique for sizing work. Planning poker starts
with placing the Fibonacci sequence numbers from 1 through 55 on the faces
of playing cards (Figure 19-2).

Figure 19-2.  Planning poker playing cards used to size user stories

To play planning poker, each team member gets a deck of cards. For this exam-
ple, Sprint Planning has commenced and the team has discussed the details of
a user story. When it is time to size the story:
• Each team member discreetly selects a card from their
deck relating to the story points they think reflects the
size and complexity of the work for the story and simul-
taneously displays it to the rest of the team.
• If there is consensus in the size, this becomes the recorded
size for the story.
• If there are differences in sizes, then the owners of low-
est and highest cards explain their sizing position, and the
team briefly discusses the story further.
• Each team member again selects a card based on the new
• This continues until a consensus on the size is achieved.
Being Agile 191

Planning poker can be played face to face when all team members are colo-
cated or virtually when team members are distributed. If virtual, then sizes
can be instant-messaged to the Scrum Master, who shares the sizes with the

Sprint Burndown
A Sprint Burndown is used by a team to highlight the amount of work that a
team plans to complete, known as the target velocity, compared to what work
was actually completed and what work is left to do. It is a metric meant only
for a particular Scrum Team and is only relevant for a particular Sprint. The
benefit is that it is used to provide a team awareness of whether they are on
track, predict when all of the work will be completed, and identify roadblocks
In Figure 19-3, the ideal burndown line starts with the team’s target velocity,
which is the amount of work a team believes they can do within a Sprint. In
this example, the unit of work is called story points and for this Sprint the
target velocity is 55. The ideal burndown line is established by starting with
the target velocity and then subtracting the average increment each day. You
get the daily average increment by dividing the target velocity by the number
of days in a Sprint (in this example, 55/10 = 5.5).

55 50
30 31

24 23


Ideal Burndown Actual Burndown 6

0 0
Tues Wed Thurs Fri Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Mon

Figure 19-3.  Sprint Burndown to help a team view their progress throughout a Sprint
192 Chapter 19 | Working with Story Points, Velocity, and Burndowns

The actual burndown line indicates how many story points of work are actu-
ally completed from day to day. It starts with the team’s target velocity (55),
and each day it is subtracted by the amount of work done or completed
stories each day. Because each story is a different size, the amount that gets
subtracted on each day varies by the number of stories and the unit size of
each of those stories. (Don’t be surprised if, early in the Sprint, the actual
burndown stays flat for a couple of days. Team members are just starting the
work and it is not realistic to expect immediate completion of a story.)

Velocity is a metric that can help you understand a team’s sustainable pace
by identifying the amount of stories that represent customer value a team
can deliver in a Sprint. Sustainable pace is one of the Agile principles, and the
intent is to understand this pace when team members are working 40 hours
a week and no more. Sustainable pace allows team members to work indefi-
nitely. A team’s Sprint velocity is a representation of how many story points
of functionality a team can deliver within a Sprint. At the beginning of a Sprint,
it is called the target velocity. The actual velocity is calculated at the end of each
Sprint based on the stories that actually get completed that meet the done
criteria (Chapter 20) and the acceptance criteria of each story (Chapter 18).
A team’s velocity is commonly represented in graphical form that is used to
measure the rate of business value a team can consistently deliver from Sprint
to Sprint. Because each team applies its own relative story point sizing frame-
work, this metric is unique and only applicable for a particular team. It must
not be used to compare one team to another. The benefit is that over time, it
becomes a predictor of the amount of work a team can do in the subsequent
In Figure 19-4, the target velocity is the team’s estimate of how many units of
work (or story points) it thinks it can complete within a Sprint. The actual
velocity is the actual units of work completed in that Sprint. The average velocity
is the average of the actual velocities accrued divided by the number of Sprints
Being Agile 193

Target Velocity Actual Velocity Average Velocity

60 60 58 58 58
55 55 55 55
50 54
50 52 53




Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4 Sprint 5 Sprint 6

Figure 19-4. Team velocity metrics that a team uses to predict their target velocity (number
of story points they can complete in a Sprint)

Notice in the first Sprint that the team estimated a target velocity of 75.
Because they did not have any historical data on which to base their velocity,
it was a guess. They learned at the end of the Sprint that they actually com-
pleted 40 story point units of work. The good news is that at the beginning
of the next Sprint, they have a basis of actual work completed as historical
data, which can help them predict with more accuracy how many story points
of work they can complete. You can see by Sprint 4, the average velocity of
52 story points becomes a fairly accurate predictor of how much work the
team can complete in Sprint 5, during which they actually completed 55 units
of work. The velocity helps set a realistic target of work for each Sprint and
can be used to provide a release burnup for how many story points can be
completed for release (see discussion in Chapter 14).

Are You Getting the Point?

As teams get ready to implement Agile, it is important for them to establish
a sizing framework they will apply, use Sprint Burndowns to assess progress
within a Sprint, and understand how velocity can help them establish a sus-
tainable team pace of work. Story points provide an abstract unit measure of
work that becomes specific to a team when they establish their relative story
point sizing framework.
194 Chapter 19 | Working with Story Points, Velocity, and Burndowns

This sizing framework is very important for a team to achieve a sustainable

pace of work at 40 hours a week and no more to avoid team member burn-
out and gain alignment with the Agile principles. To achieve a sustainable pace,
you need to track your team velocity, which is the scope quantity (story
points) per unit time (Sprint length). Establishing a sizing framework can help
a team achieve a sustainable pace throughout the project.


Done Criteria to
Promote Quality
Quality is not an act; it is a habit.


Done criteria are clearly stated conditions that a user story must meet for the
functionality to be deemed complete and shippable for release. Done criteria
supports the Agile principle of technical excellence, by which team members
apply continuous attention to engineering practices and techniques focused
on building a quality product.
Done criteria set the tone and create a habit on what it means to be done.
These criteria should be readily viewable by the team as a reminder as it
makes its transition toward Agile. Done criteria confer the following benefits:
• They help set team’s expectations of what it means
to build the story functionality so that it is potentially
• They help identify the engineering activities and expecta-
tions that must occur to build a quality product.
196 Chapter 20 | Constructing Done Criteria to Promote Quality

• They can increase the level of product quality and limit

the amount of rework due to defects found in the field.
• They are an input for team sizing user stories during
Sprint Planning and ensure all of the work described in
the team’s done criteria is considered.
This sounds simple enough. But if you are transitioning from a traditional
waterfall world, done may have meant “I am done with development so there-
fore the work is done”—and the team now has to expand the meaning to
include other engineering disciplines such as testing. In pre-Agile worlds, there
is often a separation between development and testing. When you transition
to an Agile mindset, done criteria imply that we are bringing development and
testing and all of the associated disciplines together.

■ Agile Pit Stop There is a difference between done criteria and acceptance criteria. Acceptance
criteria are unique for each user story and answer the question, “How will I know when I’m done with
the story?” Done criteria are engineering tasks that apply equally to all user stories within the Sprint
and project.

I suggest that done criteria are one of the most critical techniques that must
be discussed and implemented to ensure that what gets built is made with
quality. You can think of done criteria as a form of team-based quality control
applied when a team builds product functionality.

Done Criteria Starter Kit

As a readiness activity within the RICH model, it is critical to establish done
criteria prior to building the product. This ensures that the team has the
opportunity to discuss the quality steps and understand how they are applied.
This also ensures the team begins with done criteria that helps infuse quality
into building the product right at the beginning.
I usually bring a starter kit of typical disciplines to get a story to done. This
helps initiate an active team discussion prior to Sprint 1 so that each team
member understands the various elements of the done criteria, what disci-
plines we expect to follow when building a user story, and what elements we
are agreeing to as a team. Here is my done criteria starter kit:
• Design: Specify design tools, design type(s), and modeling
the team uses. This extends to practices such as user
interface (UI) and user experience (UX). This may include
crafting user cases for stories or epics and specifying
usability and sustainability goals.
Being Agile 197

• Development: Specify development programming tools,

techniques, and coding standards. This done criterion
may include building a story in an incremental manner to
allow for iteration between development and testing.
• Documentation: Specify the level of documentation comple-
tion we expect when user stories have a documentation
component, such as user guides and the nonfunctional
requirements associated with them.
• Unit tests: Specify the tools and percentage of unit tests
we expect to see executed. When there are no unit tests
in place, specify the level of focus on constructing unit
tests as part of the story construction.
• Version control: Specify the expected use of version control,
private user workspaces (including check-out/check-in),
continuous integration needs, and when to branch and
when to merge.
• Local builds: Specify the build tools and the expected use
of applying incremental local builds, such as continuous
builds within the private user workspace.
• Code reviews: Specify when to apply code reviews and
the percentage of code reviews being applied (all code
changes or a particular type of code change). Discuss if
pair programming is being applied and if this displaces
code reviews.
• Testing: Specify the test tools and testing types—such as
functional, system, integration, performance, or load—
being applied to a user story. When there are no tests in
place, specify the level of focus on constructing tests as
part of the story construction.
• Defects: Specify the appropriate severity-level defects
(severity 1 and 2 only or all severities) that must be
resolved and verified prior to completing a story.
• Acceptance criteria: Prior to indicating that a story is
complete, all acceptance criteria must be complete as
well. Although acceptance criteria are separate from
done criteria, for a story to be deemed done, it must sub-
sume the acceptance criteria (Chapter 18).
198 Chapter 20 | Constructing Done Criteria to Promote Quality

At this point, the team discusses these elements, adapts the criteria to their
current level of discipline, and establishes a common definition of done for the
stories. You may need to further adapt your done criteria for the following
• Align with compliance standards that must be met.
• Enhance with technical best practices of an organization.
• Consider the inclusion of establishing automation activi-
ties for streamlining testing and build processes.
Once the team agrees to done criteria, they become a cornerstone for velocity
and so have a direct effect on the sizing of stories. During Sprint Planning
events, the done criteria should be highlighted as a reminder of the level and
detail of work needed to complete the story and as an input to sizing the
work. When done criteria are established, post them in a visible place to
remind the team.

■■Agile Pit Stop  You may have variations of done criteria depending on the type of story work
occurring. The done criteria described in this chapter focus on user stories. However, you may define
a specific done criteria for research spike stories and refactoring stories.

You should expect done criteria to evolve over time. You may want to
periodically review them during the Sprint Retrospective events to determine
if they need improvement. Also, some of the effort associated with your done
criteria is dependent on the tools, infrastructure, and automation that cur-
rently exist and on your vision of these areas.

Definition of Done and Done-Done

You may encounter various synonyms for the term done criteria. Some prefer
the term definition of done (DoD). Others define done in Agile as done-done.
This is meant to imply that you are finished not only with development (the
first done) but also with testing (the second done).
The question is, how many dones do you need? Figure  20-1 illustrates the
humor of having multiple dones. If your definition of done has ten key dis-
ciplines, as I outline in the done criteria starter kit, then maybe it should be
called done-done-done-done-done-done-done-done-done-done criteria. This is why
I suggest that just one done is enough.
Being Agile 199

Done Done Done


Figure 20-1.  How many dones do you need to name your done criteria?

Are We Done Yet?

Done criteria are critical to a team following Agile—and indeed to any team
that is developing software. They help a team understand the Agile principles
of technical excellence and adapt their mindset to what it really means to be
complete when building the functionality specified within a user story. It helps
ensure that the user stories are built to include the necessary engineering
activities and quality criteria to get to an effective and demonstrable piece of
functionality ready for release.
Once a team has established its done criteria, the criteria should evolve
over time based on what is learned during the retrospective and as the team
increases its level of discipline with the benefit of a quality and releasable
product. So the next time someone on your team says, “Are we done yet?”,
make sure that the questioner means, “Have we built our stories with the
appropriate engineering disciplines and quality criteria that allow us to build
value with high quality?”


Agile Tools
within an ALM
Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have faith in people,
that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do
wonderful things with them.

—Steve Jobs

I typically do not discuss agile tooling when initially helping teams adopt Agile.
I believe the initial focus should be on Agile values and principles and then the
processes and practices. Agile tooling discussions should occur as a readiness
activity within the RICH deployment model so that it is clear to the team
what tools will be used within the project and product context.
From an agile perspective, collocated teams may prefer to work with minimal tool-
ing in the agile space, using spreadsheets, story walls, and whiteboards. As soon as
teams become distributed, however, working with online tools becomes benefi-
cial. A team may gain benefits in productivity and transparency from automation
that they provide. Details on tools that can help you identify, track, and delivery
customer value should be included within the technical vision (Chapter 15).
202 Chapter 21 | Considering Agile Tools within an ALM Framework

Application Lifecycle Management

Application lifecycle management (ALM) describes a set of tools and corre-
sponding practices that work together across the release lifecycle to help a
team deliver an instance of a product (release) from inception to production.
A robust ALM framework will include a metamodel that defines a common
language across the tools and process engine that parses and shares informa-
tion across and among the various tools within the ALM framework.
I have been fortunate enough to have been involved with both ALM and
Agile. Unfortunately, there is no one-stop-shop ALM solution because of the
breadth and depth that full ALM implies and the fact that software develop-
ment is more complex and diverse than ever. But the more seamless an
integrated tool framework is, the more an Agile Team can focus on building
customer value.
There is a need for flexibility and customization so that an ALM tool frame-
work doesn’t drive the interaction of the team. This is in support of the Agile
principle, “People and their interactions over process and tools.” It doesn’t
say, “You should forgo process and tools”—but it implies that teams should
always be aware of what is best for the members based on current and future
interactions among the team. More important, teams should not allow tools
to drive the process or constrain the interaction possibilities.

ALM Framework for Customer Value

When introducing ALM and the tools it brings to an agile context, it is impor-
tant to focus on customer value from inception to release. Starting agile ALM
as early as inception or business visioning for a specific release helps provide
the context for initiating customer value for the project.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The tools that you use within an agile context should help you identify, track, and
deliver customer value.

Should you pursue an ALM framework to help with an agile deployment, make
sure that your main objective is to establish mechanisms that improve your
ability to understand and promote customer value throughout the lifecycle.
This helps establish traceability of customer value from the beginning of the
lifecycle to the end.
Being Agile 203

The value chain is a series of activities focused on delivering value. According to

Michael Porter, value “stems from the many discrete activities a firm ­performs
in designing, producing, marketing, delivering, and supporting a ­product.”1
Figure 21-1 illustrates the notion that just as Agile supports the value chain
and the delivery of customer value, ALM should support Agile in reaching this
goal. This establishes the basis for an Agile ALM framework.

Application Lifecycle Management

Agile Methods & Practices

Value Chain

Figure 21-1.  Applying application lifecycle management (ALM) tools to support agile
methods and practices to build the value chain and the delivery of customer value

Tools to Support Agile

When teams discuss agile tools, the focus tends to fall on Agile Planning.
However, Agile can take advantage of tools from a variety of areas across the
lifecycle. Besides agile planning tools, a team can take advantage of tools in
business visioning, collaboration, defect tracking, configuration management,
continuous integration and build, and test automation. ALM can help integrate
the tools in a way that benefits the team. The rest of this chapter ­examines
these different tool areas that can benefit Agile and its goal of delivering
customer value.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Agile Planning is often the first tool thought of for Agile. But business visioning,
collaboration, defect tracking, configuration management, continuous integration and build, test
automation can also be advantageous.

Michael Porter. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Free
Press, 1985.
204 Chapter 21 | Considering Agile Tools within an ALM Framework

Business Visioning: Identifying Customer Value

As teams begin a value delivery lifecycle, they need to provide a means to
capture customer ideas and prioritize and rank them to ensure they are build-
ing something the customer wants. Ideas primarily come from the customer,
but they may be channeled through discussions with sales, presales, marketing,
management, and others. With a business visioning idea-capture tool, ideas
can come directly from the customer into this customer-facing tool and be
sorted out by the Product Owner.
It is advantageous to provide an idea generation and collaboration space with
web conferencing that is both threaded and traceable from the source to the
idea. This provides customers a place to submit ideas that may evolve into
epics or user stories. The latter implies integration between idea generation
and user stories in the Product Backlog.
A key to business visioning is having the ability to generate market-level
objectives from ideas so that a team has a vision of what they want to build
yet remains adaptable to the ever-changing marketplace. Then they should
have the ability to generate a business case from the ideas, market objectives,
projected return on investment, and market analysis.

Collaboration: Sharing Customer Value

A collaboration tool is a virtual replication of an Agile Team room. This is a
virtual room that can be viewed from your computer, in which you can see the
rest of the team in action. You can “poke” them, have a discussion, break out
into individual virtual team rooms, view the story wall, and see your specific
work wall.
Team members need to enable continuous communication among themselves
with threaded team conversation. These conversations need to be integrated
and connected to certain events (such as Sprint Planning and Daily Scrum)
or certain work items (such as user stories), so that they can be available for
considering context and further detail as needed.
Full project teams and their Scrum Team components also need the ability to
support Scrum of Scrums (SoS) for collaboration and discussion. There may
be a project SoS (when there are multiple Scrum Teams on a project), Product
Owner SoS, and technical SoS. Each may benefit from collaboration space.
From an external perspective, having the ability to initiate virtual customer
validation sessions (such as Sprint Reviews) to demonstrate Sprint functionality
from the version control or testing environment is enabled by an agile ALM
solution. Feedback from virtual attendees can be captured in the collaboration
system and agile tools related to specific stories and Sprint. This input should
be readily available for the next Sprint Planning session.
Being Agile 205

Agile Planning: Capturing and Prioritizing

Customer Value
A team, led by the Product Owner, needs the ability to establish and manage
a Product Backlog to capture epics, user stories, and tasks and then establish
relationships among them (from tasks to their parent story, from stories to
their parent epic or theme, and so forth). Agile Planning tools must have the
ability to capture:
• Product Backlog Item (PBI) types, such as epic, theme,
user stories, tasks, and bugs
• unique identifiers for each PBI
• the originator or source of the PBI
• the priority of the PBI
• dependencies the PBI has on other PBIs or external
• the Sprint in which the PBI is built
• comments regarding the PBI
Chapter 18 discusses agile planning tool needs in the context of the Product
Backlog and attributes.
The good news is that this functionality is readily available in various tools.
Within the context of managing a backlog, a team needs the ability to ­generate
Sprint Backlogs from the Product Backlog based on priority—including the ­ability
to capture acceptance criteria related to a story, ensuring that the Sprint
story wall is in a visible place.
It is also advantageous for an agile planning tool to capture customer ­personas.
This is useful when a team’s requirement language construct (such as the
canonical form) captures the persona. You can create the customer personas
for your specific product; then, when the Product Owner is writing the user
stories, they can be linked to the persona details.
As a result of backlog management, having a means to generate Sprint
Burndowns, release burnups, and Sprint and release velocity metrics in an
automated manner helps the team track progress. When Agile is being
­implemented on large project teams with multiple Scrum Teams, it is beneficial
to get a cross–Scrum Team view of the Sprint and release progress.
The last session within a Sprint is the Sprint Retrospective. It is beneficial to have
the ability to support the retrospective process and merge the improvement
tasks back into the Product Backlog for Sprint Planning. These tasks can be
included in the next Sprint and tracked to closure.
206 Chapter 21 | Considering Agile Tools within an ALM Framework

Defect Tracking: Identifying Bugs While Increasing

Defect tracking tools provide a team with the capability of documenting,
prioritizing, and tracking defects to closure. As part of the Sprint, teams often
incorporate defect work. Because of this, they need the ability to track defects
related to the product. In addition, the Product Owner must have the ability
to selectively include defects into the Product Backlog as appropriate. This is
especially relevant to legacy products.
Teams also need the ability to differentiate clearly among the defects asso-
ciated with the current Sprint, past Sprints, and past releases. This implies
integration between the defect tracking tool and the agile planning backlog
management tool.

Version Control: Identifying and Controlling Assets

That Form the Basis of Customer Value
A version control tool provides the ability to store, manage, and track changes
to source code. There is a need for a version control system that can manage
any type of element, such as code, documents, test scripts, and executables.
These elements form the basis for the assets that must be managed. These
code assets require the ability to be tagged to a release of the product.
The version control system should have the ability to form private work-
spaces so each team member can work securely in a “sandbox,” allowing for
both creativity and integrity prior to promoting code to the project level or
backing stream. To support different code levels and streams, the version
control system needs a robust branching and merging process to support dif-
ferent lines of development of working code while the assets that represent
customer value can be clearly identified and tracked.
Because assets are important to delivering customer value, the version
control system must be regularly backed up, along with a tested disaster
­recovery process with quick turn-around time for recovery. The version con-
trol system forms the basis for the continuous integration and build system so
that what is built comes directly from a location of known integrity.

Continuous Integration and Build: Continuously

Building Value
Continuous integration and build refers to the process of checking in and merg-
ing code from a developer’s private workspace to the project stream, thereby
immediately initiating a project-level build. Key advantages are that the team
Being Agile 207

learns of merge and build issues right away. Frequent code merging reduces
the challenges and pain of large, complex integrations in the future. It also
provides team members with immediate feedback on the success or failure
of changes in a build and in the subsequent smoke test of the product. The
smoke test provides a brief test of the functionality to ensure it operates at a
basic level.
A continuous integration and build system should be integrated with a version
control system that provides effective branching and merging functionality. This
includes the ability to initiate merge and build on check-in to the parent branch
and to provide information on what was merged and built and their results.
In addition, it is beneficial to have an integration with the agile planning tool on
one end to make the team aware of the merge and build results and on the
other end with the test environment to initiate the next step in testing.
One of the advantages of continuous integration is that the team begins to build
the customer value early and often. A very interesting cultural shift occurs
when the concept of continuous is ingrained into a culture. Agile embraces a
mindset of continuous change in which builds move from an event-based inte-
gration process to a continuous integration process. In other words, no one
needs to hold onto large amounts of changes for a major integration effort.
It also promotes more granular user stories and more frequent code changes.

Testing:Verifying and Automating for Quality

Although prioritized scope drives customer value, teams need to ensure that
value is of high quality. The test function is important to Agile. Testing comes
with a whole range of tools. The ability to run functional tests, system tests,
regression tests, performance tests, load tests, and others are critical to ensur-
ing product quality. Integration with the agile planning tool allows the team to
be aware of test results, including what tests were successfully run on stories.
In addition, establishing a test automation framework allows for reduced QA
and developer involvement and allows for the tests to be continuously run. In
Agile, automation helps reduce manual testing, which slows the team down.
As automation is added, a focus on quality data can help a team highlight
opportunities to increase velocity and improve quality. Details on test tools
should be included within the QA vision discussed in Chapter 15.

Do You Have the Right Tools for the Job?

When discussing tools for Agile, planning tools tend to be the focus. But there
are many tools across the project lifecycle that can help an Agile Team. These
include tools for business visioning, collaboration, defect tracking, configu-
ration management, continuous integration and build, and test automation.
208 Chapter 21 | Considering Agile Tools within an ALM Framework

Preparing a technical vision of your tool strategy can help you frame your
discussion around the benefits of tools and how the tools can help you
identify, track, and delivery customer value.
By fostering integration of tools across the lifecycle, an ALM framework can
support both the value chain and Agile in the pursuit of delivering customer
value. ALM establishes a tool framework to help a product team establish
and manage customer value throughout the lifecycle. It ensures traceability of
customer value from one part of the lifecycle area to another. As you
consider Agile, remind yourself of the Agile principle: People and interactions
over process and tools. This doesn’t mean that you ignore tools, but that you
should employ tools to help you deliver customer value.


Coaching, and
Honing Activities
You just want to hone your craft, whatever it may be.

—Christopher Cross

The middle part of this book (Chapters 7–21) focuses on the readiness
­activities described by the RICH model to assist the achievement of the Agile
mindset and true agile transformation. Readiness is the beginning of condi-
tioning the mind toward the behavior needed to align with Agile values and
principles and focuses on making decisions regarding the elements for your
implementation. As you incrementally make readiness decisions and continue
to focus on the Agile mindset, the implementation process can begin.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The ready, implement, and hone activities of the RICH Deployment Model align
with the agile notion of inspect and adapt. Anything that gets deployed should be subject to an
opportunity for inspection and adaption.

This chapter highlights the key activities within implement, coach, and hone to
achieve an agile state of mind and a transformation to Agile (Figure 22-1).
210 Chapter 22 | Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities


Hone Implement


Figure 22-1.  RICH model with emphasis on implement, coach, and hone activities

As the readiness activities are decided, they can be implemented in an incre-

mental or holistic manner. With that in mind, the following sections cover the
suggested focus areas for the implement, coach, and hone activities.

Implementing Agile
During readiness activities, there is an ever-growing list of people getting
involved in the Agile adoption effort. While the Agile Deployment Team has
the primary responsibility, they are incrementally involving new people to gain
their input, experience, and awareness. When there is a focus on implementa-
tion, the visibility and impact of the agile effort expands to the whole organi-
zational scope.
Implementation activities focus on the timely application of agile elements
within a team or organization. With proper conditioning during readiness
activities, the participants will understand why they are applying Agile and
begin to internalize the values and principles. Although you have made deci-
sions during readiness activities, you may need to adapt approaches and
­decisions as implementation becomes real.
The primary goal of implementing is to roll out Agile to the organizational
scope. There may be emphasis in getting the mechanics in place, but there
should also be a strong focus in changing behaviors.
For everything that is implemented, there should be a follow-up to determine
whether the team understands why they are adopting, at what level they are
mechanically adopting the agile element, and at what level they are making
the cultural shift toward an Agile mindset. This reflective follow-up helps with
honing. During this time, it is important to infuse implementation activities
with appropriate coaching to ensure the agile mechanics and culture begin
to stick.
Being Agile 211

Executing Deployment Backlog and

Communication Plan
Commencement of implementation means you have made a decision to ­initiate
the deployment of Agile within your organizational scope. It is time to incre-
mentally begin deployment activities and initiate communication about those
activities. As discussed in Chapter 11, a prioritized backlog is beneficial in
helping you understand what should be occurring for a successful ­deployment
and to track the progress of the backlog items.
At this point, you should have your objectives and motivations, an ­understanding
of the scope of the effort, a deployment team to help lead and support the
effort, a communication plan to help convey progress, suitable teams identi-
fied within the organizational scope, the work prioritized in a deployment
backlog, and a plan for applying and adapting the agile process and mindset for
­deployment into the organizational scope.
The communication plan should include how you will encapsulate various mes-
sages into various communication types via various communication ­channels to
various audiences with various frequencies. Implementation is a time to com-
municate progress and expectations frequently. As discussed in Chapter 11,
an agile communication plan keeps everyone informed and aware of the
­continued support for Agile.

Continuing Education
Education for Agile is a long-term venture. The early steps start with ­promoting
awareness and getting the organization trained. Awareness should have begun
during readiness to ensure those within the scope are aware of the objective
and motivations for moving to Agile.

Promoting Agile Community

Elements of the agile community should now be implemented. This may
include launching Agile-related websites and social collaboration venues. The
collaboration venue is a place for folks to pose questions to other teams to
hear thoughts, share ideas, and discuss lessons learned.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The agile community venue provides an opportunity to share, discuss, and
collaborate on a variety of topics.
212 Chapter 22 | Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities

Early on, the members of the Agile Deployment Team may be the biggest
responders to questions posed, but they should actively seek contributions
from local Agile Champions and other community members. If you have imple-
mented a form of gamification to get people engaged in the community, now
is the time to start. Chapter 16 looks at building an agile community and ways
to implement gamification.

Initiating Agile Training

The key to implementing training is to conduct the sessions in a ­just-in-time
manner before the people playing agile roles need to apply the agile ­framework.
At this point, whether you have hired external trainers or use your Agile Coach,
Agile trainers should be lined up, training materials should be identified, and
the training schedule should be executed. Each set of training materials should
include a section about the agile framework that will be used. Although most
training benefits from being implemented in a just-in-time manner, this may
vary slightly by role.
It is highly recommended that the executives and senior management take
the executive overview immediately after there is a commitment to Agile.
This should have occurred as a readiness activity, but if not it should be the
first education activity done when implementing. Executive overview provides
executives and senior management with a summary of Agile principles and
values, its business benefits, and their role and responsibility within an Agile
culture. The key is getting management at this level to understand the impor-
tant role they play in helping the organization make the cultural shift to Agile.
The Product Owner (PO) should be the one of the folks trained early by
taking a role-specific Product Owner workshop or Certified Scrum Product
Owner (CSPO) training. As soon as Agile is known to be the approach the
team will use, the PO should be trained. This is because the PO has to build
the Product Backlog, establish personas, build company profiles, and establish
the product vision that helps guide the product direction.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Depending on the number of teams needing training, you may consider capturing
metrics on number trained to gain a sense of training progress.

Next, the Scrum Master should be trained by taking a specific Scrum Master
workshop or Certified Scrum Master (CSM) training. This is because the
Scrum Master helps set the project up within an agile context, is the facilitator
of the agile events, and will act as the guardian and promoter of Agile values
and principles.
Being Agile 213

The members of an Agile Team—specifically the cross-functional team

members including developers, QA, and others—should take an Agile Team
Foundation course just prior to being asked to use Agile on their new project.
This should include training on their role, the Agile values and principles, the
agile framework that will be used, and all of the agile events they will partici-
pate in. It is beneficial for the Scrum Master and PO to take this training with
the team even though they have their own specific training. This promotes
team spirit and ties the various roles together.
As a reminder, training is just the beginning of the journey to an Agile culture.
Although training can focus on skills and process, its ability to be applied can
be undone the moment the trainee moves back into their existing culture.
You will need coaching to keep the team on their agile journey and help apply
the mindset, process, and skills correctly.

Implementing the Agile Framework

Applying the agile framework takes place the moment that Agile is applied
on the project. This isn’t a specific activity. Instead, the implementation of the
agile framework being used should be initially discussed during training and
then applied on the project. For the first three or four Sprints, coaching can be
very advantageous for those teams that have not implemented Agile before in
ensuring that the processes and team roles are applied properly.

■■Agile Pit Stop  When implementing an Agile framework, consider following the Shu Ha Ri
concept of learning (Shu - obey the rule, Ha - adapt the rule, Ri - transcend the rule). First practice
by the book. Then you are in a position to adapt and transcend.

Applying Agile Tools

If can be risky to start using a tool right away. A tool often comes with a
dictated process. Instead, it is beneficial first to understand the team’s interac-
tion and natural process. What a team may first consider doing is to use the
physical story wall to display the stories, if the team is collocated, or use a
basic online spreadsheet to manage the backlog prior to moving to a more
sophisticated infrastructure. This gives the team a tangible idea of how they
would like to use a tool before it is applied, in alignment with the Agile value
of “people and interactions over process and tools.”
A preliminary step to implementing tools is to become aware of the ones that
can help you effectively deploy Agile and then identify the appropriate tools
for your team’s needs. In addition, the tools you use should help you in the
214 Chapter 22 | Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities

pursuit of delivering customer value. Chapter 21 presents the range of tools

that can support Agile and details how they can support the value chain of
building products customers want.
Implementing a tool infrastructure can take time. As you are planning the
installation and set-up of tools, ensure that you provide reasonable lead time
between starting the installation and when you would like the team to actually
start using the tools. As part of the implementation, ensure that appropriate
training and user guides, physical or online, are provided so that users have
educational support.
You should have a backlog of tasks that ensures you have considered the tasks
for an effective tool deployment. A general outline of tool deployment tasks
at an epic level follows:
• Identification and preparation of the environment: involves
a server location for the tool to reside and any accompa-
nying needs for storage.
• Installation of the tool: involves physically installing the tool
in the prescribed location and installing client software.
• Preparation of your instance of the tool (as appropriate):
involves preparing the tool instance and/or configuring in
the product to the team’s needs and for the process the
team intends to use.
• Communication of progress: involves sharing with inter-
ested parties via the appropriate communication chan-
nel the tool deployment strategy, proposed timeline, and
progress along the way.
• Training to support the tool usage you expect: includes
sharing the process by which you would like the tool to
be used.
The key during implementation is ensuring that the tools serve the needs of
the team. This is why it is so important to take the opportunity to hone the
tool usage and process. Once a team is using a tool, they may find that the
initial process needs to be adapted to better align it with the working interac-
tions and shortcuts that get discovered.

Coaching Agile
Coaching should accompany the readiness, implement, and hone activities.
Agile Coaches can provide significant benefit in these areas if they have expe-
rience in deploying Agile, are veterans of organizational change, have played
Agile roles on a team, and are well versed in working with the business ­benefits
Being Agile 215

of Agile. Coaching activities focus on helping the team and organization adapt
and align to the new culture.
As Agile Coaches help teams toward their goals, they should support and facil-
itate agile deployment efforts during the readiness, implementation, and hone
activities. As discussed in Chapter 12, Agile Coaches can address issues and
challenges raised by teams that focus on adoption, culture, effect to ­customer
value, work flow, and quality of the product being built.
Coaching can take many forms. There are executives, managers, and individu-
als who may be Agile Champions in their own right who have organizational
change experience and can help move the organization toward an Agile cul-
ture. They may become Agile Coaches and some may remain Agile Champions.
Both can provide coaching in their own ways.

Coach as Navigator on the Path to Agile

Think of an Agile Coach as your navigator who can help you move down the
best path for your teams and provide course correction when you either
regress or move in a less Agile-favorable direction. This is why it is so critical
to hire an Agile Coach who has experience in helping at the level of deploy-
ment that you are looking for—team, product, or organization. If you do not
have a coach, it is very easy to apply a process incorrectly and go down the
less favorable path. Without a coach, it is easier to give up and regress back
to the old process. The coach provides you with a better opportunity to go
down the best path for the team toward Agile (Figure 22-2).


Best Agile

Agile Coach

Figure 22-2.  An Agile Coach can help you avoid regressing to old practices and taking
wrong turns, and instead help you down the best path for your team or organization

Coaching helps a team adopt an agile process and lays the groundwork for
transforming the culture. When discussing the path to adoption, coaches help
ensure that elements and the Agile culture surrounding the elements stick.
216 Chapter 22 | Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities

Providing In-Session Coaching

Training can help teams gain understanding of agile processes and mindset, but
at some point the team will implement Agile to gain experience. Because many
team members have little agile experience or have a different understanding
of what Agile is from past experiences, it can be hard to gauge whether a team
is implementing Agile correctly. This is where it is very beneficial to have in-
session coaching.
In-session coaching is beneficial as teams begin to implement agile processes
and for three to four Sprints. In this context, an experienced Agile Coach sits
in on the events and helps a team adapt to their new roles and practices. The
coach should have the experience of providing teachable moments without
unnecessarily interrupting the flow of an event. By the time the team is in
Sprint 3 or 4, the coach should disengage and only periodically check in to see
how the team is doing.
For example, in the first Sprint, the coach should attend the Sprint Planning,
Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective events. In the early stages,
the coach helps the team with event mechanics. By the third or fourth Sprint,
the focus should be more on team dynamics and helping the team achieve
a self-organizing state. Because of the principle of self-organizing teams, you
do not want a coach participating in agile events beyond several Sprints.
You do not want the team to become reliant on the coaches and unable to

Grooming In-House Talent

As a team is starting to learn their agile process, it is beneficial for a coach to
have one-on-one sessions with the Scrum Masters and POs, allowing these two
roles charged with championing the agile process to ask specific questions to
gain further familiarity with their roles, the mechanics, and the culture that is
expected. For the first several Sprints, these sessions can be held weekly, then
they should be reduced to once a month or as otherwise appropriate.
If a company is large enough and has several Scrum Masters and POs, another
way to groom in-house talent is to hold periodic Q&A sessions for all the
exponents of a given role. This is a good way to leverage a coach’s time
by fielding questions of general application. At the same time, those Scrum
Masters or POs who attend can hear each other’s challenges and realize that
they are not alone. This is also an opportunity for bringing the Scrum Master
or PO groups together to form the beginning of an agile community by role.
Being Agile 217

Building an In-House Coaching Circle

If an organization is large enough, there may be a benefit to grooming internal
staff who have an affinity for Agile to become internal Agile Coaches. An expe-
rienced Agile Coach is needed to groom internal coaches, because it requires
someone with deep knowledge and experience in Agile and the ability to
groom enthusiasts to become coaches. This collection of internal Agile
Coaches forms the basis for the coaching circle.
An Agile coaching circle is a support network of like-minded Agile enthusiasts
who are interested in gaining knowledge and hearing others’ experiences in
readying, implementing, and honing teams in Agile. As an organization imple-
ments Agile, some folks will more naturally adapt to it. The pool of potential
internal coaches may belong to Agile Team members, Scrum Masters, POs, and
local Agile Champions. An organization needs to make a commitment to the
internal Agile Coaches to allow them to help teams beyond their current role.

Honing Agile
One of the Agile principles states that “at regular intervals, the team reflects
on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accord-
ingly.” Having the opportunity to reflect ensures that the team can continu-
ously hone its agile practice and mindset over time. The event that first comes
to mind is the Sprint Retrospective. That is just one opportunity to reflect
and adjust at the team level. There also needs to be honing at the product and
organizational levels.
Keep in mind that honing can occur the moment any agile element is imple-
mented. Improving the agile mechanics tend to be the early focus of reflecting
and honing. However, over time, there should be a strong focus on whether
the team is aligning with the Agile values and principles and achieving the
transformation an organization or team is looking for.

■ Agile Pit Stop When honing, consider honing the “3 P”s: people, process, and product.

The challenge with reflecting and honing is to identify opportunities for

improvement while still staying true to the Agile values and principles. As
improvement opportunities are discussed, ask whether they align with Agile
values and principles. If they do, this is a good sign and shows that it further
supports the transformation toward Agile. The rest of this chapter examines
various opportunities for continuously improving over time and achieving an
Agile mindset.
218 Chapter 22 | Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities

Using the Retrospective for Continuous

The Sprint Retrospective is the first and foremost way to continuously reflect
and hone. The goal is to identify what went well in the Sprint and what can
be improved. It is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to reflect on the past
Sprint’s activities, including team dynamics, processes, tools, and culture. It is
equally important to discuss what went well and what can be improved.
Once improvement opportunities are identified, they are prioritized by the
team. The highest priority improvement opportunities are discussed by
the team, and a root-cause analysis should be applied to get to the core of
the problem. This ensures the team is providing the right solution to the
­problem. Then the team commits to those solutions as actions and they
become improvement tasks for the next Sprint. This type of reflection and
honing occurs on a Sprint-by-Sprint basis.

Using Empirical Data for Improvement Input

As part of honing, it is very useful to use empirical data from meaningful met-
rics to help a team identify opportunities for improvement. Trend metrics
based on empirical data can help you reflect and hone. There are times where
team members have a “gut feeling” about something and empirical data can
help them take it from instinct to objective fact.
For example, a team is sensing that they are not getting enough time to build
their stories during a Sprint. How can they prove this in an empirical manner?
To gain empirical data, each team member can review their calendar during
the length of a Sprint and see how much of their time is spent in meetings.
This empirical data can help someone objectively validate the gut feeling and
determine whether a course of action is warranted.
Say, for example, that it is empirically discovered that over 30 percent of the
team’s total time is spent in non–Agile-related meetings. Now that the team
has baseline data to work with, it is possible to determine over successive
Sprints if the action of reducing meetings has a positive effect on the amount
of time a team has to build stories.

Conducting Periodic Agile Assessments

Agile assessments can provide insight into the level of implementation of the
mechanical elements or the cultural and behavioral elements of Agile. The
key is to create a baseline with the current level and periodically reassess
to determine whether improvement has occurred. Baselining provides visibil-
ity into your starting point and information to help you adapt when moving
Being Agile 219

f­orward. The results of an assessment can provide data points into what areas
are thriving and what areas can be honed for improvement.
The Agile Mindset,Values, and Principles (MVP) Advisor is used to answer the
question, “How do you know you are Agile?” (see Chapter 13). This assess-
ment may occur at the team or organization level. The results of this survey
provide visibility into the behavioral transformation toward the Agile values
and principles. This assessment should be first conducted prior to imple-
mentation to gauge a team’s current alignment to Agile values and principles.
This forms the baseline by which subsequent assessments can be compared.
Progress can be tracked by comparing the previous assessment and the cur-
rent one. The results can be reflected on, and improvement opportunities
can be identified based on the results. This honing activity may occur every
three to six months depending on how regularly you would like to track your
behavioral alignment to Agile.

■■Agile Pit Stop  The Agile MVP Advisor focuses on the transformation toward the Agile values
and principles, whereas the Agile Practices Adoption survey focuses on a team’s mechanical
adoption level of an agile process.

The Agile Practices Adoption survey is used to answer the question, “How do
you know you have adopted the agile processes and practices?” (see Chapter 13).
The results of this team-level survey provide visibility into a team’s mechani-
cal adoption level of the agile process and practices that are being applied.
This assessment mechanism should be first conducted after a team has had
training and has been implementing their agile framework for three or four
Sprints or a similar time period. This honing activity may occur every three
to six months or pre-release, depending on how regularly you want to track
adoption levels.

Improving Velocity
As a team tracks its velocity, members should look for opportunities to
improve their pace. Velocity is a measure that can help you understand a
team’s sustainable pace by tracking the amount of story points of customer
value a team can deliver in a Sprint. As new teams get started with Agile, their
velocity trend line is initially inconsistent, but it will eventually become stable
and reliable. When a team sees its velocity trend line plateau, it may be time
to look for improvement opportunities.
Improving velocity is often a long-term exercise. It can start with identifying
and removing impediments and dependencies that slow the team down.
Although this action may initiate in a Retrospective, it may require further
220 Chapter 22 | Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities

analysis of challenges that may take several Sprints to fully implement. Some
techniques for increasing team velocity follow:
• Look for software reuse opportunities. Software reuse is
a process whereby product teams may use software
components that represent standard functionality and
incorporate them into their product. Software reuse can
significantly decrease effort spent on building the same
functionality. It entails an amount of integration work to
understand the code, assess its quality, and integrate it
with the product’s current code base.
• Increase test automation. Test automation is a process
that takes manual testing routines and applies coding that
executes those tests based on a trigger. Automation can
result in a significant decrease in effort spent in executing
manual tests. There is effort in getting to a level of auto-
mation before it reduces team effort.
• Apply open-source solutions. Open source provides you the
ability to use peer-reviewed, high-quality code instead of
building it internally. If there is a well-architected code
structure, the ability to insert open-source code can
accelerate pace and lower costs. There needs to be an
investment to understand the open-source code that is
available, assess its quality, and integrate it with the prod-
uct’s current code base.
• Applying a colocation strategy. Colocation is a working
environment where a team is in one location. This can
be challenging for companies that have distributed staff.
Colocation promotes face-to-face communication, which
is one of the Agile principles. This activity involves deter-
mining if a more colocated team is possible. This may
become possible if you are working with several sites
where each has seven or more team members. If initially
QA was in one location, then QA responsibilities can be
distributed. This requires changes for a team, but there
can be a benefit to velocity when colocation and face-to-
face communication occur.

Promoting Customer Validation

Often forgotten as a honing activity is customer validation. Engaging the cus-
tomer is one of the most effective ways to hone the product toward building
customer value. Gaining continuous customer feedback of working software
and incorporating that feedback ensures that you are constructing a valuable
Being Agile 221

solution. As discussed in Chapter 17, the Sprint Review is the gold standard
for customer validation events at which the customer gets an opportunity to
view the working software.
Other validation activities can also help hone the product toward building
customer value. Aside from the Sprint Review, you can gain customer feed-
back in the review of the product vision and in an alpha-type environment
where the customer can exercise the software in a hands-on manner. When
a customer attends a validation session of working software, what they are
really doing is reflecting on the software and determining if it meets their
needs. This information allows a team to hone the software to better align
with building customer value.

Promoting Giving Back

As you saw in Chapter 16, the notion of giving back applies to employees who
have gained enough skills, experience, and confidence that they are capable
of giving back to their community. When employees have reached this level
of experience and are willing to give back, they start helping others. In rela-
tion to Agile, this is a form of self-organization in which a group of local Agile
Champions feels ownership of the mission to enhance culture and is willing to
support the transformation to Agile.
Equally important, giving back is a form of individual honing for further under-
standing of agile concepts. To give back to the community, this person must
reflect on their own experience to hone his or her thoughts to determine
what they contribute back to the community. Honing your thoughts to give
back can occur in several ways:
• Contributing your experiences and providing answers within
the local agile social collaboration venues. Providing answers
to a Q&A venue require a reflection and fine-tuning of
one’s thoughts prior to responding.
• Writing a blog article on an agile topic or experiences you
have had on an Agile Team. Authoring an article requires
reflection and articulation of one’s thoughts, knowing that
readers will take your writings seriously.
• Participating as co-lead in agile training. Preparing for training
and being in front of a crowd can motivate a strong need
to reflect and hone your understanding of a topic and the
delivery approach.
• Drafting and delivering seminars and webinars. Creating and
delivering information likewise requires reflection and
222 Chapter 22 | Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities

Are We Adapting and Improving Yet?

The key to the RICH Deployment Model is that you continually hone your
product, process, and people. You hone the product by building in validation
activities to ensure that the product meets the needs of your customers and
provides them with value. You hone your process through reflection activities
that allow a team to improve the process by which they work. You hone your
people by providing the opportunity to adapt to the Agile culture, become
Agile Champions through grooming by Agile Coaches, and by giving them the
opportunity to give back to their community.
Ultimately, the goal is adaption toward improvement. Following the Agile
­values and principles, adaptation becomes a natural part of the process. But
to effect this self-transformation, teams must be self-organized and reside in
an environment where reflection is allowed and positive change is willingly
accepted so that they can home in on their target of building customer value
in an effective and high-quality manner.


Governance and
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.
—Albert Einstein

Within an organization, there are many processes beyond the team that can
get in the way of a successful transformation to Agile. To achieve an Agile
culture, it is recommended that you evaluate these processes to understand
their alignment to the Agile values and principles and adapt as appropriate.
Two of these processes that I have found can negatively affect an Agile culture
are IT governance and performance review processes.
224 Chapter 23 | Adapting Governance and Performance Reviews

Adapting IT Governance to Agile

Governance and leadership are the yin and the yang of successful
organizations. If you have leadership without governance you risk tyranny,
fraud, and personal fiefdoms. If you have governance without leadership,
you risk atrophy, bureaucracy, and indifference.

—Mark Goyer

Many companies have a form of IT governance that helps them manage the IT
aspects of projects toward a successful outcome. IT governance is applied in
a variety of ways, many of which include a focus on architecture, development,
resource management, and risk management as they relate to the projects
within the organizational scope.
The challenge when moving to Agile is that many folks see Agile as a change
to only the development organization without seeing that Agile requires a
cultural shift throughout the company in order for an Agile transformation
to occur. If your governance process still assumes big upfront planning, this
will need to be adapted if you hope to gain the business benefits of Agile.
Unfortunately, some governance boards are rightly seen as bureaucratic and
rigid. These attributes are not aligned with Agile value and principles. When
encountering these types of boards, there is a bit of work to do.
The first action with any board is to ask your sponsor, preferably an executive, to
share the business benefits of moving to Agile. This readiness activity begins condi-
tioning minds toward Agile. Then it is incumbent to provide awareness of the Agile
values and principles along with the objectives and motivations for moving to Agile.
This begins the journey to align your IT governance toward an Agile mindset.

Iron Triangle to Flexible Trapezium

Many organizations expect to see the dimensions of scope, schedule, and cost
defined and fixed up front in order for the project to be approved and moved
forward. This rigid approach to building software is unrealistic because change
inevitably occurs in one or more of these dimensions. The software industry
is learning that this “iron triangle” constraint is unrealistic and leads to failed
projects for two reasons:
• Software development is complex and typically unique.
Most software is effectively custom development. This
makes it hard to size requirements and predict the
• Customer value changes over time. To stay competitive in
the marketplace, product teams need to adapt to customer
value. Because of this, scope should not be locked in.
Being Agile 225

The natural adaptation is to make the iron triangle flexible, so that if one of
the dimensions changes, the other dimensions change with it.
Another challenge with the iron triangle is that “quality” traditionally gets sub-
sumed within the triangle and is subservient to scope, schedule, and cost. This
is very problematic, inasmuch as quality practices and effort are often the first
to get trimmed when a project is in trouble. To represent properly the pro-
portionate importance of quality within a flexible framework, I recommend
taking the three existing corners of scope, schedule, and cost and adding the
fourth corner of quality (Figure 23-1).

Schedule Scope

Cost Scope Quality Cost

Iron Triangle Flexible Trapezium

Figure 23-1.  Supporting Agile by moving away from the iron triangle to a flexible trapezium

I call this the flexible trapezium. (A trapezium is a quadrilateral that has no parallel
sides.) The intent is that at any one time on an agile project—and realistically
on any project—the relative position of a corner and thus the length of the
sides may vary depending on the importance of the dimension at that time
(as illustrated by the small arrows in Figure 23-1). Although it is still important
to provide a balance of these dimensions so that one is not inappropriately
dominant over the others, there is flexibility that allows you to address the
customer needs. In too many projects, the schedule becomes the inappropri-
ately dominant dimension to the detriment of quality and scope.

Quality Dimensions Matter

In Agile, there is a strong focus on quality. This is why I strongly recommend
that quality be explicitly mentioned. This isn’t just the focus on traditional
testing but a broader focus on overall quality. This focus allows a team to
reduce risk. Quality is made up of practices that emphasize a level of confi-
dence that the software functions in the intended manner and aligns with user
226 Chapter 23 | Adapting Governance and Performance Reviews

stories. There are many ways this can be achieved. The following elements
indicate if quality really matters:
• Establishing a mindset that quality is owned by the whole
• Constructing done criteria to indicate all engineering
elements needed to build quality functionality.
• Establishing acceptance criteria for each user story to
answer the question, “How will I know I’m done with the
story and meeting customer expectations?”
• Applying testing within an iterative framework so that
testing is continuous.
• Embedding testing within the team in order to break
down the barriers between development and test.
• Encouraging the notion of test-first and the application of
test-driven development.
• Placing a strong focus on unit and regression testing.
• Applying the notion of continuous customer validation of
working software with practices such as Sprint Reviews.
• Implementing code reviews or pair programming.
• Incorporating refactoring into the process of updating
existing code.
Applying the model of the flexible trapezium emphasizes that quality is an
equal member of the dimensions. The question is: What types of changes do
you need to make to your IT governance to support quality?

Rank Ordering Dimensions

In much the same way as Agile emphasizes prioritization and rank order of
user stories, the four corners of the flexible trapezium should be applied
within IT governance. I recommend that there be a discussion to determine a
rank ordering for the dimensions and how much flexibility is allowed for one
to dominate the other.
For any given project, the IT governance board needs to create a rank order
framework for the four project dimensions to inform their decisions for
releasing customer value. If scope is the driver, this should be the major factor
when discussing missing or hitting the release date. The order of the dimen-
sions should be discussed at the beginning of each project and adapted as
appropriate. The gravity of this task cannot be overestimated. How important
Being Agile 227

is the schedule? Is the scope of product functionality the most important?

How much of a factor is quality? Can cost along with the people and capital it
represents be adjusted? Answering these and other questions ensures that the
decision is thought through so that one dimension doesn’t get inappropriately
selected or neglected, with adverse effects on the success of the product.

■ Agile Pit Stop The reason scope is so important is that it asks you whether you think you
are building the right product for the customer.

In traditional IT governance, all dimensions are often unrealistically locked in

the iron triangle. In agile IT governance, it is important to adapt the dimen-
sions as represented by a flexible trapezium. From an agile view, scope tends
to be the highest order dimension because this is the value of functional-
ity that customers purchase. Nonetheless, schedule, quality, and cost all play
variably important roles. The trapezium approach provides the board with
a more intelligent framework and the flexibility to adapt according to how
customers perceive the value.

Collaborative Governance
Collaborative governance unites the brainpower of a governance board and
an Agile Team in a collaborative manner. Governance discussions regarding
the progress of the project should be a balanced and transparent dialogue
between the governance board and the Agile Team. Information, progress,
accomplishments, risks, and issues should be candidly and mutually shared
toward the common goal of a successful product release. Depending on how
rigid or ad hoc your governance is, you may need to adapt it to gain the ben-
efits of Agile.
IT governance boards are often made up of managers who may have thrived
on a hierarchical and directive leadership style. Agile requires all levels to
share leadership and assume the responsibility that goes with it. Collaborative
governance is defined by having the right people making the decisions—not
just on the basis of their job titles but because they have the best insights into
the change, opportunity, or problem under consideration.
Looking across the governance spectrum in Figure 23-2, on one side is rigid
governance where command and control rules and decisions are made at the
top. The other side shows no control, where decisions are ad hoc or erratic.
Collaborative governance is somewhere in the middle and requires everyone
to act like an adult, be responsible and accountable for his or her actions, will-
ing to listen and cooperate, and come to a collaborative decision.
228 Chapter 23 | Adapting Governance and Performance Reviews

Ad Hoc Collaborative Rigid

Figure 23-2. The governance spectrum

■■Agile Pit Stop  It is strongly recommended that the IT governance board attend the Sprint
Reviews for the products in their purview.

If there is a form of IT governance in your organization, make sure they attend

the Sprint Review. The Sprint Review supplements the discussion that occurs
in an IT governance session with a view of the working software and feedback
from the customers. The key to agile IT governance is to ensure that all stake-
holders—IT governance board, Agile Team, and customers of the product—
are heard and contribute to any go-forward decisions. All stakeholders must
acknowledge that customers ultimately have the biggest voice, because they
drive the value and buy the product.

Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Governance

After adaptations to the IT governance process occur, they need to be imple-
mented. The implementation should reveal an update to the governance pro-
cess, including the rank order of the dimensions of the flexible trapezium and
alignment toward collaborative governance. The IT governance board should
be part of the adaptation process.
During implementation, training should be given to the IT governance team
as to the new process so they can gain an understanding of its elements and
implementation. A brief form of education should also be given to the Agile
Teams to ensure they are aware of the adapted process.
It would benefit the first few governance sessions to have an Agile Coach
attend to provide in-session coaching to help adapt the process and, more
important, the governance culture. Finally, as part of the Agile mindset, because
moving to Agile may be challenging for governance, a periodic retrospective
should occur that will allow a continuous improvement of the governance
Being Agile 229

Adapting Performance Reviews

Performance reviews stress individual performance over the teamwork
required for a successful quality effort.

—W. Edwards Deming

Moving to Agile can be challenging. Middle managers, who might be challenged

by the new culture that Agile brings, are the same folks who traditionally
conduct performance reviews. Because we are moving from a hierarchical
world to a flat world, this can be particularly disconcerting for some middle
At the same time, there is often a lot of subjectivity in the performance review
process. Ranking and rating employees is sometimes not about skills but about
how the person is viewed by management. I have witnessed performance
reviews that are fairly objective using revenue, customer satisfaction, and goals
to evaluate a worker, and I have seen a system in which none of that seemed
to matter—individuals were encouraged to compete and outperform each
other at the expense of the team and overall project success. Subjective per-
formance reviews focusing on the individual are two impediments in achieving
an Agile mindset.

■■Agile Pit Stop  If performance reviews are so critical, why does the average employee have
to adhere to performance reviews and the executive level doesn’t? How can some executives get
large bonuses as their company fails? This inequity is another factor that damages the value of
performance reviews.

If you insist on having performance reviews, the key is to promote team-based

goals, written as objectively as possible, and then move to a continuous review
process. How do you go from a world where performance reviews are king
to a more meaningful world where performance is a continuous team-based

Move to Team-Based Performance

Because Agile focuses on the team, the performance objectives and the evalua-
tion should be team-based. In traditional performance review models, upward
of 100 percent of the objectives are individual-based. Employees with indi-
vidual goals conduct themselves toward the greatest potential for personal
reward and security. This is why individual goals are in polar opposition to the
Agile Team mindset. T
  he goal, therefore, is to move to a 100 percent team-based
230 Chapter 23 | Adapting Governance and Performance Reviews

mindset, which can only be accomplished by no longer incentivizing individual

members to choose their own success over team success.
It may be difficult to move to team-based objectives immediately for a number
of reasons. The performance management system may not be functionally
able to accommodate common objectives across multiple people (the team),
or you may want to maintain an individual-based component to the objectives,
so the exact percentages may need to be determined. You may want to take
an incremental approach toward team-based performance. If you think aiming
for 100 percent team-based objectives is too difficult, start with 50 percent
team-based objectives. This will at least provide some incentive for individuals
to work successfully as a team.

Objectives in Canonical Form

Though the performance review may not be objective, it can be advantageous
to draft the performance objectives in as objective a manner as possible. With
that in mind, consider applying the user story canonical form to specify the
performance objective statements.
As discussed in Chapter 18, the canonical form is a language construct that
many in the agile community use to document requirements (user stories).
This includes the role (persona) you are playing, your action, and the business
benefit. Applying the canonical form may help in describing your goal more
objectively and effectively. For example:
• As a Scrum Team member, I will size the work using story
points with the team during Sprint Planning, so that we
gain team buy-in for scope and complexity of the story.
• As a Scrum Master, I will exemplify servant leader attri-
butes to help my team become self-organized.
• As a Product Owner, I will continuously groom and pri-
oritize the Product Backlog so that the Scrum Team has a
solid list of user stories in which to work on in a Sprint.
• As an Agile Coach, I will coach and mentor the product
team so they can adopt Agile effectively.
Once you have the performance goal written in this form, you can list the tan-
gible tasks that make up the goal. You may consider this another interesting
way to use the canonical form and articulate your performance objectives.
Being Agile 231

Performance Reviews toward Weekly 1:1

Ultimately, I recommend moving away from traditional annual or biannual
performance reviews. A good first step is to transform your performance
reviews into a weekly or per Sprint 1:1 process. The goal behind this is that
employees should never be surprised by a performance review because there
should be continuous feedback from their manager.
Applying a 1:1 process provides a more continuous and collaborative approach
in discussing objectives, challenges, progress, and learning. These sessions
should be low-key and replaces the “big bang” performance reviews. During
the continuous 1:1s, there should be an effort from both management and
employee to be transparent, and this should avoid any surprises when ratings
or compensation matters are discussed. Ultimately, the performance review
process should move away from the stodgy, often negative and intrusive event
and evolve into a continuous and collaborative discussion on progress and
employee needs.

Management Insight into Employee Progress

When moving to a team empowerment environment that Agile brings, a per-
son acting in the manager role (e.g., functional manager or resource manager)
may have a challenging time understanding what an employee is doing. The
manager needs to realize that when he or she moves into an agile world, dis-
cussion of performance should occur in a more collaborative manner, with a
focus on progress and learning.
The challenges are twofold. First, the employee is not (or should not be) tak-
ing work orders from the manager any longer; instead, the work should be
driven from the product backlog (via the sprint backlog from sprint to sprint).
Second, the manager actually does have less visibility into what the employee
is doing since the employee should be fully committed to the Agile Scrum
Team. How does a manager gain firsthand information? Here are two ideas
that can help a manager who has direct reports on an Agile Team.
• During the Daily Scrum, the manager may quietly listen
to the progress the Scrum Team members communicate
during this brief session. The manager should contact
the Scrum Master and verify that this daily stand-up is
an open meeting and that they may quietly attend. The
manager should be sure to tell employees that he may be
sitting in on this session.
232 Chapter 23 | Adapting Governance and Performance Reviews

• During the Sprint Review, the manager can view employ-

ees’ progress by seeing what they demonstrate. If a man-
ager learns that an employee is demonstrating working
software during the Sprint Review, she can quietly listen
in to see what the employee built and how it works. The
manager should have contacted the Product Owner and
Scrum Master to verify that she might quietly attend the
meeting, and she should tell her employee that she might
be sitting in on the Sprint Review as an observer.
The word quietly bears emphasis. Agile practices are not meant for the man-
ager but for building customer value and making progress through the project.
The Daily Scrum is specifically meant for team members to communicate to
each other on their progress. The Sprint Review is meant to gain valuable cus-
tomer and Product Owner feedback so that you can ensure you are building
the right product for our customers.

Are You Adapting Organization-Level

If you begin implementing Agile at just the team level, you will soon find
that there are organizational-level processes that are not aligned with Agile.
Governance processes may ask for fixed requirements up front with a nega-
tive view on change, and performance review processes may emphasize indi-
vidual success over team success.
Regardless of the process, ensure that you keep your eyes open as Agile is
implemented so that you have the possibility of honing and adapting these
processes over time. You may need the insight of an Agile Coach and the
support of your executive sponsor to promote these cultural changes. To
achieve an agile culture, you need to evaluate these processes to assess their
alignment to the Agile values and principles and adapt as appropriate.


Three Case
Studies in
Adopting Agile
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
—Albert Einstein

Once upon a time, there was this desire to become Agile. This is how your
story begins. But giving an account of the achievement of an agile transfor-
mation is more complex and challenging than many realize. It is a story that
requires a change in culture—one of the hardest things to do. It is a tale beset
by many obstacles, including people who either do not try to understand the
value Agile brings or who try to impede the effort.
Fear not! The roadmap in this book can proactively guide you and lay the
groundwork for delivering value, which is what you are in business to do. The
roadmap is for an adaptive path based on your decisions and commitment. So
what does your story look like?
In this concluding chapter, I offer three case studies—stories of a smaller colo-
cated project, a medium distributed project, and a large distributed team—to
help you understand how the readiness activities, deployment approach, and
commitment to Agile lead to different results. What will your Agile case study
look like?
234 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

Smaller Colocated Project

Once upon a time, there was a small project of 8 people. They were a group
working on a new product that was scheduled to take about 6 months to
release. Although the PO, along with management, sales, and marketing, estab-
lished a product vision, they realized that there was quite of bit of uncertainty.
Because of this they decided to apply agile processes.
As they were getting started, they were honest with each other and realized
that no one on the project team or management really understood Agile or
how to deploy it into a team. They felt that training was in order, so they
hired an Agile Coach to provide Agile training to the team. The coach recom-
mended an overview for the management team. A couple of the management
team members declined the overview invite. The coach asked which of the
management will become the sponsor for moving to Agile, and they decided
it would be a sponsorship by committee.
The Agile Coach introduced management to the readiness activities to help
prepare the team. Management wanted to start the project very soon, so only
a few activities were allowed to be focused on. These activities included:
• Identify and establish agile roles and responsibilities
• Determine education needs
• Establish agile frameworks and practices
• Identify agile tooling and infrastructure needs
The good news was that most of the team was colocated. Because there were
five developers and only one QA person currently on the team, the coach
advised adding two more QA engineers to ensure a healthy balance between
building and testing. The team was able to hire only one more QA engineer,
but this still provided a better ratio of skills.
Management felt that converting their existing project manager to Scrum
Master was a good approach, and this was amenable to the coach. Management
identified a PO from the existing pool of product management within the
organization. The Agile Coach recommended the Scrum Master and PO be
allowed to take the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Certified Scrum Product
Owner (CSPO) education, respectively. Management declined, citing budgetary
Scrum seemed to be the right agile process for this project, so the coach
recommended this. Everyone agreed. Because the team was colocated, the
coach recommended that they initially start with a physical Sprint Backlog
wall where the team members could see the stories in their Sprint on a team
wall and physically move the stories and tasks forward during the Daily Scrum.
The PO opted initially to use a spreadsheet program as the location for the
Product Backlog.
Being Agile 235

■■Agile Pit Stop  If the first release is successful, a continuous delivery approach can be
applied with the goal of deploying functionality incrementally every two Sprints.

The Agile Coach provided a two-day training with a focus on Scrum and use
of the physical Sprint Backlog wall for the whole team. Then the coach sat
with the Scrum Master and PO separately for an additional two hours to
focus specifically on their roles and responsibilities.
Because of the team enthusiasm from the training, management felt that they
were ready to apply Scrum. Management continued with the Agile Coach for
about three months, and he did the best he could in such a short time—long
enough to get Scrum off the ground on the team.
The team began implementing Scrum with three-week Sprints with the help
of the Agile Coach. The first three Sprints were fairly successful. Upon reach-
ing the fourth Sprint, the coach’s contract expired. Management thought that
the teams were engaged in Scrum, so the coach was released.
In Sprint 4, the Scrum Master attempted to keep the team focused on Agile
values and principles as well as the Scrum practices. There were several
strong personalities on the development team, two of whom were secret
Agile Deniers. They were worried that they would not be able to continue to
be the senior team leaders and would not be rewarded for problem solving.
During the Sprint Retrospective concluding Sprint 4, the two Deniers teamed
up to do away with the Daily Scrum, saying that maybe twice a week was
good enough. These two did not like the discipline of having to share their
progress. They managed to influence the rest of the team to concur, so the
Daily Scrums turned twice-a-week Scrums. They also managed to influence
the team into using individual velocity instead of team velocity so that they
could show how individually effective they were. The Scrum Master tried to
prevent this, citing the Agile principle of the team approach, but the team, led
by the two Deniers, overruled the Scrum Master.
Several Sprints latter, the Daily Scrum was occurring once a week and the
Retrospective actions were not being completed. The real challenge was that
the team didn’t like decomposing large requirements into user stories that fit
into a Sprint. This was difficult to do. Also, the QA team members weren’t
receiving completed stories until the very end of the Sprint. This became
problematic when a majority of the stories were not getting completed within
a Sprint.
Although the Scrum Master tried to mitigate many of these problems, he
was not experienced enough with Agile to help the team improve. There
was little to no understanding of the Agile values and principles on the team
and no experience to reference. Yet management put much of the blame
236 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

of the team problems on the shoulders of the Scrum Master, even though
he was escalating the impediments to management for help. Unfortunately,
development had more influence with management than the Scrum Master
had, and management wasn’t experienced enough to support the Scrum
Master or Agile.

■■Agile Pit Stop  If management does not align with the Agile mindset, it can be very difficult
for the Scrum Master to keep the team focused on applying Scrum effectively.

Because the performance review process still operated on individual per-

formance, the senior developers on the team made a strong push in the last
Sprint to get a large amount of work done. The team members often worked
late into the evening and weekends to achieve some level of success. Even with
these heroics, however, management decided that testing had to be shortened
to keep the release date from getting pushed too far.
The team released their product about two months late. There was difficulty
understanding exactly what scope was delivered, and overall product quality
was deficient in many areas. The Scrum Master received the blame for much
of this, and two development team members received accolades for their
“extra effort.”
The company brought the Agile Coach back in to conduct a lessons-learned.
When debriefed, the team and management learned the following:
• Insufficient time was spent considering readiness activi-
ties and the needs of the team to achieve an effective
and sustainable Agile adoption. The team found that they
stumbled into many decisions on how to move forward.
• They felt that the Agile Coach should have placed more
focus on the Agile values and principles and the cultural
aspects of getting to an Agile culture. Most of the team
members couldn’t recall more than three Agile principles.
• Because the Scrum Master didn’t have Scrum-specific
training and was inexperienced, it was very hard to sup-
port and maintain the Scrum practices once the Agile
Coach left.
• The Scrum Master felt he was not supported by manage-
ment to promote and sustain an Agile culture.
Being Agile 237

• The team realized that they should have engaged the

Agile Coach for at least a couple more months to sustain
the mechanics, and maybe needed a more experienced
coach who could place more emphasis on the values and
principles to change the culture.
• The team thought that the retrospective allowed them to
decide to change the Scrum process in whatever way they
thought best. They didn’t realize that minimizing some
of the events affects the whole, because Scrum requires
Planning, Daily Scrums, Review, and Retrospective to
work in a closed-loop iterative system.
• Whereas an Agile Team applies story points to under-
stand team velocity, this team moved to individual veloci-
ties. This quickly took them away from team building and
self-organization and instead toward their own individual
successes at the expense of the team.
• The performance review system continued to focus on
individual goals to gauge success rather than team-based
goals. To make matters worse, individual velocities were
included into individual performance reviews, and those
with higher individual velocities received higher merit
• There were accolades to two of the development team
members based on individual heroics, which undermined
the goal of team-based achievement.
Unsurprisingly, Agile was not well received by this team. The result was that
the team regressed back to more of a hybrid waterfall framework in which
heroics were rewarded. The team agreed that if Agile was tried again, there
needed to be more of a management commitment to change the culture and
a more experienced Agile Coach who better understood Agile and achieving
a culture change.

Medium Distributed Project

Once upon a time, there was a group working on significantly improving their
portfolio product. Management realized that there was quite a bit of uncer-
tainty in the product direction, which requires new front-ends and much more
integration than in the past. As they proposed the 12-month project, manage-
ment felt that due to the uncertainty, they should apply Agile. Because there
was enough disagreement on how to deploy Agile, the management team felt
that they would benefit by hiring an Agile Coach.
238 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

One of the senior management became the sponsor for the Agile initiative.
He was excited about Agile and felt that he had a bit of Agile knowledge due
to the Agile books he had read. When he brought the Agile Coach on-board,
he shared a lot of his Agile ideas with the coach. In the spirit of learning more,
the coach recommended that the sponsor take an Agile overview session.
The sponsor felt that he knew enough about Agile already but that other
management should take the overview session.
The overall project team size was 32 people with folks in New York City and
London. The coach advised them to form four Scrum teams of approximately
8 team members each, which was promptly done. Because there were 15
employees in the London, it was decided that 2 teams would be US-based and
2 would be European-based. Each team’s competencies evinced a healthy bal-
ance of development, user experience, and QA.
The coach emphasized the importance of the Agile values and principles and
shared them with the management team. The coach also suggested hiring
experienced Scrum Masters. The sponsor felt that it was best to draw from
the existing talent to play the Scrum Masters. The Agile Coach recommended
that each of the identified Scrum Masters take CSM education. The sponsor
agreed to fund this training.
The existing Product Manager was knowledgeable about the intended product
and made a good PO candidate. Several of the functional managers became
aware that their role would reduce in scope and responsibilities because
the team members would get their work from the backlog. In consequence,
three functional managers insisted that they become POs. Although the Agile
Coach felt there were risks in taking this approach, it was agreed that between
the 1 existing product manager and 3 functional managers that each of the 4
Scrum Teams would have a PO. The coach recommended that each PO take
a formal CSPO education. The POs felt that a short training from the Agile
Coach was enough.
The Agile Coach introduced the team to the readiness activities, and manage-
ment cherry-picked several of them to focus on, including:
• Understand the current state of engineering and Agile
• Determine team willingness and capability
• Identify and establish Agile roles and responsibilities
• Determine education needs
• Establish agile framework and practices
• Identify agile tools and infrastructure needs
The coach felt that certain areas should be addressed: establishing a common
understanding of Agile; focusing on Agile values and principles; understanding
Being Agile 239

levels of executive and stakeholder buy-in; establishing a strategy and backlog

for the Agile transformation; and establishing done criteria and measures of
success. But the coach made progress with the agreed-to readiness activities.
Against the Agile Coach’s advice, the POs felt using hours instead of story
points was best for story point sizing.
The team started with a 4-week Sprint 0 to get organized. A Product Owner
Scrum of Scrums (SoS) was established so that the POs could collaboratively
build and prioritize the Product Backlog and sort user stories to the various
team backlogs. The POs became a bit overzealous and attempted to prescribe
user stories to Sprints through the end of the proposed schedule.
They began implementing Scrum with 4-week sprints with the help of the
Agile Coach. The first two Sprints were focused on the mechanics. A project
SoS was initiated in which the Scrum Masters got together to discuss project
dependencies and progress.
Starting in Sprint 3, command and control was being exhibited by the POs.
The three who had been functional managers were reverting back to their
old habits of directing the teams. The teams began having problems with self-
organization because they were getting overruled in their decision making by
the POs.
In the first three Sprints, the teams mechanically exercised the Sprint Reviews
with internal stakeholders focusing on the goal of bringing in existing custom-
ers of the old product and potential new customers. By the fourth Sprint, the
POs recommended that because they felt that they knew what the custom-
ers wanted, that there wasn’t a need to bring them in to the Sprint Reviews.
The Agile Coach strongly encouraged bringing in customers, and the POs said
that they would think about it.
During the Sprint Retrospective concluding Sprint 5, several teams expressed
concerns about the command-and-control behavior that was being exhibited
by the POs. The team members didn’t push it because they were also con-
cerned that their performance reviews would be negatively impacted by the
former functional managers who were acting as POs.
The Agile Coach attempted to mitigate this command-and-control problem.
The POs were quite certain that they were doing the right thing because they
felt that the team wasn’t making good decisions. Since the project was chal-
lenging, the POs felt they needed to take the reins of the project.
Another problem that occurred was that the POs started to compare the
velocity across teams. The message that they were sending was, “Look how
many hours of work this team is putting in. How come you aren’t putting in
those kinds of hours?” This started to have a demoralizing effect on several
240 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

■■Agile Pit Stop  Story points are the recommended measure for sizing user stories. Story points
are a scope measure that includes effort, complexity, and uncertainty.

The coach, realizing that comparing velocities was also problematic, discussed
the various problems with the Agile sponsor. Unfortunately, the sponsor didn’t
want to make waves because he was friendly with the former functional man-
agers. He said he would talk to the POs, but after another Sprint it was clear
that this wasn’t a priority with the sponsor.
By Sprint 8, the Agile Coach’s contract ended and he was released on account
of budgetary constraints. The sponsor stepped in to provide Agile coaching
and mentoring to the teams. Some of his advice seemed to conflict with the
Agile Coach’s past advice.
The project released within 2 weeks of the schedule. During the last 2 months,
the teams were placed into a death march to complete the project on time.
A few developers and the POs were praised and rewarded for tirelessly mak-
ing the project a success. Once the product was released, however, there were
many customer concerns regarding the alignment of the functionality to their
needs. Few existing customers wanted to upgrade to the new version. This
next-generation product was not providing value to the customers and did
not do well in the market.
The Scrum Masters asked the sponsor to bring in the Agile Coach to conduct
a lessons-learned. The sponsor said that there wasn’t budget for it, but they
were welcome to conduct a lessons-learned on their own. When debriefed,
the team and management learned the following:
• The team liked receiving training, and the Scrum Masters
were grateful for receiving the CSM training.
• The project started well, focusing on readiness activities
and Sprint 0.
• The first two Sprints were very promising.
• By the third Sprint, the team realized that the former
functional managers who were the POs were behaving in
a very command-and-control manner.
• The POs, specifically those who were former functional
managers, overruled many of the decisions the team
made. The result was that the team lost any sense of self-
organization and felt demoralized.
• Although Sprint Reviews were occurring, no actual cus-
tomers were attending. The reviews were for internal
Being Agile 241

• The POs believed they knew what the customers wanted,

but they were incorrect. The product release was not
aligned with customer needs.
• There was little mitigation of the PO command and con-
trol due to their relationship with the sponsor. This nega-
tively affected any chance of achieving a culture change.
• Product quality was deficient in many areas. There was
inadequate testing within each Sprint. Testing was mini-
mized toward the end of the project.
• Once the Agile Coach was released, the Scrum Masters
and team didn’t feel they had anywhere to escalate their
concerns when the issues were beyond their control.
• There was strong sponsor support at the beginning, but
the sponsor didn’t support the culture change needed
for Agile.
Some of the members from the Scrum Teams felt negative about Agile after
this experience. Other members understood that the POs were not really
working in an agile manner and were not aligned with the Agile values and
principle. It was recognized that the project regressed to a more hierarchical
command-and-control manner and wasn’t really Agile.

Large Distributed Team

Once upon a time, there was a group working on a next-generation identity
and access management (IAM) product. Management realized that there was
quite of bit of uncertainty in the new direction and significant re-engineering
of their past product line. One of the senior management, having experienced
Agile in another company, knew that because of the uncertainty, that this
product should apply Agile. Management knew that it was going to take a
while and initially targeted about 12 months to build functionality. They were
open to adjusting scope or schedule as the project ramped up.
This same senior manager agreed to be the sponsor for the agile initiative.
The sponsor felt that it was important to hire an Agile Coach to help deploy
Agile. But because not all coaches are created equal, he wanted to ensure he
hired a coach who was an Agile subject matter expert and experienced as a
change agent, coach, and trainer. As the first action toward Agile, the sponsor
asked the Agile Coach to educate his peers and direct reports on the Agile
values and principles. The sponsor knew that some of the involved senior
management were in other offices, so he sent the Agile Coach to those sites
to educate the management.
242 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

The Agile Coach introduced the team to the readiness activities, and man-
agement agreed to build an Agile Deployment Team to work through these
activities. The readiness activities that were focused on included:
• Establish a common understanding of Agile.
• Provide Agile mindset education on the Agile values and
principles and drivers for why we are changing.
• Add “customers and employees really matter” to the com-
pany vision and “customer engagement” and “employee
engagement” to employee objectives.
• Understand levels of executive and stakeholder buy-in.
• Establish an overall strategy and backlog for the Agile
transformation (including mitigation of risks).
• Understand the current state of engineering and Agile.
• Determine team willingness and capability.
• Determine suitability of product.
• Evaluate and adapt to collaborative IT governance.
• Identify and establish Agile roles and responsibilities.
• Determine education needs.
• Establish agile framework and practices.
• Establish done criteria, user story framework, and sizing
• Craft measures of success and general metrics.
• Identify agile tools and infrastructure needs.
The Agile Coach, with the help of the sponsor, identified local Agile Champions
who either had experience with Agile or were enthusiastic about it and who
were willing to form the basis of the small Agile deployment team. The coach
educated the deployment team on the Agile values and principles and the
importance of readiness activities to help condition the product team toward
an Agile mindset.

■■Agile Pit Stop  If two or more large product teams are moving to Agile at the same time, it is
highly recommended to use more than one coach.

The Agile deployment team discussed their strategy for deploying Agile and
created a backlog of tasks based on the readiness activities. They asked the
Being Agile 243

sponsor to a send out a message sharing the reasons for moving to Agile. The
sponsor agreed to share the drivers for organizational change and introduced
a common understanding of Agile based on the Agile values and principles.
From then on, the sponsor periodically shared the progress and the impor-
tance of shifting to the Agile mindset.
To support Agile further, the sponsor recommended that management have
performance objectives that focus on employees, customers, and Agile values
and principles. He also recommended that employees have team-based objec-
tives with a focus on the Agile values and principles. This set the tone to sup-
port self-organizing teams and teamwork.
The Agile Coach introduced himself to the overall team in an email and said
he would set up several meetings with the team members from each location:
Boston, Prague, and Bangalore. In the spirit of transparency, he asked the team
in each location about their level of willingness in moving to Agile and fol-
lowed this up with a survey. He listened carefully to the team members during
the meetings to understand their concerns. The survey included questions to
gauge the current level of Agile experience within the teams. Both the level
of willingness and experience levels were used as input on how to adapt the
Agile deployment effort.
The overall team size was 79 people, with most of the team in three locations.
The coach recommended that nine Scrum Teams be formed of approximately
9 team members each. Because there were 35 employees in Boston, 16 in
Prague and 28 in Bangalore, it was decided that 4 teams would be set up
Boston, 2 in Prague and 3 in Bangalore. Initially, there were a high percentage
of QA in Bangalore, so there had to be a rebalancing of development and QA
across the teams. This was handled with management approval. It was also
recommended that each Scrum Team own an end-to-end piece of functional-
ity. This was handled by identifying the functional areas within the architecture
vision and parsing them to the teams.
The coach also suggested hiring at least one experienced Scrum Master at
each location. The others could come from the existing organization. The
Agile Coach recommended that each of the inexperienced Scrum Masters
take CSM education. Management agreed.
It was important to find POs for each team who were knowledgeable in the
IAM space. There were 3 existing Product Managers who made good PO
candidates: 2 in Boston and 1 in Prague. The most senior Product Manager
became the uber-PO who supported 1 Scrum Team and more importantly
provided overall product guidance to the other POs. Two of the other exist-
ing POs agreed to support 2 Scrum Teams each. This meant that the 2 Prague-
based Scrum Teams were set and 3 Boston-based teams were set.
This still left the 1 Scrum Team in Boston and 3 teams in Bangalore. A func-
tional manager who was known to have servant leadership attributes from
244 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

Boston agreed to become the final PO to support the remaining Boston

Scrum Team. For Bangalore, it was decided to hire a PO who had IAM prod-
uct experience. This person supported 2 Scrum Teams. An existing functional
manager who had product knowledge became the PO to support the remain-
ing Bangalore Scrum Team. The Agile Coach strongly recommended CSPO
education for these POs. Management agreed to fund this training.
The Agile Coach recommended starting with a 3-week Sprint 0 to get organized.
The first two activities were discussing the use of Agile and managing project
risks. The POs got together to build the product vision. Because this project
was distributed, the coach suggested collaborative online tools for dialogue
across teams. There was also a focus on using an online agile planning tool so
that the Product Backlog could be easily instantiated into each individual team
and Sprint Backlogs. In addition, a configuration management (CM) vision and
QA vision were established to support the code changes and quality of the
The POs formed an SoS so they could collaboratively build and prioritize the
backlog and sort the user stories to the various team backlogs. The uber-PO
provided overall guidance. They decided to use the canonical form for writing
user stories and spent a lot of time grooming the backlog together. The POs
also agreed that each location would hold joint Sprint Reviews so that cur-
rent and potential customers and other stakeholders were not being asked to
attend multiple Sprint Review sessions.

■■Agile Pit Stop  If the new release of this on-premise IAM product goes well, the team will
focus on building a cloud version offering a SaaS solution.

The Scrum Teams individually focused on establishing done criteria. Each team
established their relative sizing framework using story points. Several of the
teams began working on research spikes during Sprint 0 to reduce technology
uncertainty. During Sprint 0, the Scrum Team members received an intensive
Agile training on the Agile framework that was being used—a combination of
Scrum and XP engineering practices. A project SoS was initiated in which the
Scrum Masters got together to discuss project dependencies and progress.
Sprint 0 ended with a cross–Scrum Team Agile Release Planning session. This
session was initiated with a joint video conference session together where
each team was introduced and the uber-PO shared the product vision with
the teams and then gave everyone a chance for Q&A. The teams had to adapt
their working hours to accommodate this session. The QA vision, technical
vision, and CM visions were also shared during this session. The continuation
of Agile Release Planning involved an all-day team backlog grooming session,
which occurred independently within the respective team’s time zone. Then
Being Agile 245

another joint effort occurred in which each team shared their findings. Upon
conclusion, Sprint 1 commenced.
They began implementing Scrum with 3-week sprints. The Agile Coach
brought in a fellow coach, and they shared the load of helping teams come up
to speed with Scrum. The first four Sprints went by with some success, and
there was a lot of focus on the mechanics. Several of the teams were exhibit-
ing self-organizing attributes and some teams were still getting the hang of it.
Each team was honing their relative story point sizing framework and tracking
their velocity. The coaches actively discouraged velocity comparisons, and
these didn’t occur.
In Bangalore, the PO who had been a functional manager had to be further
coached to reduce command-and-control attributes. The main Agile Coach
flew to Bangalore to work with this PO and support the Scrum Masters and
local Scrum Teams. The coach attended many of the teams’ events to gauge
the adoption-level mechanics. He held periodic check-point calls with all of
the Scrum Masters to help them with their challenges.
It was initially challenging to hold joint Sprint Review sessions because there
was often much more work that was completed than could be shared. The
Agile Coach recommended prioritizing the work based on where feedback
was most needed and ensuring each team got a chance to demo at least two
or three stories. The first two Sprint Reviews were held with just internal
stakeholders to exercise this adaptation. This allowed teams time to get used
to demonstrating to people and to figure out the mechanics of the review.
By Sprint 3, the POs began inviting a few existing customers to gain their
feedback. By the fifth Sprint, the Sprint Review began running effectively. A
challenge that was resolved over the next two Sprints was taking the Sprint
Review feedback and incorporating it into the Sprint Planning for adaptation
of built functionality.
After the first several Sprint Retrospectives, the teams began realizing the
importance of carrying out the actions for improvement. Though some teams
were more effective at it than others, they began working these actions and
seeing the benefit. There were two people in two separate Boston-based
Scrum Teams who didn’t like the notion of the daily Scrum and tried to get this
changed within their retrospective, saying it was affecting their work. They tried
to change it to weekly, but the rest of the team members believed it was impor-
tant to share the daily progress and highlight roadblocks. Two Sprints later, one
of the team members who raised this concern said that he didn’t like having to
share his progress all the time and decided to quit. In talking with this team, the
Agile Coach said that, given Agile’s continuous nature, it may not be right for
everyone, and that’s okay. The team promptly replaced this team member with
an Agile-minded engineer and the coach helped her come up to speed.
246 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

By Sprint 7, the Agile Coach initiated two surveys: the agile practices adop-
tion survey and the Agile Mindset, Values, and Principles Advisor survey (see
Chapter 13). The results were shared during the next Sprint Retrospective
so each team could decide how to improve. Only with the teams’ agreement
a summary was shared with management, together with some recommenda-
tions as to where management could help.
By Sprint 10, the backlog was well fairly well groomed. Affinity sizing was used
to minutely size the remaining stories in the backlog. This allowed the POs
to create a minimum viable product (MVP) value line consisting of the stories
that were targeted for a viable Release 1 product. Having this empirical data
along with the MVP stories provided the basis for an objective discussion with
the organizational IT governance board. The IT governance board suggested
that scope would be the driver and they wanted to continue tracking the MVP
line and the release burnup to see when each team’s velocity met their MVP
lines. Understanding each team’s MVP and velocity provided a means to move
stories to other teams to balance the work.

■■Agile Pit Stop  Do not think of your MVP line as fixed scope but as a gauge for what may
make a viable product. It is subject to change based on the continuous customer validation of the
Sprint Reviews and new requirements that come from customers.

As the Scrum Teams’ MVP lines were adjusted based on customer feedback,
each team’s velocity was tracked and it became evident that Sprint 18 would
be the last Sprint on the project. An additional Sprint was added for integra-
tion, performance, and load testing, as well as finishing the user guides, pre-
paring the release notes, and beginning the marketing campaign. When the
product was released, many customers immediately upgraded or purchased
this next-generation product.
Each Scrum Team conducted a final retrospective. The Agile Coach collated
the results. He also conducted another Agile Mindset, Values, and Principles
Advisor survey to compare it to the baseline from the previous survey results.
Upon a roll-up of the retrospective and survey results, a debrief occurred with
the team and management that included the following items:
• It was great having management support and a sponsor
for the move to Agile who really understand the Agile
values and principles.
• Everyone appreciated receiving training. The Scrum
Masters were grateful for receiving CSM training and the
POs for receiving CSPO training.
Being Agile 247

• The project started well. Focusing on readiness activities

and Sprint 0 helped the team get their heads around the
move to Agile.
• The teams liked hearing the various visions (product,
QA, CM, and so on). These helped them understand the
go-forward focus and gave them a sense of security that
these areas had proper attention.
• Though initially skeptical, the POs and Scrum Masters
found the SoS of great value in collaborating across teams
and discussing dependencies and ways to optimize at the
overall project level.
• Teams liked having the Agile Coach during the first sev-
eral Sprints but were relieved to see the coach back off
after Sprint 4 so that the team could self-organize.
• The teams were pleased that they could push back on the
command-and-control and micromanagement and enlist
the support of the coach and especially management to
remove these regressive behaviors.
• Everyone really liked getting a chance to demonstrate to
customers. The POs like it because this helped them vali-
date their product direction.
• As the team adopted the agile practices, they realized
the need of having management and IT governance move
toward the Agile mindset in order to transform the cul-
ture and adapt to customer needs.
As a side effect of the successful project, two of the Scrum Masters wanted to
begin their education in becoming Agile Coaches. The Agile Coach empha-
sized that being a true coach requires more experience but that their atti-
tudes would help them. Building an internal agile coaching circle helped the
organization leverage its local agile talent. Because of this positive experience,
several other teams in the company wanted to go Agile.

What Will Your Case Study Look Like?

As you approach your agile adventure, the question is,“What will your case study
reveal?” Can others learn from your journey? Have your teams mechanically
adopted Agile but not reached a transformation toward Agile values and prin-
ciples? Have you regressed from Agile to a hybrid waterfall framework? Have
some teams adopted Agile while management continues to operate in a tradi-
tional manner? Are only the engineering teams doing Agile, while management
248 Chapter 24 | Three Case Studies in Adopting Agile

and IT governance continue to demand a fixed scope, quality, schedule, and

cost up front?
It is important to remember that moving to Agile is meant to be a move
to a new culture, and this is difficult. Do you see a culture shift occurring?
Chapter 2 argues that a skill change is easier than a procedural change, and a
procedural change is easier than a culture change. A culture change implies
a behavioral change in people, focused on a change in the values within their
organization that is expressive of a new way of thinking. It does take time, and
this is why it is important to think of a move to Agile as a journey. This is
also why the readiness activities of the RICH deployment model (Chapter 7)
are meant to ensure that you ask the right questions, help you plan your agile
adoption with the goal of a cultural transformation, and condition the mindset
toward the Agile values and principles.
Agile is not a silver bullet that will give instant results. If you truly align your
culture and all of the people’s behaviors to Agile values and principles, then
maybe you can gain the benefits sooner rather than later. This is why I pro-
vide you with the Agile Mindset, Values and Principles Advisor in Chapter 13.
It can help you gauge your alignment to the Agile values and principles along
the way.
As you discuss Agile with management, ensure the conversation is driven by
the business benefits Agile can provide. Going Agile is not just a cool thing for
teams to do—it can help you improve a company’s financial strength. Gaining
the adaptability of scope that Agile brings can help you achieve an increase
in revenue. To make money, however, you need to delight your customers by
building customer value and harnessing the brainpower of your employees.
What happens when you step up the level of customer engagement? What
happens when you step up the level of employee engagement?
The roadmap in this book can help you achieve an agile transformation to
the betterment of revenue and customer success. Ultimately, what will be the
story that represents your agile journey? Will it be a case study that can be
held up as an example of successfully implementing Agile, or will it be a par-
able of perils and pitfalls to avoid? The answer is up to you.

A principles, 48
software development (Manifesto), 46
Acceptance criteria, 197
values and principles, 58
Actual burndown, 192
Agile methodology
Actual velocity, 192 DSDM, 54
Agile chasm, 7 extreme pogramming (XP)
culture change acronym, 52
colazione, 9 customer and developer, 52
culture, 10 planning, designing, coding,
Italian culture, 9 and testing, 53
journey, 8 Kanban, 55
organizational change, 9 scrum, 50
procedural change, 8 VFO, 49
history, 7 VFQ, 57
technology adoption lifecycle Agile mindset
Agile cultural chasm, 11–13 benefits, 92
innovators, 11 human adaptation, 79
life cycle model, 10 innovation, 79
Agile, engineering and team capability. values and principles
See also Team capability business and development team, 84
Agile practices adoption, 132 change to requirements, 83
observe direction, 133 cognitive patterns, 80
sprint planning adoption survey, 132 face-to-face communication, 86
baseline and improve, 138 frequent/continuous delivery, 83
engineering practices, 135 reflection for improvement, 91
important, 131 self-organizing teams, 90
MVP, 134 simplicity, 89
starting point, 132 sustainable pace, 87
Agile foundation(s), 45. See also Agile technical excellence, 88
methodology trust motivated individuals, 85
foundational building blocks, 46 valuable software, 81
Manifesto, 47 working software, 86
250 Index

Agile Project Manager (APM), 125 B

Agile Release Planning Business analyst (BA), 119
benefits, 158
Business benefits, 15. See also Agile Value to
team participates, 158
Incentive Differentiator (AVID)
Agile technology adaptive framework, 17
history, 1–2 Agile business strategy, 22–23
methods and practices, 3 customers and employees, 19
primary readers, 5 elusive customer value, 21–22
purpose, 2–3, 5 executives/senior management, 16
transformation, 4–5 eXtreme programming (XP) practices, 17
values and principles, 3 moment, 15
Agile transformation money, 17–18
coaching activities supplementary reasons teams, 16
benefits, 65 Business visioning, 204
qualifications, 64
honing activities, 66
implementation activities, 63
readiness activities Canonical form, 230
adoption, 62 Case studies, 233. See also Medium
benefits, 62 distributed project
goals, 61 agile adventure, 248
Agile Value to Incentive large distributed team
Differentiator (AVID), 19 CM, 244–245
customer engagement and employee deployment team, 242–243
engagement, 19 IAM, 241
secret ingredient, 20 items, 246
MVP lines, 246
Agile Vision to Incentive Differentiator
POs, 243
(AVID) model, 43
readiness activities, 242
Agility Index, 149 Sprint Retrospectives, 245
Agility Path, 148 smaller colocated project
Aka line manager/technical manager. activities, 234
See Functional manager as CSM and CSPO, 234
scrum master Daily Scrum, 235
extra effort, 236
Application lifecycle management (ALM), 201
Scrum Master, 235
agile tools, 203
team and management, 236
capture and prioritizing
customer value, 205 Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
continuous integration and build, 206 training, 212, 234
customer value, 204 Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
defect tracking tools, 206 training, 212, 234
sharing customer value, 204 Coaching and honing activities. See also
testing, 207 Honing agile
version control tool, 206 agile implementation
customer value, 202 activities focus, 210
planning tools tend, 207 deployment backlog and
tools and corresponding practices, 202 communication plan, 211
Index 251

deployment tasks, 214 incorporate customer feedback, 173

education, 211 motivate customers to attend, 173
framework, 213 right customers identification
tool infrastructure, 213 engineering teams, 168
training benefits, 212 personas, 170
coaching circle, 217 stakeholders, 168
forms, 215 target groups, 169
goals, 215 types, 172
groom in-house talent, 216
in-session coaching, 216 D
navigator, 215
Defect tracking tools, 206
promoting agile implementation, 211
readiness, 209 Definition of done (DoD), 198
RICH model, 210 Department of Defense (DoD), 26
Code reviews, 197 Design tools, design type(s) and
Collaboration tool, 204 modeling, 196
Collaborative governance, 227 Development programming tools, 197
Colocation, 152, 220 Development team, 120
Common agile education Disciplined Agile Delivery
building an community, 165 (aka DAD), 160
training, 164 Documentation completion, 197
Configuration management (CM), 244 Done criteria-Promote quality, 195
Continuous integration and build, 206 benefits, 195
definition of done, 198
Customer-based measures. See Measures
developing software, 199
Customer collaboration, 48 starter kit
Customer engagement, 25. See also elements, 196
Minimum viable product (MVP) reasons, 198
continuous customer strategy, 27 traditional waterfall, 196
Agile adapts, 28–29 Dynamic Systems Development
customer needs, 28 Method (DSDM), 54
dedicated business expertise, 30
waterfall-based project, 29
DoD software, 26
elusive customer value, 32 Education program, 161
marketplace fail, 26 common agile education
needs, 25 building an community, 165
product failures, 27 training, 164
education elements, 163
Customer validation, 220
Customer validation vision level, 166
aspect, 167 points, 166
business representative, 168 goal, 161
customer profiles, 171 path to
demonstrations, 172 educational levels, 162
engagement, 167 transformation, 162
framework, 174 repertoire, 166
252 Index

Employee engagement, 33. See also G

Value-added work (VAW)
assets, 33
level, 166
customers and employees, 43–44
points, 166
empowerment, 34
management still, 35 Grooming
meaning, 34 Agile Release Planning, 183
model, 34 key focus, 182
teams, 35 release gets, 184
self-organizing team Sprint 0, 183
benefits, 37 Sprint Planning focuses, 184
definition, 36
demonstrable attributes, 37–38 H
example, 37 Honing agile
hierarchical command-and-control assessments, 218
model, 36 customer validation, 220
Schwaber, Ken, 38 elements, 217
stepping up, 39–41 empirical data, 218
structure, 39 giving back, 221
Engineering practices, 135 reflecting, 217
Executives and senior management, 123 retrospective for continuous
improvement, 218
Executive support and team willingness, 93.
RICH model, 222
See also Team willingness
velocity, 219
breakfast of Champions, 103
company approaches, 93
executives/senior management I, J
champions, 97 Ideal burndown, 191
evaluate and increase support, 100 Identity and access management (IAM), 241
responsibilities, 98
personality types IT governance and performance reviews, 223.
Bandwagon Jumper, 96 See also Performance
champion, 96 reviews stress
Cowboy, 96 collaborative governance, 227
Deceiver, 97 flexible trapezium, 225
Denier, 97 focus on, 224
experience and attitude, 95 implementing, coaching and honing
innovators, 95 governance, 228
workhorse, 96 iron triangle, 224
quality dimensions matter, 225
Extreme programming (XP) rank order, 226
acronym, 52
customer and developer, 52
planning, designing, coding, K
and testing, 53 Kanban, 55

Fibonacci sequence, 189 Lagging-to-leading metric path, 141
Functional manager as scrum master, 117 Large and complex projects
Index 253

Agile Release Planning communicate objectives, 70

benefits, 158 organizational reward system, 70
team participates, 158 scenarios engender resistance, 71
automation, 159 storytelling, 75
Sprint 0
tasks, 156 N
various visions, 157
Near-shore, 153
Large distributed team
Non–value-added work (NVAW), 41
CM, 244–245
deployment team, 242–243
IAM, 241 O
items, 246 Open source solution, 220
MVP lines, 246 Organizational-level processes, 232
POs, 243
readiness activities, 242 Organizational metrics
Sprint Retrospectives, 245 customer revenue, 147
customer satisfaction, 147
Local builds, 197 employee satisfaction, 146
MVP, 146
M release frequency, 148
Measures. See also Organizational metrics;
Product team metrics P, Q
Agility Path, 148 Performance reviews stress, 229
framework, 149 canonical form, 230
lagging-to-leading metric path, 141 employee progress, 231
points, 139 organizational-level processes, 232
value of a metric, 142 1:1 process, 231
Medium distributed project team-based, 229
coach, 238 Personas
command-and-control behavior, 239 distinct advantages, 170
focus on, 238 fictitious person, 170
overview session, 238 POV, 170
portfolio product, 237 product, 170
POs, 238
SoS, 239 Planning poker, 190
Sprints, 239 Product Backlog Items (PBIs)
team and management, 240 attributes, 182
Middle management, 124 priority and rank order, 181
sprint backlog, 181
Mindset,Values, and Principles (MVP), 134 tasks, epics and themes, 180
Minimum viable product (MVP), 30, 246 team backlog, 182
approach, 30 Product Owner (PO)
concept, 30 business analyst, 119
requirements, 31 hierarchical and command-and-control
validate, 32 approach, 118
Motivations, 69 product manager, 119
Agile culture, 77 project manager, 120
common terminology, 74 time-boxed period, 118
254 Index

Product team metrics, 142 S

customers attending Sprint Reviews, 145
Scalable Agile framework, 151. See also Large
release burnup, 144
and complex projects
value capture
resources, 159
advantage, 144
scaling up, 160
detailed level, 143
sprint basis, 143
beyond roles and responsibilities, 153
value-added and non-value
team size and geographical
added work, 143
distribution, 152
Product vision, 157 village (see Scrum of Scrums (SoS))
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), 160
R Scope versus schedule measure, 188
Rank ordering dimensions, 226
Rapid Application Development (RAD), 54 events, 51
Ready, Implement, Coach, and master, product owner and
Hone (RICH), 59. See also development team, 51
Agile transformation roles, events, artifacts and
agile adoption and agile rules, 50
transformation, 60 Scrum Master acts, 115
deployment framework, 60 CSM training, 116
RICH deployment model, 222 functional manager, 117
Roles and responsibilities project manager, 116
APM, 125 team progress, 115
benefits, development team, 127 traditional roles, 117
Coach, 126 Scrum of Scrums (SoS), 204, 239
core roles and beyond, 114 acronym, 153
customer, 122 benefits, 153
deployment team, 127 Product Owner, 155
development team, 120 Project Progress responsible, 154
enterprise perspective and Scrum Team meeting, 154
peripheral roles, 128 Technical Scrum, 155
executives and senior management, 123 Self-organizing teams, 90
middle management, 124
Severity-level defects, 197
organization, 130
PO Simplicity, 89
business analyst, 119 Smaller colocated project
hierarchical and command-and- activities, 234
control approach, 118 CSM and CSPO, 234
product manager, 119 Daily Scrum, 235
project manager, 120 extra effort, 236
time-boxed period, 118 Scrum Master, 235
process, 114 team and management, 236
product team and organizational Software reuse opportunities, 220
restructuring, 129
Scrum Master acts, 115 Sprint backlog, 181
Scrum Team, 114 Sprint burndown, 191. See also Velocity
Index 255

Story points, 187. See also Sprint Burndowns; U

Unit tests, 197
Fibonacci sequence, 189
framework, 189 User stories and grooming backlog, 175.
planning poker, 190 See also Product Backlog
scope versus schedule measure, 188 Items (PBIs)
team-based relative sizing framework, 189 acceptance criteria and attributes, 179
canonical form, 178
Sustainable pace, 87
functionality, 177
T Agile Release Planning, 183
Target velocity, 192 key focus, 182
Team backlog, 182 release gets, 184
Sprint 0, 183
Team capability
Sprint Planning focuses, 184
matrix, 137
hierarchy of requirement
survey, 136
business/user requirement, 176
Team willingness epics, 176
building agile knowledge, 101 tasks, 177
formal evaluation, 102 themes, 176
goals, 101 types, 176
Technical excellence, 88 language construct, 178
Technical vision, 157 stories, 184
Test automation, 220
V, W, X,Y, Z
Test Driven Development (TDD), 2
Value-added work (VAW)
Test tools and testing types, 197 concept, 41
Transformation project, 105 customer perspective, 42–43
agile deployment team, 107 MVP, 41
backlog, 108 NVAW, 41–42
communication plan, 109 Value, Flow, Quality (VFQ), 50, 57
context, 106
process, 108 Value of a metrics, 142
product release cycle, 111 Velocity
project elements, 106 actual velocity, 192
project framework, 111 average velocity, 192
readiness tasks, 110 sustainable pace, 192
scope of agile deployment, 106 target velocity, 192
sweet-spot characteristics, 110 team velocity metrics, 193
work suitable, 109 Version control, 197, 206
Trust motivated individuals, 85
Being Agile

Your Roadmap to Successful

Adoption of Agile

Mario E. Moreira
Being Agile: Your Roadmap to Successful Adoption of Agile
Copyright © 2013 by Mario E. Moreira
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The Apress Business Team

I dedicate this book to two fine ladies and
grandes dames who have given life to me and my
family and a raison d’être
—Floy and Sajida

I also dedicate this book to all of those agile

enthusiasts who understand that they need to not
only “do” Agile but eventually to “be” Agile to gain
the business benefits that Agile can bring.
About the Author
Mario E. Moreira is an enterprise change agent
who has worked in the Agile field since 1998. He
is a certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Scrum
Professional (CSP) with Scrum, XP, and Kanban
experience in the context of enterprise-level Agile
transformations, coaching, and team-building. He
was Senior Director for Agile and Configuration
Management at CA Technologies.
As an IT professional in the networking, com­
munications, product, open source, and financial
industries for over 20 years,Moreira has experience
in software configuration management, project
management, software quality assurance, requirements engineering, architecture,
and IT governance. He served asVice President of Engineering and Methodologies
at Fidelity Investments.
Moreira is the author of Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams,
Software Configuration Management Implementation Roadmap, and Agile for Dummies.
He is a writer for Agile Journal, a columnist for CM Crossroads Journal, a blogger
at Agile Adoption Roadmap (cmforagile.blogspot.com), and a regular speaker
on Agile topics at US and European conferences.
I want to especially thank Robert Hutchinson, Rita Fernando, and Jeffrey
Pepper at Apress for their encouragement, patience, attention to detail, and
support in helping me make this book a reality.
To all of the many Agile champions who contributed to my surveys and
provided feedback to my Agile articles—thank you for helping me understand
Agile from so many points of view.
To all my readers—thank you for making a commitment to “be Agile” and
for striving to adapt your culture toward an Agile mindset aligning with Agile
values and principles.
To Ken Schwaber, who introduced me to Agile and Scrum—thank you for my
Certified Scrum Master training and for continuing your mission to create a
more adaptive world.
To Sherris Moreira—thank you for reviewing sections of my book and
providing feedback.
And to my beautiful wife and daughters, who make my life so full and
wonderful—thank you for being patient as I was writing this book.
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