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Table of contents

6.  Control valve styles

6.1 General  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������001

6.2  Valves with linear stem motion  �����������������������������������������������������������������������004

6.2.1.  Standard control valves ����������������������������������������������������������������������������004

6.2.2.  Straight-trough type valve (four-flange-body) �������������������������������������������004

6.2.3.  Standard valve (three-flange body) ����������������������������������������������������������005

6.2.4.  SAMSON pressure balanced plug  ����������������������������������������������������������006

6.3  Control Valves Series 3240   �����������������������������������������������������������������������������015

6.3.1.  Control Valve with safety function Type 3241-1 and Type 3241-7 ��������������020

6.3.2.  A modular design - best of class OPEX (Operational expenditure) ���������� 021

6.3.3.  Bellows an additional component �������������������������������������������������������������022

6.3.4.  SAMSON Series 3240 Globe Valve Advantages ������������������������������������� 024

6.4  Series 3240 special valves for certain applications  ��������������������������������������025

6.4.1.  Control valves with forged steel or forged stainless steel bodies ��������������025

6.4.2.  Control valve for PSA plants (Pressure Swing Adsorption) ����������������������028

6.4.3.  Micro-flow valve Type 3510 ����������������������������������������������������������������������030

6.4.4.  ON-OFF Valve Type 3351 ������������������������������������������������������������������������043

6.4.5.  Angle Seat Valve Type 3353 ��������������������������������������������������������������������044

6.5  Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications  �����������������������045

6.5.1.  Approvals for hygienic applications  ���������������������������������������������������������� 047

6.5.2.  Type 3347 Sanitary Micro-flow Valve �������������������������������������������������������052

6.5.3.  Type 3347 for fruit juice industry ��������������������������������������������������������������053

6.5.4.  Distribution Valve ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������054

6.5.5.  Three-in-one valve for Milk packging �������������������������������������������������������055

6.5.6.  Pneumatic Control Valve Type RG 41 ������������������������������������������������������056

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Table of contents

6.5.7.  For example beer breweries ���������������������������������������������������������������������058

6.5.8.  Lethal Service Valves Type 240 LS ����������������������������������������������������������061

6.6  Control valve Series V2001   �����������������������������������������������������������������������������065

6.6.1.  Control Valve Type 3522 (Little Tex) ��������������������������������������������������������� 075

6.6.2.  Dump ON-OFF valve Type 3525 �������������������������������������������������������������� 078

6.7  Diaphragm valves Type 3345  ���������������������������������������������������������������������������081

6.7.1.  Type 3345 Aseptic Diaphragm Valve DN 15 - 150 �������������������������������������087

6.8  SAMSON valves for cryogenic applications  ��������������������������������������������������088

6.8.1.  World industrial gases demand to reach $30.4 billion in 2009 ������������������094

6.8.2.  Extract from the SAMSON reference list.  ������������������������������������������������095

6.8.3.  The Cold box ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������097

6.9  Control valve Series 3250  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������098

6.9.1.  High Pressure Valve Type 3252-1 / -7 �������������������������������������������������������104

6.10  Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250  �������������������������������������������������������105

6.10.1.  Mixing or flow-diverting valves  ��������������������������������������������������������������� 105

6.10.2.  Design and principle of operation ����������������������������������������������������������� 107

6.10.3.  Diverting or mixing valves for heavy-duty service in process engineering 

6.10.4.  Mounting position ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 112

6.10.5.  Mixing service, installation in the flow pipe. �������������������������������������������� 114

6.10.6.  Mixing service, installation in the return flow pipe. ���������������������������������� 115

6.10.7.  Flow-diverting service, installation in the flow pipe. ��������������������������������� 116

6.10.8.  Flow-diverting service, installation in the return flow pipe. ���������������������� 117

6.10.9.  Control Valve Type 3254-1 and Type 3254-7 ������������������������������������������ 118

6.10.10.  Control Angle valves Type 3256 ������������������������������������������������������������ 122

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Table of contents

6.10.11.  Angle Valve for Urea and Melamine Type 3256 S ��������������������������������� 125

6.10.12.  Type 3258 valve with split body ������������������������������������������������������������� 130

6.10.13.  Control Angle Valve Type 3259-1 and 3259-7 ��������������������������������������� 132

6.10.14.  Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG Flange �������������������������������� 134

6.10.15.  Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG with Multi-stage plug ���������� 136

6.10.16.  For natural gas and offshore applications Valve Type VNG  ����������������� 137

6.11  Steam-converting valve Series 3280  �������������������������������������������������������������141

6.11.1.  Water bath desuperheater ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 143

6.11.2.  Spray Water Nozzle for steam temperature reduction with continuous
control ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147
6.11.3.  Spray Water Nozzle for steam temperature reduction with continuous
control ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 148
6.11.4.  Steam converting valves ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152

6.11.5.  Steam-converting Valve Type DUV-C3 ���������������������������������������������������154

6.12  Valves with PTFE or PFA lining  ���������������������������������������������������������������������156

6.12.1.  Lined control valves ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159

6.12.2.  Chlorine industry �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������169

6.13  Gate valves  ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������170

6.14  Knife Gate Valve  ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������171

6.15  Pinch- or clamp valves  �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������172

6.16  Advantages and disadvantages of commonly used linear control valves  174

6.17  Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion  ���������������������������������������������������������177

6.17.1.  Ball Valves ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 178

6.17.2.  Ball valves of stainless steel or precious metal ��������������������������������������� 181

6.17.3.  Ball valves seat ring and gasket principles:  �������������������������������������������� 183

6.17.4.  Additional equipment and add-on pieces: �����������������������������������������������190

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Table of contents

6.17.5.  Forged steel Ball Valves produced by Company Starline Spa ����������������� 192 Floating �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197 Trunnion �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������208  Special Valves  ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 215

6.17.6.  Ball Valves with PTFE or PFA lining ��������������������������������������������������������222

6.17.7.  Universal material PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) �����������������������������������224

6.17.8.  PTFE and PFA lining procedure ��������������������������������������������������������������225

6.17.9.  Shaft Sealing – Fire-Safe ������������������������������������������������������������������������229

6.17.10.  Principle of operation of ball valves series 20a �������������������������������������� 231

6.17.11.  Calibrated sealing rings for Series BR 20 and BR 26 Ball Valves ����������232

6.17.12.  V-Ball Valves ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������233

6.18  Tank Bottom Valves   ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������238

6.19  Segmented ball valve  �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������243

6.20  Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining  ����������������������������������245

6.20.1.  Butterfly valve styles �������������������������������������������������������������������������������248

6.20.2.  Valves for Refineries „ESD“ �������������������������������������������������������������������262

6.20.3.  Fire Lock ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������265

6.20.4.  Electropneumatic Positioner Type 3730-3 with HART® communication

ESD version ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������266
6.21  Ball Valve “Trunnion mounted” for On/Off and Control Service  ����������������267

6.21.1.  PTFE coated Ball and Butterfly Valves sizing and application limits. ������269

6.22  Rotary plug valves  ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������271

6.22.1.  What is a rotary plug valve and what are its advantages? ���������������������� 276

6.22.2.  What is typical for rotary plug valves ������������������������������������������������������ 278

6.22.3.  Solutions against abrasive fluids and mechanical wear ������������������������� 281

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Table of contents

6.22.4.  Solutions against abrasive media and mechanical wearing  ������������������284

6.23  Valve style • Advantages • Disadvantages  ���������������������������������������������������286

6.24  Special control-valves for power plants  �������������������������������������������������������288

6.25  General tendencies and statistics  ����������������������������������������������������������������317

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
General Page 001 of 322

6.  Control valve styles

6.1  General
Control valves exist in innumerable styles and options. To list and describe all of them would
be beyond the scope of this book. For this reason only the most common constructions
used in process industries today are discussed. To reach a certain systematic in the
description of the various styles, a distinction is made regarding essential criteria and
functionalities. A rough overview of the control valves most frequently used is given in
Figure 6.1.-1:

Standard globe Angle

Diaphragm Three-Way

Linear Motion Single Orifice

Multiple Orifice

Pinch or Clamp

Full Ball
Valve Style
Segmented Ball


Rotary Motion Butterfly Double eccentric

Triple eccentric

Cylindrical Plug

Rotary Plug Tapered Plug

Eccentric Plug

Figure 6.1.-1:  Frequently used control valve styles in process industries

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 002 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

A first essential distinctive characteristic or feature is the movement of the throttling part,
the so-called obturator or plug. It executes either a linear movement as for globe valves,
or a rotary movement between 50° and 90° as for butterfly valves or ball valves.
To the group of control valves with a linear movement of the plug belong the so-called
standard globe valves which are available in numerous valve options. The rated travel of
these valves is usually between 10 and 100 mm. The rated travel are fixed for SAMSON
on nominal size in steps of 7.5, 15, 30, 60, and 120 mm.
With control valves of the second group the plug makes a rotary motion, meaning that
the actuator drives the valve shaft with a rotary motion usually within a maximum range
of 90 degrees. Butterfly valves, rotary plug valves as well as ball and cock valves belong
to this group.

Figure 6.1.-2:  Globe valve (left), Angle valve ( middle), and Three-way valve (right)

Another important differentiating feature is the shape or style of the valve body and the
manner in which the pipe is connected to the valve body. Most common valve styles are:
„„ Standard globe valve for installation into a straight pipe,
„„ Angle valve for installation into a pipe moved around 90 degrees,
„„ Three-way valve with three pipe connections for mixing or diverting fluids.

Another distinctive characteristic is, in addition, the manner in which the obturator or plug
is guided:
„„ Plug guided on both sides
„„ Plug guided only at the top

Finally, the trim of the control valve is a critical and distinctive characteristic. One
differentiates here between:
„„ Single-seated type
„„ Double-seated type
„„ Trim with pressure balance
„„ Low noise trim etc.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
General Page 003 of 322

Furthermore a typical differentiator is the manner of connection within the rigid piping
system, in order to enable an easy interchangeability of the control valve:
„„ Flanged connection with numerous variants
„„ Screwed connection (for small nominal sizes only)
„„ Welded connection (preferred in power stations)
„„ Other end connections (e.g. clamped)

Figure 6.1.-3:  Flanged, Screwed, Welded, and other end connections

The essential control valve constructions are briefly explained below, normal availability
with regard to nominal sizes and pressures is indicated and the typical advantages and
disadvantages of the different designs are listed in table 6-1.


Hand-operated Linear / rotary

Safety Valves Check Valves
Valves motion Valves

Self operated
Control Valves

Globe Butterfly Rotary plug Diaphragm Gate

Ball Valves
Valves Valves Valves Valves Valves
Figure 6.1.-4:  Valve series of the SAMSON GROUP

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 004 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.2  Valves with linear stem motion

6.2.1.  Standard control valves
The term standard control valve does not at all reveal that this type is a control valve
with linear travel movement. Because this construction was introduced a long time ago
and meant the beginning of the process automation age, it was, for years, without an
alternative and is still described today as standard valve. Since the shape of this valve
type looks more or less like a globe, the expression globe valve soon became familiar and
is, particularly in Anglo-American countries, a generic term for standard control valves.
6.2.2.  Straight-trough type valve (four-flange-body)
The history of development of industrial control valves started in the USA in the nineteen
twenties. The classic “four-flange valve body” with linear travel movement was the most
common type and soon achieved a broad acceptance. The double guided plug was
either single or double seated. This design had, typically, an interchangeable bonnet and
bottom flanges and a heavy, non-reversible pneumatic actuator. A change of the so-called
safety or fail-safe position (either OPEN or CLOSED) with failure of the auxiliary energy,
required unavoidably, an exchange of the top and bottom flanges, which always meant
an interruption of the process with associated consequences.

Figure 6.2.2.-1:  Single seated valve with top and bottom guided plug and four flange body

The self-acting closing or opening of the valve with failure of the auxiliary energy is
achieved by a return spring in the pneumatic actuator. The predetermined fail safe position
plays an important role in the process automation industry. Since pneumatic diaphragm
actuators were, in the early days, not yet reversible, the reversal had to be carried out in
the valve itself, i.e. bottom flange and bonnet flange had to be exchanged and the valve
body turned around 180° in relation to the center of pipe.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with linear stem motion Page 005 of 322

The plug had internal threads on both sides so that a connection with the valve stem also
became possible in the opposite position. After the assembly of the actuator in its new
position, the fail safe position was thus reversed by this procedure, i.e. a control valve
formerly open at air failure was changed into a closed valve, on air failure.
Pneumatic controllers and diaphragm actuators were always fitted with the standard
spring range of 3 to 15 psi or 0.2 to 1.0 bar at comparatively low supply pressures.
However, often the actuator force resulting from this configuration was so low, that a
single seated valve (Figure 6.2.2.-1) above DN 50 could frequently not close against the
actual differential pressure. This led to the development of the double seat valve type
which enables a pressure balance and requires only moderate actuator forces. This valve
type was therefore applied particularly with large nominal sizes and with high pressure
differentials (Figure 6.2.3.-1).

6.2.3.  Standard valve (three-flange body)

Since the beginning of the sixties the use of three-flange-bodies has increased steadily.
The high cost of the four-flange-body was the main reason. At the same time the
specific advantages of top-guided valves with three-flange-bodies became apparent. A
prerequisite for the application of this type, however, was the introduction of the field-
reversible diaphragm actuator. Instead of changing the action by reversing the valve body
and exchanging top and bottom flanges, the valve body can remain in the pipe since the
fail safe position is now reversed using another position of the spring and diaphragm within
the pneumatic actuator. By having less interference on the bottom flange, a potential point
of leakage became eliminated.

Figure 6.2.3.-1:  Double seated valve with flow through both valve seats1

1 http://www.arca-valve.com

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 006 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Double seated valves with two seats and two throttling areas are not only complicated and
very expensive at the production process stages but also revealed serious weaknesses
in practical applications:
„„ A high seat leakage could be caused by production inaccuracies and thermal influences.
Actually, the double seated plug is in direct contact with only one of the associated seat
rings. The other plug part touches the seat only in exceptional circumstances, because
a really exact fit for reasons of different thermal expansions of valve body and plug is
not achievable.
„„ With double seated valves the differential pressure acts on one of the plugs in an
opening direction and on the other plug in a closing direction. With a static consideration,
i.e. valve closed, the forces resulting from the fluid pressure are almost balanced.
Under dynamic conditions, however, considerable forces can appear which may lead
to instabilities and poor control.
„„ In flow to close applications, as it happens (unavoidably) at one of the two seats, there
is an unfavorable set of conditions with regard to unpredictable whistling even at small
pressure differentials as well as heavy stem vibrations at higher pressure differentials
and in case of liquids early cavitation and noise generation.
This problem led to the development of pressure balanced three-flange-valves. This type
is applied today more often with big nominal sizes and high pressure differentials. The
guides and seat diameters are approximately the same and the piston type plug contains
a pressure balancing hole. One or more piston rings in the guiding shaft avoid a major
escape of the fluid to the low pressure side of the valve.
The higher seat leakage of pressure balanced valves is - as for double seated valves
- an unavoidable disadvantage of this construction. In this case the leakage is mainly
determined by the accuracy of fit and the slot width of the metallic piston rings.

6.2.4.  SAMSON pressure balanced plug

Previous version



Figure 6.2.4.-1:  Standard valve with three-flange body and pressure balanced plug (previous version)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with linear stem motion Page 007 of 322

New version
With graphite With PTFE
Ring nut sealing ring sealing ring

carrier element

Figure 6.2.4.-2:  Pressure balancing up to 125 mm seat bore

With graphite With PTFE

Clamping ring
sealing ring sealing ring

Pressure balancing
holder, screwed

„„ Retrofit
„„ Higher leakage classes for
PTFE max. Class V, for Graphite
max. Class IV possible.
„„ Adjustable pre-stressing of
sealing rings after assembling
with Ring nut or clamping ring.
Figure 6.2.4.-3:  Pressure balancing for 150 mm seat bore and larger

The design of the pressure balancing for the Series 3240 and 3250 Valves was changed
In contrast to the previous pressure balancing system, the carrier element in the new
design is now screwed to the bonnet. When an old pressure balancing is to be replaced
with a new one, the bonnet with carrier element must be changed.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 008 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

The PTFE or graphite seals are pressed into their proper position by a ring nut or a
hexagonal bolt. With PTFE pressure balancing, a coil spring is used to achieve a defined
force. Friction values for actuator sizing remain unchanged. The new pressure balancing
is available for 80 mm seat bore and larger, with Cv100 - value / Cv120 - value. For further
restrictions refer to the Cv100 - value tables in the associated data sheets.

Low noise AC-1 trim with pressure balance

Anti cavitation design, minimized number of parts - reduced spare cost, seat guided
plug with screwed in the seat.
The pressure balance design is unique due to the sealing elements in the bonnet top
work which avoid dirt attacks in the throttling area.

Figure 6.2.4.-4:  Globe Valve Type 3251 with AC-1 trim NPS 8, Class 600, pressure balance.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with linear stem motion Page 009 of 322

Comparison of the pressure balance systems

② ①p1



Leak rate Class IV Leak rate Class III

(Option Class V possible) - double seat principle ② -

Principle drawing of a pressure balance Dirt and slimes are above the sensitive
trim system, which is not dirt sensitive. guiding gap and can cause jamming. ①
The guiding gap and sealing element Suitable only for clean fluids.
① are above the critical zone of dirt and The retainer need a sealing gasket and
slimes location. ② a spiral wound gasket ③ for balancing
Minimized number of parts - reduced the retainer elongation in case of
spare cost seat guided plug with temperature changes.
screwed in seat design. Many parts and gaskets. Very high
spare cost.

Figure 6.2.4.-5:  SAMSON pressure balance Figure 6.2.4.-6:  Cage retained seat pressure
(principle drawing) balance design

Thanks to the new design, the leakage class for PTFE and graphite pressure balancing
of plugs with metal seal is increased to leakage class IV. For PTFE pressure balancing of
high-performance plugs with metal seal, the leakage class is increased to leakage class
V (formerly lapped-in plugs).
The pressure balance design of SAMSON is not comparable with the traditional pressure
balanced cage retained seat valve of other valve manufacturers.
The unique features of the SAMSON pressure balance design versus common cage
retained seat valves of other manufacturers are shown inFigure 6.2.4.-4, Figure 6.2.4.-5,
Figure 6.2.4.-6 and Figure 6.2.4.-7.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 010 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Pressure balanced plug system of another manufacturer

Traditional cage design suitable only for Lack of commissioning under time
clean fluids. pressure:
① Spiral wound gasket and an additional No proper pipe and valve flushing
flat gasket process take place before start up; no dirt
② Pressure balance sealing system filters installed at valve upstream for a
(friction loaded) longer operation time after start up.

“To believe the fluid is clean often is

wishful thinking”.
Figure 6.2.4.-7:  Other manufacturers standard valve with three-flange body and cage retained seat
pressure balanced plug

The traditional cage pressure balance type is applied today more often with bigger nominal
sizes and higher pressure differentials. The guides and seat diameters are approximately
the same and the piston type plug contains one or several pressure balancing holes.
Soft sealing rings, metallic piston rings or double seat design (Figure 6.2.4.-6) in the
guiding shaft or piston avoid a major escape of the fluid to the low pressure side of the
valve. The higher seat leakage of pressure balanced valves is - as for double seated
valves - an unavoidable disadvantage of this construction.
The leakage is mainly determined by the accuracy of fit and the slot width and the

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with linear stem motion Page 011 of 322

compression of the soft (O-ring, PTFE-, Graphite sealing element) or metallic piston rings
sealing system Figure 6.2.4.-7.
In contrast to earlier decades of the common leak Class III for pressure balance in our
days metal to metal seat leak rates of Class IV and V are more often required in the oil
and gas industry.
This means for class IV and V leak rates a more narrow slot width and additional high
compressed sealing elements replacing the design of Figure 6.2.4.-6. The cage balanced
trim system also becomes more sensitive to dirt and pipe forces, which calls for rigorous
anti-dirt measures like a traditional pipe flushing process during commissioning and dirt
filters for the first operation time as well as pipe force compensators in case of high

Here the cage shaped, fix clamped guide bushing has different purposes:
„„ It guarantees the piston-shaped plug an extremely stable guiding over its complete
travel. For this reason this construction is particularly suitable for high differential
„„ It enables, by design, dimensions, profile and number of window openings, the desired
characteristic of the control valve. Usually the cage has (dependent on the nominal
valve size) between 2 to 8 opposingly placed windows.
„„ The retainer need a spiral wound gasket for balancing temperature material elongation
and an additional flat gasket for sealing in contrast to Figure 6.2.4.-6. Risk of body
leak, if the spiral wound gasket is not replaced after it`s life cycle time.
„„ Cage retained seat pressure balanced trim, where the dirt sensitive guidance gap
is located below possible dirt and slimes attacks. See Figure 6.2.4.-7. Lack of
commissioning. Many parts and gaskets. Very high spare part cost.
„„ Manufacturer independent:
High trim system friction if seat leak rate class IV (V) is required.
For an acceptable long term controllability another actuator sizing philosophy should
take place in general.
An actuator sizing of a balanced system only for the maximum shut down pressure
results in too small actuator sizes. To overcome the high friction of the balanced trim
system needs a high actuator stiffness as a result of the diaphragm area multiplied
with the spring signal range. For an acceptable controllability of the valve-positioner
system only a much larger actuator size can limit the hysteresis to a recommended
value below 30%. See sizing example of „Chapter 18.2 Calculation and selection of
a control valve for steam“.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 012 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

The demand to reduce manufacturing cost and to permanently improve devices in process
automation industries led to a new valve type in the seventies, namely the so-called “easy
series” with a particularly light weighted three flange valve body and a top guided plug.
Because of vibrational tendencies of seat sizes > 1 inch SAMSON AG had developed a
more beneficial top and seat guided plug for all globe valve Series 3240 and 3250 and
furthermore the first compact multi-spring pneumatic actuator. Series 3240 was the world
most compact globe control valve in that time. See Chapter 6.3.
During nearly four decades Series 3240 became a leading control valve in the chemical,
pharmaceutical and food & beverage industry and was continuously updated to the
demands of larger plant sizes, stronger fugitive and noise emission regulations, and to
more effective severe service solutions for the oil-and gas industry. Today Series 3240
suits the majority of applications in the industrial process automation industry and provides
an optimal cost/performance ratio (Figure 6.2.-5).
For the majority of standard applications where ∆p is limited to 10 bar SAMSON AG in
the last decade again launched in the market the most economical control valve system
called V2001. See Chapter 6.5.
The plug stem of Series 3240 is guided in the valve bonnet, and the V-Port plug in the
screwed-in seat Figure 6.2.-5. The ports of the V-Port plug are asymmetric in order to
suppress any oscillations.
These features corresponded particularly well to
the requirements of the chemical industry with
costs as low as possible, compact dimensions
and low weight, but otherwise a comparable
functionality with former valve series. At this
time new demands were also highlighted with
Guide regard to the protection of the environment
which was almost unknown in those days:
„„ High level of tightness,
„„ Noise level as low as possible,
„„ Ecologically beneficial valve materials.

As a result of this development a new valve type

was born which suits the majority of applications
in the industrial process automation industry
and provides an optimal cost/performance ratio
(see Chapter 6.3).

Figure 6.2.4.-8:  Globe Valve Type 3241

These new „standard control valves“ are mostly top-guided and single-seated, in order to
achieve compact dimensions, low weight and tight shut-off capabilities, i. e. leakage rates
in accordance with class IV or better.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with linear stem motion Page 013 of 322

Valve body made of:

„„ Cast iron
„„ Carbon steel, stainless or cold-resisting carbon steel
„„ Forged steel or forged stainless steel
„„ Special materials
Valve plug with:
„„ Metal sealing or
„„ Soft sealing

Thanks to their modular design, the control valves can be equipped with various
accessories: positioners, limit switches, solenoid valves and other accessories
according to IEC 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
The most common pneumatic diaphragm actuator corresponds today (with reverse fail-
safe action, air-to-open) only in rare cases to the standard signal or spring range of 3 to
15 psi or 0.2 to 1.0 bar, because pneumatic or electro-pneumatic positioners are almost
obligatory. These devices provide an exact positioning of the valve stroke in relation to
the electric or pneumatic input signal, independent of the spring range of the actuator.
Advances in the design of synthetic rubber materials and corresponding fabric inserts
allows nowadays extreme environmental temperatures between - 60°C to +130°C and
high supply pressures up to 90 psi or 6,0 bar. These features mean that with the most
common valve sizes between DN 15 (1/2 inch) and DN 100 (4 inch) the costly double
seated valve type or even pressure balanced trims become unnecessary.

Figure 6.2.4.-1:  SAMSON AG developed worldwide the first actuator with parallel spring design which
seems to be the state-of-the-art on long term.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 014 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.2.-5:  Control valve of an „easy valve type“ with compact dimensions and field
reversible pneumatic diaphragm actuator with multiple springs

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Control Valves Series 3240 Page 015 of 322

6.3  Control Valves Series 3240

Series 3240 Control Valves

Type 3241-7
Type 3241-1 Type 3241-9

Type 3731-x

Type 3241-7
Body: Forged steel
Diaphragm cases: Stainless steel
Positioner Type 3730-x external
parts: Stainless steel
Type 3244-1

Type 3241-1, larger than NPS 8

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 016 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series 3240
Control valve for process engineering and industrial applications.
Globe Valve Type 3241-1/-7 3241-1/-7 3241-1/-7
Type tested
Three-way 3244-1/-7
Standard DIN     
version ANSI    
Water and
-196 to 450 °C -196 to 450 °C -196 to 450 °C -196 to 450 °C
⋆Temperature steam up to
–320 to 842 °F –320 to 842 °F –320 to 842 °F –325 to 800 °F
350 °C
⋆Type tested acc. to

DIN 32730
DN 15 to 150 200 to 300 15 to 80 15 to 150 15 to 150
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 6 8 to 12 ½ to 3 ½ to 6
Nominal PN 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40 16 to 40 16 to 40
pressure Class 125 to 300 125 to 300 125 to 300 150, 300
Linear     
Characteristic: Equal %    
On-Off 
Metal sealing IV IV IV IV 0.05 % Cv100
Metal sealing
Seat meeting stricter V V V
Plug requirements
Soft sealing VI VI VI
Pressure-balanced IV/V IV/V IV/V 
⋆Body material ⋆ ⋆ ⋆Forged steel ⋆
Insulating section     
Bellows seal    
Heating jacket    
Flow divider    
Welding ends    
Special end connections ANSI ANSI

Valve pictures

Technical data and ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.3.-1:  Series 240 Control valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Control Valves Series 3240 Page 017 of 322

Series 3240
Control valve for process engineering and industrial applications.
Globe Valve Type
3241-1/-7 3241-1/-7 3241-1/7/9
Angle valve 3249-1/-7 RG 41
DIN ⋆DVGW    
version ANSI, ASME
ANSI    
and ASTM
-20 to 220 °C up to 350 °C –29 to 220°C –10 to 160°C -10 to 135 °C
-4 to 428 °F up to 662 °F –20 to 430 °F 14 to 320 °F 14 to 275 °F
Low flow rates
Type tested for gas, DIN
 Aseptic
EN 161
Liquid fuels, DIN EN 264  15 to 100
DN 15 to 150 15 to 100 15 to 150 ½ to 4 25 to 125
Nominal sizes ½ to 3
NPS ½ to 6 10
½ to 6
Nominal PN 40 16, 40 10 to 40 150 16 to 25
pressure Class 300 125 to 300  125
Linear   
Characteristic: Equal %  
Shut-off   IV
Metal sealing VI
Metal sealing
meeting stricter V ⋆V 
Soft sealing VI VI VI ⋆ VI
⋆Body material ⋆ ⋆ ⋆  ⋆
Insulating section 
Bellows seal  
Heating jacket 
Flow divider   
Flanges     ⋆
Welding ends   ⋆

Valve pictures

Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.3.-2:  Series 240 and special control valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 018 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series 240 Control Valves for special applications

Series 3240
Control valve for process engineering and industrial applications.
Globe Valve Type 3345-1/-7 3351 3353 3510-1/-7
Angle valve 3347-1/-7  3510-1/-7

Standard DIN     
version ANSI     
-10 to 160 °C –10 to 150 °C –50 to 250 °C –10 to 180 °C –200 to 450°C
14 to 320 °F 14 to 300 °F –58 to 482 °F 14 to 356 °F –328 to 842 °F
Low flow rates   
Pharmaceutical industries
 
Food industries
DN 15 to 150 15 to 125 15 to 100 15 to 50
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 6 ½ to 5 ½ to 4 ½ to 2 10,15,25
Nominal PN 10, 16 16 16 to 40 40 ⅛ to 1
pressure Class 125/150 240 150 and 300 300 40 to 400
Linear   150 to 2500
Characteristic Equal %  
On-Off   
Metal sealing IV  
Soft sealing VI VI   IV
Diaphragm seal  V
⋆Body material ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Body Special material  ⋆
Insulating section  
Bellows seal  
Flanges    
⋆Welding ends   
Ends Threaded   Female thread 
⋆Special end
  

Valve pictures

Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.3.-3:  Series 240 Control Valves for special applications

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Control Valves Series 3240 Page 019 of 322

Type 3241 Control Valve body for DN 200 to 300, NPS 8 to 12

Figure 6.3.-4:  Type 3241-1 ≥ DN 200

Series 3240 Control Valves are available in nominal sizes ranging from DN 15 to DN 300
(NPS ½ to 12) and up to a nominal pressure PN 40 (Class 300). Control valves in the
standard version are suitable for temperature ranges between –10 and +220 °C (15 and
430 °F). An insulating section allows the temperature range to be extended to –200 and
+450 °C (–325 and +840 °F).
The plug stem is sealed either by a self-adjusting PTFE V-ring packing or an adjustable
packing. To meet stricter emissions control requirements, a stainless steel bellows is
used. The Type 3241 Control Valve can be equipped with a heating jacket that may also
include the bellows.
Globe valves allow easy installation in straight pipelines. For nominal pressures up to PN
40 and nominal sizes up to DN 300, three-flanged bodies of the Series 3240 are mainly

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 020 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.3.1.  Control Valve with safety function Type 3241-1 and Type 3241-7
The typetested control valve consists of a Type 3241 Globe Valve with:
„„ Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator and a solenoid
valve (Type 3241-1 Control Valve)
„„ Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator and a solenoid
valve (Type 3241-7 Control Valve)

Valve body manufactured of:

„„ Cast iron
„„ Spheroidal graphite iron
„„ Cast steel or cast stainless steel
„„ Forged steel or forged stainless steel
„„ Undivided valve bonnet
„„ Valve plug with metal sealing

The control valves are used for temperature

control when connected to a pneumatic or electric
controller. Within the safety circuits, the valve
also assumes the function of a shut-off device,
Figure 6.3.1.-1:  Typetested which is triggered by the signal of a temperature
Type 3241-1 Pneumatic Control Valve or pressure limitation device and upon air supply
with Type 3701 Solenoid Valve failure.
This control valve has been typetested by the German Technical Inspectorate TÜV
(Technischer Überwachungsverein) in accordance with DIN 32 730, which defines it as
a shut-off and control device. The standard version is suitable for water and steam up to
220 °C and, when fitted with an insulating section up to 350 °C at operating pressures
listed in section
Technical data and at a maximum permissible ambient temperature of 50 °C. In safety
circuits, a strainer (e.g., Type 2 NI according to Data Sheet T 1015 EN) is to be installed
in the direction of flow upstream of the control valve.
The modular design of the control valves allows them to be equipped with various
Positioners, limit switches according to IEC 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation. See
Information Sheet T 8350 EN for details.
Standard version for temperatures ranging from –10 to 220 °C with a pneumatic actuator
and either a Type 3701, Type 3963 or Type 449 Solenoid Valve
„„ Type 3241-1 (Fig. 1) Valve with Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator (see T 8310-1 EN)
„„ Type 3241-7·Valve with Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator for integral positioner
attachment (see T 8310-1 EN)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Control Valves Series 3240 Page 021 of 322

6.3.2.  A modular design - best of class OPEX (Operational expenditure)

„„ Selection flexibility
„„ Fast delivery
„„ Distributed assembly
„„ Optimized maintainability

Forged body Cast body

Valve Type 3241, Valve Type 3241, Valve Type 3241, Valve Type 3241,
Actuator Type 3271, Actuator Type 3277, Actuator Type 3277, Actuator Type 3277,
threaded connections, Positioner Type 3730, Handwheel, Positioner Type 3731,
Cast body, flange connections, Positioner Type 3730, Metal bellows,
V-port plug. Cast body, flange connections, Flange connections,
Micro plug. Forged body, Cast body
AC-1 Trim. Parapolic plug.
Figure 6.3.2.-1:  SAMSON modular design for Series 3240 and 3250

This module system makes it possible to design the optimal valve up to PN 40, size
DN 300 or ANSI Class 300, size 12” from components of the Series 240 to meet the
requirements of your specific application. Components are certified according to IEC
61508 for use in safety-instrumented systems up to SIL 3.
Cast valve bodies made of the commonly used materials, such as cast iron, spheroidal
graphite iron, cast or carbon steel, different stainless steels, duplex, and nickel base
alloys, can be supplied from stock.
Interchangeable valve trims enable you to select the best suited Cv coefficients and valve
characteristics for your specific application.
Different flow dividers effectively reduce the noise levels and high-velocity erosion.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 022 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.3.3.  Bellows an additional component

Figure 6.3.3.-1:  Type 3241 with metal bellows seal and with body material forged steel.

Expected life time for Metal bellows

Cycles Bellows seal for DN 15 to 80, NPS ½ to 3
Material 1.4571 (316TI), PN 40, ANSI Class 300







Travel mm
10 11 12 13 14 15
60 % 80 % 100 % Travel %
Figure 6.3.3.-2:  Life cycle time for SAMSON metal bellows seal.
Min. 100,000 cycles at full travel amplitudes (on-off) up to 1.5 mill at 60 % travel amplitude (control)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Control Valves Series 3240 Page 023 of 322

Bellows seal
In case, stricter emissions control requirements must be met, e.g. German Clean Air Act
(TA-Luft) or in vacuum applications, a metal bellows is used to seal the plug stem. The
plug stem is additionally sealed with a packing at the top flange. This packing serves as
a backup packing.
The metal bellows can be monitored for leakage or a sealing medium can be applied by
means of a test connection.
Insulating section
The application range of a standard packing can be extended to an operating temperature
of less than –10 °C or over +220 °C by using an insulating section.
Bellows seal Short insulating section Long insulating section

The bellows seal can be ∗The temperature ranges of the various valves series
used for valves of are:
Series 3240
–200 to +400 °C –50 to +450 °C –200 to +450 °C
Series 3250
–200 to +450 °C –200 to +500 °C –200 to +500 °C
Series 3280
–200 to +450 °C max. +500 °C max. +500 °C
∗The temperature ranges specified above may be restricted by the materials used as
per the pressure-temperature diagram (see Information Sheet T 8000-2 EN).
Table 6.3.3.-3:  Bellows seal and insulation sections

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 024 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.3.4.  SAMSON Series 3240 Globe Valve Advantages

„„ The compact and modular design allows quick deliveries from worldwide sales and
distribution units with local stocks.
„„ Multi-spring actuator reduces height and weight of valve, sizes ranging from 120 cm2 to
2800 cm2, field reversible, allows changing of fail action with no extra parts, together
with positioner can be rotated freely by 360°. Completely housed mechanical valve
travel linkage and integral attachment of digital /analog or pneumatic positioners as
well as limit switches with solenoid valves eliminates tubing and damage to linkages.
„„ Maintenance free, self adjusting PTFE V-ring packing is standard as well as TA Luft
(German Clean Air Act) Edition 2002 “low emission” packing.
(Optional tested: ISO 15848-1 Edition 2006 and SHELL SPE 77/312 Edition 2005).
„„ Insulated section or bellows seal optional.
„„ Patented, zero-emission, multi-layered
bellows technology guaranteed a minimum
100,000 full cycles up to > million cycles
in case of controls with reduced travel
„„ One piece yoke and bonnet in forged
„„ Separate bonnet allows the actuator to be
exchanged without the need to open the
„„ Bonnet and body made from the same
material to avoid gap-corrosion and leaking
„„ Low-lying guide bushing guarantees stable
„„ Only four parts required to rebuilt the valve:
Seat, plug, body gasket and packing. Spare
part concept of lowest cost.
„„ Straight-threaded seat design requires no
gaskets, cages or other sealants.
„„ Up to 15 Cvs coefficients available in steps of Figure 6.3.4.-1:  Globe valve Type 3241-7
with positioner Type 3731-X
1.6 for each valve size.
„„ Seat guided low-vibration V-port and Anti - Cavitation (AC) plugs as well as dirt
insensitive pressure balanced design for all nominal valve sizes. Wide range of
effective low noise attenuation like flow dividers, perforated plugs, multi-stage trims,
baffles and silencers available.
„„ Face to face dimension according to ANSI / ISA-75.08.01-2002 formerly ISA S75.03-
1992 or IEC 60534-3-1-2001 allows interchangeability with other control valves.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 025 of 322

6.4  Series 3240 special valves for certain applications

Numerous industrial processes require special valves. As experience has proven,
standard valves do often not produce the required results. Either functionality or life spans
are sometimes unsatisfactory or safety related demands cannot be met. Further needs
to meet the requirements of certain applications could be say, fast and unproblematic
cleaning or disinfection or an easy interchangeability of valve parts. From the large variety
of special valves for certain applications some valve constructions have been picked out
arbitrarily, these having won greater meaning in recent years.

6.4.1.  Control valves with forged steel or forged stainless steel bodies
Despite an on-going progress in foundry practice, shrinkage cavities and thus possible
leaks can never completely excluded.
Particularly annoying for the manufacturer is
the fact that leaks in the cast body become
visible only after the final machining process.
Since welding or other possibilities of a
post-processing are generally not permitted,
scrapping of the entire body is the only
option. Last but not least the much discussed
European pressure vessel regulation which
addresses itself at these criteria and requires
numerous inspections to establish the
suitability of the pattern and of the foundry, in
order to achieve high quality bodies.
Unquestioned is the fact that faultlessly
cast valve bodies are qualitatively not any
worse than forged valve bodies. In order to
avoid the numerous inspections and tests,
SAMSON AG first of all offer for nominal sizes
up to DN 80 (NPS 3) forged valve bodies.
(Figure 6.4.1.-1).

Figure 6.4.1.-1:  Control valves Type 3241-7 with body

from forged steel, Actuator diaphragm cases from
Stainless steel and with Positioner Type 3730-x with
external parts from Stainless steel

To be desired is the close fine-grained structure and the smooth surface. The higher effort
for machining is balanced with lower cost in comparison to the increasing casting quality
control process today.
The technical data like Cv values and other sizing parameters are comparable within
negligible deviations.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 026 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

SAMSON Anti-surge Valve

Figure 6.4.1.-2:  Nitrogen Expander / Compressor Unit (Example: Atlas Copco)

Figure 6.4.1.-3:  Vacuum (300 mbar) process in the Potassium sulfate dryer / Methanol recovery

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 027 of 322

Figure 6.4.1.-4:  CRACKER STORAGE TANK ▪ Pump area ▪ Ethylene Storage Bullets for
BASF-YPC Company (BYC), Nanjing, P.R. China. Photo: Tractebel Gas Engineering

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Page 028 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.4.2.  Control valve for PSA plants (Pressure Swing Adsorption)

Figure 6.4.2.-1:  Control valve Type 3241-9 with Type 3275 Piston Actuator (see T 8314 EN),
for integral positioner attachment and / or limit switch

The actuators Type 3275 are mainly used with Type 3241 Valves in pressure swing
adsorption systems and are characterized by:
„„ Small overall height
„„ Powerful thrust due to the supply pressure of max. 6 bar
„„ Low friction
„„ Temperature range from −30 to 80 °C
The actuator is fixed to a yoke which is designed to hold a pneumatic or electropneumatic
„„ This type of direct attachment has the following advantages:
„„ Tight and accurate linkage
„„ Adjustments are not affected during transport
„„ Travel pick-off protected against touching and external influences, meeting the
requirements of the German Accident Prevention Regulations (VBG 5).
„„ Easy pneumatic connection between actuator and positioner
The double-acting Type 3275 Piston Actuator does not have a fail-safe action
(see T 8314 EN).

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 029 of 322

Type 3275

Figure 6.4.2.-2:  Steam Reformer (Photo: Linde AG)


cm 2


4 4




2 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 kN
18.4 29.4 47.3
Type 3275 Piston Actuator Force diagram for Type 3275 Piston Actuator
1 Piston rod
2 Yoke for direct attachment of positioner / limit switch
3 Plain bearing
4 Seal
5 Piston bearing strip
6 Piston
Figure 6.4.2.-3:  Type 3275 Piston Actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 030 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.4.3.  Micro-flow valve Type 3510

Control valve designed for controlling low flow rates in pilot plants and technical research
facilities. Completion for Series 3240 and 3250.
Nominal pressure up to PN 400 / Class 2500

Figure 6.4.3.-1:  Micro valve Type 3510-7

The pneumatic control valve consists of:

„„ Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve and a
„„ Type 3271-5 or optionally Type 3277-5 Actuator
Type 3510 Micro-flow Valves are available either as:
„„ Globe valves
„„ Angle valves
Their valve bodies are available with:
„„ Screwed connections with G, NPT, or RC thread
„„ Welding ends or flanges
Stainless steel is used as the standard body material. However, a variety of special
materials can also be used according to customer requirements.
All valve parts are manufactured from standard industrial products. That makes it possible
to use a diverse assortment of materials in order to match the customer’s requirements.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 031 of 322

Fail-safe position
Depending on the arrangement of the compression springs in the actuator (8) (see Data
Sheet T 8310-1 EN for details), the control valve has two different fail-safe positions
effective upon air supply failure:
Actuator stem extends (FA)
The valve is closed upon air supply failure.
Actuator stem retracts (FE)
The valve is opened upon air supply failure.
Other versions with:
„„ Extension bonnet for temperatures from –200 to +450 °C (–328 to 842 °F),
with special material up to +650 °C (1200 °F)
−5 mbar ⋅ l
„„ Metal bellows seal up to Class 1500 with a sealing performance ≤ 10 , higher
pressure ratings on request s

„„ Handwheel
„„ Electric actuator · On request

Available Cv coefficients and technical data

Cv 0.00012 to 0.0075 1) 0.012 to 0.3 0.5 0.75 to 2.0 2)

Rangeability < 15 : 1 15 : 1 to 50 : 1 50 : 1
Seat Ø mm 2 3 4 10
Plug stem Ø mm 4 4
Travel mm 7.5 7.5
Table 6.4.3.-2:  Overview
1) Seat and plug material in 1.4122 / Stellite or Stellite / Stellite only
2) Only up to ANSI Class 600

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 032 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Standard housing with the most different connections

NPS ½ to 1 Pressure Class 150 to 2500 NPS ½ to 1 Pressure Class 150 to 2500

NPS ½ to 1 Pressure Class 150 to 2500 NPS ½ to 1 Pressure Class 150 to 2500

Female thread G or NPT thread size Welding ends

NPS ¼; ⅜; ½ NPS ½ and 1

Valve with welded SWAGELOK

Valve with milk connection acc. DIN 11851 connection for pipe
8 mm; 10 mm or 12 mm
Figure 6.4.3.-3:  Micro-flow valve Type 3510 with the most different connections

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 033 of 322

Micro-flow Valve Type 3510-1 with Type 3271-52 Actuator

Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve

Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates in
pilot plants and technical research facilities
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv100 value Material
G, NPT and RC
Valve data female thread ANSI Class 150
∗ ∗
in NPS ⅛ ∙ ¼ ∙ to Class 2500
Temperatures –200 to +450 °C, –328 to 842 °F
Actuator Type 3271-52 with 60 cm2 Area
Stroke 7.5 mm
Spring ranges
without 0.2 to 1.0 bar 0.4 to 2.0 bar 1.4 to 2.3 bar 2.1 to 3.3 bar
Connections Welding ends, flanges NPS ½ · ¾ · 1
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.4.3.-4:  Micro-flow Valve Type 3510-1 with Type 3271-52 Actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 034 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Micro-flow Valve Type 3510-1 with Type 3271-5 Actuator

Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve

Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates in
pilot plants and technical research facilities
Valve data Nominal size Cv100 value Material
Globe or angle
∗ DN 10 · DN
valve PN 40 to 400 ∗ ∗
15 · DN 25
Temperatures –200 to +450 °C, –328 to 842 °F
Type 3271-5 with 120 cm2 Area
Alternative for direct mounting Type 3277-5
Stroke 7.5 mm
Spring ranges
0.4 to 0.8 bar 0.8 to 1.6 bar 1.7 to 2.1 bar 2.4 to 3.1 bar
(0.2 to 1.0 bar) (0.4 to 2.0 ba)r (1.4 to 2.3 bar) (2.1 to 3.3 bar)
Connections Flanges DN 10, 15 or 25
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.4.3.-5:  Micro-flow Valve Type 3510-1 with Type 3271-5 Actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 035 of 322

Micro-flow Valve Type 3510 for high and low temperature service

Extension bonnet

Metal bellows seal

Zero Emission
(German Clean Air Act
TA-Luft) with ≤ 10-5 mbar∙l/s 9
bellows sealed 10

Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve with extension bonnet and metal bellows seal
Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates in
pilot plants and technical research facilities
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv100 value Material
G, NPT and RC
Valve data female thread ANSI Class 150
∗ ∗
in NPS ⅛ ∙ ¼ ∙ to Class 2500
Temperatures –200 to +450 °C, –328 to 842 °F
Actuator Type 3271-52 with 60 cm2 Area
Stroke 7.5 mm
Spring ranges
without 0.2 to 1.0 bar 0.4 to 2.0 bar 1.4 to 2.3 bar 2.1 to 3.3 bar
Connections Welding ends, flanges NPS ½ · ¾ · 1
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.4.3.-6:  Micro-flow Valve with extension bonnet and metal bellows seal

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 036 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Micro-flow valve Type 3510-7 with heating jacket

Type 3510 Heating jacket for Micro-flow Valve

Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates in
pilot plants and technical research facilities
Nominal size Nominal pressure Material
Valve data PN 25 1.4404 /

ANSI Class 150 A316 L
Temperatures –200 to +450 °C, –328 to 842 °F
Type 3271-5 with 120 cm2 Area
Alternative for direct mounting Type 3277-5
Stroke 7.5 mm
Spring ranges
without 0.2 to 1.0 bar 0.4 to 2.0 bar 1.4 to 2.3 bar 2.1 to 3.3 bar
Heating jacket Flanges (only for Body) Internal thread: G or NPT
connections Butt weld ends: (only for Body)
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.4.3.-7:  Heating jacket for Micro-flow Valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 037 of 322

Special applications: Type 3510 for Ammonium injection

Type 3510 For Ammonium injection

Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates in
pilot plants and technical research facilities
Valve data Nominal size Cv100 value Material
Globe or angle
∗ DN 10 · DN WN 1.4301
valve PN 40 to 400 ∗
15 · DN 25 WN 1.4306
Temperatures –200 to +450 °C, –328 to 842 °F
Type 3271-5 with 120 cm2 Area
Alternative for direct mounting Type 3277-5
Stroke 7.5 mm
Spring ranges
0.4 to 0.8 bar 0.8 to 1.6 bar 1.7 to 2.1 bar 2.4 to 3.1 bar
(0.2 to 1.0 bar) (0.4 to 2.0 ba)r (1.4 to 2.3 bar) (2.1 to 3.3 bar)
Connections Flanges DN 10, 15 or 25
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.4.3.-8:  Type 3510 for Ammonium injection

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 038 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Special applications: Type 3510 for Brewery

Type 3510 For Brewery

Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates
Application in Brewery with special surface roughness Rz4 µm and technical
research facilities
Valve data Nominal size Cv100 value Material
Globe or angle ∗ Inlet G ⅜"
valve ∗ ∗ ∗
Outlet 52 mm
Temperatures –200 to +450 °C, –328 to 842 °F
Type 3271-5 with 120 cm2 Area
Alternative for direct mounting Type 3277-5
Stroke 7.5 mm
Spring ranges
0.4 to 0.8 bar 0.8 to 1.6 bar 1.7 to 2.1 bar 2.4 to 3.1 bar
(0.2 to 1.0 bar) (0.4 to 2.0 ba)r (1.4 to 2.3 bar) (2.1 to 3.3 bar)
Connections Clamp connection
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.4.3.-9:  Type 3510 for Brewery

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 039 of 322

Type 3510 in combination with hand wheel

Type 3510 Valve with hand wheel

Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates in
pilot plants and technical research facilities
Nominal size Cv100 value Material
G, NPT and RC
Valve data
female thread ANSI Class 150
∗ ∗
in NPS ⅛ ∙ ¼ ∙ to Class 2500
Temperatures –200 to +450 °C, –328 to 842 °F
Actuator Hand wheel (Available under No. 1180-8655)
Stroke 7.5 mm
Connections Welding ends, flanges NPS ½ · ¾ · 1
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.4.3.-10:  Type 3510 in combination with hand wheel

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 040 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Micro-flow valves Type 3510 with mounting parts

Type 3510-1 with extension bonnet and external

Type 3510-1 with external Positioner Type 3730
Positioner Type 3730

Type 3510 with Positioner Type 3731 Type 3277-5 with 120 cm2 area with hand wheel

Positioner Type 3730 standard mounting parts 3510-1 with extension bonnet and positioner Type
acc. NAMUR 3730 standard mounting parts acc. NAMUR
Figure 6.4.3.-11:  Micro-flow valves Type 3510 with mounting parts

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 041 of 322

Micro-flow Valve Type 3510 according NACE standard 01-75 NACE or ISO version

NACE standard MR 0103-2007/ISO 15156-1…3

2.4610 2.4610
Sach-Nr. 0310-1911 Sach-Nr. 0340-2014


2.4610 2.4610


Figure 6.4.3.-12:  NACE standard MR 0103-2007/ISO 15156-1…3

Thick-walled components (e.g. body, bonnet, bellows seal bonnet and insulating section)
as well as other wetted internal parts (e.g. sealing rings, packing washers, threaded
bushings and the stem of the insulating section) must be made of WN 2.4610 (corresponds
to Hastelloy C-4).
For micro-flow valves with bellows seal bonnet, the bellows is to be made of WN 2.4819
(corresponds to Hastelloy C-276).
Stellite is approved for versions complying with ISO 15156 and NACE MR 0103-2007.
As a result, valve trims made completely of Stellite can be used with Cv100 coefficients
between 0.00063 and 0.0001 (Cv100 S between 0.00075 and 0.00012).
The valve trim materials WN 1.4122 and WN 1.4112 do not meet the restricted hardness
requirements stipulated in ISO 15156 and NACE MR 0103-2007.
Plug and seat also available in stellite.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 042 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Micro-flow Valve Type 3510 according NACE standard NACE MR 0175

2.4610 2.4610
Sach-Nr. 0310-1911 Sach-Nr. 0340-2014


1.4571 2.4610


Figure 6.4.3.-13:  Micro-flow Valve Type 3510 according NACE standard NACE MR 0175

Thick-walled components (e.g. body, bonnet, bellows seal bonnet and insulating section)
can be made of WN 1.4571 (corresponds to A 479316 Ti).
All wetted internal parts (e.g. sealing rings, packing washers, threaded bushings and the
stem of the insulating section) must be made of 2.4610 (corresponds to Hastelloy C-4).
For micro-flow valves with bellows seal bonnet, the bellows is to be made of WN 2.4819
(corresponds to Hastelloy C-276).
Valve trims made completely of Stellite or of WN 1.4122 and WN 1.4112 do not meet
the restricted hardness requirements stipulated in NACE MR 0175. As a result, only Cv
coefficients between 1.6 and 0.001 (Cv100 between 2.0 and 0.0012) can be selected.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special valves for certain applications Page 043 of 322

6.4.4.  ON-OFF Valve Type 3351

The continuing increase in batch processes has led to a special
type of control valve. These valves have only two extreme
positions: either open or closed. They regulate, for example,
additives, colors or other chemicals and are usually controlled
by a counter, weighing apparatus or a mass flow meter.
Main features are: tight shut-off in the seat (leakage class
V or VI), short stroking times and maintenance free service
(Figure 6.4.4.-2). A bellows seal is frequently used in this kind
of valve. In order to achieve compact dimensions the length of
bellows and the rated travel of these valves are both shorter
than for control valves. A low leakage rate at bigger nominal
sizes and pressure differentials can be realized by a lateral
flow direction, since dynamic stability for a cycling valve is
seldom demanded.
Control valve with a tight shutoff of liquids, gases and steam
in accordance with DIN or ANSI standards.
The Type 3351 Pneumatic Control Valve consists of an on-off
valve and a pneumatic actuator. Optionally, the valve can be
Figure 6.4.4.-1:  Pneumatic
equipped with a bellows seal or extension bonnet.
On-off Valve Type 3351
with bellows

Valve body made of:

„„ Cast iron
„„ Spheroidal graphite iron
„„ Cast steel
„„ Cast stainless steel
„„ Valve plug with metal and soft sealing together
„„ Leakage rate Class VI in accordance with DIN
EN 1349,
„„ Class VI in accordance with ANSI B16-104.

Attachment of solenoid valves and limit

switches according to IEC 60534-6 and NAMUR
recommendation. For details, see Information
Sheet T 8350 EN.

Figure 6.4.4.-2:  Pneumatic On-off Valve Type 3351

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 044 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.4.5.  Angle Seat Valve Type 3353

On/off valve equipped with a pneumatic piston actuator.
Globe valve equipped with an angle seat body and a flat plug with
soft sealing
„„ Pneumatic piston actuator
„„ Stainless steel body
Permissible media
„„ Water
„„ Air
„„ Neutral gases and liquids
„„ Oils
„„ Steam up to 180 °C
„„ Corrosive media
Easy serviceability and low price due to
„„ Replaceable soft sealing
„„ Safe relief of the actuator springs without having to use a spring
clamping device
Design and principle of operation
The pneumatic control valve consists of a angle seat valve that
Figure 6.4.5.-1:  Angle has a plug with soft sealing and a pneumatic piston actuator.
seat valve Type 3353
Depending on the version, the actuator can be equipped with a
mechanical manual override or an electric limit switch.
The control valve is designed for on/off control in process engineering and plants with
industrial requirements. It is suitable for liquids, vapors and gases at temperatures from
–10 to 180 °C and a nominal pressure of PN 40. The process medium flows through the
valve in the direction indicated by the arrow. The signal pressure applied to the piston
actuator determines the position of the plug and thus the cross-sectional area of flow
between the seat and plug. The actuator stem is sealed at the valve end by a self-adjusting
packing consisting of PTFE V-rings and at the actuator end by a shaft sealing ring.
Fail-safe position:
The fail-safe position of the control valve when the air supply fails is determined by how
the piston and spring are arranged in the actuator.
Valve CLOSED (actuator stem extends)
The actuator spring closes the valve upon air supply failure. The valve opens as the
signal pressure increases.
Valve OPEN (actuator stem retracts)
The actuator spring opens the valve upon air supply failure. The valve closes as the
signal pressure increases.
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated technical data
sheet T 8139 EN.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 045 of 322

6.5  Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications

Pharmaceutical and food processing industries.
These constructions are mostly covered by angle type valves with lot of different pipe
connections (See Table 6.3.-3). Such valves consist usually of stainless steel. A quick-
change connection (Triclamp-type) is frequently used instead of threads. Of special
advantage is the simple and fast disassembly and cleaning system which is supported
by internal and external polished surfaces. These valves are commonly used for milk,
cream, whey, fruit juices, beer, cooking oil etc. and are cleaned afterwards by special
liquid cleaning agents. These constructions should not have any crevices or under-cuts to
avoid food residues. A special valve stem sealing method ensures that, after sterilization
with steam, no transmission of germs from outside is possible (Figure 6.4.4.-1).
Hygienic design covers the design of equipment and production units which are both
easy to clean and in accordance with respective hygienic design guidelines. Particularly
the design considers requirements on clean ability to avoid all areas where soil can
accumulate and therefore be a hazard to the product (e.g. food). To ensure safe cleaning
of production lines it is essential to have easy-to-clean equipment.
Hygienic Design plays an important role to ensure product quality.

Hygienic design of valves for food processing

Valves are essential components of all food processing
plants, and the quality of the valves used strongly
influences the microbiological safety of the food
production process. Valves for food contact use must
therefore comply with strict hygienic requirements. The
guidelines apply to all valves used in contact with food
or food constituents that are to be processed hygienically
or aseptically.
General requirements with regard to materials, drain
ability, microbial impermeability and other aspects,
additional requirements for specific valve types must
be taken into account.

General Hygienic Requirements

Hygienic design
„„ Class I
Equipment that can be cleaned in-place and can be
freed from soil without dismantling.
Equipment that can be CIP and will be free from
relevant micro-organisms without disassembly.
„„ Class II
Figure 6.5.5.-1:  Type 3249-7 Aseptic Same, but equipment is cleanable after dismantling
Angle Valve in ball body version Full-
mold cast body with welding ends and can be freed from soil after reassembly.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 046 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Method cleaning
„„ CIP (Cleaning-in-Place)
Automated wet cleaning system of a line and/or individual equipment in a closed
circuit without dismantling.
Cleaning-in-Place is advancing in the food industry. Cost savings due to less down
time and automated cleaning procedures have facilitated this advance.
Critical for the effectiveness of CIP is hygienic design, i.e. the clean ability of the
processing equipment.
„„ SIP (Sterilization-in-Place)
A process aimed at removing or killing all forms of micro-organisms, including
bacterial spores.
„„ DIP (Drying-in-Place)
Cleaning which does not involve any use of water, a technique which can be used as
a preventive measure to reduce risks of microbial development in equipment and in
the environment. It also reduces risk of contamination with e.g. residues of aged or
modified product. Mostly done manually using brushes and/or vacuum cleaners.
„„ Aseptic design
Hygienic equipment which is in addition impermeable to micro-organisms. A process
using equipment sterilized before use, and which, in running conditions, is protected
against recontamination by micro-organisms that may harm the safety and suitability
of the specific product that is made.

Figure 6.5.-1:  Type 3347-7 Valve with bar Figure 6.5.-2:  Type 3347-7 Valve with
stock with threaded end connections hollow-mold cast body with welding ends

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 047 of 322

6.5.1.  Approvals for hygienic applications

Materials & Material Surfaces
Materials and their surfaces play a central role in the hygienic design of machines and
units. The rights choice of materials ensures that reactions between material, product and
cleaning devices have no negative impact on the product. Appropriate surface designs
support clean ability and, thus, represent decisive factors in reducing cleaning times,
cleaning cycles and cleaning costs.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)1
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency within
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
FDA is responsible for
„„ Protecting the public health by assuring the safety,
effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs,
vaccines and other biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply,
cosmetics, dietary supplements, and products that give off radiation.
„„ Regulating tobacco products
„„ Advancing the public health by helping to speed product innovations
„„ Helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use
medicines and foods to improve their health

European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG)2

EHEDG provides practical guidance on the hygienic engineering aspects of manufacturing
safe and wholesome food. Founded in 1989, it is a consortium of equipment manufacturers,
food companies, research and educational institutes as well as public health authorities
whose common aim is to promote hygiene during the processing and packaging of food
products. EHEDG actively supports European legislation, which requires that handling,
preparation processing and packaging of food is done hygienically using hygienic
machinery and in hygienic premises (EC Directive 98/37/EC, EN 1672-2 and EN ISO
This EHEDG guideline describe the principal design criteria to
be met by hygienic and aseptic equipment for the manufacture
of food, and gives guidelines on how to design and construct
food machinery and equipment such that it does not adversely
affect the microbiological safety and quality of the product.
Suitable product contact materials are described, as well as
aspects of fabrication such as surface finish, supports, welding
and insulation. The guidelines apply to durable equipment used
for batch and continuous, open and closed manufacturing

1 http:// www.fda.org
2 http:// www.ehedg.org

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Page 048 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Equipment certification
Authorized EHEDG institutes are offering certification to the benefit of both equipment
suppliers and food manufacturers:
Equipment suppliers:
„„ Their equipment can be approved by EHEDG authorized organizations to be in
compliance with EHEDG criteria. In certain cases, approval may only be granted after
testing by a laboratory accredited by a notified body, using EHEDG test methods.

Food manufacturers:
„„ They may select hygienically designed equipment although acquires must still validate
that such equipment is adequate for its intended use.

3-A Sanitary Standards1

3-A SSI formulates sanitary standards and accepted practices
for the sanitary design, fabrication, installation and clean ability
of dairy and food equipment or systems used to handle, process
and package consumable products where a high degree of
sanitation is required. These sanitary standards and accepted
practices are developed through the cooperative efforts of
industry experts. 3-A Sanitary Standards provide material
specifications, design criteria and other necessary information
for equipment types to satisfy public health concerns. 3-A Sanitary Standards are available
for many equipment types, from fittings to silo tanks. The goal of 3-A SSI is to protect
consumable products from contamination and to ensure that all product surfaces can be
mechanically (CIP) cleaned or easily dismantled for manual cleaning.
3-A criteria is universally accepted by equipment manufacturers, fabricators, users and
Type 3347 Angle Valve with:
„„ Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator (Type 3347-1 Control
Valve) or
„„ Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator (Type 3347-7 Control
Valve) for integral positioner attachment
„„ Cavity-free valve body made of stainless steel
„„ FDA conformity for wetted sealing materials
„„ 3-A conformity for Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator and
approved valve accessories
„„ Valve plug with metal or soft sealing
„„ Easily detachable clamp connection between body
and bonnet
„„ Suitable for cleaning-in-place (CIP)
Figure 6.5.1.-1:  Type 3347

1 http://www.3-a.org

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 049 of 322


Ball body Caste body

Applications Type 3249

Figure 6.5.1.-2:  Aseptic Valve Type 3249-7 for pharmaceutical plants

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Page 050 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Surface of special Control valve for hygienic applications in the pharmaceutical

and food processing industries

„„ With consideration of the volume

ƒƒ Bacteria 0.2 to 3.0 µm
ƒƒ Yeast 2.0 to 15 µm
„„ Mechanical and electro polishing. Electro polishing doesn’t systematically improve Ra

Note: 1 Ra value ≤ 1.0 µm (0.8 µm) is necessary for the product-contact surfaces

Different finishes:
„„ Standard finish Ra 1,0 or 0,8
„„ Polished Ra 0,6
„„ Polished Ra 0,4

Figure 6.5.1.-3:  Ball body

Types of connection
Unchangeable connection Changeable connection

„„ Welding ends for pipes acc. to „„ Clamp connection acc. to

ƒƒ DIN 11850 ƒƒ ISO 2852, DIN 32676 or BS 4825
ƒƒ ISO 2037 „„ Flange connection acc. to
ƒƒ BS 4825 ƒƒ DIN 2501, ANSI B16.1 or DIN EN
ƒƒ DIN EN ISO 1127 11864

ƒƒ SMS „„ Threaded couplings acc. to

ƒƒ DIN 11887, DIN EN 11864, SMS
Table 6.5.1.-4:  Types of connections

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 051 of 322

Hundreds of connections for the pharmaceutical and food processing industries.

Figure 6.5.1.-5:  Connections for the pharmaceutical and food processing industries

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Page 052 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.5.2.  Type 3347 Sanitary Micro-flow Valve

Type 3347 Sanitary Micro-flow Valve

Medium Sanitary fluids
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv100 value Body material
Valve data DN 8 to 25 See Type 3247 0.0001 to 0.1 316L
Trim material: 316L
Control valve specially designed for controlling small flow rates in
pilot plants and technical research facilities
Options Materials, connections: see Type 3247
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.5.2.-1:  Type 3347 Sanitary Micro-flow Valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 053 of 322

6.5.3.  Type 3347 for fruit juice industry

Type 3347 For fruit juice industry

Medium Fruit juice
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv100 value Body material
Valve data DN 25 to 100 See Type 3247 See Type 3247 316L
Trim material: 316L
Application Degassing process in fruit juice industry
Options Materials, connections: see Type 3247 / 3249
References GEA Tuchenhagen Dairy System GmbH
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.5.3.-1:  Type 3347 for fruit juice industry

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 054 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.5.4.  Distribution Valve

Distribution Valve
3347 or 3249
Medium Different media
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv100 value Body material
See Type See Type
Valve data DN 15 to 125 316L
3247 / 3249 3247 / 3249
Trim material: 316L
Application Distribution or injection line in food or pharmaceutical industries
Options Materials, connections: see Type 3247 / 3249
References Amersham (now GE Health care)
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.5.4.-1:  Distribution Valve Type 3347 or Type 3249

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 055 of 322

6.5.5.  Three-in-one valve for Milk packaging

Type 3249 Three-in-one valve for Milk packaging

Medium Milk
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv100 value Body material
Valve data DN 25 to 100 See Type 3249 See Type 3249 316L
Trim material: 316L
Special features Milk packing
References Prepac
For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.5.5.-1:  Type 3249 Three-in-one valve for Milk packaging

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 056 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.5.6.  Pneumatic Control Valve Type RG 41

Control valve for the food processing industry
In the food processing industry, high
cleanliness requirements have to be
Components of production plants
are designed accordingly to ensure
that cleaning can be done before
starting production. Furthermore,
impurities must not occur due to
material properties.
Since the fluid stream passes along
the interior passage through the
orifice or vena contracta, where
velocities are considerably high, the
valves represent critical components
during production.
Control Valves of Type RG 41 have a
special design in order to control flow
rates and process pressure in the
beverage, food processing, chemical
and pharmaceutical industries.

Figure 6.5.6.-1:  Pneumatic Control Valve Type RG 41 with Pneumatic Actuator Type 3271

The most essential advantages are:

„„ Available with linear or equal percentage characteristics.
„„ As seat and plug are easily interchangeable, there can be different Cv100 values for
one nominal size.
„„ No supplemental final closing elements are required due to soft-sealed plug designs.
„„ The ball-pattern body reduces material wear.
„„ Bacterial impurities are avoided by usage of formed (profile) gaskets.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 057 of 322


Figure 6.5.6.-2:  Photo Roche1 Biologics III

Figure 6.5.6.-3:  Pharmaceutical plant

1 http://www.roche.com

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Page 058 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.5.7.  For example beer breweries

To create a good beer:
„„ You need first of all hops, malt and water.
„„ In addition, you need a committed master brewer
„„ You need technologically and technically experienced engineers and
mechanical engineers whose technology and plants make it possible to
brew beer of the highest quality
„„ You needs SAMSON control valves.

Figure 6.5.7.-1:  KRONES1 Process technology. A fully automated system

All the pre-set cleaning parameters such as temperature, flow, time and conductivity are
monitored fully automatically with SAMSON control valves.
1 http://www.krones.com

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 059 of 322

Flash pasteurizers for beverage filling

The customer can choose

from among standardized flash
pasteurizing plants for beer or
for carbonated refreshment
drinks and systems for the hot
filling of fruit juices.
A program then regulates
both the volume flow and the
temperature of the product with
SAMSON control valves.

Figure 6.5.7.-2:  Photo STEINECKER (KRONES GROUP) brewing technology

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Page 060 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.5.7.-3:  Type 3249-7

Germs don’t stand a chance in the cavity-free body of the Type 3347 Sterile Valve as all
wetted parts are made of corrosion resistant, polished high-alloyed steel. A special PTFE
bushing reliably prevents germs being transferred at the actuator stem. An additional
steam line connection is available to meet even stricter standards of cleanliness. In the
Type 3249 Valve, the EPDM diaphragm together with a backup packing provide the
perfect protection against germ transfer.
Valve material and design comply with the most stringent international standards including
EHEDG conformity for both valve body styles, FDA conformity for wetted seal materials,
and 3-A compliance for the ball-body version. The valve bodies are also suitable for CIP
and SIP procedures.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 061 of 322

6.5.8.  Lethal Service Valves Type 240 LS

Lethal Service Valves
The SAMSON Lethal Service concept has been
developed to handle highly toxic, flammable and
corrosive media. Through the use of the SAMSON
bellows seal even small stern leaks can be avoided.
SAMSON's over 100 years of in-house manufacturing
of metal bellows have produced the ultimate in high
technology stem seals.

SAMSON Bellows
The result is a modular, low cost, high quality bellows
seal with high pressure-temperature capabilities and
an extra-ordinarily long cycle lifetime; guaranteed for
a minimum of 100,000 full cycles in all sizes NPS 1/2
to 6.
The bellows seal is extensive tested with helium and
provides the best flexible zero leakage stern seal.
The design features a double wall seamless bellows
which is manufactured in one full-length piece and
Figure 6.5.8.-1:  The SAMSON Lethal
Service Valve Type 3241-1 LS consists plasma welded only at the upper seal ring and lower
of globe valve Type 3241 and pneumatic stern connection.
actuator Type 3271.

Safety Stuffing Box

The special stern finish ensures an extremely lang lifetime and ultra low leakage of the
safety backup stuffing box. The backup stuffing boxes are available in various designs to
suit the application.
The spring-loaded PTFE-V-ring stuffing box ensures a long life and a completely
maintenance free safety back-up for the bellows seal.
A limited number of interchangeable parts are used to create a large variety of valve
combinations to suit any application. For example, as a result of this development only
two different bellows modules cover all sizes NPS 1/2 to 6. As well, seats, plugs and other
parts are fully interchangeable to ensure a high degree of flexibility.
Various trim combinations are available in different alloys with optional stelliting or other
hardening treatments. Also available are pressure-balanced plugs for high differential
pressures and soft sealing plugs for bubble-tight shutoff.
As an important Feature, a special micro-trim is available with various materials and C,
values as low as 0.00012 US GPM.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 062 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Noise Reduction
By means of flow dividers Type ST
I or ST III, significant reductions in
noise levels can be achieved. The
flow divider Type ST I a perforated
metal insert will reduce the noise
level by up to 10 dB(A). lt can be
used for both liquids and gases.
The flow divider Type ST I is also
used for valve body protection
with cavitating fluids.

Test connection Flow divider Type ST III is suitable

for gases and vapors and will
reduce the noise level by up to 36
Versions in accordance with
NACE-Standard MR0175-90 are
All products are backed by an
extensive QA/QC program at
the SAMSON factory. SAMSON
holds Certificates of Approval
from, among others, Bureau
Veritas Quality International, in
accordance with quality standards
including EN 29001, ISO 9001, BS
5750: Part 1 and CSA 3-Z299.1.
No other pressure and/or
temperature limitations apply
except as outlined per ANSI
Process Media Safety Volume B16.34.
Figure 6.5.8.-2:  Metal Bellows section

Test connection
„„ Pressure switch for alarm signal
„„ Pressure gauge for visual alarm
Note: Bellows Pressure Ratings
As a result of the process pressure being applied to the outside area of the bellows, the
bellows is pressure rated in excess of the valve body rating, without danger of collapse.
Extensive tests of up to 3000 psi have been conducted without rupture.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 063 of 322

Type 240 LS Lethal Service Valves

Control valve specially designed for controlling of
HCN ▪ COCL2 ▪ HCL ▪ CL2 ▪ VCM ▪ VF3
Nominal size Cv100 value Material
Valve data
ANSI Class
NPS ½ to 6 ∗ ∗
150 to 300
Actuator Type 3271-1: 80, 240, 350, and 700 cm2 Area
Connections Flanges
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
and accessories associated technical data sheet.
Versions designed according to the A standard Globe Control Valve
Chlorine Institute Pamphlet No 6: Type 241-1 LS supplied with:
„„ Zero leakage metal bellows seal „„ Specially degreased and cleaned
„„ Lethal service materials „„ Threads lubricated using
„„ NPS 1/2 to 6 special greases with chemical
„„ ANSI Class 300 compatibility
„„ Ultra low profile „„ Oven dried
„„ Low noise design „„ Metal blind flanges
„„ Field reversible actuator „„ Sealed plastic bag with silica
„„ Highest guaranteed cycle life „„ Mill test certificates with chemical
and physical parameters
„„ Optional micro trim
„„ X-ray certificates
„„ Complete accessory package
Figure 6.5.8.-3:  Lethal Service Valves Type 240 LS

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 064 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Model 241-1 LS in all

Complete (cut) Lethal
stainless steel. A351 CF8M
Metal bellows details Service bellows section,
body, A182 F316 bellows
showing the double showing bellows and
section and bonnet.
convoluted safety back-up stuffing
Also the actuator is all
stainless steel.

Figure 6.5.8.-4:  Lethal Service bellows

Environmental concerns
Environmental protection and the careful use of resources have become key issues in
modern society. Regulations such as the Clean Air Act in the United States or its German
equivalent “TA-Luft” aim to restrict emissions produced by industrial plants.
The most effective sealing solution is the metal bellows, a ground-breaking invention
originally developed by SAMSON. The engineering expertise that goes into the in-house
design and manufacture of multi-layered bellows results in bellows seals recognized for
their quality.
The sealing quality of SAMSON metal bellows remains unsurpassed over its entire life
cycle. For special applications, the bellows can be heated or flushed to prevent deposits
from clogging up the bellows. Its friction-free sealing ability can last over a valve’s entire
service life even in critical applications without the need for any maintenance and still
guarantee absolute zero leakage.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Control valve Series V2001 Page 065 of 322

6.6  Control valve Series V2001

Series V2001

Type 3374
Type 3371

Type 3372

Type 3321-IP
Type 5824

Type 3323-E1

Type 3321-IP
for DN 65 and larger

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 066 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series V2001 Globe Valves

Control valves designed for mechanical and plant engineering.
Suitable for liquids, gases and steam.
Globe valve Type 3321-IP 3321-PP 3321-IP/-PP 3321-E1 3321-E3

Standard ver- DIN     

sion ANSI     
-10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C
14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F
DN 15 to 20 15 to 50 65 to 100 15 to 50 15 to 100
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to ¾ ½ to 2 2½ to 4 ½ to 2 ½ to 4

Nominal PN 16 16 / 40 16 / 40 16 / 40 16 / 40
pressure Class 150 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300
Characteristic :
    
Equal percentage

Seat/ Metal sealing     

Plug Soft sealing     

Leakage Metal sealing IV IV IV IV IV

Class Soft sealing VI VI VI VI VI
pneumatic 3372-xxxx  
Actuator Type:
3371-xxxx   
Actuator Type:

Pneumatic 120 cm2  

Actuator area 350 cm2   

Electric 5824-30 
Actuator Type: 3374-xx 

Valve pictures

DIN EN 1092-2 / flat face Ra = 3,2 ... 6,3 μm

Connection Flanges
DIN EN 1092-1 / raised face Ra = 3,2 ... 6,3 μm
Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.6.-1:  Series V2001 Control valves designed for mechanical and plant engineering.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 067 of 322

Series V2001 Globe Valves (Little Tex)

Compliant ANSI, ASME and ASTM standards.
Control valve for process engineering and plants with industrial requirements.
Globe Valve Type 3522-3372 3522-5824 3522-3374 3522-1/7 3525
ANSI, ASME, and ASTM     
(-10 to 220 °C) (-10 to 220 °C) (-10 to 220 °C) (-10 to 220 °C) (– 46 to 149 °C)
14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F – 50 to 300 °F
Flow rates Cv 0.12 to 47 0.12 to 47 0.12 to 47 0.12 to 47 2, 4, and 6
On-Off 
Linear    
   
NPS ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2 1
ANSI Class 300 300 300 300 900
Bronze    
Stainless steel     

Packing V-ring packing
   
of PTFE with carbon
Metal sealing IV IV IV IV IV
Metal sealing
meeting stricter V V V V
Soft sealing VI VI VI VI
Option On request On request On request On request
Female thread

Valve pictures

Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated

Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.6.-2:  Series V2001 Globe Valves (Little Tex)

Other packings available on request.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 068 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series V2001 Three-way valves

Mixing and flow-diverting valve designed for use in industrial plants.

Three-way valve Type 3323-IP 3323-P 3323-PA 3323-E1 3323-E3

DIN     
Standard version
ANSI     
-10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C -10 to 220 °C
14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F 14 to 430 °F
DN 15 to 50 15 to 50 15 to 50 15 to 50 15 to 50
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2
Nominal PN 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40
pressure Class 150 / 300 150 / 300 150 / 300 150 / 300 150 / 300
Characteristic Linear     
Metal sealing     
Metal sealing: 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv
Mixing / Diverting     
Option Mixing valves in DN 15 to 25 / NPS ½ to 1 can also be used for
flow-diverting service.
pneumatic 3372-03xx 
Actuator Type:
Pneumatic 3372-01xx 
Actuator Type: 2780-2 
Actuator area 120 cm2   
Electric 5824-30 
Actuator Type: 3374-xx 

Valve pictures

Connection Flanges DIN 2526 Form C / Raised Face Ra 3.2 to 12.5 μm

Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the
Fail-safe position
associated technical data sheet.

Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associ-
and accessories ated technical data sheet.
Table 6.6.-3:  Series V2001 with mixing and flow-diverting valve designed.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 069 of 322

Series V2001 Globe Valves for Heat Transfer Oil

Mechanical and plant engineering.

Globe valve Type 3531-IP 3531-P 3531-PA 3531-E1 3531-E3

Standard DIN     
version ANSI     
-10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C
⋆Temperature 14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F
Extended temperature range down to -70 °C / -94 °F on request.
DN 15 to 80 15 to 80 15 to 80 15 to 80 15 to 80
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 3 ½ to 3 ½ to 3 ½ to 3 ½ to 3
Nominal PN 16 / 25 16 / 25 16 / 25 16 / 25 16 / 25
pressure Class 125 / 150 125 / 150 125 / 150 125 / 150 125 / 150
    
Equal percentage
Seat-plug     
Leakage Class IV IV IV I IV
Bellows seal     
pneumatic 3372-03xx 
Actuator Type:

Pneumatic 3372-01xx 
Actuator Type: 2780-2 
Actuator area 120 cm2   
Electric 5824-30 
Actuator Type: 3374-xx 

Valve pictures

Connection Flanges EN 1092-1 Form B1, Ra 3.2 to 12.5 μm · EN 1092-1, groove Form D
Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.6.-4:  Valve Series V2001 for Heat Transfer Oil

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 070 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series V2001 Three-way Valves for Heat Transfer Oil

Mixing and flow-diverting valve designed for use in industrial plants.

Three-way valve Type 3535-IP 3535-P 3535-PA 3535-E1 3535-E3

Standard DIN     
version ANSI     
-10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C -10 to 350 °C
14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F 14 to 660 °F
DN 15 to 50 15 to 50 15 to 50 15 to 50 15 to 50
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2 ½ to 2
Nominal PN 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40
pressure Class 150 / 300 150 / 300 150 / 300 150 / 300 150 / 300
Characteristic Linear     
Metal sealing     
Metal sealing: 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv 0.05 % of Cv
Bellows seal     
Mixing / Diverting     
Option Mixing valves in DN 15 to 25 / NPS ½ to 1 can also be used for
flow-diverting service.
pneumatic 3372-03xx 
Actuator Type:
Pneumatic 3372-01xx 
Actuator Type: 2780-2 
Actuator area 120 cm2   
Electric 5824-30 
Actuator Type: 3374-xx 

Valve pictures

Connection Flanges DIN 2526 Form C / Raised Face Ra 3.2 to 12.5 μm

Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.6.-5:  Three-way valve V2001 with Pneumatic or Electric Actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 071 of 322

Valve Series V2001

Figure 6.6.-6:  Series V2001 - Valve Type 3321 DN 80 PN 16

Control Valve Actuator Type

xxxx- P 3372-01xx
xxxx- PA 2780-2
xxxx- IP Electropneumatic 3372-03xx
xxxx- E1 5824-30
xxxx- E3 3374-xxxx
Table 6.6.-7:  Actuator Types for Series V2001

For the valve sizes NPS 2½ to 3 / DN 65 to DN 80 you can choose between the following
actuator choices:
„„ Type 3371 On-Off Service
„„ Type 3372 (Size 120 cm2 and 350 cm2)
„„ Type 3374 Electric Actuator
The valve of series V2001 is designed based on the modular principle and can be
combined with pneumatic as well as electric actuators as listed in Table 6.6.-8.

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Page 072 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Actuators for Valve Series V2001

DN 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100
Nominal Size
NPS ½ ¾ 1 1½ 2 2½ 3 4
Rated travel mm 15 15/30
120 cm2        
Type 3371
350 cm2   

120 cm2       1) 1)
Type 3372
350 cm2   
Type 5824-xx      
Type 3374-xx       2) 2) 2)
Table 6.6.-8:  Actuators for Valves of series V2001
1) Actuator not in electropneumatic version
2) Only with Type 3374-10 and Type 3374-15

Fail-safe position with pneumatic actuators

Depending on how the springs are arranged in the electropneumatic or pneumatic
actuator, the control valve has two different fail-safe positions that become effective when
the supply air fails:
Actuator stem extends (FA)
The valve closes when the supply air fails.
Actuator stem retracts (FE)
The valve opens when the supply air fails.

Technical data
„„ Body Material: Cast Iron, Carbon
„„ Sizes: NPS 1/2 to 4 / DN 15 to 100
„„ ANSI Class 125 to 300 / PN 16 to 40
„„ Travel: 0.6“ / 1.2“ for 4“ Cv 190
„„ A minimum of two Cv values per valve size
„„ Metal or soft sealing
„„ Various pneumatic and electric actuators
„„ With metal bellows stem seal only for Type 3531 and
Type 3535

Other versions
„„ Explosion-protected version with electric actuators
„„ Type 3321 according to ANSI standards · See T 8112
„„ Insulating section on request Figure 6.6.-9:  Globe valve
„„ Flow divider ST I for noise reduction on request Type 3321-IP

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 073 of 322

Choice of Accessories
The control valves can be optionally equipped with positioners, limit switches and
The Type 3372, Size 350 cm2 pneumatic Actuator is used for control purposes and will be
supplied with the Type 3730-0 I/P Positioner as our standard.
It is possible to mount all the positioners from the Type 3730 family.

Type 4744

Type 3776

Figure 6.6.-10:  The Type 3776 Limit Switch with integral solenoid valve or Type 4744 Limit Switch

Figure 6.6.-11:  Actuator Type 2780-2

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Page 074 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Cross sections of the valve series V2001

Figure 6.6.-12:  V2001 Figure 6.6.-13:  V2001

Globe valve Type 3321 3-Way Valve Type 3323

Figure 6.6.-14:  V2001 Figure 6.6.-15:  V2001

Globe valve Type 3531 3-Way Valve Type 3535

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 075 of 322

6.6.1.  Control Valve Type 3522 (Little Tex)

Control valve for process engineering and plants with industrial requirements. Compliant
to ANSI, ASME and ASTM standards.

Figure 6.6.1.-1:  Photo Anadarko Canada Corporation.

Canadian Oil and Gas Project

These control valves feature a low profile design and

interchangeability of parts that provides the flexibility to meet
a wide range of applications.
The modular accessory packages available can be configured
to satisfy any control requirements.
Valve body material options:
„„ Bronze B148-9A
„„ Stainless cast steel per ASTM specification A 351 CF8M

Figure 6.6.1.-2:  Globe valve

Type 3522

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„„ Standard type 3241 parts
„„ Multiple Cv values readily available
„„ Use all SAMSON Actuators

„„ Type 3522-1 · Nominal sizes ½” to 2” with Type 3271
Pneumatic Actuator (see Data Sheet T 8310-1)
„„ Type 3522-7 (Fig. 1) · Nominal sizes ½” to 2” with
Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator for integral positioner
attachment (see Data Sheet T 8310-1)

Additional versions optionally with:

„„ Non-adjustable packing and blowout protected stems are
standard for maintenance, convenience, and safety
„„ Additional handwheel · See Data Sheet T 8310-1

Figure 6.6.1.-3:  Cross sections of the valve Type 3522

Figure 6.6.1.-4:  Type 3522 NPS ½ to 1 on the left side and Type 3522 NPS 1¼ to 2 on the right side

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 077 of 322

Figure 6.6.1.-5:  Pressure-Temperature Diagram according to ASME/ANSI B 16.1 and B 16.34

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Page 078 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.6.2.  Dump ON-OFF valve Type 3525

The Type 3525 dump valve is meant for use in high pressure on/off applications in
upstream oil and gas production.
Type 3525 Globe Valve with
„„ Custom variation of Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator,
size 240 cm²
Valve body manufactured of:
„„ A 352 LCC
Valve plug manufactured of
„„ Stellite 6 plug and seat
„„ Metal sealing

Figure 6.6.2.-1:  Dump valve Type 3525-1

„„ Compact design - the size of the valve was optimized for installation where the space
requirements are tight.
„„ Easy maintenance - a threaded bonnet/body connection offers easier access to the
trim without using a large assortment of tools while at the same time allowing the valve
body to remain intact with the piping.
„„ Preset flow rates - without dismantling the valve or exchanging parts.
„„ Fine tuning of the Cv value through a threaded coupling with guidance from pre marked
Cv values of 2, 4 and 6.
„„ Durable trim - to reduce the effects of erosion on the plug trim, standard trim material
is Stellite 6B.
„„ NACE MR 0175 compatibility - further expanding the applicability of the SAMSON
Type 3525, the standard trim is also compatible with the NACE standards enabling it
to be used with sour gases and other corrosive media.
„„ The “green” packing - this environment friendly packing retains a consistent seal due
to the V-form PTFE rings and the supporting spring. As the PTFE rings wear, the
supporting Hastelloy spring adjusts to spread the V-form wider, maintaining the seal
longer, and in turn reducing the need for maintenance.
„„ Interchangeable safety action - without removing the valve from it´s position the
actuator can be changed from air-to-open to air-to-close and vice versa.
„„ Versatile actuator - with a supply pressure of 50 psi the entire range of differential
pressures permitted in this pressure class can be safely controlled with this actuator,
no matter the case, FTO, FTC, ATO (Air-to-open), and ATC (Air-to-close).
„„ Two piece stem - allows for actuator removal prior to bonnet removal for easy

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Series 3240 special Control valve for hygienic applications Page 079 of 322

Ten good reasons for Type 3525

Figure 6.6.-3:  Type 3525

1. Field-reversible actuator
2. Nested springs for full 2200 psi differential pressure shut-off
3. Easy accessory mounting
4. Easy maintenance due to separate actuator stem and valve stem
5. Stainless steel yoke
6. Easy separation of actuator and yoke as well as yoke and valve body
7. Large hex for easy bonnet removal
8. Large wrench flats for plug and stem separation
9. Easy seat removal with ¾” hex key
10. Large hex ends that allow easy and safe installation and removal

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 080 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Application: Valves for Natural Gas Separators

Hydrocarbon Processing Solutions

Series 250
Type 3251 Globe Control Valve
Nominal size: NPS ½ to 8
Nominal pressure: Class 150 to 2500
Temperature range: –325 to 930 °F

NPS 3 / Class 600

Natural Gas downstream

NPS 1 / Class 900

NPS 2 / Class 1500 HC Liquids
Raw Natural Gas
Series 250
Type 3251 Globe Control Valve
Nominal size: NPS ½ to 8
Nominal pressure: Class 150 to 2500
Temperature range: –325 to 930 °F

NPS 1 / Class 900

Separated Water
Series 250
Type 3525 Globe Valve
Nominal size: NPS 1
Nominal pressure: Class 900
Temperature range: –50 to 300 °F
Figure 6.6.-4:  Valves for Natural Gas Separators

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Diaphragm valves Type 3345 Page 081 of 322

6.7  Diaphragm valves Type 3345

Control valve for viscous, corrosive, and abrasive fluids conforming to DIN, BS or ANSI

Type 3345-1 Diaphragm Valve,

DN 100 / NPS 4"

Type 3345-1 Diaphragm Valve,

DN 50 / NPS 2"
Version for food processing industry

Type 3345-7 Diaphragm Valve,

DN 25 / NPS 1"
Version for food processing industry

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 082 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series 240
Control valve for viscous, corrosive, and abrasive fluids conforming to
DIN, BS or ANSI standards.
Valve Type 3345-1 3345-7 3345-7 3345-1
Diaphragm valve    
DIN    
Standard version ANSI /
   
Pharmaceutical / food industries - -  
⋆Temperature See Table 6.7.-7
Characteristic Linear    
DN 15 to 150 15 to 150 15 to 150 15 to 150
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 6 ½ to 6 ½ to 6 ½ to 6
PN 10 / 16 10 / 16 10 / 16 10 / 16
Nominal pressure
Class 125/150 125/150 125/150 125/150
Maximum pressure 10 bar / 150 psi 10 bar / 150 psi 10 bar / 150 psi 10 bar / 150 psi
Diaphragm ⋆See Table 6.7.-7
Leakage Class DIN EN 1349: Class VI / ANSI FCI 70-2
Flanges 10 / 16 10 / 16 - -
Ends Face-to-face
EN 558-1 Series 1 see the associated technical data sheet.
Special Threaded DIN 11887 · ISO 2853 (IDF) · SMS 1146 · DIN 11864-1 Form A
connection Clamp DIN 32 676 · ISO 2852 · BS 4825 Part 3
version for For pipes acc. to: DIN 11 850 Series 2 · DIN EN ISO 1127
food industry Welding ends
ISO 2037 (NFA 49-249) · BS 4825 · ASTM A270 (O.D.) · SMS 3008

Valve pictures

Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the

Fail-safe position
associated technical data sheet.
Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associ-
and accessories ated technical data sheet.
Table 6.7.-1:  Pneumatic Control Diaphragm Valve Type 3345-1 and Type 3345-7

Pneumatic actuators for Valve Type 3245

Actuator 120 cm2 240 cm2 350 cm2 700 cm2 1400 cm2
Type 3271     
Type 3277     

Table 6.7.-2:  Pneumatic actuators for Valve Type 3245

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Diaphragm valves Type 3345 Page 083 of 322

A diaphragm valve contains a flexible diaphragm instead of parabolic plugs or some

other obturator to change the cross-sectional area at the valve seat. This diaphragm is
connected to the actuator by means of a thrust piece and enables thereby a change of the
cross-sectional area between a crosspiece in the valve body and the diaphragm Figure
Diaphragm valves are frequently used for suspensions, slurries and other difficult to control
media which would lead to malfunctions with more complicated valve constructions.
Valve body and bonnet are usually made of inferior materials and are protected against
corrosion by means of a resistant lining. Most common lining materials are synthetic
rubber, PTFE (Teflon) and Enamel.
The elastic diaphragm consists in most cases of a synthetic rubber material which is
usually coated on one side with PTFE or an equivalent corrosion resistant material. The
properties of the flexible diaphragm determines also the technical application limits of the
The valve Type 3245 can be used for numerous different types of process media by
various lining materials.
The diaphragm consists:
„„ Elastomer diaphragms:
ƒƒ Butyl (300),
ƒƒ FPM/FKM (226),
ƒƒ Ethylene propylene (425)
„„ Diaphragms with PTFE layer:
ƒƒ PTFE/EPM (214/425)

Additional versions with:

„„ Valve body with or without lining made of cast iron, spheroidal graphite iron, cast steel,
or cast stainless steel – Valves with flanges conforming to ANSI or British Standard
„„ Version for food processing industry made of stainless cast steel with:
ƒƒ Welding ends for pipes acc. to DIN 11 850 Series 2 for DN 15 to DN 150
ƒƒ ISO 2037 BS 4825
ƒƒ ASTM A270 (O.D.)
ƒƒ SMS 3008 Clamps acc. to DIN 32676
ƒƒ ISO 2852
ƒƒ BS 4825
ƒƒ Threaded connections acc. to DIN 11 887
ƒƒ ISO 2853 (IDF) SMS 1146
ƒƒ DIN 11864-1 Form A Sterile flanges acc. to DIN 11864-2 Form A

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 084 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

„„ With Type 3274 Electro-hydraulic Actuator

„„ Other diaphragm materials · On request
„„ Nominal sizes DN 8 and DN 10 · On request
„„ With piston actuator · On request
„„ Valves in nominal pressure PN 16, nominal sizes DN 15 to DN 50 with elastomer
diaphragms · On request

Figure 6.7.-3:  Standard version of Type 3345-1

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Diaphragm valves Type 3345 Page 085 of 322

Principle of operation
The valve diaphragm acts as a valve plug. The flow rate depends on the free cross-
section between the diaphragm and the bottom part of the valve body.
The actuator stem is fitted with stoppers which limit the force to protect the diaphragm.
Pressure-temperature diagram for
„„ Elastomer diaphragms
DN 15 to DN 150 according to curve 1
Special version in PN 16:
DN 15 to DN 50 according to curve S
„„ PTFE diaphragms
DN 15 to DN 125 according to curve 1 and DN 150 according to curve 2
16 S
10 1

0 °C
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Figure 6.7.-4:  Pressure-temperature diagram

Figure 6.7.-5:  Type 3345 Valve, stainless steel with clamp connections

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Page 086 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.7.-6:  Type 3345-7, DN 25 with Type 3277 Actuator

The FDA = Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is an agency of the United
States Department of Health and Human Services and is responsible for regulating
and supervising the safety of foods, dietary supplements, drugs, vaccines, biological
medical products, blood products, medical devices, radiation-emitting devices, veterinary
products, and cosmetics.
Ethylene propylene PTFE/Butyl
Lining Butyl (300) 1) FPM/FKM (226)
(425) 1) (214/425) 1)
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
Without -10 to 130 14 to 266 –5 to 150 23 to 302 –10 to 130 14 to 266 –10 to 160 14 to 320
Butyl -10 to 110 14 to 230 –5 to 110 23 to 230 –10 to 110 14 to 230 –10 to 110 14 to 230
ETFE -10 to 130 14 to 266 –5 to 150 23 to 302 –10 to 130 14 to 266 –10 to 160 14 to 320
EBONITE -10 to 85 14 to 185 –5 to 85 23 to 185 –10 to 85 14 to 185 –10 to 85 14 to 185
Enamel -10 to 130 14 to 266 –5 to 150 23 to 302 –10 to 130 14 to 266 –10 to 160 14 to 320
1) Diaphragms with FDA/3-A conformity. Suitable for the food processing industry.
Table 6.7.-7:  Temperature ranges for lining and diaphragm materials in °C and °F

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Diaphragm valves Type 3345 Page 087 of 322

6.7.1.  Type 3345 Aseptic Diaphragm Valve DN 15 - 150

Figure 6.7.1.-1:  Type 3345 Aseptic Diaphragm Valve DN 40 in 316L

Body lining
Lining material Valve body material Applications
Cast iron and cast carbon Mineral acids and acidic slurries,
steel corrosive and abrasive slurries
Solvents at medium temperature,
ETFE Speroidal graphite iron salts in water at higher
temperatures, strong acids
Portable water, salts in water,
Cast iron and cast carbon
EBONITE chlorine water, deionized water,
dilute mineral acids.
For multi process chemical plant
on acids and solvents. Not suitable
for caustic alkalis or commercial
Enamel Cast iron mineral acids containing fluoride
salt impurities, also not suitable
where variations in temperature
Table 6.7.1.-2:  Body Lining

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6.8  SAMSON valves for cryogenic applications

Type 3246-1

Type 3248-7

Type 3246-7

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SAMSON valves for cryogenic applications Page 089 of 322

Series 240
Globe valve for cryogenic applications.
Globe Valve Type 3246-1/-7 3246-1/-7 3248-1/-7
Angle valve 3248-1/-7
Three-way valve 3246-1/-7
Valve with circulation
  
Standard DIN  
version ANSI     
–200 to 220 –200 to 220 –273 to 220 –273 to 220
–200 to 220 °C
⋆Temperature °C °C °C °C
–328 to 428 °F
–328 to 428 °F –328 to 428 °F –459 to 428 °F –459 to 428 °F
DN 15 to 250 15 to 150
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 10 ½ to 8 ½ to 6 1 to 6 1 to 6
Nominal PN 16 to 40 16 to 40
pressure Class 150, 300 600 150, 300 150 to 600 150 to 600
Linear     
Quick  
   
Seat -
Stellite facing  
Metal sealing IV IV 0.05 % Cv IV IV
metal sealing
meeting stricter V V
Soft sealing VI VI
    
Option section
Bellows seal  
Flanges   
Welding ends    

Valve pictures

Technical data ⋆ For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.8.-1:  Globe valve for cryogenic applications.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 090 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

The word cryogenics stems from Greek and means "the production of freezing cold";
however the term is used today as a synonym for the low-temperature state. It is not well-
defined at what point on the temperature scale refrigeration ends and cryogenics begins.
In physics, cryogenics is the study of the production of very low temperature (below
−150 °C, −238 °F or 123 K) and the behavior of materials at those temperatures. Rather
than the familiar temperature scales of Fahrenheit and Celsius, cryogenic technicians use
the Kelvin scales.
The field of cryogenics as that involving temperatures below −180 °C (93.15 K). This is
a logical dividing line, since the normal boiling points of the so-called permanent gases
(such as helium, hydrogen, neon, nitrogen, oxygen, and normal air) lie below −180 °C
while the Freon refrigerants, hydrogen sulfide, and other common refrigerants have
boiling points above −180 °C. Helium is the coldest known liquid at -434.5 °F.
For years, SAMSON has been relying on state-of-the art technology and its know-how to
develop and constantly improve cryogenic valves. Thanks to the close cooperation with
its customers, SAMSON is capable of tailoring control valves for cryogenic applications
to the customer's individual requirements.

Figure 6.8.-2:  Cold box valve

Huge requirements are placed on the Type 3246 and Type 3248 Valves, which were
developed for use in cryogenic air separation applications, concerning their material,
sealing ability and the protection used to prevent the valves from icing up. For example,
temperatures as low as –196 °C exist in cold boxes, where the valves are expected to
function safely.
All valves are subject to constant quality control, from the development stages through
production until final inspection. They are tested to match the specified operating
conditions, which guarantees absolute reliability also at such low temperatures.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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SAMSON valves for cryogenic applications Page 091 of 322

The following SAMSON valves are suitable for the cryogenic application:

„„ Type 3241
With Insulating or Bellows section
Material: Stainless steel
Pressure rating: Class 150/300
Short Insulating / Bellows : up to –50 °C
Long Insulating / Bellows : up to –198 °C
(See Table 6.3.-1)

„„ Type 3246
Cold box valve – Bolted bonnet
Control Equipment for use in the field of cryogenics.
Designed to install in Insulated pipelines or cold boxes.
With long insulation section.
Circulation barrier to restrict the medium from getting in to insulating
(See Table 6.8.-1)

„„ Type 3248
Cold box valve – Top entry
Control Equipment for use in the field of cryogenics.
Designed to install in Vacuum-Insulated pipelines or cold boxes.
Metal bellow sealing.
Top Entry- Easy access to the seat, plug and bellow after removal of the
Special versions as per customer requirement
(See Table 6.8.-1)

„„ Type 3251
With Insulating or bellows section
Material: Stainless steel
Pressure rating: Class 600
Insulating / Bellows section
Temperature range : down to –200 °C
(See Table 6.9.-1)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 092 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Type 3246 and Type 3248 Cryogenic Valves

The cryogenic valves provide the following advantages:
„„ Any mounting position possible

„„ Globe-style or angle-style valve body

„„ Overall height and end connections according to customer


„„ DIN or ANSI versions

„„ Bellows seal to prevent heat conduction in the valve space

and the valve stem from freezing up

„„ Standard metal bellows to meet strict emission requirements.

„„ Backup stuffing box

„„ Valve body made of cold-resisting stainless steel or aluminum

„„ Seat/plug trim can be replaced without disassembling the


„„ Easy-to-use seat tool

„„ Transport caps to protect the cover flange in disassembled


Figure 6.8.-3:  Cryogenic Valves Type 3246 and Type 3248

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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SAMSON valves for cryogenic applications Page 093 of 322

Joule-Thomson (JT) Valves (Critical valve in Air Separation Process)

„„ Joule -Thomson effect is a process in which the temperature of a real gas is either
decreased or increased, this by letting a gas freely expand at constant enthalpy.
„„ A JT- Valve is one of the main valves in an air-separation plant.
„„ The valve can exhibit Cavitation or Flashing during the process.
„„ JT valves need particular expertise to size and correctly select.

Integrated wearing tube with seat

2-Stage Trim

3-Stage Trim

Figure 6.8.-4:  Cryogenic Valves Type 3246 and Type 3248

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 094 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.8.1.  World industrial gases demand to reach $30.4 billion in 20091

Global demand to increase nearly 7% annually through 2011.
World demand for industrial gases will increase nearly 7 percent annually to almost
$ 37 billion in 2011. Volumetric consumption will expand 4.9 percent per year to 300 billion
cubic meters.
Global Market Growth 1995 to 2011

$ 37.0
$ 30.4 Billion
$ 25.0
$ 13.9 Billion

1995 2005 2009 2011

Figure 6.8.1.-1:  Global market for industrial gases

The fastest growth will be in the emerging industrial economies of the Asia/Pacific region,
especially those of China and India. Those countries with advanced, highly developed
industrial economies will grow more slowly. Other developing regions (Latin America,
Eastern Europe and Africa/Middle east) will also experience above average growth.
Metal production, fabrication to dominate demand Metals production and fabricating will
be the largest market sector for industrial gases consumption, and will account for 35
percent of total demand value in 2011. In steel applications, growth will derive from the
increasing use of electric arc furnaces, more demand for stainless steel products and
more modern manufacturing methods, which consume greater amounts of industrial
Geographically, the best growth opportunities will exist in China and India, where steel
production continues to grow rapidly. The Japanese steel industry, the world’s second
largest after China, still remains a major industrial gas market, though not a high growth
Strong gains are forecast for electronics markets, as demand for bulk and specialty gases
benefits from a projected rebound in global semiconductor shipments after a downturn
that began in late 2000, as well as on fabs2 (or chip making facilities) producing advanced
300 millimeter wafers.
The global industry is dominated by five multinational suppliers - Air Liquide (France),
BOC Group (UK), Praxair (US), Air Products and Chemicals (US) and Linde (Germany)
- which together accounted for two-thirds of total sales.
1 Publication: Research Studies - Freedonia Group
2 A semiconductor fabrication plant (commonly called a fab)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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SAMSON valves for cryogenic applications Page 095 of 322

6.8.2.  Extract from the SAMSON reference list.

World Wide References

Global Supply Agreement

since 1998

Global Supply Agreement

since 1999

Global Supply Agreement

since 2006

Regularly supply Cryogenic


Regularly supply Cryogenic

Regularly supply Cryogenic

Regularly supply Cryogenic


Regularly supply Cryogenic


Regularly supply Cryogenic


Regularly supply Cryogenic


Regularly supply Cryogenic


Regularly supply Cryogenic


Table 6.8.2.-1:  Reference list for cryogenic application

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 096 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.8.2.-2:  Linde is the technological and market leader for air separation plants. An air separation
plant in Terni, Italy, is pictured.

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SAMSON valves for cryogenic applications Page 097 of 322

6.8.3.  The Cold box

The cryogenic process plants are the basis for a highly developed technology to
manufacture components in aluminium, such as heat exchangers, columns, vessels,
plate-fin heat exchangers. As a logical consequence these parts are - as far as practical -
installed in a "cold box" and pre-assembled with all necessary piping and instrumentation.
After non-destructive examination and pressure testing, the pre-assembled packaged
units, which may consist of two or three separate boxes, are shipped to site and erected.
After the interconnecting pipes have been welded and tested, the insulation material is
filled into the boxes and the plant is ready for commissioning. This procedure has proven
of being the most economical and time saving way for this type of process plants.
The void space is filled with the powdered mineral, Perlite, as the insulation material.
Packaged units are fabricated up to 4.2 m by 6.0 m with length up to 42 m.
The packaged units (Cold Boxes) are used for a wide range of applications for treatment
of cryogenic fluids and gases.

The main applications are:

„„ Air and gas separation plants
„„ Chemical and petrochemical plants
„„ Oxygen for steel production
„„ LNG Liquefaction Plants
„„ LNG Receiving Terminals
„„ Gas To Liquid (GTL)
„„ Aero-Space Storage Facilities

Components such as:

„„ Columns
„„ Plate-fin heat exchangers
„„ Pressure vessels
„„ Separators Photo Linde AG: Cold box assembly

„„ Interconnecting piping Figure 6.8.3.-1:  Cold box

„„ Instrument lines for temperature & pressure

„„ Pressure difference & level indication
„„ Wall penetrations
„„ Valves

Installed executable in a self supporting steel casing.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 098 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Circulation Barrier

Figure 6.8.3.-2:  Circulation barrier and hex socket headless screw

Industry, medicine, supply engineering or research, the fields of application and quantities
of industrial gases consumed vary immensely.
Consequently, the most important factor for a successful gas supplier is the location of the
production site, either as on-site gas generation or a central plant with a pipeline network.
This flexibility and the strict technical regulations require constructions that exceed the
limits of standard products. As a result, the SAMSON product range includes cryogenic
valves, pressure regulators and level meters developed specifically for these areas of
For example, temperatures as low as
SAMSON coldbox
valve Type 3248
–196 °C are typical in cold boxes used for
cryogenic air separation. Huge demands are
placed on valve material, sealing ability and
the protection used to prevent the valve from
icing up.

Figure 6.8.3.-3:  Cold box Valve

Photo: Air Liquide
6.9  Control valve Series 3250

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Control valve Series 3250 Page 099 of 322

Control Valve Series 3250

Type 3252

Type 3253

Type 3254

Type 3251
Type 3256

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 100 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series 3250
Control valve for process engineering applications with high industrial requirements.
Globe Valve Type 3251-1/-7 3252-1/-7 3253-1/-7 3254-1/-7
Angle Valve 
Three-way valve 
Standard DIN    
version ANSI    
-200 to 500 °C -200 to 450 °C -200 to 500 °C -200 to 500 °C
-325 to 930 °F -328 to 842 °F -325 to 930 °F -325 to 930 °F
DN 15 to 200 15 and 25 15 to 500 80 to 500
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 8 ½ and 1 ½ to 20 3 to 16
Nominal PN 16 to 400 40 to 400 10 to 400 16 to 400
pressure Class 150 to 2500 300 to 2500 300 to 2500 150 to 2500
Linear    
Characteristic: Equal %   
On-Off 
Metal sealing IV IV I IV
⋆ Metal sealing
meeting stricter V V V
Seat requirements
Soft sealing VI VI VI
Pressure-balanced IV / III IV / III
⋆Ceramic trim 
Body ⋆Special material  
Insulating section    
Bellows seal    
⋆Option Heating jacket   
Flow divider  
AC-Trim  
Flanges    
Welding ends    
⋆Special end connections   
Valve pictures

Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.9.-1:  Overview of series 3250

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Control valve Series 3250 Page 101 of 322

Series 3250
Control valve for process engineering applications with high industrial requirements.
Globe Valve Type 3256-1 3258-1/-7 RVG RVG Flange
IG standard
Angle Valve  Split body   
Standard DIN  Split body   
version ANSI   
≤ 260 °C ≤ 260 °C
-200 to 500 °C -10 to 220 °C > 260 °C > 260 °C
⋆Temperature -200 to 450 °C
-325 to 930 °F -10 to 450 °C ≤ 500 °C ≤ 500 °C
> 500 °F > 500 °F
25, 50, 80, 16, 24, 30,
DN 15 to 200 100, 150, 45, 58, 70, 25 to 150 50 to 150
Nominal sizes and (⋆200) and 90
NPS ½ to 8 1 to 6 2 to 6
16 to 40
Nominal PN 16 to 400 325 16 to 400 40 to 400
Class 150 to 2500 150 to 2500 300 to 2500
Linear     
Equal %     
Metal sealing IV IV IV V V
metal sealing
meeting stricter V V V
Seat requirements
Plug Soft sealing VI VI
Pressure-balanced IV / III IV IV
⋆Ceramic trim  
Body ⋆Special material    
Insulating section   
Bellows seal   
Heating jacket 
Flow divider 
⋆Flanges  Form B1   
Welding ends   
⋆Special end connections  

Valve pictures

Technical data ⋆For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.9.-2:  Continuation of the overview the valve series 3250

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 102 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Control valve Series 3250 for processes with high industrial requirements.
Series 250 Control Valves are used when large nominal sizes and/or high pressures are
involved in process engineering, power plant or supply engineering.
In addition to globe, three-way and angle valves, four-flanged valve bodies with bottom
plug stem guides, and valves with axial multi-stage throttling plugs, customized valve
constructions to meet customer specifications can be engineered as well.
The valves are manufactured in nominal sizes from DN 15 to DN 500 (NPS ½ to 16) and
for nominal pressures between PN 16 and PN 400 (Class 150 to 2500).
The standard versions of these control valves are suitable for temperatures ranges
between –10 and +220 °C (15 and 430 °F). This temperature range can, however, be
extended by using an adjustable high-temperature packing to a temperature range
between –10 and +350 °C (15 and 660 °F) and by using a bellows seal or an insulating
section to a temperature range between –200 and +500 °C (–325 and +930 °F).

Figure 6.9.-3:  Control valves Type 3251

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Control valve Series 3250 Page 103 of 322

Some pictures of different SAMSON valve of larger sizes and ANSI Class ≥ 900

No risk of loosing parts in case of severe

Type 3251-1 vibration, no risk of inside spring and parts
corrosion, no risk of stem alignment.

SAMSON stuffing box uniform for highest Sand protection bellows opened for the
pressure classes picture
Figure 6.9.3.-1:  Some pictures of different SAMSON valve of larger sizes and ANSI Class ≥ 900

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 104 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.9.1.  High Pressure Valve Type 3252-1 / -7

Control valve used to control very low flow rates in process
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Body material
G ½ to G 1,
PN 40 to 400
½ NPT to 1 1.4404
ANSI Class 0.12 to 5
NPS ½ to 1 A 316 L
300 to 2500
Valve data DN 15 to 25
Trim material: 1.4404 / A 316 L
All valve parts are manufactured from standard industrial products.
That makes it possible to use a diverse assortment of materials in
order to match the customer’s requirements.
„„ Welding ends · DN 15, 20, 25 or NPS ½, ¾, 1
„„ Flanges · DN 15, 20, 25 or NPS ½, ¾, 1
„„ Male thread · On request
„„ Extension bonnet
Special features For temperatures from –200 to 450 °C (–328 to 842 °F)
„„ Bellows seal · For PN 40 to PN 400 or Class 150 to 2500
„„ Special valve body materials · On request
„„ Adjustable packing
„„ Heating jacket · Details on request
Figure 6.9.1.-1:  High Pressure Valve Type 3252-1 / -7

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 105 of 322

6.10  Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250

6.10.1.  Mixing or flow-diverting valves
For use in process engineering and industrial applications
Three-way valves are needed for mixing or diverting fluids. Since the pneumatic diaphragm
actuator still dominates the process automation industry in spite of having only a limited
rigidity (stiffness), control valves for mixing or diverting services are configured differently.
Ideally the flow direction of the medium should support the opening the valve for stability
reasons. Therefore the trim should be assembled in different fashions depending on the
application. Figure 6.10.16.-1 shows the different trim assemblies of three way-valves.
The drawing on the left shows a mixing valve where the flow enters from the right side
and from the bottom and the mixture of the two fluid leaves the valve by the left port. With
this configuration the differential pressures of both flow currents tend to open the plug and
guarantee thereby a sufficient stability the control valve at all times.


Figure 6.10.1.-1:  Three-way valves Type 3244 for mixing service (left) and diverting service (right)

With a three-way diverting valve the fluid enters the unit at the connecting flange at the left
and distributes the fluid - depending on the plug position - either to the right or the lower
exit. Stability is in this case also ensured, because the differential pressure of the fluid is
tending by both flow directions to open the valve. The reconfiguration of a mixing valve -
as shown in the example above - into a diverting type is quite simple.
Type 3244 Three-way Valve with (Figure 6.10.1.-2):
„„ Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator (left) or
„„ Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator (right) for integral positioner attachment
Valve body made of:
„„ Cast iron (DIN version only)
„„ Cast steel or
„„ Cast stainless steel

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 106 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Undivided bonnet
These control valves in modular design can be equipped with various accessories:
Positioners, solenoid valves, limit switches and other accessories according to IEC 60534-
6 and NAMUR recommendation.
Optional integral positioner attachment with Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator.
Standard version designed for temperatures from –10 °C to +220 °C (15 °F to 430 °F).

Additional versions with:

„„ Bellows seal or extension bonnet · See Technical data
„„ Adjustable packing · Details on request
„„ Heating jacket
„„ Additional handwheel ·

Figure 6.10.1.-2:  Three-way valves Type 3244-1 with 3271 actuator (left) and Type 3244-7 with 3277
actuator (right)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 107 of 322

6.10.2.  Design and principle of operation

The Type 3244-1 and Type 3244-7 Pneumatic Control Valves consist of a Type 3244
Three-way Valve and either a Type 3271 or a Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator.
Thanks to the modular design, the actuators can be exchanged, and the standard version
of the valve can be supplemented to form a version with insulating section or metal bellows
Depending on the plug arrangement, the three-way valve operates either as mixing or
flow-diverting valve (in DN 15 to 25, the plugs are identical).
In mixing valves, the media to be mixed enter through ports A and B. The combined flow
leaves at port AB.
In diverting valves, the medium enters through port AB and the diverted flows exit at ports
A and B.
The flow rate from A or B to AB or vice versa is determined by the cross-sectional area
released between the seat (2.1, 2.2) and the plug (3), and thus by the position of the plug
stem (6).
The plug (3) is moved by the changing signal pressure acting on the diaphragm of the
actuator. The plug stem (6) and the actuator stem (8.1) are connected over the stem
connector (7); they are sealed by a spring loaded PTFE ring packing (4.2).

Fail-safe position
Depending on the arrangement of the compression springs in the actuator, the control
valve has two different fail-safe positions:

Actuator stem extends

When the pressure is relieved or the supply air fails, the springs cause port B (mixing
valves) or port A (diverting valves) to close.
Ports B or A are opened against the force of the springs when the signal pressure

Actuator stem retracts

When the diaphragm is relieved of pressure or when the supply air fails, the springs
cause port B (mixing valves) or port A (diverting valves) to open.
Ports B or A are closed against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases
Assembling valve and actuator
Instead of the simple pneumatic actuator, it is also possible to attach an actuator with
additional handwheel or an electric actuator.
A pneumatic actuator (with or without handwheel) can be replaced by a pneumatic
actuator in a different size.
If the travel range of the actuator exceeds that of the valve in the valve-actuator
configuration, the manufacturer will adjust the spring assembly of the actuator such that
the travels match.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 108 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Direction of flow
Closing direction

Direction of flow

Closing direction
Direction of flow

Figure 6.10.2.-1:  Diverting valve

The direction of flow in the Three-way Valve (Figure 6.10.2.-1)

„„ In three-way valves, the direction of flow always opposes the closing direction of the
„„ The direction must be taken into account whether the three-way valve is used for
mixing or diverting service.

In linear motion valves, the direction of flow is usually against the closing direction of the
If the direction of flow is the same as the closing direction of the plug, instabilities are
caused when controlling around the closing point.
A suction forms at the plug trying to pull it into the seat.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 109 of 322

6.10.3.  Diverting or mixing valves for heavy-duty service in process engineering

Type 3253 Three-way Valve
Nominal sizes: DN 15 to 500, NPS ½ to 16
Nominal pressure: PN 10 to 160, ANSI Class 300 to 2500
Temperatures: -200 to +500 °C, –325 to 930 °F
Type 3253 Three-way Valve optionally operated with:
„„ Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator (Type 3253-1 Control Valve) or
„„ Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator (Type 3253-7 Control Valve) for integral positioner
Valve body optionally made of
„„ Cast iron (DN 250 or larger for PN 10, DN 150/200 for PN 16)
„„ Cast steel (DN 15 to 100 for PN 63 or greater, DN 150 to DN 500 for PN 16 or greater),
DN 400 and DN 500 for up to PN 40
„„ Cast stainless steel
Stuffing box containing either two spring-loaded PTFE V-ring packings or two adjustable
high-temperature (HT) packings. Optional test connection between the two packings.
Conversion between mixing and diverting services by reversing the seat-guided valve
The control valves, designed according to the modular assembly principle, can be
equipped with various accessories:
Positioners, limit switches, solenoid valves and other equipment according to IEC 60534-
6 and Namur recommendation.
Versions (Figure 6.10.3.-1)
Standard version with PTFE packings for temperatures from -10 to +220 °C or with
adjustable high-temperature packing for -10 to +350 °C
Type 3253-1 Type 3253 Valve and Type 3271 Actuator with 350 to 2800 cm2
Type 3253-7 Type 3253 Valve and Type 3277 Actuator with 350 or 700 cm2.


Figure 6.10.3.-1:  Type 3253 Three-way valve Body version for

DN 15 to DN 40, Plug arrangement for mixing service, Plug
arrangement for diverting service DN 15 to 25

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Page 110 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles


Figure 6.10.3.-2:  Three-way Valve Type 3253-1 with actuator Type 3271 and additional handwheel, Body
version for DN 50 to DN 500, Plug arrangement for mixing service (left). Three-way valve Type 3253-7
with actuator Type 3277 (only up to DN 100), Plug arrangement for diverting services (right)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 111 of 322

Additional versions with

„„ Nominal pressures >PN 160 to 400 (on request)
„„ Extension bonnet or bellows seal
„„ Additional handwheel
„„ ANSI version NPS 1/2 to 20, ANSI Class 300 to 2500 (on request)
„„ Hand-operated Valve Type 3253-3,
with Hand-operated Actuator Type 3273
„„ All seats and plugs also available with Stellite facing

Principle of operation
Depending on plug arrangement, the three-way
valve can be used for mixing or diverting service.
When used as a mixing valve, the process media
to be mixed enter through valve ports A and B.
The combined stream leaves at port AB (Figure
6.10.3.-2). The flow rate from valve ports A and B
to port AB depends on the cross-sectional area of
flow between the seats and the valve plugs.
When used as a diverting valve, the process
medium enters at port AB and the partial streams
leave at valve ports A and B.
Fail-safe action
Depending on how the compression springs are
arranged in the pneumatic actuator (see T 8310-
1 EN and T 8310-2 EN for further details), the
control valve has two different fail-safe actions
which become effective upon a supply air failure:
Actuator stern extends:
Whenever the air supply fails, either valve port B
(mixing valve) or valve port A (diverting valve) is
Actuator stern retracts:
Whenever the air supply fails, either valve port A
(mixing valve) or valve port B (diverting valve) is

Figure 6.10.3.-3:  Three-way Valve Type 3253

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 112 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.4.  Mounting position

The valve can be mounted in any desired position. However, vertical installation with the
actuator pointing upwards is preferable for valves in DN 100 or larger. Otherwise, wear
on the packing may increase.
For valves with insulating section or metal bellows seal, or for actuators weighing more
than 50 kg, mount a suitable support or suspension for the actuator.
The valve must be installed with the least amount of vibrations possible and without any

Piping design
To allow the control valve to work properly, the pipeline upstream and downstream of the
valve should be straight and free of obstructions for a length of at least 6 times the pipe
diameter (DN).
Contact SAMSON if this length cannot be met during installation.
Clean out the pipeline thoroughly prior to installing the valve.

Signal pressure line

Connect the signal pressure line to the bottom diaphragm case for valves with actuator
version “Actuator stem extends” and to the top diaphragm case for valves with actuator
version “Actuator stem retracts”.
In the Type 3277 Actuator, the bottom connection is located at the side of the yoke on the
bottom diaphragm case.

Strainer, bypass
We recommend to install a SAMSON Type 2 Strainer upstream of the valve body. We
also recommend to install a shut-off valve both upstream of the strainer and downstream
of the valve, as well as a bypass, so that you do not need to shut down the plant for

Test connection
If there is a test connection (G 1/8) at the upper flange of a valve version with metal
bellows seal (Figure 6.10.4.-1), you can check the tightness of the bellows there.
Particularly for liquids and vapors, we recommend you to install a suitable leak indicator
at the test connection, such as a contact pressure gauge, an outlet into an open vessel
or an inspection window.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 113 of 322

Test connection

Metal bellows

Figure 6.10.4.-1:  Metal bellows seal with a test connection.

Arrangement of the control valve

Arrange the control valve depending on the desired service as illustrated in
Figure 6.10.5.-1 to Figure 6.10.8.-2.
The installation examples refer to the standard application using fail-safe action “Actuator
stem extends” for heating service and “Actuator stem retracts” for cooling service.
When the fail-safe action is triggered, the valve shuts off the heating or cooling media.
The plug arrangement for either mixing or diverting service is marked on a plate on the
valve body.
Valves in sizes DN 15 to 25 have an identical plug arrangement for both mixing and
diverting service. Figure 6.10.3.-1.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 114 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.5.  Mixing service, installation in the flow pipe.

In mixing valves, the media to be mixed enter through ports A and B. The combined flow
leaves at port AB (Q = constant).
Actuator stem retracts
When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs open the port B.
Port B closes against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases.

Fail-safe action: ATC

Flow A AB Q = constant

Return flow

Figure 6.10.5.-1:  Mixing service, installation in the flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATC

Actuator stem extends

When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs close the port B.
Port B opens against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases.

Fail-safe action: ATO

Flow A AB Q = constant

Return flow

Figure 6.10.5.-2:  Mixing service, installation in the flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATO

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 115 of 322

6.10.6.  Mixing service, installation in the return flow pipe.

In mixing valves, the media to be mixed enter through ports A and B. The combined flow
leaves at port AB (Q = constant).
Actuator stem retracts
When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs open the port B.
Valve Port B closes against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases.
Flow Q = 0 to 100 %

Fail-safe action: ATC

Return flow AB A

Figure 6.10.6.-1:  Mixing service, installation in the return flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATC

Actuator stem extends

When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs close the port B.
Valve Port B opens against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases.
Flow Q = 0 to 100 %

Fail-safe action: ATO

Return flow AB A

Figure 6.10.6.-2:  Mixing service, installation in the return flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATO

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 116 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.7.  Flow-diverting service, installation in the flow pipe.

In flow-diverting valves, the media to be mixed enter through ports A and B. The combined
flow leaves at port AB (Q = constant).
Actuator stem retracts
When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs open the port A.
Port A closes against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases.

Fail-safe action: ATC

Flow AB A

Return flow Q = constant

Figure 6.10.7.-1:  Flow-diverting service, installation in the flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATC

Actuator stem extends

When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs close the port A.
Port A opens against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases.
Fail-safe action: ATO

Flow AB A

Return flow Q = constant

Figure 6.10.7.-2:  Flow-diverting service, installation in the flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATO

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 117 of 322

6.10.8.  Flow-diverting service, installation in the return flow pipe.

In flow-diverting valves, the media to be mixed enter through ports A and B. The combined
flow leaves at port AB (Q = constant).
Actuator stem retracts
When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs open the port A.
Port A closes against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases..

Fail-safe action: ATC

Return flow A AB Q = constant


Figure 6.10.8.-1:  Flow-diverting service, installation in the return flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATC

Actuator stem extends

When the diaphragm of the actuator is relieved of pressure or the supply air is missing,
then the springs close the port A.
Port A opens against the force of the springs when the signal pressure increases.

Fail-safe action: ATO

Return flow A AB Q = constant


Figure 6.10.8.-2:  Flow-diverting service, installation in the return flow pipe; Fail-safe action: ATO

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 118 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.9.  Control Valve Type 3254-1 and Type 3254-7

Control valve for process engineering applications with high
Application industrial requirements, especially for high pressures and
–200 to 500 °C (–320 to 930 °F)
Nominal size
Nominal pressure Cv value Body material
PN 16 to 400
DN 80 to 500
Valve data ANSI Class
NPS 3 to 20
150 to 2500
Trim material:
The modular design of the control valves allows them to be
equipped with various accessories:
Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
Technical data 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
and accessories See Information Sheet T 8350 EN for details.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet
Figure 6.10.9.-1:  Control Valve Type 3254-1 and Type 3254-7

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 119 of 322

Pneumatic Control Valves Series 3240 and 3250 with AC-1 or AC-2 Trim

Optimized trim for low-noise and low-wear pressure reduction for liquids with differential
pressures up to 40 bar (580 psi).

AC-1 Trim AC-2 Trim

The AC-1 Trim includes the following One to four attenuation plates are
special features: integrated into seat of the AC-2 Trim
„„ Raised seat upstream of the parabolic plug and the
„„ Parabolic plug with integrated guide in plug guide.
the seat. Optimized trim with one to four attenuation
Optimized trim for valve sizes plates for valve sizes
DN 50 to DN 300 (NPS 2 to NPS 12). DN 80 to DN 250 (NPS 3 to NPS 10)

Figure 6.10.9.-2:  AC-1 and AC-2 Trim special features for Control valves Series 3240 and 3250.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 120 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Pneumatic Control Valves Series 3250 with AC-3 or AC-5 Trim

Optimized trim for low-noise and low-wear pressure reduction for liquids with
differential pressures
AC-3 Trim up to 100 bar (1450 psi) and for AC-5 Trim up to 180 bar (2610 psi).
AC-3 Trim AC-5 Trim

Five-stage AC-5 Trim optimized for low-

The optimized three-stage AC-3 Trim is
noise and low-wear performance for Type
used in
3254 Globe Valves or Type 3256 Angle
„„ Type 3251 Globe Valves or Valve.
„„ Type 3256 Angle Valves
Details available on request
„„ AC-Trim · See Data Sheets T 8082 EN and T 8083 EN
„„ Class 1500 and 2500 · On request
„„ Welding ends or welding neck ends acc. to ANSI B16.25
„„ Flow divider · For noise level reduction, see Data Sheet T 8081 EN
„„ Extension bonnet or bellows seal · See Technical data
„„ Heating jacket · Details on request
Special „„ Additional handwheel · See Data Sheet T 8310-1/-2 EN
features „„ DIN version · Nominal size DN 80 to DN 500, nominal pressure
PN 16 to 400 (see T 8060 EN)
„„ Type 2354-3 Hand-operated Valve · With Type 3273
„„ Hand-operated Actuator, for valves with max. 30 mm rated travel (see
Data Sheet T 8312 EN)
„„ Type 3254-2 Electric Control Valve · Details on request
„„ Pressure-balanced version on request
Figure 6.10.9.-3:  AC-3 and AC-5 Trim and another special features for Control valves Series 3250.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 121 of 322

Figure 6.10.9.-4:  Control Valve Type 3254-1 NPS 20, ANSI Class 900
with Positioner Type 3731-3

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Page 122 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.10.  Control Angle valves Type 3256

Angle type valves - with a share of less than 1 % - have become less important in recent
years and are being applied only in special cases today. The high pressure technology
was once the preferred field of application for angle valves. These valves would normally
be installed with fluid flow from the side, i.e. in a flow-to-close direction, in order to minimize
wear-and-tear inside the valve where the highest fluid velocity occurs. Besides extremely
high noise and vibration due to high pressure recovery at lateral flow, considerable wear
may appear in the downstream pipe instead. Nowadays there are actually only three
reasons which might justify the use of angle type valves:
„„ At very high process pressures or for
special safety requirements such as,
for example, in nuclear power stations,
forged valve bodies are preferred.
These are manufactured from a solid
steel block. The constructive lay-out
and primarily the manufacturing process
becomes however fundamentally
simplified if the form of an angle valve
is chosen.
„„ With exotic body materials which are
difficult to cast (e.g. titanium), or with
very large nominal sizes for which a
special pattern cannot be justified,
forged bodies and an angle type valve
style are preferred.
„„ With applications where the medium is
exceptionally abrasive on the internals
of the valve body, the angle type is
preferred too. The user should, however,
take care that the part of deceleration
behind the throttling area of the valve is
straight and has no further deflections.

A proven angle valve design is shown in

Fig. 6.8.6.-1 with a screwed in seat and
contoured plug of a wear resistant material
like tungsten carbide, combined with a
hardened or ceramic valve outlet liner
which provides an excellent protection
against wear. Because of FTC (flow to
close) direction a parabolic plug at larger
sizes is not failure resistant SAMSON
standard is a multi-port seat guided plug.
This construction enables a reasonably long life span.
Figure 6.10.10.-1:  Angle Type 3256 valve and a ceramic protection liner at the valve outlet against wear

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 123 of 322

Control valves with ceramic parts

Within the last few years numerous special control valves have been introduced in which
essential parts consist completely or partially of ceramic materials. During the course of
this development progress and setbacks occurred, because ceramics require, in principle,
a different treatment in comparison with metallic materials. The comparatively low
toughness, tensile strength and temperature shock resistance make ceramic materials,
up until now, mostly unsuitable for pressurized body parts.
For this reason the efforts of the designers have concentrated mainly on those parts
exposed to wear and tear, i. e. on valve plug and seat ring. The valve outlet which is
usually exposed to a high wear can be protected effectively by a ceramic socket (Figure
6.10.10.-2). With this design even the special problems which usually appear with the
junction of metal and ceramic parts can be eliminated.

Control valves with ceramic trims (see data sheet T 8071 EN)

Type 3256-1 with ceramic trim

Type 3251-1 with ceramic trim
and ceramic anti-wear sleeve
Figure 6.10.10.-2:  Control Valves with Ceramic Valve Trim

Control valves with extremely resistant ceramic trims are used when the valve body and
the trim are subject to considerable erosion and abrasion.
The following valves can be fitted with ceramic trims Figure 6.10.10.-2:
„„ Type 3251 Globe Valve,
„„ Type 3256 Angle Valve.

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Page 124 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

The Type 3256 Angle Valve can be fitted with a ceramic wear-resistant pipe. When the
process medium flows in the flow-to-close (FTC) direction, this version is suitable for
extreme erosive and abrasive conditions caused by process medium containing solids.
Details on ceramic materials and their properties are available on request.
In industrial plants, pneumatic and electric control valves control different media, often
under unfavorable flow conditions. In flashing service and with aggressive fluids containing
solid matter, the valve trim, i.e. seat and plug, as well as the valve body are subject to
erosive and abrasive wear.
In some applications, valve trims made of cast iron or PTFE are worn out within only a few
days and valve trims of stellited or forged titanium within a few weeks. Valve trims made
of low-wear ceramic, however, shows almost no signs of wear after one year in service.

Depending on the valve design and the particular properties of the ceramic material
used, the following advantages can be attained:
„„ Seat and plug made of hot-pressed silicon nitride (HPSN)1
„„ Constant high flexural strength and resistance to abrasive wear
„„ Corrosion resistance
„„ Service life 200 times longer compared to valve trims made of austenitic steel used
under highly erosive and abrasive conditions
„„ Longer service life of angle valve bodies thanks to the flow¬to-close direction of flow
and an additional anti-wear sleeve of silicon carbide (SiC)

Properties of ceramic materials

Material HPSN N/mm2 SiC N/mm2

Flexural strength 600 to 800 >350
Tensile strength 300 to 500 >180
Compressive 2500 >1200
Young's Modulus 310 to 320 >330
Hardness HV 10 >16000 >21000
Thermal 3.2 4.3
Corrosion Better than all metal
Table 6.10.10.-3:  Properties of ceramic materials

Materials according to DIN and ANSI/ASME

For the application limits of these materials, refer to the respective pressure-temperature
diagrams in the data sheets T 8000-2 EN.
1 HPSN = Hot-pressed silicon nitride

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 125 of 322

6.10.11.  Angle Valve for Urea and Melamine Type 3256 S

Plant type Urea and Melamine

High-pressure Valves for plants with “Stamicarbon”1 license, in

which a contact with carbamate or Urea is possible

Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Body material

ANSI Class 1500 316L, 1.4462
Valve data 1” up to 10” Series 3250
Trim material: SAFUREX, 1.4462, Ferralium 255 (Super Duplex)

With clamped seat or seat integration to body (low difference

Special features
pressures), gaps are reduced because of corrosion

Competitors Böhler, UHDE Hochdrucktechnik, Fisher

Experience Project Melamine 4 - Stamicarbon, single valve Bangladesh

Figure 6.10.11.-1:  Angle Valve for Urea Type 3256 S

1 http://www.stamicarbon.com

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Page 126 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Urea and Melamine

Urea is the world’s most produced chemical, at around 140 million tones per year.
Demand for urea is growing at 3.7% globally – higher even than the rise in population.
Available arable land has not grown since 1960 – yet, the average crops yields per hectare
have increased dramatically. The average cereal yield per hectare in Europe has tripled
since 1960 from 1.5 tons/ha to more than 4.5 tons/ha - in large part due to fertilizers.
In fact, around 90% of the world’s urea is used to fertilize crops. And more than 40% of all
food grown in the world is fertilized by urea.

Figure 6.10.11.-2:  SAMSON CONTROL VALVE Type 3256-1 NPS 10, ANSI CLASS 1500, Cv 1150,
Body material DUPLEX®, WN 1.4462, Plug material: SAFUREX®
Urea project: KARNAPHULI FERTILIZER COMPANY Ltd, KAFCO, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
(KAFCO a partner to Stamicarbon)

The medium Urea and Carbamate are very corrosive, crystallization may occur. This
material SAFUREX® (a super Duplex) is designed by Sandvik Sweden together with
Stamicarbon for corrosive applications. This material is very new and exclusive, and can
only be purchased after signing an agreement with Stamicarbon.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 127 of 322

Safurex® materials
Safurex® is a duplex stainless steel grade exclusively
developed by Sandvik for the Stamicarbon Urea and
Melamine process. Safurex® is a high alloy ferrite-
austenite stainless steel, combining the good (stress)
corrosion properties of the ferrite steel with the good
ductility and weld-ability of austenitic steel.
The duplex structure results in high mechanical
properties and, in combination with the low thermal
expansion coefficient, results in great benefits with
respect to the design and construction of the HP urea
equipment. Not only savings in equipment weight but
consequently also in costs are evident. Safurex®
is the standard material for Stamicarbon HP urea
equipment, allowing the Stamicarbon urea plants, in
case all wetted parts in the HP synthesis section are
made in Safurex®, to run with very low oxygen in the
carbamate solution.
The good corrosion resistant properties of Safurex
®, also in oxygen free carbamate solutions, have
been demonstrated in elaborate laboratory testing
and field experiences with Safurex® equipment in
service for more that five years now (HP Carbamate
Condensers and HP Strippers). All material forms
(plates, forgings, heat exchanger tubes, piping)
and welding consumable needed to fabricate HP
equipment in Safurex® are available and proven. Al
so delivery time of these materials is comparable to
other stainless steels grades.
SBN to date has fabricated more that 10 HP Urea
equipment in Safurex® a nd the handling as well as
the welding is not more difficult compared to the fully
austenitic stainless steels grades traditionally used.
Figure 6.10.11.-3:  Pneumatic Globe
Since Safurex® is supplied by a single source
Control Valve Type 3251-1 Size 4”, ANSI
supplier and Stamicarbon and Sandvik have a
Class 2500, with Actuator 2 x 2800 =
5600 cm2 p1 = 180 bar, p2 = 177 bar,
mutual agreement with respect to the quality control
and quality assurance on the Safurex® materials,
counter testing on Safurex® base materials is not necessary.
All Safurex® materials will be delivered fully tested according to the Stamicarbon
specifications (A4-18005, BE.06/MS50). To check the quality Stamicarbon performs
doping tests on Safurex ® base materials under production at Sandvik. Furthermore
for each project Stamicarbon must qualify the welding procedures. Since Safurex® is a
proprietary material, the Stamicarbon involvement in inspections during the fabrication of
HP equipment is therefore mandatory.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 128 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Melamine (Formula C3H6N6)

Urea is a raw material for melamine production, more than 95 % of all melamine
production is based on urea.
Melamine is an organic base and it’s also called cyanuramide or triaminotriazine
a colorless, crystalline substance belonging to the family of heterocyclic organic
compounds, which are used principally as a starting material for the manufacture of
synthetic resins. Apart from the use as an animal food urea is used for the production
of urea resins and for the synthesis of melamine. Melamine is also used to make
fertilizers. Melamine is used combined with formaldehyde to produce melamine resin, a
very durable thermosetting plastic, and of melamine foam, a polymeric cleaning product.
Melamine is ideal for use in high-performance products like wood-based panels, laminates
, coatings, moulding powders and flame-retardants.

Angle Control Valve Type 3256-1

NPS 6, ANSI Class 2500
Body material DUPLEX ® WN 1.4462
Plug material: SAFUREX ®
with Actuator 2800 cm2
p1=140.4 bar, p2=137.4 bar, 184°C

Plant type Ammonia, Urea, and Melamine

Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Body material

Valve data 2” up to 12” Series 3250
1500 to 2500 WN 1.4462
Trim material SAFUREX®
Actuator Type 3271
Optional Flush connection
Stamicarbon Head Office Sittard, GELEEN, The Netherlands
Licensing Sales & Services
Figure 6.10.11.-4:  Control valves for Ammonia, Urea, and Melamine production

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 129 of 322

Pneumatic Angle Control Valve Type 3256-1 NPS 6,

ANSI Class 2500
Body material DUPLEX ® WN 1.4462
Plug material: SAFUREX ® with Actuator 2800 cm2

Pneumatic Angle Control Valve Type 3256-1 NPS 6,

ANSI Class 2500
Body material DUPLEX ® WN 1.4462
Plug material: SAFUREX ® with Actuator 2800 cm2

Plant DMS Melamine 4

Capacity 30,000 mtpa Melamine
145 SAMSON control valves with accessories were totally installed
No. of Valves
in this plant.
Contractor ABB Lummus Global B.V., The Hague, the Netherlands.
Stamicarbon Head Office Sittard, GELEEN, The Netherlands
Licensing Sales & Services
End user DSM Melamine B.V., Geleen, the Netherlands,
Figure 6.10.11.-5:  Reference DMS Melamine 4

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 130 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.12.  Type 3258 valve with split body

All control valves for industrial use require in principle - besides the connections for the
pipe - a wider opening to get access to the internal parts (valve trim). The valve bonnet
can be separated from the bottom section of the valve after removing the connecting
bolts. The seat is than easily accessible. The angle valve can be cleaned while remaining
in the line since complete draining is possible as the body has a smooth passage with no
dead cavities. (Figure 6.10.12.-1).
Like other valve styles this construction has advantages and disadvantages which have
to be weighed up. The flexibility of valve body is advantageous with respect to the piping
layout and also the simple interchangeability of the seat ring without special tooling.
The installation should take care to keep high pipe stress away from the valve in case of
higher temperature fluctuations balanced by pipe compensators. An unusual high load
for the split body must be avoided. For this reason the application of this construction for
critical processes with unavoidable pipe force stress is not allowed or need special care
(see 6.5.8.-2. Special valves "Gas expansion- and flashing design".

Bellows seal

Figure 6.10.12.-1:  Control valve Type 3258 with split body

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 131 of 322

Gas expansion and flashing valve

Gas expansion and flashing valve based on the split body construction this valve has
a special expansion flange, which could be mounted directly to a large vessel or pipe
volume. In case of severe flashing service of nearly boiling fluids (non under-cooled)
the liquid together with high pressure let down converts to wet vapor with a tremendous
volume expansion. To avoid dangerous pipe velocities > 60 m/s (rule of thumb) the valve
flange outlet diameter / seat diameter ratio >> 3. SAMSON group software take care of
proper sizing with high sophisticated property calculations for flashing applications.

Figure 6.10.12.-2:  Gas expansion and flashing valve which could be mounted directly to a large vessel or
pipe volume

Gas expansion and flashing valve

Oil & Gas and Chemical industries
Application Flash conditions, Gas expansion into Vacuum
Nominal Nominal Nominal
Cv-value Options
Size Inlet Size Outlet Pressure
DN 25, 50, Up to See series Bellow, heating
Valve data PN 40
80, and 100 DN 400 3250 jacket seat
Body material dependent on customer requirements.
ANSI design only as a full material version available
Clamped seat → Easy replaceable seat
Bonnet of series 3240 → competitive version with cast body
Experience No negative notification
Figure 6.10.12.-3:  Gas expansion and flashing valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 132 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.13.  Control Angle Valve Type 3259-1 and 3259-7

Plant BASF
Control valve for industrial high pressure plants according to the
IG standard
Nominal size Nominal pressure Kvs value Body material
Valve data Forged
DN 16 to 90 PN 325 0.1 to 100
stainless steel
Trim material: WN 1.4571 stellited
„„ Adjustable high-temperature packing ▪ For temperatures from −10 to 350 °C
„„ Insulating section ▪ For temperatures from −200 to 450 °C (see pressure-
temperature diagram for pressures and temperatures)
„„ Heating jacket▪ Available on request
Special features „„ Metal bellows seal ▪ Material 2.4819 with additional backup packing and test
„„ Nominal size DN 120 ▪ Available on request
„„ Nominal sizes DN 6 and DN 10 ▪ As Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve version
Technical data For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
and accessories data sheet T 8059 EN.
Figure 6.10.13.-1:  Control Angle Valve Type 3259-1 and 3259-7

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 133 of 322

SAMSON and VETEC have delivered around 100 standard valves as well as a large
number of IG high-pressure valves with nominal pressure PN 325 in valve sizes DN 16
to DN 120 for this plant. The SAMSON Type 3259 Valve was used for nominal sizes up
to DN 70. Valves from the Series 71.13 M for nominal sizes DN 90 and DN 120 were
supplied by VETEC.
The order was handled by the Technical Sales (V42 Dept.) and VETEC working in close
cooperation. A particular challenge was posed by the large nominal valve sizes DN 90
and DN 120 for the pressure letdown of liquid butadiene at a pressure drop of up to 300
bar and a closing pressure of 330 bar.
The quality assurance measures required, starting with the forging right up to the final
inspection and approval, were accordingly complex.
An actuator with four diaphragm chambers and a positioning force of 300,000 N was
developed by VETEC to achieve the high actuator forces. A similar double actuator has
successfully been in use at BASF for a long time.
The valves were delivered on time.

Figure 6.10.13.-2:  Type 3259 of IG high-pressure valves with nominal pressure PN 325

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 134 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.14.  Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG Flange

Application limits for multi-stage plugs

„„ Δp < 50 bar / 725 psi - single-stage plug
„„ Δp < 100 bar / 1450 psi - two-stage plug
„„ Δp < 150 bar / 2175 psi - three-stage plug

Type RVG with three-stage plug,

sectional drawing

Plant Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG Flange

Control valve for high industrial requirements in process
engineering applications involving feedwater and steam.
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Body material
Carbon steel,
Valve data DN 50 to 150 PN 40 to 400 High-
4.7 to 211.6
NPS 2 to 6 Class 300 to 2500 temperature
carbon steel
Trim material: WN 1.4122
„„ Electric actuators
„„ Pressure-balanced plugs
„„ Two-stage or three-stage perforated cages/plugs
Special features
„„ 4-stage to 10-stage plugs on request
„„ Angle valves
„„ Valves with welding ends as Type RVG
Technical data For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
and accessories data sheet T 9933-1 EN.
Figure 6.10.14.-1:  Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG Flange

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 135 of 322

Control Valve Type RVG with perforated plug

The perforated plug is mainly used for valves in steam applications, particularly for
operation in the wet steam region. Additional fields of application include the control of
two-phase medium flow, liquid media which vaporize on the outlet side (flashing valves)
or emergency relief valves (blow-off valves) involving gas relief in which the flow velocities
lower than 0.3 Mach cannot be kept.

Figure 6.10.14.-2:  Globe Valve Type 3251 on the left side and Angle Valve Type 3256 on the right side
both with perforated plug.

Figure 6.10.14.-3:  Globe Valve Type 3251 on the left side - FTO and
Angle Valve Type 3256 on the right side - FTC, both with perforated plug.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 136 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.10.15.  Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG with Multi-stage plug

Application limits for multi-stage plugs

„„ Δp < 50 bar / 725 psi - single-stage plug
„„ Δp < 100 bar / 1450 psi - two-stage plug
„„ Δp < 150 bar / 2175 psi - three-stage plug

Type RVG with three-stage plug,

sectional drawing

Plant Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG

Control valve for feedwater and steam applications in power plant
engineering and the petrochemical industry.
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Body material
Forged steel,
Valve data DN 25 to 150 PN 16 to 400 High-
1.4 to 190.8
NPS 1 to 6 Class 150 to 2500 temperature
forged steel
Trim material: WN 1.4122
„„ No cavitation
„„ No oscillation or vibrations
„„ Long service life
„„ Exact characteristics
„„ Easy-to-replace internal parts
Technical data For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
and accessories data sheet T 9933 EN.
Figure 6.10.15.-1:  Control Globe and Angle Valve Type RVG with Multi-stage plug

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 137 of 322

6.10.16.  For natural gas and offshore applications Valve Type VNG
Choke valve design and gas cavern storage control.

„„ Excellent device for highest pressure and pressure
reducing of gas
„„ Especially for natural gas
„„ Qualified for erosive stress
„„ For operation of high pressure compressors
„„ Optionally for sour gas
„„ Simple and non-complicated internal parts (decisive in
case of soiling, erosion)
„„ Patented jet extruder decreases vibrations and effects
sound - deadening.

Figure 6.10.16.-1:  Natural Gas Valve Type VNG

Natural Gas Valve Type VNG

Pressure Rating PN API 10000 respectively ANSI Class 2500

Inlet Pressure p1 up to 540 bar
Different Pressure ∆p up to 450 bar
Temperature T up to 180 °C
Mass Flow W ≤ 40.000 kg/h
Cv100 = 29

Preload of Spring = 3.2 bar, 45000 N, Spring to Close

Strength Test = 800 bar acc. to API 598 / ANSI B 16.5

Leakage Test = 450 bar acc. to ANSI B 16.5
Admissible Leakage = ANSI B16.104 Class VI
Material Test 3.1B resp. 3.1A acc. to DIN EN 10204
Table 6.10.16.-2:  Natural Gas Valve Type VNG

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 138 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.10.-17:  Pressure Reducing Valve on the gas output

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Three-way valves Series 3240 and 3250 Page 139 of 322

For example: Pressure - temperature diagrams - Materials according to ASTM

Figure 6.10.-18:  Example: Stainless carbon steel · A 351 CF8M (ANSI Class 150, 300)

Figure 6.10.-19:  Example: Stainless carbon steel · A 351 CF8M (ANSI Class 600, 900)
(See Information Sheet T 8000-2 EN)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 140 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.10.19.-1:  Vinyl Chloride Malaysia Figure 6.10.19.-2:  Offshore, Anti Surge Valves

Figure 6.10.19.-3:  Vinyl chloride - Plant ▪ Photo:Vinnolit - Knapsack

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 141 of 322

6.11  Steam-converting valve Series 3280

Steam-converting valve Series 3280

Type 3284

Type 3281 Type 3286

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 142 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Series 3280
Final control element with either globe or angle valve for use in
process engineering applications and thermal plants.

Globe Valve Type 3281-1 3284-1 DUV-C3

Angle valve 3286-1

Standard DIN    
version ANSI    
-200 to 500 °C -200 to 500 °C -200 to 500 °C up to 560 °C
-325 to 930 °F -325 to 930 °F -325 to 930 °F up to 1040 °F
Inlet 80 to 500
DN 50 to 200 100 to 400 50 to 200
Outlet 100 to 1600
Nominal sizes
Inlet 3 to 20
NPS 2 to 8 4 to 16 2 to 8
Outlet 4 to 64
16 to 160 Inlet 16 to 630
PN 16 to 160 (⋆400) 16 to 160 (⋆400)
(⋆400) Outlet 16 to 100
pressure Inlet 1500 to 2500
Class 300 to 2500 300 to 2500 300 to 2500 (⋆4500)
Outlet 150 to 900
Linear    
Equal %    
Metal sealing IV IV IV IV
⋆ Metal sealing
meeting stricter V V V
III III III reduction in
two stages
Insulating section   
Bellows seal   
Heating jacket
Flow divider   
Flanges   
Welding ends    

Valve pictures

⋆ Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated

Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Technical data ⋆ For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.11.-1:  Control valves Series 3280

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 143 of 322

Steam Desuperheating Systems

Superheated steam

Steam converting
Water bath Condensate spray
valve control loop:
desuperheaters control nozzles control loop:
Pressure and
loop: Level Temperature

„„ Reduced pressure
„„ Saturated steam
min. 5 to 15 °C „„ Saturated steam
„„ Saturated steam min. 5 to 15 °C
above saturation
temperature above saturation

Figure 6.11.-2:  Steam Desuperheating Systems

6.11.1.  Water bath desuperheater
Water bath desuperheaters are used if processes have to be heated with saturated
steam, but where only superheated steam is available which must be desuperheated to
saturated steam temperature.
This is not possible with steam converting valves or injection desuperheaters, since it is
possible to desuperheat only down to approx. 5 °C above saturated steam temperature
with these. If the pressure of the available steam is too high or an adjustable saturated
steam pressure is required, the water bath desuperheater can be designed in addition
with pressure control.
Processes which are heated with saturated steam frequently require only small quantities
of steam, but with delivery fluctuations between 0 and 100 %. Here the water bath
desuperheater is ideally suitable, since it guarantees perfect desuperheating over the
entire load range.
Applications in which the product has to be heated directly with saturated steam are for
„„ Refineries
„„ Agers and decatizing vessels in the textile industry
„„ Pasteurizers in the food
„„ Beverage industry
„„ Sterilizers in the chemical industry
„„ Steam boxes in the tobacco or paper industry

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 144 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Applications in which the products have to be heated through heat exchanger surfaces
where overheating of the product must be surely avoided are for example:
„„ Heat exchangers for pasteurizers and sterilizers in the food industry
„„ Heating systems for dry rolls in the paper industry
„„ Heating systems for reaction vessels and pipelines in the chemical industry


2.7.3 E

2.6.4 2.3 3.2

2.6.2 2.6.3

Superheated Steam 2.6.1 2.5

2.7.2 2.7.1 2.2
2.7.5 2.7.4 E
1.3 1.2 2.1
Saturated Steam
1.6 2.7.6

Overflow Process
1.7.2 1.7.1 1.7.3

Cooling Water 1.5 1.4 Drain



Auxiliary energy

Figure 6.11.1.-1:  Water bath desuperheater PI-Diagram

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 145 of 322

Water bath desuperheater with liquid level control

The superheated steam is introduced into the cooling water. In this case the superheating
heat is transferred into the cooling water which is converted into saturated steam when
the boiling temperature is reached. The evaporated portion is replaced by cooling water
with a liquid level control system. On reaching the minimum liquid level, the condensate
valve [1.4] is opened via a limit switch [1.3] and closed when the maximum liquid level is
reached. On failure of the liquid level control system the cooling water is diverted through
a condensate diverts [1.6].

Pressure regulation
Saturated steam pressure and saturated steam temperature are associated with one
another physically. In the version with pressure regulation, the saturated steam pressure
is converted into a measurement signal which is conducted to a pressure controller [2.3]
through a pressure transmitter [2.2]. The output signal of the pressure controller [2.3]
operates the steam pressure control valve [2.5] through a positioner [2.4]. Thus the
pressure of the superheated steam can be reduced and cooled to desuperheated steam

Process temperature control

In the version with process temperature control the measurement signal of a temperature
sensor [3.1] is conducted to a temperature controller [3.2], the output signal of which
operates the temperature control valve [3.4] through a positioner [3.3]. In this case the
pressure drop at the temperature control valve [3.4] must be kept low so that the saturated
steam temperature is as close as possible to the load temperature to be controlled.

Safety equipment
The operating pressure in the pressure vessel [1.1] of the water bath desuperheater is
limited to the permissible value by means of a safety valve [2.6.3]. A safety pressure limiter
[2.7.1] and a safety temperature limiter [2.7.2] ensure that the pressure and temperature at
the saturated steam outlet do not exceed the permissible values. Whenever the pressure
and temperature reach the respective limit values, the steam pressure control valve [2.5]
is closed via a solenoid valve [2.7.3].

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 146 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.11.1.-2:  Example: Steam heating of an autoclave vessel complete mounted system

The Type 994 - 0001 water bath desuperheater has the following features:
„„ Desuperheating superheated steam to saturated steam temperature
„„ Pressure reduction of superheated steam
„„ Control range 0 to 100 %
„„ Operating overpressure max. 11 bar, higher pressure on request
„„ Saturated steam pressure max. 11 bar, higher pressure on request
„„ Saturated steam temperature max. 187 °C
„„ Steam throughput max. 40 t/h, depending on the saturated steam pressure
„„ Pressure vessel made from H II (Material no. 1.0425) or CrNiTi (Material no. 1.4541)
„„ Pressure vessel with German Technical Inspectorate Certificate, other certificates on
„„ Version with fastening supports
„„ Version with liquid level control
„„ Version with liquid level control and pressure control
„„ Version with liquid level control, pressure control and process temperature control
„„ Version as complete system, ready for connection assembled in a frame

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 147 of 322

6.11.2.  Spray Water Nozzle for steam temperature reduction with continuous

Figure 6.11.2.-1:  Spray Water Nozzle with continuous control PI-Diagram

Figure 6.11.2.-2:  Spray Water Nozzle with continuos control

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 148 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.11.3.  Spray Water Nozzle for steam temperature reduction with continuous
Desuperheating (cooling) the steam can simply be achieved
by inject water into the steam flow. When injected, the water is
evaporated by means of the desuperheater nozzles. Thereby the
water absorbs heat and consequently the temperature of steam
is reduced.
The desuperheater is designed so, the at even at low injection
water quantities an efficient spray of very fine droplets (mist) is
obtained. When increasing the stroke, the water injection will
increase with a modified parabolic flow characteristic.
The nozzles in the sprayhead are designed to give the injection
water a high velocity and a radial rotating movement under
all conditions. The result is a fine atomization and very quick
evaporation. Figure 6.11.2.-2
Features of the DKV Desuperheater:
„„ 3 types of control characteristics, for accurate temperature
„„ Large ∆p Water / steam pressure difference of 100 bar
(1450 psi) can be applied without an external control valve
Figure 6.11.3.-1:  „„ Excellent atomizing characteristics at a ∆p Water / steam of
Spray water nozzle min. 10 bar (145 psi) and at min. steam velocity of 10 m/s.
„„ Tight shut-off. No leakage in closed position
„„ No additional control valve required
„„ High reliability due to simple party, minimal wear
„„ Excellent control accuracy for the whole control range
Principal of Operation
The temperature sensor (Fig 5) transmits a signal through the control system to the
actuator (positioner) and positions the control piston according to the valve characteristic
(Figure 6.11.3.-2).
The cooling fluid is now admitted to the injection nozzle, and is accelerated by the nozzle
The cooling fluid is injected as a very fine water spray cone; the small droplets are
quickly evaporated and absorbed by the independent steam (hot gas). Our high quality
atomization of the cooling liquid is the basis of a good mixing from cooling fluid and steam
at all load conditions.
The position of the valve seat, just before the spray head, provides a tight shut-off in the
closed position, so that dripping is prevented (the piston is lapped into the seat!).
The small number of moving parts results in a reliable operation of the valve.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 149 of 322

Standard housing materials 15 Mo 3 (DIN 1.5415) eq. to ASTM A 182 F1 13 CrMo44
(DIN 1.7335)eq. to ASTM A 182 F12
The body material is selected according to temperature and pressure conditions of steam
and water.
Internal parts are various stainless steel (min 13 % chrome).
DKV Details
The desuperheater is available in a standard body size with a max. pressure rating of
PN 160. Higher pressure ratings upon request.
Inlet flanges
DN 25 (NPS 1), DN 40 (NPS 1½) or DN 50 (NPS 2); up to PN 160 (ANSI Class 900)
Mounting flanges:
DN 80 (NPS 3) or DN 100 (NPS 4); up to PN 160 (ANSI Class 900) Flanges acc. DIN and
ANSI. The min. required internal pipe-diameter of the mounting flange is 76 mm.
% Cv


25 bo

50 r
1: ara


30 ol

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
Figure 6.11.3.-2:  Characteristics
The desuperheater can be installed on a stub (min 150 mm or 6" height) on the steam pipe
(see fig. 10). Water is injected in the same direction as the steam flow. The desuperheater
can be installed in any position. The spray nozzle orientation, in regard to the water flange
position, can be selected according Figure 6.11.3.-4.
At a stroke of 32 mm the minimum pipe size is DN 150 (NPS 6). At a stroke of 55 or 80
mm, minimum pipe size is DN 200 (NPS 8). The minimum distance − Ls − (see Figure
6.11.3.-3) required between the desuperheater and the sensing element depends on
service conditions.

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Page 150 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

A temperature sensing element, fitted on the steam piping (downstream of the
desuperheater) transmits changes of the steam temperature to a temperature controller.
This controller sends a signal (electric or pneumatic) to the actuator, which results in an
upward or downward repositioning of the desuperheater stem and control piston. Thus
the injection water quantity and subsequently the steam temperature are controlled.
The desuperheater can be fitted with all electric, pneumatic or electric / hydraulic actuators.
For manual operations the valve can be fitted with a handwheel.

Figure 6.11.3.-3:  Distance to the temperature measurement


e = Water Flange; f = Mounting Flange

Figure 6.11.3.-4:  Assembly instruction

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 151 of 322

75 mm

150 mm

150 mm 0.5 ∙ D +150 mm

Diameter D

Figure 6.11.3.-5:  Assembly dimensions

Capacities: Cv - values of the standard sprayheads

1:25 1:10 Linear Stroke
Max. Cv - valve Max. Cv - valve min max mm
0.92 1.16 0.29 1.75 32
1.75 2.9 0.92 5.20 32
1.75 5.8 1.00 8.10 55
7.5 8.1 1.16 11.6 80

Spray Water Nozzle for the following applications:

„„ Characteristic: linear / modified parabolic
„„ Max temperature reduction down to ts + 10 °K
„„ Rangeability water 1:25
„„ Max. possible Δp water / steam 100 bar
„„ Min. possible Δp water / steam 10 bar
„„ For mounting in pipes DN 80 to 700
„„ Max. steam pressure 100 bar

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Page 152 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.11.4.  Steam converting valves

The conversion of superheated high pressure steam into steam at lower temperatures
and pressures is a common practice in process industries. This technology is also used
in power stations to utilize the steam energy leaving the turbine for other purposes (e.
g. for heating). Some applications use two different valves for the steam conversion
process: the first for the reduction of the steam pressure and the second for the control
of the cooling water (Figure 6.11.4.-1). The pressure control valve ③ reduces the steam
pressure according to the set point provided by the controller ②. The cooling water valve
④ adds water until the set point of the temperature measured by the transducer ① is
reached. The steam cooling effect is produced by injecting cooling water into the steam
flow. This requires special methods, in order to achieve a fine spray of cooling water.
Often nowadays only a single valve is used. This solves both tasks simultaneously (Figure
6.11.5.-1 and Figure 6.11.5.-2). The plug regulates both the steam supply and the quantity
of cooling water. The two Cv-values of the steam and the water flow path have a fixed
relationship which limits, of course, the rangeability of the low pressure steam volume.
If pressure and steam temperature have to be variable on the low pressure side, then
two separate control valves are necessary. At high pressure ratios a multistage pressure
reduction trim and an extended valve outlet is required. Since the cooled steam is not
homogeneous immediately behind the throttling area, a baffle plate is frequently used to
protect the internal valve walls from impingement of droplets.


Cooling Water

Superheated Steam
Steam-converting Reduced Steam Pressure
Valve Type 3284 and Temperature

Figure 6.11.4.-1:  Principle of steam conversion using two valves

Another proven construction which also has a noise reducing effect is represented in
Figure 6.11.4.-2. The cooling water is kept away from the hot walls of the conversion
valve and meets firstly a wire gauze of stainless steel which is an excellent mixing device
and improves the homogeneity of the steam on the low pressure side over the entire load

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 153 of 322

Example: Power-Station Tianjin in China

For the following applications:

„„ For pressure and temperature reduction
„„ Max. temperature reduction down to ts +10°K
„„ Min. Δp 5 bar between steam inlet and outlet
„„ Min. Δp 3 bar between cooling water and steam
„„ Valve size DN 50 to 400
„„ Max. nominal pressure PN 160

Figure 6.11.4.-2:  Control valve Type 3284 Steam converter

with non return and cooling water valve.

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Page 154 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.11.5.  Steam-converting Valve Type DUV-C3

Principle of operation
When the perforated plug leaves its seat, the steam inlet
bores of the first controlled stage are opened, and steam is
admitted into the central chamber. From there, it passes
into the atomizing steam cooler through bores at the bottom
of the chamber. As the perforated cylinder has only moved
a short distance (<20 % of the total travel), the bores for the
second stage pressure drop are not yet released. This
ensures that adequate steam always flows to the atomizing
steam cooler, eliminating the risk of water droplets
inadvertently being injected into the system.
As the perforated plug continues to lift, more steam inlet
bores are released in a pattern corresponding to the desired
opening characteristic.
Once the perforated plug has lifted more than 20 %, the
bores for the second controlled stage are opened, allowing
steam to flow from the central chamber through the second
stage bores, and into the throttling cylinder. This pressure
reduced steam flows through the uncontrolled perforated
attenuation plates for further pressure reduction, and
continues downstream to the temperature sensor.
When the steam comes into contact with the temperature
sensor, a signal is
sent to the spray
water control valve,
opening the valve
and admitting spray
Figure 6.11.5.-1:  Type DUV-C3 water into the steam
Steam-converting Valve with cooler. This spray
Type 3271 Pneumatic Actuator water is atomized by
the kinetic energy of
the steam, which is continuously flowing through the
cooler. The atomized water is instantly vaporized by
the superheated steam. The flow from the second
controlled stage passes through the perforated
attenuation plates, and comes in contact with the
flow from the atomizing steam cooler. Here the
two flows mix, ensuring total evaporation of the
spray water. This completes both the pressure and
temperature reduction.
The perforated attenuation plates installed after
the second controlled stage, provide additional
Figure 6.11.5.-2: 
pressure drop, noise reduction, and lower outlet
Type DUV-C3 Steam-converting Valve

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Steam-converting valve Series 3280 Page 155 of 322

Figure 6.11.5.-3:  Cutaway of the Type DUV-C3 Steam-converting Valve

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Page 156 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.12  Valves with PTFE or PFA lining

BR 8a

BR 1d
BR 1a

BR 6a

BR 1a
BR 1c BR 1b

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Valves with PTFE or PFA lining Page 157 of 322

Globe Valve Series BR 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d

PTFE-lined or PFA-lined Valves
BR 1c
Globe valve Type BR 1a BR 1b
Aseptic Valve
Three-Way valve BR 1d

Standard DIN    
version ANSI    
-40 to 200 °C -40 to 200 °C -10 to 140 °C -40 to 200 °C
-40 to 392 °F -40 to 392 °F 14 to 284 °F -40 to 392 °F
DN 25 to 150 25 to 100 50 to 150 25 to 150
Nominal sizes
NPS 1 to 6 1 to 4 2 to 6 1 to 6
Nominal PN 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16
pressure Class 150 150 150 150
Linear Linear Linear Linear
Characteristic Equal Equal Equal
percentage percentage percentage
Material EN-JS 1049 EN-JS 1049 EN-JS 1049 EN-JS 1049
⋆ Body
(GGG 40.3) (ASTM A 395) (ASTM A 395) (GGG 40.3)
⋆ Valve plug / seat
and Bellows
Packing PTFE-graphite PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring PTFE-graphite
Leakage rate A acc. to DIN
EN 12266-1, P12
   
(Leakage rate 1 BO acc. to
DIN 3230 Part 3)
⋆ Conductivity for EX-Zone 0 Possible Possible Possible Possible
⋆Pneumatic actuator or hand
   
operated actuator

Valve pictures

DIN acc. to DIN EN 558-1, Series 1 /

⋆Face to face dimensions
ANSI acc. to DIN EN 558-2, Series 37

⋆Connection / Flanges DIN EN 1092-2, Form B ▪ ANSI Class 150

Technical data ⋆ For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associ-
and accessories ated technical data sheet.

Table 6.12.-1:  PTFE-lined or PFA-lined Globe Valves and 3-way Valve

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Page 158 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Globe Valve Series BR 6a and BR 8a

PTFE-lined or PFA-lined Globe Valves

Globe valve Type BR 1z

Angle valve Type BR 8a
Micro-Flow Valve BR 6a

Standard DIN   
version ANSI  
-10 to 150 °C -10 to 150 °C -10 to 150 °C
14 to 302 °F 14 to 302 °F 14 to 302 °F
DN 20 to 100 6 to 15 15 to 100
Nominal sizes
Nominal PN 10/16 10/16 10/16
pressure Class
Linear Linear Linear
Characteristic Equal Equal Equal
percentage percentage percentage
Material GGG 40.3 GGG 40.3 GGG 40.3
⋆ Body
⋆ Valve plug / seat
and Bellows

Packing PTFE-graphite PTFE-graphite PTFE V-ring

Leakage rate A acc. to DIN

EN 12266-1, P12
  
(Leakage rate 1 BO acc. to
DIN 3230 Part 3)
Conductivity for EX-Zone 0 Possible Possible Possible
⋆Pneumatic actuator or
  
hand operated actuator

Valve pictures

DIN EN 558-1, DIN EN 558-1,

⋆Face to face dimensions 130 mm
Series 1 / basic series 8

⋆Connection / Flanges DIN EN 1092-2, Form B ▪ ANSI Class 150

Technical data ⋆ For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.

Table 6.12.-2:  PTFE-lined or PFA-lined Globe Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with PTFE or PFA lining Page 159 of 322

6.12.1.  Lined control valves

Lined control valves have gained more and more acceptance in recent years. Particularly
valve bodies made of spheroidal graphite iron with PTFE or PFA lining will usually replace
increasingly expensive and exotic materials. Figure 6.12.1.-1 shows a control valve
with PFA lining and PTFE-bellows seal. The seat and plug are interchangeable as for a
conventional valve. An additional safety stuffing box avoids leakages, if the PTFE-bellows
should break or suffer a leak for any reason. All medium-exposed parts are, in this case,
covered by a thick-wall, non-corroding synthetic fluorine material layer. The body made
from spheroidal graphite iron ensures a sufficient strength and makes the considerable
cost reduction possible.

Valve with PTFE lining Valve with PFA lining

Figure 6.12.1.-1:  Lined control valves

Universal material PTFE

Although a material employed for almost all media, PTFE is particularly resistant against
chlorine and its compounds.
PTFE has been the first choice for our lined valves, especially with chlorine applications,
for more than three decades. Further fluoroplastics such as linings of PFA may also be
employed. In case of permeation, a greater wall thickness means everything.
As low-molecular media, such as chlorine in fluoroplastics, have a tendency to permeate
and as influence factors such as density, crystallinity, cross-linking etc. are extremely
difficult to vary, a greater wall thickness is the most economic solution.
One cannot totally do without metal.
The more than two decades of experience with valves in chlorine applications have led to
diverse solutions in the choice of materials.

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Page 160 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Special materials such as Tantalum, Hastelloy, Titanium, Zirconium, Inconel, Aluminium

Oxide, Nickel etc. are employed in our valves as supplementary components respectively
as an alternative.
German Clean Air Act (TA-Luft)
In order to fulfil the conditions concerning tightness to the atmosphere, our dynamic seals
such as a maintenance-free cup spring live-loaded PTFE packing or the PTFE bellows in
the standard version are ideally suited.
PTFE lining
The operating range is determined by the Pressure - Temperature - Diagram.
Process data and media can influence the values of the diagram. For process data above
the limits of application please consult company Pfeiffer Chemie Armaturenbau GmbH1.

Curve DN NPS
25 1
a 40 1½
50 2
80 3
100 4
c 150 6

Figure 6.12.1.-2:  PTFE Pressure-Temperature- Diagram

1 http://www.pfeiffer-armaturen.com

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Valves with PTFE or PFA lining Page 161 of 322

PFA Lining
The operating range is determined by the Pressure - Temperature - Diagram.
Process data and media can influence the values of the diagram. For process data above
the limits of application please consult company Pfeiffer Chemie Armaturenbau GmbH1.

Curve DN NPS
25 1
a 40 1½
50 2
80 3
100 4

Figure 6.12.1.-3:  PFA Pressure-Temperature- Diagram

Polymer Lining (PTFE & PFA Manufacturing)

Main Arguments:
„„ Economic savings.
„„ Broad spectrum of applications.
„„ In line with FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) provision.
1 http://www.pfeiffer-armaturen.com

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Page 162 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Type PTFE-lined Globe Control Valve Type 1a

PTFE-lined control valve for severely aggressive or corrosive

media, especially for chemical processes.

Temperature: –40 to 200 °C (-40 to 392 °F)

Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Lining
DN 25 to 150 PN 10/16 PTFE
Valve data 0.006 to 304
NPS 1 to 6 ANSI Class 150 5 to 8 mm thick
Trim material: PTFE⋆ optionally special material
⋆ when seat diameter 2 mm, only tantalum or other metals

The modular design of the control valves allows them to be

equipped with various accessories:
Technical data Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
and accessories 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet TB 01a_EN for details.
Figure 6.12.1.-4:  PTFE-lined Globe Control Valve Type 1a

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with PTFE or PFA lining Page 163 of 322

Type PFA-lined Globe Control Valve Type 1b

This PFA control valve is used in both the pharmaceutical and
chemical industry as well as in the ”food and drug” industry.
It is also suitable for superheated steam sterilization as well as
highly aggressive and efflorescent media.
Temperature: –40 to 200 °C (-40 to 392 °F)
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Lining
Valve data DN 25 to 80 PN 10/16 PFA
0.006 to 94
NPS 1 to 3 ANSI Class 150 3 to 5 mm thick
Trim material: PTFE⋆ optionally Al2O3, Tantalum or other metals
⋆ when seat diameter 2 mm, only tantalum or other metals

The modular design of the control valves allows them to be

equipped with various accessories:
Technical data Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
and accessories 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet TB 01b_EN for details.
Figure 6.12.1.-5:  PFA-lined Globe Control Valve Type 1b

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Page 164 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Type PFA-lined Aseptic Control Valve Type 1c

This PFA control valve is used in both the pharmaceutical and
chemical industry as well as in the ”food and drug” industry.
It is also suitable for superheated steam sterilization as well as
highly aggressive and efflorescent media
Temperature: –10 to 150 °C (14 to 302 °F)
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Lining
DN 25 to 50 PN 10/16 PFA
Valve data 0.006 to 29
NPS 1 to 2 ANSI Class 150 3 to 5 mm thick
Plug material: PTFE-TFM ▪ Diaphragm: EPDM / PTFE

optionally aluminium oxide or other special materials
⋆ when seat diameter 2 mm, only tantalum or other metals

The modular design of the control valves allows them to be

equipped with various accessories:
Technical data Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
and accessories 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet TB 01c_EN for details.
Figure 6.12.1.-6:  PFA-lined Aseptic Control Valve Type 1c

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with PTFE or PFA lining Page 165 of 322

Type PTFE-lined Three-Way Valve Type 1d

PTFE-lined control valve for severely aggressive or corrosive

media, especially for chemical processes.

Temperature: –10 to 150 °C (14 to 302 °F)

Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Lining
Valve data DN 25 to 150 PN 10/16 PTFE
4.7 to 304
NPS 1 to 6 ANSI Class 150 5 to 8 mm thick
Trim material: PTFE or precious metal

The modular design of the control valves allows them to be

equipped with various accessories:
Technical data Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
and accessories 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet TB 01d_EN for details.
Figure 6.12.1.-7:  PTFE-lined Three-Way Valve Type 1d

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 166 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Type PTFE-lined Control Valve Type 1z

PTFE-lined control valve for severely aggressive or corrosive
media, especially for chemical processes.
Temperature: –10 to 150 °C (14 to 302 °F)
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Lining
Valve data PTFE
DN 20 to 100 PN 10/16 0.01 to 146
5 to 8 mm thick
Trim material: PTFE
optionally aluminium oxide, Tantalum or other metals
The modular design of the control valves allows them to be
equipped with various accessories:
Technical data Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
and accessories 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet TB 01z_EN for details.
Figure 6.12.1.-8:  PTFE-lined Control Valve Type 1z

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Valves with PTFE or PFA lining Page 167 of 322

Type PTFE-lined Micro - Flow valve Type 6a

PTFE-lined control valve for severely aggressive or corrosive
media, especially for chemical processes.
–10 to 150 °C (14 to 302 °F)
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value
DN 6 to 15 PN 10 0.006 to 4 min. 5 mm
Valve data
Trim material: PTFE⋆ optionally Tantalum or other metals
⋆ when seat diameter 2 mm, only tantalum or other metals

The modular design of the control valves allows them to be

equipped with various accessories:
Technical data Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
and accessories 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet TB 06a_EN for details.
Figure 6.12.1.-9:  PTFE-lined Micro - Flow valve Type 6a

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Page 168 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Type PTFE-lined Angle Valve Type 8a

PTFE-lined control valve for severely aggressive or corrosive
media, especially for chemical processes.
–10 to 150 °C (14 to 302 °F)
Nominal size Nominal pressure Cv value Lining
DN 15 to 50 PN 10/16
0.006 to 29 min. 5 mm
Valve data NPS ½ to 2 ANSI Class 150
Trim material: PTFE⋆ optionally aluminium oxide, Tantalum or other metals
⋆ when seat diameter 2 mm, only tantalum or other metals

The modular design of the control valves allows them to be

equipped with various accessories:
Technical data Positioners, solenoid valves and other accessories according to IEC
and accessories 60534-6 and NAMUR recommendation.
For all further data and industry codes see the associated technical
data sheet TB 08a_EN for details.
Figure 6.12.1.-10:  PTFE-lined Angle Valve Type 8a

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with PTFE or PFA lining Page 169 of 322

6.12.2.  Chlorine industry

More than 85 % of all pharmaceuticals and more than half the products of chemical
industry depend on chlorine chemistry. These products are used in most industrial and
economic sectors including:
Healthcare, Fertilizer/Pesticide, Food/Brewery, Textiles, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical/
Biochemical etc.

Valves for the chlorine industry

Type Description Type Description

1a PTFE-lined Globe Control Valve 23e PTFE-lined Rotary Plug Valve
1b PFA-lined Globe Control Valve 26a Ball Valve of special material
1c PFA-lined Aseptic Valve 26e Trunnion Ball Valve of special material
1d PTFE-lined 3-Way Valve 26l/t Three-Way Ball Valve of special material
6a PTFE-lined Micro Valve 26v Three-Way Ball Valve of special material
8a PTFE-lined Angle Valve 27a/c Sampling Valve of special material
10a PTFE-lined Butterfly Valve 27d/e PFA-lined Sampling Valve
10e PTFE-lined Butterfly Valve 27f Sampling Valve of special material
14a Butterfly Valve of special material 27g Sampling Valve of special material
14e Butterfly Valve of special material 27h Sampling Valve of special material
20a PTFE-lined Ball Valve 27i/k Sampling Valve of special material
20b PFA-lined Ball Valve 27l/m PFA-lined Sampling Valve
21b PTFE-lined Drain Ball Valve 40 Globe Control Valve of special material
22a Drain Ball Valve of special material 30 Multi-Turn Actuator
23b Rotary Plug Valve of special material 31 Quarter-Turn Actuator
Figure 6.12.2.-1:  Valves for the chlorine industry

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 170 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.13  Gate valves

These valve types are however not a matter for consideration in this book.
The main fields of application for gate valves lie in tight shut-off services where there
might be a need of plant repairs or similar. They also minimize, due to the straight flow
path, the pressure loss in the fully open valve position so that this construction is mainly
used for ON-OFF applications rather than for continuous control tasks. The different gate
valve styles are named after the form of the obturator (wedge type, knife type, sliding type
etc.). Gate valves execute a straight line movement of the obturator and belong therefore
to the group of control valves with linear stem motion. For the so-called simple gate
valves with a single orifice Figure 6.13.-1, which are either altered by hand or by a motor
drive, the valve stroke corresponds approximately to the valve size diameter, in order to
allow the opening of the full cross-sectional area.
Wedge Gate valves

Figure 6.13.-1:  On the left the Gate valve () is closed and on the right open.1

A gate valve with multiple orifices is shown in Figure 6.14.-2. It is perceived as a control
valve and considered as an alternative to the classic globe valve. A sandwich-like valve
body contains a fixed plate with narrow, horizontal slots. A moveable plate, with a similar
slot profile as the fixed plate, is pressed by means of the differential pressure, against
the fixed plate and is driven by a short stroke linear actuator. Depending on the stroke
position of the valve the free cross-sectional area changes and enables thus a continuous
control of the fluid. A high contact pressure and a flat and smooth gliding surface help to
achieve a low seat leakage.

1 http://www.valve.asia

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Knife Gate Valve Page 171 of 322

6.14  Knife Gate Valve

Thicker knife gate to eliminate distortion under maximum
differential pressure and to provide tight seating.
„„ Precision ground blade on both sides for tighter packing
chamber sealing. Sealing face of the gate is lapped to
provide the best possible seat tightness.
„„ Precision machined beveled gate end provides long life of
seating components.
„„ Gate guides and lugs. 180° guiding for the moving gate,
while jambs at the bottom hold the knife gate to assure
proper seating.
„„ Integral locking device.
Ideal to serve operating conditions such as:
„„ High temperatures
„„ Temperature changes
„„ Quick closing
„„ High differential pressures

Figure 6.14.-1:  Knife Gate Valve1

Sliding Gate Valve

Sliding gate seats are made up of a disc

and plate, both slotted with openings that
align to allow the required flow to pass
through the orifices.

Figure 6.14.-2:  Sliding Gate Valve2

1 http://www.velan.com
2 http://www.jordanvalve.com

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Page 172 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.15  Pinch- or clamp valves

These valve types are however not a matter for consideration in this book.
Pinch- or clamp-valves consist mainly of a pressure containing supporting body
made of cast iron or steel, a special synthetic rubber tube or sleeve with fabric insert
which also provides flange gaskets on both sides, a valve stem and a pinch or clamp
mechanism which allows a change in the free cross-sectional area of the tube or sleeve
Figure 6.15.-1.
These valves, which are used only for low pressure and temperature applications, are
either manually operated or by means of pneumatic or electric actuators.


Figure 6.15.-1:  The operating principle of a Pinch valve1

The operating principle of a Pinch valve is simple. In the open position (left), the valve is
at full bore with no flow restrictions thus making the valve an integral part of the pipeline.
During closing (right), two pinch bars squeeze the sleeve shut AUTOMATIC on the center

A Wide Range of Material and Design Options

Pinch valves are often applied in aggressive, abrasive and corrosive media types, or in
high-pressure applications. To cover a wider range of applications, the manufacture R&D
has developed several sleeve materials and constructions to meet these industry specific
needs. The high-grade of sleeve materials range from wear resistant styrene butadiene to
numerous other elastomers and rubber compounds. These materials are highly resistant
to abrasive and corrosive slurries, powders and granular substances. By introducing a
HNBR (Hydrogenated nitrile sleeve material), the sleeves can now handle temperatures
up to 160°C.
1 http://www.larox.fi/

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Pinch- or clamp valves Page 173 of 322

Opening tags

Reinforcing cords

Wear-resistant inner lining

Figure 6.15.1.-1:  Sleeve

The standard sleeve design consists of three sets of layers: the inner layer, the
reinforcement layer and the outer layer.

Sleeve design
„„ The inner layer, which is the only part in
contact with the medium, is resistant to
wear and chemicals.
„„ The reinforcement layer gives the
sleeve its pressure retaining capability.
The operating pressure of the sleeve
determines the reinforcement fabric to
be used in this layer.
„„ The outer layer protects the sleeve from
the external process environment.

Technical Features:
„„ Size range: 25 mm – 1000 mm
„„ Operating temperature: -50°C – +160°C
„„ Operating pressure: Vacuum to 100 bar
„„ The valves provide a 100 % tight shut-off
„„ Only the sleeve is in contact with the
„„ Linear Control Curve
„„ Flexible Sleeve
Figure 6.15.1.-2:  Pinch valve

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Page 174 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.16  Advantages and disadvantages of commonly used linear control valves

Valve Typical
Advantages Disadvantages
style availability
„„ Heavy weight, expensive
„„ Robust, long service life „„ High internal resistance
„„ Simple maintenance, spare
Four-flange DN 25-400 „„ Relatively small Cv100-values
parts easily accessible
„„ Long stroke, high rangeability „„ Fluid
single seated PN 25-160 sediments at the bottom
globe valve ANSI 150-1500 flange may cause malfunctions
„„ Low leakage (Class IV) „„ Potential point of leakage at
„„ Reversible the bottom flange

„„ Same as four-flange single „„ Same as single seated valve

DN 50-300 seated valve „„ Extremely expensive, therefore
PN 25-100 „„ Double seat construction very seldom used today
seated globe
ANSI 150-600 requires only low actuator „„ Low dynamic stability
forces- „„ High leakage rate (Class II)
„„ Valves with only top guided
plugs are technically and
economically limited to sizes of
4 inches (DN 100) and below.
„„ Most economical design for (up to DN 300 with top and
common valve sizes with only
seat guided plug SAMSON
top guided plugs up to 4 inch.
series 3240.)
With seat guided V- port plug
„„ Only top guided valve series
of SAMSON 3240 up to 12
are usually limited to pressure
Standard top ratings of PN 40 respectively
„„ Available in all common valve
guided or ANSI 300
DN 15-300 styles: straight-through,
top and seat „„ Application not suitable for
PN 16-40 angle, three-way type etc.
guided three heavy duty services as:
ANSI 125-300 „„ High flexibility, available in all
flange valve ƒƒ High static pressures
common options with regard
series ƒƒ High differential pressures
to materials, bonnets, trims
ƒƒ Applications requiring low
ƒƒ Noise & vibration etc.
„„ Easy adaptation to given „„ SAMSON seat and top guided
process conditions with
plugs Series 3240 (up to DN
regard to characteristic & Cv
300, PN 40); Series 3250 (up
-values etc.
to DN 200 PN 400) have no
application limitations and
all kind of options for severe
service and sound reduction.

„„ Streamlined valve body, high

flow capacity
„„ Robust & particularly suitable „„ Complicated piping lay-out
for special applications „„ Mostly no standardized
DN 15-150
„„ Simple producibility in case mounting dimensions for angle
Angle valve of forged valve bodies type
PN 40-400
type „„ High resistance against „„ Limited to special applications
ANSI 300-2500
wear & tear at flow-to-close only (share below 1 %)
applications with hardened, „„ More expensive than standard
replaceable screwed-in seat straight-through type valves
or in case of split body valve
clamped seat.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Advantages and disadvantages of commonly used linear control valves Page 175 of 322

Valve Typical
Advantages Disadvantages
style availability

„„ Limited application range

„„ No special options available
(low flow, low noise etc.)
„„ Suitable for mixing & diverting „„ Low total share below 1 %
services, simple adaptation at „„ Expensive in comparison with
site without additional parts standard straight-through type.
„„ Various valve options avail In case of very different system
DN 15-500 able (bonnets, actuators) etc. pressure characteristics for
PN 25-40 „„ Constant total flow by the straight-through and angle
valve style
ANSI 150-1500 utilizing a linear inherent flow path special care must
characteristic be taken to a reasonable
„„ SAMSON Type 3244 & 3253 controllability. In some difficult
avoid FTC direction with cases two single seat valves
flexible plug design. allowed more flexibility in
selecting different Cv100 values
and characteristics for both
flow paths.

„„ Application mostly limited to

clean fluids without particles
„„ Expensive & difficult to
produce in case of double seat
„„ Extremely stable plug guiding design (Class III leak rate)
suitable for heavy duty
„„ High actuator forces for
service & high differential
pressure balanced version with
piston sealing system (Class
Cage „„ Less noise at multiple IV or V)
retained seat DN 25-300 orifices, suitable for gas &
„„ Limited material choice for
valve with PN 25-160 liquids
cage & plug, particularly in
three-flange ANSI 150-900 „„ Well resistant to cavitation corrosive & high temperature
body „„ Low actuator forces for service
pressure balanced version
„„ Limited rangeability
with two seat faces instead of
„„ Expensive in comparison with
piston rings (Class III) can be
standard control valves
„„ Liquid cavitation, sound
and corrosion sensitive with
standard cages.
„„ High cost of ownership

„„ Ideal for slurries, „„ Due to synthetic rubber

suspensions, sticky fluids
diaphragm very limited
and so forth
application range with regard
DN 15-150 „„ Streamlined body with little
Diaphragm to process pressure &
PN 6-16 deflection of flow path
valve type temperature
ANSI 125 „„ Very economical at low „„ Poor rangeability in first
pressure & temperature
quarter of valve travel
„„ High actuator thrust required
„„ Tight shut-off possible

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Page 176 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve Typical
Advantages Disadvantages
style availability
„ Limited application range
„„ Sandwich type, very compact „
„„ No typical options available as
DN 15-100 „„ Independent from flange
Gate valve for standard easy type
PN 25-40 standards (DIN or ANSI)
type „„ Poor rangeability and high
ANSI 150-300 „„ Economical solution for ON/ pres-sure recovery (short
OFF services

„„ Ideal for dirty fluids, waste „„ Very limited application

water, pulp slime etc. range with regard to process
Pinch- or DN 15-150
„„ Straight flow path avoids pressure & temperature
clamp valve PN 6-16
clogging „„ Poor rangeability
type ANSI 125
„„ Excellent sealing to the „„ Application critical with
outside, no stuffing box dangerous or poisonous fluids

Table 6.16.-1:  Advantages and disadvantages of commonly used linear control valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 177 of 322

6.17  Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion

Control valves with rotary motion of the valve stem between 50 and 90 degrees have
gained enormous acceptance in recent years. The advantages and disadvantages of
the most common rotary-type control valves are listed in Table 6.23.-1. The continuing
increase in market share with these valve styles is mostly at the expense of the classic,
standard control valves.
The reasons for this trend are, for example:
„„ Cost advantage at bigger valve sizes
„„ Excellent Cvmin/Cv100 turn down ratio of the inherent characteristic for rotary plug
design. The flow rangeability from modified equal percentage up to modified linear
characteristic seat and disk arrangements strongly depends to the valve authority
„„ Higher flow coefficients in comparison with globe valves

This trend is further supported by a number of pre-requisites which did not have
the same importance in earlier days as they do now:
„„ Strong cost-control by the users and planners requires the best economic solution in
the selection of a suitable control valve.
„„ Service and maintenance always attain a greater importance and are taken early into
account in the planning procedure.
„„ The almost obligatory use of computers in the specifying of control valves permits, today,
a much more specific selection of the most suitable type. The occurrence of cavitation
can be, for example, precisely predicted. This leads either to countermeasures, in
order to achieve the required service life span or to a check of the operating conditions,
to see if the pressure differential can be reduced. Frequently a reduction of the pump
pressure head is possible and this provides a number of advantages:
ƒƒ Avoidance of cavitation by means of lower differential pressures across the
control valve often allows the use of standard valves instead of expensive special
ƒƒ Reduction of the differential pressure to the absolutely necessary minimum yields a
lower noise level and frequently avoids the need for expensive low noise valves.
ƒƒ Lower differential pressures which might be obtained by the selection of pumps
with a lower head pressure means, naturally, a lower energy consumption for the
motor driving the pump.

However an attempt to operate the control valve at a differential pressure as low as

possible has two essential disadvantages:
„„ The flow coefficient of the control valve must inevitably become higher, if the differential
pressure is reduced. But this fact is in favor with the proponents of rotary valves, which
have normally higher flow coefficients (rated Cv-values) in comparison with standard
„„ The rangeability reduces with lower differential pressures, i.e. the gain factor of the

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Page 178 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

control valve diminishes. This disadvantage can however be minimized by an exact

specification in accordance with the given application.
„„ For critical applications special skills are recommended to handle cavitation and outlet
velocity limitation as well as the installed characteristic. In case of a smaller valve
authority 0.15 avoid too much over sizing of the Cv100 value.
6.17.1.  Ball Valves

Ball Valve Program

Lined Metallic

Standard Special
BR 20a BR 20b

PTFE BR 26d BR 26d

BR 26 z
B 23e Type A Type C

Figure 6.17.1.-1:  Ball valve program

Figure 6.17.1.-2:  Ball valve with PTFE lining Figure 6.17.1.-3:  Ball valve with special metal

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 179 of 322

Ball Valves of metal Series BR 26

Type BR 26a Type BR 26d - Type A Type BR 26d - Type C

Type BR 26e Type BR 26k Type BR 26s

Compact version

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Page 180 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Ball Valve Series BR 26

Ball valves of stainless steel or special material on inquiry.
BR 26a BR 26d - BR 26e BR 26s BR 26d -
Type A Type C
Standard DIN     
version ANSI     
-10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C
14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F
DN 15 to 200 15 to 150 50 to 200 125 to 500 15 to 200
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 8 ½ to 8 2 to 8 5 to 20 ½ to 8
Nominal PN 16, 25, 40 16 and 40 10 to 160 10 to 40 16 and 40
pressure Class 150 and 300 150 and 300 150 to 900 150 and 300 150 and 300
On-Off On-Off On-Off On-Off On-Off
Full bore Full bore Full bore Full bore Full bore
Live-loaded Live-loaded Live-loaded Live-loaded Live-loaded
Stuffing box packing
PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring
A351 CF8M / WN 1.4408 /
Body WN 1.4408 WN 1.4408 WN 1.4408
A182 F316 WN 1.4571
WN 1.4408 / WN 1.4408 /
Ball WN 1.4408 WN 1.4408 WN 1.4408
1.4571 WN 1.4571
Leakage rate A acc. to     
DIN EN 12266-1, P12 Bubble-tight Tight-closing Tight-closing Tight-closing Bubble-tight
(Leakage rate 1 BO acc. version version
to DIN 3230 Part 3)
Hand-lever or
    
Gear-operated actuators
Pneumatic and electric
    

Ball Valve pictures

Face to face dimensions:

Serie 1 acc. to EN 558-1  
(F1 acc. to DIN 3202),   or ASME or ASME 
Serie 27 acc. to EN 558-1 B 16.10 B 16.10
(F4 / F5 acc. to DIN 3202)
Connection - Flanges According to ASME B16.34 and B16.5 and DIN EN 1092
Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Accessories Accessories are available on request for customer specifications.
Technical data For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.17.1.-1:  Ball valves Series BR 26 with stainless steel or special material on inquiry.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 181 of 322

6.17.2.  Ball valves of stainless steel or precious metal

A ball valve is a valve with a spherical disc, the part of the valve which controls the flow
through it. The sphere has a hole, or port, through the middle so that when the port is
in line with both ends of the valve, flow will occur. When the valve is closed, the hole is
perpendicular to the ends of the valve, and flow is blocked. The handle or lever will be
inline with the port position letting you "see" the valve's position. The ball valve, along with
the butterfly valve and plug valve, are part of the family of quarter turn valves.
Ball valves were almost exclusively used for ON-OFF applications until some years
ago. They permit on the one hand a safely shut-off at high pressure differentials and
cause on the other hand only a minimum pressure loss when in the fully open position. In
recent years, however, ball valves have also been frequently used for continuous control

Figure 6.17.2.-1:  Ball valve with live - loaded sealing system

The central part of this valve type is a drilled-through metal ball instead of a conical or
cylindrical plug. This is placed between two ring gaskets of PTFE, or PTFE components,
or metal, in a split valve body. The ball-shaped obturator can be turned around 90 degrees
by a valve shaft which is sealed to the outside by a stuffing box. If one presupposes a
geometrically exact ball form and super-finished surfaces of both the metal ball and the
sealing rings, absolutely gas-tight shut-off properties against high differential pressures
can be achieved.
By means of an exact fit on the two sealing rings which are firmly pressed against the ball,
all dirt will be taken off with the rotary motion of the ball. The sharp edges of the drilled
through ball form, in connection with the sealing rings, a scissors-like device so that even
long fibers, contained in the fluid, are simply cut off and do not hamper the function of the
metallic ball and seat closing member.
Designs with Two-part, Three-part and Top-Entry cases. Some ball valves are equipped
with an actuator that may be pneumatically or motor operated. These valves can be used
either for on/off or flow control. A pneumatic flow control valve is also equipped with a
positioner who transforms the control signal into actuator position and valve opening

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 182 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

There are ball valves with swimming ball (floating ball) or with a guided ball (trunnion ball).
A trunnion ball valve has a mechanical means of anchoring the ball at the top and the
bottom, this design is usually applied on larger and higher pressure valves.

Figure 6.17.2.-2:  Ball valve with „floating“ ball Figure 6.17.2.-3:  Trunnion type ball valve
The process medium can flow through the Ball Valve in both directions when the valve is
completely open.
The ball with its cylindrical passage rotates around the middle axis. Over the trunnion
which is located underneath the ball, the ball is double-guided. The rotary angle of the ball
determines the flow rate over the free area between the body and the ball channel. When
the valve is fully open, the entire cross-section is released.
The top end of the stem is fitted with a lever. It can optionally fitted with a pneumatic rotary
actuator or manual gear.
Note: The ball valve can also be used for throttling service. Please refer to the Data Sheet
for further instructions in this case.
Note: Before using the ball valve in hazardous areas, check whether this is possible acc.
to ATEX 94/9/EC. See Operating Instructions.

There are three general types of ball valves according to bore:

„„ A full port or more commonly known full bore ball valve. The drilling in the ball has
the same inside diameter as the attached pipe. Through this lower friction losses are
„„ In reduced port or more commonly known reduced bore ball valves, flow through the
valve is one pipe size smaller than the valve's pipe size resulting in flow area becoming
lesser than pipe.
„„ A V-port ball valve has either a "V" shaped ball or a "V" shaped seat. This allows the
orifice to be opened and closed in a more controlled manner with a closer to linear flow
characteristic. When the valve is in the closed position and opening is commenced
the small end of the '"V" is opened first allowing stable flow control during this stage.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 183 of 322

6.17.3.  Ball valves seat ring and gasket principles:

Floating ball Floating ball single side cup

„„ The ball "swims" by the medium spring loaded
pressure. „„ The ball "swims" by the medium
pressure. The seat ring on the
„„ Seatring live-loaded at one side
side of the initial walks.
(pressure exit side).
„„ Insulation on the pressure
„„ Twin function of the seat rings, the entrance and exit side.
gasket and the bearing.
„„ Twin function of the seat rings,
gasket and bearing.
Figure 6.17.3.-1:  Floating ball and Floating ball single cup spring loaded

Trunnion ball double side cup spring loaded

„„ The ball axis is fixated.
„„ Insulation on the pressure initial side by medium pressure and spring force.
„„ Separation from bearing task and gasket task.
Figure 6.17.3.-2:  Trunnion ball double side cup spring loaded

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 184 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Seat rings for Ball valves

Series 20a and 20b Series 22a

Cup spring life-loaded PTFE packing: Single side cup spring loaded and covered:
* For low pressure and low temperatures. * For low pressure and increased temperature and
(„bubble-thight version) differential pressure and extended life time.

Series 26a, 26d, 26e, 26s

Cup spring life-loaded PTFE packing: Single side cup spring loaded:
* For low pressure and low temperature by low dif- * For low pressure and increased temperature and
ferential pressure. differential pressure.

Series 26l, t, and v

Not cup spring loaded but covered: Double side cup spring loaded and covered:
* For low pressure and increased temperature and * For high pressure and increased
differential pressure and extended life time. Temperature and extended life time.
Figure 6.17.3.-3:  Ball Valve seat rings; * see P-T - Diagram and Figure 6.17.3.-7

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 185 of 322

Dynamic Sealing Systems

Series 26 d - Type C

Control shaft

Locking plate

Spring washer

PTFE - ring packing

Cup spring live-loaded packing

Series 20a

Screw Set of spring

Stuffing box
Thrust washer

Pressure ring

V-ring packing

Stem sealing with a cup spring life-loaded PTFE packing.

Spring loaded V-Ring-Packing is the better shaft sealing.
Figure 6.17.3.-4:  Sealing systems

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Page 186 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

These qualities make full bore ball valves - when used in a straight flow path - particularly
suitable for tough, sticky media or fluids loaded with hard particles like slurries or
suspensions. The design principles and body styles are numerous.
For simple ON-OFF applications, the ball normally carries a slit or another form-locking
connection with the drive shaft. A small backlash is, for those services, usually acceptable
Figure 6.17.2.-3.
Hardened surface for metal sealing systems
Low tear and wear approx. 70 HRC1
„„ High abrasion resistance
„„ Extended temperature resistance
-10 °C to 550 °C, 14 to 1022 °F
„„ Low leakage due to lapped surfaces
„„ DN 15 to DN 300, NPS ½ to 12
„„ PN 10 to PN 160 , Class 150 to 900
„„ Thickness approx. 0,2 mm
„„ Special hardening available
Figure 6.17.3.-5:  Hardened surface for metal sealing systems

The body of ball valves is usually split in the direction of the main axis and closed by
a bonnet flange through which the ball, including the shaft, can be assembled Figure
6.17.3.-5. One can distinguish between ball valves with a “floating” ball and a ball guided
by two trunnions, the so-called trunnion type ball valve. A disadvantage of the “floating”
ball valve is the high friction at large nominal sizes and high pressure differentials. These
require very high drive torques.
With trunnion type ball valves, the friction radius and the required torque is reduced, but
this is achieved at the expense of the maximum permitted differential pressure Figure


Figure 6.17.3.-6:  Trunnion type ball valve

1 HRC = Rockwell hardness - C, Test with diamond cone

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 187 of 322

Pressure -Temperature diagram

Ball valves of stainless steel or precious metal

NPS ½ to 1
580 psi
DN 15 to 25
40 bar
NPS 1½ to 2
DN 40 to 50

NPS 6 to 20
440 psi
30 bar
DN 150 to 500

NPS 2½ to 4
DN 65 to 100

290 psi
20 bar

NPS 6 to 8
DN 150 to 200

145 psi
10 bar

0 psi
0 bar
- 4 °F 32 °F 104 °C 176 °C 248 °C 320 °C 392 °C T
- 20 °C 0 °C 40 °C 80 °C 120 °C 160 °C 200 °C

Black curves:
Tight-closing ball valve of stainless steel for aggressive media, especially with high
process demand in chemical plants.
Red curve:
Tight-closing ball valve produced from anti-corrosive material for heavy duty service,
especially for high process demand in chemical plants.
Figure 6.17.3.-7:  Pressure -Temperature diagram for stainless steel or precious metal

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 188 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Selection table for Ball Valves Series BR 26; T = 200 °C

Overview Ball Valves up to T = 200 °C (soft sealed)

DN PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40 PN 63 PN 100 PN 160
20 BR 26a
BR 26d
Type A and Type C
BR 26e
350 BR 26s and BR 26e Special

Overview Ball Valves up to T = 200 °C (soft sealed)

NPS 150 lbs 300 lbs 600 lbs 900 lbs 1500 lbs
BR 26a

1½ BR 26c
2 Type A and Type C
2½ BR 26e
14 BR 26s and BR 26e Special

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 189 of 322

Overview Ball Valves up to T = 400 °C (metallic sealed)

DN PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40 PN 63 PN 100 PN 160
20 BR 26a
BR 26e
350 BR 26s; BR 26e Special

Overview Ball Valves up to T = 400 °C (metallic sealed)

NPS 150 lbs 300 lbs 600 lbs 900 lbs 1500 lbs

1½ BR 26a
2½ BR 26e
BR 26s; BR 26e
14 Special

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 190 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.17.4.  Additional equipment and add-on pieces:

Limit switches For the control valves, the following
accessories are available either
individually or in combination:
„„ Extension to stem
(100 mm, standard)
Pneumatic actuator
„„ Pneumatic or electric quarter-turn
„„ Positioner
(with optional control ball valve)
„„ Limit switches
„„ Solenoid valves
„„ Filter regulator
Solenoid valve
Further accessories are available on
request for customer specifications.

Figure 6.17.4.-1:  For example Ball Valve Series 26d

Ball valve Series 26d alternatively in the following
„„ Ball valve with hand-lever (DN 150 with gear
„„ Ball valve with gear-operated actuator.
„„ Ball valve with pneumatic quarter-turn actuator.

Special designs:
„„ Safety stem seal.
„„ Fire-safe version with test certificate according to
British Standard B.S. 6755 Part 2.
„„ Heating jacket, stainless steel with various
„„ Flange versions acc. to DIN EN 1092. Figure 6.17.4.-2:  Ball valve
Series 26d with heating jacket
„„ Control ball valve due to characteristic seatring
(For details see respective data sheet).

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 191 of 322

Forged steel ball valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 192 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.17.5.  Forged steel Ball Valves produced by Company Starline Spa

Starline SpA (Member of SAMSON Group) has grown to be one of the leading companies
in the production of Forged Ball Valves in the world.
Since origin the target of the Company was to manufacture a quality product using of
Forged components and qualified high level suppliers for all the soft parts (seats-seals)
most of which were specifically developed according to Starline design requirements.
Starline developed new products for critical applications such as Cryogenic Valves and
Metal to Metal and increased the production range to cover size till NPS 10 on all the
pressure ratings.
Result was a sensitive increase on produced quantities, turnover and introduction and
qualification with all the most recognized worldwide Companies.
The factory extends on an area of 9000 square meters and the production capacity raise
to 300.000 valves per year.
All the used materials are mandatory produced in West Europe (all the forging companies
are located in Italy).
The factory located in Bergamo, 40 km North of Milan, is not only Office Headquarter,
but also the one and only production facility. Design of all the products, stock of raw and
machined parts, control of all the incoming material (dimensional, chemical analysis, non
destructive examinations), assembly, testing and preparation for shipment concentrate
here. This permits to the organization a full control an all the aspects of the production
and the processes.

Figure 6.17.5.-1:  Assembly

Thanks to high quality standard and important supplies an the largest worldwide projects,
Starline year by year has grown his qualification into the leading companies in the Oil &
Gas field, Shipyards, LNG, and Energy.
This process is in continuing update and development.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 193 of 322


Company & Product Approvals


Customer Approvals

Many other approvals and certificates such as but not limited to PED, ATEX, FUGITIVE
EMISSION NAVAL TYPE APPROVAL, DNV, CRYOGENIC are available an their latest
issue on our WEB PAGE http://www.starline.it "news and quality & Certification" area.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 194 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles


Standard N.2
„„ Three pieces floating ball valves ISO 5211, TA-LUFT
„„ Size Range: NPS ¼ to 1½ full bore, NPS ½ to 2 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F136
„„ CLASS 150 to 800 Lbs, PN 16 to PN 100,1000 to 2000 WOG

Master STAR N.3

„„ Three pieces floating ball valves
„„ Size range: NPS ¼ to 1½ full bore, NPS ½ to 2 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 800 Lbs, PN 16 to PN 100, 1000 to 2000

Super STAR N. 1
„„ Three pieces floating ball valves "FIRE SAFE", ISO 5211,
„„ Size range: NPS ¼ to 3 full bore, NPS ½ to 4 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 900 Lbs - PN 16 to PN 160,
1000 to 2200 WOG

Split STAR N. 7
„„ Split body floating ball valves
„„ Size range: NPS ½ to 6 full bore, NPS 6, 8 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 300 Lbs, PN 10 to PN 40

Three and four ways N. 8-9

„„ Three and four ways floating ball valves, ISO 5211
„„ Size range: NPS ¼ to 2½ full bore, NPS ½ to 3 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 600 Lbs, PN 10 to PN 40, 1000 to 1440 WOG

Figure 6.17.5.-2:  Forged Valves - Low-Medium Pressure

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 195 of 322

Forged Valves - HIGH PRESSURE

Threaded STAR N. T1
„„ Three pieces floating ball valves screwed construction
„„ Size range: NPS ¼ to 3 full bore, NPS ½ to 4 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified,
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 1500 Lbs, PN 16 to PN 250,
1000 to 3600 WOG
Mega STAR N. 6
„„ Three pieces floating ball valves
„„ Size range: NPS ¼ to 1½ full bore, NPS ½ to 2 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 800 Lbs, PN 16 to PN 100,
1000 to 2000 WOG
Ultra STAR N. 0
„„ Three pieces floating ball valves
„„ Size range: NPS ¼ to 3 full bore, NPS ½ to 4 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified Stainless steel
ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 900 Lbs, PN 16 to PN 160,
1000 to 2200 WOG
Seal welded FLOATING
„„ Two pieces "seal welded" floating ball metal seated in
accordance with KN 251-005
„„ Specific for gas storage
„„ Size range: NPS ½, 1, 2 full bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105 (C22.8)
„„ CLASS 600, 1500 Lbs, PN100, PN250, 1440 to 3600 WOG
Seal Welded TRUNNION
„„ Three pieces "seal welded" trunnion mounted ball valves
„„ Size: NPS ½ to 4 full bore, NPS ¾ to 6 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316 and special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 2500 Lbs, PN 16 to PN420,
1000 to 6000 WOG
API 3000 - 5000 - 10000
„„ API 3000 - 5000 - 10000 "FIRE SAFE", ISO 5211
New line of valves according to API 6A
„„ Trunnion mounted
„„ All materials available
„„ Contact factory to have more details an this valve design

Figure 6.17.5.-3:  Forged Valves - High Pressure

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 196 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles


Metal to metal FLOATING
„„ Two pieces bolted construction floating ball for high
temperature or abrasive service
„„ Size range: NPS ½ to 2 full bore NPS ¾ to 3 reduced bare
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified,
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316,
Alloy steel F22 and other special materials
„„ AVAILABLE COATINGS: chrome carhide, tungsten carbide
„„ CLASS 150 to 800 LBS, PN16 to PN100,
1000 to 2000 WOG
Metal to metal TRUNNION
„„ Three pieces bolted constrtiction trunnion mounted for high
temperature or abrasive service
„„ Size range: NPS ½ to 10 full bore, NPS ¾ to 12 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless steel ASTM A182 F316,
Alloy steel F22 and other special materials
„„ AVAILABLE COATINGS: chrome carbide - tungsten carbide
„„ CLASS 150 to 2500 LBS, PN16 to PN420,
1000 to 6000 WOG
„„ Two pieces bolted construction floating ball for cryogenic
service LLRR certified to BS6364
„„ Size range: NPS ½ to 4 full bore, NPS ¾ to 6 reduced bore
„„ Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F316 and other special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 1500 LBS, PN16 to PN250,
1000 to 3000 WOG

„„ Three pieces bolted construction trunnion mounted
„„ Size range: NPS ½ to 10 full bore, NPS ¾ to 12 reduced bore
„„ Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F316 and other special materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 2500 LBS, PN16 to PN420,
1000 to 6000 WOG


„„ Two pieces bolted construction, floating or trunnion mounted
with drain needle valve
„„ Size range: NPS ½ to 10 full bore, NPS ¾ to 12 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F316, and ALLOY materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 2500 LBS, PN16 to PN420,
1000 to 6000 WOG
„„ Three pieces bolted construction, floating or trunnion
mounted with dran needle valve
„„ Size range: NPS ½ to 10 full bore, NPS ¾ to 12 reduced bore
„„ Carbon steel ASTM A105/LF2 dual certified
Stainless Steel ASTM A182 F316, and ALLOY materials
„„ CLASS 150 to 2500 LBS, PN16 to PN420,
1000 to 6000 WOG
Figure 6.17.5.-4:  Forged Valves - Special Services

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 197 of 322  Floating

There are many different Starline models to cover the range of floating valves:
With this large selection of models we shall cover range between NPS ¼ - 8 and pressure
ratings from 150 to 2500 lbs** (**class 900/1500 up to NPS 2 class 2500 up to NPS 1).
Within this range we shall offer any kind of end connection (screwed, welded - long and
short - flanged ASME or DIN) and soft seat/seals material (Virgin or Reinforced PTFE,
Nylon, Delrin, Peek, Kel’f, Vespel, UHMWPE - O-rings in VITON (Aed,Glt) - Elast-o-lion,
Chemraz, Kalrez, Aflas etc.).
We have also a special line of Metal seated valves for abrasive and high temperature
applications and one line of Cryogenic valves.

Figure  Cryogenic test - High temperature test

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 198 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

FLOATING - Low medium pressure


„„ Three pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ¼ to 2
„„ Pressure classes up to 800 Lbs - PN100
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation
„„ Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1

Flanged Connection:

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE and Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25
(Different schedules available).

Figure 6.17.5.-6:  FLOATING - Low medium pressure Type STANDARD

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 199 of 322

FLOATING - Low medium pressure


„„ Three pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ¼ to 2
„„ Pressure classes up to 800 Lbs - PN100
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.

Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 300
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40-63

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE and Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25
(Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-7:  FLOATING - Low medium pressure Type MASTERSTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 200 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

FLOATING - Low medium pressure


„„ Three pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ¼ to 4
„„ Pressure classes up to 900 Lbs - PN 150
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Encapsulated soft seats
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150 up to NPS 4 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 300 up to NPS 4 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 600 up to NPS 3 RB
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40 up to NPS 4 RB
„„ Flanged to DIN PN100 up to NPS 3 RB

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE and Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25
(Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-8:  FLOATING - Low medium pressure Type SUPERSTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 201 of 322

FLOATING - High pressure


„„ Three pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ¼ to 2
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - 415 bar
„„ Full bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Encapsulated soft seats
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIAL available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.

Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 2500 up to NPS 1 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 1500 up to NPS 2 RB
„„ Flanged to DIN PN250 - 420 up to NPS 1 RB
„„ Flanged to DINPN250 up to NPS 2 RB

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25
(Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-9:  FLOATING - High pressure Type MEGASTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 202 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

FLOATING - Monobloc seal welded


„„ Three pieces screwed floating construction, seal welded on request.
„„ Size range from NPS ¼ to 4
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - 5000 PSI
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Encapsulated soft seats
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150 up to NPS 4 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 300 up to NPS 4 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 600 up to NPS 4 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 900 up to NPS 2½ RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 1500 up to NPS 1 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 2500 up to NPS 1 RB
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE and Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25
(Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-10:  FLOATING - Monobloc seal welded Type THREADED STAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 203 of 322

FLOATING - Multiport

„„ Mutiport bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from ¼" to 3"
„„ Pressure classes up to 600 Lbs - PN 100
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ 4 Encapsulated soft seats that support the ball
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe design on external direction
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.

Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150 up to NPS 3 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 300 up to NPS 3 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 600 up to NPS 1¼ RB
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40 up to NPS 3 RB

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE and Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25
(Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-11:  FLOATING - Multiport Type THREE & FOUR WAY

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 204 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

FLOATING - Split body construction


„„ Two pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 8
„„ Pressure classes up to 300 Lbs - PN 40
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Encapsulated soft seats
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.

Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150 up to NPS 8 RB
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 300 up to NPS 6 RB
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40 up to NPS 6 RB
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25 up to NPS 8 RB

Welded or Screwed Connections:

Figure 6.17.5.-12:  FLOATING - Split body construction Type SPLITSTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 205 of 322

FLOATING - Cryogenic service


„„ Two pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 6
„„ Pressure classes up to 800 Lbs - PN 100
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Soft seats spring energized
„„ Antistatic device
„„ One piece solid extended bonnet
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material SS 304 and 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 – API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150-300-600
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40-63-100
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-13:  FLOATING - Cryogenic service Type CRYOSTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 206 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

FLOATING - Metal seated


„„ Two pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 3
„„ Pressure classes up to 800 Lbs - PN 100
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Metal to metal Construction
„„ No O-ring (metal + graphite design)
„„ Seats spring energized
„„ Ball/Seats hardened with Tungsten Carbide or Chrome Carbide (HVOF Process)
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.

Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150-300-600
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40-63-100

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-14:  FLOATING - Metal seated Type METALSTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 207 of 322

FLOATING - Double block and bleed Single block and bleed


„„ Two/Three pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 4
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Soft Seated - Encapsulated seats
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ This model is designed with special long body including two balls and one needle
valve (Double Block and Bleed - DBB) or one ball and one needle valve (single block
and bleed - SBB)
„„ The needle valve on request shall be replaced by another ball valve used as drain
(multiport style).
„„ End caps shall be used in different executions and sizes (for example one side flanged
NPS 2 and one side NPS ½ screwed)
Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150-300-600
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-15:  FLOATING - Double block and bleed Single block and bleed

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 208 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles  Trunnion

Type ULTRASTAR is Starline Trunnion mounted valve design.

Range of Ultrastar cover sizes from ½" to 12" on ratings 150 - 2500lbs.
On this valve design we also have a special execution according to API 6A on pressure
ratings API 3000 - 5000 - 10000PSI.
Main features of this construction are:
Double seal soft insert seats automatic relieving in case of body over pressuring
Double block and bleed
High integrity shut-off at low and high pressure
Floating seats spring energized

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 209 of 322

TRUNNION - Bolted construction


„„ Three pieces bolted construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs – PN 420
„„ Soft Seated (PTFE-NYLON-PEEK-KEL’F)
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.

Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-17:  TRUNNION - Bolted costruction Type ULTRASTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 210 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

TRUNNION - Seal welded construction


„„ Three pieces screwed construction - seal welded
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - 420 bar
„„ Soft Seated (PTFE-NYLON-PEEK-KEL’F)
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.

Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available
Figure 6.17.5.-18:  TRUNNION - Seal welded construction Type ULTRASTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 211 of 322

TRUNNION - Metal seated - Abrasive service


„„ Three pieces bolted or screwed (seal welded) construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Ball/Seats Hardened with Tungsten Carbide or Chrome Carbide (HVOF Process)
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
„„ Leakage Rate ANSI/FCI 70-2 CLASS VI
Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 to 2500Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available
Figure 6.17.5.-19:  Metal seated - Abrasive service Type ULTRASTAR - TRUNNION

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 212 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

TRUNNION - Metal seated - High temperature service


„„ Three pieces bolted or screwed (seal welded) construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Ball/Seats Hardened with Chrome Carbide (HVOF Process)
- Special construction with metal and Graphite packing - No o-rings.
„„ Service up to 700°C
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available (Including F9, F11, Inconel 625 for very high
temperature). Material selection depending on service and temperature.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 – ASME B31.1
„„ API6D – API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
„„ Leakage Rate ANSI/FCI 70-2 CLASS VI
Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500 Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-20:  TRUNNION - Metal seated - High temperature service Type ULTRASTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 213 of 322

TRUNNION - Metal seated - Cryogenic design


„„ Three pieces bolted or screwed construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted construction
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Metal Seats + Soft insert (PTFE-PEEK-KEL’F)
„„ Special o-ring Design with Low temp materials and/or Lip Seal
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material S.S. 304 and 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
„„ Lloyd’s Register Testing to BS 6364
Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500 Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS 21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-21:  TRUNNION - Metal seated - Cryogenic design Type ULTRASTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 214 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

TRUNNION - Double block and bleed twin valve


„„ Three pieces bolted construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Soft Seated (PTFE-NYLON-PEEK-KEL’F)
„„ Metal Seated - Ball/Seats hardened with Tungsten Carbide or Chrome Carbide
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material C.S. A105-LF2 and S.S. 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 – ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-22:  Type TWIN ULTRASTAR - TRUNNION
Double block and bleed twin valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 215 of 322  Special Valves

In the course of the latest years Starline has developed several products intended for use
on very critical applications, such as low temperature (till -196°C) abrasive applications and
very high temperature (till +700°C) applications. These special valves, like CRYOSTAR,
METALSTAR and TWINSTAR, are available in all possible existing materials and
configurations and they cover the complete Starline Range, both as regards sizes and
pressure. Due to the importance and critical services which they are meant for, we have
carried out several tests on these valves in order to check their performance under severe
We have also at disposal in-house instruments for repeating such tests on the Customer’s
For example, we carried out Cryogenic tests as certified by Lloyd’s Register, according
to BS6364, Fugitive emission tests according to Shell and TUV standard, Cycling tests in
temperature and long cycle performance tests according to EN161-264.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 216 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

SPECIAL VALVES - Double block and bleed single block and bleed

„„ Two/Three pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 4
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Soft Seated - Encapsulated seats
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.

Design & Certification:

Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150 to 2500 Lbs
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available)..
Figure 6.17.5.-24:  Type TWINSTAR - SPECIAL VALVES
Double block and bleed single block and bleed

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 217 of 322

SPECIAL VALVES - Double block and bleed single block and bleed

„„ Three pieces bolted construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Soft Seated (PTFE-NYLON-PEEK-KEL’F)
„„ Metal Seated - Ball/Seats hardened with Tungsten Carbide or Chrome Carbide
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 – ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500 Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:

Figure 6.17.5.-25:  Type TWIN ULTRASTAR - SPECIAL VALVES

Double block and bleed single block and bleed

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 218 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

SPECIAL VALVES - Metal seated


„„ Two pieces bolted floating construction
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 3
„„ Pressure classes up to 800 Lbs - PN 100
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Metal to metal Construction
„„ No O-ring (metal + graphite design)
„„ Seats spring energized
„„ Ball/Seats hardened with Tungsten Carbide or Chrome Carbide (HVOF Process)
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1 - API6D
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR 0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607- API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
Flanged Connection:
„„ Flanged to ASME B16.5 class 150-300-600 Lbs
„„ Flanged to DIN PN16-25-40-63-100
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available)
Figure 6.17.5.-26:  SPECIAL VALVES - Metal seated Type METALSTAR

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 219 of 322

SPECIAL VALVES - Metal seated


„„ Three pieces bolted or screwed (seal welded) construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Ball/Seats Hardened with Tungsten Carbide or Chrome Carbide (HVOF Process)
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
„„ Leakage Rate ANSI/FCI 70-2 CLASS VI
Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500 Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-27:  SPECIAL VALVES - Metal seated Type ULTRASTAR - ABRASIVE SERVICE

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 220 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

SPECIAL VALVES - Metal seated


„„ Three pieces bolted or screwed (seal welded) construction
„„ Trunnion Mounted
„„ Size range from NPS ½ to 12
„„ Pressure classes up to 2500 Lbs - PN 420
„„ Ball/Seats Hardened with Chrome Carbide (HVOF Process) -
„„ Special construction with metal and Graphite packing - No O-rings.
„„ Service up to 700°C
„„ Full or reduced bore
„„ Anti blow out proof stem design
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Top ISO 5211 for easy automation.
„„ Standard Material CS A105-LF2 and SS 316
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIALS available (Including F9. F11, Inconel 625 for very high
„„ Material selection depending on service and temperature.
Design & Certification:
„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1
„„ API6D - API6A
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request.
„„ Leakage Rate ANSI/FCI 70-2 CLASS VI
Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 150 TO 2500Lbs
„„ DIN PN 16-25-40-63-100-250-420
Welded or Screwed Connections:
„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ BSPP or BSPT to BS21
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available).
Figure 6.17.5.-28:  SPECIAL VALVES - Metal seated - Type ULTRASTAR - HIGH TEMPERATURE

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 221 of 322

SPECIAL VALVES - Gas storage


„„ One piece seal welded body
„„ Floating ball double block
„„ Primary seal METAL TO METAL
„„ Secondary seal Vulcanized Viton or Nbr
„„ Pressure safe cover for the stem to prevent any leakage.
„„ Antistatic device
„„ Available on three typical sizes ½" - 1" - 2"
„„ Class ASME 600 and 1500Lbs (PN100 – PN250)
„„ Standard Material C.S. A105-LF2
„„ All SPECIAL MATERIAL available.

Design & Certification:

„„ ASME B16.34 - ASME B31.1
„„ P.E.D. 97/23/EC - ATEX 94/9 CE
„„ NACE MR0175 Latest Edition
„„ Fire Safe API 607 - API 6FA - BS 6755 Part.2
„„ Ruhrgas specification KN251-005
„„ Standard certification UNI EN 10204 type 3.1, 3.2 available on request

Flanged Connection:
„„ ASME B16.5 CLASS 600 and 1500Lbs
„„ DIN PN 100 and 250

Welded or Screwed Connections:

„„ NPT to ASME B1 20.1
„„ Integral Nipples SW-BW-PE to ASME B16.11/B16.25 (Different schedules available)..

Figure 6.17.5.-29:  SPECIAL VALVES - Gas storage Type RUHRGAS

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 222 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.17.6.  Ball Valves with PTFE or PFA lining

BR 20a

BR 20z

BR 20b
BR 20c

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 223 of 322

Ball Valve Series BR 20, 21 and 23

PTFE-lined or PFA-lined Ball Valves

Type BR 20a/z BR 20b BR 20c BR 21a BR 23e

Standard DIN     
version ANSI   
-10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C -10 to 200 °C
14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F 14 to 392 °F
DN 15 to 200 15 to 100 25 to 50 50 to 150 25, 50, 80
Nominal sizes
NPS ½ to 8 2 to 6 1, 2, 3
Nominal PN 16 16 16 16 16
pressure Class 150 150 150
Characteristic On-Off On-Off On-Off On-Off -
Live-loaded Live-loaded Live-loaded Live-loaded Live-loaded
Stuffing box packing
PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring PTFE V-ring
EN-JS 1049 EN-JS 1049 EN-JS 1049 EN-JS 1049 EN-JS 1049
(GGG 40.3) (GGG 40.3) (GGG 40.3) (GGG 40.3) (GGG 40.3)
Ball 1.4313 / 1.4313 / 1.4313 / 1.4313 / 1.4313 /
with PTFE - casing 1.4317 1.4317 1.4317 1.4317 1.4317
Leakage rate A acc. to DIN
EN 12266-1, P12 A A A A A
(Leakage rate 1 BO acc. to (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
DIN 3230 Part 3)
EX-Zone 0 EX-Zone 0 EX-Zone 0 EX-Zone 0 EX-Zone 0
possible possible possible possible possible
Hand-lever or
    
Gear-operated actuators
Pneumatic and electric
    

Valve pictures

DIN FTF acc. to DIN EN 558-1, Series 1 /

Face to face dimensions
ANSI FTF acc. to DIN EN 558-2, Series 37
Flange groove acc. to DIN EN 1092-2,
Connection / Flanges DIN ISO 5211
Form B1
Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Accessories Accessories are available on request for customer specifications
Technical data For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.17.6.-1:  PTFE-lined or PFA-lined Ball Valves

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Page 224 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.17.7.  Universal material PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)

In chemistry, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a
synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene
which finds numerous applications.
Although a material employed for almost all media,
PTFE is particularly resistant against chlorine and
its compounds.
PTFE has been the first choice for the lined valves,
especially with chlorine applications. Further
fluoroplastics such as linings of PFA may also be
In case of permeation, a greater wall thickness
means everything.
As low-molecular media, such as chlorine in
fluoroplastics, have a tendency to permeate and
as influence factors such as density, crystallinity,
cross-linking etc. are extremely difficult to vary,
a greater wall thickness is the most economic
In order to fulfil the conditions concerning tightness
to the atmosphere, our dynamic seals such as a
maintenance-free cup spring live-loaded PTFE
packing or the PTFE bellows in the standard
version are ideally suited.
In order to fulfil the conditions concerning tightness
to the atmosphere, the dynamic seals such as a
maintenance-free cup spring live-loaded PTFE
Figure 6.17.7.-1:  Diffusion and Permeation

Figure 6.17.7.-2:  PTFE and PFA powder

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 225 of 322

PTFE = Polytetrafluorethylen

PFA = Perfluoralkoxy




6.17.8.  PTFE and PFA lining procedure

„„ Isostatic Pressing
Hot isostatic pressing use a part of a sintering (powder metallurgy) process. Sintering is
a method for making objects from powder, by heating the material in a sintering furnace
below its melting point (solid state sintering) until its particles adhere to each other.
„„ Transfer moulding
Transfer molding, is a process where the amount of molding material (usually a thermoset
plastic) is measured and inserted before the molding takes place. The molding material is
preheated and loaded into a chamber known as the pot. A plunger is then used to force
the material from the pot through channels known as a sprue and runner system into
the mold cavities. The mold remains closed as the material is inserted and is opened to
release the part from the sprue and runner. The mold walls are heated to a temperature
above the melting point of the mold material; this allows a faster flow of material through
the cavities.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 226 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

PTFE lining procedure

Isostatic pressing PTFE

Stage 1 Internal machining with corresponding
Computerized Numerical Control (CNC)

PTFE Filling
Stage 2 Flexible tubes keep the PTFE-powder,
carefully hand filled, between body and

Isostatic pressing at approx. 275 bar
Stage 3 gives the PTFE-powder a proper shape.
Flexible Membrane

Stage 4 After isostatic pressing the lining has
to be pre-machined to be prepared for

Stage 5 Sintering at approx. 390°C for a period
of almost 15 hours.

Stage 6 Finishing to realize required dimensions,
after sintering.

Figure 6.17.8.-1:  Isostatic Pressing PTFE (schematic)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 227 of 322

PFA lining procedure

Transfer moulding PFA

Stage 1 Internal machining with corresponding
Computerized Numerical Control (CNC)

Stage 2 PFA-granulate will be heated up and
melted in a cylinder.

Melted PFA will be pressed with approx.
Stage 3
280 bar between tool and body
(Lining thickness 3 mm).

To achieve a homogenous bubble free
cast lining, the unit will be cooled parallel
Stage 4
with air and water, still hold under
Period: approx. 15 Minutes.

The result is a completely finished unit
Stage 5
without any request for further finishing

Figure 6.17.8.-2:  Transfer moulding PFA (schematic)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 228 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Figure 6.17.8.-3:  Cup spring live-loaded packing for PFA-lined ball valve

Benefits of sealing systems loaded by spring washers:

„„ Maintenance-free and self-adjusting
„„ Two active seat rings
„„ Highest level of sealing effectiveness, even when pressure and temperature deviate
„„ Longer service life
„„ Low torque increase with increasing temperature. Due to this, smaller actuators are
required for automation
„„ Lower torque at higher differential pressures
„„ All in all: extremely economical!

Ball valves on request also available:

„„ Metal seated
„„ Soft seated
„„ Fire Safe
„„ Special material
„„ With heating jacket
„„ High temperature version

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 229 of 322

6.17.9.  Shaft Sealing – Fire-Safe

Additional to the standard design:

Graphite sealing at the Top-Flange

Body sealing - Fire-safe

„„ 2 Sealing-System
„„ PTFE sealing in contact with fluid
„„ Graphite to cover the Fire-Safe
Figure 6.17.9.-1:  Shaft sealing for Ball Valve Type 26d

„„ Protected DIN-ISO Top-Flange
„„ The fluid will never get in contact with Graphite
„„ Double shaft sealing PTFE & Graphite
„„ Low emission packing acc. TA-Luft
„„ PTFE V-Ring Packing, spring loaded, self-adjustable
„„ Two shaft bearings
„„ More than 7500 Ball Valves in using at company BASF AG world-wide.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 230 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Pressure -Temperature diagram

Ball valves with PTFE lining

Ball valves with PFA lining

Figure 6.17.9.-2:  Pressure -Temperature diagram for PTFE - lining above and PFA - lining below

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 231 of 322

6.17.10.  Principle of operation of ball valves series 20a

The ball valves of series 20a permit full flow through the valve in both directions.
11 12 7 10 8 9 13

1 2 4 6 5 3 1
Figure 6.17.10.-1:  Ball Valve Series 20a (schematic)

The ball (2) with its cylindrical passage rotates around the middle axis. The opening angle
of the ball determines the flow through the free area between the body (1) and passage.
When the ball valve is opened, the entire profile is available.
The stem is externally equipped with a hand-lever (13). Optionally, a pneumatic quarter-
turn actuator can be fitted.
The sealing of the ball (2) inside the PTFE lined body is provided by exchangeable
seatrings (3).
The ball stem is sealed by a maintenance-free live-loaded PTFE - V-ring packing (4). The
live-loading is carried out by cup springs positioned above the packing.
Pos. Description Pos. Description
1 Body and lining 8 Thrust washer
2 Ball with coating 9 Set of spring washers
3 Set of seatrings 10 Bearing bushing
4 Screw 11 Stuffing box
5 Nut 12 Screw
6 Spring washer 13 Hand-lever
7 V-ring packing
Table 6.17.10.-2:  Parts list

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 232 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.17.11.  Calibrated sealing rings for Series BR 20 and BR 26 Ball Valves

Seat ring with control characteristic
The process medium flows through the ball valve in the direction indicated by the arrow,
against the sealing ring. The special design of the sealing ring allows the medium to be

Figure 6.17.11.-1:  Example of a ball valve

Figure 6.17.11.-2:  Calibrated sealing ring

For control tasks with small pressure drops and high flow rates. Optional calibrated sealing
ring versions are available for the following Pfeiffer ball valves:
„„ Series 20a PTFE-lined Ball Valves
„„ Series 20b PFA-lined Ball Valves
„„ Series 26a Precious Metal Ball Valves
„„ Series 26d Stainless Steel Ball Valves
Calibrated sealing rings for other valves are available on request.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 233 of 322

6.17.12.  V-Ball Valves

V-Ball Valve Characteristics

ON-Off and throttle function
Linear characteristic
without characteristic

Square characteristic

Figure 6.17.12.-1:  V-Ball Valve Characteristics

V-Ball Valves
Pro Contra
„„ Very high Cv-Value „„ High friction ≧ high wear
„„ Almost free of dead corner „„ Not suitable for abrasive media
„„ Free flow path „„ No noise attenuation
„„ Tight shut off „„ Only for low delta p
„„ Low profile „„ Limited temperature range
„„ Linear or equal-percentage characteristic
„„ Suitable for fibrous materials
Table 6.17.12.-2:  V-Ball Pro and Contra

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Page 234 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Flow characteristics

Modified Equal
Style On-Off Linear Equal
Linear percentage
Globe valve Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rotary plug
Function Yes Yes No No
V-Ball valve Function Yes Yes Yes Yes
Function Yes No
Ball valve Function No No Yes Yes


i c
e r ist
80 ract
tic a
ris ch
70 e e ar



60 di

Cv / Cv100 %






40 e nt
rc t

tic e r is
ris lp te
30 acte q ua r a c
ar de c ha
ch difie e
ar Mo tag
20 Lin
e cen

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Globe and rotary valve opening %

Figure 6.17.12.-3:  Flow characteristics for Globe and Rotary Valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 235 of 322

Ball Valves

Pro Contra
„„ Suitable for control only with reduced
„„ Very high Cv - values
Cv100; reduced bore
„„ Free flow path ≧ suitable for
„„ Fixed inherent characteristic
PIC-cleaning systems
„„ Expensive design for large diameters
„„ Tight shut-off
and high ∆p ≧ double guided balls
„„ Low profile „„ Expensive noise attenuation
Table 6.17.12.-4:  Ball Valve - Pro and Contra

Cv turn Flow (Cv) inherent

Style Manipulated reaction
down ratio characteristic
Globe Linear, modified or High characteristic quality and
valve Equal percentage low hysteresis.
The installed flow characteristic
tends automatically to the equal
percentage characteristic form
50:1 Quick opening or
in case of high viscosity and
Micro-flow Smaller than Linear or
laminar flow.
valve 50 : 1 with Equal percentage
(Lower Reynolds-number)
Cv ≤ 0.12 with Cv ≥ 0.012
Therefore only linear
valve characteristics are
Modified (linear) Do not oversize if valve authority
Rotary plug Equal percentage < 0.15, take care of possible
100:1 to 200:1
valve signal char. higher gain and friction near the
(positioner) available close position.
Do not oversize if valve authority
Butterfly Modified linear or < 0.15, take care of possible
valve Equal percentage higher gain and friction near the
close position.
These valves have higher seat-
ball and stem friction loads near
Equal percentage
the close position.
Ball valve Segmental ball:
For controls care should be
Segment 50:1 modified linear and
taken to suitable Cv100 - values
ball valve modified equal
(not oversized) and actuators
percentage reduced
fitting to the higher system
Cv100 - Values.
Table 6.17.12.-5:  Style - Rangeability - Flow characteristic - Manipulated reaction

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 236 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Price comparison

Globe Valve


Rotary Plug

Rotary Plug
40 Sandwich


Butterfly Valve
25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 400

Diameter mm

Figure 6.17.12.-6:  Price comparison

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valves with rotary stem (shaft) motion Page 237 of 322

Pressure ratings
Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type
26d, 26d, 26l,
Class PN
Type Type 20a 20b 26a 26e 26s 26u t, x, v,
C A and w
DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15
to 150 to 100 to 150 to 100 to 150 to 150 to 500 to 200
125 10
½ to 6 ½ to 4 ½ to 6 ½ to 4 ½ to 6 ½ to 6 ½ to 6 ½ to 8
DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15
to 150 to 100 to 150 to 100 to 150 to 150 to 500 to 200
150 16
½ to 6 ½ to 4 ½ to 6 ½ to 4 ½ to 6 ½ to 6 ½ to 20 ½ to 8
DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 80 DN 15 DN 15
to 100 to 100 to 150 to 150 to 500 to 200
250 25
½ to 4 ½ to 4 ½ to 6 3 to 6 ½ to 20 ½ to 8
DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN 80 DN 15 DN 15
to 100 to 100 to 150 to 150 to 500 to 200
300 40
½ to 4 ½ to 4 ½ to 6 3 to 6 ½ to 20 ½ to 8
DN 15 DN 40 DN 125
to 50 to 150 to 300
400 63
½ to 2 1½ to 6 5 to 12
DN 15 DN 40 DN 150
to 25 to 100 to 300
600 100
½ to 1 1½ to 4 6 to 12
DN 15 DN 40 DN 150
to 25 to 100 to 300
900 160
½ to 1 1½ to 4 6 to 12
DN 15 DN 10 DN 150
to 25 to 25 to 300
1500 250
½ to 1 ⅜ to 1 6 to 12
DN 15 DN 10
to 25 to 25
2500 320
½ to 1 ⅜ to 1
DN 15 DN 10
to 25 to 25
2500 400
½ to 1 ⅜ to 1
Table 6.17.12.-7:  Pressure rating of ball valves

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 238 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.18  Tank Bottom Valves

Many process sequences in the chemical industry require the complete emptying of a
container or tank. This can be done with the help of a special tank bottom valve (Figure
Such a valve should have the following qualities:
„„ A leak-free valve seat,
„„ no clearance volume,
„„ an interface for a pneumatic actuator and
„„ the ability to break any crusts or deposits of the process fluid.

Figure 6.18.-1:  Bottom Drain Ball Valve

Figure 6.18.-2:  Bottom Drain Ball Valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Tank Bottom Valves Page 239 of 322

Bottom Drain Ball Valve with PTFE-lined

Type BR 21a

Tight-closing PTFE-lined drain ball valve for corrosive media, especially with high
process demand in chemical plants. The ball valves fitted with a pneumatic actuator
can be equipped with positioner, solenoid valve and other devices in accordance with
VDI/VDE 3845. Please contact http://www.pfeiffer-armaturen.com for more details.
General technical data Options
„„ Inlet DN 50 up to DN 150 as well as 2“ up to 6“
„„ Special materials
Outlet 50, 80, and 100
„„ PN 10/16 and ANSI Class 150 „„ Double bearing assembly
„„ Valve body made of spheroidal graphite iron with
„„ Heating jacket version
isostatic lining made of white PTFE
„„ Ball material Stainless steel encapsulated in „„ Lining with special PTFE
PTFE compounds
„„ Temperatures -10 to 200 °C
„„ High temperature version
(See Pressure-Temperature diagram)
„„ Two-piece body „„ Metallic sealing system
„„ Exchangeable PTFE seat rings „„ With hand-lever
„„ Ball shaft sealed by a spring-loaded PTFE V-ring
„„ With gear-operated actuator
„„ TA-Luft (German clean air act) equivalent „„ With pneumatic quarter-turn
certification actuator,
Figure 6.18.-3:  Bottom Drain Ball Valve Type BR 21a with PTFE-lined

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 240 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Bottom Drain Ball Valve of stainless steel

Type BR 22a

Non-clogging, tight-closing bottom drain ball valve of stainless steel for corrosive
media, especially suitable for vessels. The ball valves fitted with a pneumatic actuator
can be equipped with positioner, solenoid valve and other devices in accordance with
VDI/VDE 3845. Please contact http://www.pfeiffer-armaturen.com for more details.
General technical data Options
„„ Inlet DN 50 up to DN 200, NPS 2 to 8 „„ Nominal size DN 25, DN 40 and up
Outlet 50, 80, 100, and 150 to DN 300 (NPS 12) available.
„„ PN 10 to PN 40 and ANSI Class 150/300 „„ Pressure rating > PN 160 on request
„„ Body, Ball and Stem in stainless
„„ Two-piece body
steel or special materials
„„ Inclined stem „„ Double bearing assembly
„„ Temperatures up to 200°C „„ High temperature version
„„ Sealing rings in PTFE / TFM
„„ Metallic sealing system
Exchangeable seat rings
„„ Materials: WN 1.4408 / WN 1.4462 / WN
„„ Heating jacket version
„„ Materials: WN 1.4408 / WN 1.4462 / WN „„ With sampling device in stainless
1.4571 steel.
„„ Connecting flanges acc. to ANSI
„„ PTFE - packing
Class 150/300 on request
Figure 6.18.-4:  Bottom Drain Ball Valve Type BR 22a of stainless steel

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Tank Bottom Valves Page 241 of 322

Drain ball valve and samplers of stainless steel in a valve united

Type BR 22a

Tight-closing stainless steel ball valve for corrosive media, especially designed for
demanding applications in chemical plants. The ball valves fitted with a pneumatic
actuator can be equipped with positioner, solenoid valve and other devices in
accordance with VDI/VDE 3845. Please contact http://www.pfeiffer-armaturen.com for
more details.
General technical data Options
„„ Inlet DN 50 up to DN 200, NPS 2 to 8 „„ Nominal size DN 25, DN 40 and up
Outlet 50, 80, 100, and 150 to DN 300 (NPS 12) available.
„„ PN 10 to PN 40 and ANSI Class 150/300 „„ Pressure rating > PN 160 on request
„„ Body, Ball and Stem in stainless
„„ Two-piece body
steel or special materials
„„ Inclined stem „„ Double bearing assembly
„„ Temperatures up to 200°C „„ High temperature version
„„ Sealing rings in PTFE / TFM
„„ Metallic sealing system
Exchangeable seat rings
„„ Materials: WN 1.4408 / WN 1.4462 / WN
„„ Heating jacket version
„„ Materials: WN 1.4408 / WN 1.4462 / WN „„ With sampling device in stainless
1.4571 steel.
„„ Connecting flanges acc. to ANSI
„„ PTFE - packing
Class 150/300 on request
Figure 6.18.-5:  Tank valve Type BR 27h to be placed at the bottom of a container or tank

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 242 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Functional description of Bottom Drain Ball Valve Type BR 22a

During the production process in the

vessel the Bottom Drain Ball Valve
remain closed.

After that the sampling in the

Step intermediate position of the ball of
2 the Bottom Drain Ball Valve and by
opening a ball valve.

At the good results of the sample, the

Step Bottom Drain Ball Valve can empty the
3 vessel and the on-position is completely

Otherwise the Bottom Drain Ball Valve

Step locked and the rehearsal room is washed
4 in the ball valve so that the next sample
is representative again.

Table 6.18.-6:  Functional description of Bottom Drain Ball Valve Type BR 27h

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Segmented ball valve Page 243 of 322

6.19  Segmented ball valve

A further design principle is the spherical segmented
ball valve. In this type the drilled-through ball is
replaced by a spherical segment and a V-shaped
opening profile.
This not only reduces weight and cost, but also
improves rangeability. A considerable disadvantage
of all ball valves with full bore cross-sectional
area, i. e. with a bore diameter which equals the
nominal size of the ball valve, is the restricted
throttling capability. As a matter of fact the pressure
drop takes place by an acceleration of the fluid
at the vena contracta followed by a more or less
abrupt deceleration in the valve body behind the
throttling area. This requires, however, a certain
enlargement of the valve body which is just as
important for obtaining the required throttling effect
as the narrowing at the vena contracta. The missing
expansion volume of ball valve bodies, however, is
a distinct short coming of this valve type except for
very narrow valve openings.

 
  

Figure 6.19.-1:  Segmented ball valve Type 3310 (Cross-sectional view)

In comparison with a full bore ball valve the segmented type offers the required expansion
volume within the valve body Figure 6.19.-1. Instead of a solid ball this type contains a
double guided  and , trunnion like, shell-shaped ball segment with a V-shaped slit
 which is connected to the valve stem  by a form-locking connection . This design
enables, in association with a resilient seat  that deposits are removed and long fibers
carried along with the fluid are cut-off by the scissors-like plug/seat construction. Depending
on the free cross-sectional area of the V-shaped slit, the desired characteristics (linear

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 244 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

or equal-percentage) can be obtained. Segmented ball valves are mostly manufactured

in a flange less version to adapt easily to any flange standard without problems. The
low torque of this type is particularly advantageous in comparison with a “floating” ball
valve. Adversely there will be usually higher leakage rates and relatively lower allowable
differential pressures, which are determined by the guiding of the trunnion-like plug and
the construction of the seat.
Advantages of the TYPE 3310
Soft seat Metallic seat

Body Metal tube

Shaped seal
Seat seal Washer
Seat ring Segmented ball Body Segmented ball


V-ring packing

Valve sizes NPS 1 to 10

Class 150 to 300 acc. to ANSI B 16.5
Pressure rating Standard face to face dimensions,
interchangeability with other products
Temperature -46 °C to +427 °C, -51 °F to 800 °F
Leakage IV or VI, Seat always in contact with the ball
Full open position No retention, big Cv values, little turbulences
Segmented ball with Soft sealing or metal sealing
Flanged body Avoids bolt stretch
Equal-percentage or linear characteristics with the same ball.
Characteristic Suitable for regulation service (by more than 40% opening
angle) and On-Off service
Technical data and For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the
accessories associated technical data sheet.
Figure 6.19.-2:  Segmented ball valve Type 3310

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 245 of 322

6.20  Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining

Type LTR 43

Type BR 10a

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Page 246 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Butterfly Valves
Butterfly valves of stainless steel or special material on inquiry.

Type 3331 3237 3335

Swing-through or Swing-through or
Bearing Centric Swing-through
Angle-seated step-seated
of the
Double eccentric
Triple eccentric
Metal sealing  
Seat ring
Soft sealing EPDM or PTFE
-10 to 400 °C -10 to 220 °C -10 to 150 °C
14 to 752 °F 14 to 428 °F 1) 14 to 302 °F
Nominal DN 100 to 400 500 to 1000 50 to 300
sizes NPS 4 to 16 20 to 40 2 to 12
Nominal PN 10 to 40 6 to 16 10 and 16
pressure Class 150 and 300 150
Shut-off or throttling
Shut-off 90/70° or Shut-off 90/70° or
Characteristic service: Range from
throttling service 70° throttling service 70°
25° to 60°
Cast steel or Cast steel or Cast iron or Spheroidal
Cast stainless steel Cast stainless steel graphite iron
Material Spheroidal graphite
Cast steel or
Disc WN 1.4581 iron or Cast stainless
Cast stainless steel
steel; PTFE jacketing

A acc. to
Leakage ≤ 0.5 to 1 % 0.05 to ≤ 0.5 %
EN 12266-1, Test P12

Handwheel or Pneumatic or
  
electric actuators

Butterfly Valve pictures

Flange Butterfly valve can be On request

Connection Wafer clamped between DIN  
Lug-type or ANSI flanges  
Safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Accessories Accessories are available on request for customer specifications.
Technical data For all further data, accessories, further versions, and industry codes see
and accessories the associated technical data sheet.
Table 6.20.-1:  Butterfly Valve Type 3331, 3237 and 3335

1) Cryogenic applications −196 °C to 1050 °C −320 °F to 1870 °F

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 247 of 322

Butterfly Valves
Butterfly valves of stainless steel or special material on inquiry.

Type BR 10a BR 10e BR 14b / BR 14c LTR 43

Bearing Centric  
of the Double eccentric 
disc Triple eccentric 
Metal sealing  
Seat ring
-50 to 200 °C -50 to 200 °C -60 to 230 °C -196 to 1000 °C
-58 to 392 °F -58 to 392 °F -76 to 446 °F -320 to 1832 °F
Nominal DN 100 to 800 50 to 400 80 to 500 80 to 2500
sizes NPS 4 to 32 2 to 16 3 to 24 3 to 100
Nominal PN 10 10 / 16 10 to 40 6 and 420
pressure Class 150 150 150 and 300 150 to 2500
Shut-off or
Shut-off or Shut-off or Shut-off or
Characteristic throttling service
throttling service throttling service throttling service
80° / 90°
∗ EN-JS 1049 ∗ Spheroidal ∗ A 351 CF8M
Body ∗ ASTM A 216
A 395 graphite iron A 216 WCB
Material ∗ WN 1.4313 ∗ WN 1.4313 A 351 CF8M,
Disc with ASTM D with PTFE ∗ WN 1.4408 special alloys
4894 Type IV-2 encapsulated
A acc. to
A acc. to A acc. to A acc. to EN 12266-1,
Leakage EN 12266-1, EN 12266-1, EN 12266-1, Test P12
Test P12 Test P12 Test P12 up to Class V
metal to metal
Handwheel or Pneumatic or
   
electric actuators

Butterfly Valve pictures

Flange Double-flanged
Wafer    
Lug-type    
Welding ends On request
Safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Accessories Accessories are available on request for customer specifications.
Technical data ∗For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.20.-2:  Butterfly Valve Type BR 10a, BR 10e, BR 14b, BR 14c and LTR 43

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 248 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.20.1.  Butterfly valve styles

Butterfly valves contain a concentrically or eccentrically oriented disc which can be rotated
in a normally sandwich-like housing or body. The angle of rotation is usually 90 degrees for
ON-OFF service; for continuous control applications the aperture angle is normally limited
to only 60 degrees. Because of the ease of manufacture and the cost-saving construction
butterfly valves are - particularly at big nominal sizes and low pressure differentials - a
more economical alternative to standard control valves.



Sealing face

Sealing face (schematic)

Figure 6.20.1.-1:  Sealing structure of centered seal butterfly valve (schematic)

As for other control valve styles, for butterfly valves there are numerous body constructions,
disk designs and seating technologies. The housing or valve body can be flange less,
flanged or with welded ends for connection to the piping system.
There is also a large variety in the manner of the disc movement (concentric, single
or double eccentric, and triple eccentric) and also in the disk orientation in the closed
position. Most common is the flange less, wafer type valve body with an aligned disc.

Flange connection Lug connection Wafer connection But-welded connection

Figure 6.20.1.-2:  Butterfly valve styles

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 249 of 322

This type is used mainly for simple control tasks where a certain level of leakage is
acceptable. The seat leakage is naturally determined by the gap width between the disc
or disc and the wafer body, which is necessary for faultless operation at low and high
temperatures. Since standard butterfly valves with an aligned disk do not touch any seat
in the valve body, a travel stop within the actuator is required to avoid over-stroking of the
A somewhat lower leakage can be achieved with a canted disc or by means of two centric
sealing ridges which are welded into the wafer body. Five of the many variations available
are schematically illustrated in Figure 6.20.1.-3. Some disks are equipped with metallic or
elastic piston rings to achieve lower leakage rates.
Some have EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer), or PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
rings - either in the valve body or at the disc - to achieve tight shut-off at temperatures
below 200 °C. The valve body is also frequently lined completely with synthetic rubber
or PTFE, and thus the sealing surface to both counter flanges is thereby achieved. The
outer stainless steel disc surface is rounded in such cases and is pressed, at the closed
position, into the soft lining material causing a small radial deformation Figure 6.20.1.-1.
Another design relies on a profile ring of synthetic rubber as the sealing element.

Swing-through Canted-seated Step-seated Soft sealing Soft sealing

Figure 6.20.1.-3:  Butterfly valve designs with a choice of different disk orientations (schematic).
Butterfly valve with synthetic rubber lining and clamped sealing ring of synthetic rubber (right)

This is fastened to the disc with the help of a metallic clamping ring. The additional closing
(or opening) torque is in both cases exceptionally high. This is caused by the relatively
high friction between the steel vane and the synthetic rubber sealing element when the
disk is opening or closing.
Therefore special butterfly valves have been developed enabling low friction and
hysteresis. One of these special butterfly valves uses, for example, a synthetic rubber
tube as the sealing element. This tube can be inflated by low air pressure when the disk
has reached the closed position. One disadvantage of butterfly valves with tight shut-off
capabilities by means of elastic rubber sealing elements, is the limited applicability with
respect to pressure, temperature and resistance of most elastomers to aggressive fluids.

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Page 250 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Butterfly bearing of the disc


Centric between the shaft centre line and the disc centre line.

Single eccentric

 OS = Offset

The first eccentric is the offset  between the shaft centre line and the disc trunnion
centre line.
Figure 6.20.1.-4:  Centric and eccentric bearing of the butterfly disc (schematic)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 251 of 322

Butterfly bearing of the disc

Double eccentric


OS = Offset

OS 
First eccentric is the offset  between the shaft centre line and the disc trunnion
centre line. Second eccentric is the offset (OS)  between the body centre line and
the disc centre line.
Triple eccentric

OS 
OS 

OS = Offset


First eccentric is the offset  between the shaft centre line and the disc trunnion centre
line. Second eccentric is the offset  between the body centre line and the disc centre
line. The third and the most important is the eccentric in the sealing  (multiple) itself
such that if you draw a imaginary contour line between the sealing shape versus the
body centre.
Figure 6.20.1.-5:  Double and Triple eccentric (schematic)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 252 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Butterfly valves have been steadily improved within the last decades and many new
designs have been developed. There are available, for example, butterfly valves with
considerably reduced torques under dynamic conditions. This is achieved by a special
design of the disk profile. Other versions use vanes with „teeth“ which work at low openings
like a flow distributor and thereby reduce the generated noise. The greatest progress,
however, has been achieved in the development of the so-called “high-performance”
butterfly valves. These constructions utilize, as a rule, the double eccentric and triple
eccentric design principle and are fitted with a metallic sealing element, which make them
also therefore suitable for high pressures and temperatures. A typical example of a high
performance butterfly valve of the new generation is shown in Figure 6.20.1.-8 as a triple
eccentric, high performance butterfly valve with metallic sealing element suitable for high
static pressures and temperatures.



Figure 6.20.1.-6:  Dynamic torque

Particularly advantageous are the high rangeability and the metal to metal leak rate
class V at the closed position which competes favorably with the single seated standard
valve in case of larger sizes and/or high shut down pressures. The geometry of the disk
movement is quite complicated. These valves require therefore a sealing element that
provides a minimum of elasticity, and beyond this, it must allow small movements in
the radial direction without allowing any leakage between the disk and the sealing ring.
Through these features the sealing ring can adapt itself to the seat during closing and thus
makes tight shut-off possible. The sealing ring consists usually of an exotic material with
a high strength at elevated temperatures and an excellent corrosion resistance against
common industrial fluids.
A typical dynamic torque curve of a concentric butterfly valve is shown in Figure 6.20.1.-7.
This behavior should be considered, particularly in connection with a pneumatic actuator.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 253 of 322

Ms0 Md100
1.0 0.9
(+ -) Ms direction of torque always against (-)
Static "Break off" torque Ms/Ms0

0.9 direction of movement.

Ms0 = f(∆p_q0) = Max. Shut down pressure
Dynamic torque Md/Md100

0.8 0.7


0.6 0.5


0.4 0.306

0.3 0.192

0.2 0.106
(-) Tends to close the obturator
0.1 0
Md100 = f(∆pqmax at 60 to 75 % opening)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Aperture angle in degrees Not for control
▪ On-off Only ▪
Figure 6.20.1.-7:  Typical torque requirements for a centric butterfly valve under dynamic operating

The dynamic torque in contradiction to the static "break off" torque is in the closed position
almost, zero and increases steadily up to an opening angle of approx. 75 degrees and
reaches a maximum at this point. At higher aperture angles the torque decreases rapidly
and can even reach negative values. This might give bistable control with a trend to either
close or open the valve depending on its current position. This undesirable behavior must
be taken into account at the actuator selection to avoid instability problems. To overcome
this disadvantage, special low torque constructions have been developed. These types
use specially shaped vanes to reduce the dynamic torque and to permit opening angles
above 75 degrees, in order to increase valve capacity and to allow the use of smaller
valve actuators.
Actuator sizing must take care of both kind of torques. In most of applications the static
"break off" torque is dominating the actuator size, because the differential pressure
decrease in direction of maximum flow.
In case of applications with moderate constant differential pressure like level controls,
pump recycling, pressure let down and anti-surge control the dynamic torque will demand
to a larger actuator size than the static torque. In this case actuator sizing becomes
sophisticated and need special care to size for the closed - and for the open position at
the highest dynamic torque. Parameters are: actuator size, spring range and air supply
and the safe position air to close or air to open.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 254 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Triple Eccentric Butterfly

Triple Eccentric Butterfly

Type LTR 43
Size: NPS 3 to 120
Pressure: ANSI Class 150 to 2500
„„ Wafer, Lug, Double Flanged or Butt
weld ends
„„ Metal or soft seated
„„ Tight acc. to ANSI B16.104 Class VI
„„ Seat Itt - Laminated /
316SS - Graphite
„„ Fire safe design acc.
to API / BS 6755
„„ Packing acc. to TA-Luft

Figure 6.20.1.-8:  Leusch Control Butterfly Valve Type LTR 43, triple eccentric,
NPS 24 ANSI Class 900 with return actuator

Solid disc Screwed seatring

Figure 6.20.1.-9:  Leusch line gasket between Disc / Seatring and Seat.
Seat and Seatring changeable.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 255 of 322

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Wafer, lug, double flanged or butt weld ends

Chemical Industry, Refineries, Pulp and Paper Industry, Sea water
Application desalination plants, Waste water treatment, Gas extraction and
transport, Ship building, Offshore technology etc.
NPS Nominal pressure Cv value Body material
C-Steel, Stainless steel,
PN 6 to 420
Titanium, Hastelloy,
3 to 100 ANSI Class
Valve data LTR 43
Inconel, Monel, Duplex,
150 to 2500
SMO, Bronze etc..
Metal or soft seated ▪ Leakage Class VI to ANSI FCI 70-2 /
IEC 60534-4 ▪ Seat Itt Laminated 316SS/Graphite or special material ▪
Designed to ANSI B16.34 and API 609
Packing acc. to TA-Luft ▪ Low Noise / Anti Cavitation trim ▪ Heating
jacket ▪ Anti surge design ▪ ESD-Application ▪ Outer bearing, inner
packing ▪ Cryogenic or high temperature service
Figure 6.20.1.-10:  Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 256 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Butterfly Valve ▪ Flanged type

LNG, LPG, and GTL Plants
Industrial gases and cryogenic applications
16" ANSI Class 900
„„ Type LTR 43, flanged type
„„ With extension for Cryogenic-Service (-196°C)
Valve data
„„ Metal seated, Leakage Class VI
„„ With spring return Actuator incl. Damping system
„„ Stroking time: < 0,5 sec.
Figure 6.20.1.-11:  Butterfly Valve ▪ Flanged type

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 257 of 322

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style "Top Entry“ Design ▪ Low Temperature

LNG, LPG, and GTL Plants
Industrial gases and cryogenic applications
„„ Type LTR 43, with butt weld ends
„„ In-line servicing / easy maintenance
„„ With extension for Cryogenic-Service (-196°C)
Valve data
„„ Metal seated
„„ With spring return Actuator, AFC
„„ And E/P Positioner Type 3730-3 (HART)
Figure 6.20.1.-12:  Top Entry“ Design ▪ Low Temperature

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 258 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Control Butterfly Valve ▪ Low Temperature

LNG, LPG, and GTL Plants
Industrial gases and cryogenic applications
„„ Type LTR 43, with butt weld ends
Valve data „„ with extension for Cryogenic-Service (-196°C)
„„ incl. “Cold Box“ flange
Figure 6.20.1.-13:  Control Butterfly Valve ▪ Low Temperature

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 259 of 322

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Special Butterfly Valve ▪ Anti-surge

Anti-surge control designed to cover even the most complex tasks
such as variable molecular weight, fast closing discharge valves or
increasing suction temperature during recycling.
A typical application is Anti-Surge control for axial turbo compressors.
24" ANSI Class 300
„„ Type LTR 43, flanged type
„„ With Low Noise for start up flow
Valve data
„„ With outer bearing and inner packing
„„ With single acting Actuator, AFO
„„ And E/P Positioner 3731 (EExd)
Figure 6.20.1.-14:  Special Butterfly Valve for “Anti-Surge“

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 260 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Special Butterfly

Application Shut-off Valve
54" ANSI Class 150

„„ Type LTR 43, flanged type

Valve data „„ Metal seated, Leakage Class VI
„„ With spring return Actuator incl. Damping System
„„ Stroking time: < 1 sec.

Figure 6.20.1.-15:  Special Butterfly Shut-off Valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 261 of 322

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Special Butterfly Valve

Application Fire safe ▪ ESD
NPS 44, ANSI Class 300
„„ Type LTR 43, lug type
„„ Metal seated, Fire safe
Valve data
„„ With spring return Actuator, AFC
„„ And ESD Positioner SAMSON Type 3730
„„ (Partial stroke test)
Figure 6.20.1.-16:  Special Butterfly Valve for Fire safe ESD

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 262 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.20.2.  Valves for Refineries „ESD“

Emergency Shut Down Valves (ESD)
Quarter-turn valves are the most common ESD control valves for actuation. Automatic
control valves are fitted with hydraulic, pneumatic and electric actuators that respond to
changes in pressure, flow or temperature, and automatically open or close the valve.
Danger and damage from fire at refineries, petrochemical and offshore installations can
be minimized by efficient protection of the systems controlling the plant.
Remote valve operation station of fire proof actuator with accessories and air reservoir
system to guarantee three complete cycle in the event of fire pneumatic operated with
“Darchem” fire proof protection.

Figure 6.20.2.-1:  Butterfly Type LTR 43 with Darmatt fire protection system

Darchem Engineering has developed DARMATT1 to provide a flexible fire protection

system, which can dramatically reduce fire loss or damage by allowing a controlled
shutdown of critical facilities.
DARMATT is a flexible composite mattress system featuring multiple layers of ceramic
fibre at various densities. The composite is compressed to approximately half its free
thickness and held in compression with nylon pins incorporating a Stainless Steel
woven wire mesh layer, Stainless Steel S316 Multi-core Lacing Wire and Stainless Steel
Toggles, Fasteners, Buckles, etc., as deemed necessary. The specific composite for each
application is dependant upon the time / temperature requirements, geometry and mass of
the protected equipment, and site conditions such as ambient temperature, fuel sources,
1 http://www.darmatt.com

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 263 of 322

air flow etc. Darchem’s Lloyds approved Thermal Transient Programme addresses each
of these variables to determine the optimum solution.
Darmatt’s exterior layer is usually either vinyl-coated polyester of a coated fibre glass cloth,
in a fire this sacrificial fabric cover burns off, the nylon pins melt and release, allowing
the composite to expand, increasing the insulating effect of the fibre. Darmatt has a high
resistance to corrosion, vibration, acoustics and shows no deterioration of performance
throughout intended life span. Darmatt is lightweight enough for ease of handling and is
totally removable to facilitate access to the protected equipment or fittings.

ESD Butterfly valves

Metal seated, fire safe Size 3 - 20” ANSI Class 150 – 900 with Fire safe certification in
accordance with BS EN ISO 10497:2004, second edition & ANSI/API Standard 607, fifth
Edition, June 2005

Figure 6.20.2.-2:  Butterfly Type LTR 43 with Darmatt fire protection system

Figure 6.20.2.-3:  Photo DARMATT

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Page 264 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

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Butterfly Valves metallic or with PTFE or PFA lining Page 265 of 322

6.20.3.  Fire Lock

Fire Lock for globe valves SAMSON`s unique alternative to Fire Safe design of rotary

Figure 6.20.3.-1:  Fire Lock

See Chapter 9 "Control valve actuators"

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Page 266 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.20.4.  Electropneumatic Positioner Type 3730-3 with HART® communication

ESD version
The shutdown function in the event of emergency can also be implemented with the
positioner certified acc. to IEC 61508.
Emergency Shutdown (ESD) is a positioner function with extended firmware and partial
stroke testing for the predictive, status-oriented detection of malfunctions in pneumatic
shut-off valves in safety instrumented systems (SIS).The testing and diagnostic functions
are completely integrated into the positioner.
ESD functions can be parameterized and the test results can be read on site at the
positioner and over SSP (SAMSON interface protocol) and HART® communication
interfaces. The user interface is integrated into TROVIS-VIEW software and FDT/DTM
engineering tools, which makes operation easier to learn.
TROVIS-VIEW: Operator interface to configure and parameterize various SAMSON
FDT: Field device tool for the manufacturer-independent integration of field devices
DTM: Device type manager to describe the device properties
DD: Device description for integration into process control systems and asset management

Figure 6.20.4.-1:  Positioner and pneumatic rotary actuator

Application (Control)

Low noise ball

control valve

triple eccentric
optional low noise design
double eccentric

Single eccentric,
Swing through,
Step seated

Figure 6.20.4.-2:  Application

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Ball Valve “Trunnion mounted” for On/Off and Control Service Page 267 of 322

6.21  Ball Valve “Trunnion mounted” for On/Off and Control Service
Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Ball Valve “Trunnion mounted”

Application On/Off and Control Service
NPS 1 to 60 (DN 25 – 1500), ANSI Class 900 (PN 10 – 420)
„„ Flanged or butt weld ends
„„ Trunnion mounted
„„ Side or Top entry
„„ Leakage IV-VI to ANSI FCI 70-2 / IEC 60534-4
„„ Seat PTFE, SS-filled PTFE, PEEK, Nylon or SS hard faced
„„ Materials: C-Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Hastelloy, Duplex, etc.
Valve data
„„ Packing to TA-Luft
„„ Low Noise / Anti Cavitation trim
„„ Heating jacket
„„ Anti Surge design
„„ ESD-Application
„„ Cryogenic or high temperature service
Figure 6.21.4.-1:  Ball Valve “Trunnion mounted” for On/Off and Control Service

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Page 268 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

Style Special Ball Valve

Application On/Off and Control Service
NPS 16 / 24, ANSI Class 300
Low Noise / Anti Cavitation trim (LN-TRIM) and Diffuser NPS 16 / 24
„„ Type BVL 63-LN
Valve data
„„ Flanged type, Side entry
„„ Metal seated (with one seat)
„„ Air reservoir systems
Figure 6.21.4.-2:  Triple Eccentric Control and Shut-off Butterfly Valve LTR 43, Standard

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Ball Valve “Trunnion mounted” for On/Off and Control Service Page 269 of 322

6.21.1.  PTFE coated Ball and Butterfly Valves sizing and application limits.
Sizing of flow coefficients of this high flow capacity valves as well as sound and reliability
check are integrated in the SAMSON group software SAMSON Sizing or CONVAL which
following the international standard IEC 60534 2.1 for flow calculation see chapter 5 and
IEC 60534 8-3 and 60534 8-4 see chapter 8 for sound prediction.
For standard metallic Ball and Butterfly valves there are some limitations regarding critical
cavitation, maximum sound level and critical outlet velocities as well as regulations about
using hardened trim material and downstream baffles in liquid applications. See also the
general selection flowchart Chapter 20.
This guideline lean on approved factors used for metallic valve products for control
applications in SAMSON group sizing software.
PTFE / PFA inline coated Ball, Butterfly or Globe Valves may have some more restrictions
regarding cavitation, and critical pressure differentials and outlet velocities. If the pressure
differential Δp and the pressure ratio xF; x is non negligible in case of throttling or control
processes. Table 6.20.-1 and Table 6.20.-2 include some rules of thumb replacing a lack
of measurements for this special valves used mainly for on-off applications.

PTFE coated Ball, Butterfly Valves sizing and application limits

Liquid p2 > pv Ball and Butterfly valves PTFE / PFA / Rubber coated
xF < xFz no cavitation Valve outlet velocity u2 < 4 m/s
Δp > 3 bar* AND xF > 0.20
xF > xFz cavitation
If only one condition is true
Cavitation within this no - classical metal surface
limits for Series BR 20, damage- cavitation occurs
BR 26 with calibrated only sound cavitation u2 < 3 m/s
(equal %; linear) sealing
*NPS 6 to 8 inch 2 bar
ring not recommended for
continuous operation, > NPS 10 inch 1.5 bar
max. Δpcrit. = 3 bar Sound cavitation limitation
SPL < 80 dB(A)
xFz - approximation, if no measurements available acc. IEC 60534 8-4 2005 -08
0.90  6 ⋅ 105 
xFz = xFzp1
= xFz ⋅  Integrated in SAMSON

Cv  p1  group sizing software
1 + 3 Fd ⋅ see Figure 6.21.2.-1
1.17 ⋅ FL
xFz correction if p1 ≠ 6 bar
Δp < xT ∙ p1
Gas u2 < 0.3 Ma
SPL < 85 dB(A)
Table 6.21.1.-1:  PTFE coated Ball, Butterfly Valves sizing- and application limits.
In case of exceeding the limitation above contact the company R&D department.
If Cv100 ∙100 / DN2 >> 2.5 the influence of reducers should be taken into account.

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Page 270 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

PTFE coated Ball, Butterfly Valves sizing and application limits

Flow Fd - value at
Valve style Valve trim FL - value xT - value
direction Cv/Cv100 = 1
Centered Swing through
either 0.57 0.62 0.35
Butterfly Valve (70°)
Centered Swing through
either 0.50 0.70 0.42
Butterfly Valve (60°)
Centered Fluted vane
either 0.30 0.67 0.38
Butterfly Valve (70°)
Eccentric Offset seat
either 0.57 0.67 0.35
Butterfly Valve (70°)

Ball valve Full bore (70°) either 0.99 0.74 0.42

Ball valve Segmented ball either 0.98 0.60 0.30

Table 6.21.-2:  PTFE coated Ball, Butterfly Valves sizing and application limits.
In case of exceeding the limitation above contact the company R&D department.
If Cv100 ∙100 / DN2 >> 2.5 the influence of reducers should be taken into account.

Figure 6.21.2.-1:  Approximation of the xFzp1 characteristic for a BR 20 / BR 26 Ball Valve with calibrated
sealing ring : Cv 174, DN 100, p1 = 5 bar

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Rotary plug valves Page 271 of 322

6.22  Rotary plug valves

This valve construction - simply called „the rotary valve“ - summarizes different valve
styles under a generic term. All of them have one thing in common: a turning valve shaft
for adjustments in valve opening. The form of the obturator varies between a simple
drilled-through cylinder and a complicated eccentrically positioned plug with a spherical
segment surface. To this category also belong armature types which are described as
„cock“ valves with a cylindrical or conical plug and a special opening cross-section whose
profile is authoritative for the flow characteristics of the valve.
The so-called cock valve, with tapered plug, has been in use for more than 2000 years
and was utilized in earlier days - carved out of wood - to tap wine. With the development
of new, high corrosion resistant materials like PTFE or PFA which are frequently used
for the lining of inferior metallic valve bodies, these well-known constructions have had
a renaissance. This principle is used, however, principally for ON-OFF services and only
seldom for continuous control applications.

Figure 6.22.-1:  Manually operated cock valve with tapered plug

This valve consists of a body with a straight flow path, a bonnet which gives access to the
tapered plug which contains normally a round or rectangular opening. If the plug opening
is positioned crossways to the flow direction, the valve is closed. Full opening is reached
by a turn of 90 degrees by means of a manually actuated lever or by a pneumatic or
electric actuator. In the full open position the pressure loss is correspondingly low; this
is always desired for a pure ON-OFF service. Tight shut-off can be reached by an exact
fit between the tapered plug and the conical bore hole of the valve body and by a high
surface finish of these parts.
The tapered plug has, in addition, the advantage that adjustment is possible by pressing
the tapered socket, with the help of the bonnet, further into the conical bore hole. Most
cock valves used today have a PTFE or PFA lining, which enable a high tight shut-off
quality at comparatively low torques. This also avoids seizing between plug and body, if
the medium does not provide self lubrication. A special PTFE disk mounted on the top
surface of the plug reduces the friction force and provides, at the same time, an excellent
sealing at the plug shaft Figure 6.22.-1.

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Page 272 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

A cock valve for pure control tasks is not the best choice although some of these rotary
plug valves have a triangular hole or a special profile instead of a simple bore to achieve
a better rangeability.
Cock valves with a PTFE/PFA bushing or lining have
natural application limits. Without the application
of modern synthetic fluorine materials high friction
and above all the unwanted „stick-slip“ effect in
combination with pneumatic diaphragm actuators
might occur. Under these circumstances a fine
control is almost impossible.
There is, in addition, another disadvantage of cock
valves with metal to metal contact: the valve can be
stuck in the same way as a ball valve, especially if it
has not been moved for a long time.
Often corrosion or a sticking fluid are the causes of
this malfunction. Another problem is caused by the
often differing expansion coefficients of valve body
and plug.
This limits the temperature range at which a high
tight shut-off quality can be guaranteed. The
manufacturing of this construction is simpler than for
ball valves and this reflects lower costs and/or lower
retail prices.
They are used in a wide range of severe and highly
demanding services - ideal for corrosive, scaling,
adhering, inflammable, or erosive flow media. These
valves show excellent performance in traditional ball
and gate valve applications, and they offer a cost-
efficient solution for tight shutoff and throttling of
gases, vapors, slurries, etc.

Figure 6.22.-2:  AZ - Armaturen1 with SAMSON Positioner

The cock valve can be used for the following media:

„„ Liquids, especially aggressive, crystallizing and polymerizing
„„ Liquids with particles
„„ 2- phase liquids, e.g. crude oil
„„ Solids
„„ Liquid gas (LPG)
„„ Gas

1 http://www.az-armaturen.de

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Rotary plug valves Page 273 of 322

Rotary plug valves

Type 82.7

Type 72.3

Type 73.7
Type 72.4

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Page 274 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Rotary Plug Valves

Double eccentric control valve for process engineering and industrial applications

Type 72.3 72.4 73.3 73.7 82.7

Standard DIN    
version ANSI    
-100 to 400 °C -100 to 400 °C -100 to 400 °C -100 to 400 °C -100 to 400 °C
-148 to 752 °F -148 to 752 °F -148 to 752 °F -148 to 752 °F -148 to 752 °F
DN 25 to 500 25 to 300 25 to 250 25 to 500
Nominal sizes
NPS 1 to 20 1 to 12 1 to 20 1 to 10
Nominal PN 10 to 40 10 to 40 63/100/160 63/100/160
pressure Class 150 and 300 150 and 300 600 and 900 150 and 300
On-Off, On-Off, On-Off, On-Off, On-Off,
Equal- Equal- Equal- Equal- Equal-
(using cam disk or
percentage percentage percentage percentage percentage
positioner characteristic)
or linear or linear or linear or linear or linear
Metal, soft or Metal, soft or Metal, soft or
Sealing Metal Metal, soft
ceramic ceramic ceramic
Cast/carbon Cast/carbon Cast/carbon Cast/carbon Cast/carbon
steel or steel or steel or steel or steel or
Body Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless
cast/carbon cast/carbon cast/carbon cast/carbon cast/carbon
steel steel steel steel steel
Leakage rate IV IV
VI (soft) VI (soft) VI (soft)
Opening angle 75° 75° 75° 75° 75°
Body style Flange Sandwich Flange Flange Flange
Hand-lever or
On request On request On request On request On request
Gear-operated actuators
Pneumatic and electric
    

Valve pictures

Face to face dimensions Acc. to EN 558-1 and 558-2

Connection / Flanges DIN EN 1591-1/DIN 2500, ASME B16.5
Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Accessories Accessories are available on request for customer specifications
Technical data For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.22.-3:  Rotary Plug Valves industrial applications

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Rotary plug valves Page 275 of 322

Rotary Plug Valves

Control valve for control systems subject to the special safety requirements applicable for gas supply.

72.3 AT 72.4 AT 72.3 MN 72.4 MN Special

Type models
Standard DIN    
version ANSI    
-20 to 150 °C -20 to 150 °C -20 to 150 °C -20 to 150 °C
-4 to 302 °F -4 to 302 °F -4 to 302 °F -4 to 302 °F
DN 25 to 200 25 to 200 25 to 200 25 to 200
Nominal sizes
NPS 1 to 8 1 to 8 1 to 8 1 to 8
Nominal PN 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40 10 to 40
pressure Class 150 and 300 150 and 300 150 and 300 150 and 300
On-Off, On-Off, On-Off, On-Off,
Equal- Equal- Equal- Equal-
(using cam disk or
percentage percentage percentage percentage
positioner characteristic)
or linear or linear or linear or linear
Sealing Soft Soft Soft Soft
Cast/carbon Cast/carbon Cast/carbon Cast/carbon
steel or steel or steel or steel or
Body Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless
cast/carbon cast/carbon cast/carbon cast/carbon
steel steel steel steel

Leakage rate VI (soft) VI (soft) VI (soft) VI (soft)

Opening angle 75° 75° 75° 75°

Body style Flange Sandwich Flange Sandwich

Hand-lever or
On request On request On request On request On request
Gear-operated actuators
Pneumatic and electric
   

Valve pictures

Face to face dimensions Acc. to EN 558-1 and 558-2

Connection / Flanges DIN EN 1591-1/DIN 2500, ASME B16.5
Fail-safe position with pneumatic or electric actuators see the associated
Fail-safe position
technical data sheet.
Accessories Accessories are available on request for customer specifications
Technical data For all further data, accessories, and industry codes see the associated
and accessories technical data sheet.
Table 6.22.-4:  Rotary Plug Valves for gas supply, DVGW certified

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Page 276 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Rotary plug valves

(Maxifluss Rotary Plug Valves)

Flange style Flange style Wafer or Lug type Flange or Wafer type
Low pressure High pressure Type 72.4 For neutral gases
Type 72.3 Type 73.3 DVGW 72.3 AT / 72.4 AT
Type 82.7 Type 73.7 DVGW 72.3 MN / 72.4 MN

Figure 6.22.-5:  Overview Rotary plug valves

This valve construction has gained great approvals since the eighties. The forerunner of
this development was Masoneilan’s “Camflex”-valve. In the meantime almost all important
manufacturers of control valves have introduced a similar valve type and extended thereby
their product range. Of advantage are: high rangeability, good controllability at low friction
and an tight shut-off feature at a comparatively low actuator thrust.
The eccentric rotary plug valve is an attempt to combine the advantages of standard valves
(low friction, good rangeability) with ball valves (high Cv-values, compact dimensions).
The original idea was a flange less valve which could be installed into any piping system
regardless of the very many flange standards. In the meantime, however, also short
comings have come to light in spite of the advantages of a flange less version: there are
dangers of leakages at high pressures and temperatures. This led, for example, to the
recommendation in refineries and petrochemical plants to use preferably control valves
with flanges for combustible liquids and gases, in order to reduce the risk of a fire.
Since flange less rotary valves are clamped between the pipe flanges by means of 4 to
12 long overhung bolts, these would be directly exposed to the flames, in case of a fire.
The highly stressed bolts would, under this circumstance, expand and increase thereby
the leakage. Although the same problem exists for all flange less valves, the danger of
a leakage is diminished for a short sandwich style body, due to a great number of short
bolts as in, for example, a butterfly valve with wafer type body.

6.22.1.  What is a rotary plug valve and what are its advantages?
The VETEC rotary plug valve is an outstanding combination of a segmented ball valve,
butterfly valve, and the classic control valve and unifies all their advantages such as free
passage, no dead space, high gland nut insularity, control over high pressure difference,
compact design and very good control properties. Rotary plug valves have a variety of
critical applications that can only be covered by conventional control valves with difficulty.
The advantage
One of the main advantages of the rotary plug valve is its free passage. Due to the
flow restrictor which moves crossways to the flow, the media current does not have to
be diverted through the housing wall. This confers a special advantage on abrasive or
adhesive media.

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Rotary plug valves Page 277 of 322

Typically rotary plug valves features – technical / economical / environmental

„„ High shut down pressures with low break off torque
„„ Free flow path
„„ No dead spaces
„„ Compact design at larger sizes compared to globe valves
„„ 2-3 times more of Cv-capacity compared to globe valves and similar Cv values by
reducing the seat only.
„„ High Cv turn down ratio 200:1 of the natural linear modified characteristic
„„ Smaller DN / NPS compared to globe valves for the same application are possible
„„ Rotary action prevents transport of toxic products through packing
„„ O-ring seals guarantee Clean Air Act approval
„„ Flow direction is various
„„ FTC is useful for:
ƒƒ Gas/steam applications
ƒƒ Cavitation or flashing
ƒƒ Decreased actuator sizing
„„ Smaller actuators  less weight, less space and less price
Table 6.22.1.-1:  Typically rotary plug valve features – technical / economical / environmental

The bearing
The axle’s bearing in connection with the plug and the housing is arranged double
eccentric and causes the plug to lift up immediately and smoothly from the seat when
rotating the plug shaft. The valve does not fire open and therefore displays stable control
action even for small opening angles.

Double eccentric principle

Figure 6.22.1.-2:  Sectional diagram: Plug movement with double eccentric bearing

Double eccentric principle

Shaft offset „A“ Valve bodyShaft centre
Shaft offset „B“ Shaft centreBall segment centre
Opening 75°
Table 6.22.1.-3:  Double eccentric principle

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Page 278 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.22.2.  What is typical for rotary plug valves

Rotary plug valves are characterized by high Cv100 values which are up to 200 % larger
than for globe valves of a similar nominal size. By opting for a rotary plug valve, you can
use smaller valve nominal sizes and thereby avail of cheaper solutions.
Rotary plug valves display firm geometry of the flow restrictor, whereby the valve’s
natural curve is set. Conversion to an ideally linear or ideally equal percentage curve is
conducted via a position regulator, either with suitable cam disks or via a software curve
in the case of modern regulators. The incoming signal is transformed accordingly via the
so-called signal curve so that this produces the desired total curve by superimposing with
the natural curve. Signal characteristics will not improve controllability anyway and should
handle with care special in quick acting control loops.
The high rangeability of the rotary plug valve must be mentioned in connection with the
flow curve within acceptable slope variations of the installed flow characteristic and the
flow ratio q100/qmin.



% Cv100 - Value

60 c
r isti
50 cte istic
ra er
ha t
arc r ac
Line ch
t ural ic
30 Na ist
20 harac
ge c
10 Equal-pe

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Opening angle (100%= 75°)and % signal for the red linear and blue signal characteristic
Figure 6.22.2.-1:  Rotary plug valves characteristic by using cam disk or positioner
The rangeability defines the ratio of the nominal Cv100-value to the smallest controllable
flow value where the curve is still within the permitted tolerances. Rotary plug valves attain
typical values of 1:200 in comparison with globe valves with range abilities of 1:30 to 1:50.
The rotary plug’s valves are pre-determined by the design, because the plug does not
dip into the seat through the double eccenter, but releases a traceable transverse section
for the smallest opening angle. Therefore, in the case of a rotary plug valve, it can be
adjusted to zero.
In contrast with the globe valves, rotary plug valves produce a torque through the
actuator’s linear transmission via a lever which favours the use of smaller actuators with
shorter manipulation. This can be seen, most notably, in the case of large nominal sizes.
Compared to globe valves, rotary plug valves have a more compact design.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Rotary plug valves Page 279 of 322

Design of the inner parts

Lever for R-Type actuator Flow

Seat Holder

Seat Ring
Keyed or squared Bearing
shaft connection Anti-blow out (stellited)

Connection for handwheel

or travel limit

Splinted shaft bearing


Seat Holder

Double guided Plug Flow

Seat Ring

Figure 6.22.2.-2:  Design of the inner parts

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 280 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Connections between valve / bracket and

accessories acc. to NAMUR
(no request of special VETEC-adapters)

Modified cover of the R-actuator:

Optional venting, e.g. for boosters, connection of
solenoid valves acc. to NAMUR

Figure 6.22.2.-3:  Rotary plug valve Type 82.7

The new design features improve handling, function and meet international standards, e.g. NAMUR

If one considers this valve philosophy, then one can only be fascinated that this valve,
which only has a few options, can be used ways that are similar to a universal valve.
A rotary valve with eccentric plug consists of a body with a straight flow path, a seat ring
which is usually adjustable in the radial direction, a fastening ring, and a specially shaped,
eccentrically pivoted plug.
This plug can be rotated, by a shaft which sticks radially out of the body, to an angle of
rotation of 50 to 75 degrees Table 6.21.1.-1. As a result of the eccentrically positioned
valve shaft, the plug with the spherical cup, touches the seat ring only in the closed
position. This reduces the friction forces to a minimum and designates this valve type
particularly for control services. The size of eccentricity (approx. 10% of nominal size)
plays a important part in the closing thrust of the pneumatic or electric actuator. The
smaller the eccentricity is, the smaller the actuator thrust be-comes and the higher the
differential pressure in the closed position can be.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Rotary plug valves Page 281 of 322

6.22.3.  Solutions against abrasive fluids and mechanical wear

Two features of rotary plug valves - which seem so simple - are worth mentioning from a
viewpoint of manufacturing and controllability: Tight shut-off and dynamic stability. A low
seat leakage (Class IV = 0.01 % of rated Cv or with soft sealing Class VI) is, for many
processes, of greatest importance and underlines the preference for single seated valves.
An excellent tight shut-off is reached, however, only in those cases where the center lines
of the spherical cup and the seat ring match perfectly in the closed position of the valve.
Since this fit cannot be always ensured due to manufacturing tolerances, it usually
requires special "tricks" to achieve a low leakage. With the "Camflex"-valve it is the low
flexibility of the two arms of the plug which make the exact match of the spherical cup and
the seat ring possible. The major disadvantage of the disturbed flow path can be avoided
with a perfect fit between plug and seat. This is reached by the radially adjustable seat
and distance ring arrangement. Thereby manufacturing tolerances can be compensated
Figure 6.22.3.-2.

Ceramic inserts

Ceramic inserts for application:

Oil and Gas industries „„ Quench oil, coke particles, sand etc.
Chemical industries „„ Iron or silicon rods, lime milk, etc.
Figure 6.22.3.-1:  Ceramic inserts

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Page 282 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Seat adjustment by means of spacing discs

Distance ring Fine adjustment of the seat / plug
tightness with 0.1 to 0.2 mm distance ring.

Figure 6.22.3.-2:  Seat adjustment by means of spacing discs

Three-part seat system for Type 72.1

Seat Holder
Thread Ring
Seat Ring
Figure 6.22.3.-3:  Three-part seat system

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Rotary plug valves Page 283 of 322

Plug Solid Stellite 6 without ceramic Plug Solid Stellite 6 with ceramic
after 4 months after 3 years

Figure 6.22.3.-4:  Plugs without and with ceramic


New bearing-shoulder system prevents

migration of the plug

Rotary plug valve Type 82.7

Anti blow out system inside

the valve instead of outside

The new design features improve handling, function

and meet international standards

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Page 284 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve equipment for HPI1 industries like upstream oil-and gas exploring and downstream
refinery and petrochemical processing are subjected to one of the heaviest duties of all
industries. Rough and dirty media, high service temperatures, high velocities and hard
differential pressures demand heavy valve designs and solid components. Corrosive and
abrasive dirt media may cause malfunctions of ESD-Ball valves = Safety Risk VETEC
rotary plug valves are proved for ESD and work faultless.

6.22.4.  Solutions against abrasive media and mechanical wearing

References2 and examples of critical applications, which need high engineering skills in
hardware design and calculations within sizing rules of SAMSON group software.
„„ Oil and gas: rods, quench oil, coke particles, sand etc.
„„ Gas oil with 10-40% coke content
„„ Exhaust gas / highly abrasive solids (Fe-Si)
„„ Quench oil / Coke particles (153°C)
„„ Raw Tar / Bitumen very high ductility (80-290°C)
„„ Polymers, liquid sulphur, highly viscous media, iron or silicon rods, lime milk
„„ Cyclohexane with boric acid crystals and flushing connections for body, disk, seat and
„„ Chlorine gas and Titanium oxide powder (260°C)
„„ Acrylic acid solidifies in bearings in conjunction with oxygen
„„ Suspension Phosgene (120°C)
„„ Fused Alumina Slurry (130°C)
„„ Bauxite and caustic soda up to 60% solids
„„ Sugar beets syrups with sand or lime milk up to 20% solids

CS 1.0619 / A216 WCC
SS 1.4408 /1.4308 /1.4931 ; A351 CF8M ;
Low temperature and high temperature Steels, eg. 1.4308, 1.7357,
Hastelloy C4, Monel®, Duplex®, SuperDuplex®
Titanium, Zirconium
Bronze, Brass
Flushing parts: Solid Stellite 6 or 20, Ceramic Si3N4 inserts, hardened metal
1 HPI = Hydrocarbon Processing Industry
2 Detailed service conditions, operation times and customers from VETEC publications available.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Rotary plug valves Page 285 of 322

Reference Project „GOFER“

(Gelsenkirchen Olefin Furnaces Environmental Revamp )

Photo Unknown
„„ Steam 32 pieces DN 100 + 150
„„ Air 24 pieces DN 150
Product contents of „„ Naphtha 25 pieces DN 50 + 100
VETEC Rotary Plug „„ Quench oil 41 pieces DN 100 to 250
Valves „„ Ethane 21 pieces DN 150 + 200
„„ LPG 8 pieces DN 150 + 200
„„ Heating Gas (DVGW) 280 pieces DN 25 to 200
Contractor Linde AG, Germany

Licensor Linde AG, Germany

End user BP Gelsenkirchen GmbH and Ruhr Oel GmbH, Germany

Location Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Commissioning 2007

Order 431 VETEC Maxifluss Rotary Plug Valves were installed in this plant.

Note 5 New Olefin Furnaces

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Page 286 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.23  Valve style • Advantages • Disadvantages

Valve style Advantages Disadvantages
„„ High pressure recovery and
„„ Extremely high Cv-values low FL-and xT-values
Full bore, DN 15-200 „„ Robust, compact construction „„ Low throttling capability
„floating“ ball PN 16-100 with self-cleaning effect
„„ High friction and hysteresis
valve ANSI 125-600 „„ Excellent tight shut-off „„ Expensive at large valve

„„ High pressure recovery and

„„ Extremely high Cv-values low FL-and xT-values
DN 100-1000 „„ Robust, compact construction „„ Low
Trunnion type throttling capability
PN 10-40 with self-cleaning effect
ball valve „„ Limited differential pressure
up to ANSI 300 „„ Excellent tight shut-off
„„ Expensive at large valve

„„ High Cv-values „„ High pressure recovery

„„ Good rangeability and and low FL-and xT-values in
DN 50-400
Segmented characteristic for V-slot- comparison with standard
PN 16-40
ball valve segment valves
ANSI 125-300
„„ Economical alternative for „„ Low throttling capability
valve sizes > DN 150 „„ Limited differential pressure

„„ Compact and low weight „„ High leakage for aligned disk

„„ Economy-priced alternative versions
Concentric „„ High Cv-values, good
DN 50-1200 „„ Allows only small differential
butterfly valves rangeability, reasonable
PN 6-25 pressures (noise, cavitation)
(standard torque
up to ANSI 150 „„ Limited applicability for lined
wafer type) „„ Broad range of lining butterfly valves
materials available
„„ Only limited options available
„„ Matches any flange standard

„„ Compact, low weight for „„ Restricted dynamic differential

wafer type (sandwich) design pressures and noise and
Heavy duty „„ High Cv-values cavitation reduction in
type, triple Reduced Cv100 values (seat comparison to globe valves.
DN 100-2000
eccentric and disk) available „„ Low noise options > -10
PN 25-250 „„ Low leakage even at high
butterfly valves dB(A) expensive
ANSI 150-2500
(Wafer type or differential pressures „„ Relatively high torque
with flanges) „„ Actuators available for high required in comparison with
shut down pressure aligned standard butterfly
„„ Fire-safe certification valves

„„ Low-priced ON-OFF valve „„ High friction and hysteresis

for high static differential „„ Not very suitable for fine
Cock valves DN 15-200
pressure control
(Tapered PN 10-40
„„ High Cv-values „„ Restricted applicability for
version) up to ANSI 300
„„ Tight shut-off valve with PTFE or PFA lining
„„ Adjustable „„ Only limited options available

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Valve style • Advantages • Disadvantages Page 287 of 322

Valve style Advantages Disadvantages
„ High friction and hysteresis
„„ Low-priced ON-OFF valve for „
Cock valves DN 25-300 „„ Not very suitable for fine
low duty applications
(cylindrical PN 10-40 control
„„ High Cv-values
plug version) up to ANSI 300 „„ Restricted applicability for
„„ Low leakage rates valve with PTFE or PFA lining

„„ Seat leak rate Class IV up

to 250°C. Smaller variations
than globe valves, bellows
„„ Compact, low weight for seal, small Cv-values, seat
flange less valve bodies
leak rate Class V etc.
„„ High Cv-values, excellent Cv „„ Limited noise and cavitation
Rotary valve DN 25-500 turn down ratio. Reduced
reduction in comparison to
with eccentric PN 25-250 seats and Cv100 values
low noise globe valves
disk plug ANSI 150-900 available
„„ Expensive at small sizes
„„ Low leakage rates Class IV at „„ Restricted applicability for
moderate actuator thrust
flange less valves in refineries
„„ Integrated valve bonnet and places of fire risk.
Flanged rotary plug valves
are suitable alternatives, etc.
Table 6.23.-1:  Valve style ▪ Advantages ▪ Disadvantages

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 288 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

6.24  Special control-valves for power plants

IP / LP Bypass Valve with auxiliary
(secondary injection, Type E20)

Steam converting valve

Type E22
LP - Turbine Bypass

Steam converting valve

Type DUV-C
HP - Turbine Bypass

Hydraulic actuating
system Type NBF 400

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 289 of 322

Control valves are used in power plants, power stations and industrial facilities as actuators
in temperature, pressure, and level control circuits as well as in volume control systems.
Welland & Tuxhorn is your reliable partner for comprehensive solutions in the fields of
liquid and gas media control. Solutions which function better in the long run!
For over 100 years, our work in production and development has been distinguished
by precision, first-class processing quality and life-long stability. The tough, robust, and
solid construction of our fittings, from the smallest to the largest, assures you of optimal
performance and availability. This is the result of our years-long quality assurance system,
certified according to DIN ISO 9001 and other international standards. All the valves which
we supply are manufactured exclusively on our centrally- net worked CNC machinery.
Process safety guarantees process quality!

Figure 6.24.-1:  Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP), Lingen, Germany (Model)

Welland & Tuxhorn AG1 offers as a world-wide active technology partner customized
special control-valves for power plants, for:
„„ Conventional power stations
„„ Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP)
„„ Nuclear power plants
„„ District heating power plants (CHP)
„„ Industrial power stations
„„ Other applications

1 http://www.welland-tuxhorn.de

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Page 290 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Conventional power station

Graphic W&T

Conventional power stations are large-scale plants which generate

Applications electricity by using brown coal (lignite), pit or hard coal, gas or water as

Valve-No. Description
1 Minimum Load - Control Valve
2 Feed Water Control Valve
3 Condensate Level Control Valve
4 Control Valves / Shut-off Valves
5 Injection Control Valves
6 Injection Control Valves
7 HP - Bypass Valves
8 Reheater Safety Relief Valves
9 IP/LP-Bypass
10 Condensate Control Valve
11 Combined emergency stop and control valve
Figure 6.24.-2:  Conventional power stations

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 291 of 322

Valve No. 1: Minimum flow - Control Valve

As is well known, a certain minimum amount of discharge
flow is required in boiler feed and condensate pumps:
This flow must never go below the minimum!
An unallowable high degree of heating of the feed water
or condensate, and incipient cavitations would be the
However, in particular operations of the boiler – start-
ups, variable pressure operations, low load operations
- the required material amount lies below the minimum
amount of discharge flow required by the pumps.
The necessary pump protection is achieved by feeding
back the amount difference, back to the feed water boiler
or condenser by means of a pump bypass system: the
minimum flow amount system equipped with minimum
amount valve. The minimum flow amount valve thus
fulfills the requirements of a pump safety valve.

Forged bodies: Angled or z-shaped valves, for welding
connections according to DIN, ANSI or other standards.

„„ No cavitations
„„ No erosion
„„ No oscillations or vibrations
„„ Long service life
„„ Noise levels <75 dB (A)
„„ Precise characteristic
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing due to easily-
Figure 6.24.-3:  Minimum flow - replaced internal parts
Control Valve with hydraulic actuator
„„ Fail-safe technology: valves open in case of energy
blackouts or malfunctions
„„ Forged Valves in Angle- or Z-Form
„„ With Welding supports according to DIN, ANSI or other Standards

For conventional and nuclear power stations, or for industrial facilities: Welland & Tuxhorn
delivers suitable control fittings – from level control to injection and safety valves.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 292 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve No. 2: Feed Water Control Valve

Feed water control valves regulate
the feed water inflow to the steam
generator. As there may be various
types of installation, so too are there
various concepts available:
Full-load control valves are arrayed in
the main feed water line. They are set
up for the entire feed water amount of
the steam generator, and should cause
the smallest possible pressure drop in
the case of full load. For drum boilers,
a differential pressure regulation
is provided in addition to the water
regulation valves, for the drum and/
or rotation-regulated feed pumps. For
once through boilers, flow regulation
is necessary, above all, for the lower
flow areas, when the feed water pumps
cannot be shut down any further. In
contrast, start-ups, shut-downs and
low load operations high pressure
differences with low flows of feed water
must be mastered.
Cast or forged bodies, straight, angled
or Z-shaped, for welding connections or
Figure 6.24.-4:  Feed Water Control Valve with electric
with flanges, according to DIN, ANSI or
actuator other standards
„„ No cavitations
„„ No oscillations or vibrations
„„ Long service life
„„ Noise level <75 dB (A)
„„ Precise characteristic
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing due to easily-replaced internal parts
Cast or Forged in Straight-, Angle- or Z-Form with welding supports or Flanges according
to DIN, ANSI or other Standards.
For conventional and nuclear power stations, or for industrial facilities: Welland & Tuxhorn
delivers suitable control fittings – from level control to injection and safety valves.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de
Special control-valves for power plants Page 293 of 322

Valve No. 3: Condensate Level Control Valve

Control valves for the condensate have several functions, among which are regulating the
level of accumulated condensation and discharging it to the main or auxiliary condensers.
Depending on the type of installation,
requirements can be fulfilled without going
through the difficulty of special construction of
the fitting.
In HP and LP pre-heaters, with operating
temperatures near to the saturated steam limit,
however, steam deposition and cavitation are
often unavoidable; as is also the case when re-
feeding condensate into the main and auxiliary
Forged bodies, straight, angled or Z-shaped
valves, for welding connections, manufactured
according to DIN, ANSI or other standards.
„„ No cavitation
„„ No oscillations or vibrations
„„ Long service life
„„ Noise level < 85 dB(A)
„„ Precise characteristic
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing, due to
easily-replaced internal parts

„„ Size NPS 5 to 20 / DN 125 to 500
„„ Pressure Rating up to Class 300 to 2500
and greater / PN 40 to 640
„„ Differential Pressures up to 435 psi / 30 bar
„„ Perforated Plug
„„ Capacity up to Q = 2000 m3/h
„„ Materials: GS-C25. GS17CrMo55,
Figure 6.24.-5:  Feed Water Control Valve with C22.8, 15Mo3, 13CrMo44
electric actuator „„ Body Style: Z- or Straight

For conventional and nuclear power stations, or for industrial facilities: Welland & Tuxhorn
delivers suitable control fittings – from level control to injection and safety valves.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 294 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve No. 4: Control Valve

For conventional and nuclear power stations, or for industrial facilities:

Application Welland & Tuxhorn delivers suitable control fittings – from level control to
injection and safety valves.
Control valves monitor many power plant processes:
They release, control, regulate or stop mass flow streams, whatever
pressures and temperatures may occur.
Functions Depending on their construction, they can be utilized as either control or
shut-off devices. Exact and precise dosage of flow rates in pipelines, and
safe and secure isolation from the surroundings, are among the mains
tasks of control valves.
Cast or forged bodies: Straight, angled or Z-shaped valves, for welding
connections or flanges according to DIN, ANSI, or other standards.
„„ No cavitations,
„„ No oscillation or vibrations,
„„ Long service life,
„„ Precise characteristics,
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing due to easily-replaced internal
Figure 6.24.-6:  Control Valve with pneumatic actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 295 of 322

Valve No. 4: Shut-off Valve

For conventional and nuclear power stations, or for industrial facilities:

Application Welland & Tuxhorn delivers suitable control fittings – from level control to
injection and safety valves.

Tight shut-off of flow streams when in closed position; a minimum of

flow obstruction when opened. The fewer abrupt directional and cross-
Functions sectional changes present, the lower the flow resistance.
Also, reduced flow resistance is the result of fewer projecting edges,
which can contribute to flow disturbance and eddies.

Cast or forged bodies: Straight, angled or Z-shaped valves, for welding

connections, or flanges according to DIN, ANSI or additional norms.

„„ No cavitations
„„ No oscillations or vibrations
Advantages „„ Long service life
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing due to easily-replaced internal

Figure 6.24.-7:  Shut-off Valve with pneumatic actuator

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 296 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve No. 5 and 6: Injection Control Valve

Injection control valves are, first and foremost, volume control valves; which means they
adjust the flow amount of cooling water as required by the consumer.
Therefore, the pressure at the point of consumption can
fluctuate strongly, and the pressure drop at the injection
or cooling water valves can also fluctuate strongly,
accordingly. For this reason, injection and coolant control
valves most often have a characteristic logarithmic
opening curve. To a great extent, this guarantees a linear
flow characteristic. When used in steam generators, the
valves are in constant operation.
Typical design: (1- stage)
Forged bodies: Straight, angled or Z-shaped valves, for
welding connections, according to DIN, ANSI or other
„„ Adaptable to prevalent operational conditions
„„ No cavitations
„„ No oscillations or vibrations
„„ Long service life
„„ Noise level <75 dB (A)
„„ Precise characteristic
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing, due to easily-
replaced internal parts

Typical design: (multi-stage)

Forged bodies: Straight, angled or Z-shaped valves, for
welding connections, according to DIN, ANSI or other
„„ Adaptable to prevalent operational conditions
„„ Pressure decay stepwise
„„ No cavitations
„„ No oscillations or vibrations
„„ Long service life
„„ Noise level <75 dB (A)
„„ Precise characteristic
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing, due to easily-
replaced internal parts
Figure 6.24.-8:  Injection Control Valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 297 of 322

Valve No. 7: HP - Bypass Valve

HP - Bypass with high pressure injection Type 600
Guarantees safe through-flow of the reheater and
independent operation of the steam generator when
turbine inlet is closed.
Takes over live steam control / regulation during
start-up and shut-down procedures, and during load-
shedding or malfunctions.
The security function is maintained during variable
pressure operations, even if the permissible boiler
pressure is exceeded.
Forged bodies, optimized construction shape through
use of FEM analysis.
„„ Steam pressure and steam temperature achieved
just beyond the point of injection in the superheater
„„ Injection points at the position of maximum steam
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing due to easily-
replaced internal parts.

HP - Bypass with Secondary Injection, Type 700

Guarantees safe flow through the superheater and
independent operation of the steam generator when
turbine inlet is closed.
Takes over live steam regulation during start-up and
shut-down procedures, and during load shedding
and malfunctions.
Security function is maintained during variable
pressure operations, even if the permissible boiler
pressure is exceeded.
Forged bodies with optimized construction shape,
through the use of FEM analysis.
Figure 6.24.-9:  HP - Bypass with high pressure injection

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 298 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

„„ Steam pressure and steam temperature achieved just beyond point of injection in the
„„ Optimal steam conversion throughout the entire load area through pressurized-steam
„„ Quick maintenance and servicing due to easily-replaced internal parts

HP - Bypass with Secondary Injection, Type DUV-C

Guarantees safe flow through the superheater and
independent operation of the steam generator by
closed turbine inlet.
Takes over live steam regulation during start-up and
shut-down procedures, and during load shedding or
Security function is maintained during variable
pressure operations, even if the permissible boiler
pressure is exceeded.
Forged bodies: angled valves

„„ Optimal steam conversion throughout the entire
load area due to integrated pressurized-steam
„„ Individual adjustment of all governing levels to
operational parameters
„„ Low retardation levels of steam cooling, especially
with partial loads
„„ Low noise and vibration operations due to built-in
„„ Low cooling water pressure
Figure 6.24.-10:  Steam converting „„ Quick maintenance and servicing due to easily-
valve Type DUV-C replaced internal parts

Inlet: DN 80 to 500, NPS 3 to 20; PN 16 to 630, ANSI Class 150 to 2500 (4500)

Outlet: DN 100 to 1600, NPS 4 to 64; PN 16 to 100, ANSI Class 150 to 900

Temperature: up to 560°C, 1040°F

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 299 of 322

Valve No. 8: Reheater Safety Valve

„„ Protection of the intermediate reheater against overpressure with closed LP Bypass
„„ Over-pressure of the RH boiler is prevented, also with sliding pressure the safety
function is maintained
„„ Steam-Circulation is uninterrupted
Reheater safety valves are used to protect against too high a pressure in the reheater.
Should this occur, the hot reheater steam is released through the standpipe fitted with
a muffler over the roof into the atmosphere. In this way, the valves interrupt the usually
closed water-steam circuit.

Over the roof

Figure 6.24.-11:  Reheater (RH)-Safety Valve

„„ Forged bodies: Angled valve

„„ Simple, reliable design and construction
„„ Safety function with cup spring packet in control cylinder
„„ Cup spring packet and steam pressure act in direction of open position to guarantee
opening of the valve.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 300 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve No. 9: IP/LP-Bypass

IP/ LP Bypass Valve with auxiliary (secondary injection, Type E20)

The IP/LP-Bypass station connects the hot reheater in
the bypass to the IP/LP turbine via the condenser.
Should the turbine not be running during start-up and
shut-down of the power plant unit, any steam which
collects in the reheater must be redirected from the IP/
LP-Bypass Station to the turbine condenser, avoiding
the medium and low-pressure turbines.
This secondary injection spray cools down the steam
from the hot reheating enough so that the condenser is
not damaged.
Forged body angled

Figure 6.24.-12:  IP/LP-Bypass

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 301 of 322

„„ Optimum cooling along the entire load area, due to sequential opening of the
pressure-regulated nozzles
„„ Optimum spray angle and minimum droplet size
„„ Compact construction form, due to reduced steam pressure by means of control
„„ Worn parts can be easily replaced on location
„„ Noise and vibration-reduced operation, due to built-in mufflers
„„ Suitable for high-temperature applications
„„ Can be delivered in combination with a dump tube, constructed to your specific
application needs
„„ Definite answers If you should have any question to this product, please feel free to
contact us: contact/inquiry

Figure 6.24.-13:  Centrally-arranged nozzles

The cooling water is injected by pressure-regulated nozzles, in accordance with the
amount of steam.
Firstly, the centrally-arranged nozzles are opened, then dependant on the amount of
cooling water the others are opened.
As the amount of cooling water increases, further nozzles are opened. The axially
arranged nozzles in the steam guarantee an even temperature distribution in the exhaust
steam pipe.

Figure 6.24.-14:  Pressure-regulated nozzles

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 302 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve No. 9: LP-Turbine Bypass Steam converting valve Type E22

LP- Turbine Bypass for a Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) in the City of Austin,
Texas, USA

„„ Size 12“ / 16“ ANSI Class 150

„„ With central, pressure- controlled cooling water
injection nozzle in the valve outlet
„„ Body material: A216 WCB acc. ASME
„„ Overall height: 3.061 mm
„„ Overall weight: 1.250 kg
„„ Pneumatic actuator: Type 3271, 2800 cm2

Figure 6.24.-15:  Steam converting valve Type E22

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 303 of 322

Valve No. 10: Condensate Control Valve

Level control system regulation of
condensate in HP pre-heaters.
Level regulation of condensate in
the LP pre-heaters.

Forged bodies: straight, angled
or Z-shaped valves for welding
connections, manufactured
according to DIN, ANSI or other
„„ No cavitation
„„ No erosion
„„ No oscillation or vibration
„„ Long service life
„„ Precise characteristic
„„ Quick maintenance and
servicing due to easily-replaced
internal parts

Figure 6.24.15.-1:  Condensate Control Valve

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 304 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve No. 10: Condensate Control Valve

Areas of Application of control valves for water and steam Type RVG

Figure 6.24.-16:  Drainage Control valves for water and steam Type RVG

In Power Stations:
„„ At the boiler as injection valves together with the injection unit
(HP and cold reheat line side)
„„ At HP- Bypass- Stations as cooling water control valves
„„ At LP- Bypass- Stations as cooling water control valves
„„ As level control valves for tanks and vessels

In the Industry:
„„ At steam converting stations and atomizing steam coolers as cooling water control
„„ As pressure and mass flow control valves in the chemical and petrochemical industry
„„ As level control valves for tanks and vessels

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 305 of 322

Typical design: (multi-stage)

Figure 6.24.16.-1:  Control valves for water and steam Type RVG: 3-stage

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Page 306 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

1-stage 2-stage 3-stage

Figure 6.24.-17:  Globe Type RVG

Figure 6.24.-18:  Globe and Angle Type RVG 3-stage

1-stage 2-stage 3-stage

Figure 6.24.-19:  Angle Type RVG

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 307 of 322

Steam converting valve Type DUV-A

Figure 6.24.-20: 

Highest availability
„„ Optimum steam conversion over the whole
„„ Load range through multi stage controlled
„„ Pressure reduction
„„ Minimum delay steam condition reduction
„„ Temperature reduction without excess water through linked control water spray
„„ Low noise and vibration steam conversion through internals and downstream noise
„„ All wearing parts exchangeable in-situ

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Page 308 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Valve No. 11: Combined emergency stop and control valve

Figure 6.24.-21:  Combined emergency stop and control valve with hydraulic actuators

Control part:
This part of the inlet combination valve controls the steam inlet into the steam turbine.
Within the range of small flows of steam, in which turbines are run up to speed from turn
rotation speed to synchronized rotation, stable regulating action must be guaranteed by
a good rangeability.

Trip part:
The trip part protects the turbine, and must be able to completely stop the entire steam
mass flow in under 1 second.

Seal-off and regulatory functions are mounted in contra-flow forged valve bodies.
Horizontal or vertical assembly is possible.

„„ Use of only one body means compact construction!
„„ Stable control behavior
„„ Can be equipped according to TRD 421

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 309 of 322

Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP)

Graphic W&T
Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP) gas and steam turbine power plants in
Applications longhand, serve the purposes of power generation. These types of power stations
combine the use of gas and steam turbine processes.

Valve-No. Description

1 Minimum flow - Control Valve

2 Feed Water Control Valve
3 Condensate Level Control Valve
4 Control Valves / Shut-off Valves
5 Injection Control Valves
6 Injection Control Valves
7 HP - Bypass Valves
8 Reheater Safety Valves
9 IP/LP-Bypass
10 Condensate Control Valve
11 Combined emergency stop and control valve
Figure 6.24.-22:  Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP)

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Page 310 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Nuclear power plant

Graphic W&T

Nuclear power plants obtain electrical energy through nuclear fission in

nuclear reactors.

Valve-No. Description

1 Minimum flow - Control Valve

2 Feed Water Control Valve
3 Condensate Level Control Valve
4 Control Valves / Shut-off Valves
5 Injection Control Valves
6 Injection Control Valves
7 HP - Bypass Valves
8 Reheater Safety Valves
9 IP/LP-Bypass
10 Condensate Control Valve
11 Combined emergency stop and control valve
Figure 6.24.-23:  Nuclear power plant

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 311 of 322

Valve-No. 1: Control Valves in Primary Circuits

Various areas of application, including:
„„ Volume control system TA
„„ Water level regulation in pressurizer
„„ Supply shaft seals of primary coolant pumps
with sealing water
„„ Auxiliary spray in pressurizer in the case of
absence of primary coolant pumps
„„ Emergency feed system RS
„„ Emergency supply to steam generator in
case of accidents
„„ Emergency and secondary cooling systems
„„ Temperature and volume control

„„ Austenitic materials
„„ Simple, fail-safe design and construction
„„ Bellows seals

Figure 6.24.23.-1:  Installed in the nuclear power plant in Grohnde, Germany

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Page 312 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

District heating power plant (CHP)

Graphic W&T

District heating power plants (CHP) are industrial facilities for the
production of electrical current and heat within a dome process; this
process is named "heat and power coupling". Combined heat and power
stations are located in the proximity of urban high-density population
areas, or nearby industrial plants with high heat requirements, as the heat
produced is fed into the district heating grid.

Valve-No. Description

1 Minimum flow - Control Valve

2 Feed Water Control Valve
3 Condensate Level Control Valve
4 Control Valves / Shut-off Valves
5 Injection Control Valves
6 Injection Control Valves
7 HP - Bypass Valves
8 Reheater Safety Valves
Figure 6.24.-24:  District heating power plant (CHP)

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 313 of 322

Industrial power station

Graphic W&T
Industrial power stations are industrially-owned plants, primarily serving
to provide coverage of on-site power requirements.
This energy is electrical and thermal in the main, but mechanical energy,
above all in the form of rotational kinetic energy, is also used.
Applications Most of the power stations are back-pressure plants, as process steam
is often needed in addition to electrical energy.
Combined Heat and Power is an ideal solution whether working with
thermal energy in the form of process energy -steam, for example or
only heating factories and commercial premises by utilizing the industrial
waste heat.
Valve-No. Description
1 Minimum flow - Control Valve
2 Feed Water Control Valve
3 Condensate Level Control Valve
4 Control Valves / Shut-off Valves
5 Injection Control Valves
6 Injection Control Valves
7 HP - Bypass Valves
8 Reheater Safety Valves
Figure 6.24.-25:  Industrial power station

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Page 314 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Injection cooler
Steam cooling in thermal power stations
Pressure spraying with twist nozzle regulation via spindle
With flanges or for welding connections, suitable for all
types of actuators
„„ Fine misting even in partial load areas
„„ Precise setting of prescribed temperatures through
exact dosage of injection flow.
„„ High rangeability through sealing of nozzles not in use
by means of piston rings
„„ Pre-throttling in 1 to maximum 3 regulation levels, and
therefore low wear even with large pressure drops.
„„ Drip-proof in closed position.
„„ Fitted with upstream strainer as standard equipment.
„„ All replaceable parts can be easily replaced without
mechanical work.
Description of functions; basic principles:
Injection coolers are pressure sprayers. They use the
pressure drop occurring in the nozzle for spraying water.
The water film which develops at first on the nozzle opening
breaks up into many tiny droplets, with increasingly smaller
diameters, depending on the flow velocity. Adjustable W &
T injection coolers are cooling water control valves and
nozzle heads combined into one unit.
The upper part functions as a one-level or multi-level
cooling water control valve.
It regulates flow masses and pressure at the nozzle head.
The elongated valve spindle controls a host of nozzles
with various port openings. A drop in pressure is thus
sustained at the nozzles along the entire work load area
which assures a good, even misting of the film of water.
The extremely fine water mist thus produced evaporates in
a very short time, and so optimal cooling is achieved. The
use of protective pipe in the steam pipe is not required.

Figure 6.24.25.-1:  Injection cooler

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Special control-valves for power plants Page 315 of 322

References extract

Lünen / Germany
Customer: STEAG AG
Application: HP- Turbines bypass
Product: Steam converting valve C3

Termoli / Italy
Customer: Technip ITALY S.p.A.
Application: HP turbines by-pass with security
function, boiler protection
Product: Steam converting valve C3

Pemex / Mexico
Customer: Samson Mexico
Application: Steam conditioning
Product: Steam converting valve E34

Zhangshan / China
Customer: Siemens Power Plant Automotion
Application: HP / LP Bypass
Product: Steam converting valve S30 / E20

Majuba / South Africa

Customer: Eskom
Application: HP- Turbines bypass
Product: DUSI-FL Typ 700

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Page 316 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Other applications:

Photo W&T
In order to operate many production facilities, process steam is required in addition to
electrical power.
One example of this is aluminium smelters: The production of a ton of aluminium
requires approximately 20,000 kWh of electrical current, while the treatment of bauxite
in autoclaves requires process steam.
A special example for the use of process steam is a paper factory, where variable
amounts of steam are required at various times. The steam is created in steam
boilers, which are fired by primary energy sources such as oil or gas, or in which the
exhaust heat of the production process is used.
Different steam pressure networks as well as an intermittent use of electricity,
especially when taking process optimization into account, require an increased
degree of complexity, not only for steam production, but for electricity production and
distribution as well.
Figure 6.24.-26:  Other applications


After receiving delivery of your control valves, an experienced service team is at your
disposal, from the first start-up to conducting routine check-ups later.
Reliability which pays off in the long run!
Our company service organization team, trained and highly specialized, enables
worldwide inspections and check-ups, maintenance and servicing, and thus the most
optimal customer support.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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General tendencies and statistics Page 317 of 322

6.25  General tendencies and statistics

Since the early seventies a permanent reorientation in the area of control valves has taken
place. As is typical for most capital goods, the drive for change came essentially from the
users’ side. In the old days technical features like characteristics or range ability had the
highest priority in the selection of a suitable control valve. With the beginning of the energy
crisis, however, the accent has moved, increasingly, towards economical considerations.
The increasing pressure for cost reductions has forced planners and contractors to look,
in addition, for more economical alternatives. Earlier it was, for example, usual to place a
control valve between two manual valves and provide in addition a bypass system carrying
another manually operated control valve. With this installation practice the process could
be controlled temporarily by hand in the case of a malfunction of the control valve. Also an
exchange of the control valve was easily possible without interrupting the process. This
installation practice is today - due to high investment expenditures - only found in plants
where process interruptions cannot be tolerated.
The control valve takes on today more and more the function of a block valve too,
which is normally associated with higher performance with regard to the tight shut-off
characteristics. Frequently control valves are specified according to standards which
are exclusively made for manually operated block valves. Those extremely low leakage
rates cannot be achieved with control valves without special measures. One can only
hope that the numerous confusions of norms and standards will be finally eliminated with
the introduction of the obligatory European standards (EN). Today DIN/EN/IEC 60534-4
similar to ANSI/FCI 70-2 defines in addition to the metal to metal standard seat leakage
Class IV for higher demands Class V.
The highest leak quality is nearly comparable with Class VI for soft seated valves so
called “bubble tight”. Class V becomes a high priority in the oil-and gas industry and gives
for larger valve sizes a challenge to any valve manufacturer production process. But also
the end-user has to keep special piping precautions like:
Keep the valve free of piping forces, use pipe-compensators with higher temperatures.
Keep the valve free of dirt, rust and solid particles. Good flushing processes in phase of
commissioning. Keep steam traps upstream of the valve in proper function
Leak rate calculation example: DIN/EN/IEC 60534-4
Butterfly valve Standard leak rate Class IV versus triple eccentric leak rate Class V
Cv = 8400; Seat-diameter = DN 400 (NPS 16)
Air, 20°C, shut down pressure p1 = 3.5 bar
Leak rate Class IV: appr. 570 dm3/min
Leak rate Class V: appr. 0.075 dm3/min
Ratio: Class IV / V = 7600
The result says that a production loss in this example could theoretically be 7600 times
smaller. In praxis after longer operations under installed conditions this value (under ideal
test condition) may get smaller but will be still an interesting point of cost saving.
Although progress in the development of modern final control elements seems to be
lower in comparison with smart intelligent positioners, field instruments for temperature,

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Page 318 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

flow and pressure level measurement and, the improvements in control valve technology
are - in spite of an apparent low innovation potential - considerable:
„„ Standard valves are now, fundamentally, more compact. There is undoubtedly a
close relationship between the weight of the control valve and its production costs.
Therefore most manufacturers have managed to reduce unnecessary weight to stay
competitive. Considering the average rate of the yearly price in-creases in the two last
decades, the standard control valve is today certainly less costly than 20 years ago!
„„ Numerous rules and regulations with regard to environment protection have forced
manufactures to address many problems in detail. This has led to a quality standard
for control valves which is even higher than 20 years ago. Worthy of mentioning are,
for example:
ƒƒ More attention is given to noise behavior today. This has led particularly to the
development of low noise control valves.
ƒƒ The harmful events with the appearance of cavitation are today, not only better
understood and mastered, but are also precisely foreseeable so that correct
measures can be taken.
Furthermore predicting or classifying on one hand long term reliability and at other
hand controllability of control valves initiated by major end users, test institutes and
manufacturers is an ongoing challenge to get a better balance between the lowest
cost of investment and the total cost of ownership (TCO).
ƒƒ Asbestos for gaskets and packing has been replaced by substitute mate-rials which
have no harmful consequences for human beings and nature.
ƒƒ To comply with the tough requirements of the European TA-Luft (clean air act)
essential progress has been made with regard to the valve stem sealing and
flange joint gaskets. Also the inner tight shut-off level in the valve seat has been
considerably improved so that in many cases an additional block valve is no longer
ƒƒ New materials and a better knowledge of corrosion patterns permit today a better
selection of suitable materials.
ƒƒ Last but not least the introduction and implementation of the international quality
standard ISO 9000 gives the user today, the assurance that he gets the product he
„„ The trend towards low pressure differentials at the control valve continues, in order to
ƒƒ (1) apply standard valves instead of expensive low noise types,
ƒƒ (2) reduce or avoid cavitation and its too high sound- and sometimes damaging
consequences and
ƒƒ (3) enable the use of pumps with a lower power consumption. This trend has
promoted the application of rotary type control valves enormously because of their
greater flow capacity and lower initial costs.

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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General tendencies and statistics Page 319 of 322

The preferred application of a definitive control valve type has to be seen also under
statistical considerations. Various investigations in Europe, in the USA and Japan have
shown an astonishing agreement with regard to valve materials, nominal sizes and pressure
ratings. This surprising fact must, however, be rationalized after careful consideration,
since the technical processes are world-wide, normally the same or at least very similar.
The "know-how" in the petrochemical sector, for example, is still mastered by the USA
and there is hardly a refinery which doesn't use a license of the "Seven Sisters" which is
the large group of worldwide operating companies like Exxon, Royal Dutch Shell, British
Petroleum, Chevron Oil etc. A harmonization in the use of certain control valve styles
also results from this source. A further essential factor is the necessity of international
standardization to save costs, to reduce inventories and spare parts supply and to simplify
service and maintenance of control valves.

Rotary Valves Standard Valves

14 % incl. Low noise
56 %
Ball Valves
16 %
Butterfly Valves

Other Valves
Diaphragm Valves
Figure 6.25.-1:  Fig. 6-33: Statistical distribution of various valve styles

The following pie-charts show the random distribution of common control valve types
used most frequently in industry, as well as the nominal sizes, pressure ratings and body
materials. To avoid misunderstandings the term control valve shall be again defined.
According to an international definition a control valve is a „power actuated device“,
i.e. a control valve with a power unit. This might be a pneumatic an electric or electro-
hydraulic actuator. The distinction between "regulating“ and "ON-OFF“ service seems to
be outdated, since more and more processes are no longer continuous but discontinuous
Continuous processes are found mainly in refineries, raw material production plants and
power stations where the same product is continuously being produced. This method is
ideal from a production point of view. Large quantities can be produced fully automatically
with a minimum number of workers.
These plants were originally designed for a definite purpose. They run usually 20 years
or more and are replaced from time to time by more modern plants which correspond to
the latest advances in technology.

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Page 320 of 322 Chapter 6.  Control valve styles

Discontinuous processes increase considerably in European plants today. Unlike the

continuous processes which run day and night, this type produces on a daily basis (or
sometimes for only a few hours) fine chemicals for which there is lesser volume demand.
Typical examples for these fine chemicals are high-quality pigments, raw materials for
detergents or high class pharmaceuticals. Many of these modern plants are so-called
"multi-purpose plants", i.e. they are able to produce different substances.
Modern digital control systems are able to store complex recipes. Such DCS units manage
any re-programming fully automatically so that only a minimum of operation effort is
required. Plants for these "batch"- processes are naturally much smaller and thus naturally,
affect the average nominal size of the control valves needed. The average nominal valve
size has indeed dropped in Europe within the last decade. Simultaneously the number of
ON-OFF or switching valves being used has rapidly risen. This development has primarily
favored the sales of small ball valves, mostly provided with a simple pneumatic actuator.
This also explains the relatively high share of this control valve type (Figure 6.25.-1).

DN 40, 50
NPS 1½, 2
30 %
DN 15, 20, 25
NPS ½, ¾, 1 DN 65, 80, 100
37 % NPS 2½, 3, 4
22 %
DN 150
≥ DN 150 6%

Figure 6.25.-2:  Statistical distribution of valve sizes in process industries

Figure 6.25.-2 illustrates that about 2/3 of the required control valves today fall into the
range of nominal sizes up to and including DN 50. The share of the larger nominal sizes
above DN 50 is continuing to shrink. This applies particular to very large valve sizes of DN
150 and above. The statistics are influenced of course, by the most important and largest
user segment of industrial control valves the chemical industry.
A still more dramatic picture demonstrates the statistics of the applied nominal pressure
ratings. One usually distinguishes between the so-called low pressure range (up to and
including PN 40 or ANSI Class 300), the middle or medium pressure range of PN 64, PN
100 and PN 160 (and/or ANSI Class 400, 600 and 900) and the high pressure range of
PN 250 (ANSI Class 1500) and higher. The most important low pressure range covers
more than 90 % of all control valves installed world-wide, while the remainder is reserved
for higher pressure ratings (Figure 6.25.-3).

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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General tendencies and statistics Page 321 of 322

Low Pressure Range

≤ PN 40
≤ ANSI Class 300
92 %

Medium Pressure Range High Pressure Range

≤ PN 64, 100, 160 ≥ PN 160
≤ ANSI Class 400, 600, 900 ≥ ANSI Class 900
6% 2%
Figure 6.25.-3:  Statistical distribution of pressure body ratings in industry

Carbon Steel
65 %

Stainless Steel
30 %

Exotic Steel

Figure 6.25.-4:  Statistical distribution materials in industry

The random distribution of body materials is shown in Figure 6.25.-4. The so-called
carbon steel materials, including the minor share of high temperature steels, hold a share
of approximately 2/3 of all industrial valves. The share of standard stain-less steel alloys
(austenitic materials) is about 30%. The rest falls to high alloy exotic materials for special

SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany

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Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.samson.de

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