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Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

В 2021 ГОДУ
(I вариант)

1. Определите, в каких приведенных ниже словах буква -u- читается как звук
[ju:], а в каких не читается (silent). Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 –
2) в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (а – е).
1) [ju:] 2) silent
a) guest;
b) muesli;
c) biscuits;
d) vague;
e) humour

2. Определите, в каком из приведенных вариантов указан верный вариант

написания слова. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 4) в талоне
ответов под соответствующей буквой (а – е).
a) 1) uneateable; 2) uneatable; 3) uneataeble; 4) uneatible
b) 1) incredeable; 2) incredable; 3) incredeble; 4) incredible
c) 1) audible; 2) audable; 3) audaeble; 4) audeable
d) 1) incurable; 2) incureable; 3) incuraeble; 4) incurible
e) 1) unavoidaeble; 2) unavoidible; 3) unavoideable; 4) unavoidable

3. Укажите, нужно ли удвоить на письме выделенную жирным шрифтом букву

в предложенных словах. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 2) в талоне
ответов под соответствующей буквой (а – е).
1) есть удвоение 2) нет удвоения
a) ag reement; b) lo sen; c) columnist; d) acommodation; e) edition

4. Завершите фразы, заполнив пропуски подходящими по смыслу предлогами.

Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 8) в талоне ответов под
соответствующей буквой (а – е).
1) through; 2) on; 3) off; 4) away; 5) up; 6) over; 7) down; 8) aside
a) My sister has had to put ___________ the wedding ceremony until September.
b) We put some money ___________ every month for our retirement.
c) I’m not going to put ___________ with their smoking here any longer.
Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

d) He always puts his wife ___________ by insulting her in public.

e) “Could you put me ___________ to customer services, please?”

5. Выберите правильную грамматическую форму. Укажите номера выбранных

вариантов (1 – 2) в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (а – е).
a) It’s no good 1) persuading; 2)to persuade her to come with us.
b) They didn’t advise us 1) booking; 2) to book in advance.
c) Your dress is rather filthy. It needs 1) washing; 2) to wash.
d) We should stop 1) spending; 2) to spend so much money on junk food.
e) May doesn’t have enough patience 1) being; 2) to be a teacher.

6. Завершите идиомы, заполнив пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 9) в талоне ответов под
соответствующей буквой (а – е).
1) bear; 2) tiger; 3) fox; 4) shark; 5) mouse; 6) bat; 7) pig; 8) gorilla; 9) mule
a) as blind as a(an) ___________;
b) as sly as a(an) _________;
c) as stubborn as a(an) __________;
d) as hungry as a(an) ___________;
e) as quiet as a(an) __________ .

7. Выберете правильную грамматическую форму глагола. Укажите номера

выбранных вариантов (1 – 2) в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (а
– е).
a) Sixteen ounces 1) equal 2) equals one pound.
b) The President, accompanied by his wife, 1) is 2) are traveling to India.
c) The bed and breakfast 1) was 2) were charming.
d) The data 1) shows 2) show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-
e) It's only a tiny minority of people who 1) is causing 2) are causing the problem.

8. Определите, верно ли употреблено выделенное жирным шрифтом слово.

Если верно, внесите в талон ответов цифру 1, если неверно – цифру 2. Укажите
номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (а
– е).
a) Her husband didn’t leave the pier till the boat had disappeared from sight over the
b) Butterflies used to be a common sight on farms.
c) The rooftop restaurant affords a panoramic sight across the bay.
d) It's important that you have regular sight tests.
Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

e) These measures have been taken with a sight to increasing the company’s profits.

9. Завершите фразы, заполнив пропуски подходящими по смыслу артиклями.

Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 3) в талоне ответов под
соответствующей буквой (а – е).
1) a/an; 2) the; 3) no article
The Tower of London
Officially Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and 1) Fortress of the Tower of London, is
a historic castle on the north bank of 2) River Thames in central London. It lies
within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. It was founded towards the end of 1066 as

3) part of the Norman Conquest of England.

The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William Conqueror
in 1078 and was 4) symbol of oppression, inflicted upon London by 5)
new ruling elite. A grand palace early in its history, it served as a royal residence. here
were several phases of expansion, mainly under kings Richard I, Henry III, and Edward I
in the 12th and 13th centuries.

10. Определите прагматическую направленность фраз, приведенных в левой

колонке. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 10) в талоне ответов под
соответствующей буквой (a – e).
a) I am sure she hasn’t left because her coat’s still here. 1) Criticism
b) You look awfully pale. You’d better consult a doctor. 2) Suggestion
c) She could at least wait until 5 o’clock. 3) Certainty
d) Perhaps Daniel is at the chemist’s. 4) Doubt
e) Alex was obliged to wear glasses because he couldn’t see properly. 5) Agreement
6) Necessity
7) Advice
8) Opinion
9) Possibility
10) Reminder

11. Завершите фразы, заполнив пропуски в идиоматических выражениях

словами, расположенными ниже. Вариантов больше, чем необходимо. Укажите
номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 6) в талоне ответов под соответствующей
буквой (а – е).
1) green; 2) yellow; 3) white; 4) pink; 5) red; 6) blue
a) The best way to stay in the _____ is to eat healthily, take regular exercise, drink in
moderation and not smoke.

Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

b) The project we’ve been working on for half a year has finally been given the _____
c) He would never argue with his mother. He’s far too _____.
d) “What's the matter with you? You've been in a _____ mood all evening.”
е) “My wife asked me if I liked her new dress and of course I told her it looked
wonderful. You have to tell a little _____ lie from time to time, don’t you?”

12. Определите способы образования слов. Укажите номера выбранных

вариантов (1 – 4) в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (а – е).
1) префиксация; 2) суффиксация; 3) словосложение; 4) конверсия
a) overeat;
b) existence;
c) name;
d) brainwash;
e) close

13. Завершите фразы, выбрав подходящие по смыслу предлоги (1 – 7). Укажите

номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (а
– е).
1) in; 2) for; 3) out; 4) off; 5) through; 6) up; 7) away
a) She told us stories about her family, but they were all made .
b) We're running of time - the report has to be ready for the meeting tonight.
c) She looked her notes before the exam to recite everything.
d) All the parents were at the railway station, seeing the children to school.
e) He tends to turn and curse loudly when he hears my name.

14. Завершите фразы, выбрав подходящие по смыслу глаголы в необходимой

форме. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 8) в талоне ответов под
буквой соответствующего задания (а – е).
1) give; 2) bring; 3) do; 4) turn; 5) speak; 6) feed; 7) put; 8) take
a) We can’t afford to fix the car this month, so we’ll need to without it for a few
b) That music always back happy memories.
c) I’m just up with his excuses for not getting his work done.
d) She has often up for the rights of working mothers.
e) I over Jenny’s flat when she went to Sweden.

Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

15. Завершите ситуацию, заполнив пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 4) в талоне ответов под
соответствующей буквой (а – е).
Music – a universal language
Music is universal – it is (a) by many cultures. Some scientists believe that
music came before (b) and arose as a development of mating calls. In fact, there
is one theory that the earliest languages were chanted or sung rather than spoken. Indeed,
in some cultures, music is a form of (c) history. The Aboriginal
Australians, for example, use music as a (d) to pass on stories of the land
and spirits to the next (e) .
a) 1) produced 2) written 3) considered 4) sung
b) 1) talk 2) vocabulary 3) dispute 4) speech
c) 1) enjoying 2) making 3) recording 4) stating
d) 1) measure 2) means 3) matter 4) point
e) 1) children 2) people 3) generation 4) tribe

16. Прочитайте текст “Stress: Our Body’s Enemy” и заполните пропуски (a – e)

частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 – 6. Одна из частей в списке
1 – 6 лишняя.
Stress: Our Body’s Enemy
Our lives are filled with stress. Our body’s stress response is what helped our ancestors
survive, enabling them to fight or flee from danger. But in today's world, most stressors
are psychological, rather than physical. a) But stress more often than
not has a negative effect on one’s life.
During “fight-or-flight” situations, the blood flow is directed to areas of the body
considered vital for responding to the stress. b) Instead of reducing
the stress level once the crisis has passed, our stress hormones, heart rate, and blood
pressure remain at a high level. Extended or repeated activation of the stress response
affects the body. Stress causes damage to the cardiovascular system and suppression of
our immune system, which threaten one's ability to fight off disease and infection.
Stress can cause damaging effects to our skin as well. Recent studies in mice shed new
light on the effects of psychological stress on skin function. c)
Deterioration of the skin barrier may have destructive consequences to the quality and
appearance of the skin. Many skin disorders such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis
and rosacea have been linked to a compromised skin barrier function and stress only
encourages the visible symptoms such as inflammation.
Stress can also trigger acne. Acne forms when oily secretions beneath the skin fill up the
pores. d) .

Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

Here are a few things you can do to limit the effects of stress on your overall health:
Exercise regularly. Exercise improves blood flow, and muscle tone throughout your body,
plus, it helps normalize blood sugar and hormone levels. e) Proper
nutrition is extremely important to keep stress hormones in check and to maintain a healthy
immune system. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can increase the impact stress has on our
health and well-being, so be sure to get your seven to eight hours a night.

1) An increase in the stress hormone stimulates them which can exacerbate oily skin, thus
leading to acne.
2) Stress can have a positive effect on people's job performance, for example an increase
of adrenaline just prior to a presentation will give the speaker focus and energy.
3) Some, such as smoking and excessive drinking, make stress and health worse.
4) Researchers showed that in response to high levels of stress, an increase of plasma
glucucortoids caused a deterioration of the skin’s barrier function.
5) The problem with the stress response is that the more it is activated, the harder it
becomes to shut off.
6) Eat healthy, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and avoid excessive levels of sugar,
caffeine and junk food.

17. Прочитайте текст “Stress: Our Body’s Enemy” в задании № 16 и определите,

являются ли верными высказывания (а – е), приведенные после него. Если
высказывание верно, в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой поставьте
1, если неверно – 2, если в тексте об этом не сказано – 3.
a) Stress helps boost people’s memory and concentration, as well as damages our health
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
b) After the crisis passes, stress hormones are back on track.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
c) Psychological stress worsens the quality of skin by weakening its barrier.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
d) Doing regular exercises is an effective way of bumping up endorphins.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
e) In order to reduce the negative impact of stress on our body and health, people should
wake up and go to bed at the same time daily.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

18. Прочитайте текст “Stress: Our Body’s Enemy” в задании 16 еще раз и
подберите наиболее точные эквиваленты к выражениям, выделенным жирным
шрифтом. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов (1 – 3) в талоне ответов под
соответствующей буквой (а – е).
a) ancestors
1) someone who is a 100-years-old or more
2) people related to you who lives after you
3) people related to you who lived a long time ago
b) affects the body
1) to make the body stronger or work more effective
2) to have a negative effect on the body
3) to produce benefits for the body
c) deterioration
1) damage
2) improvement
3) growth
d) shed new light on
1) to set something on fire
2) to provide illumination
3) to reveal information about something
e) trigger acne
1) worsen acne
2) prevent acne from spreading
3) help beat acne

19. Найдите в тексте “Stress: Our Body’s Enemy?” задания 16 подчеркнутые

слова в тексте и определите, какой частью речи они являются. Укажите номера
выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов (1 – 7) под соответствующей буквой (а
– е).
a) damaging 1) noun
b) enabling 2) conjunction
c) response 3) preposition
d) limit 4) participle
e) during 5) verb
6) adjective
7) pronoun

Конкурсные испытания, иностранный язык, Предуниверситарий, 2021 год

20. Завершите фразы (а – е) по истории, географии и культуре Великобритании,

выбрав вариант ответа (1 – 4).
a) The word Albion comes from the Latin word al bus, which means _____
1) white; 2) great; 3) foggy; 4) mild
b) What is the capital city of Scotland?
1) Cardiff; 2) Edinburgh; 3) Glasgow; 4) Aberdeen
c) Where is the Stone of Destiny (or the Stone of Scone) kept today?
1) in Westminster Abbey; 2) in Buckingham Palace; 3) in Edinburgh Castle; 4) in
the Tower of London
d) The United Kingdom is a _______
1) monarchy; 2) republic; 3) presidential republic; 4) constitutional monarchy
e) The Patron Saint of England is _________.
1) St. Andrew; 2) St. Patrick; 3) St. George; 4) St. David

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