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M i t h r a l C a n va s
Items By Category
Soldier of the Steppes���������������3 Hollow Scale����������������������������������������������������9

Koumiss Flask��������������������������������������������������3 Drifting Sigh�������������������������������������������������� 10

Padded Lamellar���������������������������������������������3 Zephyr Shard������������������������������������������������� 11

Khoron Arrows�������������������������������������������������4 Crashing Fang����������������������������������������������� 12

Whirlwind Quiver��������������������������������������������4 Curated Curios�������������������13

Steppe Saber����������������������������������������������������5 Desecration���������������������������������������������������� 13

Steedbond Saddle�������������������������������������������5 Bright Lure����������������������������������������������������� 14

Vicious���������������������������������������������������������������6 Alphabetical Index����������������15

Heavenly Dragon’s Blessings���������7 Thanks to Our Patrons!������������16

Squall Bringer��������������������������������������������������7
Rolling Scourge�����������������������������������������������8

This tome serves and a gateway to the creations depicted on The Mithral Canvas. Current Patrons need only click the links found below
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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 2 Compendium
Soldier of the Steppes
A soldier rides forward, his noble steed barreling across the grassy plains. His quarry flees upon a horse of his own, searching
desperately for cover. Suddenly the soldier rears back on the reigns and the distance between them grows. The rider, pulling ahead, lets
out a sigh of relief. Just then the breath catches in his throat as an arrow pierces through his chest sending him tumbling to the ground.
The soldier had given him a sporting head start, but none had ever escaped his bow.

Koumiss Flask Padded Lamellar

Wondrous item, uncommon Armor (splint), uncommon

This decorated leather flask is never far from a raider’s grasp. Layers of padding, leather, and metal protected Mongol
warriors from all manner of bladed assaults. This armor does
Koumiss. This flask holds enough fermented milk to serve not impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while
3 creatures. When you drink a serving of this milk you gain wearing it and has no Strength requirement.
advantage on saving throws against being frightened for 1 hour.
Thread Weave. This reinforced armor catches sharp points
Ferment. To produce more liquid as part of the Koumiss and edges, reducing the impact of such blows. Whenever you
property, this flask must be filled with fresh milk and left to take nonmagical piercing or slashing damage from a single
magically ferment for 24 hours. source, that damage is reduced by 1 (this cannot reduce the
amount of damage dealt to 0).

For the Mongol people horses are more than mere mounts;
they are their livelihood. It is through their giving and sacrifice Through woven hide and steel, our warriors harden themselves
that we thrive in such a manner, and there is no greater symbol against any blade or spear that seeks to end them. Many seek
of this bond than a glass of Koumiss. One sip of this pungent refuge in the might of metal alone, slowing themselves to a
drink born of horse and man gives a warrior the courage to step crawl in pursuit of what they mistake as safety. And in doing so
forth and conquer without fear. they foolishly leave themselves vulnerable to the assault of our
warriors moving as swift as the winds.

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 3 Compendium
Khoron Arrows Whirlwind Quiver
Weapon (arrow), uncommon Wondrous item, rare
An expertly-made poisoned arrow with a fullered triangular This elegant leather quiver remains quick and efficient whether
head meant for killing men. its wearer is mounted or on foot, allowing for an endless
barrage of arrows to soar.
Aconite Tip. This poison-tipped arrow deals an extra 1d6
poison damage on a hit and the target must make a DC 12 Swift Draw. When you make a ranged weapon attack using
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A a piece of ammunition drawn from this quiver, you can use a
creature that fails this save by 5 or more is paralyzed for 1 bonus action to make another single ranged weapon attack
minute instead. The target can repeat this saving throw at the with that same weapon (unless the weapon has the loading
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. property). You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage of
the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative.
Once it hits a target, this arrow is no longer poisonous and
functions as regular ammunition.

Speed. The most valuable asset upon the battlefield for our
troops. We outrun and outmaneuver our foes upon our mighty
In wartime, all manner of tactics and tools must be utilized steeds, and when the moment is right our arrows soar through
to their fullest potential. What better way to decimate an the air in such quantity that the sky itself darkens. And when
enemy force than by crippling their ranks before the battle our quarry believes they have successfully weathered our
has properly begun. Worry not for those who survive our toxic ferocity, the next volley finds purchase within their breast.
onslaught, for a merciful death shall arrive swiftly.

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 4 Compendium
Steppe Saber Steedbond Saddle
Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Longer than an average sword, these blades are built to swing A decorated saddle that allows for delicate control of
down from above as their wielders gallop past on horseback. one’s horse. You can have this item shrink down in size for
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this transportation as it collapses into the medallion on the saddle’s
magic weapon. This bonus is increased to +2 if you are riding a pommel.
Bonded Companion. You can perform a 1-hour ritual to bond
Mounted Superiority. While you are mounted, if your mount this saddle to a willing beast creature. Only one creature can be
moves at least 20 feet in a straight line towards a creature bonded to this saddle at a time, and bonding to a new creature
before you hit the target with this weapon, the target must breaks the previous bond.
succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked
prone. If your mount moves at least 40 feet in a straight line, While holding this item you can use a bonus action to magically
the DC increases to 16. summon or dismiss the creature bonded to it. When you
summon the creature, it appears in an unoccupied space within
If the target is knocked prone, you can immediately have your 5 feet of you with this saddle fastened to its back and bridle on
mount make a melee attack against that creature using your its head. When you dismiss a creature bonded to this saddle it
bonus action. appears in a harmless demiplane where it does not need to eat,
drink, or sleep, leaving only the medallion. While bonded to this
saddle the creature’s hit point maximum is increased by twice
Though the Mongol warrior is famed for the ability to win your character level and it takes 5 feet less movement to mount
wars from afar, some are arrogant enough to think the result it.
would differ in close quarters. As our blades swing down from Ride or Die. While you are mounted on a creature wearing this
above, such thoughts are torn asunder as easily as their ranks. saddle and aren’t incapacitated you gain the following benefits:
Any soldiers unlucky enough to survive our charge are quickly
crushed underfoot as our mounts trample them into the dirt. Both you and your mount gain a +1 bonus to your AC.

When your mount takes the dash or disengage action you

can make a single weapon attack as part of that action
against a target in range.

For a Mongol warrior, a horse is everything. A horse provides

speed, food, companionship, and military might. There can be
no greater ally in our wartime affairs than these steeds that give
to us their very being, and a true Mongol can break any horse
no matter the temperment. With speed and skill we decimate
our foes, outmaneuvering them at every step as horse and rider
run them down.

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 5 Compendium
Vicious Curse. Hound of War. This shortbow is cursed, and becoming
attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain
Weapon (shortbow), legendary (requires attunement) cursed, you are unwilling to part with the shortbow, keeping
An exquisite and ruthless shortbow that hungers for the kill. it within reach at all times. Once attuned, this item remains
You gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic attuned to you until you die or the shortbow is destroyed.
weapon equal to half your proficiency bonus. While you are None escape your reach, your appetite for brutality must
riding a mount this shortbow has range (160/360). be satiated. While a creature Marked by the Hunting Shot
Bloodlust. When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon property lives, you do not gain any benefits from long rests.
attack from this bow, the number needed to score a critical hit
against that target on subsequent ranged attacks is reduced
by 1. This effect stacks with itself to a minimum critical hit The pinnacle of Mongolian weaponry, perhaps responsible
threshold of 15. This effect lasts until you score a critical hit, for more death than any other weapon in our vast and mighty
you attack a different creature, you are knocked unconscious, arsenal. Wars are turned and battles won with nothing more
or until you are no longer in combat. than bow and arrow and steed, the deadliest combination
upon the steppes. When agility and expertise come together,
Hunting Shot. As a bonus action while holding this weapon death descends upon the battlefield in the form of a thousand
you can Mark a creature you can see within 120 feet of you. thundering hooves and a thousand arrows piercing the
This effect lasts until the creature dies or you die (which heavens. Rip and tear my warriors, rip and tear.
removes the Mark from all Marked creatures). You can only
have a total number of creatures Marked at a time up to your
proficiency bonus.

Your ranged attacks using this magic bow against Marked

creatures gain the following benefits:

On a hit the target takes an additional 1d6 piercing


Your target gains no benefit from cover (other than total


You suffer no disadvantage due to long range.

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 6 Compendium
Heavenly Dragon’s Blessings
Long ago, a great evil spread throughout the lands, threatening the mortal world with absolute destruction. When all hope seemed lost,
a great radiant dragon appeared, declaring himself guardian of the realm. He imbued champions of the mortal world with his power,
bestowing them with abilities to fight injustice and villainy. The Champions of the Heavenly Dragon fought the forces of darkness and
emerged victorious. Their artifacts of power have been passed down through the centuries, waiting for new Champions to pick up their

Squall Bringer Very Rare. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased
to +2.
Weapon (battleaxe), varies (requires attunement)
If you take the Attack action while under the cloud created
Even the rain from the sky is subject to the Heavenly Dragon’s by the Rare property, you can swing this weapon to douse
moods; crushing and torrential. When this magic weapon your foes with rainwater in place of one of your attacks. Each
absorbs energy from a dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves creature in a 20-foot cone originating from you must make
great deeds, it increases in rarity and gains new properties in a Strength saving throw. If you are holding this weapon with
addition to those of its previous rarities. The DC of any of the two hands, the size of the cone is increased to 30 feet. On a
properties of this weapon is equal to 8 + your Strength modifier failed save, a creature takes 3d8 piercing damage and 3d8 cold
+ your proficiency bonus. damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature
Uncommon. While holding this weapon, you have advantage takes half as much damage and suffers no additional effect.
on saving throws to resist being moved against your will. Legendary. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased
Rare. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made to +3.
with this magic weapon. The radius of the cloud made using the Rare property is
As an action while holding this weapon, you can summon a increased to 90 feet. As a bonus action you can move the cloud
rain cloud in the shape of a cylinder that is 10 feet tall and with up to 30 feet.
a 60-foot radius, centered on a point you can see within 100
feet of you. This property fails if you can’t see a point in the
air where the rain cloud could appear (for example, if you are Rain. As mercurial as the heavens themselves, bringing
in a room that can’t accommodate the cloud). The cloud lasts everything from soothing showers to torrential floods
for 10 minutes, and you must maintain concentration on this threatening to drown the lands below. Those that wield such
property as though maintaining concentration on a spell. For power understand their duty as the tip of the spear, washing
the duration, constant rain pours from the cloud and the area away any that oppose the Heavenly Dragon. Surge forth, and let
under it is considered difficult terrain for creatures of your nothing stand in your path.

When the cloud disappears, all water generated from it

instantly vanishes. You summon a cloud this way twice per long
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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 7 Compendium
Rolling Scourge Legendary. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased
to +3 and additional thunder damage is increased to 1d8.
Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement) Attacks with your unarmed strikes score a critical hit if the
These fists bring the thunder of the Heavenly Dragon to the number on the d20 is 19 or higher.
field of battle; furious and inescapable. When this magic item The Very Rare property of these gauntlets instead deals 2
absorbs energy from a dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves additional dice of thunder damage on a hit. While you have
great deeds, it increases in rarity and gains new properties in temporary hit points granted by this item you cannot be
addition to those of its previous rarities. grappled or restrained by magical means.
Uncommon. While wearing these gauntlets your unarmed
strikes count as magical and have the finesse property.
Thunder. Terrible and fearsome, roaring through the skies
Rare. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls to signaling impending destruction. Such is the force brought to
unarmed strikes while wearing these gauntlets. On a hit your bear by the wielder of these gauntlets, one that tears across
unarmed strikes deal 1d4 additional thunder damage. the battlefield with the fury of the Heavenly Dragon. Let the
Whenever you score a critical hit against a creature with an thunder roll, for it shall be the last thing our enemies hear.
unarmed strike while wearing these gauntlets, you gain a
number of temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage

Very Rare. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased

to +2 and additional thunder damage increases to 1d6.

You can use your action to crash upon the battlefield making a
single unarmed strike against any number of chosen creatures
within 30 feet of you. On a hit the target takes an additional
die of Thunder damage. You can then teleport within range of
one of the targets. You can use this property a number of times
equal to your Dexterity modifier before you finish a long rest.
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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 8 Compendium
Hollow Scale Legendary. The bonus to AC is increased to +2. The range at
which you can cast Shield is increased to 20 feet.
Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement)
The spells you can cast through this shield are updated as
Even the stillness of a calm sky is the work of the Heavenly follows: Shield (at will), Calm Emotions (1 charge), Warding
Dragon; gracious and merciful. When this magic item absorbs Bond (1 charge), Lesser Restoration (1 charge), Death Ward (2
energy from a dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves great charges), Wall of Force (3 charges).
deeds, it increases in rarity and gains new properties in
addition to those of its previous rarities. The DC of any of the
properties of this weapon is equal to 8 + your Constitution
modifier + your proficiency bonus. Sky. A generous gift, a reminder to never take anything for
granted, even the stillness of the clouds and winds. One who
Uncommon. While holding this shield, you have advantage on grasps the beauty in such moments recognizes the power in
saving throws to resist being poisoned or diseased. nothingness, the void in which the infinite potential of the
Heavenly Dragon is born anew. Never forget the limitless
Rare. This shield has a number of charges equal to your possibilities born of quiet calm.
Constitution modifier and regains all charges after a long rest.

While holding this shield you can cast one of the following
spells by expending the necessary number of charges: Shield
(1 charge), Calm Emotions (2 charges), Warding Bond (2
charges), Lesser Restoration (2 charges).

Very Rare. You gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC. When a

creature you can see within 10 feet of you is hit by an attack you
can use your reaction to cast Shield from this item targeting
them instead of yourself by spending the appropriate charges.

As an action you can spend 2 charges to exude an aura of

bolstering power. For 10 minutes, each creature of your choice
within 10 feet of you gains a bonus to their saving throws
against spells and magical effects equal to your Constitution
modifier. You must maintain concentration on this property as
though concentrating on a spell.

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 9 Compendium
Drifting Sigh Very Rare. Whenever you cast a spell using this staff as a
spellcasting focus, the next attack made against you until the
Staff, varies (requires attunement) end of your next turn is made with disadvantage.
Within this staff lies the cloudy skies, lingering signs of the Legendary. Creatures of your choice have disadvantage on
Heavenly Dragon; drifting and elusive. When this magic item saving throws to maintain concentration on spells and abilities
absorbs energy from a dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves affecting you.
great deeds, it increases in rarity and gains new properties
in addition to those of its previous rarities. The DC of any of The spells you can cast through this staff are updated as
the properties of this weapon is equal to 8 + your Intelligence follows: Fog Cloud (at will), Misty Step (1 charge), Mirror Image
modifier + your proficiency bonus. (1 charge), Gaseous Form (1 charge), Freedom of Movement (2
charges), Guards and Wards (3 charges).
Uncommon. While holding this staff you can move through
the space of another creature, and it doesn’t count as difficult
terrain. You cannot end your turn in another creature’s space.
Clouds. Lazily soaring through the skies as though bound to
Rare. This staff has a number of charges equal to your nothing at all but their own inscrutable whims. Only a being
Intelligence modifier and regains all charges after a long rest. just as enigmatic can truly grasp how to take advantage of
the Heavenly Dragon’s aimless energies, supporting their
While holding this staff you can cast one of the following spells allies from afar as their enemies struggle to take hold of their
by expending the necessary number of charges: Fog Cloud impossibly shifting form. Remain untethered, for your enemies
(1 charge), Misty Step (2 charges), Mirror Image (2 charges), shall struggle in your stead.
Gaseous Form (2 charges).

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 10 Compendium
Zephyr Shard Very Rare. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased
to +2.
Weapon (longbow), varies (requires attunement)
When you hit a creature with a ranged attack using this magic
The winds of the Heavenly Dragon infuse the missiles of this bow, you can spend 1 charge to force the target to make a
bow; precise and irresistible. When this magic item absorbs Wisdom saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 + your Wisdom
energy from a dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves great modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the target
deeds, it increases in rarity and gains new properties in takes 2d8 force damage and suffers one of the following effects
addition to those of its previous rarities. The DC of any of the until the start of your next turn (you choose):
properties of this weapon is equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier
+ your proficiency bonus. Attacks made against the target have advantage.

Uncommon. While holding this bow, your walking speed The target has disadvantage on attack rolls.
increases by 10 feet and your jump distance is doubled.
The target’s speed is reduced to 0. If the target is flying, it falls
Rare. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls to attacks unless it can stop the fall.
made with this magic weapon. This weapon has a number of
charges equal to two times your Wisdom modifier and regains On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage
all charges on a long rest. and suffers no additional effect.

You can use your action to spend 2 charges and call upon Legendary. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased
the Heavenly Dragon’s winds to guide your arrows. You can to +3.
fire a number of pieces of ammunition equal to your Wisdom When you use the Rare property of this weapon, the range
modifier. Make a separate attack roll for each piece of increases to the long range of this weapon. You do not roll with
ammunition, which targets a creature of your choice you can disadvantage from firing at long range this way.
see within the normal range of this weapon.

Wind. The progenitor, the driving force behind all above and
as such, all below; without it, there can be no life upon these
lands. One who wakes and wields the very winds of creation
may come to seize the flow of battle itself, delivering the
Heavenly Dragon’s judgment from afar. From you, all others
shall find their way to victory.

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 11 Compendium
Crashing Fang Very Rare. The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to
Weapon (shortsword), varies (requires attunement)
While holding this weapon, you can cast the Haste spell
A sacred blade charged with divine lightning that carries the targeting yourself. Once you use this property it can’t be used
authority of the Heavenly Dragon within itself; mighty and again until you finish a short or long rest.
unstoppable. When this magic item absorbs energy from a
dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves great deeds, it increases Legendary. The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to
in rarity and gains new properties in addition to those of its +3.
previous rarities.
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make an
Uncommon. When you make a melee attack with this weapon additional attack this turn as part of that attack action as long
you can use your choice of Strength or Charisma for the attack as all of your attacks are made with this weapon.
roll and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both

Rare. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made Lightning. The ultimate force, one only wielded by those
using the weapon. On a hit, this weapon deals an additional truly conscious of the mighty responsibility that comes with
1d6 lightning damage. command of this terrible power. With an unmatched capability
of pure, unadulterated destructive energy, this warrior has truly
As a bonus action while holding this weapon, you can channel proved themselves in the eyes of the Heavenly Dragon. Foolish
the energy of the Heavenly Dragon into your enemies. For 1 are those that stand before you, for you bring deliverance.
minute, this weapon deals an additional 1d6 lightning damage
on a hit equal to the number of times the target has been hit
with this weapon this turn (ex. if a creature is hit twice in a
turn with this weapon, it takes an additional 1d6 lightning
damage on the first hit, and 2d6 on the second). You can use
this property a number of times up to your Charisma modifier
before finishing a long rest.

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 12 Compendium
Curated Curios
A curious selection of items created with the help of our beloved Patrons. Collected and catalogued by the Curator, the items are the
subject of further study into the strange nature of The Mithral Canvas.

Desecration While tethered, a creature suffers the following effects:

Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement) The creature must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1
foot it moves when moving away from you.
A wretched sarcophagus, now an unrecognizable hollow shell
of its former splendor. While holding this shield, you have a +2 Any healing the creature receives is halved.
bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal
bonus to AC. This shield can hold up to 7 charges and regains If the creature dies, its soul is sucked into this shield and
1d6 +3 charges daily at dusk. cannot be revived except by the Wish spell and this shield
regains a charge.
Pale Sense. Whenever an Undead creature comes within
100 feet of this shield, its eyes glow with a red light. A CR 8 or At the start of each of your turns you can spend a charge
lower Undead creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of this to maintain this effect. It ends early if you choose to end it
shield must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, becoming (no action required), you drop this shield, or you become
frightened of it on a failed save. incapacitated. If a creature moves more than 100 feet from you,
its tether breaks.
Deathly Whispers. While holding this shield you can spend
a charge to cast the Speak with Dead spell. When you cast
the spell this way, you and the corpse understand each other How monstrous an act it is to desecrate the final resting place
even if you do not share a common language. You can spend of a weary soul. To contort it into a horrid mockery of its
an additional charge before asking a question to compel the original purpose, as though it were nothing but a collectible to
corpse to answer you truthfully. be put on display.
Grave Calling. As an action while holding this shield, you can Is it any surprise that such dark and terrible malice would
spend 3 charges to awaken the malevolence dormant within come to and fester within this sacred sarcophagus, an energy
this desecrated relic. Each other creature within 20 feet of you borne of those very same injustices? Yet even in its sorry and
must make a DC 17 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, malformed state, it still seeks to fulfill some semblance of its
the target takes 3d10 necrotic damage and becomes tethered original duty, grasping at the spirits of the deceased to harbor
to this shield as shadowy arms take hold of their soul. within itself. A charge now misshapen and twisted; and eternal
curse in return for transgressions irredeemable.
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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 13 Compendium
Bright Lure While this property is active, you can use an action to end your
concentration and have the ball of light explode in a dazzling
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) spectacle of flashing lights. Each creature in the bright light of
A rusted helmet with a jagged visor adorned with glowing the ball must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
flecks and a bright lantern at its tip. While wearing this helm, save, the creature takes 2d6 radiant damage and becomes
you have darkvision out to 30 feet. While underwater, this range covered in motes of light until the start of your next turn. For
is increased to 60 feet. the duration, the creature sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius
and dim light for another 10 feet. Additionally, any attack roll
Light Bait. While wearing this helm you can use your bonus made against an affected creature has advantage if the attacker
action to summon a glowing ball of light that hovers in the can see it, and the affected creature cannot benefit from being
air and sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for invisible.
another 10 feet. You can use your action to move the ball up to
30 feet and it vanishes if it is ever 30 feet away from you. The
ball lasts for 10 minutes, and you must maintain concentration In the darkest, deepest caverns of the sea lurk some of the most
on this property as though concentrating on a spell. You can monstrously horrific beings in existence. Mercifully the same
use this property twice per long rest. darkness that these creatures lurk in also shield them from
sight, sparing us the pain of their grotesque appearance. Save
for a select few that have miraculously created the means to
produce light from their very bodies to lure in any unsuspecting
prey. And what worse fate could there be than to gaze upon a
countenance so terrible in one’s last moments?

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T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 14 Compendium
Alphabetical Index
Bright Lure����������������������������������������������������� 14 Rolling Scourge�����������������������������������������������8
Crashing Fang����������������������������������������������� 12 Squall Bringer��������������������������������������������������7
Desecration���������������������������������������������������� 13 Steedbond Saddle�������������������������������������������5
Drifting Sigh�������������������������������������������������� 10 Steppe Saber����������������������������������������������������5
Hollow Scale����������������������������������������������������9 Vicious���������������������������������������������������������������6
Khoron Arrows�������������������������������������������������4 Whirlwind Quiver��������������������������������������������4
Koumiss Flask��������������������������������������������������3 Zephyr Shard������������������������������������������������� 11
Padded Lamellar���������������������������������������������3

T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 15 Compendium
Thanks to Our Patrons!
Thank you all for helping bring this collection of magic items to life!
Special Thanks to our Patrons of Ring of Immutability tier and above from All Time:

Aaron Besse Beto C Daniel Lopez Feloniouz

Aaron Kelderman BigRonneGames Daniel Salas Francisco Hernandez
Aaron Wiles bjj8383 Danilo Sebben FrogDM
Abstract Lotus Brandon Benes Dannielle DeMichiei Funky Nerfherder
Adam Brent Carney Dardaelliande Gabriel
Adam Anzualda Brian Folger Daryn McGeoghie Gabriel Gámez
Adam Hunter Brodie perry David Garrett Marcum
Adam Morishita Bryce Clegg-Anderson Deacons of the deep Gavin Pacheco
Adendrachi Bryce Koskela Derek Katrein Glitch
Adrian Venegas Mendez CalebRook Demetrius Willoughby Gray
Aethan_Dor Callum Thornton Devon Joseph Greg Anderson
Alejandro Arredondo Cameron Jones DF Guardian
Alex Cameron Wilson DJ Richards Hans Banza
Alex Baill captainnate Dj Tickle Hector
Alex King Cardenaglo Doctor Snake Henry
Alex Ruffer Carl Dom Mosley Hey Its IQ
Alex Ruiz Casper Bøje Donavon Tokar HolyMoose
Alex Stoner Cecil Maye Douglas Acre Hugo Fernandez
ALEX Z Chanse Westby DraconianCLH Hunter Cox
Alexander A Hazim Charles Heayn Drew Samiec Isaac Cunningham
Alexthulhu Charlie DUC SING LAM Imperial Nicolas
Amanda Atkins Chris Nadalini Dylan Calvert J Trees
Ameer Nasai Chris Nation Dylan Goar jack burnett
Andreas Pitzer Christian Bierbaum Dylan Haase Jack Stuart
Andres Gonzales Villanueva Christopher Ebony Harrison Jacob jorbin
Andrew Christopher Ed Ward Jacob pierce
Andrew Christopher Thompson Eddie Jacob Vanrensselaer
Andrew Edwards clifford thompson Eddie Nobie Jai-Michael McMillian
Andrew Taylor Coca_7 Eduardo Jake Bullek
Andrew Traub Cody Burlingame Eduardo Campagnolo Jalen Pryor
Anella Dawn Colin McBride Edward Schmitzer II James Cochran
Antonius Collin Edwin Loup James Cundiff
Arccapone Colton Hammond Eldritch Quinn Jared
Ark D Volkov Conder Elijah Rodriguez Jared Crites
Ashley Logan Connor Emily Rose Jaykob C Baxter
Auryn Smyth Connor L. Emmanuel Roldan Jeffrey Lioto
Austin Casiano conrad chavez Enrico Jenna
Austin Olli Corey Tesseneer Erik Kiser Jeremy Link
Avery Corey Turner Eric Rudolf Jeremy Noiseux
Babak Dabagh Cory Hunt Ethan Reeder Jesse Hedman
Behold The Plasma Donut Cullen Gilchrist Ethan uhlig Jim van den Heuvel
Ben Kullerd Cryptik Everett Black Jisatsu Hoshi
Ben Sammons Dalton Duplantis Ezra Rickman Jo Ma
BenjiRoxo Damon Lefholz Falidam Joe C
BerserkerBruin Dan McElhinney Farren Moody joel Castaneda

T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 16 Compendium
John Liebl Martin Rachel Clayton Syleboris
John Mohegan matias rivalta Rainbow Crest Taw
John Wells Matt Robinson Raptor12002 Teddy Middleton
Jonathan Davis Matthew chandler Raymoendo Telexto
Jonathon Hyslop Max ReaperTheWolf TheFallentine
Jordan Maximumcharge Reeox TheHollowMage
Jordan Muckle Maxwell’s Demon Richard Abare Theocrass
Jordan Smith May. K Righteous TheWarden808
Jordon Zentz Meis bond Riley Edwards Thomas Cruz
Jose Massana Meh Meh Robert Thomas Morgan
Joseph Nichols Mello Rodrigo Canales ThomasMagnum
Joseph Peters Micah Ortiz Ron Lease Thomas Spector
josh m Michael Cooley Ronick Dizon Thomas Woodruff
Joshua Michael Santiwan Ruben Escobar Tim Barnes
Joshua Weiler Mike Machura Rusty Timothy Hyche
Joshua Weis mike ross Ryan Conroy Timothy Winkler
Justin Muggy mt Rylan Fellows TitanPlays
Justin Carter MythicalGrubbin Safwan Hoque Tjorven Van Hoecke
Justin Wisdom Nash Carl Elders Saki’s Arts Tom Petrola
Kaiser Nathaniel Sal Tone
Kaleb Rabideau Nathaniel Lee Samuel Tosari
Katie Wahler Nelson Waters Samuel Brown tr dw
kavan geary Nicholas Hawes Samuel Giarrusso Trent Holmes
Kestra EchoWolf Nick Osborn SAOBURST trey love
Kevin Ryba Nico Zimmer Sean M Tripleagent
Kiro Nicole Lazaro Sean Woodard trollmercenary
Kraz4LifeAgain Noah Williams Sebastian Groza Tucker Broxson
KriticalKlown Nomad CLL Sengoku Freak Twitchz
Landonis Nononomo SHARGIN Tyler Dahn
Lastra Nordicpvink Shayne Hurdle Tyler Johnson
Levi Frost Norto By Nature Shilo Ahart Vazir
library test Occasionallykook SidiusMaximusMaridius Water P
Linden Drezet Ofearthandiron SilentToonz Wess Tester
Logan Olson OneNameMarty Sirvante Wright Will
Logan Shureb Orc Man slash Will Peltier
Logan Williams Orlando Hernandez Smackz William Breiwald
LoppuZ Oshy Smaxy Z3brim
Luca del bene Paige Coblentz Soula Zandet Wilkinson
Luca Peli patrick marsh SourPineTree Zachary Craig
Luke Sennema Patrick Quinn Spencer Alexander Zachary Powell
Luxor_Valentine Paul Morgan SS W Zachary Taylor
Lydia Fritz Payton Campbell Stephen Zelektron
Malte Fahnebro k Poncho Man Steph n Jacob
Marcella Valencia PredKing Steven Zillinski
MarchVual Predrag Pešić StormVahalla
Mark Urlacher ProfessorSilver Super Alex

We look forward to bringing more magic to you!

T h e M i t h r a l C a n va s 17 Compendium

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