[PDF][PDF] Analysis and Improvement System WebAnywhere.

CFS Sampaio, LC Martini - ICEIS (2), 2013 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
CFS Sampaio, LC Martini
ICEIS (2), 2013pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This work presents the WebAnywhere system which is a screen reader for specific website
for people with visual impairments. This research aims to enhance this program aimed at
developing new features and functionality for the user to be able to perform blind download
web files such as images and videos through the reader WebAnywhere. This project also
involves testing to facilitate the use of this tool and adaptive display a consistent
methodology to the context of this study.
This work presents the WebAnywhere system which is a screen reader for specific website for people with visual impairments. This research aims to enhance this program aimed at developing new features and functionality for the user to be able to perform blind download web files such as images and videos through the reader WebAnywhere. This project also involves testing to facilitate the use of this tool and adaptive display a consistent methodology to the context of this study.
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