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ExoMars 2016 media kit

ExoMars 2016 media kit

Publication date: 08 March 2016

This is the media kit prepared for the launch of the ExoMars 2016 mission, which consists of the Trace Gas Orbiter and an entry, descent and landing demonstrator module, known as Schiaparelli.

Why Mars?
What is ExoMars 2016?
Mission at a glance
Science with the Trace Gas Orbiter
The role of Schiaparelli
How and where will Schiaparelli land?
The journey to Mars
Operating at Mars
Planetary protection for Mars missions
Mission partners
Media services
A: Launch event at ESOC, Darmstadt, 14 March 2016
B: Selected images and videos
C: Mission milestones
D: Landing on Mars: key events on 19 October

pg 5: the TGO science payload weighs 113.8 kg (not 112 kg).
pg 16: The distance between the Earth and Mars on 19 October is 175 million kilometres (not 206 million kilometres).
pg 19: Schiaparelli was transferred to TAS-F in Cannes for testing; integration had been done at TAS-I in Turin.
pg 26: The correct title for Gerhard Kminek is Planetary Protection Officer

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