Announcement archive

Announcement archive

This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) solicits the participation of the scientific community as Interdisciplinary Scientists or Guest Investigators in the ExoMars 2022 mission. The deadline for proposals is 15 February 2021, 12:00 (noon) CET.

Published: 3 December 2020
The ExoMars rover that will search for the building blocks of life on the Red Planet has a name: Rosalind Franklin. The prominent scientist behind the discovery of the structure of DNA will have her symbolic footprint on Mars in 2021.
Published: 7 February 2019
The UK Space Agency has launched a competition to name a rover that is going to Mars to search for signs of life.
Published: 20 July 2018
Anyone interested in the scientific exploration of Mars and the search for life on the Red Planet will want to read a special issue of the journal Astrobiology. This collection of papers includes one dedicated to the objectives of ESA's rover mission on ExoMars 2020 and in-depth summaries of the nine scientific instruments carried by...
Published: 5 September 2017
The ExoMars 2016 mission will enter orbit around the Red Planet on 19 October. At the same time, its Schiaparelli lander will descend to the surface. Representatives of traditional and social media are invited to attend a two-day event at ESA's ESOC control centre in Darmstadt, Germany.
Published: 7 October 2016
The purpose of this Announcement of Opportunity is to solicit the participation of the scientific community as Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators in the ExoMars 2016 mission. The deadline for submission of proposals is 30 March 2016, 12:00 noon (CEST).
Published: 8 February 2016
The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI) invite the scientific community to submit proposals for instrument(s) and instrument contributions in the ExoMars 2018 Surface Platform.
Published: 31 March 2015
The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI) [on behalf of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)] invite the scientific community to propose candidate landing sites for the ExoMars 2018 mission.
Published: 17 December 2013
The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI) [on behalf of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)] invite the scientific community to apply for membership in the ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Selection Working Group (LSSWG). Deadline for receipt of applications is 25 November 2013.
Published: 1 November 2013
ESA and NASA have today issued an announcement of opportunity for scientific investigations on the 2016 ExoMars Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module (EDM).
Published: 30 November 2010
ESA and NASA have today issued an announcement of opportunity soliciting proposals for scientific instruments for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, one element of the joint ESA-NASA ExoMars programme.
Published: 15 January 2010
Announcement of Opportunity for ExoMars Orbiter instruments to be released in January 2010.
Published: 14 December 2009
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23-Jul-2024 02:34 UT