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San Pedro de Totora Province

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San Pedro de Totora
Location in Bolivie
Main Data
Caipital Totora
Aurie 1,412 km²
Population 4.941 (2001)
Densitie 3.5 inhabitants/km² (2001)
ISO 3166-2 BO.OR.ST

San Pedro de Totora is a province in the northren pairts o the Bolivie depairtment o Oruro.


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San Pedro de Totora province is ane o the saxteen provinces in the Oruro Depairtment. It is locatit atween 17° 41' an 18° 06' Sooth an atween 67° 33' an 67° 58' Wast.

The province borders La Paz Depairtment in the north, Sajama Province in the wast and soothwast, Carangas Province in the sootheast, an Nor Carangas Province in the east.

The province extends ower 50 km frae north tae sooth, an 45 km frae east tae wast.


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Main idiom o the province is Aymara, spoken bi 90%, while 72.5% o the population speak Spaingie an 3% Quechua (1992).

The population increased frae 4,040 inhabitants (1992 census) tae 4,941 (2001 census), an increase o 22.3%. - 43% o the population are younger than 15 year auld (1992).

99% o the population hae nae access tae electricity, 94% hae nae sanitar facilities (1992).

83.5% o the population are employed in agricultur, 4% in industrie, 12.5% in general services (2001).

64% o the population are Catholics, 25% are Protestants (1992).


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The province comprises anerly ane municipality, Totora Municipality. It is identical tae San Pedro de Totora Province.

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