Online personal training

Get a Custom Workout Program & Meal Plan with 1-2-1 Accountability Coaching

A tailor-made training program and nutritionist-designed meal plan, bolstered by accountability coaching from an expert personal trainer to keep you motivated and on track.

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How Online Personal Training Works:

It starts with a different approach

If you want different results from what you’ve gotten in the past. It stands to reason you’ll need to find a different approach. Your workout program will be built in a way that accounts for more than just exercise, it’ll take a 360° lifestyle focus so that once you’ve achieved results you’ll have a lifestyle that can sustain them. 

A custom training program

Your training program is created on a bespoke basis using my 28-step process of personalisation to meet you where you are in your life right now. Fully taking into account your current level of fitness, the time you have available to exercise and the optimal workouts for your body and your fitness goals.

Fitness coach Scott Laidler working on laptop computer

A Nutritionist-designed meal plan

To achieve success in pursuit of your fitness goals, what you eat is going to have to match them. Not just in terms of quantity, but quality too. Your meal plan will be as custom-made as your training program by Dr Katie Turianytsia, our resident nutritionist.

Scott Laidler online personal training resident nutritionist Dr Katie Turianytsia reading a recipe book
Young female client enjoying Scott Laidler online fitness program at home with kettlebell

The accountability to see it through

Once you have your custom fitness blueprint, you’ll have everything you need to achieve your goals. But it’ll remain theoretical unless you implement it consistently. That can be a challenge, especially if exercise is not yet a regular habit which is where dedicated accountability coaching comes in to offer support and motivation.

A proven coaching process

My fitness coaching is built to be transformative. This means you should fundamentally have changed by the end of it. Not just leaner, stronger & fitter, that’s a given, this is a fitness program after all. But this won’t just be another program you did once. It will redefine your ability to exercise consistently and improve your relationship with food. This means we handle setbacks, challenges and amendments in a way that equips you to maintain everything we achieve.

Scott Laidler Online personal training client Emma


“Life changing experience! Extremely insightful and helpful. Not only do I feel stronger, fitter and healthier but also more focused and clear headed, all within 3 months. Can’t recommend this programme highly enough, having tried many and not achieved even close to these results. Fantastic and easy to maintain long term!!”

How Your Fitness Program is Delivered:

60-second installation

No Tech Savvy Needed

My fitness app requires no technical know-how, it’s a simple 60-second installation on your iOS or Android device. Everything is then delivered right in the app, via a very intuitive interface.

“I really like the app, it’s great to check the habits off daily, it’s like gamifying my progress”

Fitness App Features

Track your workouts

Tracking your workouts is crucial for a coach to be able to predict your results

Add lifestyle habits

Keep on top of things like water intake & stress management activities

Sync wearable devices

keep track of resting heart rate, step count and sleep quality

Scott Laidler online personal training fitness app

Exercise demonstrations

Every workout will have a full video demonstration with written teaching points

Upload progress photos and stats

Easily keep track of your progress data in one place

Flexible calandar

See your whole week in one place and easily adapt your to do list as your schedule changes

Craig S.

Real Results

“Scott delivers a program that is flexible and accommodating to your lifestyle and work commitments. He is always on hand to answer questions. I have more energy and feel 10 years younger!!”

Claire Louise Taylor

Confident & Happy

“It’s amazing what confidence can do to you and thanks to Scott Laidler online personal training I feel so much more confident and happy in myself, still got a lot to go but looking forward to doing another 6 weeks at it 😀💪🏼 Thanks!!”

Professional Service & Empathetic Support

Occasionally an inbound personal training client of mine will relay some disappointing experiences they’ve had with previous fitness or diet plans, I’d venture to say that some go beyond the typical rudeness, slow responses or set-and-forget coaching style and go as far as chastisement, even bullying. Fortunately in my observation this is rare, but it does happen, so it’s always a good idea to find the best online fitness coach for you before you commit. 

If you decide that’s me, this will be an adult relationship. I’ll encourage you to prioritise yourself on the program and hold you accountable to your own intention to change, reminding you of your motivations with empathy if you should falter.

What Happens After the 8-week Program?

You wouldn’t build your home on shoddy foundations. Likewise, I wouldn’t build your fitness regime on quick fixes. 

Your program is designed to be transformative. This means it’s my goal that by the end of it your relationship to health & fitness should have changed forever. Meaning that you continue to benefit from implementing what you’ve learnt for years to come.

Of course, the most easily observable changes will be physical. But more significantly, you’ll have developed healthy habits that become second nature, and a mindset that counters all-or-nothing thinking, allowing you to stay consistent regardless of daily fluctuations in motivation.

Ultimately the measure of success of this program will be defined by the quality of your decisions in the days and weeks after it ends. I also like to stack the odds in your favour with a comprehensive ‘off-boarding’ process ensuring you are fully equipped to take your fitness into your own hands moving forward.

End of program 'off-boarding' call

To discuss your plans moving forward and talk through how you should plan your future workouts or move to maintenance after what we’ve achieved.

Keep your existing program

I ensure you maintain access to both the training app and your meal plan. So you’ll always have it as a framework and point of reference.

Long-term Coaching options

A lower-cost coaching fee for the same level of service is available once you complete my initial 8-week program. This is £199 every month recurring and ongoing which can be cancelled at any time.

What my clients say

Adam Bray
Adam Bray
Read More
Easy to follow bespoke plans each month tailored to your skill level, needs, and ambition. If you're looking for holistic lifestyle changes that yield remarkable results, this is the plan for you.
Liza Beck
Liza Beck
Read More
Scott's program has been absolutely brilliant. I've done a lot of training in my time both competitive and recreational and I'm getting better results in a fraction of the time.
Denise Borelli
Denise Borelli
Read More
I cannot stress enough how much my relationship with food and exercise has changed! With Scott everything seems manageable and fits within a full time worker mom life. The results are FANTASTIC, my body has changed A LOT!

Are you next?

Custom-built, self led

8 Week Online Personal Training Program


Or 2 x Monthly Payment of £329

*Requires 2-5 days to build after purchase as the program is built on an individual basis.

Note: Please schedule your consultation call as soon as possible to secure September + October Start dates.

A comprehensive fitness solution

Online Personal Training Includes:

Custom workout program

All programs are built by me personally using my 28-step process of personalisation. The programs are guaranteed to be effective on just an 80% compliance rate

Nutritionist designed meal plan

Your meal plan is built meal by meal by our resident nutritionist Dr Katie Turianytsia. You will also receive calorie and macronutrient targets and extensive nutrition planning resources

Onboarding call with Scott

Every program begins with a 1-2-1 video onboarding call with me personally to explain & introduce the program allowing you to sign off on your ability to implement it

iOS / Android fitness app

Your program will be delivered seamlessly on my custom fitness app. Allowing workout tracking, exercise demonstration videos and syncing with wearable devices

360° Lifestyle focus

Exercise doesn't exist in a vacuum. So every plan comes with additional lifestyle habits and advice to support your fitness goals and boost your progress

End of program review call

At the end of the program we'll schedule a call to review your progress and make sure you are fully equipped for taking the next step on your fitness journey

Frequently asked questions

Spaces on my online personal training program are limited. This allows me to maintain a high level of service to both existing and new customers.

To ensure that I can personally get behind your fitness goals and vouch for your results it’s crucial that we discuss what online personal training would look like for you. Once I understand the motivation behind your goals and your any challenges you face in pursuing them, I’ll be in a far better position to help facilitate your success. This puts you in an excellent position to decide whether I’m the best online personal trainer for you. In my experience, this is all best achieved via an initial consultation call

This is a very interactive coaching service so we’ll be in close contact, perhaps even daily contact for the next 8 weeks, so it’s in both of our interests to make sure we align well on a strategy for your goals and feel that we’re a great mutual fit for coaching.

Typically speaking, those that are in the best position to succeed with me are those who are looking for a permanent solution to their health & fitness challenges. This will require a willingness to work in a moderate, maintainable way, resisting short-term fixes and restrictions, While this may seem like a slower path, counter-intuitively it’s the only path that leads to sustainable results. You can learn more about my approach to fitness coaching here

I have created a comprehensive list of the types of individuals and scenarios that have historically achieved the best results with my online coaching service and felt the most natural fit. I’ve also highlighted some patterns that suggest some scenarios that may not be a great fit for the way I work. You can view my findings here.

Flagship online personal training service

My online coaching service is like having your own fitness blueprint architected for your body and your goals, and then having dedicated  accountability from an expert personal trainer to help you implement the strategy and stay motivated throughout the program.

I’ll build a tailored workout plan for you. Based on a unique 28-step process of personalisation I’ve developed over the last 14 years working as a personal trainer. The process covers everything from your age and body type to your individual lifestyle and circumstances. Essentially if guesswork and not knowing what to do has been your major challenge, then I will guarantee your success on the program if you follow it to 80%. The program will have been tailored to you in entirety, effectively meaning that all guesswork has been removed, if there program is implemented, it will be certainty that you’ll see results.

This personal training course also positions me as your virtual personal trainer, holding you accountable to the structure of the program ensuring that you stay motivated, consistent with exercise and on track. Which is perfect if accountability has been a challenge in the past and you’d benefit from having an online pt in your corner. This service is aimed at a long-term solution on your fitness journey as it perfectly combines self-efficacy and accountability, equipping you with everything you’ll need to maintain your results long into the future.

The standard of professionalism under which this program is delivered could be considered the point at which concierge service meets online fitness coaching. I allocate daily time and resources for adaptations and iterations meaning that as you travel and your circumstances change, so too will your program. Meaning we will always arrive at a winning strategy no matter how chaotic life gets. You’ll also be able to send my nutritionist restaurant menus as you eat out to help you make healthy food choices on the go.

Summary: This tier of coaching is best if you want to take all decision-making out of health and fitness or have had your progress de-railed by travel and logistics in the past.

Signature workout programs

My signature online workout programs are built on the success of my custom workout plans, in that I keep comprehensive notes on the best workouts and strategies to achieve specific fitness goals as experienced by my online personal training clients. Allowing me to build and refine proven fitness programs that solve a specific challenge in a comprehensive and predictable way.

The main differences between the two services is that the signature programs are firstly that they are more fixed in nature. They work as designed in a particular capacity but do not ebb and flow with you to as the more custom online personal training service does. By which I mean that throughout a program you may be required to maintain gym access, or complete three 30-minutes workouts for example so you’ll need to know that broadly you can maintain this structure throughout the duration of the program, at least to 80% implementation. 

The other important distinction is that the fixed and predictable nature of the program means that it can be completed in both a self-led manner or with the help of a dedicated accountability coach, who will hold you accountable to the planned structure of the program to help keep you engaged and motivated.

Summary: The signature programs can offer more cost-effective solution to your fitness challenges without compromising efficacy. They are more fixed in nature than online personal training so if you’re schedule and location changes frequently at short notice it may be better to have a fully custom training plan.

No, because each program is created on a tailor-made basis I will work with whatever fitness equipment you have available to you. Where you do not have gym access and are in need of some pieces of equipment to achieve your goal, I will make those recommendations.

As this is an online service I’m not in a position to diagnose injuries. I would advise that you get in-person advice on any injuries or contraindications before starting your training program. Medical advice is not a part of my service. To be clear, although my training programs contribute toward improved health they are not intended as a replacement for personalised medical advice. However, if you have the green light for exercise from your medical professionals, understand the nature of any ailment, injury or medical condition you face and need a coach who will work with you to personalise your regime accordingly, you are in the right place.

This is a very international service. I’ve successfully trained clients in 54 countries. At any one time, my clients are fairly evenly distributed between the USA, U.K, the Middle East and Australasia. I’m able to work in the metric or imperial measuring system depending on your preference.

Absolutely, I believe it’s important to commit to an initial program with a deadline and clear goals to begin our coaching relationship as I’ve found this boosts motivation and allows us to view our initial program as a stand-alone project with clear deadlines and objectives.

After 8-weeks, if we’ve had a productive working relationship throughout your program, I’ll extend an invitation to continue coaching on a month-to-month basis at a lower monthly rate of £149 which can be cancelled at any time.

I started my career an in-person fitness trainer. Actually this is how I spent the first 10 years of my career, having become a qualified personal trainer with Premier Global NASM, which is endorsed by active IQ.

Back then as a certified personal trainer, you worked in person only, often starting your career gym instructing and then learning to work more comprehensively adapting a training program for potential clients with personalized workouts calibrated to the appropriate fitness level.

There was no such thing as an online personal training course, in terms of an academic course you could take to become qualified to train people online. I started work as an online fitness coach to meet real-world requests from my in-person clientele as they travelled the world to meet media obligations. They often needed a training session they could complete on their own while they were away. This worked really well and as a result, I decided to open the service up to a global audience. In the decade I spent working as an in-person fitness professional, I delivered over 10,000 training sessions, to people from all walks of life and have consistently delivered results, leading to this service being considered amongst the best in it’s class.

In my early career, I worked as a personal trainer in London, operating in various gyms and running outdoor boot camp-style group classes in local parks. Over time my results began to get noticed and I was invited to Hollywood to work with a high profile client in the TV & Film Business. Since then I’ve been fortunate enough to train clients all over the world.

This led to me writing for numerous news, health, and fitness publications, as well as a number of TV appearances as a health expert discussing everything from strength training to improving body composition and setting up a winning mindset to achieve any fitness goal.

I’ve also had the opportunity to work on big-budget Hollywood film productions where I’m tasked with getting the cast in shape for their movie roles. Now, aside from a few special requests, I work solely with my online PT client base.

To learn more about my coaching philosophy, I host a fitness podcast where I speak to athletes, leading fitness industry personalities, and thought leaders on everything from the nuance of strength training, and muscle building to recent breakthroughs in sports medicine.

If you would like to take a deep dive into my methodology, my coaching service or the wider team here please read through our about pages.

I only open 3 slots for new clients each week to begin their initial 8-week training program with me.

This ensures I can deliver full support and attention to both new and existing clients without ever compromising on service levels.

Join my successful clients from 54 countries, and transform your relationship with exercise forever

Get a personalized workout plan in minutes.

Let’s get rid of what’s bothering you the most about your body once and for all. Whatever it is, after 12+ years of bespoke fitness coaching I simply know what works. I promise.