
Lund, Skåne County 517 följare

Pathways towards an efficient alignment of the financial system with the needs of biodiversity

Om oss

BIOPATH is a research programme with a vision that the knowledge and innovations generated in BIOPATH will be integrated into decision-making in industry and the financial system, contributing to a transformative change that turns the financial system into an important driver for halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity. BIOPATH aims to map, assess, co-develop and test existing and novel approaches for integration of biodiversity considerations into financial decision-making with our financial and industrial partners, and analyse the institutional and policy implications of potential transition pathways. BIOPATH consists of an interdisciplinary group of researchers with expertise in biodiversity research, life-cycleassessment, biodiversity prioritisation approaches, sustainable finance, economics, political science, accounting, policy processes, law and governance, and digital innovation. Partners are global leaders in sustainability work, covering the entire land-use value-chain of the agriculture, forestry and energy industry as well as the financial system, thereby having a real impact and an ability to foster change. BIOPATH is funded by Mistra, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research. and hosted by Lund University School of Economics and Management. Visit our website to learn more and see all of the contributing partners of the consortia. www.mistrabiopath.se

51–200 anställda
Lund, Skåne County


Anställda på Mistra BIOPATH


  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    Tack Lena Gipperth för att du lyfte Mistra Biopaths arbete med att integrera biologisk mångfald i finansiellt beslutsfattande på Ystad summit tillsammans med One City Planet - vinnarna från Malmö stad Sofia Heden och Per-Arne Nilsson, Sabina Andrén, WWF och Åsa Ström Hildestrand Nordregio / Nordiska ministerrådet. "Trots regleringar och ramverk för att minska negativ påverkan på naturen nu är vi i ett läge som kräver restaurering och återskapande av miljöer och att flera olika aktörer behöver finansiera detta. I olika projekt testar vi formar för detta. Och i en snar framtid är våra nuvarande studenter ute i arbetslivet med väldigt bra utbildning om olika aspekter av hållbarhetsarbete. Det känns hoppfullt. Redan idag finns det ett antal biologer i bankvärlden." Tack Yasemin Arhan Modéer för spännande samtal och att du sammanför så många suveräna samverkansaktörer på Ystad Summit! Vi ser fram emot en fortsättning.

    • Panelists in a seminar at Ystad Summit a man and five women in dialogue
  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    Mistra BIOPATH will be at Ystad Summit this week - meet us, join our seminar or watch the live stream and connect if you are interested in our topic: More nature and biodiversity in cities creates great benefits and values - but how can this be stimulated and financed? How can greening cities with rich nature and high biodiversity contribute to great socio-economic values and benefits both in a local and global perspective? How can the public sector, together with the business community, contribute to making this happen on a larger scale? What are the main challenges that prevent this from happening? On 5 September at 3 pm in Biografen, we will be on site by invitation from the City of Malmö, a partner in Mistra BIOPATH, and the EU-project Urban Biodiversity Parks. Per-Arne Nilsson, City of Malmö and Susanne Arvidsson, Program Director Mistra BIOPATH, will set the scene, followed by a panel moderated by Yasemin Arhan Modéer, Altitude Meetings with Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Nordregio / Nordiska Ministerrådet, Sabina Andrén, WWF, Lena Gipperth, University of Gothenburg and WP3 leader, Mistra BIOPATH. Find link to Ystad Summit program and link to the live stream in the comments. Ystad Summit is a politically independent and open democratic meeting place, taking place during three days in Ystad in early September. Actors in the non-profit sector, in politics, society and business gather to discuss what affects and influences southern Sweden - now and in the future.

    • Wild flowers in the foreground and Ystad harbour and industry buildings in the back. Photo: Elna Andersson, Ystad kommun.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    Handelsbanken issues their first report on Biodiversity and Nature! Chief Sustainability Officer at Handelsbanken, Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand, partner lead in a work package of Mistra BIOPATH, states that: "Insights and analysis do not in themselves halt biodiversity loss, but assessing the nature-related risks and sharing our analysis is a cornerstone for integrating nature into financial decisions" Read more in the post below with link to the report! #biodiversityandbusiness #biodiversity #sustainablebusiness

    Visa organisationssidan för Handelsbanken, grafik

    151 385 följare

    We are proud to publish our inaugural report covering Handelsbanken’s current work and strategy on nature and biodiversity, guided by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures framework, TNFD. As the challenges facing our natural world become more acute - from biodiversity loss to the impacts of climate change - we recognise the importance of incorporating these considerations into our business practices. This report is a part of a long-term undertaking. The assessments in it, and the strategies that follow, will require developing over time. Identifying the nature-related risks in our business activities is an essential step to be able to manage them, enabling us to make informed decisions in order to best support our customers. Our goal is that Handelsbanken remains a trusted partner to our customers in both financial and environmental stewardship. Read the report here: 🔗 https://lnkd.in/djzVaDi3

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    Utan biologisk mångfald har människan ingen framtid – inför en naturlag På GP Debatt skriver idag ett antal forskare inom Mistra BIOPATH mfl om behovet av ett svenskt naturpolitiskt ramverk. Alexandre Antonelli, Susanne Arvidsson, Viktor Elliot, Marie Stenseke, Thomas Sterner, William Sidemo Holm "Förlusten av arter och livsmiljöer är ett växande hot mot mänskligheten, precis som klimatförändringarna. Sverige behöver en samlad politik för naturen, med en naturlag, ett naturpolitiskt mål och naturpolitiskt råd – motsvarande det klimatpolitiska ramverket. Det skulle ge frågan den prioritet som krävs för att stoppa och vända förlusten av biologisk mångfald och säkra de naturnyttor vi är beroende av. Det skriver ett 50-tal ledande forskare och representanter från civilsamhället." Läs mer via länk i kommentarsfältet nedan. Kommentera gärna!

    • Stems of fur trees with moss in the foreground in sunlight
  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    EU Nature Restoration Law approved on 17 June! On Monday June 17 2024, the European Union Environmental Ministers approved the disputed conservation law designed to restore natural habitats. The Nature Restoration Law aims to rejuvenate forests, re-wet moors, and return rivers to their natural, free-flowing states. The law has sparked controversy due to concerns about the stringent restrictions it might impose on farmers. The regulation will set legally binding targets to restore 20% of the EU’s degraded land and sea ecosystems by 2030 and all ecosystems by 2050.

    • Person with backpack jumps with arms and legs streched on a forest road with sea ahead
  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    Farligt att skapa mer polarisering mellan människa och natur! Forskare inom biologisk mångfald besvarar debattartikel från Moderaterna om att växter och djur inte ska sättas före människans behov. I en debattartikel på DN Debatt den 18 maj framhöll ett antal företrädare för Moderaterna att ”viljan att skydda växter och djur ibland får orimliga effekter”. På detta svarar ett 20-tal forskare, däribland många som är engagerade i Mistra BIOPATH på Alltinget Debatt den 11 juni att det är farligt att skapa mer polarisering mellan människa och natur. Susanne Arvidsson Henrik Smith Viktor Elliot Alexandre Antonelli Thomas Sterner Mistra, Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning ”De tar bland annat upp viktiga frågor om ”människans plats i naturen”. Men konflikten mellan utveckling och miljö är en återkommande missuppfattning. Frågan om naturvården främst bör utgå från människans eller naturens behov bidrar till en farlig polarisering. I själva verket är vi beroende av biologisk mångfald för mat, energi, kläder, byggnadsmaterial, rent vatten, fungerande jordbruksmark, ren luft, skydd mot epidemier, pandemier, andra katastrofer och framtida läkemedel.” … ”Biologisk mångfald beror på komplexa samspel mellan levande organismer och deras miljö. Även förlust av vanliga arter kan få oanade negativa konsekvenser. Vi måste vara mycket ödmjuka inför de olika värden vi får av biologisk mångfald, och vår oförmåga att beräkna dessa. Debattörerna har rätt i att vi måste hitta en avvägning mellan människors materiella behov och ”bevarande”. Men det är just den balansen som är så extremt störd. Vi har en planet helt dominerad av mänsklig aktivitet, odling, husdjur, boskap, produktionsskogar, vägar och städer. Det finns så extremt litet ”vild” natur kvar att biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster är akut hotade och det kommer till sist drabba mänskligheten. Oavsett om man förespråkar att naturen finns till för människans behov, eller ett perspektiv där även andra levande varelsers behov också beaktas behövs biologisk mångfald för vår fysiska överlevnad och våra ekonomier. Både i dag och imorgon.” Läs artikeln i sin helhet via länken i kommentarsfältet.  Foto: Jan Erik Henriksson, TT från artikeln på alltinget.se #biologiskmångfald #ekosystemtjänster #businessbiodiversity

    • Closeup image of yellow and blue flower. Photo Jan Erik Henriksson, TT. From Alltinget article 11 June 2024.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    The 22 May is the International Day for Biodiversity. It is important to use all possible resources to reduce the overall negative impact on nature. Finding pathways for academia and the business community to work even better to reach this goal is an ambition of Mistra BIOPATH. A recent example is a close collaboration between Orkla and Biopath on integrating biodiversity using the TNFD framework. “Two important things that researchers can bring to the table are (i) deep knowledge of concepts and methods, and (ii) providing a neutral platform where we can experiment collaboratively without fear of making mistakes or saying the wrong things”, says Viktor Elliot, research leader WP1, BIOPATH and senior lecturer, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, and continues: “Orkla Sverige have really invested time and resources in this, which is a clear signal that they consider it important and valuable. It is valuable to all of us as, since in this form of collaboration,there is a lot of knowledge sharing and this knowledge will remain even when the collaboration has formally ended”. Watch the video on the collaboration Orkla / Mistra BIOPATH at our website. #biodiversity #tnfd #biodiversityandbusiness #greentranstition #22May

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    Mistra BIOPATH has got off to a strong start! In the past fifteen months, we’ve solidified our position as a key hub for applicable research on biodiversity and the integration of biodiversity considerations into financial decision-making processes. The significance of our programme is underscored by the increasing attention that we are receiving, not least in forms of invitations to join new collaborations and requests to share our findings. There is clearly a need among financial institutions, firms, and policymakers for research and assistance to help them to address biodiversity concerns. Through our constructive collaborations between academia and high-profile partners we have a unique opportunity to co-create new knowledge and contribute to capacity building among key stakeholders. To date, our efforts have primarily focused on the “MAP & ASSESS” tasks. We have dedicated ourselves to identifying and analysing leading research, key players, and significant policy frameworks and initiatives at the crossroads of biodiversity and financial decisions. As this phase nears completion, we are gearing up to tackle next tasks where innovative tools and approaches will be developed and tested with the vision to promote transformative change. During the first phase of our programme, we have also invested in developing a dynamic communication platform. This initiative fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas and proposals within our programme community, laying a robust foundation for our collective work. In this journey, we remain inspired and motivated by the potential to make a meaningful difference in integrating biodiversity considerations into the realm of financial decision-making, setting a new standard for sustainability in the economic landscape. This journey has only just begun, and we look forward to contributing to reaching its end goal of halting and reversing biodiversity loss. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to the BIOPATH team – experienced researchers, young scholars with new mindsets and engaged partners – all dedicated to take on this grand challenge. Our will to make a different is what unites us. Susanne Arvidsson, Programme Director Mistra BIOPATH Mistra, Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning

    • Cover image of Anuual report showing a green buidling reaching towards green trees in background
  • Visa organisationssidan för Mistra BIOPATH, grafik

    517 följare

    Thank you all for inspiring talks and presentations, group sessions and interactive dialogues at the Mistra BIOPATH Spring programme meeting! We turned the Old Bishop House in Lund into the House of Creativity where we joined forces in discussing ongoing research in Mistra BIOPATH and advancing the ideas we want to develop in the year(s) ahead! Together we are creating new knowledge and insights on which pathways to continue exploring in order to integrate biodiversity into financial decision-making. The need to learn more about how to protect biodiversity and capacity build are always on top of mind and we are developing more educational materials throughout the year – some specially designed for actors in industry and the financial system, other for students and the broader public. We look forward to your continued input! Until we all meet again in person – we will stay connected online and in smaller working groups with the joint aim of advancing the biodiversity agenda! Alexandre Antonelli Anders Hogberg Anna K Eriksson Camilla Johansson Fredrik Linton Catharina Belfrage Sahlstrand Dominika Dobielewska Eliina Brinkberg Emma Lättström Fredrik Svahn Fredrik NG Andersson Henrik Smith Hossein Asgharian Ilaria Dibattista Jan Bebbington Jenny Sjöstedt Jessica Nordin Johanna Alkan Olsson Karl Magnus Adielsson Kenneth Collander Lars Lundahl Lena Gipperth Linda Strindevall Lu Liu Mari Paananen Marie Stenseke Michał Dzieliński Mine Islar Monica Edblad Nils Droste Per Arne Nilsson Petronella Engström Pål Börjesson Sara Jonsson, Ph.D. Sara K. Sara Österberg Susanne ArvidssonThomas Sterner Torbjörn Westman Dr Ylva Baeckstrom

    • Photo Susanne Arvidsson welcomes participants to BIOPATH spring meeting
    • Participants at BIOPATH Spring meeting at Biskopshuset in Lund at a hybrid Q&A with Pär Holmström and Alexandre Antonelli
    • Postdoc and Phd poster session at BIOPATH spring meeting in Biskopshuset
    • Examples of ecosystem cards displaying the Biodiversity Collage educational material
    • Biopath researchers discussing the draft version of the joint glossary

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