Criteria for new journals

Criteria for new journals:

  1. Journals at Septentrio Academic Publishing shall be Open Access publications.
    1. The journal must give simple access to articles without requiring registration or login.
    2. The journal must choose a Creative Commons license. The CC BY license – Creative Commons Attribution – is the most commonly used in institutional publishing and Septentrio recommends its journals to use this license.
  2. The journal must usually be associated with UiT The Arctic University of Norway through its editorial team. However, exceptions can be made for journals whose subject areas are particularly important for UiT.
  3. An explanation of the necessity to establish the new journal (or to transfer an existing journal to Septentrio) must be provided.
  4. The journal must provide a long-term plan and an evaluation of the available resources (both financial and human, such as editors, reviewers and authors).
  5. The journal must aspire to be accredited in the Norwegian register for scientific journals, series and publishers.
  6. The journal must aspire to be indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
  7. The journal must use DOI in its publications. The University library provides technical assistance associated with DOI registration and covers the costs.
  8. The journal ensures that its content is web accessible.

The university library's evaluation of journal applications:

  1. Requests to establish a new journal in Septentrio must be sent to [email protected]. The coordinator of the Septentrio service processes the request on behalf of the University Library director.
  2. Based on the list of criteria for new journals and dialogue with the editorial team, Septentrio coordinator makes a recommendation to the University Library director, who then makes the final decision on whether the journal can be included in Septentrio.
  3. An agreement must be signed for each accepted journal.
  4. Septentrio coordinator sets up the journal and provides initial training to the editorial team.