Brief Summary

Hi there!

Right, it’s yet another Privacy Policy. But to save you time we’ve made a a quick human-readable summary, which briefly explains how we treat your data.

Scroll down to read the complete version.

As You know from our Terms of Use, Setapp is a subscription-based platform for macOS, iPadOS and/or iOS devices that allows You to access and download computer and/or mobile applications (“Developer Content”) from selected developers, as well as its website (“Site”),

collects This Data:

  • User Data. This is Personal Data (information that may identify You) that You as a user upload or transmit to Us for purposes of using Setapp, Site and/or Developer Content uploaded through the Setapp. For example, such User Data can be Your email address.
  • Location information. This is the geographic area where you use your computer and mobile devices (as indicated by an Internet Protocol [IP] address or similar identifier) when interacting with our Site and/or Setapp.
  • Log data. As with most webSite and technology services delivered over the Internet, our servers automatically collect data when you access or use our Site, Services and/or Developer Content and record it in log files. This log data may include the IP address, browser type and settings, the date and time of use, information about browser configuration, language preferences, and cookie data.
  • Setapp and Site Specific Data. This is information about the Site, Setapp and/or use of Developer Content in Setapp you use and how you use them. We may also obtain data from our third-party partners and service providers to analyse how users use our Site, Services, and/or Developer Content in the Setapp. For example, we will know how many users access a specific page on the Site and which links they clicked on. We use this aggregated information to better understand and optimize the Site and Setapp.
  • Device information. These are data from your computer or mobile device, such as the type of hardware and software you are using (for example, your operating system and browser type), as well as unique device identifiers for devices that are using Site, Setapp and/or Developer Content.

Setapp Does Not Collect Or Transfer By Any Means:

  • Your detailed payment information, such as numbers of credit cards or other payment details - payment information provided by you via the Site or Setapp will be stored and processed by third-party payment service providers.
  • The personal data you insert directly to the Developer Content (if any) - the use of Developer Content distributed through Setapp is subject to the regulation of the privacy policies of the particular Developer Content you are inserting info to.
Full Version
Original version
Simplified version

At MacPaw, We care about the privacy of Your data and are committed to protecting it.

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use of Setapp and explains what information MacPaw Way Ltd, a company operated in Cyprus under company registration number 428214, and/or its affiliated companies (collectively, “MacPaw”, “we”, “our” or “us”) collect about You during Your use of Setapp and Site as defined below.

Our Privacy Policy, which is part of Setapp's Terms of Use, explains the information we at MacPaw Way Ltd get when you use Setapp and our site.

Setapp is a subscription-based platform for macOS, iPadOS and/or iOS* devices that allows You to access and download computer and/or mobile applications (“Developer Content”) from third-party developers (“Developers”) ( Setapp as a platform by itself - “Product”, “Setapp”).

Setapp is a service you subscribe to that lets you download apps on your macOS, iPadOS, or iOS devices. But remember, the apps you can get might change based on where you live. For instance, if you're in the EU, you can directly download apps on iOS devices.

*Please note that Setapp’s functionality and apps availability may differ depending on your region. For example, only users in the EU can download apps directly on iOS devices.

In this Privacy Policy, We explain why We collect the information framed herein, what We do with that information, and how We handle that information. We’ll also explain what choices You have with respect to the information.

We'll explain why we need this information, what we do with it, how we protect it and what options you have in controlling it.


Please read this policy with care. If you use Setapp or our site, you agree to follow this policy. If you don't agree, please don't use Setapp or our website.

Applicability Of This Privacy Policy

What data this Privacy Policy applies to

  • Setapp, including the associated Setapp macOs, iPadOS and/or iOS applications (collectively, the “Services”);
  • Site;
  • Other interactions (e.g., customer service inquiries, user conferences, etc.) you may have with Setapp.

This Privacy Policy is like a rule book about your private details for when you use Setapp or our website,, or talk with us about stuff.

If you do not agree to the terms, do not access or use Setapp or Site. The data controller of your personal information during the use of Site, Setapp and Services is MacPaw Way Ltd. The data controller of your personal information during the use of the Developer Content is the respective Developer.The use of Developer Content is governed by separate privacy notices applicable to Developer Content that govern the Developer Content’s use of your personal data. You should review such additional privacy statements before using any Developer Content.

If you don't want to follow the rules, you shouldn't use Setapp or our website. MacPaw Way Ltd is like a guard who takes care of your info when you use the app and the website.

When you use the apps in Setapp, the people who made that app take care of any info you give them. Their own rule book about privacy will tell you how they do this.

The policy does not apply to third-party services. Where third party services are used, and the third party is not a Data Processor, no Personal Data (as defined below) is shared with them, or the Personal Data has been anonymised such that the Privacy Laws do not apply. Information collected by third parties is governed by their privacy practices. We encourage you to learn about the privacy practices of those third parties.

Remember, this rule book doesn't cover other services that aren't ours. If we do use other services, we'll make sure that they don't know your private info or can't recognize it. We suggest you should always check out how these other services take care of your details.

When the Privacy Policy is applicable

This Privacy Policy is applicable when:

This big rule book called Privacy Policy works when:

  • You are using Setapp and Services;
  • You are entering and using Site;
  • You are registering and then logging into your Account;
  • You provide your personal details to us in another way for communication purposes (e.g., by making a request of any type, etc.).
  • You're using Setapp and its fun stuff.
  • You're visiting and using our website.
  • You're making an account and then logging in.
  • You're giving us your personal details in some other way like asking for something.

You are not legally required to provide us with Your personal data. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal data, or to have it processed by us, Developers, or any of our Service Providers (as defined below), please do not provide it to us and avoid any interaction with us or with our Product.

You don't have to give us your personal details if you don't want to. If you don't want us, the people who make the apps, or our helper friends to have your details, it's okay. Just don't give us the information and try not to use our things.


Capitalized terms used in this Policy and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings provided below:

The best way to explain definitions is through examples:

Personal Data or Personal Information in this Privacy Policy means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to an individual. It does not include aggregated or de-identified information that is maintained in a form that is not reasonably capable of being associated with or linked to an individual.

Personal Data - your name, e-mail etc.

Special Categories of Data means Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data and data concerning health or a person’s sex life or sexual orientation. By default, the Special Categories of Data are not processed in any way by Setapp, Services or Site.

Special Categories of Data - sexual orientation, your genetic data etc.

Processing/Processed means any operation on personal data, whether automated or not.

Processing - gathering your data, transferring your data etc.

Privacy Laws means all applicable laws, legal requirements, and self-regulatory guidelines and principles relating to privacy, data security, and Personal Data and similar applicable consumer protection laws, including with respect to the receipt, collection, compilation, use, storage, processing, sharing, safeguarding, security, disposal, destruction, disclosure or transfer of Personal Data and any and all applicable laws governing breach notification in connection with Personal Information. As used in this Agreement, “Privacy Laws” shall include the California Consumer Privacy Act, General Data Protection Regulation and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and applicable state laws.

Privacy Laws - GDPR, CCPA etc.

Data Collection & Processing

We may collect personal data directly from an individual or automatically when an individual interacts with Setapp, Services, Site. We may also collect personal data from other sources and third parties, even before our first direct interaction with You.

When you use Setapp, our services or our website, we might get to know some things about you. Sometimes we find out these things directly from you, and sometimes they come to us automatically as you use our stuff. We might also learn things about you from other places or people, even before you first say hi to us!

Legal Basis for Processing

The processing of your data is either based on:

We handle your data based on:

  • your consent,
  • in case the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (“Contractual Necessity”),
  • based on legitimate interest (e.g. to understand how Setap, Services, Site are used and how Our campaigns are performing, and gaining insights which help Us dedicate our resources and efforts more efficiently; in marketing, advertising and selling our services; providing customer service and technical support; and protecting and securing our users, ourselves and our Product, including in cases of necessity - to exercise, establish or defend legal claims);
  • to comply with our legal obligations
  • Your permission.
  • If it's needed for something we agreed to do for you or steps you've asked for before we agree to do something.
  • Our reasonable needs like understanding how you use Setapp, our services, or site, checking how our campaigns are doing, helping us work better, for marketing, customer service, tech support, to keep everyone and everything safe, and in necessary cases, to exercise, establish, or defend legal claims.
  • To follow the law.

(cf. General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) art. 6(1)(a)-(b), (f); or similar provisions in other applicable Privacy Laws).

If the processing is based on your consent, you may at any time withdraw your consent by contacting us or using special interface features designed for that.

If you gave your permission, you can take it back anytime by contacting us or using special features we've made for this.

Types of data we may process and purpose of such processing:

Types of Personal Data Purpose Our legal basis for this use of data and aim of use of data
User Data To provide users with Setapp, Services, Site capabilities; Contractual Necessity;
Legitimate interest
To comply with our contractual and legal obligations and requirements; Contractual Necessity;
Legal Obligation
To personalize the services provided via Setapp, Services, Site, including by recognizing an individual and remembering their information when they return to Setapp, Services, Site, and to provide further personalization capabilities; Legitimate interest
To send you email communications (such as newsletters, offers, other marketing communications); Consent
To contact you in any other events (for billing, account management and other administrative matters); Contractual Necessity;
Legitimate interest;
Legal Obligation
To respond to the requests; Contractual Necessity;
Legitimate interest;
Legal Obligation;
To investigate potential violations of the Terms of Use, to enforce those Terms of Use, or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, or potential threats against persons, property, or the systems on which we operate Setapp, Site, and/or Services. Legitimate interest;
Legal Obligation.
Location information
  • To provide users with Setapp, Services, Site capabilities;
  • To comply with our contractual and legal obligations and requirements;
  • To investigate potential violations of the Terms of Use, to enforce those Terms of Use, or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, or potential threats against persons, property, or the systems on which we operate Setapp, Site, and/or Services.
Contractual Necessity;
Legitimate interest;
Legal Obligation
Device information and Log data
  • To improve Setapp, Services, Site;
  • To calculate aggregate statistics on the number of unique devices using Setapp, Site and/or Services;
  • To facilitate, operate, enhance, and provide Setapp, Services, Site;
  • To secure their usage;
  • To create aggregated statistical data, inferred non-personal data, or anonymized or pseudonymized data (rendered non-personal and non-identifiable), which we or our business partners may use to provide and improve our respective services, or for any other purpose;
  • To investigate potential violations of the Terms of Use, to enforce those Terms of Use, or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, or potential threats against persons, property, or the systems on which we operate Setapp, Site, and/or Services.
Legitimate interest to improve Setapp, Services, Site and make their use more user-friendly,
Contractual necessity
Setapp and Site Specific Data
  • To improve Setapp, Services, Site;
  • To calculate aggregate statistics on the number of unique devices using Setapp, Site and/or Services;
  • To secure the usage Setapp, Services, Site;
  • To create aggregated statistical data, inferred non-personal data, or anonymized or pseudonymized data (rendered non-personal and non-identifiable), which we or our business partners may use to provide and improve our respective services, or for any other purpose;
  • To investigate potential violations of the Terms of Use, to enforce those Terms of Use, or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, or potential threats against persons, property, or the systems on which we operate Setapp, Site, and/or Services.
Legitimate interest to improve Setapp, Services, Site; and make their use more user-friendly;
Contractual necessity

Our activities are not aimed at children under 13 years. We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13. If you have not reached the age limit, do not use the functionality of Setapp, Services, Site and do not provide us with your personal information.

Our services aren't for kids under 13. We don't knowingly collect info from kids under 13. If you're under 13, please don't use Setapp, our services, or site, and don't give us your personal info.

If you are a parent of a child below the age limit and you learn that your child has provided MacPaw with personal information, please contact us at [email protected] and insist on exercising your rights of access, correction, cancellation and / or opposition.

If you're a parent and you find out your child under 13 has given us their personal info, please email us at [email protected] so we can sort it out.

If you are a resident of California and are under 18 years of age and wish to erase publicly available content, please contact us at [email protected].

If you're in California and under 18, and you want to delete public content, you can also email us at [email protected].

Payment information

Payment information provided by you via Setapp, Services, Site will be stored and processed by third-party payment service providers as designated by us from time to time. We will collect certain information on the Site, via Setapp and Services, those are required for such third-party payment services providers to process payments, including credit/debit card numbers, security numbers and other related payment information.

When you make a payment on Setapp, our services, or site, your payment details are stored and handled by another company that we pick. We collect some info needed for them to process your payment, like your credit or debit card numbers.

All such information is subject to the privacy policy of such third-party payment service providers as applicable.

That other company has their own privacy policy, which covers your payment details.

Requests via Setapp

We use information processed from Setapp to respond to users’ requests. We do not sell, rent, lease, trade or share users’ personal information other than as outlined in this Privacy Policy. When you provide us with your personal information or otherwise choose to sign up to receive email communications from us, we will use that information to send those communications to you. Individuals may “opt out” of receiving email communications through links available on emails received or by contacting us.

We use the stuff we know about you from Setapp to answer your questions. We won't sell, rent or share your personal info in ways we didn't tell you in our Privacy Policy aka rule book. If you give us your personal info or sign up to get emails from us, we'll use that info to send you those emails. If you don't want the emails anymore, there's a link in every email where you can say "no more emails, please!" or you can tell us directly.

Data Retention

Where we act as the controller of the data, such as where we use personal information for MacPaw’s own independent purpose of the activity, we will retain your information for the necessary period of time that it serves the purpose for which it was originally processed or subsequently authorised and in accordance with applicable law. Namely, but not exclusively, we retain Your data to maintain and expand our relationship and provide you with our services and offerings; in order to comply with our legal and contractual obligations; or to protect ourselves from any potential disputes (i.e. as required by laws applicable to log-keeping, records and bookkeeping, and in order to have proof and evidence concerning our relationship, should any legal issues arise following your discontinuance of use), all in accordance with our internal policies and applicable laws.

Sometimes we, at MacPaw, need to keep some of your personal information. We only keep it for as long as we need it. We might need to keep it to help us offer you our services, to do what the law says, or to keep things safe and fair.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and the applicable legal requirements.

We think about what info we have, what it's about, how sensitive it is, if there's any risk of it being used wrongly, why we need it, and what the law says to decide how long we keep it.

We delete, block or anonymize the personal data of the data subject as soon as the purpose of the storage is fulfilled.

Once we don't need it anymore, we make sure to delete it, or make it so nobody knows it was about you.

Data Storage And Transfers

We use data centers that store Setapp, Services, Site and databases, IT service providers that maintain our systems, and consulting companies. Therefore, for the date of acceptance of the Terms of Use and acknowledgment of this Privacy Policy by You, the information submitted to MacPaw can be transferred to, processed, and stored in the United States of America, the countries of the European Union and Ukraine. Data stored and processed by MacPaw may sometimes be moved between these zones (in a secure manner). If you post or transfer any information to or through our Product, you are agreeing to such information, including Personal Data, being hosted and accessed in the United States of America; the countries of the European Union and Ukraine.

We use special computer storages to keep Setapp, our services, our website, and databases. These storages can be in places like America, Europe, and Ukraine. We might need to move some info between these places, but it's always done safely. When you use our stuff, you're okay with us storing and accessing your info in these places.

MacPaw may use services of other providers that are partly located in third countries (outside the European Union or the European Economic Area). Where this is the case, and there is no adequacy decision for these countries, MacPaw undertakes to take appropriate precautions to ensure an adequate level of data protection for any data transfers. These include, among others, the standard contractual clauses in force at the time of transfer of data, or binding internal data protection regulations.

Sometimes, we use services from other companies outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area. When we do, we ensure there's enough protection for any info that moves.

If a third country transfer is provided for and no adequacy decision or appropriate safeguards are in place, it is possible and there is a risk that authorities in the respective third country (e.g. intelligence services) may gain access to the transferred data in order to collect and analyze it, and that enforceability of your data subject rights cannot be guaranteed.

But, in some cases, authorities from these places might be able to look at the info, and we can't always guarantee they won't.

However, we will always take steps to ensure that any international transfer of personal data is carefully managed to protect your rights and interests. Data transfers to service providers and other third parties are protected by contractual obligations and, where appropriate, by other guarantees, such as standard contractual terms issued by the European Commission or certification schemes.

Don't worry, we always manage any movement of your info carefully to protect your rights. We protect these transfers with contracts, and if needed, other safeguards like standard contractual terms by the European Commission or certificates.

Data Disclosures

We disclose personal data in the following ways:


We may transfer our email addresses to Developers only after receiving your consent for such a transfer. In all other situations, we do not disclose Your personal information to Developers. For example, you can log in to Developers’ websites with your Setapp account. Developers will receive your personal data only when you have consented to sharing your personal data with them, i.e., authorise them to access your data at Setapp.

We might share your email address with developers if you say it's okay. Besides that, we don't share your personal info with them. For example, when you log into a developer's website with your Setapp account, they'll only get your details if you've said they can.

Service Providers

We engage selected third-party companies and individuals to perform services on our behalf or complementary to our own. Such service providers include hosting and server co-location services, data security services, contract, billing and payment processing services, fraud detection and prevention services, web and product analytics, e-mail distribution and monitoring services, session or activity recording services, remote access services, performance measurement, data optimization and marketing services, social and advertising networks, hosting services, e-mail, voicemails, support, enablement and customer relation management systems, and our legal, financial and compliance advisors (collectively, “Service Providers“). Our Service Providers may have access to personal information, depending on each of their specific roles and purposes in facilitating and enhancing our Services, and may only use the data as determined in our agreements with them.

We work with certain trusted companies and individuals to help us out or add to what we do. These helpers might need to look at your personal info depending on their job in helping and improving our services, but they only use it the way we have agreed.Right now, our helpers include companies that handle things like data storage, keeping data secure, billing, payments, spotting fraud, analysing how our services are used, recording sessions, remote access, measuring performance, optimizing data, marketing, ads, managing emails, voicemails, customer support, legal, financial and compliance advice and more.

As for now the following Service Providers are engaged:

At the moment, we are working with the following helper companies:

Name of Service Provider Services performed by Service Provider Link to the Privacy Policy of the Service Provider
Zendesk Service facilitating gathering of user feedback
Taxamo (Vertex) TAX calculation for Braintree
Braintree Payment provider
Paddle Payment provider, One time purchase shop
TransferWise Exchange rates for payouts
Vatapi VAT rates on site
Kiuwan Static code analysis for repositories with source code
GTM Integration with 3d party, visitors marking
HostedGraphite Infrastructure & business metrics storage and visualization
Google Analytics Analytics
Hotjar Customer behavior analytics
Clarity Customer behaviour analytics
Amplitude Product analytics
Impact (Radius) Affiliate system
PartnerStack Affiliate system
Campaign Monitor Mailing system
Google Ads PPC (+Teams separate)
Bing Ads Ads
Intercom Teams sales chat with prospects; Support chat
Pipedrive B2B CRM
Sentry Error tracking
Rapid7 Application logs

Service Integrations

You may choose to integrate Setapp with third-party services or applications. The provider of this integrated third-party service may receive certain Personal Data about your use of Setapp and Services, or share certain Personal Data from your account on the third-party provider’s service with Setapp, depending on the nature and purpose of such integration. This could include your personal data. We will take care of such your data and store it securely.

You can choose to connect Setapp with services or apps from other companies. The company providing this connected service might get some info about how you use Setapp and our services, or share some info from your account on their service with us. This could include your personal info. Don't worry, we'll look after this info and keep it safe.

Legal Compliance

We may disclose or allow government and law enforcement officials access to your personal data, in response to a subpoena, search warrant or court order (or similar requirement), or in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Such disclosure or access may occur if we believe in good faith that:

We might share your personal info or let government and law officials look at it if we get a legal request, like a subpoena, search warrant or court order, or to follow the laws. We would only do this if we honestly believe:

(a) we are legally compelled to do so;
(b) disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activity, fraud, or other wrongdoing; or
(c) such disclosure is required to protect our legitimate business interests, including the security or integrity of our products and services.

(a) we have to legally,
(b) it's the right thing to do when looking into, stopping, or acting on actual or suspected illegal activity, fraud, or other wrongdoing, or
(c) we need to do it to protect our honest business interests, like keeping our products and services safe and sound.

Protecting Rights and Safety

We may share personal data with others if we believe in good faith that this will help protect the rights, property or personal safety of Setapp, Services, Site, any of our users, or any members of the general public.

We might share your personal info with others if we really believe it can help keep Setapp, our services, our website, our users, or everyone else safe.

MacPaw’s Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies

We may share personal data internally within our group, for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. In addition, should MacPaw or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates undergo any change in control or ownership, including by means of merger, acquisition or purchase of substantially all or part of its assets, personal data may be shared with or transferred to the parties involved in such an event. We may disclose personal data to a third-party during negotiation of, in connection with or as an asset in such a corporate business transaction. Personal data may also be disclosed in the event of insolvency, bankruptcy or receivership.

We might share your personal info within our group of companies for the reasons we've mentioned in this Privacy Policy. Also, if MacPaw or any of our companies changes hands or goes through big changes, like merging with another company, we might share or move your personal info to the parties involved. This could also happen if the company becomes insolvent, bankrupt, or taken over.

For the avoidance of doubt, MacPaw may share personal data in additional manners, pursuant to your explicit approval, or if we are legally obligated to do so, or if we have successfully rendered such data non-personal, non-identifiable and anonymous. We may transfer, share or otherwise use non-personal and non-identifiable data at our sole discretion and without the need for further approval.

Just to be clear, we might share your personal info in other ways, if you say it's okay, if the law says we have to, or if we've made it impossible to tell who the info is about. We can transfer, share, or use info that doesn't identify anyone without needing further approval.


When You give Us personal data, We take steps to make sure that it’s treated securely.

When you give us your personal information, we work hard to keep it safe.

Non-sensitive details (Your email address etc.) are sent normally over the Internet, and this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while We strive to protect personal data, We cannot guarantee the security of any personal data users transmit to Us, and You do so at Your own risk. Once We receive personal data, We make Our best effort to ensure its security on Our systems.

Simple things like your email address are sent over the internet, but we can't guarantee it's completely secure. So, while we try our best to protect your information, there's still a risk when you send it to us.

We use industry-standard encryption to protect personal data in transit. This is commonly referred to as transport layer security (“TLS”) or secure socket layer (“SSL”) technology.

We use fancy encryption technology to keep your information safe when it's moving around online.

Once We receive personal data, We protect it on Our servers using a combination of technical, physical, and logical security safeguards.

Once we have your information, we use a bunch of security measures to keep it safe on our computers.

The MacPaw takes the security of Your personal data very seriously and works to protect Your personal data from loss, misuse and unauthorised access or disclosure.

We take protecting your personal information seriously and do everything we can to keep it safe from getting lost, used the wrong way, or seen by people who shouldn't.

Cookies And Data Collection Technologies

Setapp and Site uses cookies and similar technologies in our Site and Services that help us collect Location Information, Log data, Device information, Setapp and Site Specific Data. The Site and Services may also include cookies and similar tracking technologies of third parties, which may collect Other Information about you via the Site and Services and across other webSite and online services. For more details about how we use these technologies, please see our Cookie Policy.

Setapp and our website use cookies and similar tech stuff to gather information like where you are, what you do on our site, and what kind of device you're using. Sometimes, other companies also use cookies on our site to learn more about you. You can find out more about how we use these things in our Cookie Policy.


We engage in service and promotional communications, through e-mail.

We send emails for two reasons: service stuff and promotions.

Service Emails

We may contact you with important information regarding Setapp, Services, Site. For example, we may send you notifications (through any of the means available to us) of changes or updates to our Services or Setapp, Site, billing issues (if applicable), subscription notices, etc. You can typically control your communications and notifications settings from settings of Setapp, or otherwise in accordance with the instructions included in the communications sent to you. Please note that you will not be able to opt out of receiving certain service communications which are integral to your use (like subscription details).

These are important messages about Setapp, our services, and our website. For example, we might email you about changes to our services, billing, or your subscription. You can usually control these emails in your Setapp settings or by following the instructions in the emails. Some service emails, like subscription details, you can't opt out of because they're essential for using Setapp.

Promotional Communications

We may also notify you about new features, additional offerings, events, special opportunities or any other information we think you will find valuable, as our user in case you provided us your email to receiving such promotional communications. We may provide such notices through e-mail, or through the Product.

If you do not wish to receive such promotional communications, you may notify MacPaw at any time by following the “unsubscribe”, “stop”, “opt-out” or “change e-mail preferences” instructions contained in the promotional communications you receive.

We might also email you about cool new stuff, events, or special opportunities we think you'll like, if you gave us your email for that. If you don't want these emails, you can tell us to stop by clicking "unsubscribe" or following the instructions in the emails we send you.

Your Inquiries Regarding Data Processing

We acknowledge that You have the right to access Your personal information, and We work to manage your inquiries in an appropriate way. Your rights are as follows:

You have rights over your personal information:

  • You may request to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information based on information collected from accessing Product.
  • You may request additional information related to the purposes for which MacPaw processes your personal information, the categories of personal information we process, where we originally collected the information, who MacPaw shares it with, and how long MacPaw will retain it.
  • You may object to the processing of your personal information, request that MacPaw restricts the processing of your personal information or request portability.
  • You have the right to opt-out of email communications we send you at any time. You can do so by clicking the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the communicational emails we send you, including MacPaw’s newsletter. Where we have collected and processed your personal information with your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, withdrawing your consent will neither affect the lawfulness of any processing MacPaw conducted prior to your withdrawal nor will it affect the processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
  • Upon your request, and where it is technically feasible, we will provide you with a copy of your personal data or transmit it directly to another controller.
  • You have the right to submit a complaint to a data protection authority about the collection and use of your personal information.
  • You can ask to see, correct, update, or delete your personal info we collected from using our product.
  • You can ask for more info about how we use your personal info, who we share it with, and how long we keep it.
  • You can say no to us using your personal info, ask us to limit how we use it, or ask to move it somewhere else.
  • You can stop getting emails from us anytime by clicking "unsubscribe" in our emails. If you gave us permission to use your info, you can take it back anytime, but it won't change what we did before.
  • You can ask for a copy of your personal data, or ask us to send it to someone else if it's possible.
  • You can complain to a data protection authority if you're not happy with how we use your info.

To make a request please email MacPaw at [email protected] with “Personal Data Request” in the subject line, and provide us with full details in relation to your request, including your contact information and any other detail you feel is relevant. We will provide a response to an access request within 30 days of receiving such request with respect to the personal information we hold or if we cannot, we will notify you and provide you with the reason for the delay.

To ask for any of these things, email us at [email protected] with "Personal Data Request" in the subject line, and tell us what you need. We'll get back to you within 30 days.

You may have other rights as may be provided by the applicable legislation.

You might also have other rights under the law.

Identity Verification Requirement

MacPaw is required by law to verify that any request submitted was made by someone with the legal right to access the data. Therefore, prior to providing any information pursuant to a data subject access request, MacPaw may request that you provide MacPaw with additional information in order for MacPaw to verify your identity and legal authority.

MacPaw has to make sure it's really you asking for your data. So, before we give you any information, we might ask for more proof that you're the right person.

Data Breaches

All breaches will be reported to the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours after becoming aware of such breaches if such breach has a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, and unless the data was anonymised or encrypted.

If there's a breach that could harm people's privacy, we'll tell the right authority within 72 hours, unless the data was made safe.

Breaches of this Privacy Policy by staff, contractors, officers of MacPaw will be dealt with under MacPaw’s grievance and disciplinary policy and may lead to a disciplinary sanction.

If our own people break these rules, they'll face consequences according to our company's policy.

We will communicate the personal data breach to you when the data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.

If a breach might seriously affect your privacy, we'll let you know.

If MacPaw learns of a security system breach, we may attempt to notify you and provide information on protective steps, if available, through the email address that you have provided to us or by posting a notice in the Product. Depending on where you live, you may have a legal right to receive such notices in writing.

If there's a security problem, we'll try to tell you how to protect yourself, either by email or in our product. Depending on where you live, you might legally have to get these notices in writing.

Reporting Issues

You have a right to report grievances related to privacy with your local data privacy supervisory authority.

We ask you firstly to contact us directly via [email protected] in case you have any questions, comments, or concerns connecting with your data handling by MacPaw.

In Cyprus this is the Commissioner for personal data protection who can be reached at, or contacted by phone number +357 22 818 456 or via email [email protected].

If you have a problem with how we handle your data, you can talk to your local data privacy authority. But it's best to reach out to us first at [email protected] if you have questions or concerns. In Cyprus, you can contact the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection. You can find them online at, call them at +357 22 818 456, or email them at [email protected].

Changes To The Privacy Policy

We may need to update this Privacy Policy to keep pace with changes in Setapp, Services, Site, activities, and laws applicable to Us and You. We will, however, always maintain our commitment to respect your privacy. We will notify you of any material changes that impact your rights under this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you periodically check the Privacy Policy of Product to stay informed of any changes.

Sometimes we might need to update this Privacy Policy because of changes in Setapp, our services, or the laws. But we'll always make sure to respect your privacy. If there are big changes that affect your rights, we'll let you know. It's a good idea to check the Privacy Policy now and then for any updates.

Please note that your continued use of the Product after any change means that you agree with, and consent to be bound by, the new Privacy Policy.

If you keep using Setapp after we make changes, it means you're okay with the new Privacy Policy.

If you disagree with any changes in this Privacy Policy and do not wish your information to be subject to it, you will need to stop using the Product.

But if you don't like the changes and don't want your info to be part of it, you'll need to stop using Setapp.

You can contact Us anytime through the contact data provided in this Privacy Policy.

You can contact us anytime using the info in this Privacy Policy if you have questions or concerns.

Contacting Us

If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or if you receive any unwanted, unsolicited e-mail sent by MacPaw or purporting to be sent via MacPaw, please contact us directly via [email protected].

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or if you get any emails from us that you didn't want, please email us at [email protected].