Monday, May 30, 2016

Sexy Book Award - The Apartment by Danielle Steel

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • This vibrant, tender, and moving tale pulses with the excitement of New York City, as Danielle Steel explores twists of fate, and the way that sometimes, in special places, friends can be the family we need most.

They come together by chance in the heart of New York City, four young women at turning points in their lives. Claire Kelly finds the walk-up apartment—a spacious loft in Hell’s Kitchen. But the aspiring shoe designer needs at least one roommate to manage it. She meets Abby Williams, a writer trying to make it on her own, far away from her successful family in L.A. Four years later, Morgan Shelby joins them. She’s ambitious, with a serious finance job on Wall Street. Then Sasha Hartman, a medical student whose identical twin sister is a headline-grabbing supermodel. And so the sprawling space, with its exposed brick and rich natural light, becomes a home to friends about to embark on new, exhilarating adventures.
Frustrated by her ultra-conservative boss, Claire soon faces a career crisis as a designer. Abby is under the spell of an older man, an off-off-Broadway producer who exploits her and detours her from her true talent as a novelist, while destroying her self-confidence. Morgan is happily in love with a successful restaurateur who supplies her roommates with fine food. At her office, she begins to suspect something is off about her boss, a legendary investment manager whom she’s always admired. But does she even know him? And Sasha begins an all-work-no-play residency as an OB/GYN, as her glamorous jet-set sister makes increasingly risky decisions.
Their shared life in the apartment grounds them as they bring one another comfort and become a family of beloved friends. Unexpected opportunities alter the course of each of their lives, and as they meet the challenges, they face the bittersweet reality that in time, they will inevitably move away from the place where their dreams began.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Be Careful What You Put Up Online

The video above is just a prank but it give you a little insight into what people can find out about you without any special abilities. 

Keep Yourself Save Online: is a VPN service so that people to safely shop online and download without getting tracked or hacked. When on public WiFi or even at home you are not safe from Hackers and all our information is at risk, but if you are on a VPN you are hidden from hackers. If someone was surfing the web and want to be anonymous using a VPN is the way to go... for instance if someone was doing research on a competitor, etc.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sexy New Song of the Week - Nothing But Thieves - Trip Switch

Nothing But Thieves is an English five-piece alternative rock band from Southend-on-Sea in Essex. Formed in 2012, the band consists of Conor Mason (vocals), Joe Langridge-Brown (guitars), Dominic Craik (guitars, keyboards), James Price (drums), and Philip Blake (bass guitar). In 2014, they were signed to RCA Records.[1] Their style of music has been compared to the likes of FoalsThe Neighbourhood, and Civil Twilight, and they've been played on both modern rock and active rock radio.

My Review :
Nothing But Thieves has a very close sound in this song to that of INXS.  They have a very pop sound that can be liked by everyone.  Those are pretty lofty comparisons but I see something truly special about this band.  

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Creators of Sexy Challenges Brings You Angry Granny (A Kids Book He Wrote With His Son)

Do you Think You Can Handle Angry Granny?

My son and I wrote this story based on bed time stories we use to make up together.  Together, we have brought Angry Granny to life and want to share her with the world.  


Hilarious adventures abound as Granny comes to live with her grandson and his parents. It is rarely an easy transition when aging parents and grandparents find they need to live with their children, and Angry Granny is no exception. But, on top of Granny's declining memory, she has lost her filter. So, be prepared because even though her grandson isn't used to hearing curse words Angry Granny is about to change that as she regularly let's the a-word fly. It's cute. It's funny. And, it's touching as the experience of having Angry Granny in the house will take you from laughing to saying "oh my" and right back to giggling again.  

Rob Alex and Boegley Alex co-wrote Angry Granny, but it all started when Daddy (Rob) started telling Angry Granny bedtime stories to Boegley. The laughter and giggles that poured forth from the bedroom could be heard all the way downstairs. After a few weeks and a long list of Angry Granny adventures, this father-son duo decided to share their knee slapping and sometimes shocking stories with the world. Get ready because these two will take you on quite a journey alongside Angry Granny, and they just may share more of Granny's adventures as time goes by.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Find Out Why Sleeping Naked Can Actually Help You Stay Healthier

There is certainly no doubt that there are plenty of different opinions concerning the way that people should sleep at night in order to get the best sleep possible. However, one of the more interesting opinions that has come along in quite some time is that people should be sleeping without their clothes on. According to a number of different studies, sleeping naked actually has a number of different benefits that can help a person stay healthier and feel great at the same time.
One of the benefits of sleeping naked is that it allows the core body temperature to be cooler than when pajamas are worn. Because this is crucial for sound sleep, it allows most people to get to sleep easier and stay asleep better. The truth is, any time a person becomes too warm they automatically wake up and wearing pajamas can often prevent a person from getting long-term sleep that is restorative in nature, thus robbing them of the sleep that is most beneficial. This in turn can cause a number of health problems all by itself so anything that allows a person to keep their core body temperature cooler and sleep better is a huge advantage.
Another advantage is that it helps people maintain a leaner body. There are a number of different reasons for this. One of the reasons is that it helps the body produce a different type of fat than is normally produced, namely brown fat. This is often considered a good type of fat that helps people build energy and maintain a leaner body mass as opposed to the white fat that is easily stored and exceptionally difficult to get rid of. Much of this is due to decrease levels of cortisol, that infamous stress hormone that causes so many health problems. When the levels of cortisol decrease, the body stores and uses fat in different ways. This also helps lower blood pressure, slow the heart rate and allow the body to recharge from the stresses of the previous day.
As a result, sleeping naked dramatically alters a person's metabolism. When metabolism is altered, it becomes easier to burn fat more readily. The body uses energy differently and this change in the way that it uses energy makes it much easier to lose weight and then maintain a healthy weight once it is achieved. This in turn has a number of important health benefits for people of all ages, but it is especially important to those individuals who are already struggling with their weight and are on the cusp of having a number of potentially serious health issues.
Finally, a person who sleeps without any clothes on is often more rested, thus having better energy throughout the day. The truth is, this is the thing that so many people are searching for. Most people go through their day feeling exhausted, and at times it becomes almost impossible to continue putting one foot in front of the other. The ability to feel more rested and be better prepared for the day is something that people have been searching for, for decades. As a result, they have tried everything from exercise programs to medication.
The very idea that it can all come from sleeping without clothes on means that everyone can have access to these increased levels of energy without having to spend a bunch of money or do anything special. In this way, sleeping naked is the one of the easiest solutions that has come along in some time.
Right now, I would like to invite you to access and read new information about the Sleeping Naked Is Green and as well as about Health Articles

Sunday, May 22, 2016

88 Great Conversation Starters for Husbands & Wives

Need help starting conversations with your significant other?  Well sometimes you might just need a little help.  This product gives you 88 ideas to get the conversation rolling.  There is nothing more important that you can do for your relationship than increase your level of communications.  

Friday, May 20, 2016

Sexy Anna Wise with her Song, "GO"

My Review:

Anna Wise, while not having the total vocal range of Pink has some very similar qualities.  Down the the dark almost gothic sexuality without slipping into all the shades of black.

Okay now it is your turn to tell me if you think this is a great song or not post your comments to let us know.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sexy Challenge's Sexual Bucket List

Do you have fantasies?  Well why not make a plan to live your fantasies with your lover?  Sexy Challenges classic book Sexual Bucket List will help you achieve those fantasies.  Plus it allows you partner to chime in also creating a list that you both will be proud of.  Don't wait until it is too late get Sexy Challenge Sexual Bucket List today and start living.  

Monday, May 16, 2016

5 Actions To Spice Up Your Love Connection

Marriage after shacking-up can leave you yearning for a deeper love connection with your husband. After all, lasting love is about connecting at your core. Below are five actions that you can implement to increase the love connection with your Baby Cakes.
Action 1: Turn off the T.V. According to Nielsen, the global leader in all things media, the average American spends 20% of their day watching television. Seriously! We often hear people saying how precious time is and to live each day to its fullest but are these the same people who are busy spending their evenings catching up on their shows via On Demand or TiVo? Time is precious, especially the time that you and your spouse spend in each other's presence. Free up some time each night doing just that, being in each other's presence and you can start by turning off the t.v.
Action 2: Add date night back into your relationship Did the movie nights stop prior to moving in together? How about after the wedding? We often think of dating as a way to woo the other person, to win their heart. Well, it is and marriage doesn't change that. Spending time together, just the two of you, allows you to connect. We think of dating as fun, exciting and a time to feel special. Give your spouse this same feeling throughout your married life. Make reservations at his fav restaurant and leave a hand written note in his car, inviting him out...on a date for this Friday night.
Action 3: Kiss your spouse when he leaves & comes home Touch. The gentle slide of a hand across your cheek can give you trembles down your spine. Put butterflies in your stomach. It also helps you feel emotionally connected to another. Remember when you were first dating and you wanted to hold hands at every chance? Recapture that moment today. Before your Honey walks out the door to hang out with the boys or to rush off to work or even to run a quick errand, grab him and give him a wet one and a great big hug and whisper, "I love you."
Action 4: Give of yourself Oh, what a selfish world we live in. We often are more concerned with how we feel, what we want, what we don't want and all things "ME." You have to make a conscious decision, sometimes daily, to shift the focus to your husband. We can get caught up in ourselves and what we're missing or even what we want from our marriage. Stop for a moment to give your spouse what he needs - you to be present. If you're not sure what that means, take the time one evening this week (while the t.v. is turned off) to ask how you can be more "present" in your relationship. It'll probably shock him but it'll also start the conversation.
Action 5: Schedule a weekly booty call Comedian Bill Bellamy coined the phrase "booty call" but it was more targeted towards singles getting their groove on. Well, Bill's a married man now and I bet he's still making booty his wife. Most shackers don't experience the non-stop mind-blowing sex that they thought they would have in a live-in situation. You may remember that thought when you were making the decision to shack-up. "Live-in equals all access sex." Yes, women think like that too. But, what a myth! Your sex life typically goes down hill in a shacking lifestyle. Now that you're married, make a decision to bring the sexy back into your bedroom. Start by writing it in on your weekly calendar. And, then make sure you keep that appointment!
These are just a few small things that you can do to show that you are committed to enhancing a life long love connection. Start implementing these actions today for an increased love connection with your husband.
Jennifer helps women in young marriages have more engaging, genuine and authentic relationships both personally and professionally by learning to focus on their most valuable asset, themselves. By drawing on her unique style, high energy and creative approach to maximizing relationships, Jennifer inspires women to live their best life now.
Check out the blog, Confessions of a Reformed Shacker @ []

Article Source:

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Sexy Challenges Updates Spin The Bottle

Give the age-old game of Spin the Bottle a new twist with this Sexy Challenge. Can you control where the bottle will be pointing when it stops spinning? Can your lover? Amazing and spicy experiences can transpire for the two of you when you take your turn at spinning your very own proverbial bottle. This challenge offers you a variety of new ways to experience a game you may likely have played in your youth. Give it a whirl and enjoy some excitingly new intimate play with your sweetheart. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

A Book Some People Find Helpful In Their Relationship

Simple ideas, lasting love
Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life?
In the #1 New York Times bestseller  The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.
The 5 Love Languages is as practical as it is insightful. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships today, this new edition reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, actionable wisdom in ways that work. 
Includes the Couple's Personal Profile assessment so you can discover your love language and that of your loved one.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The X & Y Show

Join Rosevelt, a new and flavorful host for this compelling adult show about topics that everyone wants to discuss, but no one is brave enough to address. Men, Women, Love, Sex, & Relationship issues. Nothing escapes X &​ Y Baby! 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Canyonlands Nature Connection Retreat

Fall Equinox Canyonlands Nature Connection Retreat
With “Ranger Dave” Van Manen and Helene Van Manen

Sunday, September 18 through Friday, September 23, 2016
Canyonlands National Park, Needles District, Utah

If you love the outdoors join Nature Retreat Leaders in the fabulous trip.

Get the experience of a Lifetime

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Alex Family Adventures On Instagram

Keep up to date with the travels of The Alex Family by following them on Instagram.  Never miss any of the amazing place that they travel on their new found freedom.  Together you can track along with our crew as we set sail on adventure.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sexy Challenges Gives You All Day Arousal

Sexy Challenges are a way to give your intimacy a jolt of excitement. Within each of these short little ebooks you will find a wonderful way to connect to your partner. Sexy Challenges are to help put the spark back into your love life. 

All Day Arousal will start building your anticipation from the earliest part of your day.  That arousal will continue through out the day building to a frenzy for later in the evening.  This is a wonderful way to create that excitement in your relationship if you have lost it or not.  

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Alex Family Adventures

The Alex Family is getting set for a life of adventure.

We, the Alex Family, are setting out on our "Alex Family Adventures" this summer. Travel, work, homeschool and adventure at our fingertips. Woo Hoo!

Follow our journey by keeping up with us on Facebook.  Just click the link below to journey with us.