
DTEI Services

Learn more about the services that DTEI provides in support of teaching and learning.

Waitlisted Students

How to add and remove waitlisted students in Canvas and EEE+ ClassMail Lists

Canvas Training Videos

This YouTube playlist is a great place to start to learn more about Canvas and remote instruction.


Gathering student work, online exams, remote proctoring, and more.

Delivering content

Recording and distributing lectures, streaming class content, and more.


Discussion forums, email lists, and in-tool conversations.


Information on grading and submitting final grades to the Registrar.


Tips and techniques to encourage interaction and engagement.


Techniques to support accessibility accommodations in the LMS environment, including meeting captioning.

Privacy Considerations

Privacy information & resources for both instructors and students from the UCI Privacy office.

Technology Assistance: EEE+ EdTechTools

Information on tools and applications can be found over on EEE+ EdTechTools, your home for information about educational technology tools supported by OIT and integrated with UCI Canvas.

Policies and Best Practices from DTEI

Leveraging lessons from the pandemic and the renewed emphasis on anti-racism in ways that acknowledge the wide range of activities and efforts that faculty will undertake during this transition. For many of the sections, we focus on providing instructors with reflection questions that may help guide future course design. As DTEI develops additional resources and faculty share additional ideas, we will be adding these resources as additional links.

Policies & Practices for "Flexibility"

There are many reasons for continuing to ensure a level of flexibility in course policies and practices even as we return to “normal”. This page provides some recommendations & guidance.

Course Policies

Suggestions & resources to help connect course policies to student learning or a student-centric approach.

Recording & Distributing Lectures

How to repurpose instructional content produced for remote courses as supplemental material or to support restructuring.

Model Schedules for Hybrid

Guidance around transitioning a course to a hybrid or flipped mode of teaching.

Grading & Assessment

Suggestions on reconsidering the approach to grading to explicitly reward student learning and success.

DTEI Support for Instruction

Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation will be providing a range of resources to support both remote and in-person learning in the Winter quarter. A regularly updated list with brief descriptions can be found here.

Other resources supporting remote instruction

Planning for Remote Instruction (OVPTL)

Provided by the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning, this site provides remote instruction guidance for both programs and faculty

School & Faculty Resources from UCI

Additional resources from schools, departments, and other campus units

Digital Learning (DTEI)

Provided by the Division of Teaching & Learning, this site provides resources to support online and digital learning

Remote Resources For Your Students

OVPTL and OIT have created a comprehensive resource for students  to help with remote learning

Senate COVID-19 Communications

Catalogues communications from the Academic Senate regarding temporary adjustments to academic policy and other procedures due to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Tech Prep (OIT)

Provided by the Office of Information Technology, this site provides resources for effectively working and learning remotely

Historic and/or archived content

Information the modules in this section may be out-of-date or refer to practices, policies, or modalities that were in place during or after the COVID-19 pandemic and immediate transition to online learning. They are available as a historic archive but please refer to updated policies and guidance.

Resources From UCI Instructors & Staff

Additional resources from schools, departments, and other campus units.

Recommended Syllabus Content

Helpful syllabus resources regarding accommodations, Respondus, and more.

COVID-19 Resources + Q&A

Resources, information, and Q&A related to 2021/22 instruction.

Standard Syllabus Language for F21/W22

Standard language for course syllabuses for the new academic year.

DTEI Support for Winter Instruction

DTEI provides a range of resources to support both remote and in-person learning in Winter.