
Hi all– if you still exist– remember Skins?

After the show ended this blog faded away, despite incredible enjoyment from running it for an admirable following that loved the show as much as I did. But its death was inevitable. This tumblr is now more than 7 years old. 

However, I am now rewatching Skins for the first time in years and wouldn’t mind posting again for a bit. 

For future reference: what is your favorite: series? generation? character?

If you’re still here, thanks! If you see this and are like “what the fuck I still follow this?” and didn’t even read this far, same. it’s fine.

- @xolan, creator of skinsftw


Posted 8 years ago by skinsftw. Tagged with Show all posts tagged with "text".text, .


who we imagine to be future bafta award winners: freya mavor [x]

Posted 10 years ago by skinsftw. Tagged with Show all posts tagged with "freya mavor".freya mavor, .



“change. it’s a wonderful thing. look, you know how subatomic particles don’t obey physical laws? they act according to chance, chaos, coincidence. they run into each other in the middle of the universe somewhere and bang! energy! we’re the same as that. that’s the great thing about the universe: unpredictable. that’s why it’s so much fun.”