How Slack wiped out 90% of emails for Fazz Financial Group

"Slack has been instrumental in our growth journey. It has empowered our teams to work smarter, faster, and more collaboratively, leading to exceptional results for our business."

David Park Head of Engineering, Fazz Financial Group

Increasing the pace of financial services innovation in Slack

Fazz Financial Group makes core financial services accessible and inclusive to customers across Southeast Asia, without the traditional bank fees, minimum balances, or subscription fees. Technology has helped the fintech decentralise finance, making it more efficient and fair for businesses and individuals, including those who have previously been underserved. 

As its operations expanded, Fazz recognised that just like its customers, its internal team needed the right technology to work effectively. With communication previously split across a range of channels, including WhatsApp, it chose to make Slack its central hub for work. 

Out of emails and WhatsApp and into Slack with integrations

On its journey to smoother, more efficient operations, Fazz had a big hurdle to overcome—integrating its systems. Before Slack, its communication and processes were disconnected, requiring multiple steps and manual data entry, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. 

With the thousands of integrations available in Slack, Fazz linked these fragmented systems. By bringing its data and communication into Slack, it’s saving time and increasing accuracy. And the best part of centralising operations? Fazz has dramatically reduced its reliance on emails. 

“Slack integrations have automated so many of our tasks and reduced emails by 90%, freeing up our team to focus on more strategic and impactful work,” says David Park, Head of Engineering of Fazz Financial Group. 

For example, by integrating its help desk system, Zendesk, and connecting its customer data from Salesforce with Slack, Fazz’s customer service team can work faster than ever. Previously, support requests were submitted via email, a process prone to delays and communication mishaps. 

Now, employees can submit queries directly through Slack, speeding up response times and improving service. 

Another integration that is saving time for Fazz is WhatsApp. Support agents would have to switch to the messaging app to connect with VIP customers. Now, with WhatsApp integrated with Slack, agents can provide real-time assistance without leaving Slack. 

Slack integrations have automated so many of our tasks and reduced emails by 90%, freeing up our team to focus on more strategic and impactful work.

David ParkHead of Engineering, Fazz Financial Group

Faster response times with Slack workflows 

Fazz’s payment infrastructure for digital assets division, StraitsX, handles over-the-counter (OTC) trading services of digital assets, requiring swift and accurate transaction processing. Previously, managing OTC requests was a manual process, taking up considerable time and resources.

But that all changed with Slack. StraitsX has transformed how it processes these transactions using Slack’s low-code and no-code Workflow Builder

“When an OTC request comes in, Slack automatically kicks things off by creating a dedicated channel,” says Park. “Our team can quickly use emojis to signal different actions and collaborate in threads. Tasks are automatically generated in a Slack Canvas, and everyone can track the status of the request in the channel.”

This not only makes the process faster but also much more organised. It allows the StraitsX team to respond to market movements more swiftly and process customer requests faster. 

Collaborating better across teams and borders 

With operations spread across five countries, coordinating teams and encouraging collaboration was a challenge for Fazz. Slack changed all that. 

“With Slack, we can easily connect with colleagues from different departments and time zones, ensuring that we’re all aligned and working towards common goals,” says Park.

Slack channels, direct messaging, and fast file and image sharing make it easier for everyone to stay informed, share ideas quickly, and collaborate effectively, no matter where they are. 

Fazz Financial Group is still growing with Slack and AI

Adopting Slack hasn’t just made day-to-day operations smoother at Fazz—it’s also driven growth. The company has experienced a significant increase in customer acquisition and revenue, in part thanks to productivity gains from Slack. 

“Slack has been instrumental in our growth journey. It has empowered our teams to work smarter, faster, and more collaboratively, leading to exceptional results for our business,” says Park.

And Fazz isn’t stopping its search for greater efficiency and productivity. Determined to maximise the potential of Slack, it’s preparing to integrate AI-powered tools that will further speed up workflows and elevate customer interactions. 

“We are constantly exploring new ways to leverage Slack’s features to stay ahead in the competitive fintech industry,” says Park.