Air Purifiers for Hospitals & Medical Facilities

Smart Air purifiers provide protection against viruses and COVID-19, to keep staff and patients safe.

Is your hospital a safe zone?

Clean air is especially important to crowded hospitals and medical facilities. Smart Air HEPA filter remove up to 99.9% of above and below 0.3 microns, PM10 and even 0.005 micron particles.

Why Hospitals Choose Smart Air

Smart Air’s purifiers are powerful with high CADR ratings. Therefore, Smart Air’s purifiers, such as the Blast, are suitable for large areas that are common in hospitals. Subsequently, the Blasts’s clean air output is 50% greater than most purifiers on the market for a fraction of the price.

Why Choose Smart Air Commercial Air Purifiers

Our focus is on creating the most effective air purifiers driven by data and at a fraction of the cost of the competition.

We believe everyone deserves to breathe clean air.

Advantages of Smart Air Purifiers



Energy-efficient Design
99% non-plastic packaging


Certified B-Corp & Social Enterprise


More than 50+ hospitals in Asia breathe Smart Air

Commercial Air Purifiers to Combat Viruses, Allergens and Pollution

Blast Mini Mk II

From $549

Quiet design with 585m3/hr CADR for wards up to 85m² (915 sq ft).

Blast Mk II

From $1079

890m3/hr CADR for wards up to 130m² (1400 sq ft).

A Technical Performance Overview of the Blast Mk ll Air Purifier
Blast Mk ll Air Purifier - Technical Performance Overview

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    Hospital Air Purifiers FAQ

    Are Smart Air purifiers better than other air purifiers?

    Smart Air purifiers use the same cleaning principle as most other air purifiers. The technology behind air purifiers is not complex, and readily available.

    However, Smart Air is the only air purifier company committed to transparent communication through open-data. We avoid overcomplicating our air purifiers with high markups and marketing gimmicks. Smart Air purifiers are honest, data-backed, and streamlined to do one thing: clean air.

    Can Smart Air’s purifiers filter COVID-19?

    HEPA filter air purifiers like Smart Air’s have been shown to filter out viruses including COVID-19, and lower transmission. View the CDC data on how HEPAs reduce COVID-19 transmission here.

    What other pollutants do Smart Air purifiers filter?

    Smart Air’s HEPA air purifiers capture many types of particulate air pollution, including nanoparticles as small as 5 nanometers (1/10th the size of COVID-19) to 30 μm (the size of pollen). The whole range includes viruses, bacteria, PM2.5, PM10, pet allergens, dust, and mold.

    Smart Air’s range of carbon filters absorb VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) such as formaldehyde, paint thinners, petroleum fuels, or dry cleaning agents. Carbon filters also remove odors.

    Learn which filters you need in our in-depth guide on air purifier filters.

    Are UV-light and ionizers required for hospital air purifiers?

    UV light air purifiers and ionizers are not recommended for hospital use. First, UV (or UV-C) lights installed in air purifiers are too weak to kill viruses, and the UV lights may also damage the purifier’s HEPA filters. Secondly, ionizers are not effective at cleaning the air, and may in fact produce harmful pollutants such as ozone and VOC in your hospital.

    Learn more: UV light and UV-C air purifiers.

    Learn more: Ionizer air purifier effectiveness.

    What are ‘medical grade’ air purifiers and does my hospital need them?

    The term ‘medical grade’ is used as a marketing gimmick by some companies to charge higher prices for air purifiers. There is no such standard as ‘medical grade’, and terms like this should be avoided. For hospitals, you should use a HEPA-based air purifier and select your air purifier based on CADR and air changes per hour.

    Learn more: The real deal about medical grade air purifiers for hospitals.

    What grade of HEPA filter is required for hospital use?

    The US CDC recommends air purifiers should have HEPA filters that capture 99.97% of particles or above. This is roughly equivalent to an H13 HEPA filter. However, lower-grade filters can still capture viruses and may actually be more effective at improving ventilation in the hospital.

    It is recommended you choose an air purifier based first on its CADR, as opposed to its HEPA filter grade.

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    Smart Air low cost purifiers

    Smart Air is a social enterprise and certified B-Corp that offers simple, no-nonsense air purifiers and provides free education to protect people from the harms of air pollution. We are proud to be the only certified B-Corp dedicated to fighting air pollution.

    Certified B-Corp air purifier company