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Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium


    • NASA Human Lander Challenge

      NASA’s 2025 HuLC competition asks undergraduate and graduate student teams to develop innovative, systems-level solutions to understand, mitigate potential problems, and mature advanced cryogenic fluid technologies that can be implemented within 3-5 years. Notice of Intent Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024.

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    • Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award Winners

      Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium announces the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award winners: Timothy Day and Ellyssa Purdy.

      More >


Welcome to Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium’s registration and application site.  We thank you for your interest in our Wisconsin and First Nations Launch funding programs.

To begin:

  1. First, register with WSGC.  If you registered already with WSGC, you will be required to update your information annually.
  2. Sign in and submit the Grant Application Form (you may apply to multiple funding programs). 

grant management:

  1. Awardees will receive an award letter by email.
  2. WSGC will send a secondary email, notifying awardees that their Grant Management page is open.  Upon receiving this email, awardees can submit their acceptance materials.  
  3. Team awards require a team roster to be submitted.  Once the roster has been received and students have registered with WSGC, an email will be sent to notify students that their Grant Management page is open.  Upon receiving this email, students can submit their acceptance materials. 

to link a faculty or outreach application to an authorized user

  1. An Authorized User (Grants Officer) must register with WSGC as a Grants Officer.
  2. After the Authorized User has registered with WSGC, the applicant should list the individual’s name as registered on the WSGC website in the field authorizing the individual to submit the required documents associated with the applicant’s proposal.  (NOTE: In order to list an Authorized User (Grants Officer), the individual must be registered with WSGC prior to submitting this application.) Authorized User
  3. Once the applicant links the proposal to an Authorized User (Grants officer), the Authorized User will have access to all files and fields associated with the application.


STEP 1:  Awardee (PI) sign in to your WSGC account. 

STEP 2:  Select Manage Applications

STEP 3: Select Current Grant Cycle Applications.

STEP 4: Select Update Application under the program title (Aerospace Outreach, Higher Education Initiatives, NASA Competition, Research Infrastructure, Special Initiatives).

STEP 5: Under Team members add the name of the first student receiving funds through the grant. If there are multiple students receiving funding through the grant, click on the green “+” button to add additional students.

Team Members Field



STEP 1: Register as an undergraduate/graduate student on the WSGC website.  The registration and sign-in tab can be found on the upper right-hand corner of the website.   

STEP 2: Sign in to your WSGC account. Applicants will be prompted to update personal information annually (if previously registered).

STEP 3: Under Grant Application Forms, select Professional Program Student Participation. 

STEP 4: Select Program Name from the drop-down menu (Aerospace Outreach, CaNOP, Higher Education Initiatives, Industry Internship, Micro Propellant Gauging, NASA Competition, NASA Internship, Research Infrastructure, Special Initiatives, Student Ambassador).  

STEP 5: Type faculty or advisor’s last name in the Mentor field.  Select the mentor’s name from the drop-down list.  

STEP 6: Complete all of the required fields and check the box below the “I certify” statement.  

STEP 7: Students funded through a faculty member/advisor’s grant ONLY.  Submit a photo, biography, and media release.  

STEP 7:  Students funded directly through Wisconsin Space Grant consortium ONLY.  This step will be completed AFTER an award letter has been issued.  Please submit the following documentation:  Award acceptance material, photo, biography, media release, and IRS, W9, W4, or Carthage College Educational Experience HR Package.  


First Nations Launch and Collegiate Rocket Team REGISTRATION PROCESS:

Rocket Team Registration Instructions

The faculty advisor must first register with WSGC and apply to the Rocket Launch Team (Create an NOI) before students/team members can apply to the First Nations Launch or Collegiate Rocket program.

One exception to the order of registration exists. If the student team lead has never registered with WSGC, they must register before the advisor begins the Notice of Intent (NOI) application.

Advisor Application Process
STEP 1:  First-time users must register as faculty on the WSGC website. The registration and sign-in tab can be found on the upper right-hand corner of the website.   

STEP 2:  Sign in to your WSGC account. Applicants will be prompted to update personal information annually (if previously registered).

STEP 3:  Select Manage Applications

STEP 4: Under Grant Application Forms, select Rocket Launch Team (Create an NOI). 

STEP 5: Complete and submit the Rocket Launch Team (Create NOI) Grant Application Form. The following information/documents will be submitted during this step:

  • Other WSGC funding received
  • Team Name
  • Co-Advisor (if applicable)
  • Student Team Lead
  • Grants Officer (if applicable)
  • Industry, Tripoli, National Rocketry Association Mentor Name and Email
  • Competition (Collegiate, First Nations Mars Challenge, First Nations Moon Challenge)
  • Team Members List

Team Application Process
AFTER the faculty advisor completes the Notice of Intent (NOI), each team member (including any co-advisor) will need to:

STEP 1: Register as an undergraduate student on the WSGC website.  The registration and sign-in tab can be found on the upper right-hand corner of the website.   

STEP 2:  Sign in to your WSGC account. Applicants will be prompted to update personal information annually (if previously registered).

STEP 3:  Select Manage Applications

STEP 4: Under Grant Application Forms, select the appropriate program (Collegiate Rocket Launch Competition or First Nations Rocket Launch Competition). The following information/documents will be submitted during this step:

  • Other WSGC funding received
  • Team Name submitted by the Faculty Advisor
  • Resume (Collegiate Rocket Launch Only)
  • Prior Rocket Experience
  • Media Release
  • Individual W9 (First Nations Launch Co-advisors and Collegiate Rocket Launch Competition Team Members Only)

Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium


    • NASA Human Lander Challenge

      NASA’s 2025 HuLC competition asks undergraduate and graduate student teams to develop innovative, systems-level solutions to understand, mitigate potential problems, and mature advanced cryogenic fluid technologies that can be implemented within 3-5 years. Notice of Intent Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024.

      More >

    • Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award Winners

      Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium announces the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award winners: Timothy Day and Ellyssa Purdy.

      More >

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