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Funding Programs


    • NASA Human Lander Challenge

      NASA’s 2025 HuLC competition asks undergraduate and graduate student teams to develop innovative, systems-level solutions to understand, mitigate potential problems, and mature advanced cryogenic fluid technologies that can be implemented within 3-5 years. Notice of Intent Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024.

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    • Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award Winners

      Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium announces the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award winners: Timothy Day and Ellyssa Purdy.

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Graduate & Professional Programs

WSGC currently offers two funding programs for graduate and professional students:

    Clark Research Fellowship

    The Dr. Laurel Salton Clark Memorial Graduate & Professional Research Fellowship award (LSC) is granted annually to a promising Wisconsin graduate or professional student at a WSGC member institution pursuing studies in the fields of environmental or life sciences, whose research has an aerospace component. Additionally, the WSGC seeks to support those students who personify the qualities of leadership, intellectual balance, and an ongoing commitment to improving the human condition that were the hallmarks of Dr. Clark’s life.

    WSGC Graduate & Professional Research Fellowship Program

    The WSGC Graduate & Professional Research Fellowship Program (GPP) provides partial research fellowship awards to support outstanding students enrolled in a graduate or professional degree-granting program at a WSGC member institution pursuing independent STEM-related studies supporting NASA Mission Directorates research or design.

Funding Programs


    • NASA Human Lander Challenge

      NASA’s 2025 HuLC competition asks undergraduate and graduate student teams to develop innovative, systems-level solutions to understand, mitigate potential problems, and mature advanced cryogenic fluid technologies that can be implemented within 3-5 years. Notice of Intent Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024.

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    • Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award Winners

      Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium announces the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference Poster Award winners: Timothy Day and Ellyssa Purdy.

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