Stark Insights

Key Takeaways From The Dealmakers’ Edge Podcast

Posted on 02.07.2024 in Stark Insights

From the Desk of the CEO I recently joined an episode of The Dealmakers’ Edge with A.Y. Strauss to give a little back story on Stark Enterprises, talk about my journey through the ranks, and discuss some of the intricacies of how we navigate the real estate industry. Here are a few key points I […]

5 Ways AI May Impact Real Estate Investing

Posted on 07.25.2023 in Stark Insights

From the Desk of the CEO Artificial Intelligence has rapidly been adopted in various industries, transforming the way businesses operate and make decisions. Here at Stark Enterprises we’ve experienced significant AI-driven changes that impact how we approach real estate investing. As technology continues to advance, AI’s impact on how we research, strategize, analyze, and manage […]

The Emergence of AI and Future Implications

Posted on 06.28.2023 in Stark Insights

From the Desk of the CEO AI has made remarkable strides in recent years. While it has been powering a lot of systems behind the scenes for some time, it was not until recently that it really took center stage and became a useful tool to help streamline various aspects of our lives. One noteworthy […]

7 Frequently Asked Questions for Real Estate Developers

Posted on 06.07.2023 in Stark Insights

Aerial view of our newest development project, West Shire Village in Ocala, FL. From the Desk of the CEO Real estate development is a complex and dynamic industry that requires careful planning, market knowledge, and an in depth understanding of legal and financial considerations. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out, it’s essential […]

5 Trends to Explore When Repurposing Retail Spaces

Posted on 05.19.2023 in Stark Insights

Bed Bath & Beyond filed for bankruptcy, plans to wind down its entire business. From the Desk of the CEO In the ever-evolving world of real estate, the transformation of retail spaces has become a focal point for innovative developers. As the retail landscape undergoes significant shifts due to changing consumer behaviors and the continued […]

Things to Know When Selecting A Site to Develop

Posted on 05.09.2023 in Stark Insights

Aerial view of our newest development, West Shire Village in Ocala, FL From the Desk of the CEO Real estate development can be a profitable and rewarding investment, but success largely depends on selecting the right site. The location of a development project is critical, and there are a variety of factors that must be […]

Takeaways From The Build-to-Rent, Land & Homebuilding Forum

Posted on 03.06.2023 in Stark Insights

From the Desk of the CEO I had a great time at the 8th Annual Build-to-Rent, Land & Homebuilding Forum last week. Thanks again to everyone at the Information Management Network for putting together a great conference. And a big thanks to my fellow panelists for a really thought-provoking discussion. Here are a few of […]

What’s Going On in the Housing Market?

Posted on 02.24.2023 in Stark Insights

From the Desk of the CEO The housing industry is undergoing some significant changes that have impacted how and where people are choosing to live. Here at Stark Enterprises, we have spent a lot of time researching, innovating, and integrating some solutions that directly address some of these changes. As such, and ahead of the […]