
Littleton Massacre Spotlights Parental Liability Laws

BY: - May 5, 1999

WASHINGTON – Prior to the April 20 school shootings in Littleton, Colo., at least 13 states had laws that made parents criminally liable for acts performed by their children. The deaths of 14 students and one teacher at Columbine High School will likely lead to a proliferation of similar legislation, predicted Steven Wisensale, a University […]

States Under New Affirmative Action Attack

BY: - April 19, 1999

Hopes, and fears, that anti-affirmative action laws passed in California and Washington State would trigger a national tidal wave haven’t materialized.   However, ripples of discontent flowing out of Florida indicate that it could be next. California’s Proposition 209, passed in 1996, forbids gender or race as a consideration in state contracting, employment and higher education. […]

Governors Circle Wagons Around Tobacco Billions

BY: - February 24, 1999

Tobacco, not education, was the No. 1 priority to emerge from a four-day National Governors’ Association winter meeting that ended Tuesday. Specifically, 48 state chief executives vowed to block Uncle Sam from tapping into a $246 billion settlement promised to states by tobacco companies. Governors were unified in their opposition to a federal plan to […]