Nasuni Access Anywhere Server Application for Slack

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Nasuni Access Anywhere Server for Slack

Slack is a cloud-based set of team collaboration tools and services, that is widely used by enterprises, small business and education.

The Nasuni Access Anywhere Server connector for Slack enables hosted or enterprise Nasuni Access Anywhere Server customers to securely share file links from multiple on-premises or on-cloud services directly into a Slack channel and into Slack conversations.

This requires either a hosted Nasuni Access Anywhere Server account from either or or a on-premises enterprise Nasuni Access Anywhere Server instance.


  • Multiple Storage Endpoints supported

    The Nasuni Access Anywhere Server connector for Slack supports over 60+ on-premises and on-cloud storage services including CIFS, NAS, SAN, WebDav, FTP, Amazon S3 etc..

  • Ultra Secure link Sharing

    The Nasuni Access Anywhere Server Connector for Slack enables ultra secure File Sharing through links. All files can be FIPS encrypted with users having to enter a key or password to accesss.

  • Promotes Compliance

    Promotes compliance of shared files using Slack team collaboration infrastructure

  • Expire File Shares

    File Shares can be set to expire or only to be accessed a number of times before expiring.

  • Control Document access

    Document access can be finely controlled even when shared to a wide collaboration group.

  • Auditing

    Full tamperproof traceability of file shares - who, what, when and where.

How to use the Nasuni Access Anywhere Server Connector for Slack

To add the Nasuni Access Anywhere Server to your Slack account simply add it from the Slack marketplace or from this page. Once added simply enter "/ff" and you will be given instructions and an authorised link to setup your Nasuni Access Anywhere Server endpoint so that you can login and share files.

If you have any problems or issues you can contact us by emailing [email protected]. Please note our privacy policy.