

Tracking Information

If you have received tracking information but your order still has not arrived, you have up to 30 days from the date of receiving your shipping notice email and tracking link to claim your package as lost in order to receive a refund for your missing item(s), or a reshipment if stock permits.

For orders shipping within the US: if you have not received your package within 1 week after it ships, please reach out to us at [email protected] as soon as possible so we can resolve the issue for you.

For orders shipping outside of the US: if you have not received your package within 2 weeks after it ships, please email us as soon as possible so we can resolve the issue for you.

If you receive tracking on an order but it has not been updated beyond the “pre-shipment” or “label created” stage within 1 week, please email us to look into it for you.

Some carriers will mark a package as delivered before they actually deliver it. Though unusual, this can happen up to 5 days before an item is actually delivered. Be sure to check with your neighbors to see if the package was left with them. Please email us within 30 days of receiving your tracking information if your package hasn’t turned up. You can also reach out to the carrier if you have any questions while we investigate on our end for you.

General Shipping Information

**We are doing our best to deliver your order on time however, we may experience delays somewhere along the way as we try to keep everyone safe.

In most cases, excluding pre-orders and US holidays, orders ship within 3 business days. However, in some instances, due to high demand, longer shipment timelines may apply. We will do our best to disclose these timelines to you when purchasing. Shipping and delivery dates aren’t guaranteed unless otherwise noted.

You’ll receive tracking info as soon as your package ships, via the email you placed your order with. Make sure to check all inboxes, including your spam folder, if you can’t find your shipping confirmation. Please note it can sometimes take up to 3 days for your tracking link to update.

Once an order leaves our warehouse, carrier shipping delays may occur due to factors outside our control. We unfortunately can’t control how quickly an order arrives once it has left our warehouse. Contacting the carrier is the best way to get more insight into your package’s location and estimated delivery date.

Please note that we are not responsible for packages lost due to an incorrect shipping address being provided with your order or address updates not being made upon moving to a new address. Requests to update your address must be made and confirmed as updated by a member of our team prior to your order shipping in order for us to take further action on a missing package. Shipping delays will occur if you provide an incorrect address at checkout.

If your package is returned to our facility due to a shipping error, we’ll reach out to you via the email address provided with your shipping information. If we don’t get a response within 10 business days, we hold the right to refund your order. This applies to all merchandise orders, including limited edition and pre-order sales.

free domestic shipping on eligible orders over $50. receive complimentary ground shipping on your eligible purchases with a value (before tax) of over $50. offer is valid at only. offer only applies to an order shipped to a single address within the 48 contiguous united states and washington d.c.. additional charges apply for all other shipping options and destinations. Offer does not apply to music products or specialty products, and the cost of these items will not count toward free shipping eligibility. Offer does not apply to orders where “split shipping” option is selected, though where split shipping is automatically applied as a result of one or more music products in a customer cart that are on pre-order or are otherwise not yet available to ship, any eligible non-musical products totaling over $50 USD before taxes and fees will remain subject to free shipping.

Customs Charges, Duties & Import Taxes
Depending on your country, you may be charged customs/import fees. Customs charges and fees are the sole responsibility of the purchaser; we are not responsible for any additional customs charges or fees once your package has left our facility. Unfortunately, there is no way we can tell how much these charges will be. For more information regarding your country’s custom policies contact your local customs office.

If customs fees and charges are refused at the time of delivery, your order will be returned to us. Once we receive your package, we can refund you for your purchase. If you are unfamiliar with customs fees and charges, please contact your local postal or customs office for more information.

Also, please be aware that the following items are not available for purchase on our web store for shipment outside of the United States:

• Items classified as hazardous materials or that use flammable liquids or gases

Please be aware that any items in your order must not be prohibited by embargo or international restrictions. Please check with your local customs office if you have any questions about your local or international import laws prior to placing your order. We are not responsible for orders confiscated by legal authorities of your country or state.
International Orders and Shipping

Please check with your local customs office if you have any questions about your local or international import laws prior to placing your order. We are not responsible for orders confiscated by legal authorities of your country or state.

Certain items may be available only to US customers and must be purchased with a US shipping and billing address. These limitations will be notated in the affected product's description.

The time it takes for your order to be delivered depends on the shipping method chosen at checkout.

• UPS Worldwide Expedited (2-5 business days from shipment) 
• Standard (4-9 business days from shipment)

Please note: if you choose to ship your items as they become available you will have to pay any customs and duties fees per shipment.

In some cases, it can take up to 3 weeks for your shipment to arrive. If you have not received your order after 3 weeks please feel free to reach out to us for assistance.

At checkout, you will have a choice of shipping options, and your shipping costs will be based upon the package weight, your geographic location and the speed of shipment.

US Orders: Sales Tax and Shipping

Sales tax is applied to all domestic orders. The tax is calculated based on applicable sales tax and use tax laws within each state.

The time it takes for your order to be delivered depends on the shipping method chosen at checkout. Please note that the shipping times are in addition to pre-order timelines and processing times. Shipping options include:

• UPS Expedited Mail Innovations (5-7 business days from shipment)
• USPS Media Mail (2-9 business days from shipment)
• UPS Ground (1-5 business days from shipment)
• UPS Next Day Saver (next business day from shipment, by 3PM)
• UPS 2nd Day (2 business days from shipment, by 10:30AM)
• UPS 3 Day Select (3 business days from shipment, by EOD)

Shipping prices are determined by package weight and the geographical location. Shipping times exclude Holidays. All of these shipping methods have tracking available through the UPS website. You will be provided with this information via email with your shipment confirmation.

You’ll receive tracking info as soon as your package ships, via the email you placed your order with. Make sure to check all inboxes, including your spam folder, if you can’t find your shipping confirmation. Please note it can sometimes take up to 3 days for your tracking link to update.

If you selected the split shipping option at checkout, please be aware that your items will ship as they arrive at our warehouse. Be sure to take note of any items in your order that may be on an extended pre-order.

FREE SHIPPING: the total price of your order must be equal to or higher than $50 before tax and shipping for qualify for free shipping. free shipping is not applicable to tax or shipping and handling charges, and music product purchases will not count toward the $50 threshold.

Where the Free Shipping Option is available and selected at Checkout, orders will ship in one package when all ordered items are available, and will ship UPS Ground. Free shipping will not apply where the "Split Shipping" option is chosen at checkout.

Split Shipping

If you selected the split shipping option at checkout, please be aware that your items will ship as they arrive at our warehouse. Be sure to take note of any items in your order that may be on an extended pre-order.

For international customers it is important to note that customs & duties fees will be incurred for each shipment.