Program Eligibility

For an individual to be eligible to have their matter resolved in Maricopa County Regional Homeless Court (MCRHC) they must be actively enrolled and in compliance with a pre-approved program and “Provider Statement of Services” must have been completed by the agency.

Please only refer appropriately qualified applicants. The court depends on caseworkers to screen for appropriate and eligible applicants. MCRHC does not accept self-referrals. A case manager is not required to refer a client that they don’t believe, in their professional opinion, is ready for Homeless Court.

Public Case Search

MCRHC will do a thorough search of applicable cases. The following public search websites can help determine if an application should be submitted:

MCRHC hears charges filed in a Municipal or Justice of the Peace Court within Maricopa County. The judge of each jurisdiction decides if a case is approved to be heard in MCRHC.

Court is held on the third Tuesday of every month at 1:30 p.m. at the Lodestar Day Resource Center, Classroom C, 1125 W. Jackson St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 at 12th Avenue and Madison St. Contact using the main phone number at 602-393-9930.

It is case manager’s job to notify applicants of court dates.


  • Applicant must have income from employment or benefits, or have applied for benefits, be actively looking for employment or preparing to look for employment.
  • Applicant must be in contact with case manager and in compliance having finished or almost finished with program requirements.
  • Case manager must believe that the applicant is no longer “living a homeless lifestyle”.

The applicant cannot have:

  • Outstanding felony warrants or pending felony cases.
  • Criminal charges with mandatory sentencing provisions.
  • Prior felony convictions within the last ten years, except for drug related and DUI convictions.
  • Charges where a victim has invoked their rights.


  • Completed by applicant’s case manager. This case manager will also be the court’s primary contact, for this specific case.
  • Include the correct spelling of the applicant’s name and any other known names, and an accurate birthdate.
  • Submit application and Letter of Advocacy via fax or email to:

    Homeless Court Coordinator
    Phone: 602-372-2705
    Fax: 602-372-8522
    Email: [email protected]

  • The Homeless Court Coordinator will notify the case manager listed the status of an application, within 21 days of submission. This can be a lengthy process, especially if there are multiple cases and/or courts involved, and/or if the applicant needs additional hours, and/or if courts need additional information to approve a case. It’s not unusual for the process to take a couple months. A criminal background check will also be performed.
  • Please retain a copy of the application and give a copy to the applicant.

Letter of Advocacy

  • Include a complete total of all Community Restitution Hours by listing within the letter is preferred. 
  • Applicant’s case manager writes the letter.
  • Include name and description of program with detail and assume the reader is not familiar with the program.
  • Specify client’s start date and length of time in the program.
  • Include a summary of applicant’s background, progress, accomplishments and goals. You may include certificates, etc.
  • Have a statement from applicant discussing what the program did for them, what the court should know, etc.
  • Case Manager signs and dates with the current date.
  • Letter is written on agency letterhead.

Community Restitution Hours

Definition: Efforts performed without monetary compensation, which foster the applicant’s path out of homelessness, and benefit the applicant or the community.

MCRHC utilizes Community Restitution hours as an alternative to the traditional court sentence of fines or jail time. One hour of Community Restitution equals $10/fines (example: 20 hours = $200/fines). This recognizes efforts made by MCRHC participants to make changes and improve their life.

MCRHC recognizes that each agency has its own requirements and guidelines. Each agency is responsible for deciding what constitutes Community Restitution.

Examples of Community Restitution or self-improvement hours include:

  • Time invested in program and/or case plan to set goals and make plans.
  • Meetings with Case Manager
  • Education or Classes
    • GED/Vocational/Skill Training
    • Job Readiness and Time with Mentor
    • Budgeting/Credit/Debt Management
    • Parenting
    • Computer Skills
    • Life Skills/Human Relations
    • Program Orientations
    • Language (English as a second language)
  • Substance Abuse Treatment
    • Relapse Prevention
    • Alcoholics Anonymous/12-Step Meetings
    • Sponsorship/Mentorship
  • Mental/Behavioral Health Counseling
    • Cognitive Therapy
    • Anger Management
    • Group Counseling
    • Arts (media, music, dance, theater, film)
    • Developing Coping Skills
  • Searching or Working on Housing
  • Job Searching
    • Resume Writing
    • Interviews
  • Community Volunteering
  • Medical and Dental Services
  • Legal Assistance
  • Time spent with other providers, if not already included

Questions about becoming a Qualified Program Provider?

Contact Maricopa County Regional Homeless Court