Taylor Swift Style: Questions (Posts tagged blog)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

screaming-color asked:

Sarah, I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this to you, but Lindsey Kelk did a special Taylor episode of her Full Coverage makeup/beauty podcast with Kat McKenna, and they gave you a really lovely shout-out! It genuinely brought a tear to my eye, like ‘I know her, parasocially!’

Um OMG?!?!?!?! Please this is so sweet. I’ll have to listen???? Tysm for letting me know.


Anonymous asked:

Hi Sarah! The eras 2.0 spreadsheet looks incredible, thank you so much for sharing such a cool database with all of us!! I do have a note that I feel annoying pointing, for Madrid N2 the Anti-Hero shirt dress was the blue one, not pink, which has since not made an appearance. It was the show I was at so I have obsessed over every detail, I have pictures if you need a source. Thank you for all the work you do, I cannot wait for the book!

Hi! It is not annoying at all - I appreciate it! The spreadsheet is huge and my eyeballs were going cross-eyed at a certain point transferring the data points from the original checkbox version to the photo one.

I’d much rather be corrected and have it be right than not at all so thank you for taking the time! I hope you had an amazing night at Madrid 2 (and tysm for being excited for Taylor Swift Style [The Book]).


Anonymous asked:

I know it is not at all important in the grand scheme of things but as a data nerd, I am curious why your Instagram follower count has been stuck at 293k for ages? Also, congrats on almost reaching the 300k (!!!) milestone soon (if Instagram fixes it).

Lol! This is funny and sweet. Never something that concerns me truly but wow what a milestone that would be!


Anonymous asked:

yes the request is to post pictures of the outfits worn at each show after it ends. ofc you can just use the same picture every time and post on ttsq instead of tss to not clog your main blog or do it however is most comfortable for you :)

Haha I thought it might be.

I’ve updated the spreadsheet with photos for the U.S. 2023 leg here. Other legs to come in time, of course.

I’m still determining if I want to do a “show report” after every single show (and if it’s necessary / people are interested in that - if they are pls lmk!). But in the interim, the costume tracker is updated with photos. I hope it’s useful!

style blog

Anonymous asked:

Hi Sarah!! I wanna start off by saying thank you for your kindness to everyone here and for all the work you do for us to enjoy. I’m new-ish here, within the past 2-3 years but I’ve always wondered, what year did you start? How far did you have to backtrack into her outfits to document and did it make it difficult trying to find what each item was if it was years old? Hope you have the best day!

Hi! Aw wow well thank you for saying that - that’s very kind! I would say two to three years is SO long?! Omg thank you for sticking around for as long as you have - that means so much.

I started TSS in October 2011. Older items are indeed always harder to track down and find but I luckily didn’t have *too* many years missed (compared to how it would be starting now, for instance!).


Anonymous asked:

Hi Sarah! Just curious about your process. Do you always find all items by yourself or do you take submissions from others? Does it bum you out if someone sends you an item before you’ve found it? 🤣

Hi! Of course I always set out to identify c/o my typical process but my DMs are open so, naturally, v smart TSSers sometimes send things my way which is so nice of them (and reflects how savvy this lil community is).


Anonymous asked:

I love all the analyses, so I'll just share my takeaway. The wordiness and the cringe and all of it perfectly embodies her manic state. I've seen people question whether she really has mental health issues and her use of the word depression in AH and manic when she wrote about the album, but she used her art to capture it perfectly. She intentionally laid the mania bare, full of screaming and laughing and denying and unrealistic, unhealthy emotions, and that's why the album is the way it is.

I said this on Culture Study last week but so agree that the lengthiness is an artistic choice. This album is, effectively, capturing a woman’s descent into madness and why should (or would) an album like that be concise?

blog tss ttpd party

Anonymous asked:

did you do a track by track for ttpd? i always like those and i never checked into your insta on release week so i was just wondering if you did and i missed it or if you stopped doing it?

Hi! Thanks so much for your interest - that’s genuinely really flattering and I appreciate hearing that you like that content!

I announced this on Instagram yesterday and the blog today but I wrote a lengthy TTPD post for the TSS Patreon here if you’re interested in reading it.

Currently, I do intend to do a track by track on Instagram Stories in the near future but haven’t locked that down just yet.

tss patreon blog

Anonymous asked:

Sarah, wow I am so thrilled to see you on Culture Study!! Anne Helen Petersen has cultivated one of my other fav corners of the internet so this is worlds colliding in the best way for me! And now I have to know, were you a Hairpinner back in the day?? Gosh I miss *that* corner of the Internet so bad.

Aw omg I so love hearing that! I truly hope I did the bar she sets justice in my co-hosting spot. I was quite nervous but it was the fastest ‘yes’ I’ve ever given to something that came through my inbox. Such a delight to chat with her and I’ve so admired the space she’s been able to create and foster on the internet - an inspiration for sure!

I wasn’t but have so loved reading her books and engaging in Culture Study.


Anonymous asked:

Hi! I saw your recent reels on IG & passed out. Did you immediately recall those pieces/their names when you first saw/heard the songs?! I went on IG to look at her fashion over the past year to make better sense of it now having the album in hand, only to see your posts! So fun to look back at the whole picture now.

I’m now *positive* she remembers your work and knows things will likely be identified, don’t you think?!

LOL this made me laugh. I remembered immediately!

The thought of that (Taylor planting fashionable Easter eggs with the intent of me translating them to the fanbase) is … pretty insane. A very high compliment / delusion that I can barely bring myself to entertain. But is cry-worthy to think of nonetheless.

blog style

Anonymous asked:

Hey Sarah!

I just googled “Taylor Swift” and went to the news section to see the pictures of the outfit from your latest post, and the third result was this article featuring you!



Anonymous asked:

hi Sarah! love her outfit yesterday and the drawings are so cute!! just an fyi that when I tried to click on the Sandy Liang tag, yesterday's skort was the only thing in it - then I searched for her name and it looks like the tag on the post from last year is spelled wrong

Hi! Tysm - post fixed.


Anonymous asked:

Hi Sarah! Please confirm- do you get a benefit if I "save" TSS posts on IG? I like/comment on all and try to click on links you share because TSSQ has been there for me in ways my real life could never and I want to repay it in every way possible!!

Hi hi hi! I think that counts as engagement which is always a very nice thing for a creator! You interacting with content counts for everything always!
