Taylor Swift Style: Questions (Posts tagged tss the book)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

Did I wait until the very last day to order a signed copy of your book? Yes. I did and I was so nervous thinking maybe they were sold out. I got one!! One more month. I’m so excited for you!!

Omg thank you SO MUCH for pre-ordering a signed copy and reminding me that today is the last day!!!!!!!!

Last day to pre-order signed copies of Taylor Swift Style (U.S. only) HERE

tss the book

Anonymous asked:

SARAH! Your insta story has officially baited me with your hint! Are you doing autographed copies??

taylorswiftstylequestions answered:





A PSA sweet friends that pre-orders for a signed copy for American TSSers ends today (September 8). I’m so excited to go into Village Books and sign all the copies later this month. The number of people who have told me they’ve pre-ordered signed copies as birthday or as holiday gifts makes me so 🥹

Pre-order HERE.

tss the book

fyi for any buttons who were interested, the deadline to pre-order a signed copy of TSS is this sunday (september 8). i know there were so many cities i wasn’t able to hit on the in-person tour but if you were (somehow?!) interested in a signed copy and can’t make it to one of the city stops, this week is your last chance! PRE-ORDER SIGNED COPY HERE. 🇺🇸

and i know i’m a broken record at this point but pre-orders are just so important. they determine everything about the success of a book so whether you pre-ordered a signed one, from a beloved indie, from B&N, from target, from amazon, etc. it all counts! it all matters! they determine how many copies a store orders and keeps in stock, where and how they display them in a bookstore (shoved in the back on a shelf, cover-up on a table, turned out on a shelf, etc). and of course first week sales are basically an author’s one shot at getting on best-seller lists. and … god … to dream such insane impossible things as being on a best-seller list. i-🥹🥹🥹

i’m rambling but if you were interested in pre-ordering taylor swift style, a love letter to taylor’s fashion over the last nearly 20 years in stunning colour, 200+ photos, all my rambling nuanced and in-depth commentary the links for it are HERE TO PRE-ORDER.

tss the book

Anonymous asked:

Sarah I get so many targeted ads for Taylor Swift Style the book and I click all of them so advertisers will be like "yes, let's place this elsewhere". my data analyst brain says more clicks = more placement = more sales = Sarah Chapelle, NYT best selling author. It's really just basic algebra, but it HAS to be the way this works!

Wait I’m sorry there are TSS The Book ads???????????????????

tss the book the things we dare to dream and have been quietly manifesting and hoping for to come to fruition ... sob

districtofbrian asked:

Hello and good evening. I am writing to see if there will be a waitlist for your book signing on October 30 in Washington DC. I would really love to take my best friend to this event and obtain a signed copy of this book for her. She is a major Swiftie and moreso, a lover of your blog and the Taylor Swift style content. I would win the best gay friend award if I could score us a couple of entrance tickets! Fingers Crossed!

Hi friend! This is SO sweet and I would so love to make those dreams (and that 10/10 award) come true.

I unfortunately don’t think there’s going to be a waitlist for the DC event. The team actually told me that TSSers sold through the first allotment of slots they had arbitrarily set in 40 minutes (H O W) and I asked them to add more which then subsequently did that *waves* in a day .

Pls pls pls say hi to your friend from me that means so much that anyone would want a copy of TSS let alone a signed one. MY FEELS.

tss the book

Anonymous asked:

Hi!! I had sent an anon to taylortruther who pointed me in your direction! So Im very curious how would you describe Taylors style over the years?

Apologies if you have answered asks like this in the past, I heard about your book and the tour! Which is super awesome

Hi! Thanks so much that’s really nice of them to send you over my way. This is difficult to answer succinctly. Especially because I could talk about it at such great length I wrote an entire book dedicated to the subject haha.

If we wanted to get very short and broad-speaking with it I’d say Taylor’s feminine style has consistently underpinned her public image as someone girlish and relatable while evolving subtly in aesthetic to serve the ‘era’ she is evoking through her music. I do a very quick rundown on it era by era on this page on the blog here as well.

If you wanted to get very granular about her fashion evolution in a way that I think gets at the nuance and intention behind how she dresses through every era, I wrote a book for it which is available to pre-order here!

tss the book

Anonymous asked:

Manifest with me:

Sarah Chapelle, New York Times

Best selling author.

Buy a signed copy!

Pre-order! Share! Recommend!

We can do this, friends!

You guys are going to make me cry I swear.

Do you truly dream impossible things? 🥹

(In case it matters: signed copy pre-order // general pre-order)

again i will have no way to verify this but i'm almost positive that tssqers are going to make up a good chunk of signed copies it's just a feeling. a vibe if u will bc tssqers are the realiest real ones tss the book haiku anon tsser

Anonymous asked:

Struck by the sudden urge to learn German, cause that alternate cover is DELIGHTFUL

Isn’t it so fun?! I learned so much during the process (certain markets I guess want to have their own distinct cover that they have determined will work for that audience). Neat, right?

ICYMI, the German exclusive cover of TSS is here.

tss the book

Anonymous asked:

SARAH IM SO EXCITED! I want to make sure I fill out the section properly for you. If I write “to My Name”, will you automatically autograph it after that, or do I also need to put “autograph” as well in the comments box? I promise I did read the instructions but I’m still unclear— I’m sorry to bother you!

HI!!!!!!!! Messages in my inbox are suddenly magically reappearing as I scroll?!?!? This is from months ago and I assume is from the Village Books signed copy announcement!!!!

First of all thank you so much for even considering pre-ordering a signed copy. That is truly just … crazy crazy wild to me. THANK YOU.

Second of all, I will automatically put my silly little name in swooping sloping cursive letters in addition to any personalized instructions left in the Comments field of the order.

If you have any more q’s or concerns please also feel free to email me or DM me off-anon and I’ll make note of this! I’m going in to sign copies (SCREAMS?!?!?!) in September!

tss the book