Danny Crichton

Contributor, TechCrunch

Danny Crichton is an investor at CRV and a former contributing writer at TechCrunch.

Danny Crichton

Latest from Danny Crichton

What do you do to build a deck that can’t be ignored? To answer that question, we assembled a group of three exceptional venture capitalists on the Extra Crunch stage…

Crafting a pitch deck that can’t be ignored

The Bowery Farming TC-1

While dozens of vertical farms have sprouted in the past decade, few have attracted the amount of attention that New Jersey-based Bowery Farming enjoys.

The Bowery Farming TC-1

The Automattic TC-1

Sixteen years in and now valued at $7.5 billion, Automattic has found a multitude of strides, even as it strives to own ever more of the media market.

The Automattic TC-1

We’re just weeks away from COP26, the big environmental policy confab where scores of world leaders will descend on Scotland and determine the future of the planet, answering the question,…

It’s a big moment for climate change. Here are 4 books for autumn to understand what’s changing

Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride. The pace of change over the last few decades is only set to accelerate in the coming years, as improvements in…

Everything is accelerating in the exponential age

The dark side of environmentalism

“The Ministry for the Future” by Kim Stanley Robinson isn’t a book that lauds ecoterrorists. In fact, it mostly manages to avoid the subject across its many pages. Yet, at…

The dark side of environmentalism

Climate change has been the deepest, most challenging cognitive puzzle for humans to untangle these past years. It’s systems on top of systems, with emergent properties that can easily turn…

How culturally deranged is our climate today?

This year’s Pitch Deck Teardown at TechCrunch Disrupt was full of invaluable advice from an exceptional VC panel about how to capture investors’ attention.

Getting the details right in your pitch deck

Measuring growth is complex and challenging — and it’s only getting tougher. Changes to attribution in iOS 14 have forced growth marketers to rethink how they define their growth analytics…

As Apple messes with attribution, what does growth marketing look like in 2021?

Hello friends and welcome to bonus Equity, the sort of podcast episode where you get even more chat for the same low price of zilch. We…

Why did the Zoom-Five9 deal eat %#*& and die?

Featured Article

How technology is transforming organ procurement

Every year, more than 100,000 people in the United States wait for an organ donation. More than a dozen people will die each day still waiting. Such is the brutal math and the necessary optimism required to work in the organ procurement world. For the past several decades, a private…

How technology is transforming organ procurement

Weather forecasting is a notoriously challenging field, but it’s an endeavor that is becoming ever more vital to the daily functioning of our planet. Climate change is intensifying the scale…

Microsoft wants cloud computing to reshape natural disaster modeling, but challenges remain

It’s an extraordinarily exhausting time to estimate costs in the construction industry. Lumber prices skyrocketed during the post-pandemic construction spree, only to come hurtling back down to Earth in recent…

As inflation fears spike, 1build raises $14M to help construction firms optimize their cost estimates

The art of pitching is perhaps the most important art that a founder learns on their journey to unicorn status and beyond. And like any art, it helps to get…

Submit your pitch deck now for live feedback at TechCrunch Disrupt 2021 next week (Update: Closed)

If Gutenberg were alive today, he’d be a very busy angel investor. With book sales booming during the COVID-19 lockdowns last year, the humble written word has suddenly drawn the…

With sales momentum, Bookshop.org looks to future in its fight with Amazon

We live during a time of live, real-time culture. Telecasts, spontaneous tweetstorms, on-the-scene streams, rapid-response analysis, war rooms, Clubhouses, vlogging. We have to interact with the here and now, feel…

Should we care about the lives of our kids’ kids’ kids’ kids’?

The venture world is growing faster than ever, with more funding rounds, bigger funding rounds and higher valuations than at pretty much any point in history. That’s led to an…

What’s happening in venture law in 2021?

When it comes to people pushing the frontiers of science, few institutions can match the talent of the Department of Defense, the intelligence agencies and the U.S. national laboratory system.…

With $55M third fund, Scout Ventures is funding veterans ready to tackle the hardest technical challenges

Mayors have the toughest job in the world, and leading a city is only getting harder. Even as populations swell in urban cores across the world, climate change is constraining…

Forerunner is software for NFIMBYs, or no flooding in my backyard

Space may be the endless frontier, but here on Earth, we define space in the modern sense as something enclosed. Walls, fences and barriers enclose space, define it and make…

On the future of walls, or The Wall

When did indoor air become cold and clean? Air conditioning is one of those inventions that have become so ubiquitous that many in the developed world don’t even realize that…

Air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century. It’s also killing the 21st

One of the most unfortunate fault lines in climate change politics today is the lack of cooperation between environmentalists and the national security community. Left-wing climate activists don’t exactly hang…

How national security is being redefined by climate change

When it comes to climate change, it might seem that a book entitled “How to Do Nothing” would not only be irrelevant, but also downright obscene and even dangerous. Not…

Is the best way to solve climate change to ‘do nothing?’

Bill Gates has solved many problems in his (professional) life, and in recent decades, he’s been dedicated to the plight of the world’s poor and particularly their health. Through his…

Bill Gates offers direction, not solutions

Books on climate change, as diverse as the library is, tend to fall into a couple of categories. There are the field guides and observational accounts that chronicle the destruction…

Can the world really just fall apart?

Featured Article

Now that summer is forever, here are 6 books on climate change to sharpen your intuitions and models

The climate is finally hitting a climax. Decades of discussions and reports by scientists have yielded pathbreaking works by writers like Elizabeth Kolbert, and today, climate fiction and non-fiction are even becoming global bestselling works. Everyone wants to read about collapse, dystopia, the aftermath — it’s in the very air…

Now that summer is forever, here are 6 books on climate change to sharpen your intuitions and models

The buildout of 5G networks continues apace, with wide-scale deployments across much of the developed world. Yet, one of the largest challenges with closing the gaps in coverage maps are…

As 5G demand grows, Sitenna helps telcos find more cell tower locations, faster

The Equity crew felt that there was enough media news out recently that we simply had no choice but to fire up a Twitter Space…

Politico sells, Forbes SPACs and Vice cuts

BreezoMeter has been on a mission to make environmental health hazard information accessible to as many people as possible. Through its air quality index (AQI) calculations, the Israel-based company can…

BreezoMeter, which powers air quality in Apple’s Weather app, launches Wildfire Tracker

Wildfires are burning in countries all around the world. California is dealing with some of the worst wildfires in its history (a superlative that I use essentially every year now)…

a16z leads investment in Firemaps, a marketplace for home hardening against wildfires