One IT Strategic Plan

"UC Berkeley's IT professionals work together to provide the tools, data, and infrastructure the campus community needs to continue to grow as the world's greatest public research university."

Our Goals:

Goal 1

Goal 1: Support Engaged Thinkers and Global Citizens

Provide all students the essential tools and data they need to be engaged thinkers and global citizens.

goal 2

Goal 2: Develop research cyberinfrastructure for public good

Develop the research cyberinfrastructure Berkeley needs to address society’s great challenges and to share knowledge for the public good.

Goal 3

Goal 3: Create a diverse and inclusive community of IT professionals

Create a diverse and inclusive community of IT professionals who are trusted and strategic partners with the campus, alumni, and the public.

Goal 4

Goal 4: Sustain the IT foundation for campus

Sustain the IT foundation for campus faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Improve campus IT systems and infrastructure through innovation, sustainable funding, campus governance, and organizational evolution. Support all strategies.

Goal 1 Priority Initiatives:

Enhance Classroom Technology

Implement technology upgrades and enhancements across campus departmental classrooms for consistent hybrid learning experiences. Initiatives involve creating turnkey hybrid meeting spaces and self-service support systems, upgrading classroom displays, standardizing A/V equipment, improving student and instructor classroom experiences, and implementing course capture and conference room upgrades. The focus is leveraging commonalities to develop a unified, service-based support model across departments and divisions. Enhance Classroom Technology-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • Berkeley Journalism: Create turnkey hybrid meeting spaces.

  • Berkeley Journalism: Improve classroom experience for students and instructors.

  • Berkeley Law: Implement an AI-supported self-service system for classrooms to provide a higher level of support outside of normal business hours and faster responses to many simple requests at all times.

  • Berkeley Law: Upgrade and replace all classroom displays in the Law school with modern hardware and features.

  • Berkeley Social Welfare: Enhance learning and event experience through upgrades in classroom A/V, evolve course capture, and upgrade conference room technology.

  • Goldman School of Public Policy: Standardize GSPP hybrid classroom equipment, student printing resources, and A/V equipment to ensure a consistent hybrid learning experience.

  • Letters & Sciences IT:  Review and assess turnkey hybrid meeting spaces and resources needed to provide support within the College. Discover and leverage commonalities in technology to create a service-based support model.

Goal 2 Priority Initiatives:

Support Research 

Enrich research support through data center enhancements, leverage the Secure Research Data and Compute (SRDC) platform, evaluate campus research computing solutions, develop new web applications, synchronize BUA data, integrate core safety applications, and standardize research IT processes. Support Research-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • Berkeley Journalism: Digitize Masters Theses projects to allow broader, secure access to research from archived files.

  • Demography: Obtain and curate research data for storage and compute in the Secure Research Data and Compute (SRDC) platform.

  • Demography: Continue evaluating campus solutions for departmental research computing.

  • Engineering IT: Remote access replacement strategy for instructional and research machines.

  • Environmental Health & Safety: Implement controlled substances web application for the Office of Laboratory Animal Care (OLAC)

  • Environmental Health & Safety: Biological Use Authorization data sync with the University of California’s Office of the President Risk and Safety Solutions (RSS) platform.

  • Goldman School of Public Policy: Standardize GSPP research IT infrastructure to ensure the appropriate research IT services are leveraged. Document and communicate the new GSPP research IT standards. 

  • People & Culture: Integrate Root Process Automation with UC Berkeley/UCPath systems.

  • Social Welfare: Sunset long-running, 30ish employee soft-funded research center: CalSWEC. As required, archive and transfer/migrate data and deliverables from CalSWEC-sponsored projects.

Goal 3 Priority Initiatives:

Expand Digital Accessibility*

The Digital Accessibility Program fosters inclusivity, ensures legal compliance, and enhances the digital experience for the campus community by pursuing work to meet WCAG Standards and accessibility policies; ensuring adherence to the Department of Justice (DOJ) consent decree obligations for publically available audio, video, and websites on the domain and its subdomains; developing reporting; conducting training; and meeting auditor recommendations. Expand Digital Accessibility-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • Berkeley Journalism: Provide inclusive and equitable access to our digital content to meet WCAG standards.

  • Berkeley Law: Review and update web-facing services and content to meet or exceed campus accessibility standards.

  • BIT - Campus IT Experience: Work with Campus stakeholders to meet deadlines for the Department of Justice consent decree for audio and video, websites on and its subdomains, reporting, training, and auditor's recommendations. 

  • Controller's Office: Implement functionality within the Berkeley Financial System (BFS) to adhere to the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy.

  • Engineering IT: Establish web accessibility reporting and procedures for College of Engineering websites by informing faculty and staff with Siteimprove accessibility reports.

  • Letters & Sciences IT: Improve website security and accessibility posture and continue to work with units within the larger College of Letters and Science by providing consultation and advice to ensure compliance with website accessibility standards.

  • Vice Chancellor Research Office:  Ensure compliance with UC Accessibility Policy and Department of Justice Consent Decree on

Grow Culture and Advance Staff

Advance the culture and foster professional development in the University Health Services IT department at UC Berkeley to retain and support current staff in preparation for the Medical Records System Implementation Initiative. Oversight provided by University Health Services.

Key Measures of Success

  • Review and complete position reclassifications and promotions.

  • Create strong succession plans for retiring staff positions.

  • Foster a culture of growth, development, and opportunity through Agile project management practices.

  • Build and grow an agile and resilient University Health Services IT Team.

Goal 4 Priority Initiatives:

Application Integration & Consolidation

Enhance application integration and consolidation priorities for real-time systems, emphasizing data handling, security, efficiency, and collaborative work practices across campus departments. Deploy and streamline learning and content systems, and improve course management system interoperability. Transform Identity and Access Management (IAM). Application Integration & Consolidation-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • Berkeley Law: Deploy a new Learning Management System and Content Management System for powering and growing the Law Executive Education program

  • Berkeley Regional Services: (in conjunction with People and Culture) Launch a new module to conduct Employee & Labor Relations (ELR) work using the HR Service Hub (ServiceNow), enable better case tracking, communication, transparency, collaboration, workload metrics, reporting and more. 

  • BIT - Campus Applications & Data: Replace UC Berkeley’s course management system. Procure an integrated system to manage the full suite of undergraduate and graduate curricula and align the system with business processes and workflows.

  • BIT - Campus Applications & Data: Advance goals to build and support effective and efficient IT services for the campus. Includes community development, process maturity, and ServiceNow platform improvements.

  • BIT - Information Security Office: Strategic transformation for Identity and Access Management (IAM), emphasizing enhanced security and operational efficiency focusing on Access Management (AM) and Privileged Access Management (PAM).

  • Controller's Office: Implement Data Masking on P3 & P4 level data in BFS

  • Environmental Health & Safety: Integrate core applications with the University of California’s Office of the President Risk and Safety Solutions (RSS) platform. Work to share core data about research groups, campus locations, and departmental affiliations to eliminate duplicative effort and maximize teamwork efficiencies.

  • Office of Ethics, Risk, & Compliance Services: Work with One IT partners to identify an integrated case management system for specialized access across case management.

  • People & Culture: Make UCPath data available in an enterprise data warehouse for use by the Achieve Together system when creating reports. Providing accurate, just-in-time employee data for reporting on the Check-in conversation completions.

  • People & Culture: Automate the move of Achieve Together Forms from the Achieve Together system into the employee's online Personnel file in Perceptive Content.

  • People & Culture: Create/enhance the API to pass data from the service hub application to any of our current data repositories so downstream consuming systems can access the data.

Berkeley Desktop Improvements

Identify and implement improvements that maximize the adoption of Berkeley Desktop by enhancing endpoint user experience and security (Endpoint Security Detection & Response (EDR))*, and streamlining user support. Berkeley Desktop Improvements-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • BIT - Campus IT Experience: Support Windows 11 deployment and abatement of Windows 10 before October 2025 End of Life. Support the roll-out of Endpoint Detection & Response software. Complete disk encryption roll-out.

  • BIT - Campus IT Infrastructure: Identify and implement improvements to maximize the adoption of Berkeley Desktop, providing improved endpoint user experience, security, and support for campus faculty and staff.

  • Graduate Division: Develop a roadmap for a phased approach to identify campus backup needs, deploying and maintaining campus services.

Data Center Evolution 

Implement short and medium-term solutions to ensure Berkeley can accommodate growing research computing demands linked to interdisciplinary trends (such as the rise of data science and the explosion of computational work). Continue to attract and retain faculty researchers and mitigate concerns about the rapidly increasing cost of power and capacity constraints within the Earl Warren Hall Data Center. This project is critical to our ongoing work to support research on Campus. Oversight provided by Campus IT Infrastructure, Berkeley IT.

Key Measures of Success

  • Usable power capacity in Earl Warren Hall increased by 250kW.

  • Build out infrastructure, including racks, power distribution, virtual servers, networking, and related cybersecurity at Moffett Field, providing ~500kW of additional power/cooling capacity.

  • Gain funding approval for modular data center and initiate purchase/build of module for 2026 installation.

  • Implement VMware vRealize Automation (VRA)

Data Engineering & Integration

Efforts to enhance data engineering and integration involve streamlining data collection, standardizing metrics, and expanding log acceptance for compliance. Additionally, processes are being implemented to synchronize sensitive data between systems, ensuring faster builds, improved query performance, and enhanced data sharing across campus, including self-service capabilities for analysts and data scientists. Data Engineering & Integration-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • BIT - Campus Applications & Data: Complete Snowflake and Redshift proof of concept assessment, finalize technical roadmap, including a data warehouse and lake integration strategy, and document benefits to campus partners, while gaining governance support and drafting funding proposals.

  • BIT - Information Security Office: Bring visibility into our cybersecurity risk reduction programs, streamline data gathering, standardize metrics across systems, and align with organizations. 

  • BIT - Information Security Office: Expand logging to High-Risk P3 servers and workstations. Broaden the type of systems from which ISO can accept logs better to facilitate Minimum Security Standards for Electronic Information (MSSEI) requirements 10.1, 10.3, and 10.3.

  • BIT - Strategy & Partnerships: Create and facilitate an engagement plan to support the development and implementation of an explicit model for data access that will support the eventual implementation of IAM.

  • Demography: Complete a major audit of our compute platforms to obtain and curate research data (NTIS/DMF) for storage and compute in the Secure Research Data and Compute (SRDC).

  • Environmental Health & Safety: Implement a new process to sync Biological Use Authorization (BUA) data between the UC RSS and the Building Organizations and People Repository/L@B Roster.

Digital Storage Cost Reduction

Reduce future digital storage costs by leveraging best-fit solutions, usage reduction, and guidance on platforms available at UC Berkeley. Initiatives also aim to leverage Google Drive implementation for better management and retention to address storage requirements of institutional data, structuring departmental use, and facilitating knowledge transfer via strong collaboration with RIT for research data. Digital Storage Cost Reduction-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • Berkeley Public Health: Assess compliance with the Google Cost Reduction Project and demand for alternatives and provide recommendations to individuals and units. Work with faculty, staff, and students most impacted by these changes. 

  • Berkeley Social Welfare: Develop structure and migration guidance to better organize departmental use of Google Drive and facilitate knowledge transfer.

  • BIT - Campus IT Experience: Continue to contain costs in Google Suite by reducing usage, offering opportunities for paid and additional storage, and providing clear guidance about the appropriate use of the platforms. 

  • Cal Performances: Improve implementation of Google Drive for better overall management and document retention to include defining, adopting, and training on best practices.

Improve Campus Safety Technologies

Achieve a vision of safety in which all community members feel welcomed, respected, and protected from harm. Several One IT Partners have priorities to improve campus technology systems that work to increase community safety. As part of our commitment to campus and community safety, multiple systems and/or applications are being evaluated, migrated, or replaced over the next several years. This includes continuous improvement of existing services and potentially developing new services that meet campus demand for IT infrastructure services. Improve Campus Safety Technologies-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • BIT - Campus IT Infrastructure: Implement changes that maintain and improve the performance, resiliency, and security of campus infrastructure systems, including Data Center, Network, Voice, Campus Security, CCURE and Security Video, Windows and Unix systems, Virtual Servers, On-prem and Public Cloud, Citrix, Storage, Backup, Database, and Endpoint systems. Partnering with Facilities IT to help modernize the Security Alarm infrastructure for campus.

  • Environmental Health & Safety: Implement revisions to the Laser Safety web application.

  • Office of Emergency Management: Review current department and Emergency Operations Center technology capabilities and upgrade equipment and software to align with emergency management best practices for UC Berkeley.

  • Office of Emergency Management: Finalize gap analysis, identify solutions for current blindspots, and determine strategy for updating existing hardware.

Information Security Policy Implementation* (IS-3)

Continue to integrate UC's Electronic Information Security Policy (IS-3) requirements and principles into Berkeley's existing information security program by increasing awareness of roles and responsibilities and implementing changes to IT systems and procedures across a broad set of campus units to protect sensitive data, comply with regulations, plus safeguard intellectual property and research integrity. Information Security Policy Implementation-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • BIT - Campus Applications & Data: Complete implementation of IS-3 and MSSEI efforts.

  • BIT - Campus IT Infrastructure: Continue iterative implementation of compliance with IS-3 policies in CITI services and systems, including endpoint detection and response, logging, Active Directory and Windows Environment security enhancements, and changes required for compliance of systems on-prem, at offsite colocation, and public-cloud.

  • BIT - Information Security Office: Launch of operational IS-3 program of reviews, reporting, and incremental improvement: including Annual Socreg Review, Periodic Unit Reviews, Tableau Dashboards to track the maturity of Units’ security program, and IS-3 Annual Theme to highlight related risk area each year, providing tools and resources to help units address that specific risk.

  • Berkeley Public Health: Perform second year of IS-3 implementation, expand assessment to include P3 assets. Prepare for implementation of revised MSSEI. Perform outreach to the Berkeley Public Health community around cybersecurity.

  • Berkeley Social Welfare: Support required policies and develop internal structures to meet IS-3 requirements within the unit.

  • Computing, Data Science, and Society: Complete initial onboarding for IS-3 in DataHub.

  • Controller's Office: Simplify the security roles in BFS and provide definitions for the access provided by the roles.  

  • Facilities Services IT: Address IS-3 self-assessment recommendations.

  • Letters & Sciences IT: On-going review of security risks in academic learning spaces within the College.

  • Goldman School of Public Policy: Document and implement a process for communicating services to faculty/research staff/GSRs and implement proper data protection/availability measures to appropriate devices.

  • Goldman School of Public Policy: Standardize secure data storage options for professors, researchers, and students. Document and implement secure data storage methods for P4 data at rest and work with ITCS to enable full disk encryption for all endpoints that access P4 data.

  • Graduate Division: Establish a formal inventory of Institutional Information and IT Resources to apply campus security policies.

  • Graduate Division: Complete registration for all P3 and P4 applications in Socreg and create a process to review registrations annually.

  • Graduate Division: Implement secure data storage methods that follow campus and industry-accepted encryption technologies.

  • Graduate Division: Inventory protected data applications transmitting P4 data and ensure they meet the Minimum Security Standards for Electronic Information. Create a process to review all System Security Plans annually.

  • Letters & Sciences IT: Satisfy recommendations from IS-3 review for the LSCore division.

  • Letters & Sciences IT: Provide consultative assistance to LS units outside of the LSCore division regarding IS-3 policies.

  • Letters & Sciences IT: Standardize the naming convention, ensure appropriate security contact information, and ensure proper network segmentation and documentation in SocReg.

  • University Development and Alumni Relations: Implement and ensure UC Berkeley's fundraising-related apps, data, and infrastructure are aligned with IS-3, including endpoint detection and response (EDR), logging, Active Directory and Windows Environment security enhancements, and changes required for compliance of systems on-prem, at offsite colocation, and public-cloud.

IT Recovery (IS-12)

Ensure campus departments and units have appropriate resources and plans in place to recover institutional information and IT resources in the event of an unavoidable or unforeseen disaster, whether natural or human-made.  IT Recovery-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • Berkeley Social Welfare: Support required policies and develop internal structures to meet requirements within the unit.

  • BIT - Campus Applications & Data: Improve and test business recovery plans.

  • BIT - Campus IT Infrastructure: Continue implementing IS-12 policies in CITI services and systems to close gaps identified in prior assessment.

  • BIT - Information Security Office: Test and document rollover and rollback procedures for disaster recovery operations in Security Operations and CalNet.

  • Computing, Data Science, and Society: Complete initial onboarding for IS-12 in DataHub.

  • Facilities Services IT: Evaluate IS-12 compliance requirements.

  • Letters & Sciences IT: Standardize academic learning lab and IS-12 policy adherence consultations.

  • Office of Emergency Management: Finalize the Continuity Planning Policy and IS-12 IT Disaster Recovery collaboration process to support departments working on both.

  • University Development and Alumni Relations: Implement and ensure that UC Berkeley's fundraising-related apps, data, and infrastructure adhere to UC's IT Recovery policy, IS-12.

Learn more about Campuswide IT Recovery Implementation

Medical Record System Implementation

Improve operational efficiencies, maintain compliance, decrease the costs of patient care, and securely share patient charts with other providers by moving to Epic electronic medical record system (EMR) instances at UC Davis Health Center and UCSF. Medical Record System Implementation-themed priorities are led by the departments listed below.

Key Measures of Success

  • Optometry IT: In partnership with UCSF Health to transition our clinical practice to Epic, a leading electronic health record (EHR) system.

  • University Health Services IT: Collaborate with UC Davis Health as our Epic Hosting Partner to implement Epic at UHS for Student Health, Student Mental Health, Sports Medicine, and Occupational Health. 

Network Services & Infrastructure Improvement 

Support access to information, online learning, collaboration, administrative efficiency, innovation, research, and student engagement by continuing to modernize and improve the stability, usability, capability, and capacity of campus network services, including Core and Building networking, Wi-Fi Infrastructure, Wi-Fi Device Connectivity, Campus Firewall, and Campus VPN. Oversight provided by Campus IT Infrastructure, Berkeley IT. 

Key Measures of Success

  • 100Gb/s capabilities available to labs across most major campus research locations.

  • Improved processes and tools to reduce the complexity for user service requests.

  • Enhanced Wi-Fi features for media streaming, security, and capacity in user-dense environments available across Campus and Residence Halls. Wi-Fi systems architecture modifications to increase Wi-Fi bandwidth, scalability, and resiliency.

  • Continued improvement in Wi-Fi service stability and capacity across campus.

UC Berkeley Fundraising and Engagement Systems Replacement*

Modernize UDAR's technology and data management ecosystem to track all aspects of the constituent relationship and engagement cycle: from communications to advocacy to volunteering, to events, to solicitations, to giving, stewardship, and fund management. Oversight provided by University Development and Alumni Relations. 

Key Measures of Success

  • Consolidate Advancement technology and data systems into a unified platform that enables the entire UC Berkeley Advancement Community to share the same view of our constituents.

  • Enable data-driven decision-making to effectively and efficiently harness data for better programmatic, engagement, and performance decisions.

  • Re-engineer business processes with efficient and automated workflows to deepen collaboration across Advancement departments to foster holistic engagement of our constituents.

  • Simplify data, systems, and processes by minimizing customizations and eliminating non-standard tools.

UC Presidential Information Security Investment Plan*

A compliance program for all UC locations mandated by the UC President’s Office requires cyber security awareness training for all employees and timely incident escalation. It includes identification and tracking of computing devices, deploying endpoint security software, enforcing multi-factor authentication for all email, and implementing robust data loss prevention for health email systems. Oversight provided by Information Security Office, Berkeley IT.  

Key Measures of Success:

  • Deployment of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agent to all campus computing systems by May 2025.

  • Ensure identification, tracking, and vulnerability management of all computing devices connected to the campus network.

  • Implement health email data loss prevention to safeguard sensitive information.

  • Deploy, enable, and configure multi-factor authentication (MFA) on all campus and health email systems in conformance with established UC MFA configuration standards.

  • Ensure all staff are in compliance with Systemwide Security Training.