University of Granada

Univesidad de Granada (UGR) was officially founded in 1531. UGR is located in Southern Spain with campuses in Granada, Ceuta and Mellila. UGR has a large student body of 88,000 which includes European students and students attending the world-class language center. UGR has programs in science, medicine, life sciences, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The Department of Microbiology has made significant discoveries in food bacterias and DNA research. UGR Biomedicine Department is well respected in scientific communities.

Hospital Real. Cuesta del Hospicio, s/n. 18071. Granada
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Hi Tech & Innovation

Scientist developed 3-D scans of beetles for Blade Runner 2049

BUF, one of the main visual effects companies behind Blade Runner 2049, sought the collaboration of Javier Alba-Tercedor, a Professor of Zoology at the University of Granada, to obtain scans of different species of beetles ...