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Detailed Information
Author(s) Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A. -M.; Dumas, C.; Zuckerman, B.; Mouillet, D.; Song, I. 0000-0002-5815-7372; Beuzit, J. -L.; Lowrance, P. 0000-0001-8014-0270
Title Giant planet companion to 2MASSW J1207334-393254
Keywords not available
We report new VLT/NACO imaging observations of the young, nearby brown dwarf 2MASSW J1207334-393254 and its suggested planetary mass companion (2M1207 b). Three epochs of VLT/NACO measurements obtained over nearly one year show that the planetary mass companion candidate shares the same proper motion and, with a high confidence level, is not a stationary background object. This result confirms the status of 2M1207 b as of planetary mass (5 times the mass of Jupiter) and the first image of a planetary mass companion in a different system than our own. This discovery offers new perspectives for our understanding of chemical and physical properties of planetary mass objects as well as their mechanisms of formation.
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Publication details A&A, 2005, vol. 438, p. L25-L28
Fulltext (via ADS) ADS
Article DOI 10.1051/0004-6361:200500116
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Instruments and Observing Programmes used:
NACO (VLT / Paranal)
073.C-0469 (access to raw data)
274.C-5036 (access to raw data)
274.C-5057 (access to raw data)
Other tags PI data
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