Showing posts with label films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label films. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Beer and the Media


My local real ale pub, The Three Judges is currently staging a mini beer festival that got me thinking.

The mini-fest is called the 'Media Beer Festival' and features beers that have taken their inspiration from Films, TV or the written word. Included in the beer list are beers such as Thornbridge Kipling, Kelham Easy Rider, Church End Shakes Beer, Summer Wine Gambit, Hadrian Gladiator, Caledonian Rebus, some Titanic beers as well as Fyne Ales' Vital Spark and Highlander among others.

It's not a bad wee line up and it got me thinking about what beers I would include that referenced films, TV and books. The best I could come up with was Redemption Brewery's Alexei's Ale.

Can you think of any others?

There might be a beery prize for the best answer.
