or Palemomos Themes
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Glazed and Doodling 3x1 Updates

Glazed and Doodling 3x1 now have full compatibility with NPF posts! including the new audio posts. Also the hide captions option was removed from both themes.

Both themes are ready to be approved in the Theme Garden since a while, but approving times are taking a little too long than usual so if you’re experiencing problems with any of the themes please re-install them with the source code.

Source code for Glazed.

Source code for Doodling 3x1.

For instructions to install the theme with source code please refer to this.


Hey it’s me again

First of all, sorry for the disappearance all this months. Real life is busy sometimes. But i was able to dedicate some time for myself 😊

I have one theme in progress abandoned and it was like 80% finished, I think I’ll make my comeback finishing that.

Also I’m going to answer all the DMs, sorry for the late late response to the oldest messages ;n; maybe the answer is no longer necessary, but just in case.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who still uses my themes, I really appreciate it :3


Hellooo. I know you mention only using your theme on tumblr. I plan on eventually paying a custom domain for my blog. Can I continue using your themes then?


Sure, as long your blog is a Tumblr blog you can continue using my themes even with a custom domain, thanks for using them :D


The image shows the light mode version of the theme with the sidebar on the right. This is the default option.ALT
The image shows the dark mode version of the theme with the sidebar on the left.ALT

[ Theme #11: TTYL ]

Preview + Install (Theme Garden)

Live Preview + Static Preview + Code (GitHub)

A responsive, all-in-one theme that includes the option to hide the about, navigation, muses, following, and recently liked sections!


  • Day and night toggle button that will stay in the selected mode until it is turned off. A dark mode option is available for those who prefer a dark color scheme on their blogs instead of the default light colors. The day and night mode button will also change according to the scheme you are using.
  • 6 sections are included in the theme (blog posts, an about me, navigation links, muses, following, and recently liked posts).
  • Left or right sidebar. Both layouts are responsive on multiple screens including mobile.
  • You can also choose icons that you like for various elements of the theme (i.e. the menu links in the sidebar) from Tabler Icons. Please refer to the theme guide linked below for more information.
  • Like and reblog buttons, a search bar, an updates tab, and a custom "Not Found" page.
  • A drop-down menu with 3 custom links.
  • Supports NPF posts and page links.

Keep reading


Welcome to Theme Searcher! Tumblr's newest source for finding themes and pages, both free and premium. Our goal is to uplift theme creators and help people find themes to use!

This blog was not created by a theme maker, rather a user on Tumblr who wants to show their appreciation towards Tumblr theme creators.

We're tracking #themesearcher, so tag us in your themes and we'll reblog them.

Keep reading


Hi there, I use your theme Doodling 3xl and something hasn't been working lately. The dark mode is always on, I cannot edit anything and the gallery format isn't working either. Thanks

Hi! Thanks for using my theme! :D

Please refer to this post.

In resume, there was an error uploading the theme to the theme garden, and the fix is not approved yet by the staff, so meanwhile please install the theme manually with the source code.



Tumblr 2023 Layout - cleaned up

I personally am open to a new look, but my god is it cluttered 😵 I'm rusty with coding, so lemme know if there's any bugs.

How to add:

  1. Add the Stylus Chrome or Firefox extension.
  2. While on tumblr's homepage, click the extension's "Write style for: www.tumblr.com/" button.
  3. Paste this code into the top area (replace any default code already present)
  4. Delete any part of the code that hides something you want (e.g. the Explore button).
  5. Save!

Heading in all uppercase that says "NPF audio players". Subheading says "plugin by glenthemes". Next are a before and after comparison of how NPF audio players look like by default, and how it appears after the plugin is applied. The new player balances out the elements and has label text for the audio's track, artist, and album names. The new player's background is very pale gray.ALT

🎧 NPF audio player ⋆

On Tumblr's process of changing everything to NPF, staff has added metadata (details) to NPF audio inserts to reflect what was originally entered when it was posted. Unfortunately, they're unstyled for now, so I wrote a plugin that mimics the appearance of Tumblr's legacy audio player.

☆ Features:

  • functional play/pause buttons with customizable sizes and colors
  • [optional] preceding labels, e.g. "Track:" / "Artist:" / "Album"
  • [optional] placeholder text for empty fields, e.g. "Untitled Track"
  • shows album cover image if its comes with one, with customizable dimensions
  • customizable player padding and background color

☆ How to install:
