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Leyton Orient Fans Verdict: Another Damning Day

It was Groundhog Day again for the travelling Royals as they fell to another away defeat.

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I’m still struggling to put my overriding emotions and feelings about Saturday’s game into words. The performance on the pitch was nothing we haven’t seen before: lacking ideas and any quality going forward and yet more defensive errors meant we succumbed to another deserved loss.

However, it was the scenes after the final whistle had blown that take the headlines really. While most of the players walked off down the tunnel after clapping the fans, some stayed and took a torrent of emotion from the travelling faithful. It was all rather sobering.

Here’s how the fans reacted to another damning day...

Ruben Selles

A matter of weeks ago, despite results and performances not being outstanding, the large majority of fans were unanimous in the conclusion that Ruben Selles deserves time and near enough blameless for the situation we’re in.

Fast-forward to now, and the pressure seems to be piling on the manager. Again on Saturday he largely stuck true to his 4-2-2-2 (although for what it's worth I thought Dom Ballard played a lot more like a number 10). And again we failed to create chances and keep them out at the other end.

The fans are starting to lose patience it seems...

Another away loss

We’ve all read this script before, haven’t we? I’m running out of original and new things to say about these results away from home. It’s just getting boring now.

Fans pay hard-earned cash and travel endless miles to watch their team play up and down the country, and what we’ve got in return from this club in the past year is just unacceptable.

Yes I understand the behind-the-scenes turbulence doesn't help anyone, but we still deserve better. The fans are getting pretty sick of it all to be honest...

The post-match scenes

We’ve had our fair share of emotional player-fan interactions in recent years, but nothing as sad, sobering or frankly awkward as what we saw on Saturday.

Harlee Dean arguing with fans, half the team walking down the tunnel as quickly as they could, and then seven or eight players, plus Selles, Andrew Sparkes and James Oliver-Pearce, staying standing mere metres away from the travelling contingent as a torrent of pent-up emotion, anger and sadness came there way.

It was just the saddest indictment yet of how far our club has fallen. It should not be on the likes of Nelson Abbey, Matty Carson and Coniah Boyce-Clarke to take that kind of abuse. But the frustration from the fans is understandable.


Just a really sad, sobering day that sums up the state our club is in. There has to be some kind of curse on the club at this point that means were damned never to win away from home in the league ever again.

And those post-match scenes, I don’t really know what to say. As the fans made clear during the game and after, we just want our Reading back.