Technisonic in partnership with  is proud to offer:

TDFM-9000 Series & Level II Dealer
Operations and Installation Training.

Phoenix Arizona
May 10-11

Attendees should plan to arrive in Phoenix by the afternoon or evening of Monday May 8th.  Each attendee is responsible for his/her own travel and hotel reservations.  In the interest of convenience, it is recommended that all attendees stay at the Host Hotel, Room Rate is $169.00 per night at the host hotel. Reservations must be made prior to 04/15/22 to secure this rate. 


Class to held at :

Embassy Suites Phoenix – Biltmore
2630 E. Camelback Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016
+1 602-955-3992

Planned itinerary is as follows:

Tuesday, May 10th 2022

 8:00 –   8:30      Introductions, Housekeeping
8:30 –   9:00      TDFM-9000 Series Introduction
9:00 –   9:30      APX Modules – Differences, Single Band, Dual Band,  All Band
9:30 –   10:00    New Features:   MCP / Digital Audio Outputs
10:00 – 10:15    Break.
10:15 – 11:00    Installation Considerations,  Couplers, Antennas,
11:00 – 12:00    Radio Basics,  Operations / Customizations
12:00 – 1:00      Lunch Break,  Provided
1:00 –   2:30      Motorola CPS Basics and Code Plug
2:30 –   2:45      Break
2:45 –   4:00     Motorola CPS Basics and Code Plug
4:00 –   5:00      Open use, Questions.

Wednesday May 11th 2022                               

8:00     8:30        TDFM-9100  Introduction / Capabilities
8:30 –    9:00        TDFM-9100  Operational Differences
9:00 –    9:30        TDFM -9000 Software package
9:30 –    9:45        Terra Term
9:45 –   10:00       Break
10:00 –  10:20      Updating TDFM software –
10:20 –  10:45       Paperwork, STC’s,   MOD discussions
11:00 – 12:00       TDAP Audio Controllers / New Products and Features
12:00 –  12:20       Dealer Requirements and responsibilities.
12-:20 – ????        Open Forum / Questions / Support

Reference material will be provided.  It would be helpful it each attendee were to bring a laptop as much of the class material and programming software is distributed in electronic format.  We believe you will find the information presented in this class interesting and helpful in attaining a complete understanding of the TDFM-9000 Series radios and new APX based programming.

If you plan to attend this class, please notify Jim Huddock at (tel) 612 231 9020, or e-mail: [email protected]


Contact Us

240 Traders Blvd

Mississauga ON Canada

L47 1W7

(905) 890-2113

(905) 890-5338

Dir. Federal / Military/ OEM Sales & Programs

Jim Huddock / (612) 231-9020

Sales Manager

Mike Hradil / (905) 890-2113 Ext. 216