What is Medical stability?

Photo By: Hui Quan Yang

Medical stability

A controlled and well managed pre-existing condition that has remained unchanged for a specific period of time (as determined by the insurer) prior to your date of departure.

In general, this means that there has been:

  • No new symptoms, nor change or deterioration of existing symptoms.
  • No new medical procedure or intervention.
  • No new medical care or treatment for your condition.
  • No new or recommended investigative tests.
  • No new test results showing a change or deterioration of your condition.
  • No referral to a specialist made or recommended by your doctor.
  • No hospitalization.
  • No change or alteration in your prescription medication.

For example, you are not taking any new medication, taking a different medication (except from a brand name to a generic drug), stopped taking your medication, increased or decreased the dose of your medication.


Some insurers make exceptions for regular adjustments in insulin, oral diabetes medication and blood thinner medication such as Warfarin and Coumadin as long as your condition remains unchanged.


Are the maximum medical benefits amounts enough to cover my pre-existing condition in case of a medical emergency at my destination?

Learn more in IAMAT’s Guide to Travel Health Insurance
  • Did you know?

    You are not covered if you need medical care or hospitalization as a result of drinking alcohol.

    The majority of travel health insurance plans exclude injuries resulting from alcohol consumption. Some plans do cover injuries related to alcohol use but you cannot exceed the maximum allowable blood alcohol levels.

  • Did you know?

    Your travel health insurance plan is a legal contract. When you purchase a policy, you have to adhere to the terms set out within that specific policy for the insurer to fulfill their obligation to provide coverage.

    Remember that insurance only covers you for unforeseen and unexpected events – an unstable pre-existing condition or participating in activities that can increase your risk for personal harm or injury put your coverage at risk.

  • Did you know?

    Medical questionnaires are required to be completed at the time of purchase if you are over a certain age (typically over 60) or have a pre-existing condition. These forms can be complex and include medical jargon. If you need help, ask the insurance provider for clarification. Many insurers also want your doctor to sign off on the medical questionnaire.

    If you file a claim, insurers will look closely at the answers on your medical questionnaire to see if they match your medical file before accepting your claim.

  • Did you know?

    Mental health coverage is excluded from most standard travel health plans.

    If you have a first time mental health event or need care for a pre-existing psychiatric condition, you will have to pay out-of-pocket for medical services and prescription medication you need abroad.

  • Did you know?

    If your existing insurance benefits plan or credit card (primary coverage) doesn’t fully or adequately cover you for your health condition, you will need to get supplemental or secondary coverage (also known as excess insurance).

    This additional plan pays for medical expenses after your existing or primary coverage has reached the payout limits. The secondary insurer pays the balance of your medical costs.

Photo By: Sharif Hossain Sourav