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Acmetonia students honor Patriot Day with service | TribLIVE.com
Valley News Dispatch

Acmetonia students honor Patriot Day with service

Kellen Stepler
Kellen Stepler | TribLive
Allegheny Valley School District employees lower the flags to half-staff outside Acmetonia Elementary School during a Patriot Day ceremony Wednesday, the 23rd anniversary of 9/11.
Courtesy of Jan Zastawniak
Students prepare for a Patriot Day ceremony Wednesday outside Acmetonia Primary School in Harmar.
Kellen Stepler | TribLive
Acmetonia students Henry Redman (left) and Kahlil Heffon ring the bell outside the school during a Patriot Day ceremony Wednesday.

Mila Bock wants her school to have a Patriot Day observance every year from now on.

“It’s important to honor people that died during the tragedy,” said the sixth grader at Acmetonia Elementary School in Harmar.

The school held its first Patriot Day event Wednesday, the 23th anniversary of 9/11, when terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. A fourth plane crashed in a field near Shanksville after passengers fought back against the hijackers.

In all, 2,977 people were killed, including those on the planes, workers in the buildings that were struck and first responders in New York who tried to save people in the World Trade Center.

The Patriot Day service, held on Acmetonia’s front steps, aimed to teach students about patriotism, unity, resilience and heroism.

“Patriotism means love and devotion to one’s country,” said Principal Greg Heavner, who coordinated the presentation. “It can be shown in a variety of ways, including your thoughts, words and actions.

“Patriotism, in its truest sense, isn’t just about pride in our flag or love for our country. It’s about the actions we take when we’re called upon.”

It was the first time Acmetonia held such a ceremony. The school continued its tradition of breakfast and making thank-you cards for local emergency responders.

Gov. Josh Shapiro in June signed into law Act 25, which requires public schools to observe a moment of silence on the anniversary of 9/11. Another resolution declared Sept. 11 of each year as Patriot Day and all flags to be flown at half-staff.

Patriot Day is not a federal holiday.

Heavner told students Patriot Day is a day to be proud of how people can come together and take care of each other.

“On Patriot Day, we must hold tight the spirit of patriotism, service and community that we felt in those days and months that followed 9/11.”

Most students were touched by Heavner’s personal connection to Sept. 11.

During the ceremony, Heavner showed pictures of his son, Matthew, on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when he was 4 years old and getting ready for his first day of preschool. Heavner then showed a picture of Matthew today, now 26 and in the army serving at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Service members “continue the legacy of those who sacrificed and responded to a face of tragedy, ensuring the ideals of justice and peace endured,” Heavner said.

“They are reminders of courage, and what it takes to serve not only in a time of crisis but an ongoing commitment to safeguarding our communities and our nation.”

Teachers Steve Smietana and Zach George played the national anthem on the drums and trumpet. Sixth graders Henry Redman and Kahlil Heffon rang the bell outside Acmetonia during the service. The bell ringing was inspired by the “bells of remembrance” held each year at Shanksville, where the bells are rung once for each of the 40 Flight 93 victims, Heavner said.

“It’s important to pay respects to not only the people who died but also the people who helped and survived the tragedy,” Kahlil said.

Kellen Stepler is a TribLive reporter covering the Allegheny Valley and Burrell school districts and surrounding areas. He joined the Trib in April 2023. He can be reached at kstepler@triblive.com.

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