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We have transitioned all of T3's data and tools to BreedBase. This site can be found at New T3/Oat.

Welcome to The Triticeae Toolbox (T3)

T3/Oat is the repository of oat phenotype and genotype data for the Global Oat Genetics Database, a project initiated in January 2014 by the following investigators. For more information see the Oat Global website.
• Gabe Gusmini (PepsiCo), • Joe Lutz (General Mills), • Bruce Roskens (Grain Millers), • Nicholas Tinker (AAFC), • Kay Simmons, Jack Okamuro, Jose Costa, Jean-Luc Jannink, and Gerard Lazo (USDA-ARS)

T3/Oat is built using the database schema and software developed for The Triticeae Toolbox (T3). T3 is the web portal for wheat and barley data generated by the Triticeae Coordinated Agricultural Project (T-CAP), funded by the National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). More...

Participants: The templates and instructions for data submission are here. If your data are not totally public, please check the Data Usage Policy.

Search Trials  
Trials containing data from the program's lines
An experiment may have several trials with similar or identical entry lists, performed at different locations and/or different years. For a description of each experiment see this list.

In 2009 the Toronto International Data Release Workshop agreed on a policy statement about prepublication data sharing. Accordingly, the data producers are making many of the datasets in T3 available prior to publication of a global analysis. Guidelines for appropriate sharing of these data are given in the excerpt from the Toronto Statement

I agree to the Data Usage Policy as specified in Toronto Statement.