Posts tagged tax benefits
How the PATH Act Benefits Small Business OwnersSmall businesses create jobs and help drive economic growth, and they can improve their bottom line at tax time under the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act that was passed in 2015. Recent...

How the PATH Act Benefits Small Business Owners

Small businesses create jobs and help drive economic growth, and they can improve their bottom line at tax time under the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act that was passed in 2015. Recent provisions in the Act extend and protect certain tax benefits for businesses, making long-term planning easier for fledgling companies, entrepreneurial firms, and startups, to name a few. To find out more, see the full TurboTax article.

Claiming a Non-Citizen Spouse and Children on Your TaxesWhen your spouse and children are U.S. citizens, claiming them on your taxes is simple: just provide their names and Social Security numbers. When they’re non-citizens, though, things may be a...

Claiming a Non-Citizen Spouse and Children on Your Taxes

When your spouse and children are U.S. citizens, claiming them on your taxes is simple: just provide their names and Social Security numbers. When they’re non-citizens, though, things may be a little more complicated. But you can still claim them—and reap the tax benefits of doing so. To find out more, read the full TurboTax article.

Steps to Claiming an Elderly Parent as a Dependent The first thing that often comes to mind when considering dependents is the parent/child relationship. In many cases, parents claim their children as dependents until they become adults. It also...

Steps to Claiming an Elderly Parent as a Dependent

The first thing that often comes to mind when considering dependents is the parent/child relationship. In many cases, parents claim their children as dependents until they become adults. It also works the other way around. If you cared for an elderly parent, your parent may qualify as your dependent, resulting in additional tax benefits for you. For details about meeting meet IRS criteria for claiming a parent as a dependent, see our TurboTax Article.

I Started a 401K This Year. What Do I Need to Know When I File? Congratulations on starting a 401(k)! Not only will your future-self thank you for investing now, but there are also some fantastic benefits you can enjoy now. With a traditional 401(k),...

I Started a 401K This Year. What Do I Need to Know When I File?

Congratulations on starting a 401(k)! Not only will your future-self thank you for investing now, but there are also some fantastic benefits you can enjoy now. With a traditional 401(k), your contributions go in tax-free. Since your contributions come in pre-tax, that means your taxable income is lower. Double win! To learn more about  401(k) tax rules, visit the TurboTax Blog.

 You could get $4,000 off your taxable income for each dependent you claim on your tax return, but who qualifies as a dependent? A tax dependent could be a child, parent - or even your significant other. Watch this tax tip video from TurboTax to learn more.