Carrefour Taiwan

Carrefour Taiwan


TaipeiTaipei 4,286 位關注者

Act for Food: Concrete actions to eat better!


Carrefour Taiwan Happy Shopping, Happy Family Carrefour's famous and eye-catching red-blue-white business logo looks simple, but it is also pretty meaningful. It contains the business vision of Carrefour and its commitments to consumers since founding. The logo idea comes from the initial “C” of the name Carrefour. A blue arrow extends to the right of the “C”, and a red arrow exists to the left of the “C”. This symbolizes that customers keep coming to Carrefour from every corner. This word is translated to “家樂福” in Taiwan, meaning “Every Family is Joyful and Happy” in line with the operating philosophy of Carrefour. Carrefour has opened more than 100 stores across Taiwan in multiple forms, including hypermarkets, supermarkets, and online shops. Anyone who thinks globally possesses intrapreneurship, and is ambitious and active is welcome to join us!

10,001+ 名員工
Food retail、Customer service、Hypermarkets、Supermarkets、Online shopping和Food transition


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    over 100 stores in Taiwan! :)

    11268 TWTaipeiTaipei


Carrefour Taiwan員工


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    Carrefour has launched the Thousand-Floor Pastry Egg Tart, which is very popular in the market. It has a lovely petal shape, distinct layers of pastry, and a soft and tender filling with a dense texture. We specially choose a single milk source produced by "local dairy farmers in Taiwan" with no additives, using 100% pure fresh milk, the taste in the mouth is ever-changing, soft, and rich in milk aroma. It is currently on sale in limited stores, please try this delicious taste! #EggTart #PureMilk 家樂福推出市場詢問度超高的千層酥皮蛋塔,討喜的花瓣造型,酥皮層次分明,內餡軟嫩口感綿密。我們特別選用「台灣在地酪農」自產單一乳源,全部無添加,使用100%純鮮奶,入口口感變化萬千,柔軟且奶香濃郁,目前於限定店別熱賣中,邀請您一起來品嘗。 #詢問度超高 #熱門蛋塔 #無添加純鮮奶

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    There's always something new at Carrefour! Carrefour's free service has been upgraded again! Following "cooking instant noodles and dumplings on behalf of customers", etc., it will also provide "freshly fried steak on behalf of customers". It is currently in trial operation in some mass merchandisers. It is expected to add more stores to allow customers to enjoy this service. "Freshly fried is delicious!" The free freshly grilled steak service comes with an appropriate amount of vegetables and is full of color, flavor, and flavor. You are welcome to experience it. #CarrefourFreeService| #GrilledSteakForCustomers 家樂福總有新鮮事! 家樂福免費服務再升級! 繼 「代客烹煮泡麵、水餃」等,再提供「代客現煎牛排」,目前在部分量販店試營運,預計再新增店點讓更多顧客享受到本服務。 「現煎就是美味!」免費的現煎牛排服務,附贈了適量蔬菜,色香味俱全,簡單4步驟,現買現吃,不管是午餐或晚餐加菜,歡迎您親自來體驗。 #家樂福免費服務 #代客煎牛排

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    Carrefour once again won the Golden Award for Hyper Stores in the "Service Servey in Taiwan" by Commercial Times. Adhering to the customer-oriented spirit: enthusiastic service, detailed answers to questions, sincere problem solving, age-friendly and innovative services, such as wheelchair rental, valet cooking, and other friendly services. We design differentiated services so customers can feel happy during their consumption journey or experience, and we continue promoting sustainable sharing. Thank you for your support and affirmation, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the future! #CommercialTimes #ServiceGoldenAward 家樂福再奪工商時報「台灣服務業大評鑑」大型量販店金牌獎。 秉持顧客至上的精神:服務熱忱、回答問題細膩、誠懇解決問題、樂齡友善及創新服務,如輪椅租借、代客料理等友善服務。 我們朝差異化服務做設計,讓顧客在消費旅程或體驗時能有幸福感,也持續推廣永續共好理念,感謝您的支持與肯定,期望未來能繼續為您服務! #工商時報 #台灣服務業大評鑑 #金牌獎

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    Are you hesitant to choose a drink? Carrefour's AI sommelier service can give you the right wine in just a few seconds. The process service of customer service robots is adopted, and a language model is added to achieve better semantic understanding and content reply. For example, enter: "I'm a little angry" AI Sommelier: "I understand that you are not in a good mood right now. We will choose a wine that suits your current mood to help you relax." Join the daily dialogue and make customized suggestions to become reliable and considerate services for customers. We invite you to experience the professional services of Carrefour sommeliers. #CarrefourAISommelier #DigitalTransformation 挑酒總是猶豫不決? 對酒不甚理解? 家樂福AI 侍酒師服務,短短幾秒就能提供適合您的酒類。 採用客服機器人的流程服務,加上了語言模型,做到更好的語意理解跟內容回覆。 例如,輸入:「我有點生氣」 AI 侍酒師 :「我了解您現在心情不太好,我們將為您挑選一款適合您現在心情的酒,讓您放鬆身心。」 加入生活化的對談,讓客製化的建議成為顧客可信賴的貼心服務,邀請您一起來體驗家樂福侍酒師服務,讓專業隨侍在側。 #家樂福AI侍酒師服務 #數位轉型

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    Good news! Carrefour Neihu store won the highest honor award in the environmental education industry After a year of review, it was the first time a channel in Taiwan was shortlisted and won this honor. We were personally received and praised by the Vice President, who encouraged and recognized the winners for their efforts and dedication to environmental education. The judges' evaluation of Carrefour includes: actively promoting food and agriculture education and environmental protection work, cooperating with upstream industries, etc. They also hope that Carrefour can serve as an ecological education field to promote sustainability. Thanks to all the partners and Neihu store who supported and participated in enabling the company to receive this honor. #CarrefourNeihu #EnvironmentalEducationAward 好消息! 家樂福內湖店獲得環境教育界最高榮譽:國家環境教育獎民營事業組優等獎。   歷經一年評審時間,是台灣首次有通路入圍並獲得此一殊榮,由內湖店店長代表接受環境部彭啟明部長頒獎之外,家樂福永續長更獲得副總統蕭美琴親自接見表揚,鼓勵並肯定獲獎者對於環境教育工作的努力與付出。   評審委員給予家樂福高度評價包含:積極推廣食農教育與環境守護工作、提前布局輔導及串聯產業上游相互合作,是相當照顧地方產業與環境守護之作為,更期望全台家樂福都能當成環境教育場域一起推動永續。   感謝所有支持與參與影響力概念店、裸賣專區、動福專區、小農專區、食物捐贈設置的夥伴,更感謝內湖店配合參與多次輔導及繁複的實體審查,讓公司獲得此一殊榮。   #家樂福內湖店 #國家環境教育獎

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    Last year, the number of tourists visiting Italy reached more than 400 million, and Italian cuisine is a beautiful memory of traveling in Europe. Carrefour hopes that consumers can travel to Italy through delicious food and bring 100% made-in-Italy products. This year we focus on the ingredients of cooking, such as pasta sauce, olive oil, canned beans, tuna, pickles, truffle sauce, cheese, etc., which can be easily prepared and served at home. In addition, more than 60 bottles of wine, snacks, ready-to-eat products, etc. from Italy are recommended, allowing consumers to fully experience the authentic and delicious atmosphere of Italy. #CarrefourItalyFair 去年義大利觀光旅遊人潮已達到4億多人次,義式料理更是暢遊歐洲的美好記憶,家樂福讓你隨時透過美食暢遊義大利,帶來100%義大利產地製造商品。   今年著重料理的靈魂配料,例如麵醬、橄欖油、豆罐、鮪魚、醃製醬菜、松露醬、乳酪等,在家就能輕鬆料理上桌。另外也推薦來自義大利超過60支酒類、零食、即食商品等,讓消費者能夠全面性的感受到義大利道地的美味氛圍。 #家樂福義大利週

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    To promote the friendly development of Taiwan's animal husbandry industry, the Carrefour Foundation with relevant organizations organized the 3rd International Forum on Friendly Animal Husbandry and Food Transformation: "Seeing Animals, Taiwan's New Landscape". The forum invited domestic and foreign speakers and Taiwanese farmers and catering operators also appeared to share their experiences. Photographer Bob Carey came to Taiwan to open the event with his famous "Pink Tutu" project, conveying care for vulnerable lives. We hope to let the world see the potential of Taiwan's friendly animal husbandry, and invite consumers to promote the transformation of the animal husbandry industry through purchases in their daily lives, and form a "National Animal Welfare Team" together! #AnimalWelfare 為促進台灣畜牧產業朝友善發展、接軌國際,家樂福文教基金會攜手台灣動物社會研究會及珍古德保育基金會舉辦第三屆友善畜牧暨食物轉型國際論壇:「看見動物 台灣新地景」。 論壇邀集國內外講者與產官學交流;德國官方分享動福法規,台灣農民、餐飲業者也現身說法,並由美國知名攝影師Bob Carey以著名「粉紅蓬裙」計畫來台親臨開場,傳遞對弱勢生命的同理之情。 我們希望讓國際看見台灣友善畜牧的潛力,也邀請消費者在日常生活以購買促進畜牧產業轉型,共組「動物福利國家隊」! #動物福利

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    The Ghost Festival is one of the important festivals in Taiwan, and Carrefour is also actively launching sacrificial products and services for the Ghost Festival to meet customers' needs. Whether it is Zhongyuan Pudu, sacrifices, gifts, or customized product planning, the Carrefour business service team with many years of professional experience provides all-around one-stop planning. Customers are very satisfied with the customized and considerate services through the sales teams in various regions. #CarrefourBusinessService #BulkPurchase 中元節是台灣重要的節慶活動之一,家樂福也積極針對中元普渡推出祭祀商品以及服務滿足顧客的需求。 無論是中元普渡、法會祭祀、年節禮品,客製商品規劃,擁有多年專業經驗的家樂福商務服務團隊全方位的提供一條龍的規劃,透過各地區的銷售部隊,客製化的貼心服務獲得客戶一致好評 ! #家樂福商務服務團隊 #大宗採購

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    Carrefour Central and South District Team participated in the 2024 Kaohsiung International Dragon Boat Races and won the runner-up in the group in the competition! 🏆 We went through many hard exercises two months ago to cultivate team chemistry and build cohesion. This time we put on brand new dragon boat uniforms and customized Carrefour dragon boat paddles to show our unity. Thanks to our partners for their united efforts, Carrefour We are one team! #DragonBoatRaces #CarrefourOneTeam 家樂福中南區參加2024高雄國際龍舟賽,在激烈的競賽中,勇奪分組亞軍!🏆   我們二個月前經歷多次辛苦練習,培養團隊默契,凝聚向心力,這次穿上嶄新龍舟制服以及客製家樂福龍舟划槳,展現團結一致的磅礴氣勢。   感謝總經理支持及中南區夥伴的眾志成城,家樂福 We are one team! #龍舟競賽 #家樂福隊

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    June 7th is World Food Safety Day. Carrefour and the Taiwan Good Food Development Association jointly promote food safety. To inform consumers about purchasing TQF-certified food, we have specially set up a TQF area and secured discounts to make it easier for consumers to buy. Carrefour's ten actions: start with i, advocate reform from the source of supply, making food transformation not just a slogan but real! Through World Food Safety Day, we once again invite customers to respond with consumption actions and double safety checks just because you deserve the best! #WorldFoodSafetyDay 6/7是世界食品安全日,家樂福與台灣優良食品發展協會共同推動食品安全,為了讓消費者了解購買有食安把關的TQF驗證食品,我們特別設立TQF專區,也爭取了優惠讓消費者買得開心吃得安心。   家樂福從i開始十大行動率先從供應源頭倡導改革,讓食物轉型不只是一個口號而是來真的!透過世界食品安全日,再次邀請顧客以消費行動共同響應,雙倍安全把關只因你值得最好! #世界食品安全日

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