Taipei Entrepreneurs Hub

Taipei Entrepreneurs Hub


An English-first community for international entrepreneurs in Taipei supported by the city government!


Established in 2021, we are a government-backed international community for innovative talents in Taipei. Our goals include supporting foreign startups to soft-land in Taipei through online/offline programs like networking events, boot camps, pitch contests, matchmakings, and Demo Day. Join our community to get a hint of the Taipei innovative environment!

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    📢 StartSphere Taipei 2024 活動開跑囉! StartSphere Taipei 是由臺北市政府產業發展局主辦、「潮臺北 Trendy Taipei 」的國際創新主題活動,以今日科技、明日潮流(Today’s Tech, Tomorrow's Trend)為主軸,橫跨消費、娛樂與金融科技等,由9月4日至9月6日止,為期三天。 參加者除了可以一睹臺北的新創、創投風采,更能獲得多國即時的創新資訊,與來自世界各地的創業家和投資者面對面交流,拓展人脈!StartSphere Taipei 首次匯集20家以上、分別來自美國、日本、韓國、菲律賓、新加坡、越南、泰國和馬來西亞等的國際創投、獨角獸(估值破10億美元)、跨國AI新創及國際媒體創辦人、高階主管,一同揭露他們的市場獨特見解。 活動中,也將與來自韓國的新創社群媒體、影視基金和遊戲領域創投,揭密如何透過新創與投資,將K-POP、影視如《寄生上流》、《屍速列車》一起行銷全球。讓臺北在成為「創業家友善城市」之餘,和國際產業先進,一同分享科技與文化的潮流魅力。 💼 沒錯就是你: 無論您是創業家、投資者、還是在數位、生活、數位娛樂產業中的業界夥伴們,這場活動都是不容錯過的機會! 歡迎透過以下連結名👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 ● 𐓷 9月4日 新創基地交流座談會【Startup Hub Visit and Networking】 時間:15:00-17:00  地點:臺北創新實驗室 國際會議廳 (臺北市內湖區洲子街12號2樓) 🔵馬上報名:  ● 𐓷 9月5日上午 獨角獸論壇:今日科技,明日潮流 【Meet the Unicorns: Today’s Tech, Tomorrow's Trend】 時間:10:30-12:00   ● 𐓷 9月5日下午 國際創投與媒體論壇暨新創交流分享會 【 M&M (Money & Media) Conference & International Demo Pitch 】 時間:13:30-17:30   地點:瓶蓋工廠臺北製造所 M棟(臺北市南港區南港路二段13號) 🔵馬上報名: ● 𐓷 9月6日上午 數位脈動:改變全球趨勢、娛樂與音樂  【Digital Pulse: Transforming Global Trends, Entertainment, and Music 】  時間: 10:30-12:00   地點:瓶蓋工廠臺北製造所 M棟(臺北市南港區南港路二段13號) 🔵馬上報名: ● 𐓷 9月6日下午 大數據跨境新經濟  【Cool Taiwan Summit 2024 AI 】 時間: 13:30-18:00 🔵馬上報名:  地點:瓶蓋工廠臺北製造所 M棟(臺北市南港區南港路二段13號) 🔴🔵 ⇄ ● 𐓷 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗬 𝗧𝗔𝗜𝗣𝗘𝗜 潮臺北 𐓷 ● ⇄ 𐓷 充電學習 𐓷 文化藝術 ✕ 創新科技 ✕ 產業論壇 𐓷 放電玩樂 𐓷 演唱會 ✕ 音樂演出 ✕ 城市行動 ——— 𝟬𝟵.𝟬𝟮 — 𝟬𝟵.𝟬𝟴 用音樂震翻臺北 ——— 🔴🔵 指導單位 𐓷 臺北市政府 #trendytaipei#潮臺北#StartSphereTaipei#MeetTheUnicorns#entrepreneurship#startups

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    🔴🔵 StartSphere Taipei 2024 is kicking off! 🔴🔵 🎉 StartSphere Taipei, organized by the Taipei City Government's Department of Economic Development, is a key event under the "TRENDY TAIPEI" initiative. With the theme "Today’s Tech, Tomorrow's Trend," this international innovation event spans across consumer, entertainment, and fintech industries, running from 4th September to 6th September. 🌟 Event Highlights:  For the first time, StartSphere Taipei brings together over 20 international venture capitalists, unicorns (valued at over $1 billion), AI startups, and media founders from countries such as the U.S., Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. Additionally, it will feature insights from Korean startup communities, film funds, and gaming VCs on how startups and investments are driving the global success of K-Pop and blockbuster films like "Parasite" and "Train to Busan."  Join us in Taipei as we celebrate the city’s journey to becoming a "Entrepreneur-Friendly City" while sharing the allure of tech and cultural trends with global industry leaders. Don't miss your chance to connect with entrepreneurs and investors from around the world.  Register now! 🔗 🔵September 4 event: 🔵September 5 event: 🔵September 6 event: #trendytaipei#潮臺北#StartSphereTaipei#MeetTheUnicorns#entrepreneurship#startups

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    We’re excited to announce the opening of our new location, the Hive Poho! Nestled in the heart of the vibrant Po Hing Fong area, the HQ team, including Buddy, has already settled into what feels like our second home. With its quaint shops and trendy cafes at our doorstep, the Hive Poho offers a perfect blend of modern amenities and local character, creating a unique work experience. Yes, the wine fridge is fully stocked! Drop us a msg if you fancy stopping in.

    the Hive takes over former WeWork location in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

    the Hive takes over former WeWork location in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

  • Taipei Entrepreneurs Hub轉發了此項目

    瀏覽David Chang的個人檔案,圖案

    Founder & Secretary-general of Crossroads, Founder & CEO of Wordcorp 一元翻譯

    Yesterday evening, Crossroads and its supporters formally launched the Dual Nationality Taiwan campaign with our event “Immigration and Taiwan’s Future: A Discussion About What It Means to Be Taiwanese Today”.  There, immigrants from Pakistan (Sam Khan 康善文), Vietnam (胡玉鳳), Sweden (Elias Ek), China (石保莉), the United States (Lloyd G. Roberts III 羅樂德) and India (Roma Mehta), as well as Taiwan-born Indian (Manav Mehta) shared about their unique relationship with Taiwan - the place they all call home.  It would be simply impossible for a post on social media to do any justice to their stories of hope, struggle, and love for Taiwan. As a result, Crossroads is currently in the process of editing and subtitling professionally captured videos from the event, and will be sharing them with everyone when done.  For now, please feel free to view and share the attached coverage of our event by Louise Watt from TaiwanPlus. We were also deeply honored to welcome the participation of Legislators Ting-yu Wang 王定宇 (via video), Mei-ling Loh 羅美玲, Kuan-ting Chen 陳冠廷 (via video), and Sean Liao 廖偉翔, as well as Director-General Chia-yi Hsieh 謝佳宜 of the National Development Council’s Department of Human Resources Development, who all recognized the importance of the immigrant community and shared about their work in the halls of government.  As Crossroads works to elevate Dual Nationality into the public discourse and gather public support, we hope that we may work together with progressive legislators and officials across all political parties who share our vision for a more inclusive, compassionate, and globally-connected environment.  Finally, we are extremely grateful to our co-organizers CommonWealth English 天下雜誌英文網 and 一元翻譯 Wordcorp, as well as European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan, French Chamber Taiwan, Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei, Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (ANZCham Taiwan) , Community Services Center, Forward Taiwan, All Hands Taiwan, Ripplemaker Foundation, Red Room Rendezvous, Enspyre Inc. 安石國際, Taiwan Impact Entrepreneurs 台灣創業家聚會社團, Winkler Partners, and Eiger.  We are proud to be working with them on the campaign, and look forward to establishing even more partners in the community, so that we may have an even stronger voice together.  ✒ Sign and share our petition on calling for the government to open a pathway to Dual Nationality for Permanent Residents:   🌏 Support the Dual Nationality Taiwan campaign by pledging a donation to Crossroads. Crossroads is a registered national-level non-profit organization of Taiwan:

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    Taipei continues to attract top talent from around the globe. Just a few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of welcoming Seokhwan Oh, Principal AI Engineer at Barreleye, to Taipei for the SparksLab Taiwan - Crossborder Forum. As a speaker at the forum, Seokhwan Oh delved into the evolving landscape of AI and cross-border innovation, connecting with industry leaders and exploring potential collaborations within Taipei's thriving startup ecosystem. ✨ Barreleye is at the forefront of AI-driven solutions, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the tech world. To learn more about Barreleye and their groundbreaking work, please visit #TaipeiEntrepreneursHub #AIProfessional #Startup #TaipeiCity

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    🔴🔵 StartSphere Taipei 2024 is kicking off! 🔴🔵 🎉 StartSphere Taipei, organized by the Taipei City Government's Department of Economic Development, is a key event under the "TRENDY TAIPEI" initiative. With the theme "Today’s Tech, Tomorrow's Trend," this international innovation event spans across consumer, entertainment, and fintech industries, running from 4th September to 6th September. 🌟 Event Highlights:  For the first time, StartSphere Taipei brings together over 20 international venture capitalists, unicorns (valued at over $1 billion), AI startups, and media founders from countries such as the U.S., Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. Additionally, it will feature insights from Korean startup communities, film funds, and gaming VCs on how startups and investments are driving the global success of K-Pop and blockbuster films like "Parasite" and "Train to Busan."  Join us in Taipei as we celebrate the city’s journey to becoming a "Entrepreneur-Friendly City" while sharing the allure of tech and cultural trends with global industry leaders. Don't miss your chance to connect with entrepreneurs and investors from around the world.  Register now! 🔗 🔵September 4 event: 🔵September 5 event: 🔵September 6 event: #trendytaipei#潮臺北#StartSphereTaipei#MeetTheUnicorns#entrepreneurship#startups

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    We are pleased to announce that Taipei Entrepreneurs Hub signed an MOU with TechShake last week at the Taiwan Pavilion booth during the Techsauce Global Summit. This partnership will not only strengthen our friendship but also enhance collaboration between our two communities.🫱🏼🫲🏻 This marks another significant milestone for us, opening doors to new opportunities and expanding our reach into dynamic and emerging markets. We are excited about the potential this partnership holds and look forward to the incredible ventures we will pursue together. Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this exciting new chapter.

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    Amazing to begin collaborating more with our partners at TechShake !!!!


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    🤝 Exciting Partnership Announcement! We are thrilled to announce the signing of an MOU between TechShake and Taipei Entrepreneurs Hub at the Taiwan Pavilion booth during the Techsauce Global Summit. This partnership marks a significant step forward in fostering innovation and collaboration between our organizations. Together, we aim to create new opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs, bridging the gap between ecosystems and driving technological advancements. Stay tuned for more exciting developments from this dynamic collaboration! #TechShake #TaipeiEntrepreneursHub #TechsauceGlobalSummit2024 #Innovation #Partnership #Startups #Entrepreneurship

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    Pablo Riveros amazing announcement. You guys are building a great ecosystem in Fukuoka and you’re one of the initiators of a wonderful community that I got the chance to visit. #ColiveFukuoka will be an amazing chance for entrepreneurs to learn more on the Digital Nomad opportunities locally!

    瀏覽Pablo Riveros的個人檔案,圖案

    Founder 🌱 Techpreneur 👩🏻💻Manabu Hubs | Community 🇯🇵Fukuoka Startup Collective 🏢 Greentech AI

    Softlanding Program Update: New Dates & Exciting Opportunities! 🚀 We're excited to announce a new schedule for our Softlanding Program in Fukuoka! 🎉 After careful consideration and feedback from startups, potential visitors, and digital nomads, and #ColiveFukuoka partners, we've shifted the program dates to Monday, October 28th - Tuesday, October 29th. 📅 This change allows us to: ✅ Accommodate a wider range of participants: Reach more startups interested in attending the Demo Day and connect with global attendees. ✅ Maximise connections: Align with the visit of digital nomads and potential startup visitors from Taiwan. 🇹🇼 The on-site hub tours and Manabu Hubs member meetings will also be held during this new timeframe. 🏢🌍 But don't worry: Our insightful seminar schedule on Wednesday, October 23rd, featuring speakers like Robin Takashi Lewis, Kenneth Ho, and Dr. Shane Mathews, remains unchanged. 🎤 Ready to learn more? 🔗 Head over to our website for details on the program, activities, and Demo Day/Light Talk: Questions? 💬 Comment below! 📩 Message us directly. 👤 Contact Shiho SAKURAI or myself 🎟️ Grab Your Discounted Tickets Now! 🎟️ 🚀 Softlanding Program - 20% OFF! (Early Bird Expires on Aug 31) Use Code: MANABUHUB24 to save! 👉 Get Your Tickets Here: 🌏 CoLive Fukuoka - 20% OFF your plan! Use this referral link: 👉 Claim Your Discount Don't miss out—secure your spot today! 💥 🤝 Join our growing Discord community! Connect with us and fellow participants and Manabu Community Hubs in the 🛬┃softlanding-program [Discord Sign In] We can't wait to welcome you to Fukuoka in October! 🎌✨ #SoftlandingFukuoka #Startups #GlobalCommunity #Fukuoka #ManabuCommunity #CoLiveFukuoka #CoLiveFukuoka2024 Ryo Osera

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    We are thrilled to announce the six finalists for the 2024 𝗔𝗜+ 𝗧𝗮𝗶𝗽𝗲𝗶 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗽 𝗣𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁! After a rigorous evaluation process, these innovative startups have been selected for their outstanding potential to impact the future of AI and related industries. ✨ The finalists, listed in alphabetical order, are: ▪️ MedySapiens, Inc. ▪️ OUI Inc. ▪️ ▪️ 優化生技 ▪️ HelloWorld Inc. ▪️ Sensay Learning Co. Each of these companies has demonstrated exceptional innovation, market potential, and excellence in their respective fields. A huge thank you to all the participants for their hard work and dedication. We are excited to see what the future holds for all of you and look forward to the next phase of the competition. Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the final Demo Day on October 25th! 🚀 #TaipeiEntrepreneursHub #AI #StartupPitchContest  #Innovation #Entrepreneurship

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