Goodvalley Ukraine

Goodvalley Ukraine


Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk 787 послідовників

Pig producer #2 in Ukraine * #2 в Україні серед виробників свинини

Про нас

Goodvalley Ukraine belongs to TOP 3 largest pork producers in Ukraine. We implement sustainable farming practices, and use the latest technologies and best practices of European agricultural producers, including Danish pig breeding technologies. Goodvalley Ukraine has been operating in the Ukrainian market since 2004. A closed cycle production (land processing, feed production, pigs breeding, biogas production) is carried out in Ivano-Frankivsk region. ___________________________ «Ґудвеллі Україна» належить до ТОП-3 найпотужніших виробників свинини в Україні. Ми впроваджуємо екосталий спосіб ведення сільського господарства, використовуємо новітні технології і передові досягнення європейських агровиробників, зокрема данські технології вирощування свиней. Аграрна компанія «Ґудвеллі Україна» працює на ринку України з 2004 року. Виробництво завершеного циклу (вирощування зернових, виробництво кормів, розведення свиней, виробництво біогазу) ведеться у Івано-Франківській області.

Розмір компанії
501-1 000 працівників
Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk


Працівники у Goodvalley Ukraine


  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    Visualization boards are one of the fundamental LEAN tools. We are active in implementing this philosophy at our facilities and are using this tool. What do we gain from it? First and foremost, it improves the efficiency of information exchange. A lack of information leads to unnecessary movements, while having visualized production metrics, plans, and goals significantly enhances the process of information exchange. For example, at one of the farms, the number of phone calls made to clarify information was reduced fivefold after implementing a status board for feed deliveries. Additionally, they managed to reduce delays since employees had clear information about the necessary deliveries. Employee engagement. The owners of the boards are the workers involved in the process, which is tracked at the visualization board. In this way, we engage employees and assign them responsibility for updating the boards. This doesn't take much time, and the whole team sees the results. Stronger team spirit. A common plan and common goals for everyone. Visualization boards help develop teamwork feeling, as each employee contributes significantly to the overall team result. #production #lean #efficiency

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    Wrapping up the week with a harvest update. This year, favorable weather conditions enabled us to start harvesting winter crops early. The work progressed smoothly and efficiently with both our own and rented machinery in the field. The harvest involved 25 people, 10 combines, 7 tractors, and 17 trucks. ✅ Winter barley was harvested from an area of 1,258 hectares, yielding 8.7 tons per hectare. ✅Winter rapeseed covered an area of 2,317 hectares, yielding 4.7 tons per hectare. ✅Winter wheat spanned 4,014 hectares, yielding 7.7 tons per hectare. We are happy to see the good yields and grateful to our Armed Forces for the opportunity to work on our land! #ThankYouAFU A big thank you to all our colleagues in the arable production department for their hard work, and congratulations on the new yield achievements!

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    Our CEO Kasper Torup-Villadsen gave an extensive interview for the first time. It does not only reveal him as a leader but also as an interesting person. Don't miss the chance to learn more about his vision for the present, discover how Ukrainians are perceived in Denmark, and hear a foreigner's impressions of working in a Ukrainian environment in an open conversation with Oksana Kaminska for Openly. Full video link is in comments below. #business #leadership #businessUkraine #personality

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    Summer is not only the harvest season but also the time for sowing winter crops. During the fieldwork, our team implements the latest methods and technologies for sowing to ensure optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants. A professional approach, coordinated work, and modern equipment enable us to hope for the results to exceed our expectations next year as well. We continue to work hard, putting in all our efforts to ensure a high yield and quality of produce. Together towards the Victory! #agribusiness #sowing #wintercrops

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    The results of winter crops harvest continue to impress. The total area under winter rapeseed is over 2317 hectares. In total, we managed to harvest 4.7 tonnes of rapeseed per hectare, which is a high number for the current season. Harvesting the rapeseed with modern machinery 🚜 and advanced technologies involved contributed to the efficient use of resources and cost reduction. The fieldwork was organised in accordance with the established agrotechnical standards and requirements. This result confirms that our colleagues are highly professional and ready to meet any challenges. #WeWorkforVictory #harvest #yield

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    Harvest update 🌾🚜 Winter barley harvesting has recently ended! The result of the harvest is quite impressive. This year, we harvested 1258.1 hectares with a yield of 8.73 tons per hectare. At the moment our fleet is busy harvesting the rape seed and winter wheat. The weather is more than favorable, and we expect good yields of these crops as well. Our team is working tirelessly to provide quality grain products. Thanks to the Ukrainian Army we are able to #workforthevictory all thank you to our employees for being hardworking, their support and trust!

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    Safety First! This is one of our company's core values. Recently, we held an informational and explanatory event on safe methods for performing high-risk tasks in the biogas workshop. The event was conducted by representatives of the State Labor Service. The biogas workshop master discussed with the chief inspectors the risks that may arise during biogas production. The inspectors from the State Labor Service were impressed by our innovative technology. We continuously work on improving safety standards and implementing best practices to ensure a safe working environment. #SafetyAtWork #Biogas #Innovation #StateLabour #SafeProduction

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    🌟 Celebrating 20 Years of Goodvalley Ukraine! 🌟 On June 5th, Goodvalley Ukraine marked its 20th anniversary with a significant event attended by distinguished guests, including Ole Egberg Mikkelsen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Ukraine, investors, officials, business partners, and other stakeholders. In a heartfelt tribute, our CEO, Kasper Torup-Villadsen, honored our brave employees who sacrificed their lives for Ukraine, reinforcing our commitment to stand with our nation. To support our defenders, we will proudly deliver 15 jammer units worth UAH 2.5 million to defend the lives of our defenders. This initiative underscores our unwavering solidarity and dedication to protecting the lives of those on the front lines. Anders Obel, the Supervisory Board Chairman, highlighted our plans for future investments, reflecting our belief in Ukraine's resilience and bright future. We're excited to expand our agricultural and biogas operations, continuing to support the local economy and communities, especially during these challenging times. As a leading player in Ukraine's agricultural sector, Goodvalley Ukraine is committed to sustainable development and supporting social projects, IDPs, and our defenders. Here's to a future filled with growth, innovation, and peace. 🇺🇦🤝🇩🇰 #GoodvalleyUkraine #20YearsAnniversary #SupportUkraine #ElectronicWarfare #SustainableDevelopment #Agriculture #InvestInUkraine #StrongerTogether

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    Goodvalley Ukraine organized a gala event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary. Among the guests were the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Ukraine, officials, partners, representatives of specialized associations, investors, and employees. They talked about the most important issues: support for Ukraine's economy, further investments under martial law, the need to restore frontline cities today, challenges and opportunities for Ukrainian business. The company is a key player in Ukraine's agricultural sector and ranks second among domestic pork producers. Founded on 4 June 2004, Goodvalley Ukraine has become a leading agricultural enterprise in Ivano-Frankivsk region. ________________________ "Ґудвеллі Україна" організувала урочистий захід з нагоди 20-ї річниці. Серед почесних гостей був Посол Королівства Данія в Україні, посадовці, партнери, представники профільних асоціацій, інвестори та працівники. Говорили про головне: підтримка економіки України, подальші інвестиції в умовах воєнносго стану, потреба у відновленні прифронтових міст уже сьогодні, виклики та можливості для українського бізнесу. Компанія є ключовим гравцем аграрного сектору України і займає друге місце серед вітчизняних виробників свинини. Заснована 4 червня 2004 року, "Ґудвеллі Україна" стала провідним аграрним підприємством Івано-Франківщини.

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Goodvalley Ukraine, зображення

    787 послідовників

    In Tustan village (Dubivtsi community), representatives of Goodvalley Ukraine, local schoolchildren, and preschoolers planted 60 young trees. The planting was carried out on the territory of the local lyceum, village council, and medical outpatient clinic. This spring event followed the garden planting on the territory of the lyceum, which the community and the company carried out several years ago. Now, the apple orchard will grow young hazelnut and walnut trees. #togetherwearestronger #gardensofthevictory

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