Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції

Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції

Державне управління

Kyiv, Kyiv City 766 послідовників

НАЗК - центральний орган виконавчої влади зі спеціальним статусом, відповідальний за формування антикорупційної політики

Про нас

Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції — це державна організація нового зразка. Нам вдалося поєднати дух новаторства та креативу з професіоналізмом і досвідом. Ми динамічно рухаємось вперед, змінюючи старі підходи до держслужби на сучасні та більш ефективні. Наша команда робить усе від себе залежне для наближення нашої перемоги. НАЗК - місце сили доброчесних людей. Робота в НАЗК — це: - робота в одному з найкращих державних органів України; - сучасні методології постановки цілей (OKR та КРІ); - цікаві проекти, які дають можливість творити нову Україну тут і зараз; - команда визнаних експертів антикорупційного напрямку; - відкрита позиція топ-менеджменту та прозора комунікація, що дає розуміння стратегії та важливості досягнень кожного члена команди; - професійний та кар'єрний розвиток; - офіційне працевлаштування; - зручний офіс біля метро; - гідна оплата праці.

Державне управління
Розмір компанії
201-500 працівників
Kyiv, Kyiv City
Державна установа
anti-corruption, government і Ukraine


Працівники у Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції


  • Державна служба викликає у кандидатів різноманітні асоціації. І будемо відверті, найчастіше - не надто привабливі 😢 Склалась певна думка, що державна служба - осередок застарілих практик. А ще пасивні працівники, непрофесійне керівництво, «кумівство», нудна бюрократизована робота... 🏛 🔍 📚 📞 Можливо, такий досвід державної служби ще десь і можна зустріти. Але точно не в НАЗК 😇 Ми, HR-команда НАЗК, будемо ламати стереотипи 💪 про державних службовців та роботу на держслужбі, з якими найчастіше стикається більшість із вас. Ми хочемо поділитися з вами абсолютно іншим досвідом роботи на державній службі! НАЗК – про інноваційні підходи, які надихають, фокус на особистісному та професійному розвитку працівників 🎯 сміливість трансформувати країну. Наша команда - амбітні працівники, які працюють на перемогу. Тут є як досвідчені фахівці з новаторським мисленням, так і випускники ВУЗів, які хочуть проявити себе та змінити країну на краще 🎓 👔 🏆 НАЗК – не тільки про перевірку задекларованого майна високопосадовців, внесення компанії до міжнародних спонсорів війни та оприлюднення фактів корупції серед високопосадовців. НАЗК – ще й про роботодавця з нетиповою для державних органів корпоративною культурою 🤝 Тож вітаємо вас на кар’єрній сторінці НАЗК в LinkedIn та запрошуємо доєднатися ⚡ Будемо ділитись тут історіями, лайфхаками, новинами та всім іншим, що стосується сучасних практик управління персоналом на державній службі. А ще ми відверто розкажемо (та покажемо) нашим майбутнім колегам, що означає бути держслужбовцем в команді НАЗК. Якщо вам відгукнуться наші цілі, місія та цінності – будемо раді отримати резюме. 📍 відкриті вакансії теж будуть тут! #hr #governmentjobs #ukraine #anticorruption

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  • 🗓️Digest of NACP’ news: 🇱🇹International working trips  ▪️NACP Head takes part in discussion of corruption risk management in reconstruction at OECD Anti-Corruption Task Force Meeting https://bit.ly/4cnvetn  ▪️The delegation of the NACP started its work at the IACC2024 (International Anti-Corruption Conference) as part of a working trip to Vilnius. The NACP Head was a speaker at workshops, held a bilateral meeting and participated in an event organized by Dexis Consulting Group.
https://bit.ly/3RArMns  ▪️Anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies of 25 countries sign joint statement on coordination of anti-corruption efforts in Vilnius https://bit.ly/4cthTjo  ▪️NACP and Basel Institute on Governance sign Memorandum of cooperation https://bit.ly/4ctTslL  ▪️IACC-2024 in Vilnius: NACP strengthens cooperation with international partners from the EU and UAE https://bit.ly/4eBBUGa 🤝International cooperation ▪️Ahead of EU membership negotiations, European officials examine Ukraine's anti-corruption infrastructure 
https://bit.ly/45JveSF 💸Illicit enrichment ▪️NACP reveals signs of illicit enrichment and declaration of false information worth more than UAH 25 million by former Kyiv tax officer https://bit.ly/4cmnhVH 👥Political parties  ▪️NACP suspends funding for political party "Holos" due to inaccurate information in reports worth almost UAH 5 million https://bit.ly/4eOQwlZ 💼Regional working trips ▪️Preventing corruption risks, exposing corrupt cases and strengthening transparency of the authorities: NACP team visits Volyn region https://bit.ly/45KxSrf 🧩Anti-corruption compliance in business ▪️NACP presented the "Handbook on Building an Integrity Organization", which is intended to become a tool for establishing an ethical business environment in Ukraine. https://bit.ly/45MtyHS

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  • NACP Head Viktor Pavlushchyk held a series of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of #IACC2024 🤝 🌎The Head of the NACP discussed areas of cooperation with the Head of the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Secretariat Desislava Gotskova, LLM (https://rai-see.org/). The parties paid attention to the international agreement on data exchange for verification of declarations, which aims to optimize interagency cooperation within the framework of automatic exchange of data from the registers of the countries participating in the Agreement. The NACP plans to join the Agreement soon. 🇱🇮Also, he met with Graziella Marok-Wachter, Minister of Justice and Infrastructure of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Viktor Pavlushchyk informed his colleague about the main directions of the NACP work, Agency's achievements in the development of anti-corruption IT products and tools for preventing corruption during the transparent restoration of Ukraine. 🇦🇪On the meeting with the Vice President of the Supreme Audit Authority of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Wael Abdulqader Mahmoud, Viktor Pavlushchyk spoke about the NACP's achievements in developing modern digital tools, in particular, the ISM DAP (https://lnkd.in/duRwPvrr). The UAE representative was interested in this product and expressed a desire to introduce an analog on his own resources. 🇱🇹Special attention was paid to close cooperation with Lithuanian colleagues from the Special Investigation Service Specialiųjų tyrimų tarnyba (STT) (https://www.stt.lt/en). Cooperation between the National Agency and the STT is of great importance and value. The Service's experience in conducting anti-corruption expertise and corruption risk assessment should significantly strengthen the work of the NACP's specialized units. They also discussed the issue of joining the National Agency to the EPAC (European Partners Against Corruption) network. 🔗For more details: https://bit.ly/3XA57LH

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  • 🤝✅The NACP and the Basel Institute on Governance have formalized their relationship in a memorandum of cooperation and started working together to combat corruption The memorandum was signed by NACP Head Viktor Pavlushchyk and Basel Institute President Peter Maurer on the sidelines of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC). It provides for strengthening the prevention of corruption, in particular, through the use of new digital tools and training for NACP employees involved in lifestyle monitoring and inspections of unjustified assets, as well as corruption risk analysis. Ukrainian specialists will now be able to use the achievements and tools of the Basel Institute. The document agreed upon by the parties also provides for cooperation in the area of tracing and returning assets illegally withdrawn from Ukraine. 💬"The NACP often deals with corruption cases that go beyond the borders of the country and are international in nature. When monitoring the lifestyle of public officials or checking their declarations, we have to identify illegally acquired assets hidden abroad. That is why it is extremely important for us to have the assistance of such powerful organizations as the Basel Institute on Governance in finding evidence of violations of anti-corruption legislation. The society expects us to take decisive steps and effective actions, to conduct real criminal proceedings with a clear evidence base and to deliver strict verdicts of the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine," said NACP Head Viktor Pavlushchyk. 🔗More: https://bit.ly/4ctTslL

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  • 📃🌎Anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies of 25 countries sign joint statement on coordination of anti-corruption efforts in Vilnius During the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) held in Vilnius (Lithuania), 25 representatives of anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies and five representatives of international organizations signed a joint statement on coordinating efforts to combat corruption. Among the participants of the meeting and signing of the joint statement are Interpol, Eurojust, the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the European Union, Europol, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and other organizations and institutions. Ukraine is represented at the IACC by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention. 💬"Corruption has long been a global problem. We are actively overcoming these challenges through concerted and coordinated efforts. Ukraine's experience in building anti-corruption infrastructure from scratch is unique. The NACP was established with a clear mandate: to develop and implement effective anti-corruption policies, to closely monitor the lifestyle of public officials, and to promote a culture of integrity in all spheres of life. The NACP's preventive activities also include risk assessment, monitoring compliance with the law, and providing recommendations to both public institutions and private enterprises. By taking a proactive approach, we can eliminate potential vulnerabilities before they are exploited. Through education, information campaigns and constant monitoring, we strive to build a system of anti-corruption policy that is resistant to corruption," emphasized NACP Head Viktor Pavlushchyk in his speech. 🔗More about the event: https://bit.ly/4cthTjo

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  • 📅 Digest of NACP’ news: 🌎International working trips ▪️The Head of the NACP, Viktor Pavlushchyk, participated in the forum “All Reconstruction is Local”, organized jointly by the German and Ukrainian governments https://bit.ly/3z6VgCO ▪️NACP Head took part in the panel “EU Dimension: Effective Fight Against Corruption – Ensuring a Trustworthy Environment and Determining further Steps for Successful Reform Implementation” within the framework of the Ukraine Recovery Conference (#URC2024) https://bit.ly/4bUxQPS 📃State Anti-Corruption Program ▪️NACP has completed its quarterly monitoring of the implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 (SACP) for the first quarter of 2024. The authorities have fully or partially implemented 291 measures - 25% (out of 1187), and 277 measures are in progress (23.3%). However, 204 measures have not yet been implemented, and their deadlines have expired https://bit.ly/4c1jP2G 🔎NACP results ▪️Conflict of interests:administrative protocols and orders of the NACP in May https://bit.ly/4bXNKcc ▪️Anti-corruption expertise: In May, the NACP found corruption-prone factors in eight out of 439 reviewed draft legal acts https://bit.ly/3VovXDL ▪️Comprehensive examination of declarations in 5 months: NACP reveals inaccurate information worth almost UAH 555 million, signs of illicit enrichment and unjustified assets https://bit.ly/4bWlXcf 📃GRECO annual report ▪️Recently, the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) released its 24th annual report "Anti-Corruption Trends, Challenges and Best Practices in Europe and the United States". The document pays special attention to the institution of lobbying. Ukraine has come a long way in this regard. More via the link: https://bit.ly/3KNUs8s

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  • Working visit of the NACP Head to Berlin: Anti-Corruption Efforts are in Focus 🌍 Viktor Pavlushchyk, Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP), recently visited Berlin to participate in events organized by the German government and other development partners to discuss anti-corruption efforts in areas of Ukraine’s recovery after russian aggression. Among the topics discussed were regional cooperation during Ukraine’s rebuild, access to financing and insurance, anti-corruption legislation and its compliance with EU norms, transparency standards on the local level, and the and the main priorities and challenges of NACP work. 🔹 Forum “All Reconstruction is Local” as a pre-event of URC2024: Mr. Pavlushchyk participated in the panel “Anti-corruption efforts in local recovery” alongside Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Senkevych and Martyna Bohuslavets, founder of the Anti-Corruption Center “Mezha”. NACP Head emphasized that the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 should be the roadmap for Ukraine's socio-economic recovery at the local level, introducing effective tools to prevent corruption. These include the creation of the Unified Electronic Urban Planning Cadastre, mass valuation of land plots based on market value, and further digitalization of administrative processes. 🔹 Panel “EU Dimension: Effective Fight Against Corruption” at URC2024: During the panel, Viktor Pavlushchyk outlined the main priorities of NACP work, including drafting the next Anti-Corruption Strategy, harmonizing anti-corruption legislation with EU and international standards, and preventing corruption risks during Ukraine’s reconstruction. The participants of the conference drew attention to Ukraine's progress in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) by Transparency International (https://lnkd.in/dWyH_SN2). Despite the war and other challenges, Ukraine's score over the past year has become one of the best among all countries. The URC2024 conference aims to mobilize international support for the recovery, reform, and modernization of Ukraine. Traditionally, it brings together leading experts, government officials, representatives of international organizations, and civil society to discuss strategies and coordinate efforts aimed at rebuilding Ukraine after the war. NACP is actively working to implement effective and transparent tools to control Ukraine's recovery processes, which are key to sustainable development. 🔗More about working visit to Berlin is here https://bit.ly/3z6VgCO and here https://bit.ly/4bUxQPS For reference, the NACP delegation visited Berlin with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI).

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  • 📑An analysis of sociological surveys and media publications shows that the security and defense sector is the area where corruption is the most disturbing for Ukrainians. After all, there is nothing more important than winning the war and rebuilding our country, and corruption in the defense sector is justifiably outraging to society. The NACP is systematically working to prevent corruption in the defense and security sector. This time, representatives of the National Agency took part in a seminar on reducing corruption risks in human resources management and procurement for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was held within the framework of the project “Strengthening Good Governance in the Defense Sector of Ukraine” in Vienna (Austria). Participants from different countries discussed ways to minimize key corruption risks in the defense sector. 🗣️The participants shared, in particular, the experience of the Western Balkan countries in rebuilding good governance and preventing corruption during the transition from martial law to peacetime, which is extremely relevant for Ukraine. According to the partners, the biggest challenges arose in the armed forces and police, as well as war crimes, veteran policy, economic reconstruction, humanitarian and development assistance. Among the key areas that required special efforts to establish good governance and build integrity, the experts identified human resources policy, finance, and procurement. The NACP expert opinions and recommendations will be included in the anti-corruption program of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The National Agency will use the information received in further analysis of corruption risks in the security and defense sector and development of measures to minimize them. 🌎The workshop was also attended by experts from the defense ministries of Norway, Austria, Ukraine, the National Defense University of Ukraine (NDU) and the NDU Research Center for Building Integrity and Preventing Corruption in the Security and Defense Sector, CIDS, the Peacekeeping Support Training Center (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Norwegian Defense College, the Norwegian Defense Property Agency, etc. The event was organized by the Center for Integrity in the Defense Sector (CIDS) at the Norwegian Ministry of Defense and held at the Austrian Armed Forces Logistics School.

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  • 🔹Who will be subject to the Law on Lobbying? 🔹Can lawyers become lobbying entities? 🔹How will the information in the Transparency Register be verified? These and a number of other practical issues were discussed by NACP Head Viktor Pavlushchyk with representatives of the European Business Association during an online meeting on the specifics of implementing the Law on Lobbying. 💬“The NACP is working on the development of the Transparency Register, including technical documentation. We are actively engaging an international technical assistance project in this process in order not to use budget funds. The launch of the Transparency Register is a key condition for the full launch of the lobbying institution in Ukraine. We plan to launch the Register by January 1, 2025. In addition, the NACP is currently working on the Rules of Ethical Conduct for Lobbying Entities,” said the NACP Head. He added that it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of business, the public and the NACP to make the Register a convenient and transparent tool for users. To this end, it is planned to engage potential lobbying entities to participate in the testing phase of the Register at the final stage of its creation. During the meeting it was also discussed other features of the application of the Law on Lobbying No. 3606-IX. In particular, the obligations for business, liability for violation of lobbying legislation, lobbying without registration, etc. The EBA representatives emphasized important issues that require additional regulation. In particular, they emphasized the importance of narrowing the definition of commercial interest and regulating the status of committee chairmen in business associations. As a reminder, the President of Ukraine signed the Law “On Lobbying” adopted by the Parliament on February 23, 2024. The law aims to ensure transparency of influence on government processes and openness of interaction between the government, business and civil society. Legislative regulation of lobbying is provided for in the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2021-2025 and the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025. 🎞️Recording of the meeting: https://lnkd.in/dMRG7YH5

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  • 📅 Digest of NACP’ news: 🗞️Interior news at NACP ▪️NACP Head discusses integrity of lobbying, cooperation and declaration with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce  https://bit.ly/3wtHyJr 🌎International cooperation ▪️NACP cooperates with WWF-Ukraine to minimize corruption risks in forestry https://bit.ly/4bKpdXT  ▪️NACP will cooperate with the Norwegian anti-corruption resource center U4 in analyzing corruption risks https://bit.ly/3Vs5hlV 💼Regional working trips ▪️The Head of the NACP, Viktor Pavlushchyk, has made his first regional trip in his position. The NACP team visited Vinnytsia, where they met with city and regional authorities, educators, students and NGOs. The NACP Head signed the Declaration on Building Integrity of Local Self-Government Bodies with Vinnytsia Mayor Serhiy Morgunov https://bit.ly/3Kt2mEk  🤝Anti-corruption cooperation ▪️NACP and Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) strengthen cooperation in tracing unjustified assets abroad https://bit.ly/4e9YMwz  ▪️NACP launches a new phase of  Data Warehouse/Data Mining (DWH/DM) project to create an effective data management system  https://bit.ly/3xc7NnU 👥Whistleblower Portal ▪️NACP connects the first thousand organizations to the Whistleblower Reporting Portal. More than a thousand organizations of various levels have provided whistleblowers with the opportunity to report possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses and other violations of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” through a special portal  https://bit.ly/4bUpw26

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