Career Counseling Assessment and Library

Career Counselors sitting in front of books available at the Career Library

Career Counseling staff help you explore majors, careers, and graduate programs. Our resource library consists of a unique collection of books, files, directories, and electronic resources. We are here to help you! 

Take a virtual tour of the Career Counseling Library

Check out all of the resources available at the career library through a virtual tour.

The library has moved since the making of this video tour to the third floor of the Tang Center, and services are offered virtually at this time. 

Meet with a Career Counselor

Book Individual Career Counseling

Brief, holistic, strengths-based career counseling is available to address your unique career planning needs.

To make an appointment, please our front desk at (510) 642-9494.

Take a Career Assessment

We offer a full component of skills, interests and personality assessment instruments that can help clarify academic and career direction. To receive help with analyzing assessment results, students must meet individually with a counselor. Career testing is free of charge.

Make a first-time appointment by calling (510) 642-9494.

Contact Us

2222 Bancroft Way, 3rd floor of UHS, Room 3290


(510) 642-2367

(510) 664-7880

[email protected]


