

Environmental Services

Cardiff, Cymru 2,366 followers

Implementing Future Generations thinking in inspirational, innovative and practical ways 🍎🌳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

About us

Values-driven and evidence- informed, we're making Wales - and the world - a better place 🍎🌳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🌍 Our Partners and Associates deliver outstanding projects, provide strategic guidance, and enable our clients to deliver for Future Generations. Work with us; we'll co-design, co-produce and co-deliver with you and your team.

Environmental Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Cardiff, Cymru
Sustainability, Well-being of Future Generations, Sustainable Development Goals, Digital Strategy, Telecomunications, Strategic Marketing, Renewable Energy, Public Affairs, Entrepreneurship, and Executive Coaching


Employees at Afallen


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    Afallen's work on local food networks in Swansea could be replicated across Wales, to support healthy local nutritious food, as well as increasing the revenue for local growers and community agriculture. Read our case study - and the full report - at

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    𝗣𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗔𝗻𝘁𝗶-𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘁 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇪🇺🏳️🌈✊🏾 @[email protected]

    More than 15% of 4-5 year olds in #Wales are obese; a statistically significant increase post-pandemic. This has big implications for future healthcare costs, which emphasises the need for going further and faster with education, active travel infrastructure and more affordable good quality food (or higher taxation on nutritionally poor food). I've had the pleasure of being an observer with the Net Zero Wales 2035 group which covers skills, transport and food. The group will be launching all their sector reports and recommendations for Welsh Government next Monday 16 September. Some of the recommendations will directly tackle these health issues. Reference; journal of public health

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    Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Aer Glân ar gyfer Awyr Las Mae thema’r Cenhedloedd Unedig eleni o “Law yn Llaw at Aer Glân” yn canolbwyntio ar yr angen am bartneriaethau cryfach, mwy o fuddsoddiad a chyfrifoldeb ar y cyd i oresgyn llygredd aer. Mae gan bob un ohonom gyfrifoldeb i warchod awyrgylch y ddaear a sicrhau aer iach i bawb. Bydd cydweithio, ar draws ffiniau a ffiniau, yn helpu i leihau llygredd aer, ac yn darparu llawer o fanteision; gan gynnwys Iechyd: mae gronynnau bach, anweledig o lygredd yn treiddio'n ddwfn i'n hysgyfaint, llif gwaed a chyrff. Mae'r llygryddion hyn yn gyfrifol am tua thraean o farwolaethau o strôc, clefyd anadlol cronig, a chanser yr ysgyfaint, yn ogystal â chwarter y marwolaethau o drawiad ar y galon. Hinsawdd: mae llygryddion hinsawdd byrhoedlog (SLCPs) ymhlith y llygryddion hynny sydd fwyaf cysylltiedig ag effeithiau iechyd a chynhesu'r blaned yn y tymor agos. Maent yn parhau yn yr atmosffer am gyn lleied ag ychydig ddyddiau neu hyd at ychydig ddegawdau, felly gall eu lleihau ddod â buddion iechyd a hinsawdd bron yn syth i'r rhai sy'n byw mewn mannau lle mae lefelau'n disgyn. Mae Afallen yn galw ar fusnesau, sefydliadau, cymunedau ac unigolion cenedlaethol a lleol i ddod at ei gilydd i oresgyn llygredd aer. #TogetherForCleanAir Mari Arthur Joseph Kidd David Clubb Peter T.

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    2-6 September Zero Waste Week We can think about reducing waste in many ways, we can often bargain with ourselves that if we reduce energy or waste in some areas then we can have more flexibility in others. We need to use these awareness weeks and days to remind us that we can all do more. #ZeroWasteWeek is a good opportunity to think about ways we can change our behaviours to reduce as much as we can, each day. From #energy choices, #travel, #waste & #recycling, to #food and the little #dailychoices we make without too much thought. The list is vast but this week, the Afallen team will be #mindful and have decided to introduce a few new ways of reducing to our list : ·      Wear clothes for longer before washing. ·      Reuse before recycling and refill those empty plastic bottles that have been accumulating in cupboards. ·      Eat what’s left in our fridges and cupboards before buying fresh. ·      Sharing ideas and reminding people to waste less, even if it's something small – as St David said ‘Do the little things’, it all adds up! So if you see us out and about, maybe smelling a bit musty, we are just do our little bit to save the planet 😊 🌍 🌐 🌎 2-6 Medi Wythnos Diwastraff Gallwn feddwl am leihau gwastraff mewn sawl ffordd, yn aml gallwn fargeinio gyda ni ein hunain os ydym yn lleihau mewn un ffordd, gallwn gael mwy o hyblygrwydd mewn fyrdd eraill. Mae angen inni ddefnyddio’r wythnosau a’r dyddiau ymwybyddiaeth fel hyn i’n hatgoffa y gallwn ni i gyd wneud mwy. Mae #WythnosDiwastraff yn gyfle da i feddwl am ffyrdd y gallwn newid ein hymddygiad i leihau cymaint ag y gallwn, bob dydd. O ddewisiadau ynni, teithio, gwastraff ac ailgylchu, i fwyd a'r dewisiadau dyddiol bach a wnawn heb feddwl gormod. Mae'r rhestr yn helaeth ond yr wythnos yma, bydd tîm Afallen yn ystyriol ac wedi penderfynu cyflwyno ychydig o ffyrdd newydd o gwtogi ar ein rhestr :: ·      Gwisgwch ddillad am fwy o amser cyn golchi. ·      Ailddefnyddiwch cyn ailgylchu ac ail-lenwi'r poteli plastig gwag hynny sydd wedi bod yn cronni mewn cypyrddau. ·      Bwytewch yr hyn sydd ar ôl yn ein hoergelloedd a'n cypyrddau cyn prynu'n ffres. ·      Rhannu syniadau ac atgoffa pobl i wastraffu llai, hyd yn oed rhywbeth bach – fel y dywedodd Dewi Sant ‘Gwnewch y pethau bychain’. So, os chi'n gweld ni o gwmpas y lle, efallai'n arogli braidd yn ‘musty’, rydyn ni'n gwneud ein rhan fach i achub y blaned 😊

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    Today, we have published a toolkit to help service providers who are looking to accredit as a Living Wage Employer or champion the Living Wage as Recognised Service Providers including ways they can go further in the Living Wage movement. The toolkit outlines the benefits of paying the Living Wage, both to businesses and their employees, and runs through how you can accredit to formally join the movement. Read the full toolkit here 👉 #LivingWage #ServiceProviders #toolkit

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    Freelance Consultant at Carys Mair Communications Cyfathrebu

    How often do you walk, wheel or cycle in your everyday life? I've been working with the #ActiveTravelBoard in Wales to develop their independent report on walking, wheeling and cycling levels in 2023-2024. They make nine recommendations in total, principally to #WelshGovernment, which you can read here: #ActiveTravel #TeithioLlesol

    • This is an image by the Active Travel Board that replicates their definition of Active Travel: 

Walking, wheeling or cycling
for purposeful journeys to a destination,
alone or in combination with
public transport.

These are journeys that involve,
for example, travel to school or work,
rather than for leisure, pleasure or health
reasons alone. 

It is often the cheapest
and greenest form of transport.
    • This image depicts in a visual format active travel levels in Wales for adults, which includes 51% walking at least once a week and 6% cycling at least once a week.  17% walk daily, with 62% walking at least once a month in urban areas, and 52% in rural areas.  10% cycle at least once a month, with men more likely to cycle and more frequently than women.
    • Image represents information in report regarding benefits of active travel in Wales, in relation to Health, Economy, Wellbeing and the Environment.

-Obesity costs NHS Wales an estimated £73m per year
- WHO 2022 Report says active travel can lead to 30% decrease in Type 2 Diabetes and 10% decrease in cardiovascular disease 

- 20% of households don’t have access to a car in Wales
- Cost-of-living crisis makes car ownership unaffordable for many
- Active travel can boost economic growth, with 30% increase in local retail spend

-Active travel often increases social interaction and engagement among residents
-More opportunities to engage in community activities 

- 17% of Wales’ total carbon emissions come from transport - active travel will play a vital role in Wales becoming carbon net zero by 2050
    • This image by the Active Travel Board represents information in the report on active travel levels to schools in Wales. It shows that 48% of children normally walk, wheel or cycle to primary school and 34% of young people normally walk or cycle to secondary school.
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    Freelance Consultant at Carys Mair Communications Cyfathrebu

    Pa mor aml ydych chi'n seiclo neu'n cerdded bob dydd? Darllenwch adroddiad newydd sbon y Bwrdd Teithio Llesol yng Nghymru sydd wedi'i gyhoeddi heddiw. Naw o argymhellion, yn bennaf at sylw Llywodraeth Cymru, i gynyddu'r lefelau #teithiollesol ystyfnig o isel sydd ar draws y wlad ar hyn o bryd. Mae wedi bod yn bleser i gydweithio gyda'r #BwrddTeithioLlesol ar yr adroddiad hwn, sydd ar gael fan hyn:

    • Dyma ddelwedd sy'n dangos diffiniad teithio llesol y Bwrdd, sef: 

Cerdded, olwyno neu feicio ar gyfer teithiau pwrpasol i gyrchfan, ar liwt eich hun neu ar y
cyd â thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus.
Mae’n cynnwys teithiau, er enghraifft,
i’r ysgol neu i’r gwaith, yn hytrach na
theithiau am resymau hamdden, er
pleser neu ar gyfer eich iechyd yn unig.
Yn aml dyma’r math rhataf a mwyaf
gwyrdd i deithio.
    • Dyma ddelwedd sy'n dangos lefelau teithio llesol yng Nghymru o ran oedolion, gyda 51% yn cerdded o leiaf unwaith yr wythnos a 6% yn beicio o leiaf unwaith yr wythnos. Mae 17% yn cerdded bob dydd, 62% yn cerdded o leiaf unwaith y mis mewn ardaloedd trefod a 52% mewn ardaloedd gwledig. O ran beicio, mae 10% yn beicio o leiaf unwaith y mis, a dynion yn fwy tebygol o feicio (ac yn amlach) na menywod.
    • Dyma ddelwedd sy'n cynnwys gwybodaeth am fanteision teithio llesol yng Nghymru o ran Iechyd, yr Economi, Lles a'r Amgylchedd.

- Amcangyfrifir bod gordewdra yn costio GIG Cymru £73mn y flwyddyn
- Yn ôl adroddiad Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd 2022 mae’n peri gostyngiad o 30% mewn Diabetes math 2 & gostyngiad o 10% mewn clefyd cardiofasgwlaidd

- 20% o aelwydydd heb fynediad at gar
- Y gost o redeg car yn mynd yn anfforddiadwy i ystod o bobl achos yr argyfwng costau byw
- Gall teithio llesol hybu twf economaidd - 30% mewn gwariant manwerthu lleol

- Mae teithio llesol yn cynyddu rhyngweithio cymdeithasol ac ymgysylltu ymhlith trigolion
- Mwy o gyfleoedd i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau cymunedol

- Daw 17% o holl allyriadau carbon Cymru o drafnidiaeth - bydd teithio llesol yn chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth i Gymru ddod yn garbon sero-net erbyn 2050
    • Dyma ddelwedd sy'n dangos lefelau teithio llesol i'r Ysgol yng Nghymru. Mae 48% o blant  fel arfer yn cerdded, olwyno neu'n beicio i'r ysgol gynradd. Mae 34% o bobl ifanc fel arfer yn cerdded neu'n beicio i'r ysgol uwchradd.
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    Digwyddiad! Os ydych chi’n gwmni yn Ne-orllewin Cymru gyda syniadau arloesol 🌟 yn canolbwyntio ar sero net, dewch i’r digwyddiad hwn 🤝. Dyma'r cyntaf mewn cyfres o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir gan NZIW yr ydym yn eu cefnogi #Cymraeg

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    ⚡ South West Wales Innovate UK Launchpad – Driving Net Zero Innovation and Growth⚡ 📆 Friday 13th September 📍 Swansea University Bay Campus 💡The first in this series of roadshow events hosted by #NZIW, SWITCH and Launchpad Partners, this one-day event will showcase the innovation capabilities, opportunities, and funding support available for industry in South West Wales. Discover the regional support available for businesses developing decarbonisation initiatives and meet like-minded innovators 🤝 Register below or tag a connection that could benefit 👇

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